How to choose men's shoes

In order to choose from male shuffles not to be mistaken, you need to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of the shoes and its possible defects. Let's start on top. It is known that the best material for the top of the shoe is genuine leather. It has deformation and strength properties that contribute to molding shoes on the block and the excellent functioning of the shoes on the foot. In general, genuine leather allows the leg to get used to shoes faster than other materials.

Also, the top of the shoes is made of artificial and synthetic materials. Unlike the skin, their elasticity is negligible. Therefore, addictive foot to the shoes is practically no coming. Buying boots or lowers, give preference to products made of genuine leather. They are comfortable when sock and have hygienic properties.

Next - seams. The method of fastening the top of the shoe to the sole depends on the design of the shoes, its purpose, fashion directions, etc. Now the market is predominated with adhesive and injection molding, but there are also imitation under the threaded seams. It is necessary to take into account the purpose of the shoes and the methods of its attachment. So, for winter and autumn shoes, adhesive or injection molding methods should be used.

When buying shoes may be defects. So genuine leather is susceptible to cracking, peeling or squeezing the coating film. In the sole can be dents or bubbles. In winter shoes there are defects of the fur lining.

How to choose a man's shoes

When buying shoes, we suggest you follow several advice.

The first - when buying a shoe, carefully inspect it for the presence of defects. Shoes should be the same in size, color. It should not be spots, wrinkles, folds, etc. On the surface of the shoes should not be a strongly pronounced invention. Be sure to check the internal part of the shoes. They should not be gaps, folds on a lining or insole.

Second - Press your thumb on the shoes toes, then release. If there are no dents left on the shoes, this indicates the ability to preserve the form and appearance of the suture part. Check if the sole is well glued. To do this, press up with your finger up all over the perimeter of the sole and see if the sole is well glued.

Third - when buying winter shoes, ask the seller if there is a certificate of conformity. When buying children's shoes, also ask about the security certificate. Let your chosen serve a very long time.

| 24.12.2013

Your current article portal website I decided to devote to the process of choosing men's shoes. In general, the shoes are considered a peculiar man's mirror. Regardless of whether you are going to an interview at a new job place, whether a date came to date or spend an important meeting with your subordinates, high-quality and correctly selected styles and the size of the shoes will be read in this plus. The main thing is to know how these shoes choose.

Tys of shoes

For a start, try to decide what type of shoes you need. It can be Oxfords, Brogia, Derby or Monks. Let us dwell on each of these types.

Shoes "Oxford" - Usually sew from lacquered or smooth skin, although the option and suede is not excluded. Color - brown or black. Other colors are extremely rare and absolutely not suitable for official events and business meetings (as, actually, and suede models). The most officials are customary to be black Oxfords from non-perforated (without small holes) smooth skin.

Brogue - In essence, it is a little more decorated Oxfords. Their distinctive feature lies in a cutting cape decorated with patterned perforation. Almost all brot models are official. For their production, as a rule, smooth leather brown or black is used. However, two-color models can occur - for example, combining white color with brown or all the same white with burgundy. It looks very and very specifically. By the way, the holes available on many brogues are pass-through, and therefore it is not worth afraid.

Derby - Type of shoe shoe shoes. Perhaps the most common countries in our (and not only). Release with polyurethane or leather sole. With or without perforation. Popular colors - black, burgundy, brown. The most official are black non-perfecable derby with leather soles. If funds allow you to better buy two pairs of such shoes - brown and black.

Monki. - Shoes without lacing, but with buckles. Footwear is unofficial, but wearing it, for example, in the office you can without any problems. The sole, as well as the derby's shuffles, may be polyurethane or leather; Basic colors - brown and black. Due to the lack of laces, monks are recognized as the most practical and convenient variety of men's shoes.

Material of Verkh

Currently, men's shoes are sewn both from genuine leather and from its artificial substitutes. The leatherette itself is quite cheap and practical material, however, it looks very poor, and it does not allow the feet to fully breathe. Therefore, if you are not very limited in the means, it will be better to purchase shoes from real skin.

As shoe skin varies by origin:

  • Pork leather - you will not find it cheaper. The short-lived, soft, throatocking. In general, not the best option.
  • Bull skin - something more expensive. Durable, durable, tough, won't swing. However, the shoes made of it have one serious disadvantage - quickly formed chances and folds in the places of folds. You can prevent such trouble with the help of special pads (stand within 1,500 rubles).
  • Cow leather is still softer and even more expensive. It can easily serve for several years. In rainy weather feel good.
  • Skin calories - used when sewing expensive model shoes. Very durable, soft, durable. No races with her are scary. Given the ratio of "price-quality" - the perfect option.
  • Exotic skin (serpentine, crocodile, etc.) - scary expensive (from 1,000 dollars per couple of shoes). But the most durable, the most durable and very stylish.

As shoe skin varies on the highlights:

  • Grinded leather - short-lived and very cheap. Buy it is unreasonable.
  • Velur - velvety variety of ground leather. Impractical and again is short-lived. We pass by.
  • Smooth skin is inexpensive, comfortable, practical, easy to care. It is perhaps the best and most universal option.
  • Lacked (lacquered) leather - certainly the most beautiful. At the same time, it does not differ in any practicality or durability. Requires constant care. Shoes from such skin do not wear in the heat, nor in the cold (optimal temperature - from minus 10 to plus 25). If you buy, then only for the collection and as a third (fourth, fifth ...) couple.
  • Suede - leather special dressing. Comfortable, soft, perfectly passes air. If you learn to care for her, it is possible to wear it unlikely for several seasons. What to say, shoes are beautiful, however, for "official" it is definitely not suitable.

Material sole

As we have already noted above, the sole of men's shoes are polyurethane and leather. And if the first is considered more practical, then the sole of the skin makes the shoes for a truly noble and official. Shoes with leather soles are not suitable for walking on dirty puddles and rubble roads. Rather, they can be called office. They cost expensive, besides, require so-called prevention and special care.

Types of fitting soles to the top of the boot

In total, it is customary to distinguish between four types of fastening: with the help of threads, with the help of glue, combined (glue + thread) and vulcanization method. The last two are the most reliable; The mounting alone cannot differ in high strength in its essence, and the fastening with the help of glue - and worse, especially if it is poor quality (shoes can fall apart in just a couple of days).


Insoles can be removable and non-removable. Of course, the first are more practical, as it can always be replaced independently. In addition, when drying the shoes, removable insoles can be taken and dried separately, which is very convenient and efficient.

The best insoles are those that allow the feet to breathe, i.e. From leather or other natural materials. If you are lucky enough to meet insoles with silver threads, know that they also have an antibacterial effect.

The most important aspects when choosing a shoe

  • The size. Pick the shoes size in size. They should not hurt or hang out. If you feel that the size of the shoes are quite a bit more desired, you can put additional insoles in them - this should help. It is also important to remember that the shoes inappropriate for you can quickly spoil: the multiple chances and folds will begin to appear on the one that the multiple beds and folds will begin to appear. But there are also such unpleasant consequences as corn and flatfoot.
  • Convenience. If, with fitting shoes, it is better not to buy them from the calculation that over time they will be able to "deal". In any case, go to the store. If they seem uncomfortable, refuse to buy and select a more comfortable model.
  • Quality of skin, soles, seams. There should be no scratches on high-quality shoes, scratches, adhesive traces. The seams on both shoes should be neat and even, and they themselves are exactly the same in color and quality.

Brands and prices

Cost up to 1 500 rubles, or lower price segment

Such shoes are usually sold in transitions, in markets, on sales (for example, in store chains Centroboul). High quality does not differ, however, even a few years can serve. Materials: polyurethane, leatherette, pork or bull low quality leather. As a rule, it blooms, embroidered, flot and crack.

Cost from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, or price segment below average

This category falls like "Market" shoes and shoes from shops. Popular brands - Centrobo, Junichiel, City Shoes, Westphalik. Convenience and design of such shoes may suffer in favor of good quality, or vice versa. However, on the sale for such money you can find and quite cute Salamander, Ralf Ringer and even ECCO..

Cost from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, or the average price segment

This segment includes models from Ralf Ringer (domestic production, but good quality), Rieker (Swiss firm, production is usually Chinese), Salamander (Firm German, production Russia). On seasonal sales for such a price, it is possible to snatch enough comfortable and durable shoes from Geox. (Italy), ECCO. (Denmark, the production of Slovenia) and Rockport. (USA).

Separately, we note the shoes that stores specializing in the sale of clothing: Zara, Henderson, etc. She is a pleasant design, stands within 4-5 thousand rubles, but is noticeably inferior as shoes from all the same Ralf Ringer, Salamander and Ecco.

Cost from 5,000 to 8,000 rubles, or price segment above average

This is usually an excellent combination of comfort, quality and design. Here you can meet models from Lloyd. (Germany), Ecco, Salamander, RockPort, Geox, on sales - Barker. and Loake (both - England). Much in this segment and so-called shoe brands, which position themselves as German, English and Italian, and in fact are Russian-Chinese. Bright examples - TJ Collection, Paolo Conte, Carnaby, Thomas Munz, Carlo Pazolini, Chester.

Cost from 8,000 rubles, or upper price segment (as well as a premium class segment)

Here we allocate several English and Italian firms. Among the British - already the above Loake and Barke.r. They have shoes for greater extent classic design, sew only from high-quality materials and with significant use of manual labor. It is exactly worth the money (from 8 thousand rubles).

Baldinini. and Fabi. - Italian middling, but in Russia for some reason are positioned as premium-class firms. Prices - from 14-15 thousand, for a while selling falls to about 8-10. Baldinini shoes today sews in China, from here and her "lame" quality. Among the undoubted advantages are an attractive design and an extremely comfortable shoe. As for Fabi, they only sew in their homeland. The quality of the shoes is generally better, and the design is quite interesting. But a lot of complaints come to the block.

Cost from 1,000 dollars, or segment of class "Lux"

Luxury shoes of wonderful design and the highest quality produce several world famous "Italians" at once - Prada, Gucci, Tod's.

But the English firm is honored in this segment. John Lobb.That sews, perhaps, the highest quality shoes in the world. There is a legend that, with good care, John Lobb shoes are able to serve their owner 100 years old (read - all my life). By the way, John Lobb is one of the few firms that sews the shoes by individual orders: Skin, color, design, creates a block specifically for the customer. Prices for finished shoes from these British start from $ 1,500.

I could sit here all day and lead lyrical speech about various aspects when buying men's shoes, but it will probably be the most important advice for everyone. The beauty of life is that each of us is unique, so it is not surprising that each of us has its own style, preference and taste when it comes to fashion. Of course, there are several guidelines - but it is important to remember that the shoes that you can ultimately be the part of you, looking at which people will talk about you. So be sure that your personality and style will be reflected in your shoes.

Touffles color

The main rule here is one thing: brown shoes are suitable for any of yours, ranging from jeans and ending with Frak. But in this rule there is one main exception: for the black dress - only black shoes. When you are dressed up officially, brown boots will complement your costume and do not distract attention from everything else.

Models of men's shoes

You can write a lot about shoes, but before you start choosing my shoes, remember that the most important thing is to buy high-quality men's shoes that can be worn for many years.

Classic men's shoes have different styles. We will look at the main and most common of them.

Oxfords (Oxford)

Classic shoe style is chic and elegant. Oxfords shoes always have a closed lacing, that is, the allice is naked on top of the berths. Oxfords are different colors, but black and brown are most popular. Oxfords are considered to be the most ninorable formal, classic shoe style. Brogia Oxfords are heavier and are considered slightly less formal than classic Oxfords.

What to wear

If you chose Oxford's shoes, remember that they dress only under classic pants,

Derby (Derby)

Derby is very similar to Oxford shoes, but the difference in lacing. It is open, and the beetles are nourished over the allion. A more prominent lacing makes derby style shoes less formal compared to classic oxfords. Derby produce different colors from different materials, with perforation and without.

The article in which we considered Derby in more detail.

What to wear

Derby shoes are ideal for unofficial style, be it jeans or pants without arrows. Of course, they are less than Oxfords are suitable for costumes, but not considered a bad tone to wear them with a classic costume in rainy weather. Thanks to its design,. They will retain your legs during the rain in greater dryness than Oxfords.

Loufer (Loafer)

Loafer (from the English. Loafer - "Loafer") will be your best friend if you often spend time on business trips. They are very comfortable and universal. Simple and elegant dark color loops are more formal.

An article about moccasins in which the Louferes are partly affected.

What to wear

Moccasins and Loufers look great with jeans and pants, as well as with suite costumes.

Kep Tes ( Cap Toes.)

In essence, Captoes may be Oxfords, and Brogia. Just these shoes are equipped with an additional layer of skin on the front. A peculiar "finger cover."

What to wear

Again, the more elegant design is the more formal. Embossing takes out formality, but will add you more uniqueness. Depending on your style and the necessary formality, these shoes can be worn with costumes, tuxedes, and even jeans.

Monks ( Monk Straps.)

Monkey shoes wore mostly people relating to a spiritual class. This was reflected in their name - "MONK" (from the English - "Monk"). Shoes are replaced with laces in shoes. Monks are with one, two and even three buckles, a variety of colors and a variety of leather. Captive can be found on sale Kapti monks with a sharp nose, classic and brogia.

What to wear

Monks are ideal for those who want to buy unique shoes, which will attract attention. When choosing shoes, make sure that the color of the fasteners on shoes (usually under silver, copper or gold) coincides with the color of your belts, clock and cufflinks.

Buy high-quality men's shoes

I can give only one advice: regardless of which shoes you
going to buy, try to buy high-quality shoes. It is sometimes not very simple to do this and not always the price corresponds to the quality. Remember that quality is better than quantity. High-quality shoes will serve far from one year, while cheaps will pass water and gradually fall apart. Thus, they will annoy and annoy you.

Nevertheless, the durability of your shoes depends not only on the right choice when buying - you need to take care of them throughout their lives. Immediately buy cream for shoes, brush and barhotka. Remember, do not clean the black shoes with colorless or light cream for shoes, it will be bored in the seams and it is unlikely that it will look beautiful. Well, and it is logical to assume that there are no light shoes to clean with black shoe cream. You can read. If you are going to buy expensive shoes, then go on the pads, they will contain your shoes in the original form.

Currently, there are many models of shoes, both for men and for women. There are cases when people in measure cannot accurately decide on the choice, and eventually choose it not in size or leg shape. For example, the size is yours, and completeness - more than you need, or vice versa.

Often incorrectly selected shoe size leads to various diseases. To select suitable shoes, follow our recommendations.

How to determine the size of the shoes to an adult man - correctly select the size!

Each person under the size of the shoe implies the length of the foot, but not everyone guess that the size of the shoes is its length and width. Shoes must also be selected under your foot width.

For example, if a narrow leg who came to the store has a narrow foot, then the shoes need to be chosen on the size smaller, and if wide, then, on the contrary, the size is more.

There are several shoe size systems:

In order to determine the size of the shoes, do the following:

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and a good pencil.
  • Put the foot on paper and carefully circle it. It is recommended to do it in the evening, since in the evening the legs swell - especially if you have a movable lifestyle. If you wear future shoes with your sock - put on the sock.
  • Remove the leg from the sheet and read the long line with the ruler.
  • Measure both legs and choose the largest number.
  • At the end, it is necessary to round this figure to 5 millimeters and select Size table.

ISO (cm)

Russia Europe



Size Winter and Summer Shoes - one. But it should be remembered that when measuring winter shoes, it is better to give preference to size more. This is due to the fact that winter shoes can have an artificial or natural fur, because of which your foot will be closely. Also in the cold swell legs, and the shoes begin to squeeze them. Before measure, be sure to wear a thick sock.

When choosing summer shoes by one of the nuances is selection of sneakers . They also need to choose so that the shoes do not give to the sock and was free, otherwise you have the risk of getting injured joints.

Foot fullness for all the sizes of female and male shoes - as the completeness is measured, and why is it necessary?

Sometimes a person does not have the opportunity to measure the shoes that he plans to buy. To do this, you can measure the completeness of your foot at home to correctly determine the size of the shoes without fitting.

You can determine the completeness by the following formula: W \u003d 0.25V - 0.15ะก - A Where W is the fullness of the legs, in - the feet of the feet in millimeters, C - the length of the foot in millimeters, and is a permanent coefficient (for men - 17, for women - 16)

Let us give an example: Suppose you have a foot length of 26 mm., Cooking of the foot (in the widest place) - 24 mm. Consequently, 0.25 * 240 - 0.15 * 260 - 16 \u003d 2. We conclude that on the Russian system of completeness of your foot is 2.

You can learn the completeness of the table. First, measure the legs, which are above, using paper and pencil.

Then compare the value of the width of the foot and length.

Foot fullness is shown in the top cells of the table:

The size

Fullness (lifting) in cm










In most cases, the values \u200b\u200bshown in the table are mainly suitable for classic shoes, as it is more hard and has no properties to stretch. Soft material shoes with time can lose form when wearing and stretching.

Dimensional Mesh Women's Shoes - Shoe Sizes Conformity Table for Women

Before paying attention to the size of the shoe grids, you need to measure the length of the foot and match the measurement system you need.

for exampleIf your leg length is 24 cm., on the Russian measurement system, the size will be 37.5. If 23.3, then it is better to give preference to shoes with a size of 36.6.

Determine your size on the table below:

Shoe Sizes Table for Men - Dimensional Mesh Male Shoe

The size of male shoes can also be defined table:

Attention: On the Chinese system there is almost no large sizes of shoes for men.

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