How to choose "your" flavor. Test. How to choose the female and male perfume

The fragrance is capable of both harmoniously complete the female image, and it is irrevocably spoiled it. The whole thing is how correctly and in accordance with the situation is selected. Let's wonder how to choose the perfume in a woman, as well as what factors should consider.

We select perfumes taking into account age

Universal types of flavors, of course, is. But still, most of the aromatic wardrobe women for 40 will not suit a teenager or a very young girl, and vice versa. So age is one of the most important criteria in the selection.

Teenage years

During this period, the use of perfumes is not necessarily. But if I really want, you can use simple and light feminine compositions. The correct option for every day is fresh, fruit or green flavors. On the occasion of the holiday, you can use something more sweet, with the same fruit or, for example, caramel.

Adults persistent and rich female perfume wear a teenage girl is still early. Whatever expensive and chic they were, they will look inappropriate, approximately like clothing for increased or sophisticated jewels in combination with rubber boots and jeans.

What perfume choose older girls

Girls aged about 18-25 years old. It looks appropriately teenage light vegetable or aquatic compositions, they are the universal perfume of the unisex format. But in addition to them, you can choose complex and saturated feminine fragrances, which over time will be disclosed with different shades and halftones.

Spirits with certain notes are suitable as a casual girl:

  • citrus (orange, bergamot, etc.);
  • berries (cherries, strawberries, strawberries, currants, etc.);
  • delicate colors (flowers of fruit trees, jasmine, lily of the valley, some, lavender).

On the celebration you can choose your own scent of sweet and persistent powdered or gourmet type, saturated flower or soft oriental.

Ideal flavors for women

The age of the girl is 25+ - the time to abandon the "children's" flat spirits with unfulfilled smells of fruit or sweets, they will already look ridiculous, incorrectly and inappropriate. The period of 25-40 years is the peak of the heyday of beauty, femininity and elegance, and the perfume should emphasize it.

Forms with floral notes remain relevant for women, and you can already know the deep and saturated compositions of this type. For active recreation, light spirits with notes of citruses, fruits, greenery, tea and sea chords will be suitable. For a special occasion, you can safely use oriental spirits with wood, incense, spices, musk and other sensual animalistic notes.

Also during this period, women should look at. They are characterized by clean and fresh sound with distinct bitter green and wood emphasis and compulsory presence as part of the sheet music. The chip chord is usually complemented by flowers and fruits. The most famous representatives of this group among women's spirits - Mitsouko from Guerlain and.

We pick up perfume for a mature lady

A woman for 40 usually has already established tastes and preferences, including in perfumery. And if you like the spirits with a certain note or notes with youth, it is not necessary to refuse them. But they will need to surround them will be "adults" and classical notes, because the exquisite classic remains the most right choice for a woman at this age.

Selectable female flavors with fresh and light start of citrus or other fruits, green or water notes. And the heart and the train should be sensual and expressive, for them are ideal or deeper floral notes, musk, amber, tobacco and resin. Such a combination at the same time will help a woman look a little younger, but will not look strange and infantile.

Consider seasonality

At different times of the year, the same perfume may sound in a female body completely differently. And we are not just just about greater or less severity of certain notes, but even about the pleasantness or smell trouble. So, for example, sweet, oriental, woody, very spicy and other saturated and persistent perfume in the heat most often sound too sharply, annoyingly, even suffocating. And the fresh compositions of the frosty day can be simply lost and practically not to feel either to make fresh freshness and coolness into female perfume now.

So take into account the temperature of the air outside the window is simple. Humidity and other season-changing factors also affect the sound and perception of the female fragrance, but to a lesser extent.

Fragrances for summer

As already mentioned, a hot summer day for women is completely inappropriate heavy and persistent perfume. Optimal at this time sea and citrus compositions, aromas with juicy notes of acidic berries like cherries, melons, watermelon, apples or pears. Light floral perfumes will be the right choice, under the influence of heat they will show their tender and delicate feminine sound.

For the summer evening, you can choose or fruit, floral or berry flavors, but in the sweet version of their version and, for example, with the addition, cream and other "dessert" notes. In combination with the cool breeze and the smells of sparkling over the day of vegetation, they will sound very interesting.

Resistant and saturated female perfumes and perfume water in summer is better to move into the distant corner of the locker, toilet water, cologne or body haze is preferred for this season - the easiest version of perfume products, sprayed on the skin and often having a moisturizing effect. The less notes in the fragrance for the summer - the better.

Autumn Spirits

Autumn for most is associated with rain, cool and fallen leaves. Therefore, a woman will correctly choose all sorts of green and aquatic perfume with spicy or bitter accents.

If you want to warm up, then the appropriate gourmet or vanilla, chocolate, wood chords, honey, ripe berries and fruit will be suitable. Women's floral perfumes are acquired in autumn a special charm - they sound very gently and delicately, so they will also become an excellent option for this part of the year.

Perfumes for the winter

Winter is the right time to wear heavy, deep and saturated female flavors with a resistant and drilling loop. They will warm the frosty day, create a pleasant atmosphere of heat and comfort and remind you that the cold is not eternal.

For the cold part of the year, women are approached by chypre, chip-fruit or spike-floral compositions. Oriental aromas with sheet music, resins and spices, in particular, sandals, coniferous, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, cinnamon, nutmeg, fetal beans, are expressively revealed at this time.

Spirits for spring

In the spring, all living things around awakened from the winter sleep, and the man including. Therefore, for warm spring days, both women for 40 and young girls are perfectly suitable for energetic and optimistic compositions. Practically universal citrus fragrances with notes of bergamot, lemon, orange or grapefruit will be the right choice and to this part of the year. They will provide such a necessary charge of cheerfulness and good mood. It also applies to green perfumes with hobs and leaves of fruit trees, as well as air and forest female flavors.

And, of course, where a woman in spring without flowers. This is the right time for gentle and delicate compositions with pink water, mimosa, lilac, freesia, hyacinth, lilydis, wildflowers, powder notes of iris. The complexity of the perfume pyramid is also not carried away - multi-tiered and very persistent aromas are better to leave for autumn and winter, and to spring to choose a female composition with one or more notes.

Time of day and reason

With these criteria simply. For the first half of the day and business or training events, restrained and lightweight female compositions are better suited, for example, with fresh water, green or citrus chords, gentle flowers. They will give a charge of cheerfulness and good mood, help tune in to the working way. Supplement and decorating a female image, such flavors, however, will not draw attention to themselves and distract. Preferred in this case - cologne or toilet water. Waving to the end of the day, they will raise an evening fragrance without any problems.

In the evening, a woman can safely use a resistant perfume water or spirits with emotional and saturated sound. The win-win option is fragrances with roses, peonies, gardens, sweet exotic flowers like Ylang-Ilanga. If in combination it looks appropriate and correct, it is profitable to look at the evening will be gourmet, oriental and wood flavors.

For outdoor activities are optimal bright and fresh female flavors with the smells of herbs or fruits. If the rest implies a long stay in the sun - with perfumes, it is generally worth it. In female owners of sensitive skin under the action of ultraviolet in places of gloves, the development of an allergic reaction is possible.

For the gym or the beach, where the perfume is especially inappropriate, it is better to choose the complementary deodorant or cream. Similar rules of flavored body care products are present in the range of very many manufacturers.

For a romantic meeting or time, with a woman with a loved one, a woman can choose perfume with pheromones - special substances capable of a subconscious neuroendocrine level to affect the attractiveness of a person for the opposite sex.

Several important details about the female flavors of this type:

  1. The susceptibility of different men to the pheromones can be very different.
  2. These substances act in a small radius around the woman. So hope to seduce such an aroma, for example, a gentleman from the other end of the street is useless.
  3. Perfume with pheromones often have a sharp smell, so it is necessary to apply them in very moderate quantities.

Perfume and temperament

The fragrance should be combined with the character or those of its features that the woman at the moment wants to emphasize.

  1. For active, moving and energetic ladies, trying not to sit in place in place, the right solution will be water and citrus flavors, as well as the composition of the unisex type.
  2. For amateurians, emphasize their femininity, remaining elegant and restrained, perfect floral and fruit perfumes with the addition of green accents.
  3. Sensual and passionate women are suitable deep and persistent oriental compositions with amber-musky chords, fishing, il, incense, wood sandalwood, chocolate, coffee, as well as seductive perfume with pheromones.

Pay attention to the fragrance

The release of new spirits almost never happens without, and it will not be random. All of its details are carefully worked with the marketer team. So, having familiarized with the rollers or other promotional materials, it is possible to draw conclusions about what the content and mood of the female fragrance and, according to the brand, should look like their woman.

When and how to choose an aroma

Deciding with suitable versions of the perfume, a woman must try on them for themselves. It is desirable to do this in the morning - in the evening our sense of smell is usually dulled and worse distinguishes shades and nuances.

Apply the fragrance on the skin or the proposed paper blotter - does not have a decisive value. The main thing is to give a alcohol component a few minutes to destroy. Many female perfumes are not worth it - from such a load, olfactory receptors lose sensitivity or distort perception for a while. The optimal amount is no more than 5 fragrances at a time.

Let's sum up

It is worth understanding that what was said in the article about the choice of female spirits - only recommendations. And if your favorite fragrance with certain notes does not fit into these criteria, but I really like it and is really suitable - boldly continue to use and receive pleasure from it.

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Pick out the fragrance that will be 100% reflected in the nature of your owner, is a very painstaking business. Alas before finding your own, still have to try tens of perfumes. But some tips will help reduce searches to a minimum, we will talk about them.

websitecompiled a small instruction that helps to navigate in a perfume shop and finally find what you have been looking for so long. Plus Bonus: Several secrets of durability and proper application so that the favorite composition remains with you as long as possible.

How to prepare before choosing a fragrance

How to try fragrances in the store

  • Want to try an unfamiliar fragrance - first affect it on paper blotter. Inhale the perfume from the lid or spray in the air and dive into the fragrant cloud pointless.
  • Perfume fell to taste? Great, now apply it on the wrist and wait a bit. The composition will be revealed gradually, on the "cold" skin, this is slower than on "hot."

    Why wrist? The pulse beats there, which means that the aroma will open better, besides far away from the nose, you will not have time to adapt to the composition and you can better "get better".

  • By the way, coffee beans, which can be found in perfume shops, will not help defeat olfactory fatigue. Much more efficiently drink cold water or breathe fresh air.
  • After you walked for some time with the aroma, you can finally decide on the choice. The one that does not cause unpleasant sensations, dizziness and, most importantly, you like it.

What depends on the resistance of the perfume

Not least in the resistance of the perfume composition affects concentration of aromatic compounds. What it is higher, the stronger the perfume and the longer it will be felt on the skin.

  • Eau Fraîche: concentration - 1-3%, resistance - less than 2 hours;
  • Eau de Cologne. : concentration - 2-4%, resistance - up to 2 hours;
  • Eau de Toilette : concentration - 5-15%, resistance - up to 4 hours;
  • Eau de Parfum : concentration - 15-20%, resistance - up to 5-6 hours;
  • Parfum. : Concentration - 20-30%, resistance - up to 10 hours.

Resistance also depends on the notes that are contained in the composition. Fragrances typically include 3 components.

Top notes- What we hear primarily when you meet the aroma. it citrus, fresh notes. Their durability usually does not exceed the hour.

Sheart notes - how the fragrance is revealed. Here you can meet fruit, Water, Floral Notes.

Basic notes - They determine the resistance and the flavor of the aroma. it wood, powdered, amber notes.

  • So that the fragrance was held longer, the skin before applying is better to moisten. The lotion is ideally suited from the same line as perfume, but any other moisturizing cream without fragrances will fit.
  • If you apply perfume to the wrists, they really should not be rubbed. True, not because the "composition collapses", and because the skin temperature increases and evaporates spirits together with it.
  • And most importantly: the volume of poured perfume does not affect the resistanceBut strongly repels others.
  • Believing that weightless "clothing" from fragrances is no less important than dresses and shoes, Forbes Woman talks about the similarity of perfumery with accessories.

    Charm, Edition Couture, Armani Prive

    Each year, the EDITION COUTURE Frame Collection from Armani writes a new story, referring to the tissues and materials of the Spring-Summer Summer Couture Collection. The novelty of this year is a limited aroma of Charm, in the heart of which a duet from the Music of Iris and a Guive Tree. He is languid and rich, but he has a bright, sharp face - it passes the Paradison molecule (iron crystals dust found in the roots of the Iris flowers). In it, we heard similarity with coquettishly ringing charm, coulters and earrings presented on a couture show.

    Blond Jasmine, Confidential, Carolina Herrera

    The Corolina Herrera Nishette Nishette Nishette collection was inspired by the six places with the memories of the Karolina Errera family, convinced that the luxurious perfectly tailored white shirt and the right-handed pencil skirt was not found. In the heart of Blond Jasmine fragrance - note of the imperial jasmine Sambak, brought from India. The aroma is so elegant and fragile, which can compare except with the lower linen from the finest lace, which is only guessed under the most perfect white shirt.

    Twilly d'Hermes.

    Creating this perfume, Christine, Hermès's creative perfumer house, was inspired by young, but already successful girls, those who were called influencers. She was interested in their fashionable finds, among which there are both brave "tricks" with cult silk scarves and silk threads on the wrists. As a result, the fragrance turned out to be absolutely free in spirit: ginger, tube and sandalwood is a sharpness, the energy of the Sun and tenderness. Three classic elements were given in the amount of something zaguchu-piquant.

    Gabrielle, Chanel.

    The first absolutely new chanel aroma, created over the past 15 years, wears the name Gabrielle - so called Mademoiselle Chanel. The proximity of the fragrance to the fashionable wardrobe gives first of all the bottle. A complicated shade of its lid, casting at the same time gold and silver, is inspired by the fabrics from Chanel Haute Couture collections. Chanel's branded stamping from the inside resembles a virtuoso-created jacket lining. And the aroma itself with Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, FlerDering and Muscus, it is recommended to apply not only to the naked skin, but also on the woven brooch - Gabriel Chanel was inspired by women who do not whisper, and boldly declare themselves any ways.


    It will become a friend of the one that is gentle as an English rose, and easy, like Burberry shawl veil. For the ingredients for this fragrance, perfumers went to the English garden. As a result, the aroma opens with notes of lemon flowers and a sugar grenade, in his heart - sheet music of rose and juicy apple, and in the loop - shades of jasmine flowers and wisteria. Squang them with your favorite shawl or cervical handkerchief.

    La Femme Intense, Prada

    This composition is a new reading of classic notes of women's flavors - colors. They generously enjoy each other, as a few layers of dense, strong fabric, from which bows on Prada dresses. Where the bow has a base, the Basic Basin is: in this case, tubosis. Her perfumers "planted" Ylang-Ylang and Patchouli. Wear this fragrant accessory to the theater or to the exhibition of contemporary art - it is very artistic.

    Some women distinguishes the invariance of taste - they prefer one fragrance for all occasions. Others tend to change the fragrance depending on the time of year or on a special occasion. In any case, it is useful to know how to choose the right aroma. Perhaps it will be the first step towards success.

      Split perfume.

      Choose perfume in accordance with the environment. If you work in a small closed space, then you should avoid perfume with a sharp aroma.

    1. Before buying "Scroll" the fragrance on yourself.

      • You can sprinkle a drop of the fragrance to a special paper strip that you will be offered in the store. However, keep in mind that the smell on paper will be slightly different from smell on your body. If you drip the perfume on the pulsating point of the body and the smell you will like it, then this should be a defining factor when choosing perfume.
      • Alternatively, you can drop a little perfume on the inner side of the wrist and wait ten minutes. Wait until the flavor opens up, then you can take the right decision.
      • The fragrance has three degrees of severity - notes: upper, middle and basic. The upper note is immediately felt, but not long - in five minutes it disappears. The average nothing manifests itself after 10 minutes, the main note comes to replace the main note, the "aftertaste" of which is about 15 minutes. The average and basic notes make up the basis of the perfume composition and last for an hour. To get a complete picture of the spirits, you have to wait until all the notes are completely revealed.
      • Try to make the perfume do not drunk on clothes. First, the smell of spirits from your clothing can kill the smell of the chosen spirits. Secondly, spirits can spoil clothes, painting or bleaching that site where the drop hit.
    2. Do not smash several fragrances at once. During the testing of perfume, your smell loses sharpness, all odors are mixed, respectively, you are not able to get a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe chosen aroma.

      • If you choose different types of perfume, stop at 5-6 flavors, otherwise all odors are mixed.
      • Ask, you can sniff coffee beans while testing odors. Coffee beans helps to kill the fragrance of perfume and allows you to better "feel" the smell for a longer time. Of course, the smell will disappear for a short time, so do not choose a lot of aromas at one time.
    3. Choose a fragrance that is suitable for you. Approximately 75 percent of all spirits contain in a small amount of roses and jasmine extracts. In addition, perfumes, as a rule, contain thousands of other ingredients and various chemicals, the combination of which affects the formation of the fragrance. That is why there are no two completely identical aroma in nature. Although sometimes it seems that the smells are exactly the same. However, many flavors are traditionally divided into four categories: shades of fresh greenery, woody, flower-fruit and spicy.

      • Fragrance fresh greenery resembles the smell of fresh grass, leaves and meadow herbs. Such an aroma is usually clearly felt, so strong women are choosing, leading a healthy lifestyle. The representatives of the beautiful sex, who have their own fragrance for each case, preferably use perfumes with fresh greenery aroma on the street during the daytime.
      • Fragrances with wood notes are included in a wide range of warm aromas. Most of them include amber notes, sandals, cedar, as well as various spicy flavors. The combination of spices makes the aroma so unique. Sensitive nature choose the woody fragrance, especially if the romantic meeting is to have.
      • Flower-fruit aroma brings the feeling of playful mood, suddenly smelting feelings and romance. In most aromas, you can feel the smell of a flower or fruit. But in some brighter, fruit notes are felt, while flower shades are dominated in others. These flavors are great for use in the daytime. Women seeking to refresh the feelings, it is impossible to suit this spicy fragrance of a flower-fruit shade.
      • The aromas of oriental spices are something like woody flavors, but they are more pronounced a floral note. The spirits of this category are distinguished by a rich aroma, in which you can distinguish the shades of the smell of orchids, blooming orange, vanilla, sweet spices, incense and musk. Such exotic perfumes can be used at any time, but best of all they act in the evening. If you feel about gentle, mysterious, emphasized feminine, then choose perfume from the category of spicy flavors.

    The magic essence of fragrances at all times tried to comprehend scientists, mystics and poets. The smell is perhaps the most mysterious and inexplicable of all five senses. This or another fragrance is capable of inexplicably returning to our memory of long-forgotten people, dreams, feelings and desires.

    In the XXI century, perfumes are not only a pleasant smell, but a whole science, business that determine the rhythm of the life of different generations, countries, presenting psychological comfort, mood and success to people. Do you know that it is the "Nose Memory" that is much longer durable and emotional than visual and auditory?

    With the help of aroma, you can change not only the mood, but also the emotional perception of reality, to manage social connections, that is, to make fundamental changes in your life.


    But if you enter into this way, then experiment carefully. An error in the form of an incorrectly selected aroma becomes obvious too many and such missions are not forgiven. Perfumes put on the same way as clothes, depending on the circumstances, the time of day and even their own mood. Surely you remember the situation when a lady appears in the office or other public place, scented too heavy, sharp perfume. The surrounding immediately felt uncomfortable, there was a feeling of dissonance and even discontent. At the same time, on the evening reception, the use of heavy, tart flavors for many would be quite justified.

    It is even more difficult to choose the fragrance, it turns out to be more complicated than choosing the style of clothing, hairstyle or makeup. After all, one glance in the mirror is not enough to understand whether the choice is made correctly. Therefore, it is worth using some rules for choosing fragrance.

    In perfumery there are different characteristics of flavors: lightweight and heavy, day and evening. But there is another important criterion that the choice of fragrance should determine. it age. You will be surprised, but one fragrance will throw you extra dozen years, and the other will emphasize your grace, youth and envelops the atmosphere of tenderness and romance.

    Let us dwell on the choice of spirits in mind. Perfumes in the development of flavors are focused on several age groups.

    • up to 25 years old

    For girls, the perfume serves primarily the way to attract the attention of the opposite sex. At this age, I want to experiment, mixing expressive smells with classics. And for experiments, this is the right time. Know that spirits for a young girl do not have to be only gentle, with flowers notes. If you lead an active lifestyle and meet with friends, attend parties, you can safely choose bright fruit-floral combinations of chords and smells of ripe citrus. In your collection there may be aromas with notes of pink currant, tires, violets, peony and lily of the valley. For the most bold girls, unisex flavors are suitable.

    • from 25 to 35 years

    This is the age when many girls feel more confident because they begin to move along the social and career ladder. The fragrance in this case should emphasize the femininity and elegance of the image, but at the same time - to fit the business environment.

    Financial and emotional aspects make it possible to make a choice in favor of more sophisticated and sophisticated flavors. The most correct choice will be unobtrusive flower-chip perfume from the brand of selective perfumery. The girls of this age category are perfectly suitable aromas with figs, bergamot, musk, white freesia, green tea.

    • from 35 to 45 years

    During these years, a woman reaches the appeal of the refinement of taste. It is perfectly focused in his desires and needs, and most importantly, uses spirits not as a way of self-affirmation, but as an addition of their own verified style.

    The optimal choice at this age will be natural, but sensual aromas. For example, flavors with mimosa, carnations, tubers, iris, musk and white honey. These are harmonious flavors with a classic and soft structure.

    • from 45 years

    Beautiful sexes at this age have a subtle taste and high intelligence. They are professional in their field, travel a lot and are perfectly understood in fashionable novelties. However, when choosing a fragrance, they are followed by non-general trends, but the feelings of their inner world.

    At this age, women make a choice in favor of perfumes from the family of aldehyde, having a resistant and rich smell. The best options will be perfumes with elegant combinations of roses notes, patchulas, sandalwood, moss. Such perfume is a luxurious fragrance in the framework of an invaluable classics.