How to make paper snowflakes with your own hands for the new year. Cut out beautiful snowflakes from paper. #6 Beads, bicones and round beads

It is impossible to imagine the New Year holiday without fluffy snow on the street and beautiful snowflakes falling from the sky. But you can make them in your home to decorate the Christmas tree, windows. You can make snowflakes with your own hands from paper in just 10-30 minutes. Such decor can be attached to the doors, hung on the walls. You can make them using the origami technique or quilling. Unusual crafts can include openwork patterns, be voluminous or complemented by original figurines - a spider, snowmen. Christmas crafts can be made with children. In these master classes, diagrams, templates, the features of folding, cutting out parts, and gluing individual elements are considered in stages. Additionally, we recommend that you study photo tutorials and video tips: they will help you learn how to make large, curly snowflakes.

Beautiful paper snowflakes - do-it-yourself fakes with step-by-step diagrams

Do-it-yourself original snowflakes with openwork edges made of paper are easy to make with your own hands. They are great for decorating rooms, decorating the Christmas tree. Products are perfect for hanging on the Christmas tree. The technique of creating colorful paper crafts is called kirigami. It does not require special skills and is therefore optimally suited for preschoolers, elementary school students.

Materials for the master class: do-it-yourself kirigami snowflake

  • colored paper with one white side;
  • curly scissors;
  • cup.

Step-by-step master class for kids: how to make snowflakes with your own hands?

You can also make original snowflakes according to classic patterns and patterns. Among the proposed photos, you can choose both simplified crafts and complex curly snowflakes:

How to make voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Three-dimensional snowflakes are great for original home decoration. You can attach ropes to them and pick them up in doorways, attach them to windows. You can also use beautiful hand-made crafts for hanging from the ceiling, to foam skirting boards under the ceiling. Making three-dimensional snowflakes for the New Year with your own hands is not difficult, but keep in mind that they require careful gluing of individual parts.

Materials for the master class do-it-yourself volumetric snowflakes

  • colored double-sided paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

Master class on making do-it-yourself volumetric snowflakes from strips

Beautiful paper snowflakes - we make large decorations in stages

Very beautiful snowflakes can be cut from both white and colored paper. Additionally, crafts can be coated with silver paint or sparkles. Such decor will help to make really original and cute New Year decorations. Below are a variety of schemes and patterns of snowflakes that you can do with your own hands from the same type of blanks. This will help the child to make many different and beautiful decorations for the home.

Materials for the master class beautiful do-it-yourself snowflakes for children

  • White paper;
  • plate;
  • protractor;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

New Year's decor master class: how to make a paper snowflake with your own hands

Unusual and beautiful snowflakes with patterns - do-it-yourself Christmas decorations

Many kids certainly want to make such a snowflake that will be very beautiful and very unusual. Such decorations are great for the original decor of the interior and the children's room, and the hall, and the parents' bedroom. Making such snowflakes with your own hands from a photo is quite difficult, because they have very complex patterns that must be carefully cut out. It is much more convenient to use special templates for preparing new jewelry. Having printed them out, you don’t have to worry that the baby will not be able to transfer the drawing beautifully - it will already be depicted on the sheet.

Materials for making a snowflake with a spider according to an interesting master class

  • paper;
  • thin sharp scissors;
  • pencil.

Master class on making a snowflake with a spider for Spiderman fans

Help in creating unusual snowflakes and such convenient templates:

You can make original paper snowflakes with your own hands with video tips. Among the proposed master classes for children, there are quite a few voluminous and flat decorations of a non-standard look:

DIY Christmas snowflakes made of paper - a step-by-step master class for children

Toddlers 2-3 years old, as well as older children, want to help mom and dad in decorating the house for the New Year. Therefore, they try to make the original decor themselves. But in order for the child to be able to independently make a snowflake or a garland, you need to consider a few simple rules:

  • the drawing should be simple and contain a minimum of small elements;
  • it is better to fold sheets with parents (adults should also help in smoothing the corners, otherwise the pattern may shift greatly);
  • you need to transfer the pattern with mom or dad: this will help the baby avoid mistakes in work;
  • the kid should cut out the details only with sharp scissors with rounded tips - they will not tear the layers of the sheet and at the same time are completely safe.

Subject to these requirements, every crumb can make a funny decor. Examples of making simple crafts for children 2-3 years old are listed below.

DIY materials for the master class New Year's snowflake

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step master class: do-it-yourself Christmas paper snowflakes

  1. Cut a square out of paper.

  2. Gently fold it diagonally, aligning the corners: they must completely match.

  3. The folds are well ironed.

  4. The resulting triangle is bent in half. Well ironed.

  5. The small triangle needs to be folded in half again.

  6. Curls and corners are drawn on the prepared triangle.

  7. Excess elements are carefully cut with scissors.

  8. The presence of uneven parts is checked: if necessary, the remaining pieces must be cut.

  9. The snowflake unfolds.

Do-it-yourself New Year's paper snowflake master class with photo and video

Stylish and beautiful snowflakes can be made not only by figuratively cutting out leaves, but also using quilling sets in your work. Thin stripes are great for getting three-dimensional decor. They can be supplemented with rings for hanging decorations in the room, on the Christmas tree. To make crafts using an unusual technique, you can buy special sets of strips or make them yourself from thick office paper. The strips should be about 1-3 cm wide.

Materials for the master class New Year's snowflake using quilling technique with your own hands

  • paper strips;
  • PVA glue;
  • cord (can be replaced with tape);
  • rod from the handle (you can use an awl).

Step-by-step master class with a photo - do-it-yourself Christmas snowflakes from paper

  1. The required materials are being prepared.

  2. The strips are neatly wound with a tight roll onto the handle shaft. Then, upon receipt of the rings, you need to glue the tip of the strip to the extreme curl, as shown in the photo. In total, you need 6 medium and 1 small ring.

  3. Figures in the form of an eye are made from strips. To do this, the middle rings are flattened, the extreme curls are made elongated.

  4. 6 rays are glued to the small ring-middle.

  5. Curls are made: the strip is folded in half, and its ends are twisted with the help of a pen shaft. The extreme part of the curl is fixed with glue.

  6. Finished 6 curls-hearts are glued between each pair of adjacent rays.

  7. 12 double-sided spirals are made: the strip is folded in half, one part of it is twisted in one direction, the second in the other. The edges are fixed with glue.

  8. Another spiral is glued to each spiral with a symmetrical arrangement of curls.

  9. Pairs of spirals are glued to a previously prepared snowflake.

  10. A tight ring is glued to one pair of spirals. This part will serve as a place for threading a cord or tape.

How to cut paper Christmas snowflakes with your own hands?

During classes in kindergartens and schools, many teachers and educators give kids the task of making snowflakes. The decor can be used to decorate the bedroom, game room, music room. But not all crumbs can cut out small details when folding the sheet multiple times. For such cases, it is better to choose a paper snowflake pattern that kids can easily make with their own hands.

Materials for making a three-dimensional snowflake according to the master class in 15 minutes

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

Step-by-step master class: how to cut a New Year's snowflake out of paper with your own hands

Similar simple decorations can be made with other designs. The following videos will tell you how to make original and at the same time simple crafts:

DIY Christmas snowflakes - paper origami with detailed photos and videos

Making modular origami requires attention, perseverance and patience. Folding elements allows you to get non-standard crafts. But this decor is more suitable for adults and teenagers: kids will not be able to create a modular design. Below are the rules for assembling a New Year's origami paper snowflake with your own hands with video tips. Children can be offered a simpler option - the quilling technique. Fake paper strips are easy to assemble and simply stick together.

Do-it-yourself materials for the DIY quilling snowflake master class

  • stripes;
  • PVA glue;
  • rod from the handle (or skewer).

Do-it-yourself workshop on making a New Year's snowflake for children from paper

Do-it-yourself snowflakes are a great option for stylishly decorating your home, school and kindergarten for the New Year holiday. Flat elements can be glued to windows, decorate doors, walls with them. Volumetric decor is great for styling rooms: you can thread threads through individual parts and hang the elements from the ceiling, attach them to the Christmas tree. Children can make simple crafts according to the proposed patterns and patterns. Ready-made solutions are simply printed out and then easily cut out of paper. It is no less easy to create large and openwork snowflakes according to the indicated videos with step-by-step steps. Among all the proposed options, you can find both classic decor and unique products using the quilling technique, modular origami.

To make a beautiful paper snowflake, you should stock up on ready-made templates for creating a pattern in advance. Of course, you can cut paper without using special patterns, but this method is only suitable for those who already have a certain experience and artistic taste. The process of making openwork snowflakes is quite simple, for this you need to fold a sheet of paper in half so that you get a triangle. We fold the resulting triangle two more times, after which we cut out the pattern using a pre-prepared template. This is applicable to create traditional hexagonal snowflakes.

To make a snowflake with eight corners, first fold a sheet of paper in half twice in a triangle, and then diagonally once more. The octagonal snowflakes look more delicate, but are more difficult to cut due to the more layers of paper.

Patterns for cutting paper snowflakes

Instead of plain white paper, you can use paper napkins, tissue paper, foil, or old magazines. Beautiful openwork snowflakes on the walls and windows of the room will perfectly complement the festive decor. From light paper snowflakes, you can make a great garland or streamer with threads hanging down. You can also decorate a New Year's card or gift wrapping with a homemade snowflake. Snowflakes made of a denser material will be the perfect decoration for a children's New Year's costume.

Volumetric paper snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • thick paper of any color;

  • pencil;

  • ruler;

  • scissors;

  • stapler (glue or tape).


Beautiful pasta snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • pasta of various shapes;

  • brushes of different sizes;

  • glue Moment;

  • acrylic paints;

  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, sparkles, artificial snow, stickers, etc.).


Openwork snowflake in quilling technique

quilling(paper rolling) - they call the direction in art associated with the manufacture of flat or three-dimensional figures from strips of paper twisted into spirals. Using the quilling technique, you can create incredibly beautiful openwork snowflakes.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;

  • ruler;

  • pencil;

  • scissors;

  • tassel;

  • glue;

  • awl.

18.09.2017 by baby-malavki

On New Year's Eve, most families try to decorate their home with original DIY crafts. Therefore, they look for suitable ideas that can be repeated from improvised items, looking at the step-by-step instructions.

That is why in today's article we decided to make the task of our readers easier by talking about the most important decor, directly related to winter and the New Year's fairy tale - snowflakes. Below are examples of manufacturing in various techniques and materials, differing in complexity and size.

Paper snowflakes for the New Year 2018, 20 New Year ideas

Not only children, but also adults love to make paper crafts. Therefore, a good and simple idea would be to cut out small, medium and large snowflakes to decorate your apartment and house. They will serve as the basis for creating hanging garlands or become a beautiful decoration for window glass or curtains. Well, in order for the masterpiece to look skillful, it is important to print out the template in advance, prepare scissors and paper in white, silver, blue or gold.

The stencils proposed below can also be made by a child, as homework for kindergarten or labor lessons in primary school.

Snowflakes from pasta, a master class in the photo

In order to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree, it is not necessary to spend money on buying expensive Christmas tree decorations. It is enough to turn on the creative imagination to make a masterpiece with your own hands, which no one else will have. For example, from the same pasta that is sold in any store in the cereal department.

  • pasta of various shapes: horns, vermicelli, spiral, snails, fusilli, spaghetti, ravioli, farfalle, etc.;
  • glue;
  • fine or sea salt (you can also use glitter);
  • acrylic paint.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) To make a pasta snowflake, it is enough to connect all the elements on a flat surface so that a beautiful work is obtained.

2) After all the elements are connected, they must be glued together so that the shape remains even and beautiful, as it was originally.

3) If the product is well glued, then it can be painted with white paint and sprinkled with sparkles to give them extra shine.

4) After drying, the finished product remains to be hung on a satin ribbon and hung on a green beauty - a Christmas tree.

New Year's snowflakes from toothpaste and brushes, a master class in the photo

A snowflake on the window will give any room an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. However, in order not to spoil the glass and after the holidays it is easy to wash it, it is better to use proven techniques, such as vytynanki or toothpaste. But if the first allows you to reproduce even pictures, the second - exclusively individual objects, such as snowflakes.

Items needed for crafting:

  • stationery scissors;
  • A4 paper;
  • a simple pencil or black pen;
  • 1/2 sponge for washing dishes;
  • toothpaste (you can use the cheapest);
  • convenient plate;
  • old toothbrush.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) On a white sheet, draw a snowflake with a pencil and cut it out with scissors.

2) Wet a sponge with warm water and wipe the surface of the glass with it, where the snowflake will be applied.

3) Apply the finished template to this place and moisten it with gentle movements with a sponge so that it sticks.

4) Dilute a small amount of tooth. paste with warm water so that the finished mass is not too thick and liquid.

5) Using a toothbrush, spray the induced solution along the contours of the snowflake and inside.

6) Let it dry a little, and then remove the paper snowflake.

Glue snowflake, photo tutorial

Oddly enough, but New Year's crafts can be made not only from improvised means, but also from glue. To do this, it is enough to allocate 30-40 minutes of free time, having prepared the following items for the start of work: hot glue and PVA, a thick bag, stationery scissors, sparkles, a satin ribbon or rope, a brush.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) On a package that will definitely not melt, draw a snowflake with hot glue.

2) After the glue dries, remove it with running water.

3) With your own hands, cut off all the bumps and give the crafts an artful appearance.

4) Cover the snowflake with PVA glue and glitter.

5) Hang the finished product on a Christmas tree or decorate a window with it.

DIY beaded snowflake

On the eve of the New Year 2018, with the help of beads you can make not only a snowflake, but also the symbol of the Chinese horoscope - the Dog. However, if even a child can reproduce the first, the master will not always repeat the second craft. So let's start off easy...


  • white and blue beads;
  • thin wire;
  • wire cutters;

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Cut the wire into even 10 pieces, making a hook on each to hold the beads.

2) String beads and glass beads on each part, repeating the pattern of the snowflake proposed in the photo below.

3) Leave 0.5 mm blank at the end, connect all the pieces together and twist.

4) Cut off the excess wire with wire cutters, and hang the finished product on a satin ribbon or string.

Do-it-yourself 3D paper snowflake

You can hang a voluminous snowflake from the ceiling, which will give the interior airiness and lightness. And thanks to the 3D effect, it will seem more multifaceted and interesting.


  • ruler;
  • black pen;
  • 6-8 sheets of A4 white paper;
  • stationery scissors;
  • stapler.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Cut all the sheets into even squares, and then bend each one so that you get a triangle.

2) Make several cuts at a distance of 2 cm, long - up to 3 cm.

3) Connect the cut incisions to each other by connecting with a stapler.

4) Do the same with the rest of the petals, and then connect them together.

What snowflakes can still be made for the New Year 2018?

There are many variations of snowflakes, the main thing is to choose the option that will bring only benefit, and not torment. Therefore, if none of the above crafts is suitable, you can try to make a snowflake with your own hands from other materials:

  • rubber bands;
  • felt;
  • plasticine;
  • cotton wool;
  • satin ribbons;
  • balls;
  • thread;
  • napkins;
  • polystyrene;
  • gypsum;
  • newspapers;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • bottles;
  • bushings;
  • glaze;
  • salt dough;
  • disk;
  • rain;
  • isolon;
  • origami;
  • ear sticks;
  • foil;
  • plywood.

Beautiful paper snowflakes for the New Year 2018, a master class on the photo:

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I want to ask you to read and solve the riddle:

There are no two alike in the world,
But each one is like light fluff.
In winter, everything is in them - fields, paths
What is it dear friend...

That's right, snowflakes! This phenomenon of nature probably rejoices every person on earth, and especially children. And not only because they can be caught with the tongue and tasted). And also due to the fact that these graceful beauties are a bright attribute of the New Year holiday. After all, it is they who create the New Year's atmosphere in the house, after of course.

Moreover, snowflakes are different: flat, voluminous, carved and even knitted. Today I propose to analyze in detail the methods of their manufacture, not only, but also from other materials. And if you want to turn your home into a real snow kingdom, then you have definitely come to the right place.

So, let's recreate a fabulously magical and festive atmosphere live with the help of graceful snowflakes. Prepare materials and your pens, we will needlework!

By the way, from beautiful snowflakes you can then make a creative New Year's craft.

Many people believe that these products are created only from paper. But it's not. Although at the very beginning we will just consider this most popular manufacturing method.

And of course, when it comes to such crafts, the first thing that comes to mind is cutting paper snowflakes.

In order to properly cut a snowflake, you need to take a white sheet of paper or napkins and fold it into a triangle. Then draw a pattern on the triangle. After it is cut out, and the paper unfolds. And the result is a carved beauty.

Keep in mind that not everyone can succeed the first time. After all, work requires concentration. Therefore, first practice on simple cutting options, not so carved, and only then, when you fill your hand, move on to complex ones.

And now I will teach you how to make a standard snowflake.

You will need: paper, scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take an A4 sheet and cut a square out of it. To do this, bend the corner of the paper and pull it to the opposite edge, bend it. Then cut off the extra piece.

2. Fold the triangle that you get in half and place it with the top up.

3. Now take the left edge of the triangle and pull it a little further than the middle. Then, overlap the right edge.

4. Turn the workpiece over and cut the lower part at the level of the strip.

5. Draw a stencil pattern.

6. Carefully cut out the pattern and unfold the product.

As you understand, in order to properly cut a snowflake out of paper, you need to prepare the base and come up with or find (print) a template for cutting. Then translate the selected pattern and cut it out. Special difficulties should not arise. The only thing is, if you are tight with imagination, you will have to look for stencils. Although in this article I will kindly provide them for you. Look for templates below!

By the way, in addition to plain paper, you can use colored, corrugated, as well as unnecessary newspapers and brochures.

And I want to show the second way to cut products for New Year's decor.

You will need: White paper; scissors; stapler; pencil.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut a sheet of A4 paper in half lengthwise.

2. Then fold each half of the paper into an accordion shape.

3. Connect the resulting accordions in the middle with a thread or a stapler.

4. Now draw any simple pattern on the side of the accordion and cut it out along the contour.

5. Straighten the resulting workpiece and glue its ends. Your craft is ready.

There is also a third way. But we are talking about volumetric decoration. This is a separate issue. And I will reveal this question in a phased master class, but a little later. In the meantime, just enjoy this art.

If you have very young children, and if they really want to take part in the creation of paper beauties, then for them there is a simple option for cutting and making.

All that is required of them is to cut out paper strips and glue them with an asterisk. And then decorate each strip with felt-tip pens, paints, stickers, sparkles, etc.

This is such a simple but great idea!

Beaded snowflakes: schemes + step-by-step master class

Now it's time to offer you options for making patterned beauties not only from paper, but also from other materials. For example, from beads.

I will show you how to weave a simple beaded snowflake.

You will need: thin wire; large beads of golden color; small beads of golden color; red beads with tubes (glass beads); round nose pliers, wire cutters.

Manufacturing process:

1. Measure and bite off the desired piece of wire (30-40 cm).

2. String 6 large beads to the middle and close into a ring. Now you can twist the wire, or you can simply stretch the ends into opposite beads.

4. Return the working tip of the wire to the second red bead, making a loop around the second small one. You will get the end of the branch.

5. Bring the working end between the first red and the first small bead to the side.

6. String again a small golden bead, a red bugle, a small golden bead and return the end to the middle of the resulting triangle.

7. Repeat steps 3-6.

8. String small, red, small beads and return the end to the very beginning of the branch between large beads.

9. Draw the working end of the wire inside a large bead and bring it out between this bead and the next one.

10. Repeat steps 3-9, weave all the rays of the product, working first with one part of the wire, then with the other.

11. Twist the ends of the wire, cut them off and thread the remaining ends into large beads. Your beaded jewelry is ready.

You can also weave New Year's decor on a Christmas tree or to decorate doors, walls (for example, you can make a whole garland) not only using wire, but also fishing line or ordinary threads.

For such work you will need: small round beads of white and blue colors; silver glass beads; fishing line; scissors; needle.

Manufacturing process:

1. Start weaving from the middle of the product and lead the whole process with one long end of the fishing line in a circle.

2. When you string all the rays according to the scheme and the fishing line returns to the beginning, tie the ends in a knot, cut off the excess and hide the antennae in beads.

Once you master the beading technique, it will not be difficult for you to make many beaded snowflakes. However, in order to weave them, you will need schemes. So I found them in advance and now I'm posting them for you. Save, print and weave to your health. 🙂

Volumetric paper snowflakes for the New Year

It's time to show you the option of creating three-dimensional, so-called 3D snowflakes. They are made from paper. Moreover, it is better if it is not white, but colored paper for printing on a printer. She is denser. Or you can even combine several colors at once.

Ready to go? Then let's get started!

You will need: white and blue paper; scissors; ruler; glue stick; decoration elements (sequins, beads, flowers).

Manufacturing process:

1. First cut 5 long white strips. Then 10 medium blue stripes and 10 smaller white stripes.

2. Glue the ends of the strips.

3. Now assemble part of the snowflake from 5 strips as shown in the photo.

4. Assemble the entire product from 5 parts.

5. Well, at the very end, glue any decoration in the center.

You will need: 2 square sheets of blue paper; scissors; glue stick; simple pencil; rhinestone.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a square sheet and fold it diagonally.

2. Then fold twice more.

3. Now draw three lines (cuts will go along them). Do not cut all the way through at the fold, as this is the center.

4. Cut along the lines.

5. Now make triangular cuts at the bottom of the workpiece.

6. Expand the product.

7. Now bend and glue the middle stripes of each ray in the center.

8. Then make a second exactly the same blank.

9. Glue the two blanks together so that the rays are staggered. Glue a rhinestone in the center.

Also, a three-dimensional snowflake can be obtained using the origami technique. I also show such manufacturing technology.

You will need: 6 blue square sheets; 6 white square sheets; blue paper circle; PVA glue; rhinestone.

Manufacturing process:

1. Fold a sheet of blue paper diagonally.

2. Then unfold the square and fold the sides to the center fold.

4. Bend the sides towards the center to form a diamond shape.

5. Turn the workpiece over to the other side again.

6. Now bend the top layers to the sides.

7. You need to stack 5 more blue pieces in exactly the same way.

8. Take a white sheet of paper and fold it diagonally on both sides, then unfold it.

9. Bend the corners of the square to the center and turn over to the other side.

10. Bend the sides to the center.

11. Unscrew the side holes from the reverse side of the module.

12. Bend the sides to the center.

13. In the same way, fold 5 more white modules.

14. After making all the modules, glue 2 blue modules on the circle opposite each other.

15. Then glue 4 blue modules.

17. The final touch is gluing a rhinestone to the center.

If you do not have much time, then try to make a New Year's beauty in just 2 minutes! Watch the video plot and repeat the technology. The craft is made from white paper bags without a handle.

Crocheted snowflakes. Step-by-step instruction:

If, on the contrary, you have a lot of time and want to make creative decorations that no one else has, then simply tie the decorations. Knitted work is perfect for decorating a Christmas tree.

You will need: hook, thread.

Manufacturing process:

If you are not new to this business, then it will be very easy for you to understand the diagrams and tie the product.

So catch ready-made crochet ideas.

And symbols for the above schemes.

Also, do not forget after knitting patterned snowflakes with cotton threads, give them a shape. Let me tell you about one such way.

You will need: potato starch 2-3 tbsp. spoons; hot water 1 glass.


1. Pour starch with a small amount of water and stir it.

2. Then add boiling water in a thin stream, while stirring the mixture continuously.

3. The solution is ready. Put a knitted decoration in it and leave it for a while.

4. Then wring out and straighten the product well on a flat surface with pins. Wait for complete drying.

5. After drying, the product will keep its shape perfectly.

How to make a snowflake for a competition in kindergarten and school

Now that we have reviewed the most popular DIY snowflake making methods, it's time to look at the ready-made options and choose among them those that our children can make. After all, no one has canceled winter competitions in children's institutions!

And we will get acquainted with very interesting and completely different technologies.

Variant of volumetric decor.

And here is a cool idea for making a winter beauty from children's hands.

How do you like this creative approach? Painted and assembled pasta!

Or help your child cut out a styrofoam snowflake.

Or maybe you glue it from feathers?

Or just mold from plasticine. Toddlers will love this art.

And you can assemble the product from ordinary wooden clothespins, and then glue sparkles on them. And the holiday decor is ready.

Or connect the buttons together. Well, why not decorate the Christmas tree.

You can also use cones.

Don't forget the salt dough. You can mold anything from it, and then paint it with any paint.

Another snowflake can be made from wire and salt. It turns out like a real one!

You can buy stained glass paints. By the way, such an ornament made of this material is great for decoration.

Oh, and don't forget the toilet sleeves.

Also use the quilling technique. I'm sure the students will be up to the challenge.

Again, take into account the origami technique. Bright things come out.

What do you think of the ice cream stick idea? I think it's great!

Or cut strips out of paper and twist them. Simple and beautiful!

If you have plastic bottles lying around, then cut off the bottom of them and draw a pattern. Your craft is ready to participate in the competition.

Variants of stitched snowflakes. In this case, the material is felt.

Well, everyone's favorite cotton swabs. They are just perfect for such crafts.

And I want to show sewn work from felt. It is done easily and simply, I think according to the photo schemes and my brief description, everything will be more than clear to you.

You will need: white and colored felt; needle and thread; scissors, hole punch.

For one snowflake, use: 2 white circles and one colored circle + felt strip or ribbon for hanging.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut out circles of the same size from felt. On the white circles, draw lines as shown in the photo. Poke a hole in the middle with a hole punch. Cut the lines according to the pattern.

3. Connect all the details and sew together beautifully.

As you can see, there is a large variety of carved beauties. And any material can be used. So for the competition, you will definitely do something with your children and you will surely receive an award.

Do-it-yourself Christmas snowflakes from paper for windows and a Christmas tree (cutting patterns inside)

Well, I'm coming to the end and in conclusion I want to say this about. No matter how bright and original snowflakes are made of beads, threads and other things, the most popular and fastest way to make them is paper cutting.

Therefore, I pumped up schemes and templates. Save, print and cut to your heart's content. And decorate your home!

That's all for me! And remember that it is better to make snowflakes in advance and decorate your home with them, because this way a festive mood and a magical atmosphere will soar in the air! With coming!

Good afternoon, today I am uploading the largest article on in a variety of ways make a snowflake with your own hands. You will see snowflakes made today in different techniques from those cut out of paper to those molded from liquid caramel. You will see beautiful craft snowflakes - woven from beads, molded from dough. Will many interesting MASTER CLASSES on snowflakes(glue, bead, paper). You will definitely find here an idea for your homemade snow art. Making snowflakes with your own hands is easy and pleasant at home - feasible ideas for snowflake crafts with kids and smart ideas for adult creativity.
So let's see what we're going to do today.

  • Cooking snowflakes (from dough, from caramel, from corn balls)
  • Snowflakes from recycled material ( toilet paper, from threads and glue)
  • Snowflakes in a twist quilling technique(with elegant decor
  • Snowflakes made of plastic bottoms of bottles and children's thermo-mosaic)
  • Snowflakes from natural material(from ice, wood)
  • Snowflakes from felt, crocheted and woven from beads.

That is, there will be a lot of interesting things. So...let's get started.

PAPER SNOWFLAKES for interior decor.
how to do it yourself.

Let's start with paper ideas to create snowflake crafts. And it's not just cut out of thin paper ... now I'll show you 3D snowflakes, in the technique of origami, in the technique of twisting-quilling and cardboard rolled snowflakes.


(openwork beauties and crafts from them).

Snowflakes can be ordinary FLAT ... when made of paper roll-triangle... a pattern is cut out on it ... a triangular fold is unfolded and an openwork snowflake and paper are obtained, in which the circular symmetry of the pattern.

Lots of ideas and carving patterns of openwork paper snowflakes I will describe in a separate article (so as not to clutter up this page). And then there will be a link to it.
Because paper snowflakes can be made NOT ONLY using the OPENWORK CUTTING technique. And you will see for yourself now.

As you can see in the photo above, paper snowflakes can not only be glued to windows (as in childhood), they can be used to decorate gift packages, postcards, trees by the porch, ribbons hanging from the curtain rod.

And from paper snowflakes you can do Christmas wreaths on the wall. A wreath of simply white snowflakes looks very gentle and beautiful ... and it’s very good if you choose another color (red or blue) in a pair of white.

It is these delicate snowflakes that I teach to cut in a special article.

Others can be made from paper snowflakes silhouette wall hangings- For example christmas tree silhouette. And with the light hand of an unknown author, I learned the idea of ​​​​how to create snow-white figurines of ballerinas in a paper snowflake skirt. Dancer silhouette we also cut it out of white paper ... and make a larger central hole on the snowflake - so that it fits.

And you can also add such a Christmas wreath of paper snowflakes LED Christmas garland.

The photo below shows that this requires a wire frame - but this is optional. You can simply cut out a ring of their cardboard, wrap this ring with a garland - and then with tape (with double-sided Velcro) glue the carthorn ring with openwork snowflakes from thin paper.

And snowflakes are cut out of thicker cardboard or felt. and hang them on trees. Naturally, you don’t need to fold the cardboard into a triangular wrapper - we just transfer the outlines of a thin paper snowflake onto the cardboard, circle it with a pencil and cut it out. And then you can decorate a paper snowflake with a pattern.

SNOWFLAKE WITH GLUE PATTERN- to make the pattern convex-contour, you can simply take a jar of PVC glue, which has a thin nose and squeeze the pattern onto the plane of the snowflake (as in the left photo below).

SNOWFLAKE WITH A PATTERN FROM COTTON STICKS. You just need to take cotton buds and cut off the cotton tops from them (slightly smooth them with the same glue) and attach them in the form of a pattern on a cardboard cut (as in the right photo below).

(multilayer, fan and origami crafts)

And here are some more ideas for layered snowflakes . The principle of the craft is simple- cut out snowflakes of different sizes from thin paper. We translate their contours onto thick cardboard - cut out the silhouettes of cardboard snowflakes.

We take a piece of foam (the one that insulates the cracks on the windows is suitable, you always have the remnants of such material at home) and cut a few small pieces. These plump little squares foam we use as spacer between cardboard layers snowflakes.

And you can in our paper snow creativity add some ORIGAMI principles. That is cut paper modules - bend them in such a way that you get FIGURED RAYS and lay out the rays in the form of a snowflake on a round base (attaching them to the base with glue).

Or collect cardboard 3D- a snowflake of two stars cut out on thick cardboard. Each star has vertical incision - between the legs. And cardboard stars put on each other this incision (see the photo of the snowflake above) is very easy to do with your own hands.

Schemes and master classes for creating these snowflakes (pictured above) - in the article

Also you can do snowflake crafts like a paper fan. They just look complicated, but are made very simply. I even found a tutorial. Very simple.

Below I give a scheme for assembling such a voluminous paper snowflake. You can see for yourself what simple steps this has master class on assembling a fan paper snowflake. A simple craft that is easy to make at home with the kids.

Moreover, the edges of such a snowflake accordion can be pre-curly(as in the photo below).

You see, when we were drawing our accordion model, we came up with make some of the teeth on the paper harmonica higher than the rest- in the form of a three-leaf peak.

Such a FAN SNOWFLAKE can be made from MUSIC PAPER ... and additionally decorate with Christmas tree branches, pieces of shiny tulle rags and pictures cut out from a postcard. Like in the photo below. It turns out whole piece of art with your own hands - you can stick it on a gift bag. Or hang it from a loop on a Christmas tree.

Snowflake from ROLLS of toilet paper

THREE CRAFTS with your own hands.

And you can also make a beautiful snowflake from toilet paper rolls. Here's how to do it yourself. toilet paper roll squeeze a little and cut it into rings. Each crushed ring lay symmetrically in a circle in the shape of a snowflake.

Such a paper snowflake can be painted red and sprinkle with glitter for nails.

And pay attention to the photo below, that inside the rays-rolls there are more a few smaller paper rolls.

Toilet paper rings can be cut very thin and tie them up bundle in a circle(stretch the thread and pull it into a bun). It will turn out such an air miracle as in the photo below. Paint everything with white paint and sprinkle with silver sparkles.

And even if you don't have toilet paper rolls, you can make a snowflake. from ordinary white sheets of office paper(cut into strips and twist them into rings different sizes ... And then from these rings collect rays of snowflakes... and then collect and glue all the rays together - and you get a paper snowflake as in the photo.

Paper snowflakes - using the QWILLING technique.

(photo of the best options)

You can also make paper snowflakes with your own hands - IN THE QUILLING TECHNIQUE. For this you need from thin strips of paper wind the FIGURED flagella.

It's easy. I just wrap the strip around a toothpick (or a special pin for quilling), and then remove the twist (weaken it to the size we need, smooth it with my hands, giving it the desired shape ... and fix the tip of the twist with glue).

Make many twist modules of different shapes and assemble them quilling snowflake. You can practice at home with your children to make such a paper snowflake craft. Children will be happy to twist the modules and fold the snowflake pattern.

Such a paper snowflake-craft using the Quilling technique can be made from colored paper. This is even more beautiful. Air lines and clear color spots. And opportunity decorate the anchor points of the pattern bright rhinestones. Here we get such multi-colored snowflakes crafts.

A snowflake made of red and white paper looks beautiful. If you plan to meet and decide to dress up the Christmas tree in white-red colors, then such paper snowflakes will help you save on the purchase of Christmas decorations. They can be made in the same color scheme but different in shape and size.

Snowflake caramel craft.

Take candy canes white (milk) and red (for example, barberries). We put them in different saucepans, pour water on the bottom (so that the caramel does not burn) - and put on fire. Our task melt caramel until liquid. When the caramel becomes liquid, we will make snowflakes out of it. We take a sheet of foil for baking(smooth, not crumpled) - put it on the board. And on this metal sheet we draw snowflakes with liquid caramel - pour in a thick stream(it is more convenient to pour from a hot gravy boat with a spout). We cool and get caramel-glass snowflakes - such crafts can be hung on ribbons by the window and let them play, the rays of the winter sun sparkle.

And you can also just string pieces of marmalade on the wire and also get an interesting snowflake. Or glue a snowflake out of corn balls. Kids will love this Christmas craft. It is more interesting and tastier than paper crafts.

Do-it-yourself snowflakes - from pasta and glue.

And the children will also like these New Year's pasta crafts ... When we take pasta of different shapes, we put them in a snowflake pattern on paper - and then neatly one after another glue them with barrels. This pasta snowflake can be painted with gold paint

Also, pasta can be glued to round pieces made of cardboard or canvas paper so that they have a solid base for gluing.

How to make a snowflake craft FROM THE DOUGH.

And here is a master class on how to make a snowflake out of dough. We make dough for cookies and squeeze out a symmetrical circular pattern with ordinary molds.

You can cut a snowflake salt dough. Squeeze out with foam. And if there is no such snowflake mold, then you can do it in an artisanal way - put it on the dough cardboard figurine snowflakes and circle it with a knife along the contour.


(beautiful DIY crafts)

I found several examples of New Year's crafts made of plastic with the image of snowflakes. Let's take a look at them now - for sure you will choose a method for yourself.

Model 1 - snowflakes from the bottoms of a plastic bottle.

We take a plastic bottle from mineral water - it is just made of bluish plastic - that is, it has a beautiful snowy tint. What we need.

Cut off the bottom with scissors or a file. On it we draw the outlines of a fluffy snowflake with white or blue paint. And we drill a hole - through which we pass the ribbon-hanger. A good craft to work with the children is that you saw bottles (a regular knife works well), and the children draw a snowflake pattern.

Snowflakes with their own hands from transparent plates.

And you can made of a thick sheet of transparent plastic cut out neat stars and decorate them in the center with a snowflake pattern. You can take plastic from old packing boxes with transparent display side. Another sheet of plastic can serve transparent kitchen table mat. Or a thick clerical folder is also suitable for business. We get a beautiful New Year's craft with our own hands.

Snowflakes made from caps.

Even plastic bottle caps can serve as a great New Year's decoration for your apartment. They can be glued to a piece of cardboard or plywood, and then cut along the contour. Or attach the lids to each other with glue from a glue gun.

Snowflakes-crafts from thermo-mosaic.

And you can also take an ordinary children's thermo-constructor - with such bubbly - you string them on pins, making a pattern, and then bake them in the microwave or oven - and you get a whole craft thing. In our case, we lay out the snowflake pattern and get the author's patterned beauty made of plastic, made with our skillful hands.

Snowflakes from GLUE and THREADS

Three easy crafts for kids.

And in this chapter of our article, I have collected THREE IDEAS on how to make a snowflake WITH GLUE, where it is the glue itself that will be the main material snowflakes. Let's take a look at these methods - they are all simple and easy to do with your own hands in normal home conditions.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 - a snowflake from a GLUE GUN.

The method is simple on a sheet of polyethylene with a glue gun we apply a pattern of a snowflake. Let dry and cover with glitter.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 - a snowflake made of glue on a thread frame.

Very beautiful snowflakes translucent and delicate. Now you will learn step by step how to make such a craft with your own hands.

STEP 1 Draw a snowflake on a sheet of paper - the pattern of a snowflake can be anything - but with one obligatory condition - the drawing must be FRAME - so that there are closed cells (for which, you will now understand).

We cover the sheet with the pattern with a thick film (or simply put this sheet inside a plastic office file).

STEP 2. And now, according to this pattern, we lay a thick thread (from any suitable yarn for knitting). To make the thread easy to fit into the shape, it needs to be moistened - but not in water, but in PVA GLUE. Wet thread will easily take the shape we need. And it will harden-harden in it due to the drying of the glue.

STEP 3. Now (without even waiting for our thread frame to dry) we will fill the snowflake cells with glue. Directly from a tube pour inside- do this puddle, the sides of which are thread.

And so that the filling of the glue was not white, but colored - it can be mixed with paint. We take a drop of gouache on the brush and knead it in our glue puddle, right in the snowflake cell.

We do this - with each cell - leaving empty cells between them. And we carefully place our sheet dry out of the reach of children. Let it lie there for a couple of days - so that everything dries well.

When the snowflake dries, it will be already easy to separate from polyethylene and hang it by a string on a window or on a Christmas tree. But better on the window - as the light will beautifully penetrate through the blue glue cells of the rays of the craft snowflake.

And here is another good way to make a snowflake out of glue and thread with your own hands.

MASTER CLASS No. 3 - a snowflake made of sewing threads and glue.

We need a sheet of polyethylene - glue and white bobbin threads.
On a sheet of paper - make a round puddle of glue- the size of the puddle should match the size of the silhouette of the future snowflake. That is, first we cut out our cardboard snowflake template and then we make a puddle of glue, which is commensurate with this snowflake silhouette.

Further, on this puddle of glue, we RANDOMLY LAY the thread - we put it and put it, as it fits - in several layers - in different directions. And dry the whole puddle. And then when everything is dry - we take this round thread adhesive plate... we apply a snowflake stencil template to it - and cut it out along the contour. We get a beautiful elegant snowflake craft made by ourselves.

DIY snowflakes


You can make a snowflake from the material that nature gave us. It can be knots from chopped tree branches.

You can make a snowflake from the remnants of lumber brought from the country.

You can make snowflakes from straw and thread - as shown in the photo below. If you look at the photo, you can see how to do it all

Better yet, I’ll draw and write you step by step how to make one such snowflake. And it will become more clear.

Also you can do snowflakes-crafts from ICE. Take a few glasses and freeze ice in them (pour water and put them in the cold. Take the ice out of the glasses and draw a snowflake on each with paints and melt a hole with a hot carnation. Work is best done in a cold room on the street - so that the ice does not melt. And then they can beautifully hang windows along the eaves - from the opposite side of the street, or on a tree near the gate ... or under a canopy over the porch.Let them hang and tinkle in the wind.

How to make snowflakes out of felt.

I have . Very large, and there are many ideas of what decorations can be made for the Christmas tree from bright felt.
And of course you can cut snowflakes out of it. Made from thick felt just cut out the contours and the snowflake will keep its shape. From thin felt the snowflake must be glued to the base-base.

But PETAL snowflakes - they are made very easily with your own hands. Now you will learn how...

Round piece of felt cut DIAGONALLY in a circle- like pizza in pieces - we get something like flower petals. Each petal loading sharpening along the edge(any pattern - a scar or pipette).
And then at the very root, each petal is SEWED-CONNECTED - that is, we press the blades of the petal against each other and sew them together with threads. Getting a Petal Snowflake from felt - we decorate it with oval beads or long glass beads.

And here is a model of a snowflake, which at first was flat - and then it was made three-dimensional by carving and bending. And decorated with large rhinestones and a small textile decorative flower.

From felt snowflakes, you can make beautiful Christmas craft wreaths.

SNOWFLAKES made of beads.


Well, finally, the turn came to snowflakes from beads. Very pretty things. And most importantly, they are created very quickly - it takes a beginner 30 minutes to create such a snowflake. I checked myself - last week I wove just such a BLUE SNOWFLAKE - weaved without a pattern from this photo(made of gold and white beads with bronze glass beads - it turned out gorgeous). For the first time in my life. And everything got. Weaving not on a fishing line, but on wire- large snowflakes should be woven exactly like this - with wire - so that the rays keep exactly to the sides.

The alternations of large long beads and small granular beads look beautiful - in ONE COLOR. Especially beautiful are homemade snowflakes made of beads and beads, made in a snowy dazzling white color.

Beads look nice their clear crystals. It turns out a crystal icy snowflake - just like a real one, made with your own hands.

And here is a MASTER CLASS on weaving snowflakes from beads. In the detailed photo instructions, we see each step of the lesson on assembling a snowflake from blue beads. And it immediately becomes clear that making such a snowflake with your own hands is quite simple and easy. Try it and everything will work out. Only six large beads are needed - the rest are ordinary beads.

And here's another master class of weaving a figured snowflake from beads of different colors. The red arrows show the movement of the beads through the beads - either through passages through the previous row, or new layers of bead rows and stitches through the first tier of the pattern.

And here are some more diagrams ... IN THE FIRST SNOWFLAKE, the rows are shown in different colors - so that the sequence of weaving is clear. And IN THE SECOND, you have to look closely and figure out for yourself what follows what.

And here are examples of snowflakes in which the START OF WEAVING IS THE SAME - that is, you see that the central part of three snowflakes is the same. We start weaving according to one pattern for all, and only then add different patterned rays, as you like.

Here are examples of snowflakes in the assembly of which more are involved and long tubes of glass beads. The pattern of weaving such a snowflake-star is understandable even from a photograph. But if not, write in the comments, I will draw a step-by-step picture and post it here.

Such beaded snowflakes can become designer earrings.

Or wicker snowflakes can be a decor for a New Year's ball. Also, as you can see, original and beautiful.

Here are some DIY ideas. I poured a SEA OF SNOWFLAKES for you today - whole drifts of snowy ideas. Choose any for your home New Year's joy.

Happy crafts.

Happy New Year.

Happiness to your Home and Family.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.