Pregnancy 2 trimester hurts right side. The right side hurts: the pain is dull and pulling in the lower part. Pain in the right side: what you need to know

While waiting for the baby, a woman is worried about many not always pleasant symptoms, including pain in the right side. In some cases, it is completely natural and should not cause concern, but not always. How to distinguish pathological pain in the right side from normal changes in a woman's body.

When there is no reason to worry?

First of all, the expectant mother needs to remember that any painful sensations should not be ignored. In any case, you need to inform your doctor about them.

The most common causes of flank pain in a pregnant woman are:

  1. Digestive system disorders ... In expectant mothers, the process of digesting food slows down, and therefore they often have to deal with constipation, bloating, and increased gas production. As the uterus grows, this problem gets worse, so the woman needs to not overload the stomach and intestines.
  2. Growing uterus can cause constant pain in the right and left sides. Muscle ligaments and tendons are stretched daily to provide the baby with more space, but at the same time, this process gives the mother a lot of discomfort. Normally, such pains last no more than 15 minutes and, in the absence of other symptoms, do not require medical attention.
  3. Baby's motor activity ... After the children grow up and get stronger, their movements become strong and rather painful for women. Even when there is less space in the uterus, they push with their elbows and push against the walls of the uterus with their heels. Such blows are felt as a dull short pain in the side, in order to reduce it, a woman just needs to sit down or lie down more comfortably.
  4. Incorrect position of the baby in the abdomen ... When the baby is in transverse presentation, his head constantly presses on adjacent organs, causing pain.

In late pregnancy, the uterus compresses and displaces all internal organs: stomach, liver, kidneys. Therefore, almost all women after the fifth month from time to time feel a dull pain in the right side.

Generally speaking, such pains cannot be avoided. But following the recommendations, you can try to reduce their frequency and intensity. If the pain is caused by a muscle strain or pushing by a child, mom needs to try to lie down or just change body position or take a warm bath ... In most cases, to relieve pain, it is allowed to take an anesthetic drug, for example, no-shpu.

Despite the fact that these reasons do not pose a threat to the unborn child, the woman needs to inform the doctor about her condition. If the pain does not stop within half an hour, and the condition of the pregnant woman worsens, you need to seek help on the same day.

Causes of pain in the right abdomen in a pregnant woman, requiring medical attention

At the very beginning of the term, pain in the right side can signal about. Its symptoms are quite acute. The woman feels a sharp, undulating pain that does not stop even after taking painkillers. Also, against the background of an ectopic pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, spotting from the vagina appear. This is due to the fact that the embryo is attached in the wrong place, namely, in one of the fallopian tubes.

One of the reasons can be a sexually transmitted disease - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

In other cases, pain in the right side can mean serious problems from such organs:

  • Kidney ... During pregnancy, they experience a great deal of stress and often cannot cope with it. In this case, the pain always radiates to the side and back. If the pain radiates to the groin and increases with urination, this may indicate the presence of stones in the ureter.
  • Pancreas ... In this case, there is nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating. The pain is sharp and radiates to the back. In the supine position, the discomfort increases.
  • Stomach - gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcer. These diseases often cause additional symptoms in the form of nausea in the morning, bitterness in the mouth.
  • Aching persistent pain in the liver can occur due to infection with hepatitis A, B, C. There is also "toxic hepatitis" that occurs after consuming a lot of drugs or chemicals. A large load on the liver is caused by spicy, fatty, fried foods.
  • Appendicitis ... In this case, the cutting pain is felt in the navel, and a little later it radiates to the lower right side. After some time, the body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear.
  • A cyst or tumor of the right ovary ... As a rule, this condition develops long before the onset of pregnancy, but begins to progress at the time of bearing a child. Cyst rupture is a very dangerous condition, characterized by pain radiating into the anus, bleeding, loss of consciousness.
  • Stagnation of bile ... This phenomenon is typical for pregnancy at a later date, when the level of progesterone increases significantly. This hormone has the ability to relax all smooth muscle organs. Therefore, most likely, after childbirth, this problem will disappear by itself.
  • Genitourinary system ... When an infectious inflammation develops, a woman may feel pain in the side, radiating to the lower abdomen and discomfort during urination.

In what cases do you need to urgently seek help if your right side hurts?

Without a medical education, it will be difficult for a future mother to understand the causes of pain.

In order to prevent the development of complications, you should immediately consult a doctor in such cases:

  • Sudden sharp pain regardless of position.
  • The pain does not subside within 30 minutes.
  • The pain is not severe, aching, but lasts more than two days.
  • Appearance.
  • Increased body temperature.

Timely treatment in most cases does not pose a serious danger to the baby, so the mother does not need to try to wait out this period. Such actions can only harm yourself and the child.


To avoid such pathological pains, a woman first of all needs to undergo a full examination at the stage of pregnancy planning. Since all untreated chronic diseases tend to worsen during pregnancy.

Keep in mind that overeating can cause problems. For a woman, it is now better to stick to a fractional diet. And to strengthen the ligaments, daily physical activity will be useful - swimming, yoga, fitness for pregnant women .

The upcoming motherhood fills a happy woman with some incredible light that warms everyone around. But this feeling is seasoned with a note of uncertainty, because there is a colossal restructuring of the work of the whole organism, and any deviations from the norm seem suspicious and cause concern. Especially when the side hurts during pregnancy.

It is important to understand which symptoms indicate a serious problem, and which are fairly safe processes. The expectant mother should understand that she will have to go to the hospital in any case if painful sensitivity develops. The only question is whether it needs to be done urgently, or whether you can wait for a scheduled examination by a gynecologist. To draw a conclusion, it is worth getting a general idea of ​​the predicted sources of pain, its symptoms and how to alleviate the general condition before contacting a specialist.

A visual representation of how the internal organs are located in a normal state and during pregnancy will help us in this:

Why does the side hurt during pregnancy

The pain is unpleasant in any case, but one must distinguish between discomfort associated with normal changes in the female body, from exacerbations of old and new pathologies.

Short-term and unpleasant symptoms that go away on their own within half an hour are most likely not dangerous. They arise for the following reasons:

1. Indigestion. With periodic constipation, a pregnant woman often has a dull, pulling pain on the left in the iliac region. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the food intake and solving the problem, while even taking laxatives must be coordinated with the doctor leading the pregnancy.

2. Enlargement of the uterus. A tiny little man grows inside his mother's tummy, and his safe haven grows with him. In this case, there is a displacement of internal organs, pinching of individual nerves and arteries. The mass of the uterus with its size increases, therefore the side hurts during pregnancy due to stretching and rather significant tension of the ligaments with the muscles under its action.

3. Later, in the third trimester, the growing fetus brings enough inconvenience. He is showing more and more activity, his tiny heels with elbows, when moving, cause tangible discomfort. But the soul of the parent only becomes brighter, because it is incredibly pleasant, albeit sometimes very painful, sensations - to feel the baby's movements.

What to do to alleviate the condition with such indications? Practically nothing, because mommy herself should not treat or anesthetize anything. Professionals can recommend the following:

- competent organization of the daily routine of a pregnant woman: alternation of moderate activity with good rest;

- comfortable, loose clothing that does not interfere with breathing, movements; it is great if she is beautiful, and not just comfortable - this contributes to the lady's awareness of her attractiveness and maintains her sense of self-confidence;

- the use of a special bandage for expectant mothers for certain indications.

Some patients have pain in the side during pregnancy under the arms. This is due to the fact that preparations are underway for the lactation process, because the mammary glands increase in mass and volume. As a result, the load on the muscles supporting them increases. Troubles are removed if a reliable and high-quality bra is selected correctly.

Causes of acute pain in the side during pregnancy

A completely different situation if there is a prolonged, lasting more than half an hour, acute pain. Most likely, it is a sign of a serious disorder, pathology. It is better to be prepared and know the main symptoms causing anxiety in order to respond quickly.

1. A sharp onset of severe pain in the hypochondrium on the right, accompanied by nausea, sometimes indicates cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Difficult to tolerate pain in the hypochondrium on the left, turning into a girdle - a potential symptom of acute pancreatitis, especially if it is accompanied by vomiting, high fever.

3. Localization of acute painful sensations to the right or left in the lower abdomen, together with bloody discharge, are dangerous signs of an ectopic pregnancy (early) or ovarian cysts (late). The process is sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness.

4. Severe pain over the ilium on the right with nausea - one of the symptoms of acute appendicitis. Along the way, the temperature may rise.

5. A fairly common cause of acute, sometimes intolerable soreness is kidney disease (nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis).

From such a condition, when the side hurts during pregnancy, it is difficult to protect a woman, even if a full medical examination was passed before planning a child. The restructuring of the body is so significant that old, chronic ailments can aggravate and new ones appear.

If a sharp complication arises, then you need to help the pregnant woman to lie down comfortably, put cold on her stomach for a short time and immediately call an ambulance. The expectant mother should remember that she is now responsible not only for herself, but also for the tiny little man who will soon be born into the world. Therefore, even if you really, really don't want to, and it seems that the malaise will soon pass, you should still see a doctor without delay. This is necessary so as not to harm yourself and the child by launching a developing disease.

If the right side hurts during pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations on the right and left can be caused by the same prerequisites or completely different, characteristic of a particular case. Consider situations when the right side hurts during pregnancy.

1. Varicose expansion of the uterine vessels in the lateral parts of the female organ. The development of the disease is facilitated by the weakness of the walls of the uterus and the state of pregnancy against the background of increased blood supply. Most often, there is a combination with varicose veins on the legs, but you cannot self-medicate: the appointment, including phlebotonic agents, to bring the walls of the uterus to normal tone, is done exclusively by an angiosurgeon (vascular surgeon) or another specialist.

2. Violation of the normal functioning of the kidneys - one of the most common reasons that the right side hurts during pregnancy. Depending on the indications, diagnosis, treatment should be carried out by a nephrologist, urologist.

3. A cyst of the right ovary can begin to develop even before pregnancy, or be provoked by it. The concentration of unpleasant sensations occurs in the lower abdomen, they are either dull, pulling in nature, or are very strong and sharp. They arise due to stretching of the cyst or when it ruptures, "twist". The doctor is unlikely to make an unambiguous appointment, since with such a delicate position, each method will have its own contraindications. The available range of means and methods - from taking antispasmodics to prompt removal of the cyst, it all depends on the specific symptomatology.

4. It happens that the right side hurts during pregnancy and in connection with a spasm of the circular muscles of the intestine. Inconvenience occurs with prolonged constipation, deficiencies in the daily diet. The gynecologist prescribes antispasmodics if the symptoms do not go away on their own after a bowel movement.

5. The source of problems can be fatty degeneration, other ailments of the liver, problems with the pancreas, gall bladder. All women with similar difficulties are under the close scrutiny of therapists, since a threat to both mother and fetus is likely.

If the left side hurts during pregnancy

There are quite a few reasons for the troubles associated with the left side hurting during pregnancy. It is necessary to consult a doctor in any case if discomfort arises, but the patient should be able to describe her feelings in order to facilitate the diagnosis of the disease. To do this, you need to be at least a little familiar with what is happening.

1. Problems with the spleen. It is located in the upper left quarter of the abdomen near the surface of the body; in a number of diseases, its capsule begins to enlarge, causing pain.

2. Disorders of the stomach. With inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the organ, inflammation (gastritis) begins to develop. The pain is usually aching, sometimes with the onset of vomiting against a background of nausea.

3. Trouble is sometimes delivered by the pancreas. Stretching through the upper part of the abdominal cavity, it causes pain in the left side during pregnancy. The symptoms are a sharp, internal soreness, which is encircling. It can be given to the back, accompanying symptoms - fever, urge to vomit or directly vomiting, nausea.

4. The side still hurts during pregnancy due to inflammatory processes in the left (or right) ovary, long-standing or newly formed cysts.

Any of the situations mentioned in the article can provoke such problems. Perhaps the only exception is appendicitis, which causes pain only on the right side.

What not to do if your side hurts during pregnancy

A big mistake for a pregnant woman is the desire to endure relatively little discomfort, although it can be a harbinger of serious problems. An even more serious situation arises if a woman tries to self-medicate, forgetting that there are no safe medicines:

- pain relievers can cause impaired fetal breathing stability and drug dependence;

- antibiotics can lead to allergic (anaphylactic) shock;

- medications can cause heart failure in a child, deviations in the development of the skeleton, provoke future deafness;

- uncontrolled use of drugs sometimes leads to premature birth or even miscarriage;

- seemingly safe herbal preparations often cause harm to the child in the womb, for example, disorders of the immune system.

Fully aware of her responsibility for the life and health of a helpless, just forming crumbs, a woman should definitely consult a doctor in case of any doubts. And if the side hurts during pregnancy, then this is a reason for a mandatory visit to a gynecologist. All further actions to eliminate trouble should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

When the right side in the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, any woman, knowing the reasons, is able to take the right action.

A timely visit to a specialist will remove all questions.

The right side in the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy: in detail about the causes

During pregnancy - one of the stressful periods physically and emotionally, a woman learns a whole range of different new feelings and sensations, unusual, painful and often unpleasant. What concerns them?

Unusual desires at the level of physical needs (for example, I really want to eat a barbecue, herring, some exotic fruit, and even at night), tormenting toxicosis, severe edema, even pinching of the sciatic nerve.

The psyche becomes labile (mobile), emotions are unstable, quickly replacing one another. This affects the appearance of certain sensations, creates internal stress for the body.

One of these special sensations happens when the right side in the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, which is always troubling.

Indeed, with the desired pregnancy, the number one task is to bear a healthy child, and in case of a threat, to preserve him by any means.

Distension of the uterus

It is very important to figure out what kind of pain it is in the right side, whether it threatens pregnancy or not. To do this, let's figure out what happens to the uterus after conception.

Until a woman becomes pregnant, her uterus is small in size and is protected anatomically by the bones of the small pelvis, "tied" to it with special ligaments.

When conception occurs, the uterus begins to grow. Localized pain is rare in the first months.

And the tying threads are pulled tighter on one side and less on the other. That is why a woman feels pain from the side where these ligaments are stretched.

It is safe for pregnant women. There is usually little pain.

There are some signs by which you can check this:

  1. The only pain is in the right side in the lower abdomen. It becomes strong with any movement.
  2. Put your hand on your stomach. A calm uterus indicates that everything is in order. If, during pains in the right side, it is tense, becomes hard, like a stone, then such pain becomes a sign of threat. During pregnancy, it is especially important to "listen" to your body, all internal sensations. If you yourself find it difficult to understand what's inside, it is better to go to the doctor. He will be able to give a professional assessment of the situation.
  3. If these pains do not occur periodically once every 15 minutes, then, as a rule, they are not associated with the threat of pregnancy.

How to behave when it hurts in the right side and is it connected only with sprains? If you are convinced of this for sure, then sometimes it is enough just to start using abdominal breathing - to breathe in the belly.

When you inhale, we “inflate” the stomach with air, when exhaling, we “blow out”. You get a visible effect - relaxation, calming. If this method is not enough, then you need to lie down and relax, listen to calm music.

It is important to switch your attention from the pain in the right side to some external object, to do the desired action that gives pleasure.

So, pain in the right side in the lower abdomen is safe, provided that it is characterized by moderation, rare manifestations, and in the absence of other painful symptoms.

But there are other causes of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. They show signs of sudden onset, growth, persistent soreness, do not pass in a comfortable lying position, and are accompanied by other symptoms.

Then the pain is associated with the threat of pregnancy. Let's consider these reasons.

Problems of the female sphere

In the lower right part of the female body, there are such organs of the female sphere as the ovary with the appendage, part of the uterus, and the right fallopian tube.

Violations of them can lead to the fact that the right side in the lower abdomen will hurt during pregnancy. Let us dwell on these reasons.

Ectopic pregnancy

The familiar name is ectopic pregnancy. At the beginning of pregnancy, pulling pains associated with stretching of the fallopian tube appear, then sharp cutting pains appear.

It is possible to suspect an ectopic pregnancy with such pain when there is the presence of bloody vaginal discharge, small menstruation, the second strip is not clearly colored in the pregnancy test.

If the fallopian tube ruptures, there will be a sharp pain in the lower right, severe bleeding. Symptoms are similar to inflammation of the appendix, but there is no bleeding. Only an ambulance and an operation can save you.

You can avoid the severity of the condition if, at the very beginning of the appearance, when it pulls in the right side and hurts, a transvaginal ultrasound scan is done.

It allows you to determine the presence or absence of ectopic pregnancy, to avoid removing the right tube, provided that it is diagnosed before bleeding, bloody vaginal discharge.

Ovarian cyst rupture

Symptoms similar to ectopic pregnancy and appendicitis are noted.

They differ in different types of pain: dull, pulling, with a ruptured cyst - acute pain, localized from the bottom to the right, sometimes up to loss of consciousness.

Cyst rupture is also manifested by nausea, vomiting, increased temperature and frequent urination. If a cyst is detected on ultrasound, it is usually simply observed.

If it grows, it is removed. This should not be harmful to pregnancy. If the right side hurts in the presence of a cyst, one can immediately assume its rupture. Then you need to quickly go to the hospital.

Rupture of the right ovary

Symptoms are similar to those of an ectopic pregnancy - very heavy bleeding with the same pain.

In accordance with their strength, a treatment option is prescribed - either drug therapy or surgery.

Diseases of organs not related to the female sphere

The right side is a rather extensible concept, because there is a fairly large number of organs located there.

Therefore, such pain is sometimes called fuzzy, since it is impossible to immediately understand with which organ it is associated.

Diseases of organs not related to the female sphere, but important from the point of view of their influence during pregnancy, constitute the next group of sources.

In the lower right part of the body are located the small and large intestines, appendix, part of the bladder, ureter. When the side hurts, this may indicate inflammatory diseases of the organs.

  1. Inflammation of the appendix. There are cutting, dull pains, concentrated at a specific point - the lower abdomen on the right. Although there are cases when the pain is felt on the left, it radiates to other areas of the abdominal cavity, lower back. Any sudden movements, even coughing, increase the pain. It is accompanied by nausea, high fever, and vomiting. If the inflamed appendix is ​​removed in time, provided that there are no other threats, the pregnancy will be saved.
  2. Inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system leads to the fact that during pregnancy various pains appear - dull, pulling, aching. This happens with cystitis. Aching pain in the right lower abdomen appears when the expanding uterus pinches the ureter. Diagnosis of the cause of pain will help here. To relieve inflammation, it is often advised to use chamomile infusion for douching.
  3. Intestinal obstruction, often called volvulus. It hurts in the stomach, abdominal cavity, right side in the lower part of it. The pain is acute, paroxysmal.

To understand that these are problems with the intestines, you need to know the main symptoms: impaired bowel movements, whitish plaque on the tongue, dry mouth, bloating. Sometimes the gag reflex is triggered.

This disease is rare among pregnant women. But it is dangerous for a child and for a pregnant woman, and requires a quick visit to a gastroenterologist.

There is a need to separately say about such pain as phantom (apparent). Usually, when it comes to phantom pain, they mean painful feelings where a part or organ, such as a tooth, has been removed.

But in the case of pregnancy, everything is different. In a pregnant woman, this pain is of a psychosomatic nature and is aggravated by shifts in the hormonal sphere.

Due to an unusual condition during pregnancy, she is constantly worried and “looks for” where it hurts.

It seems to her that there is a threat to the child's life, therefore, it is necessary to exclude any pain, do not miss it, otherwise it will be too late. Some pregnant women want to attract attention, they don't care enough.

They can have pains in their right side quite easily. The nature of such pain is revealed during examination, when it turns out that the woman is physically healthy and there is no threat of pregnancy.

In general, when the pain is unbearable, acute and you immediately called an ambulance, the following actions must be taken:

  • relax the abdominal muscles, while be sure to lie down;
  • use a variant of the embryo's posture - lie on the right side, bending the legs in order to reduce the intensity of pain;
  • do not use any methods of self-healing that are advised in friendly conversations by neighbors, friends, sharing their life experiences.

Do not use in any case a warm heating pad, do not drink painkillers, herbal infusions, so as not to aggravate the condition, do not lubricate the picture when the side hurts.

Information about why the right side of the abdomen hurts will allow a pregnant woman, expectant mother to feel armed with knowledge and turn on the instinct of self-preservation at the right time.

She will begin to listen to and understand her body better, cope with feelings more easily and become “practical”, realizing that it is possible to prevent the development of diseases and avoid difficult situations.

Useful video

There are several reasons why the right side pulls during pregnancy. Some of them are natural, while others require urgent consultation with a doctor. Knowing additional symptoms will help the expectant mother decide whether to see a doctor urgently.

Natural reasons why the right side pulls during pregnancy

Side pains have a different explanation. This can be a natural reaction of the body during pregnancy.

See your doctor if your right side is pulled during pregnancy

Determine the nature of the pain:

  • If it is pulling and passes after a warm shower and rest, this is typical for uterine hypertonicity.
  • If you feel strong contractions with little or no pain, then these are training contractions.
  • Sharp pain is caused by the growing uterus. It presses on the chest cavity and internal organs: the liver and gallbladder, causing discomfort.
  • Sharp pain appears in the later stages, when the child, when moving, presses on some organ. The unpleasant sensations disappear after you change your position.

As a rule, such situations are not dangerous for either the mother or the fetus.

Diseases due to which the right side pulls in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

On the right side there are several internal organs at once. Be alert if you suddenly feel unwell. Call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself if the discomfort persists within half an hour.

With inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis, pain appears in the right side and in the lumbar region. The inflammatory process is accompanied by vomiting, fever and nausea. As a rule, with pancreatitis, the deterioration of the condition intensifies in the supine position. If you sit down and lean forward, you will notice relief. Similar sensations are observed when the tone of the digestive system is disturbed.

Inflammation of the gallbladder is accompanied by acute pain that radiates to the shoulder. After a while, it passes and comes back again. Sometimes the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow.

Progesterone, which increases during pregnancy, relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus and other organs. As a result, the secretion of the pancreas is disrupted, bile stagnation and pain in the right side appear.

Appendicitis causes local pain in the lower right abdomen, which then moves to the navel. An inflamed kidney also causes malaise. This is possible with the formation of an abscess or the appearance of stones.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman experiences a variety of different and new sensations, including painful ones. When the expectant mother has a sore right side during pregnancy and this pain is constant, this phenomenon cannot be ignored.

Let's figure out why there are pains in the side, what causes such symptoms and why it is necessary to see a doctor with a constant nature of pain.

What organs are located on the right side of the abdomen

When they say "stomach ache" or "stabbing in the side", they do not mean any one specific organ. After all, the "belly" is a complex system of internal organs with its own tasks and functions.

What can hurt in the right side? In diagnosing a problem, it is very important to understand where the pain is located.

To do this, conditionally divide the right side of the abdomen into the upper and lower halves:

  • Above are: liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, intestines, stomach and diaphragm, kidney, duodenum 12, pancreas;
  • in the lower - ureter, fallopian tubes, appendix, ovary with an appendage, small and large intestines;

Pregnancy leads to changes in the functioning of almost all organs. Their activity is weakened, blood circulation is impaired, and the immune status decreases. As a result - exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new problems that have never worried a woman before.

Pain in the right side: what you need to know - the causes, symptoms and nature of the pain

Pain in the right side varies in nature and intensity. They are stabbing, aching, pulling, occur under the ribs in the lower abdomen at an early stage, appear when urinating or immediately after eating or between meals. Sometimes pain is provoked by sleeping on the right side, walking, physical activity, having sex and other factors.

But only a specialist is able to determine the source and cause of painful sensations by their nature and intensity. And then after a thorough examination and diagnostic tests.

Pain in the right side is caused by both a number of serious reasons and physiology.

Consider the most common causes of pain in the right side:

  1. Physiology. The pain is short-term (up to 15 minutes), mild. As a rule, this is a consequence of the physical effect of the fetus on the organs.
  2. Distension of the uterus. The pain is localized in the lower part, has a long and aching character, intensifies when the baby moves. Such pain occurs due to the stretching of the uterus: the child begins to gain weight and presses on the muscles.
  3. Ureter. Unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen. It occurs due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the ureter. In rare cases, pain is caused by a small stone lodged at the exit of the ureter. In this case, the pain is intense, it finds in waves, radiates to the groin.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms: high fever, nausea and vomiting, acute long-term pain, bleeding. The fertilized egg does not enter the uterus, but develops in the fallopian tube, which ruptures as the fetus grows.
  5. Appendicitis. The pain is localized in a specific place (it is easy to point to it), it is acute, prolonged, accompanied by high fever, nausea (vomiting), and general severe malaise.
  6. Ovarian cyst. In the case when the cyst was in the ovary even before pregnancy, aching pain occurs due to the effect of the growing fetus on the nerve receptors. If the cyst ruptures, the pain becomes acute. Additional signs: sharp pain with pressure on the abdomen, pain in the anus (pushing), bleeding, loss of consciousness.
  7. Pancreatitis Severe pain radiating to the back, accompanied by nausea and profuse sweating.
  8. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). In addition to pain in the right side, symptoms such as yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes, darkening of urine are distinguished.
  9. Cystitis and other inflammatory ailments in the genitourinary system. Long-term aching pain. Aggravated by urination and defecation.

Also among the reasons are: colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, constipation, hemorrhoids, venereal diseases.

Side pain at different stages of pregnancy

Let's look at the features of the problem that occurs at different stages of pregnancy.

1 trimester

During this period, there is an active growth of the fetus. A pregnant woman often encounters various kinds of physiological pain, since the hormonal background is rebuilt, the uterus grows, presses on all organs, changes the work processes that have been established over the years. The main risks of this period are spontaneous miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

The body completely adjusts to its new state, hormonal changes take place. Often a woman suffers from toxicosis (general weakened condition, drowsiness, dizziness, impaired appetite, nausea, and so on). Sometimes with toxicosis, the right side hurts under the ribs or the sides hurt on both sides.

2 trimester

Pain at this time is associated with stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus, which is significantly increasing in size. In the 2nd trimester, it is important to monitor nutrition, since during this period, pregnant women often have various gastronomic desires after toxicosis.

Overeating, heavy foods, fatty foods - all this negatively affects the intestines, which in turn can lead to constipation and the occurrence of various types of abdominal pain.

Also at this time there is a high probability of dyskinesia (motor disorders) of the biliary tract. Symptoms: the appearance of pain, a feeling of heaviness and distention in the right hypochondrium. Among the reasons are often distinguished: a consequence of gallstone disease, psychogenic factors, malnutrition, hormonal imbalance, the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the organs.

3 trimester

At this time, the bottom of the uterus rises high, which causes maximum pressure on the surrounding organs (stomach, diaphragm, gallbladder). As a result, the woman feels discomfort and the consequences of circulatory disorders - heartbeat, increased heart rate, increased pressure.

It is also important to consider that in this period any activity of the baby is strongly felt. If the child rests against any organ (or strikes sharply), the expectant mother feels severe pain.

It is characteristic that such pain instantly disappears if you change the position, thereby displacing the child a little, relieving the organ from excessive pressure.

How to relieve pain yourself

When there is pain in the right side during pregnancy, it is important to correctly assess the symptoms.

If the pain is mild, aching and clearly of a physiological origin, it is important to calm down, lie down comfortably and find a position in which the pain decreases.

Remember what you ate the day before, how long ago you went to the toilet for the last time, which preceded the onset of painful sensations. If the pain persists, be sure to seek help.

If she has quieted down and never returns, pay attention to your regime. Get more rest, walk in the fresh air, balance your diet, pick up foods that do not provoke constipation. Reduce fluid intake and wear a bandage. Most importantly, be positive and calm.

Take any medication strictly as directed by your doctor. Do not self-medicate, be careful with traditional medicine recipes, be especially careful with a heating pad, for many diseases it worsens the condition.

If symptoms indicate emergency treatment, then while waiting for the arrival of the doctor, take the most comfortable position. Let some fresh air into the room, drink some water, try to calm down and not panic. This is important not only for you, but also for the baby, who feels any mother's excitement.

When flank pain is normal and when it is not

Any pain is a signal of the body about problems. But sometimes this is just an indication that something needs to be changed, such as posture, uncomfortable clothing, or diet. Often, pain in the right side in pregnant women is caused by natural causes - the growth of the uterus and neurohormonal changes.

It is important that the pain sensations are not intense, constant and not accompanied by additional dangerous symptoms. Acceptable are pains that last no more than a few minutes and do not recur, or pains that are released after the pregnant woman lies down or goes to the toilet.

The third trimester is the most intense in terms of physiological pain, because the fetus reaches its maximum size and its pressure on the organs is too great.

Immediate medical attention is needed in the following cases:

  • have vaginal or rectal bleeding;
  • cuts in the side, unbearable pain without stopping or in rushes lasts more than 30 minutes;
  • have a fever, rash, sweating, or heart palpitations;
  • aching pain lasts more than 48 hours and does not subside;
  • there is nausea and vomiting;
  • the pain has an acute paroxysmal and spasmodic character.

Remember that it is extremely difficult to make a correct diagnosis without a medical education. It is important to know the causes and symptoms not for self-medication, but in order to seek help in time in case of real danger.

Video commentary from a specialist:


Pregnancy is the natural physiological state of a woman. The body changes and adapts to the function of procreation. Naturally, some unpleasant sensations are possible, even pain.

It is important to always remain calm and consult a doctor in a timely manner if the pain symptoms are outside the normal range.