How to protect your child from infections in the kindergarten. How to protect your child from infections. In your opinion, all folk methods are equally harmful.

All parents who take their children to kindergarten are sure to face such a problem as colds and infectious diseases. How to protect a child from illness in kindergarten is an important question for all parents, because no mother wants her child to come from the kindergarten with a cough and a runny nose.

For any child who first visited a preschool institution, a period of adaptation begins, this period, almost all children, go through with colds. The fall - winter period begins with colds, when the child begins to attend kindergarten. Children get sick more often than adults for the reason that children have not yet formed the immune system, and each illness they suffer strengthens the immune system.

What is the reason that children often get sick in kindergarten? First of all, children themselves are carriers of viruses, having come to kindergarten, each kid brought his own virus with him, and when gathered in one group, children transmit viruses to each other and a small epidemic breaks out. Before the kindergarten, the baby communicated only in a narrow circle of the family, and when he came to the kindergarten, the circle of communication expanded, and along with this, new microbes and viruses appeared, he must get to know them.

Child. who does not get sick, can also be a carrier of infection, which is why children in kindergarten get sick most often. Until the baby becomes immune to new viruses, he will not stop getting sick. It is important for parents to take it as a rule that if the baby is sick, then it should be treated properly, if the child feels better on the second or third day, this does not mean that he can already attend kindergarten.

Many parents do not complete the treatment, and this is a big mistake, if the disease has attacked it must be cured, not cured, the treatment should continue until all the symptoms of the disease disappear. In the case when the child has not yet fully recovered and has come to the kindergarten, new microbes will stick to his weakened body, and the disease will return again.

But no matter how unpleasant the disease is, it also has its advantages, after the illness the child develops protective immunity, which will save the baby from further infection. There are more than 200 types of influenza, and every child until he tries at least half will continue to get sick.

Each transferred disease forms an antiviral immunity, the likelihood of re-infection with this virus is reduced to zero. In childhood, many infectious diseases can be transferred much easier and without much harm than an adult body, such diseases as measles, chickenpox, rubella, smallpox are easily tolerated by a child, and an adult may even be life threatening.

Therefore, diseases such as measles, rubella, mumps. chickenpox, you need to get sick at a certain age. After all, almost any infection will find a person anywhere and at any age, it is much better if a small child gets sick than an older one, the baby can tolerate the disease more easily and recover faster. If the child does not get sick with viral diseases in the kindergarten, then he will almost 100% catch them at school.

Prevention will help to protect the child from illnesses in kindergarten, for this, try to make your child's nutrition balanced, be sure to give daily foods containing macro and microelements. Natural products - rosehip syrup, fresh berries, honey - increase immunity very well. And of course the most important product is fresh air, remember this and do not limit your child to walks, and in the summer it is advisable to relax in the countryside in the fresh air.

When a child goes to kindergarten for the first time, the mother, whenever possible, whatever works, because at first the risk of diseases is very high, and it will be better if the mother can stay with the baby at home and calmly treat him. The disease will go away much faster if you start treatment at the first symptoms, and not wait until the disease begins to progress.

It will help to strengthen the immune system - hardening, a hardened person has a good body resistance to temperature changes, pressure. It is necessary to temper the child gradually, the most common way is pouring, but before starting the procedure, be sure to consult with your doctor. It is necessary to dress the child according to the season, and according to the weather, everything should be in moderation, the baby should not both overcool and overheat. Feet should always be warm and dry, shoes should be appropriate in rainy weather.

Tips to help you cope with the disease faster:

  • At the first symptoms of a cold, start treatment immediately and follow through.
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • While treating a cold, drink plenty of warm drinks, especially lemon tea, lingonberry, cranberry, and chamomile tea.
  • Rinsing the nose with saline solution - (0.5 teaspoon in a glass of water) 4 times a day, after which you can drip drops containing interferon
  • Gargle with a solution of chamomile and eucalyptus, then the infection does not enter the bronchi or lungs

Of course, these funds will not help you completely protect your child from illness in kindergarten, but they can completely alleviate the course of the illness. Be attentive and patient, the adaptation period will pass, then your baby will stop clinging to all the sores. Be healthy!

There are no parents who would not want their child to never get sick. But, unfortunately, all children are prone to colds and infectious diseases, due to the not fully formed immunity. What should parents do, how to protect a child from diseases, infections?

You need to take care of your baby's health even before his birth. During the planning of pregnancy and its course, the general condition of the mother should be monitored, preventive vaccinations should be carried out and maximum protection against colds and viral diseases should be made. After the birth of a child, from the very first days, great attention should be paid to his tempering and lifestyle.

Keep an eye on the room temperature and humidity level - this will protect him from early respiratory diseases. Take time for physical development - do exercises and massages. Be sure to arrange air baths - lay the baby naked on the tummy. Do not forget about walks in the fresh air, their daily time should be at least two hours, and better - more. It is also good to leave the baby to sleep on the balcony, of course, if he does not go out onto a busy highway.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. It is best if your baby exclusively feeds on breast milk for up to six months. Together with him, he will receive the necessary protection from various diseases, will begin to form his own immunity. This is due to the high content of immunoglobulin A in human milk.

It protects the baby's mucous membranes from intestinal and respiratory infections. Never give up breastfeeding if you are sick. Together with milk, the baby will receive antibodies to this ailment. Pediatricians believe that it is best to breastfeed a baby for at least six months, and best of all - at least a year.

When he grows up, do not forget about walks or constant fresh air. You can encourage children to enjoy a sport. Outdoor team games help to strengthen the general physical condition, and in addition, they will help to learn how to build relationships in a team.

The diet should be rich in various vitamins and minerals. This can be achieved by combining fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. The most important thing in food for children is variety and balance.

Many parents are afraid to send their children to kindergartens, citing the high incidence of diseases in them. On the one hand, they are right - in kindergartens, children really catch colds much more often than at home.

But on the other hand, this is how the body learns to fight against microorganisms alien to it, in other words, immunity is actively formed. But in addition, it must be remembered that you cannot take an already ill child to the garden until his full recovery.

Also try to teach him not to use other people's things like dishes, hairbrushes, towels. And if he is sick, cover his mouth and nose with a handkerchief or napkin.

Make sure that adherence to the daily routine becomes a habit. It should be a constant eight-hour sleep, and the same awakening - even on weekends, and timely meals. From childhood, teach your child the elementary rules of hygiene - washing hands before eating, after the street and after using the toilet. You should not bring hygiene standards to the point of absurdity and sterility, but you should not forget about them either.

Timely vaccination is also of great importance in the prevention of diseases and infections. Now the company is actively against routine vaccinations. But according to medical statistics, unvaccinated children risk much more than their peers who received a timely vaccine. A vaccine is an antigenic material that is injected into the body, enabling it to develop antibodies to a certain disease. The production of antibodies helps to remember the infection and its subsequent prevention.

There are vaccinations that are included in the list of mandatory and protect against the most serious infections - tuberculosis, hepatitis, measles, polio, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, mumps, flu. The Ministry of Health approved the timing of vaccinations, depending on the age of the child, and proposed the types of vaccines used.

When vaccinating, parents should be aware of when it is best not to vaccinate or to postpone it. This applies to any signs of illness in the child in the days leading up to the vaccination. All aspects should be taken into account - chronic diseases, medication intake, allergic reactions to anything.

Any of these parameters must be promptly reported to the doctor. He also needs to know if the child has been taking blood-based medications or transfusions. If you have just returned from a long trip, it will also not be superfluous to mention this.

Thanks to the invention of vaccines, it was possible to significantly reduce the level of infant mortality and morbidity from poliomyelitis, tuberculous meningitis, and tetanus. Chickenpox, scarlet fever and diphtheria have become very rare. Unvaccinated children are at risk of contracting one of these dreaded diseases.

Yes, there are certain risks of vaccinations, but they are significantly less than the possible consequences of some ailments. Therefore, in order to protect the child and need to be vaccinated.

So we talked about how to protect children from disease and infection. Parents should always remember that the health of their bloodline is entirely in their hands. No one else will take better care of him than you. And investing energy, money and time in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for your baby - you are making a huge contribution to his future.

Russia, Tambov

It seems to me, if possible, of course, parents, but optimal if you bring the child to the garden and they tell you - "we have a quarantine, yesterday they took the child with a fever and a diagnosis of scarlet fever", go home, hire a nanny ... do what you want, but Do not take your child to kindergarten for 2-3 days. and during this time provide him with walks, fortified food (there are more fruits, vegetables, less meat and milk. Immunity will be a little more energized. And then boldly go to the kindergarten ... 2-3 days of break will provide you with a healthy child until the next epidemic of one of the children. your child will be healthy. ”Than to suffer later with a sick child and it is ALL the same to go on sick leave for a week or more, find an opportunity for 2 days of rest))) This is just my personal opinion (albeit based on ha practice).

31/05/2012 05:34

Russia, Leninsk-Kuznetskiy

We also went to the garden this year and also faced constant illnesses, i.e. We have been walking for 2-3 weeks, and since my daughter underwent heart surgery, we cannot be sick for a long time with a temperature and we have to give antibiotics. Tell me how best to restore the child's health over the summer, except for vitamin therapy.

28/11/2011 20:38

Russia, Serpukhov

I can hardly imagine that the disease can go away on its own, without treatment with pills and syrups ...
At the first signs of the disease (cough, runny nose), I leave the child at home, the temperature in the room is 23 degrees (it cannot be reduced anymore) we ventilate 5 times a day for sure, the humidifier works constantly - 50-60%, we drink so that it flows out of the ears , quartz the room .... I rinse the room with Quicksom, drip flufferon into my nose ... but for some reason, after a couple of days, it does not go away by itself, the child's condition worsens .... I call the pediatrician and ENT ... the pediatrician prescribes a cough medicine and nasal drops, some kind of immunomodulator and ENT thread, I correct my treatment, choose the best option and get treatment ...
Both doctors, to my question, maybe it is not necessary to be treated, maybe it will pass by itself (under the appropriate conditions of the child's existence) they say that it is necessary to be treated, otherwise we will start and then we will have to drink antibiotics ...
I agree that you can do without antibiotics (in case of viral diseases), but so that the cough and snot go away on their own, without treatment and syrups and drops ... I don't believe ...
Maybe someone whose children go to kindergarten and often get sick (my child gets sick very often) has experience of treatment without drugs, please share how you manage it

27/07/2010 13:01

My daughter is growing overweight, with a height of 93 cm she weighs 19 kg. Chubby, broad-boned, but you can't call her fat. She was born at 3830 height 52cm. In the first month, I added 420g, then 800-900g per month in the morning and so on for up to a year. In general, they have never been thin. In a month, the neuropathologist attributed 200g per day to give glucose for three months (low weight gain, prolonged jaundice and ultrasound showed signs of hypaxia during childbirth), the child got used to sweets, and when it was time for complementary feeding, then cottage cheese, kifir and the porridge had to be sweetened and by the year we had reduced the sugar to what it already contains in the products (juices and purees). You write in your books that you need to increase physical activity, but she is already a very mobile child and I try my best to stay active in the fresh air. Our pediatrician put us on a diet (she already ate no more than 100g + 100g of liquid 3 times, and 1/2 cup milk for an afternoon snack) banned a lot, and most importantly chicken meat, because the hormones that feed the chicken give us an increase in weight ( I used to mix 2-3 types of meat and she ate), but without chicken Polina refused to eat. we have been on the child for 3 months. Polenka gradually abandoned many products in favor of milk, soft cottage cheese and 1% kifir. Weight does not fall, but hemoglobin falls, fatigue increased, we were sick so often, and how we went on a diet did not visit the garden for more than 4 days in a row. We decided to give up this diet. Are we doing the right thing, and is it necessary at all to correct the weight at 2 years and 6 months and or will everything gradually level out by itself?

So that the baby does not miss his "finest hour", it is time to pay special attention to his immunity.

Why do kindergartners get sick?

In children's groups, the infection always spreads with lightning speed, and the group members again and again "pick up" viruses from each other and through shared toys. No sooner has one recover than someone else gets sick, and this can continue for quite a long time. The same thing is repeated in elementary school and then in middle school. But why is this happening?

The fact is that the full formation of the immune system is completed only by the age of 16-18. Until then, the child is more susceptible to negative environmental factors than adults.

Active immunity accumulates through the transferred infections and thanks to vaccinations by the age of 4-6 years. But working parents, as a rule, send their children to kindergarten earlier - from 2-3 years old, hence the frequent ailments in the team.

You need to understand that immunity weakens due to a kind of conflict between the child's body and the environment. And you need to either reconcile the child with her, or make him more comfortable. Let's take a closer look at what this means.

Sanitary standards

Parents often complain that kindergarten is either too hot or cold. Someone is sure that "the heat of the bones does not ache," but it is difficult to agree with this. Kindergartens are subject to special SanPiN requirements. Ideally, the air temperature in the rooms where the baby sleeps, does music or gymnastics should be 19-20 degrees, and in changing rooms, playrooms and the toilet - 21-23 degrees. The ventilation time depends on the outside temperature, wind direction, and the efficiency of the heating system.

Most of the year, when central heating is on, the indoor air is very dry. And this contributes to the easier spread of infections - the mucous membranes dry out and lose their ability to keep harmful microorganisms from entering the nasopharynx. Therefore, it is advisable to have a humidifier in the group. At home it is also worth keeping such a device in the nursery. As a last resort, you can use plates of water.

Of course, the protective ability of the body depends not only on the air that the child breathes - it is important how much he sleeps, what and how much he eats and how he is treated at home and in the kindergarten, whether he has friends, how psychologically comfortable he is.

Preschoolers should rest not only at night, but also during the day. In kindergartens, the “quiet hour” usually lasts 3 hours. At this time, one should not make noise, sometimes the teachers allow the sleeping people to draw quietly, but not always - and sometimes children suffer, looking at the ceiling for hours. Therefore, it will be better if the parents begin to teach the baby to sleep in the afternoon in advance, even before entering the kindergarten.

As for nutrition, it should contain a lot of vitamins and fresh herbs. Try to give your child less food produced in factories - the simpler and closer the food to nature, the better: cereals, vegetables, if possible - village eggs and milk. Bread and pastries are also best done at home.

The most difficult aspect of kindergarten life is psychological. Previously, the child communicated mainly with relatives, spent most of the time at home, among his own things and toys, as a favorite of the whole family. And now a lot of strangers appear in his life, and he also has to readjust to a new daily routine and follow a bunch of rules. All this is very difficult for a little man. But it is in the power of parents to make the baby feel more comfortable away from home. Let him take his favorite toy with him to the kindergarten. Bring a comfortable pillow and blanket for sleeping. After kindergarten, spend time in silence, without TV and noisy companies - it is better to take a walk with your baby in the park. Whenever the opportunity arises, pick up your child early or take an unscheduled weekend with your grandmother. And, of course, try to make friends with the educators - after all, they are responsible for the child while you are not around.

And most importantly, listen more to your child and his natural needs, and not to the general rules.

When everyone is sneezing around

Unfortunately, even the most hardened and calm children in the kindergarten can often get sick - simply because someone brought a virus to the group, and the kids play together and use shared toys. It is enough to scratch your nose or rub your eyes for the virus to enter the body and attack. It is worth taking care of prevention in advance. For this, for example, a modern antiviral drug was developed for adults and children from 1 year old. Three active components at once in its composition help to activate the body's defenses and maintain immunity for a long time. The drug helps to stimulate the production of interferon proteins in the blood, which prevent viruses from multiplying, shorten their life cycle and prevent them from penetrating into cells. 4 days of admission - and support can be enough for a whole month. The drug is also used for medicinal purposes when the first signs of a cold appear - it will also take 4 days. If the cold has already begun, taking the drug may help reduce the risk of complications.

The product is available in three forms: in capsules for adults and children from 6 years old, in the form of ready-made baby syrup and in powder for preparing a solution with pleasant strawberry, cranberry and orange flavors for children from 1 year old. There is also a fragrance-free hypoallergenic powder available.

The New Year is not far off, kids are starting to learn songs and poems, and their mothers are puzzling over making up costumes. In order for the long-awaited meeting with Santa Claus to take place, it is better to take care of the full prevention of colds in advance. Simple and high-quality food, good sleep, daily walks in the fresh air, additional immunity support, as well as outdoor games and positive emotions - these are the simple secrets of healthy babies and their happy parents!

Every parent wants his beloved baby to be always healthy. We begin to search the Internet for answers, ask doctors numerous questions, bother our parents. It's clear. After all, the task before us is constantly, regardless of the season.

It's just that in winter there are some diseases, in summer others, and in the off-season - still others. When the sun is hot outside, our babies catch a sore throat, and in the cold or rain, colds and adenovirus infections lie in wait for them at every step.

This can be achieved in two ways:

1. Eliminate contact with infected people.

Trying protect the child from disease , try, as little as possible, to meet sick children or adults, especially during epidemics. You should not go to places where a lot of people can gather: matinees, cinemas, theaters. If your relatives are sick, protect them from communication with your child.

2. Strengthen the body's resistance to infections.

Remember that your kids' bodies play a very important role in the process of resistance to microbes. Immunity will protect the child from almost various ailments. He must work by helping protect the child from disease , and for this you need to observe the following recommendations:

The child should be fed with mother's milk, ideally the first year of life. It has been scientifically proven that human milk contains immunoglobulin A, which protects against the inner mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and intestinal walls.

Milk contains antibodies that are not susceptible to infections that Mommy has already suffered. Thus, the immune system will tell you how to protect child from disease and will help. Remember that if you want to save your figure, then you are sacrificing the health of your son or;

Follow the rules of hygiene;

Carefully, it must be balanced. Have all the vitamins you need for growth. It is advisable to exclude harmful products from the diet. Don't buy food in questionable places. Along with this, keep an eye on the calorie content of food;

An important aspect in the question, how to protect a child from disease, is physical activity. Create sufficient opportunity for the children Outdoor games, running, jumping, all this is necessary. So he learns the world and gives a feasible load to his bone apparatus and muscles.

But at the same time, the load should be reasonable. It is impossible for the child to be engaged in sedentary board games all the time. Physical inactivity with children is not compatible;

Avoid overheating or hypothermia. Clothes should be in season;

Walk with him, communicate, he should be in the fresh air every day, away from gas-polluted routes;

A common cold or acute respiratory disease trains the baby's body, stimulates the development of his immune system. You can not protect the child from in kindergarten. After all, he came here from a home environment, where he was accustomed to the set of microorganisms that surrounded him. And here he is met by previously unknown infections, of which there are a large number in the group.

It is such collisions that make the baby's body defenses come into play. The sooner this happens, the better. If children pass kindergarten, they will get sick at school, and this is much more serious. But such an alignment does not mean that it is possible for different