How to sew a Christmas tree out of fabric. We make a Christmas tree with our own hands. Bright paper tree. From plastic bottles

It is not necessary to purchase a real Christmas tree to enjoy the holiday. You can make a Christmas tree yourself - in recent years it has even become fashionable. Try to make an original homemade Christmas tree, perfect for your interior.

  • Christmas trees made of plywood and wood
  • Christmas trees made of cardboard
  • Christmas trees from slats and branches
  • Christmas trees from pots
  • Sisal tree
  • Christmas tree on a frame
  • Christmas trees from felt
  • Christmas trees on a cone
  • Christmas trees from sweets and tangerines
  • Wall Christmas trees
  • Christmas trees from cones
  • Christmas trees from tires

Christmas trees from plywood and boards

Christmas tree made of plywood or boards - decor for years. From these materials you can make a large, main Christmas tree in the house. But you can make a few small table Christmas trees - to decorate each room.

You will need:

  • plywood or board;
  • saw or jigsaw (preferably electric);
  • sanding paper (sandpaper) or grinder;
  • paints, stain, varnish - depending on the chosen decor.

A Christmas tree of an interesting shape can be made on a stand. In a thick bar we make a slot in which we fix the trunk of the Christmas tree.

Christmas trees carved from solid pieces of plywood are primitive, but spectacular due to their dark green color.

Small Christmas trees from pieces of board are good for New Year's table composition. But you can cut a large spruce, after knocking down a shield from the boards.

We fix miniature triangular Christmas trees in the slots of round coasters. We glue small flat toys. They can also be cut from plywood or bought.

Volumetric 3d plywood Christmas trees are actually made simply. First, we cut out the flat elements of the New Year's crafts, make cuts in it (see the template). We collect the Christmas tree by inserting the elements into the slots. You can additionally fix it with pins, but even without them, the Christmas tree will be strong.

Christmas trees made of cardboard

Small table cardboard Christmas trees are a great New Year's decor. To strengthen crafts, you can make them by gluing 2-3 layers of cardboard. The work process is on the same principle as with plywood Christmas trees, but instead of a jigsaw or saw, we use scissors. We decorate the trees with miniature toys, ribbons, bows, etc.

Twine wrapping is a simple decor. You can attach a magnet to the back of the craft.

Christmas trees made of cardboard, pasted over with burlap. Jewelry - beads, lace ribbons, bouquets of artificial flowers. We attach the triangle to an even branch that will imitate the trunk. We plant a Christmas tree in a pot.

You can cover the Christmas trees with a fabric of any color. It is important that the decorations are in contrast to the background.

A variant of the decor of a cardboard Christmas tree is cotton papier mache. It's simple: we glue cotton wool in layers on the cardboard base using PVA glue.

Christmas trees from slats and branches

Regular branches can be obtained anywhere. Reiki is also not a scarce material. Crafts are simple, the whole secret of their beauty lies in the unusual designs and brightness of toys.

To the top of the Christmas tree, the branches become shorter.

We fix the branches on the trunk with carnations.

Such a Christmas tree can also be fixed in a pot.

Above - three wall Christmas trees made of branches. Although slats are also suitable for their creation. Branches or slats are connected to each other, the structure is hung on one nail in the wall (top).

Cute slatted Christmas trees are easy to make. We fasten the rails with screws. Inside such structures, you can place different toys. Complex fastening, as in the picture, is not necessary - cords (rope, twine) can be stretched between the slats of the triangle.

Christmas trees from pots

The simplest Christmas crafts. You will only need:

  • flower pots of different sizes;
  • dye;
  • small toys for decoration - stars, flowers, etc.

We paint the pots - not necessarily with green paint, because the Christmas tree is decorative. When the paint dries, glue the decor. To increase the stability of the Christmas trees, you can pass some kind of pin or thin round stick through the drainage holes in them.

If you don’t want to make anything (or don’t have time for it), we use the pot as a container in which we plant a spruce branch. It will be enough to decorate the top of a small Christmas tree with an asterisk.

Sisal tree

Sisal is often used in floristry. This fiber can be bought at a flower shop or craft department. Christmas trees from it can be made in different colors.

We form a cone from sisal, fix it with a tape. Decoration - at your discretion.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree on a frame

This technique allows you to make a medium or large Christmas tree.

You will need:

  • frame made of metal mesh or sticks, slats;
  • branches of spruce, pine or other coniferous plant (for example, juniper);
  • decorations - as for a regular Christmas tree.

Making a mesh frame is not difficult, but you can simply buy a cone-shaped topiary mold from a garden and landscaping store. If this is also difficult, we fasten even sticks or wooden bars into a cone. They should not be too thin to make the tree stable.

Christmas trees from felt

It is good to make such a Christmas tree if there is a small child in the house. It is also developing - the baby can independently hang toys on it.

Another option for a developing Christmas tree is a wall-mounted one.

And these are just desktop soft felt Christmas trees that a child can play with.

Christmas trees on a cone

Options for cones for Christmas trees:

  • foam cone;
  • metal mesh or finished frame for topiary.

We paste over the cone with burlap, decorate the top with lace.

How to decorate a cone with burlap? One of the options:

How to wrap a cone with twine?

Christmas trees from sweets and tangerines

Delicious Christmas trees are often made to decorate the table. Subsequently, the decoration turns into a dessert. We wrap a cone made in any technique (from cardboard, mesh, etc.) with rain imitating pine needles, after which we attach sweets in bright wrappers.

Thread the tangerines onto wooden skewers. You can use barbecue halves. Both ends of the skewers should be sharp. We plant a tangerine, stick the other end into a foam cone.

Together with the tangerine tree, we will make tangerines with our own hands.

Wall Christmas trees

We drive cloves into the board to make a triangle. We stretch the wire between them. Inside we make a wire zigzag, and hang on it.

To make a Christmas tree panel, we draw a silhouette of a New Year tree on a wooden or plywood shield, and paste toys inside it.

And here are just colored strips pasted on the wall. It is convenient to use self-adhesive paper.

True, an interesting option? Christmas tree on canvas or any fabric by printing. Order one, and there will be no problems with New Year's decor for several years. After the holidays, we fold the canvas and hide it until next year. You can draw a Christmas tree yourself if you have fabric paints.

Christmas trees from cones

There are two options here: either we make a mini-Christmas tree from one large cone, and a larger Christmas tree, attaching cones to a mesh frame.

Christmas trees from tires

Suitable Christmas decor for the street or utility room.

Read the material about what paint to paint tires for a Christmas tree or other yard crafts:

A do-it-yourself Christmas tree will be made, because the choice of ideas is really rich.

Helpful Hints

To become the owner of a Christmas tree,you don't have to buy it- just look at the useful tips and find out how you can do itbeautiful Christmas tree with your own hands.

Today you can findmany Christmas treesin stores and on the street.

You can put in the house a natural Christmas tree or sprigs from a Christmas tree for smell, but you can decorate a house, or a gift for a loved one, knowing a few interesting tricks.

On our website you will also find:

  • 20 small DIY Christmas trees that will decorate any home
  • How to make a Christmas tree from cones
  • How to make a Christmas tree

Learn how to make a Christmas treepaper, food, fabric and even pasta.

Make this craft quite easy, and your house will be decorated with a unique decor, and friends and acquaintances will be happy to receive a Christmas tree made by you as a present.

Christmas tree made of paper with your own hands. Christmas tree made from scraps of magazine pages.

You will need:

Unnecessary magazine or book with bright pictures

Cardboard or thick paper

Glue gun or PVA glue

Shaped hole punch, optional

Pencil or pen

1. Make a cone out of a thick sheet of paper and fix it with glue.

2. Prepare pages from a magazine with bright pictures and cut out many circles of the same diameter from them. If there is a shaped hole punch (the shape of a flower or a large circle) it will be easier.

3. Wrap the cut circles around the pencil so that they curl a little.

4. Starting from the bottom of the cone, start gluing the bent circles.

Make neat rows. The circles should be tightly glued to each other so that the cardboard is not visible.

5. From one circle, make a small cone, and glue it to the top of the cardboard cone.

The tree is ready!

DIY Christmas tree made from cones and dried citrus fruits

Christmas tree with your own hands (master class). Trees from wrapping paper.

You will need:

Large thick sheet of paper


double tape



1. Make a cone out of a sheet of thick paper.

* If your wrapping paper is quite thick, you can bypass step 1 and make a cone out of wrapping paper.

1.1 Fold the paper diagonally, holding one end to keep it sharp.

1.2 Secure the folded paper with tape. You do not need to do everything too carefully, since you will cover the cone with wrapping paper.

1.3 Cut off the excess at the bottom of the cone to make a flat base.

2. Prepare colorful wrapping paper and cover the cone with it. To do this, lay the paper face down on a flat surface.

2.1 Using tape, attach the end of the colored paper to the top of the cone.

2.2 Start slowly twisting the cone, wrapping it in wrapping paper. You need to wrap the cone tightly.

2.3 Measure the paper and cut before wrapping the cone all the way around. Glue double tape to the edges and connect to the other end. At the base, you need to cut off the excess so that the paper is even.

3. It remains only to decorate the Christmas tree as desired. You can make paper stars, use glitter, stickers, glue on beads and/or buttons, wrap with ribbon, etc.

Similar trees:

Christmas tree made of fabric with your own hands. How to make a Christmas tree out of felt.

You will need:

Glue or double tape


* Try using felt in two colors to make the Christmas tree even more beautiful. In this example, yellow and orange felt was used.

1. Make a cone out of cardboard. Secure the ends with glue or double tape.

2. Prepare the felt and cut out circles of different diameters from it, from small to large (see picture). You can use pre-prepared circle templates made of cardboard.

3. Glue Christmas tinsel to the bottom of the cone.

4. Now you need to make a criss-cross cut in the center of each circle cut out of felt. Do not cut too much so that the felt robe does not fall. Make an incision exactly such that you can tightly put the circle on the cone.

5. Start gradually putting the circles on the cone. If you use two colors, then put on the circles in sequence, first one color, then another. Also worth noting. That you need to put on the next circle not only on the cone, but also over the tips of the cuts of the previous circle.

6. We decorate the top of the Christmas tree. To do this, simply add tinsel, to which you will need to add a pre-prepared small cone of felt. Fix the tinsel and crown with glue.

* If you wish, you can hide a sweet gift inside the cone.

Original Christmas trees with their own hands. Glowing tree.

You will need:

Floral florist net (preferably several shades of green)


Cardboard for the cone

PVA glue




floral wire

Decorations on request

1. Make a cone out of cardboard.

2. Wrap the cone in cellophane.

3. Take any container and make a solution of PVA glue and a small amount of water in it

3. Prepare your floral grid. Cut it into small pieces and lower each into a container with a solution.

4. Start gluing the pieces onto the cellophane-covered cone. Glue different shades of mesh in different directions. The joints should be anointed with another layer of glue for a more durable fastening.

5. Secure the entire structure with pins and wait for the glue to dry.

6. You have the first layer of the Christmas tree. Now in the same style you need to make a second layer. After finishing gluing the second layer, leave the structure to dry.

7. Now remove the Christmas tree from the cone - the glue should quickly lag behind the cellophane.

8. Place a garland inside the Christmas tree, which you need to secure with floral wire.

9. It remains to decorate the Christmas tree according to your taste.

DIY Christmas trees (photo). Christmas tree made of pasta with your own hands.

You will need:

Plastic or foam cone (or you can make your own out of cardboard)

PVA glue

Pasta of various shapes and sizes

Spray paint, acrylic paint or gouache


1. Prepare the cone and paint it in the desired color. Wait for the paint to dry.

* If you are using spray paint, you can skip this step.

2. Prepare pasta. Start applying glue to each piece and stick the pieces to the cone. Create a Christmas tree design the way your imagination tells you.

After applying the glue, press the piece a little and hold it so that it adheres well to the cone. It's okay if glue is visible from under the pasta.

Continue until you have covered the weight of the cone with the pasta. Wait for the glue to dry.

3. Start painting on the pasta. In this example, acrylic paint was used. Try to carefully paint all the details so that there are no empty spots.

* It is desirable to paint in two layers.

* If painted with white paint, the Christmas tree will look like a porcelain product.

Useful advice: if you want to remove the craft, then put it first in a plastic bag, so you can immediately find the part that could come off the cone.

We make a Christmas tree with our own hands. Bright paper tree.

You will need:

Colored cardboard or design paper

Thick cardboard

Glue moment or glue gun (with hot glue)

1. Cut out a square base for the Christmas tree from thick cardboard.

2. Insert the skewer into the cardboard and fix with glue.

3. Now you need to cut out circles of different diameters from designer paper or colored cardboard. You need to make 3 circles of the same size.

For example, if you want to make circles in 10 different sizes, then you will need to cut out 30 circles (3 for each size).

* If you don't want to cut out a lot of circles, just shorten the skewer and you end up with a cute mini Christmas tree.

4. Make a small hole in the center of each circle.

5. Before you start putting the circles on the skewer, grease the hole in the middle with glue.

6. Start putting the circles on the skewer, leaving some space between them.

7. Cut out stars from paper and glue them to the top of the Christmas tree. You can use another detail for the crown and not necessarily paper.

Crafts. Fir-trees from a thread with their own hands.

You will need:

thick yarn

Pile yarn

Cone (made of cardboard or foam)


Decorations to taste.

1. Make a paper cone or buy a Styrofoam cone from specialty stores.

2. Take both strands and secure their ends with pins at the base of the cone.

3. Start winding the threads around the base of the cone, pinning about every 2 inches.

4. Now start moving towards the top of the cone, gently wrapping the future Christmas tree with both threads. At this stage, you do not need to attach the thread to the cone.

5. When you get to the crown, secure the threads again with pins, wrapping the threads several times around the crown.

6. Both yarns now need to be pulled down, also wrapping the cone with a second layer.

7. Cut the threads at the base of the cone and fasten them.

You can leave the tree as it is, or you can also decorate it.

In this example, artificial berries were used for decoration, but you can use multi-colored beads, buttons, buttons, etc.

Try also to make a decoration for the top of the Christmas tree. The crown can be decorated the way you like.

You can leave the tree as it is, or you can also decorate it.

You can make just a paper hat or a star, or you can make something more complicated. If you chose the latter option, then the instructions for you follow.

You will need:

flower wire

Wire cutters (for wire)


PVA glue

Fine wire (calibrated wire)

1. Bend the wire into a star shape (see pictures) and cut off the excess.

2. Cover the star with glue and sprinkle glitter on it.

3. Attach a thin wire to the star, as shown in the picture:

4. Attach a star to your Christmas tree.

DIY creative Christmas tree

If you want something original, or you just don't have enough space for a large Christmas tree at home, you can try to make such a simple design.

It is worth noting that such a tree is suitable for any room. It can be done both at home with children and at work.

This Christmas tree can rise by 1.5-2 meters and takes up almost no space in the house. In addition, it is a good background for New Year's photography.

You will need:

Foam base or matte cardboard


corrugated paper

masking tape

adhesive tape

PVA glue

Stationery knife

marker, optional

1. Lay out the styrofoam or cardboard on a flat surface to get a large rectangle (see picture).

2. Use adhesive tape to connect all parts.

* In this example, black tape was used for better visibility, but white tape is better.

3. Mark the size of your future Christmas tree with masking tape.

4. Using a utility knife, carefully cut out the shape of the future tree.

5. Prepare the crepe paper, fold it in half and cut the fringe. You should have plenty of fringed paper to cover the entire Christmas tree.

6. Start gently gluing the crepe paper to the styrofoam, starting at the base of the tree. The fringe should hang a little below the base to cover the styrofoam (or cardboard) and also slightly cover the top of the tree trunk, which we'll make later.

7. Move to the top, covering the entire tree with a bright green fur coat made of crepe paper.

8. On the back of the tree, add a hook so that the tree can be hung. Instead of a hook, you can use double tape to cover the perimeter of the Christmas tree.

The tree is a symbol of the New Year. Simplified, it has a conical or triangular shape, easy to make from any materials, which is why Christmas tree crafts for New Year's decor are so popular.

Agree, when we see a decorated cone or triangle made of fabric, paper, plastic, we automatically see a decorated Christmas tree in it. A cozy and cute decoration of the New Year's interior will be a do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of fabric.

A conical Christmas tree can be made in the following ways:

  • Based on a rigid frame made of cardboard, plastic or foam blanks. The fabric is attached to the cone with glue, pins, sewn on, and then the Christmas tree is decorated with buttons, sequins, beads, sequins, a string of beads, and lace. For greater realism of the texture of the Christmas tree, you can use small shreds of different tones.

  • With your own hands, a fabric cone can be made soft, stuffed.
  • You can make a pyramid for the Christmas tree from circles of felt.
  • Or collect a cone from bags with holofiber.
  • The Christmas tree made of fabric balls sewn together looks spectacular.


It can be a large felt tree on the wall, or maybe a small tabletop one.

Felt is the most successful material for sewing a soft Christmas tree with your own hands, it is matte and flexible. The edges of the felt do not need to be processed, moreover, the Christmas tree does not have to be turned inside out, it would be nice to add a decorative seam.

How to sew a Christmas tree out of felt?

To sew a Christmas tree with our own hands, we need green felt, holofiber, a pattern and a regular sewing kit.

You can build a scheme yourself, to your taste: with sharp corners, asymmetrical, elongated or squat. Or use our version (click to enlarge the pattern).

Operating procedure

  1. When cutting the felt, position the paper pattern so that there is a fold at the bottom, step back a couple of centimeters from the edge so that the bottom is thicker.
  2. When the outline is outlined, remove the pattern and carefully chip off the details with pins before starting to cut.
  3. On the cut out part, mark the lower border, to which there will be a line. We scribble along the pencil line, leaving a hole on the lower tier for eversion and stuffing. We make out the corners of the bottom.
  4. We turn the Christmas tree, straightening the rounded corners, slightly stretching them with our own hands. Felt is plastic, it is easy to add volume to it. We fill the Christmas tree and sew it by hand with a hidden seam.
  5. As for decorating our Christmas tree from felt, here you can show your imagination. Now on sale there are special buttons in the form of stars, snowflakes. Any ribbons, lace, beads are suitable for the New Year's outfit of our beauty from felt.

Such a soft Christmas tree can be hung on a ribbon or planted on a stick inserted into a pot. It will suit any kind of interior, it will become a New Year's accent of the table, window sill, curtains, door handle.

In order to sew a Christmas tree from felt or other fabric with your own hands, it will take a couple of hours and simple materials, and it will delight you for more than one year.

Christmas tree with radial symmetry and composite Christmas tree made of pillows

Soon the New Year 2018 will knock on all doors, and the houses will be filled with the smell of tangerines, vanilla and chocolate cookies, and pine needles. However, they won’t feel the unique aroma emanating from the green beauty somewhere: the owners of these dwellings, after watching videos and photos on the topic “how to make a Christmas tree with their own hands”, decide to save nature - not to buy cut down trees. Instead, they will make a Christmas tree at home from such improvised means as ribbons, balls, cones, paper, cardboard, cotton pads, tinsel. Even decorations for such a beautiful craft can be homemade - children will make them in labor classes at school and kindergarten. What else and how can you create a unique Christmas tree? Simple master classes with step-by-step explanations will tell you about this.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands at home to school or kindergarten

Surely, you will want to help your child in making his best Christmas crafts. To do this, first find and mark for yourself the most unusual ideas for creating a fluffy Christmas tree. Study carefully the master classes and photos on how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands at home at school or kindergarten. Bookmark the pages you have marked or print detailed explanations on how to create the craft on the printer.

Examples of Christmas tree crafts with photos and videos

If you have long been nurturing the idea of ​​​​making a homemade Christmas tree instead of buying another felled tree for the New Year, read how you can make a Christmas tree yourself at home - bring it to school, kindergarten or decorate your house with a green beauty. Pay attention to our selection of photos and videos - the materials will tell you what and how to make crafts from.

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands in a kindergarten - DIY crafts master class at home

Preschool children are not yet too deftly able to handle scissors and carefully connect the details of crafts. As a rule, a teacher or parents help children of this age to make something original. Having learned from us everything about how you can make a wonderful Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands and take it to the kindergarten, having studied the master classes of crafts for creating a mini-Christmas tree at home , moms and dads will be able to explain to the children what needs to be done in order for the craft to come out neat and beautiful.

Examples of homemade Christmas trees made of paper and cardboard

Making paper crafts requires accuracy and patience. Learn how to make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands in a kindergarten - a crafts master class at home with photos will tell you all the steps step by step.

Paper Christmas tree toy for the Christmas tree - Master class with explanations on the photo

To create this mini-Christmas tree, a New Year's toy, you will need to carefully study the photo explanations of the master class.

  1. Fold the green square of paper in half twice and unfold it - you will see the fold lines.

  2. Start folding the figure, focusing on the fold lines.

  3. Consistently follow all the steps shown in the photo.

  4. Cut off the bottom part of the workpiece.

  5. Make symmetrical cuts on both sides of the workpiece - you will have a Christmas tree!

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands at home to school for a competition - Master class with instructions

On the eve of the upcoming New Year, schoolchildren often make crafts for the holiday. At a certain time, all finished products are exhibited for demonstration to other students so that they can objectively name the best of the works. Of course, every child wants his craft to be recognized as the most original and beautiful. To do this, learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands at home to school for the competition - a master class with instructions will explain everything step by step.

Do-it-yourself felted wool Christmas tree - Master class with explanations

If you want to learn how to make felted crafts, read how you can make a Christmas tree from wool with your own hands at home and send it to school for a competition: a master class with instructions with a photo is attached.

  1. Having bought green wool for felting, wind a tight cone out of it.

  2. It is necessary to separate the wool from the skein by tearing it off, not cutting it off.

  3. Putting the cone on a wet sponge, start felting it. A pen with a needle attached to it can help.

  4. Constantly rotating the workpiece, moisten the future Christmas tree in warm soapy water and wring it out a little (be careful - otherwise the craft will lose its shape!)

  5. Put the craft on a wet bag and, rotating it, roll on - this way the Christmas tree will be stable.

  6. In the same way, make balls for the Christmas tree.

  7. Carefully sew the balls onto the Christmas tree.

  8. If desired, the Christmas tree can be decorated with a garland. Wrap diagonally around the craft, securing the “garland” of beads or beads with a few stitches.

  9. To decorate the Christmas tree, you can use bells, beads, jewelry, etc.

How to make a Christmas tree from cotton pads with your own hands at home: crafts master class

A good craftsman with a rich imagination will always have the most unusual, creative crafts made from unexpected, unusual materials in his house. Such a craftsman can happily teach you how to make a Christmas tree from cotton pads purchased at a regular supermarket with your own hands at home: a crafts master class and photos are attached.

Master class crafts "Herringbone" made from cotton pads

Learn how to make a Christmas tree from cotton pads with your own hands at home: a crafts master class will teach you how to make it step by step. The snow-white beauty will decorate any New Year's interior.

So, prepare first:

  • Cotton pads;
  • stapler;
  • silicone adhesive;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • beads;
  • Green paint.
  1. Prepare each cotton pad as shown in the photo: fold it twice in half and secure with a stapler.

  2. For a Christmas tree 45 cm high, you will need more than three hundred prepared cotton pads.

  3. From a thick sheet of cardboard, glue the cone, cutting off everything superfluous at the bottom. Start gluing the prepared disks to the cone.

  4. Move from below, gradually attaching cotton pads in a circle.

  5. The cotton tree for the New Year 2018 is ready and waiting for its outfit.

  6. Glue beads to the center of some of the folded disks, and cover part of the “paws” with green paint.

How to make a Christmas tree from threads with your own hands at home: a master class in stages

As you already understood, crafts can be made from almost any materials and improvised means. The main thing here is not what the thing is made of, but the creative approach of the craftsman. Learn how to make a Christmas tree from threads with your own hands at home: a step-by-step master class, with the help of photos and explanations, will help you master this technique.

Craft "Christmas tree" from threads - Master class with photo

Read carefully how you can make an openwork Christmas tree with your own hands from simple threads - this is easy to do at home. A detailed master class will explain to you step by step how to work with materials, so that in the end you get a light, patterned Christmas tree.

  1. First prepare all the necessary materials (see photo).

  2. Make a cone out of paper by making cuts at the bottom. Through these cuts, you will wrap the Christmas tree with threads like a cobweb.

  3. Having diluted the PVA glue in a bowl to the state of liquid kefir, moisten the threads in it and wrap them around the workpiece. Threads can be of different colors.

  4. After finishing the winding, wait for the craft to dry. Gently pull out the cone from the inside - you will see a dense openwork Christmas tree. If you place a garland inside it, the tree will shine with New Year's lights.

  5. If there is no garland, decorate the craft as you wish.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from tinsel: photo and video instructions

It is customary to decorate houses, carnival costumes and ready-made Christmas trees with tinsel. And is it possible to make them something? About, how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from tinsel, they will tell you the photo and video instructions of the master classes posted on this page. You will only have to repeat the actions of the craftsmen.

Big green Christmas tree made of tinsel - photo with explanations

If you decide not to buy a cut Christmas tree for the New Year 2018, find out how you can make a fluffy Christmas tree with your own hands from tinsel: in the photo and video instructions you will find all the explanations regarding this creative work.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from improvised means - Master class with photo

Surely, every housewife has countless ribbons, beads, ropes, pebbles, scraps of material, broken jewelry and a lot of such nonsense in closets and chests of drawers. Throwing it all away can be very pitiful, so read how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from improvised means - a master class with a photo of the finished craft will give you the best tips.

Christmas tree from ribbons for the New Year 2018 - Master class with instructions

If you already know roughly how you can make various beautiful Christmas trees with your own hands from improvised means, pay attention to this master class with step-by-step photos on making a green Christmas tree from satin ribbons.

For work you will need:

  • Satin ribbons in three shades of green;
  • Green cardboard;
  • Glue,
  • Scissors,
  • Simple pencil;
  • Thread,
  • Burner;
  • Glass,
  • ruler made of metal;
  • Compass,
  • Silver and red beads.

  1. Using a burner and a metal ruler, prepare pieces of satin ribbon 10 cm long. Protecting the table, cover it with glass.

  2. You should get several tens of ten-centimeter pieces of ribbons of different colors.

  3. Make loops from the ribbons, again using the burner and a metal ruler.

  4. You should have three groups of loops of different shades of green.

  5. From green cardboard, make a cone blank by drawing it as seen in the photo.

  6. Using a compass, make more arcs, already smaller in diameter.

  7. Starting from the bottom, glue loops of ribbon in rows in a circle.

  8. At the top of the cone, the loops must be attached as tightly as possible to each other.

  9. Alternate loops of different shades of green.

  10. Start gluing beads to the ribbons.

  11. As a result, you should get such a green beauty.

What you can make a Christmas tree with your own hands: Christmas crafts from cones

Going for a walk in the forest, collect the cleanest, neatest cones and other natural materials there - you will need them to prepare for the New Year holidays. What you found will be what you can make a Christmas tree with your own hands: a New Year's craft made of cones will surprise your guests with the originality of its appearance.

Topiary tree made of cones: a master class with photos and instructions

When you find out what else you can make a Christmas tree from with your own hands, you will definitely want to make this New Year's topiary craft from cones.

  1. Before work, prepare all the materials and tools shown in the photo.

  2. Using heavy scissors, cut off their “leaves” from all the cones collected in the forest.

  3. Buy a ready-made cone or roll it out of thick cardboard. Starting from the bottom, move in a circle, attaching “petals” of cones to the base of the future spruce.

  4. The future Christmas tree itself will soon begin to resemble a huge cone.

  5. Having reached the top of the cone, form a neat top of the spruce.

  6. Now begin to cover the almost finished Christmas tree with glue and sprinkle with sparkles.

  7. If desired, cover the craft with gold paint.

  8. Such an unusual Christmas tree-topiary will perfectly fit into your New Year's interior.

What to make a Christmas tree for crafts for the New Year 2018 and how to decorate it

Photo and video examples of Christmas tree crafts for the New Year

From what home masters do not try to make a Christmas tree for crafts for the New Year 2018, how diligently they decorate it! Newspapers, magazines, packs of souvenir money, plastic bottles and cups, peas, pasta, socks, notebooks, tinsel, balloons and much more are also used. The photo shows how creatively the creators of the most creative Christmas trees approached the work.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from plastic bottles - a master class with photos and videos

Sometimes we don’t even realize how much unique craft material we have at home! If you and your children often buy bottled water, kvass and lemonade, learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from plastic bottles - a master class with photos and videos will help you with this.

Homemade Christmas tree from plastic bottles - Master class with photo

Having learned how to make an unusual light Christmas tree with your own hands from plastic lemonade bottles and having studied this master class with photos and videos, you can easily replace the best replacement for a tree cut down in the forest. Of course, before starting work, it is worth preparing everything you need in advance, namely:

  • A large number of plastic bottles;
  • Frame for spruce (from PVC pipe or wooden slats);
  • wire;
  • Three cans of green, and one can of silver paint;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Scissors;
  • Drill or thin drill;
  • electrical tape;
  • Spruce stand.
  1. Assemble the frame for the tree. Attach plastic corners to a piece of PVC pipe. They will serve as the basis for the side paws of spruce. On top of the "legs" (they do not touch the floor!) And in the middle of the pipe, make holes by passing the wire through them. Secure it with pliers. Fasten the cut-off top from the plastic bottle between the "legs" - this way the construction will be stronger. Reinforce everything with duct tape.

  2. Cut off the bottom of the bottles.

  3. Cut the rest of the bottle into "noodles".

  4. Manually bend the strips away from the neck.

  5. Bend the strips up, cut off the necks of the bottles and paint the blanks with green and silver paints. You can do without paints, initially using multi-colored bottles.

  6. Start assembling the Christmas tree by stringing the blanks upside down onto the base. Screw the covers onto the lower legs. Drill holes in them and, with the help of a wire stretched through the hole, fix the structure.

  7. Secure the top of the spruce with wire.

  8. Place the tree in the stand. Decorate it with silver paint and tinsel.

It is not always possible to put Christmas trees in the premises for the New Year. With your own hands in these cases, you can make original symbolic trees from a variety of materials. This will save a lot, because the pleasure of decorating a house with a living plant is not cheap. And also Christmas trees for the New Year, made from improvised materials with their own hands, will help preserve the green spaces of our planet.

Cardboard Christmas trees

Paper or cardboard Christmas trees for the New Year are very beautiful. You can make them with your own hands in several ways.

The simplest are flat patterned cardboard products. You can paint them, hang small toys on them, made with your own hands or bought in a store. Decorations are fastened with buttons, needles, safety pins, sewn or glued on with threads so that the toy can sway.

The second way, which allows you to make template Christmas trees for the New Year with your own hands, is a voluminous application. That is, parts are partially glued onto the template, they are “overlapped”, going behind each other. For such trees, pieces of green paper are used, cut into strips, rectangles, triangles. Christmas trees with details symbolizing pine needles, which are carved palms and hearts, look wonderful. They are also recommended to be decorated with toys and tinsel.

We make origami Christmas trees ourselves

There are other ways to make Christmas trees for the New Year with your own hands from paper. For example, this is the method of working with origami modules. Of course, this technique requires sufficient skill and accuracy from the master, so it is not worth taking on it without previously developed skills.

The finished work can be used instead of a symbolic tree - the product will perfectly replace the coniferous beauty. You can also make Christmas toys in this way. A Christmas tree made using the origami technique and hung on branches among other decorations can be of any color, better than a contrasting one, so as not to merge with pine branches.

Making a postcard as a gift

Postcards are used as a gift on this fabulous holiday. Of course, they must have a Christmas tree! With your own hands, it is easy to make crafts in the style of appliqué or scrapbooking.

Paper Christmas trees - soft needles

An interesting option is the manufacture of paper crafts, almost completely imitating living trees. To achieve this effect, efforts should be made, because the work to be done is quite painstaking.

To make a Christmas tree made with your own hands as similar as possible to a real one, you need to cut green double-sided paper into strips of 5-6 centimeters. This just corresponds to the length of pine needles. But you can make the strips narrower - for spruce paws. The product is well obtained if you use corrugated paper, from which paper flowers are usually made.

Then the blanks are cut across with "noodles", making cuts in such a way that the part remains intact, and does not fall apart into single strips. It turns out like a "comb".

The workpiece is placed on the table with the cut edge on the right (for right-handers). The part is held with the left hand, and the right hand, into which the school ruler is taken, is drawn from top to bottom across the chopped “noodles”. As a result of this procedure, the strips are folded at the ends into sharp cones. Then they are taken in the right hand, the wire is clamped in the left. The upper end of the wire is wrapped with green paper, fixed. Carefully turning the rod with your fingers, the strip with sharp “needles” is slightly pulled at a slight angle. As a result, it is wrapped around the axis in a spiral. When this algorithm is repeated, a twig with needles sticking out to the side is obtained.

When the strip ends, its end is fixed with glue, and the next one is applied on top. It is necessary to cover the wire in this way to the place where it will be connected to the next branch.

Then the work is put off. Do the same for the next branch. At the junction with the base, the strip with needles is not cut off, and the wire rods are simply connected and twisted. Further, the winding is already carried out on a frame of twisted two wires.

Instead of a trunk, you can use a pencil or a wooden stick, on which branches with needles should be attached. The finished Christmas tree is set on a special stand, decorated with tinsel and toys.

Salt dough Christmas tree

Very beautiful stucco Christmas toys. A do-it-yourself Christmas tree made from salt dough will look simply charming.

For its manufacture, a stucco mass will be required directly. Equally taken by weight, fine salt and ordinary pure flour are usually distinguished by volume twice. For example, they take 200 g of flour, and only 100 g of salt. Then water is gradually poured into the mixture, thoroughly kneading the composition. The dough should resemble dumplings.

They make a toy out of it. To avoid cracking, it should be remembered that the layer of dough should not be thicker than two centimeters. Therefore, it is recommended to use a template on which our "material" is laid out. It can be used as a shampoo cap or a glass.

After the toy has been given a conical shape, the workpiece is placed in the microwave. In the "defrost" mode, it should work for one minute. Then the part is checked, taken out and cooled. You can repeat the "baking" procedure several times.

When the dough begins to hold its shape, the template is removed, and twigs and decorations are attached to the base. You can arrange the needles with nail scissors by cutting them in the same way as they do when working with plasticine when sculpting hedgehogs. Do not forget to insert a paper clip into the upper part to make a loop. Then it will be possible to tighten the thread into it, on which the toy will hang among other decorations on the Christmas tree.

Periodically, the workpiece is sent for "baking" in the microwave. Lastly, the craft should be painted.

The words that the Christmas tree toys made in this way for the New Year (with their own hands!), The photos presented above, will confirm the words that they look just wonderful.

New Year's symbol-coniferous pasta tree

From what they just do not make Christmas trees for the New Year with their own hands! A master class for making such pasta crafts will help you create a wonderful souvenir as a gift. Yes, and decorate the room on a festive evening, this Christmas tree is quite capable.

  1. First you need to prepare a cone of thick paper or plastic.
  2. Pasta - "feathers" or "bows" - is glued to the template in a spiral, starting from the top.
  3. The resulting blank is covered with silver or golden spray paint.
  4. The spacing of the pasta spiral is smeared with glue and tinsel is laid in it.
  5. Decorate the Christmas tree with glass balls, attach a star on top. Electric flashlights can also be used.
  6. The trunk of the tree is strengthened in a flower pot or on a stand.

Herringbone fabric - the simplest option

This craft can be built in haste. In this way, even kids can make a Christmas tree with their own hands. It will require three cardboard circles, from which segments of different sizes are cut out. So let's get started.

From different colors of pieces of fabric, patterns are cut out according to the size of cardboard circles with cut out segments. The fabric is fixed on cardboard with a stapler or sheathed with an overcast seam on a typewriter. You can also use glue, but there is a possibility of stains on the fabric.

Circles are folded into cones and fastened. Then, multi-colored “bags” are attached to a stick or knitting needle in increasing volume, according to the pyramid rule.

Herringbone in the technique of quilts

Today, the technique of handicrafts "origami made of fabric" has become extremely fashionable. The folding of matter with ironing into modules, from which the product is later assembled, is called “quiltags”. This is how you can make original Christmas trees for the New Year with your own hands from fabric.

For the base of the craft, a cardboard cone is prepared. The fabric is cut into even squares, the pieces are folded four times and smoothed with an iron. Some elements are decorated with embroidery, applique, beads, rhinestones, bells or balls.

Finished modules are glued at the corners to the cone. You can make the bottom rows in a contrasting color. You can build a "striped" Christmas tree, alternating rows of squares of different colors. A bright bow or star is attached on top.

Christmas tree made of pillows - extravagant and very unusual

Indeed, such a craft will surprise and delight both the hosts themselves and the guests. After all, falling on such a one is a pleasure! She will please with her appearance, and will substitute her “shoulders” - branches in a difficult moment, when after a stormy New Year's Eve there is nothing more pleasant than sleep and rest.

Sewing pillow covers is pretty easy. It can be polygonal geometric shapes, each detail in the pyramid should be slightly smaller than the previous one. You can make a Christmas tree with round pillows or use fantasy shapes. The color of the fabric can also be either green or different. Even a Christmas tree "with polka dots" will make the holiday real, because everyone will understand what this object symbolizes.

Then the covers are stuffed with synthetic winterizer, fixed on the base - a wooden or plastic pin, the role of which may well be played by the handle of a broom or mop. The “trunk” of this symbolic tree must be installed either in a crosspiece or in a bucket with filler: sand or earth.

Sewn herringbone from circles of fabric

It looks very nice toy, which is easy to sew with your own hands.

A variety of pieces of fabric are suitable for work. Many circles are cut from it. Then, “on a live thread”, they pass along the edge of the workpiece, at the same time bending the fabric inward.

Pulling the thread, make the part voluminous. A Christmas tree is assembled from several such circles, decorated with rhinestones, balls and tinsel, a star and a loop are sewn on top.

Cool Christmas tree toy made of fabric

For people with a sense of humor, such souvenirs as a toy sewn from fabric are suitable. It is very easy to make it. It is necessary to cut out two identical triangles from the fabric. Sew them together, folding the front sides inward, leaving a hole at the bottom. Then, through it, the workpiece should be turned out and, if desired, put a little filler.

In the same way, a rectangle is prepared - a tree trunk. It needs to be stitched “in the face”, as if quilted. The barrel is inserted into the hole and manually sewn up. Decorate the Christmas tree with buttons, buttons. You can make a funny face for the Christmas tree, embroider something cool. A loop should be made from above - then the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Luxurious beaded Christmas tree

Beaded Christmas trees are a very modern decoration. For the New Year, many people make small voluminous trees using this technique, stringing beads on a thin wire or fishing line and connecting the base with loops.

Some people prefer to make their own Christmas decorations: earrings, beads, bracelets. Miniature flat Christmas trees are assembled according to the schemes, an eyelet for an earring is attached on top, which can be taken from old jewelry or bought in specialized needlework stores.

Christmas trees-sweets for everyone to enjoy

The festive table is also subject to the rules of the New Year. The hostesses try to make all the dishes symbolically reminiscent of the attributes of this holiday. Therefore, Christmas trees from sweets often grow on the tables.

For the New Year, you can also build a cookie pyramid, which will also resemble a forest beauty with its cone-shaped shape.

Cooks on the New Year's table decorate cakes with cream in such a way that they turn into small Christmas trees.

And masters of confectionery art even manage to build luxurious Christmas tree cakes!

Creative "grocery" Christmas trees on the New Year's table

The festive table is a kind of New Year's fairy tale. Craftsmen lay out the most familiar products on the tables in such a way that you are simply amazed! Some build amazing voluminous Christmas trees from products for the New Year: from sausages and tomatoes, fruits and vegetables.

Others simply love to make miniature sliced ​​trees, so deftly piercing cucumber slices, orange slices, cheese triangles on a wooden skewer that the imitation of a Christmas tree not only pleases the eye, but also makes you salivate.

Others prefer to put the cuts on a plate, while also using the "Christmas tree" rule. Even a hot snack can be served in an unusual way. A dish looks amazingly festive, where cauliflower or mashed potatoes with salad lie picturesque in the form of a Christmas tree.

And do not conjure over aspic - do not respect yourself! Culinary professionals create whole narrative works of art, using the properties of gelatin to preserve the appearance of products and their position for a long time.