How to get a girl out on a date. How beautiful to invite a girl on a date: good phrases How to get a girl out of the Internet

I have been coaching guys with Roman for many years, I was at a live training, I think that the training "Dating: from meeting to sex" is the only most informative information product on the Russian Internet on this topic. Roman is an experienced coach and has been in the topic of seduction for many years, he himself has learned a lot from him. I came to Novosibirsk to see Roman for personal coaching. I was very pleased, because Roman changed my life for the better and taught me how to get the most out of everything, no matter what I do. I also found myself and my way, now there is a business, there is a girlfriend next to me. Everything is working out!

Eduard, Ulan-Ude, 39 years old

From the video courses Romana learned that seducing girls can be easy and simple, and it is not necessary to have a lot of money or be a raving pet! I pumped, although before the training I was completely zero, so to speak. Roman changed me, he really is a practical trainer, he publishes excellent courses ...

Ivan, Saratov, 33 years old

Good video courses, in which there is neither water nor empty words - only specifics and valuable information on all aspects of the course topics. Dating is sorted out in great detail. The relationship is shown in detail and clearly. After studying both courses, I can safely say that there are no more questions. There is only a desire to develop and get success. Thank you, Roman, for your invaluable work on the courses!

Peter, Omsk, 22 years old

He underwent individual training with Roman Vinilov on dating and dating girls. All classes were very productive. There were many exercises that gave immediate results. The novel showed his skills, gave advice, and motivated. I learned a lot, understood a lot and am very glad that I studied with Roman. For this I even came to Novosibirsk from distant Tyumen)

Sergey, Tyumen, 26 years old

Roman, I want to express my gratitude for the fact that your course has changed my life radically and for the better! I couldn’t believe that after a few weeks of studying in this course, I would already have the first significant results!

Ilya, Riga, 23 years old

Received the book by e-mail and began to study .. so much useful information and no water! Thank you, Roman, for such labors ...

Ivan, Serpukhov, 21 years old

Rum, well, I seduced the girl I was telling you about ... for 2 whole years I was trying to get her, but to no avail. Your course boosted me and now I'm just happy !!! and just ONE WEEK !!!

Mikhail, Omsk, 25 years old

Your relationship course, Roman, opened my eyes to reality. Previously, I imagined everything in a completely different way and was very mistaken. Now everything has changed and I am building a full-fledged high-quality relationship with the girl of my dreams!

Vladimir, Khabarovsk, 23 years old

Spent the first date according to your course and according to your advice - damn it, the girl herself began to seduce me !!! This works amazingly, I did not expect such an effect. Now I go on dates all the time, several times a day - out of 10 8 end with sex, and 5 of them on the first date !!!

Evgeny, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

Thank you for your newsletter tutorials and books. Although they are free, the information in them is very valuable! For a whole year I scoured the Internet for information on how to seduce girls on a date, there was nothing worthwhile ... just a pickup truck, RMS, some Western stuff ... and then I got acquainted with your work. This is what our Russian guys are missing! Everything is ours, for real, without falsehood. I really liked your approach to seduction. Not stupid sex, but something more ... although for those who only want sex - it's the same))) I wanted a relationship with a beautiful girl and got it thanks to your lessons. Thank you, Rom!

Alexander, Moscow, 26 years old

Your advice helped me a lot. Only 4 skype conferences and I learned how to conduct dates and get sex on them without spending a lot of extra time, nerves, funds and everything else) Success is not difficult! The main thing is to learn from a good coach. He's such a novel :)

Vsevolod, Minsk, 22 years old

How could I seduce beautiful girls before? No way. No car, no apartment. But after training with Roman Vinilov, I did the impossible. Changed myself so that girls now just dry up for me !!! Learning from Roman is very cool, the motivation is active, the kicks are magical, the experience is endless. I am very glad that I once became acquainted with such a person as Roman.

Artyom, Samara, 24 years old

Thank you Roman for your courses and advice! They always help, I am very glad that I am familiar with you and your materials.

Ilya, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

There are a huge number of young people in the world who prefer dating on the Internet to dating on the street and in public places. Sooner or later, there comes a time when a guy realizes that it's time to stop communicating on a social network and you need to make a date with a pretty person. Very often a situation arises when a young man invites his pen pal to meet in real life, and she, for some unknown reason, refuses him.

Often, the fairer sex refuse to meet with strangers young people not at all because they do not have time, as they themselves claim, but because they are not sure that meeting with this guy will be really interesting for them and they won't waste the evening. In order for the first date with a girl to take place, at the first meeting, the young man must show her that he is different from other representatives of the stronger sex. You shouldn't write banal messages like "How are you?" or "What are you doing?" The guy must be original. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In addition, while communicating with a pretty girl, a young man should make sure that she has fun with him. But at the same time, you need to be careful, otherwise she may begin to perceive him as an ordinary clown.

When a young man realizes that the fair sex treats him excellently, he must somehow introduce her into the negative. Such behavior will allow a guy to give communication a useful shake-up.

If a young man decided to take a pretty person out on a date, he should not write to her from scratch “Let's meet”. You can make the date in a playful manner. A young man can write to a girl in contact and propose any dispute, agreeing that if he wins, then the fair sex will meet with him. It is only necessary to argue about what the guy is 100% sure of.

If a young man cannot boast of a good imagination, he can write a message to the girl with the following content: “I have to tell you something very, very important, but I cannot write it via the Internet. Let's make an appointment with you, and I will definitely tell you everything. I promise you will not regret it if you agree to meet with me. " In addition, the guy can write that he learned something about the young lady that she herself did not tell him. Such a message will intrigue a pretty person and she will most likely agree to a first date.

There are tons of questions and answers around dating, but how to properly invite a girl to your date - we'll find out today! But stop, first things first! Do not be intimidated by such an abundant amount of "How ?!" In fact, the truth is nearby, I would even say “inside you”!

A huge number of pretty girls are waiting for the prince, and they may well be - you!

Good advice from Pasha - the first date is almost in your hands:

  • Hey! Tell me how to spend your time interestingly? I came to a friend, but he has things to do. Keep me company tonight!
  • Oh sorry, when will you be free? I want to have dinner with you, give me the number - I'll call!

In fact, girls love when asked for their competent opinion, it should not be difficult to come up with a question.

  • You have a great gait! Let me show you, and you show me a good cafe, in the evening?
  • Hey! I have “Birthday” tomorrow, can we bang a cocktail with you?

Everything ingenious is simple, and be sure - this is exactly where you can start your acquaintance

In the park:(or whatever place you happen to be)

  • Listen, why are you alone. Join me at dinner! I treat =)

But before you start dating, you need to be able to create and maintain a conversation!

Girls like to talk, much less often - to listen. They love the active attention of the interlocutor.

From asking around in the field in which she specializes, to giving advice on your plans. In communication, the communication itself is not so important as how it goes.

2. Body language

If you did not know about the existence of such, then now you know. You know that your shyness and restraint all these years did not pass without leaving a trace, but were expressed and expressed in you constantly.

Still from the movie "This Stupid Love" - ​​Be sure to watch!

Do not think that this is a physical problem, on the contrary - metaphysics! If you are an insecure and not self-conscious young man, then no physical changes will be beneficial. Love yourself as you are! You have already heard this and let it, hear it again!

Take care of yourself, your state of mind and remember that nothing in this world is worthy of your experiences. Be more confident in yourself, but also do not allow too much (this line is not so difficult to find) and changes will begin.

The main way to overcome insecurity is in the gym: a boxing section or just athletics, but sports heals a lot of mental problems and shortcomings in general.

3. Call by phone - 6 rules of communication

But what if you only have to rely on yourself? No hairstyles and expensive wardrobe, you can't see it!

There is a separate technique. It is not difficult and, like everything else, requires practice:

  1. Be clear
  2. specific,
  3. speak lightly and in high spirits.
  4. The girl should feel your smile.
  5. Stay a man and on the phone, don't give the girl any reason to think that you are running after her.
  6. Speak unobtrusively, gradually leading to the desired result - a meeting.

Correct example:

  • Listen, how about continuing our conversation tomorrow at 18:00? I think that I will be free already, however, if it doesn’t work out, we’ll postpone it.

It's the most important! Date her a reason to be nervous so to speak. Let her know her place, and does not expect a return from you 24/7

An example of how not to do it:

  • Hi, you know that, or maybe we can continue our conversation, let's say tomorrow, at 7 pm, what do you think you can come?

The difference is on the face, she sees how dependent you are on her decision, how weak you are and you are unlikely to see a continuation

How to invite on social networks?

This is one of the easiest ways. Here you allow her to know yourself exactly as much as you want. You cannot be seen or even heard, you cannot even feel the body language, so all that is required is competent and interesting for the interlocutor to conduct a dialogue. But the chances of consent are very low!

Compliments are especially pleasant to the opposite sex (she probably has a lot of photos), but you shouldn't overdo it either. This should be sincere and in no case should it sound like flattery.

Support your words with funny pictures or photos. No need to burden the girl with clever and philosophical conversations, be lighter and simpler. But remember to prepare!

Where is the best place to have a first date?

The best options would be: cafe, bowling, walk, hookah. You don't need a lot of pretentiousness, you should be loved not for money, but originality and positive features.

After all, when the pleasant evening comes to an end, you must make a new date. Tell:

  • I was pleased, had a good time, I will need to meet again. I'll call!

Does appearance matter?

Here we can safely say - no! Of course, this will give chances, but if you have the qualities listed above, then that is all that is required. Of course, nobody canceled self-care!

Facial expressions and gestures:

  • Smile. Try to smile more often, while keeping an eye on how "neatly" you laugh. Excessive laughter is unpleasant.
  • Sight. He should be kind, gentle and bewitching your lady. You don't need to stare at her. When talking, you must look into the eyes.
  • Hands. Do not make any sudden or rough movements. Do not allow too much and forget about touching for a while. It's too early for touching, but don't be afraid, you will feel that it's time when the time is right.


Also a good and more productive way to communicate is to act as a lecturer. Give the girl a bait for conversation, rivet her attention to her words, and answer her questions as much as possible. It can be anything, it doesn't have to be limited to routine problems.

Less worry, don't be afraid to sound stupid or not good enough for her. Relax, only YOU are worthy to be with her.

Good advice from a pretty girl, see what the opposite sex reacts to:

"Hello how are you? Let's get acquainted? - Come on!" - many dialogues on a dating site begin this way. However, if for young people a profile on a dating site is a means of getting to know a girl for a non-virtual communication, then for many girls to have a profile on one of the dating services is nothing more than a tribute to fashion and the opportunity to increase self-esteem by receiving "winks" and "Gifts", and to continue communication outside the network, they consider "as far as". Therefore, sooner or later, many guys face the question: how to get her to agree to a live meeting? Especially when it comes to a girl with whom you do not just chat to "kill time", but who you really like and even really like?

In fact, girls often refuse not because of their busyness, but because they are not sure whether a date with you will be interesting for them, and whether she will waste time on you. Here are a few ways that will show how you can "pull" almost any girl out on a date (by the way, they work well even if the initial acquaintance did not take place on the Internet).

Down with aimless walks, ice cream and movies!

Most of the girls are used to casual invitations to “walk” or “sit in a cafe”. It is unlikely that you will be the first or even the tenth who offers her something like that. Therefore, offer her something unusual, something that she was never or almost never offered! Involve her in activities that will be interesting and will give you the opportunity to have fun! Invite her to take some pictures of you wearing a Dracula or Cipollino mask for your future personal photo exhibition, or help you conduct a survey of young people on the topic of female and male infidelity, or even look for a treasure (fictional or real - it's up to you).

Intrigue creation
Show her that you know something about her that she herself did not tell you when communicating! For example, try to guess what her character and habits are - in some cases her questionnaire will help you with this, in other cases, make an approximate description of an ordinary girl of her age and supplement it with your guesses. Even if you miss something, you will probably be right in half. End your description with something like this: "girls of your type are very beautiful and sensual, but in their life there are failures that are associated with one thing." To her question what kind of thing it is, answer that you will only say it in person. This will create intrigue and get her phone number without any problems.

Warm up interest in yourself
Paradoxically, the fact that the girl did not see you "alive" and does not know you can play into your hands. You can come up with such an image that will interest her and she herself will invite you to meet! If you know a foreign language or have the appropriate appearance - tell me that your mother is French (English, German), and you yourself have lived abroad for a long time and only recently came to this country and this city. If you have a certain fame in any area - this also plays into your hands, because fame and success attract women. In the end, you can come up with anything - even if later your "legend" bursts, you will be able to keep the girl with your other qualities: a sense of humor, purposefulness, romance, etc.

Use hypnotic techniques

Of course, hypnosis works more effectively with "live" contact, but some of the recommendations can be quite successfully applied in "virtual". First, try to ask fewer questions. The question makes a person think and use consciousness - and in consciousness, as you know, there are complexes, doubts, fears, etc. If you can't do without questions, formulate them so that the girl answers in the affirmative, so she kind of forms a habit of agreeing with you in everything (including the next meeting). Secondly, use more pronouns "you" and "we". “You” opens the way to the subconscious and encourages action, and “we” creates the effect of people being close. And it is always easier to agree to a meeting with a person who is close to you in some way (even if this closeness is only created illusory).

The above methods will help to significantly increase the chances of success, but it is much cooler to try to create your own ways and techniques of "rolling" to the girls. And it will be really cool if they work not only on the Internet, but also in real life. And, of course, do not forget about a good mood and self-confidence - often this is enough to convey your positive to another person, and then he himself will strive to meet you.

So, after a successful acquaintance, you are interested in how to get a girl out on a date. It so happens that the woman seems to have taken the phone number and was initially interested, but when you call, she does not pick up the phone, or speaks to you on the phone, but constantly says that she is busy and feeds "breakfasts". There are also situations when you are worried and do not know what to say to a girl so that she agrees to meet you. In this article, we will analyze each of these cases separately.

If a girl gives a number, but does not pick up the phone

This happens very often. And it's not even that you are, it's just that her circumstances could change. For example, when she met you, she was in a quarrel with her boyfriend, and now she is reconciled and she no longer wants to meet with you. You need to understand this. After all, you yourself do not always call those girls from whom you took the number.

In this situation, you can act in two ways:

  1. You call once. If the girl did not pick up the phone, you send her an SMS with something like this: “Hello! This is Vasya, we met yesterday. Call back when you are free. " Well, or you can start a dialogue in the form of SMS. Here you write all the same, only at the end you ask how is her mood, or what are her plans for the evening? If she doesn't call back and doesn't answer, you don't bother her for a couple of days;
  2. Calling for the first time. If you don't pick up the phone, you call her back in 1-1.5 hours. If you didn't pick up the phone either, you don't call again. She will either call her back later, especially if she knows that it was you who called, or you will dial her yourself in a few days.

I had cases when the girl, too, at first did not pick up the phone and did not call back, then I called her 2-3 days later and she agreed to a date. Here you need to understand that you, for example, could meet a poor student who has no money on her phone to call you back. Again, the girl could make peace with the guy, and after 2 days she could have a fight again, and if you dial her, she will go to a meeting. Perhaps she had an emergency and she had no time to talk not only with guys, but also with friends, relatives, etc.

Therefore, if you don’t care about the girl, you can dial her or send a message 2 times, and if she doesn’t answer and doesn’t call you back, feel free to delete her number. If you really like the woman, then dial her one more time in 2-4 days. If she doesn't pick up the phone, delete her number without regret - there will be no sense in her.

If she picks up the phone but is constantly busy

There is this type of girl who is constantly busy. Whenever you call her, she is always somewhere and with someone. She has a lot of things to do, and she doesn't seem to refuse to communicate with you, and even agrees to a meeting, but she constantly tries to postpone her.

If you come across a girl who constantly postpones a date, you need to carefully see what kind of person she is. If she really works hard at work all day long (this really happens), then you should not put pressure on her. In this case, the woman herself will normally explain why every evening she is so tired that she does not want to go out anywhere.

To seduce such a busy girl, I advise you to act according to the principle "a drop wears away a stone." Do not take offense at her or give her ultimatums, they say, I’m calling you for the last time, etc. Just call her back regularly every 2-3 days. Anyway, you will get to such a moment when the girl will be free and meet you. Her desire will be reinforced by your interest, which can be expressed in the form of compliments. You can agree with her a few days before the date, but this is not very effective, since for busy people everything can change 20 more times.

If a girl is an ordinary student, moreover, a humanities student, and she does not have a session, all her talk about employment is just an attempt to fill herself up or kick you off without offending. If she is filling herself with value (this is easy to understand from her pretentious conversations), just tell her: “It's good to show off! Come on to the point: are we going for coffee or not? If you can't today, when? And if you don’t want to meet with me, then it’s better to say bluntly, I will not be offended. I just value my time and love specific people. " If the girl is interested in you, she will let go a little and agree to a meeting. If she does not want to meet with you, then she will tell you about it directly. Be grateful to her for that, as she saved your time.

How to get a girl out on a date if you don't know what to say to her

Usually, if a guy doesn't know how to get a girl out on a date, he tries to find some magic phrases and techniques on the Internet, such as a sexual timbre of speech and adjustment for breathing, after which a woman should kind of rush into his arms. In fact, you need to invite a girl out on a date easily, without any problems. The simplest, most armor-piercing and effective option is to simply call her stupidly and say:

- Hey! We met yesterday. How are you? Any plans for tonight? Let's meet you there. Will you be comfortable at this time? Okay, okay.

That's it, you don't need to say anything more, and even more so to invent all sorts of complicated things. You just ask the girl specific questions and get specific answers. If you have time and she wants to talk, talk to her. If not, then briefly and to the point.

Calling a girl out on a date is the same as making an appointment with a friend. Everything should be easy and simple. If you feel that this particular girl is difficult to call on a date, then something is wrong with her. Rather, leave her, as it will be difficult with her. Why would you waste your life on difficulties if there are a lot of girls around who are happy to meet with you.

Understand! You should be comfortable and relaxed with a girl - this is the most important thing! If you strain hard to seduce her, you will achieve your goal, but will it bring you joy? If the girl is really worth it, then go ahead! If not, then the point is to bother because of some fool? After all, there are plenty of others nearby who are better than her and with whom you will not have to strain - they themselves will strain for you.