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They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. Since ancient times, women have tried to emphasize their beauty and originality with the help of shadows. Today, the art of make-up consists in the fact that the applied eyeshadows emphasize the shape of the eyes, match the colors and smoothly transition from one shade to another. Correctly applied shadows can open your eyes, make it open and mysterious, highlight your dignity, enlarge your eyes and create a completely new image. So how to apply them correctly, what will be needed during the application process, and which eyeshadows get the most positive reviews?

Types of eyeshadow

There is a huge selection of products on the market. How to choose the right ones from the whole abundance of shadows? And what types of such decorative cosmetics are there today? The first and probably the most famous are dry eyeshadows. These are classic eyeshadows, they are available in a wide range of shades, there are different numbers of them in the box. As they say, for every taste and color. Dry friable - more difficult to apply, lay down with a light, transparent layer. There are also matte, satin, shimmery, baked. Matte eyeshadow is an option for daytime makeup. More complex in shading, they allow you to make a more natural make-up, expressively emphasize the eyelid, and correct the shape of the eyes, if necessary.

Satin shadows are well shaded, contain reflective particles, shimmer beautifully, but there are no obvious sparkles in them. Shimmery ones just shine, but with them it will not work to correct the eyelid.

An interesting process of producing baked eyeshadows. Loose shadows are combined with water and baked at a certain temperature for an hour. The result is a very easy-to-apply texture, such shadows do not crumble, last a long time on the eyelids and do not roll, they shine delicately. Sparkles, pigments and mica are suitable for parties and special events, are able to highlight accents, create a magical and festive look with their shimmer. Liquid eyeshadow comes in a jar or tube, with or without an applicator. Quite difficult to apply, require skill. An eye shadow pencil is a fairly simple, versatile option. Apply to the eyelid and blend lightly. Mineral eyeshadows have recently appeared on the market. They are composed entirely of natural elements. In general, you can pick up several different options for all occasions.

Odnushki and palettes

Eyeshadows are produced in the form of odnushki, kopecka and a variety of palettes, ranging from four-color and ending with a larger number of eyeshadows. There are also special refills on sale, with which you can collect your own unique palette of matching colors. Refills are, in fact, the same odnushki, but with magnets and not packed in special packaging, sold in special inserts.

Base under the shade

The primary task before mastering the process of applying shadows will be to find and purchase a base, then
there are basics under the shade. What is it for? The base under the shadow, or primer, is needed so that the shadows last longer and do not roll down in the corner of the eyelid. It evens out the tone, removes excess fat, makes the shadows brighter, and also improves their application. Available in powder or cream form. It is necessary to apply on previously cleansed and moisturized skin of the eyelids. The base color is selected in accordance with the natural skin tone.

Eyeshadow brushes

Eyeshadow can be applied both with a sponge and with your fingers, and someone uses cotton swabs. But the most convenient way to apply is with makeup brushes. From natural and artificial pile, from different companies and in different price categories. They will help you apply eyeshadow quickly, easily and easily. Special brushes will make the transitions smoother, blend colors easily among themselves. Small brushes will help add accent to hard-to-reach areas. Eyeliner brushes will make the line straight and expressive. Without these helpers, it will be difficult to achieve perfect makeup.

Eye makeup technique

After applying the base under the shadow, the main light matte color is applied to the eyelid. Further actions already depend on whether it is necessary to create a daytime or evening image. A matte eyeshadow in a cool, natural shade of brown will perfectly indicate the natural crease of the eyelid. Add the darkest shade of shadows to the outer corner, apply an intermediate color to the middle of the eyelid. Then you need to shade the shades well so that the transition lines are smooth, without color spots. In the evening version, you can choose brighter and darker colors. If desired, use an eyeliner of the required thickness and density. Alternatively, you can make a smoky eye make-up - "smokey ice" - make-up, in which there is a smooth transition from a dark shade along the outline of the eyes, literally from the mucous membrane itself, to a light one through smooth shading of the color scheme. Today, an evening "smokey" is distinguished, in which dark, saturated colors are allowed, and a daytime one - with muted light shades. Any of the techniques is designed to make the eyes more expressive, if necessary, change their shape. You should not radically change the shape of the eyes if the makeup concept does not require it.

Methods for applying eye shadow

The eyeshadow can be applied to the eyelid either dry or wet. For daytime makeup, and in general, we are more accustomed to the dry method of application. But for the evening, in order to achieve greater brightness of the shades, you can use the wet method. To do this, you just need to wet the brush a little.

How to match colors?

Eyes run up from palettes of colors and paints, you can buy any kind of eyeshadow. Colors and the desired shades are selected in accordance with the color type. For each of the four color types

their shades are suitable. You don't just need to learn which colors are appropriate for a particular type of eye. The colors and shades of the shadows are warm and cold. Girls with a warm undertones of the skin of the face will suit warm colors and shades. To choose shades, you can use the tips of the famous color wheel. Opposite colors make eye makeup bright and contrasting. By choosing the right shades of eyeshadow, you can create a winning makeup option.

Luxury brands of eyeshadow

Today, such shadow companies are very popular - Mac, Dior, Chanel, Too Faced, Urban Decay, Atelier and other famous brands. The most famous, of course, here is the "Neikid" palette - a universal assistant for creating both daytime and evening make-up. This eyeshadow has received great reviews. Buyers praise these brands for their excellent quality, durability, a large selection of palettes and a variety of shades, and, of course, manufacturers keep the quality bar.

Shadows are not an indispensable detail makeup, but their competent use will add expressiveness to the eyes, give depth, make the look fresh. In addition, they can be used to adjust the shape and size of the eyes.

Types of eyeshadow

The choice of eyeshadows is simply huge, while in addition to the variety of colors, they differ in texture and specific effects. So, shadows can be dry, oily, liquid and in the form of a pencil.

Dry shadows they resemble powder in appearance and can also be compact and friable. It is the most popular type for its ease of use and excellent decorative effect.

Consistency bold shadows resembles a cream. Their indisputable advantage is that they contain substances that moisturize the skin of the eyelids, and the disadvantages include the complexity of application.

Oily eyeshadows should not be used by women with aging skin, since if there are fine wrinkles on the backs, they are able to emphasize them, and not mask them. If you wear contact lenses, then, on the contrary, it is recommended that you use oily shadows, since they do not crumble.

Liquid shadows applied to the eyelid with a brush, so a certain skill is required to work with them. They are most often used in festive makeup, as they are very long-lasting and can replace eyeliner.

Shadow pencils very easy and convenient to use, just draw a pencil line along the edge of the eyelid and blend it with the applicator or the pad of your finger.

Pencil shadows are matte and shimmery. Matte eyeshadows are used to create natural daytime makeup. They are composed of various color pigments, so they easily adhere to the skin around the eyes.

Shimmering shadows differ from matte by a soft shine. They, as a rule, are not applied to the entire eyelid completely, but only along the eyelash growth line. Also, such shadows can be applied only with dots on certain places.

An important advantage of such shadows is that they do not collect in small wrinkles on the eyelids, therefore they are recommended for mature women.

Choosing the color of the shadows

Blue eyes are best suited for shades of gray (dark gray to light gray), black, steel, dark blue, gray-blue, pink, white, brick, purple and ivory. If we talk about eyeshadows with mother-of-pearl, then white, silver-blue and pink are optimal here.

For green eyes, shadows of the following colors are suitable: light yellow, tan, beige, emerald, as well as ivory and green foliage. This can also include shades of chestnut, coral, orange, brick, copper and purple. Among pearlescent shadows, it is better to stop your choice on golden, green and copper tones.

Karim eyes go with shades of brown (from dark brown to the lightest), beige, light yellow, golden, white, purple, orange, dark green and emerald tones, as well as ivory. Pearlescent eyeshadows should be golden, white, green and copper.

To correctly apply shadows for the back, you need to know the basics of the color scheme and how each affects the composition in general. So, for example, white makes bright colors less vivid and gives clarity to the Look. However, an excessive amount of white shadows on the Eyes can play a cruel joke: the look becomes harsh, and the makeup will seem unnatural.

Black color is able to suppress any other, and to give a special expressiveness to the look. It also visually reduces the part of the eyelid to which it is applied. However, if you overdo it with black eyeshadows, then such makeup can add you several years.

Gray calms bright colors and makes the look velvety. However, shades of gray are not recommended for older women, as gray gives the look a fatigued look.

The brown color of the eyeshadow can soften the bright colors and give the look expressiveness and depth.

Beige shadows add light to the makeup and make the eyes stand out, while the bright shades are softened.

The shade of pink adds a sparkle to the look.

The color blue should not be used in its pure form, as the look can acquire coldness. If you have a preference for blue eyeshadows, it is better to choose shadows with some additional shade: green-blue, gray-blue, violet-blue, etc.

The shade of yellow lightens the look.

Green shadows should also not be used in their pure form, it is better to take shades: brown-green, green-blue, etc.

Golden eyeshadows will give your eyes a sparkling sparkle. However, they must be handled with care, as excess gold can extinguish the look. The shades of golden color are not recommended for women with aging skin - they will only highlight all the fine wrinkles around the eyes.

Eyeshadows with a mother-of-pearl effect are also contraindicated in older women. If you want to make your look shine, then just apply a small stroke to the upper eyelid.

The first thing that most men pay attention to when meeting a woman is her eyes. Everyone can show and emphasize the beauty and attractiveness of their eyes, you just need to arm yourself with good cosmetics and use it wisely. One of the main components of eye makeup is eyeshadow. , the choice of which must be approached responsibly.

Today, on store shelves, you can find a huge number of different types of shadows, differing not only in color, but also in their structure and method of application. How to choose and use eye shadow , to make the makeup neat and become a real decoration of the image?

Varieties of shadows

Depending on its consistency, all eyeshadows are divided into the following types:

  • compact - many women choose this particular type of eyeshadow and consider them the most convenient to use. They are produced by pressing a powdery base, they are very easily applied to the eyelid and are easily shaded, so they can be used to create the most smooth transitions from one color to another. As for the disadvantages of these shadows, they are that they may include components such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide and aluminum powder, which are not particularly useful for the skin and the body as a whole;
  • creamy - this type of eyeshadow is great for women with dry skin, but for those whose skin is oily or has such a feature as an overhanging eyelid, it is better not to use them, as the makeup will turn out to be sloppy. Most often, creamy eyeshadow is applied using a small sponge or a bouncy synthetic brush.
  • liquid- this type of shadow is most often used by those who have long mastered all the techniques and techniques of makeup, since working with them requires certain skills. These shadows dry quickly enough upon application and are difficult to shade. However, if you are looking for a glossy effect on the lids and an incredibly long-wearing finish, then these are the perfect fit. They need to be applied with a not very wide and dense synthetic brush, you can use an applicator;
  • pencil shadows - they are very similar to regular eyeliner, but have a large diameter and softness of the lead. These shadows are very easy to bring both the upper and lower eyelids and then blend with a dense brush for the most natural make-up. These shadows are available in both plastic and wood casing. Their significant drawback is that they are completely unstable.

In addition, shadows are divided into types depending on what effect they produce. Shadows are:

  • matte- great for everyday most natural make-up. They can be applied to both the upper and lower eyelids. Can also be used for festive and evening make-up, depending on the chosen color;
  • pearlescent- these shadows are more festive, with their help you can make your eyes shine. Unlike matte shadows, they cannot be applied to both eyelids at once, as in this case the makeup will turn out to be ridiculous.

There are also shimmering eyeshadows with sparkles, without which young women of fashion simply cannot imagine their evening makeup. This type of eye makeup can only be used when performing evening and carnival makeup, as excessive shine in broad daylight will be completely inappropriate.

Determine which shadows are right for you, you can only empirically, trying different types and comparing. If you doubt the correctness of the choice, then it is better to consult with a make-up artist or at least with a sales assistant in the store.

How to choose shadows according to your color type

How to match eyeshadow and hair color? this question interests many women. Professional make-up artists recommend using a special color wheel, with the help of which it will not be difficult to choose a color scheme for yourself. In addition, you need to heed the following expert advice:

  • blue eyes, which in most cases belong to blondes with fair skin, are suitable for warm, not too dark shades of shadows - light shades of milky, beige, coffee and others. Swamp, purple, gold and brown colors can be used to add depth to the eyes;
  • brown-eyed beauties with darkish skin, black or brown hair and well-defined eyebrows are more fortunate than others, since they do not have to bother especially about emphasizing their eyes, which are already clearly visible. They can choose makeup based on the color of their clothes, but the most predictable and frequently used shadow colors are dark beige, brown, various variations of purple shades;
  • for those girls who by nature got gray eyes and are supplied with light brown hair and light, but not pale skin, almost any color that resonates with the colors of the created image is suitable. Gray shades of shadows will look best; dark purple and greenish shadows are suitable for bright makeup;

If the eye color is mixed, which happens very often, for example, blue-gray or brown-green, then when doing makeup, you can use paints that suit both of these colors.

Application rules

With the help of shadows, you can create a very beautiful and unique makeup, highlight the eyes and hide imperfections. How to apply eye shadow and create an attractive look? General recommendations for applying shadows are as follows:

  • to create a more lasting makeup, you must use a primer) under the shadow. It will help protect the delicate skin of the eyelids and provide a good "adhesion" of shadows and skin;
  • if there is such a defect as dark circles under the eyes, then before applying shadows they must be hidden with the help of a concealer and corrector;
  • to make the look more open and to make it open, light shadows must be applied under the eyebrow, and in order to make the eyes expressive, the fold of the upper eyelid must be painted over with dark shadows.

As for directly applying shadows on the eyelids, there are several ways to do this. The most common is the classic method of application, which is used by professional makeup artists and ordinary women. This technique of applying shadows involves the use of two types of brushes - an ordinary one with an elongated bristle and a special one made of rubberized foam. For work, you will need two types of shadows - one light as close as possible to the color of the skin and a minimum of shine, the second dark and saturated (a small amount of mother-of-pearl is allowed).

Makeup is performed in the following sequence:

  1. A barely noticeable contour is drawn along the upper eyelid using a black pencil. This will help to sharpen the lash line;
  2. The base is applied under the shadow, the layer of this base should be very thin;
  3. Now the darkest of the selected shades of shadows is applied to the outer corners of the eyes with a foam brush, and the lightest to the inner ones;
  4. Feathers shadows with the back of the brush or another brush to smooth out the border of colors;
  5. The eyelashes are painted over with mascara.

If you have some makeup skills, you can also use another technique - modeling the arrows with shadows. This application method requires a thin but firm brush. In this case, gray-brown arrows will look as natural as possible. This method of applying shadows, depending on the colors used, can be used to create day or evening makeup. You can alternate both methods or choose one that is most convenient and suitable.

The ONE Blend Palette from Oriflame is very convenient to use when making eye makeup. In each palette you will find discreet and bold, natural and bright, matte and shine, light and dark shades of eyeshadows. There are 8 palettes in total and with their help you can create your own unique makeup. Also included is a handy applicator.

At Faberlik I really like the "Dazzling Look" baked eyeshadows. The catalog, as a rule, offers 6 options for shadows, each palette contains 4 colors that perfectly complement each other. Suitable for both dry and wet application. Perfectly shaded, worn perfectly. Economically consumed.

Modern girls try to look their best. They follow fashion trends and strive to attract the attention of others, including the opposite sex. Correct makeup will help every beauty to highlight her dignity and hide defects. Using a variety of techniques, you will be able to change your look every day. Eyeshadows will help you transform your face. It is they who are able to give the eyes expressiveness, depth and charisma. Let's consider the main features of this product, its types and how we will figure out how to use it correctly to create a stylish bow.

Features and Benefits

It is the eyeshadows that will help you correct the structure of the face, change the shape of the eyes, giving them the desired shape. This cosmetic product should be in the arsenal of every fashionista. Its main features and benefits:

    A wide range of goods. You can choose the option that suits you. Modern manufacturers present a wide variety of shadows to the judgment of fashionistas. They can be dry or runny, bright, shiny or matte. The main thing is to choose a substance that is suitable for your outfit and color type.

    Simplicity and ease of use. You will be able to apply any shadow with easy movements. Also, the product is quite compact, it fits optimally into any purse or cosmetic bag. You can take them with you on trips, to work.

    The ability to correct your face. You can effectively hide your flaws and visually highlight your merits. You just need to choose the right color of the cosmetic product and be able to apply it correctly.

    Affordable product cost. You can buy an important and useful thing at an affordable price, without spending all your savings. Now you will not need to visit expensive beauty salons, you can create your own unique image at home.

    Great mood. After being transformed, you will feel confident and attractive, charge yourself with positive emotions and a good mood. Accordingly, your plans will be carried out faster and easier.

It is worth noting the important functions that eyeshadows perform:

    With their help, you can successfully visually raise the corners of your eyes, if, for example, you have them down.

    You will be able to visually enlarge your eyes if you have small ones.

    You can decrease / increase the distance between wide-set eyes.

    Express your eyes with the right shades.

    Create a deep and mysterious look to highlight your attractiveness.

In any case, you need to apply any product in moderation. Do not overdo it, otherwise you will only make your look heavier and make your face look old. You should not abuse many shades at once.


When you are just looking at jewelry for your eyes, you should initially figure out what kind of eye shadow there are. There are several options for this cosmetic product:

    Matte. You can use this product whenever you want to create a natural effect, giving expressiveness to the eyes. Shadows are applied to the entire eyelid.

    Mother of pearl. This option will help to add shine and beauty. It should be remembered that pearlescent products need to be applied to part of the eyelid (mostly in the middle) in order to highlight it. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, with the help of mother-of-pearl, you can focus on the wrinkles and the face will no longer be so attractive.

    Dry. Such options are compact. The name of the cosmetic product comes from its powdery composition. Such a beauty product is obtained by pressing. This type of shadow is most common among modern ladies who want to be in trend.

    The advantages include ease of application. It is worth taking a brush, applicator or using your own finger. If you choose the right shades, you can enhance the natural beauty of the eyes. Many ladies consider the disadvantages of such products to be inconvenient when using contact lenses.

    Shadow pencil. This attribute will be ideal for quick makeup. He will help you out in any situation, help you look your best. As many have guessed, the name comes from the appearance of the product. They look like pencil or lipstick. The lead has a thickness of eight to fifteen millimeters. This way you can draw thinner lines or apply thicker strokes.

    The composition of such products includes anhydrous mixtures of fatty substances and waxes. This ensures good consistency and reduces the hardness of the cosmetic product. However, many women also note the negative aspects of using pencil shadows. These include the fact that they do not last very long for centuries. Accordingly, this option is not suitable for continuous use.

  • Liquid or creamy. This makeup product is created on a greasy basis. They are often water resistant. It is worth noting that such shadows do not lay down like dry ones. Therefore, it will take a little skill and experience to properly apply such a product. Better to use a special applicator.

    Liquid shadows will look great on your face. However, they also have a number of disadvantages. For example, they dry out quickly, can spread and accumulate in the folds of the dermis.

  • Loose. This look has a soft texture and is well distributed over the eyelids. You can successfully mix a variety of shades, achieve the desired colors and smooth transitions, which, for example, cannot be done with a liquid version. Apply the product gently with a brush or applicator. The disadvantages include the fact that the shadows can crumble and leave marks on the face.

Of course, the shades need to be mixed to give your look flavor and style. When choosing a product color, it is worth considering the shade of the eyes, skin, hair, as well as the silhouette and clothing. Find an unusual combination of palette, emphasize your individuality. Then you will definitely not go unnoticed.


As for the composition of the product, it can absorb a variety of elements. The quality and durability of the product will depend on them. The substance includes zinc oxide, chromium hydroxide, magnesium and zinc stearates, kaolin and other elements.

Mineral eyeshadow will help create an effective and bright makeup. They will look great in any light, suitable for any type of dermis. They include:

    Boron nitride. This mineral is able to give the dermis the effect of lightness and soft glow. Your eyes will look healthy and rested.

    Zinc oxide. This component will have an anti-inflammatory, absorbent effect.

    Titanium dioxide allows you to hide imperfections in the dermis. This component will protect you from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

    Diamond powder. This ingredient will not only add radiance to your skin, but will also prevent early aging of the dermis.

    Aluminosilicates. They will have a softening effect, hide fine wrinkles with a reflective effect.

Experts are confident that such shadows are completely safe. It is worth remembering that a quality product should not contain talc, fragrances, lanolin, bismuth emulsifiers. They can cause allergies, acne.

How to choose?

An important point is the correct selection of this cosmetic product. After all, the way you look will depend on the desired shade, consistency and structure of the substance. But every lady wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex. It is worth noting that you only need to choose good and persistent options that will not harm your health.

You can buy a special set with a large magnetic palette and a wide palette of colors: reds, satin, champagne, chameleons and others. There are also options with the effect of wet eyes, waterproof, etc. Beautiful tones and textures will impress any fashionista. It is also worth choosing hypoallergenic products, especially for sensitive eyes.

First of all, experts advise to choose shadows in accordance with the color of the eyes. So, if they are blue or they have a gray-blue tint, then white, gray, black tones will come in handy. It is worth using black, dark blue, pink or light blue, brick, purple shades. Will help to emphasize the natural color of the eyes and shimmery, pearlescent shadows. Do not be intimidated by violet and light lilac tones. But it's better not to look closely at dark tones - charcoal black, chocolate, brown, green.

For yellow-green or green eyes, it is advisable to add yellow-brown shades to the cosmetic bag, as well as light yellow, ivory, beige, peach, emerald, coral, chestnut, copper plum colors. Greenish, copper and gold in pearlescent colors successfully emphasize the depth and expressiveness of the eyes. But blue and blue shades are clearly not suitable for you.

For those with brown eyes, colors from dark to light brown can be used, gilded options, nude colors, emerald tones, dark green, purple, bronze, chocolate, charcoal black, olive will be successful. As for pearlescent eyeshadows, you can use white, copper or green. They will make your eyes look stylish and radiant. In this case, you do not need to use pink and orange shadows - they will not work for you.

For hazel-colored eyes, go for blue-gray or medium brown options. Don't just buy products that are greenish. As for the universal color for all eyes, this is gray. It will suit absolutely any beauty. It is worth remembering that gray has many different shades. If you purchase several of them, then your look will always be unusual, expressive, and you can change your style every day.

You can also choose products based on the color of the hair, dermis and eyes.

For example, if you are a light-skinned, blue-eyed brunette, then it is better to choose gray and blue eyeshadows. If you have a dark dermis, dark eyes and curls, then it is better to use the green options. These can be glossy or matte eyeshadows.

For brown-haired dark-haired women with dark eyes, black, dark gray, dark brown shades can be advised. But if the skin is light, then it is better to give preference to the shades of the color corresponding to your eyes.

Experts advise all blond fair-skinned ladies with bluish eyes to have gray and blue shadows. If you have green, hazel or honey eyes, then it is better to prefer brown and green. They will look great on your face. But that's not the only option that will make you attractive. You can improvise with different shades, choosing the colors that appeal to you, mixing them.

When choosing shadows, pay attention to their texture. These can be dry or liquid, cream or baked, etc. It is worth noting that dry are the most common. However, such products should be used very carefully and carefully for girls who use contact lenses. Small particles of the cosmetic product can enter the eyes and cause discomfort.

In this case, it is better to use liquid products. They will help you apply makeup safely and feel comfortable all day. However, such options have their own nuances - they quickly dry out and curl up on the folds of the eyelids.

How to do it yourself?

You can create your own eyeshadow. In this case, you can choose the desired shade. You will need to take 70% alcohol, cosmetic powder, a special container where this cosmetic product will be stored, a coin (pre-wipe it with alcohol), a plastic spoon and a paper towel.

You need to take the powder of the desired shade and mix with alcohol in a prepared jar, stirring everything well. You should get a uniform consistency. Now, use a paper towel to compress the cosmetic product. The paper will absorb excess moisture and the powder will return to its usual shape. Press until the contents of the jar are tightly compressed. Now all that remains is to dry the product and you can use it.

How to store?

Remember that all cosmetics have their own expiration date. It is no secret that expired shadows quickly roll down, and are dangerous to health. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be extremely careful and careful when buying a product.

If the eyeshadow is in an airtight package, then they can be stored for three to five years. Look at the packaging before buying, there will be an expiration date. An ideal storage place after opening the product would be a shelf in a cabinet or refrigerator.

Do not store products in the bathroom. Moisture has a detrimental effect on the product and can deteriorate faster. It is better for the substance to stay in a dark place where there is no direct sunlight and a sharp drop in temperature.

Remember the main signs that the substance can no longer be used: blistering of the packaging, faded color, change in consistency, unpleasant odor, uneven application, discomfort.

Application technique

It is important not only to choose the right shadows, but also the ability to apply them correctly. Only in this case your eyes will look expressive, rested and radiant with beauty. It is worth avoiding too dark shades, which can visually create (with inept use) sunken and small eyes, dark circles, bags under the eyes, short eyelashes.

Therefore, if you are not confident in your skills, then it is better to use brighter and lighter shades in the first stages. However, in this case, you should not overdo it. It is worth dyeing the eyelids step by step, carefully and slowly. This is the only way you can achieve high results. For example, consider how to create a casual look.

You can take one or two shades of shadows (light / dark). First, paint the entire eyelid with a light version to the very eyebrows. With dark products, you need to bring the eyelashes. This is done using a narrow line along their growth, as well as along the line of the eyelid fold to the middle of the eye. Do this from the outer corner to the center. Now we apply mascara. So your eyes have been transformed, and we have emphasized the natural beauty.

To create a radiant image, you need to take the appropriate shadows. They must be pearlescent. For example, pink, blue, lilac will do. First, apply pink light shadows on the inner corners of the peephole. Paint the middle of the eyelid with purple and the outside with blue. If you choose the right colors that will be successfully combined, then you will get smooth transitions from pink to blue. It will look stylish and effective.

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How Do I Pick the Best Eyeshadow Makeup?

It's no secret that every woman dreams of looking perfect. To fulfill this desire, cosmetologists have long come up with a huge number of ways. And one of them is, of course, eyeshadow. They can favorably emphasize all the advantages of any eyes, the main thing is to choose them correctly and be able to use them correctly. The eyeshadow itself is a versatile cosmetic product that can help you achieve the desired success in creating the desired look. However, you need to know how to choose the best eye shadows and how to apply them correctly, because if you make a mistake, you can ruin the result.

Eyeshadow: makeup according to the rules

There are many helpful tips on how to use shadows. Now we will consider several points that every woman must not only know, but also take into account when applying shadows.

1.What does every make-up start with? With tone equalization, of course! Don't forget about the eyes. Undoubtedly, the skin is more delicate here, so just a few drops of foundation are enough to hide the small capillaries that usually appear on the eyelids. It is also worth noting that the eyelids often have a greenish tint, which is also well masked when using foundation. If you have age spots or freckles, then you can use a liquid concealer mixed with a foundation. It will perfectly mask all the flaws. The main condition is not to use too much means, because it can then have a bad effect on the further use of the shadows.

2. After the tone is leveled, be sure to use the base. As they say, it is not so important how professional your shadows are, the most important thing is what kind of base is under them. And, indeed, if the base is applied well, then any shadows will last all day, and will not crumble / roll off. You need to use the base immediately after leveling the tone, then wait a couple of minutes, and you can start the makeup itself.

3. Now a little advice on which shading structure is better to use. Most girls never take the risk of trying something new. A stereotype has formed in the minds of modern customers that all shadows should be dry and crumbly. However, this is not at all the case. There are shadows that resemble cream in composition, or, to put it simply, cream shadows.

Their main plus is that they have no problem with shedding at all.
The second advantage: if you use cream eyeshadow, then it is not at all necessary to apply the base, since they can completely replace it. It is enough to apply shadows on the eyelid, shade them properly, and then correct in the corners of the eyes with loose shadows.
And, undoubtedly, another advantage - cream shadows can be applied with your hands, or rather, with your fingertips so that the shadows warm up and lay down without lumps.

4. A beige shade of eyeshadows is exactly what every woman should have without fail. If you don't have enough time to create multi-layered, high-quality makeup, then you can always use beige eyeshadows that will add lightness to your look. To use beige eyeshadows, no additional manipulation is needed, except for leveling the tone and applying a base. After them, you just need to add shadows and the makeup is ready.

5. Another step before applying eyeshadow is the need to powder under the eyes.
This detail is very important, especially if the makeup is planned in dark tones and loose shadows. It is known that the shadows will crumble, and when correcting mistakes and eliminating crumbled shadows, the concealer and foundation will be erased with a napkin. This means that you have to start all over again. It is necessary to powder it with a thick layer so that the pieces of eyeshadow can be easily swept away along with the powder, while not spoiling the base.
Matching eyeshadows to match your skin tone

In turn, it is important to choose the right shadows.

Dark skin - for this type, beige shades with a peach shade are ideal;
white skin - a sandy shade of beige eyeshadows will create the perfect effect;
lilac skin tone - beige eyeshadows with a yellow undertone will help cover the flaw.

Selection of shadows in accordance with the woman's color type

Finally, let's talk about shadows. Many people believe that shadows should be selected individually, taking into account the color of the eyes. But the main point that should be taken into account when choosing shadows is the woman's color type.

Winter. This type of girl predominantly has dark eyes and dark hair. Skin tone is fair. For this type, cool shades of eyeshadow are suitable. This type is unique, because only with it blue and plum colors are harmoniously combined. While the coffee shade will not give the desired effect. It is better to refuse it, as well as from chocolate shadows.

Spring. For owners of light hair and dark eyebrows, green and blue eyes, peach shadows, as well as green and brown ones, are suitable. Girls of the "spring" type can also use shades of blue, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Summer. Blond beauties with brightly accentuated blue eyes (as well as green and gray) can safely use all shades of gray, light gold and purple.

Autumn. Girls with a coppery shock of hair and dark brown eyes should use colors similar to bronze, gold or pale peach shades.

Pearlescent shadows - a must-have makeup

Pearlescent shadows are a must-have. It is these shadows that allow you to highlight the corners to emphasize contrast and visually enlarge the eyes. It will not hurt anyone to apply pearlescent shadows under the eyebrow. This makes them stand out favorably, especially if they are painted with a dark shade. It is not recommended to apply such shadows on the eyelids themselves.

Almond eyes

Almond-shaped eyes are exactly what all girls strive for, but nature has not rewarded everyone. But this can be fixed with shadows.

Drooping eyelid- can be removed with matte shadows. In no case should you use pearlescent. The crease under the upper eyelid should be painted over with dark shadows, and the overhanging eyelid itself should be painted over with shadows with medium saturation.

Wide-set eyes- with matte shadows, you need to paint over the distance from the middle of the movable eyelid to the outer corners of the eyes. This will visually darken the corners.

Close-set eyes- apply pearlescent shadows to the inner corners of the eyes, as well as paint over with matte shadows from the middle of the eyelid to the inner corners.

3 shades of eyeshadow - that's the secret of success!

Good makeup is traditionally created in 3 steps:

The movable eyelid is completely covered with a medium shade;
the outer corner of the eye stands out with the darkest shade from the palette;
the inner corner is the lightest.

There is another way to apply shadows, which is different from everyone known. These are wet shadows. Their difference lies only in the fact that the shadows are not applied with a dry brush, as everyone is used to doing, but with a wet one. The advantage of the method is that such shadows can replace the eyeliner, as well as add saturation to the shadows and create evening makeup.

Watch the video - it shows in detail how to apply shadows:

What are the best shades?

And now, a few words about global brands

1) MAC

A well-known manufacturer that has 2 types of the most popular eyeshadows: dry and paint pots. Dry shadows are distinguished by their quality. They do not crumble and hold up well throughout the day. Paint pots are bold eyeshadows that need to be specially learned to use. But they last much longer.


a) Large selection of shades.
b) Various textures.
c) Good quality

Minuses: sometimes they can crumble

2) YSL

Chic shadows that will make you feel like a queen. They do not roll and hold for a long time. It is better to apply them to the base, as without it they can crumble.


a) A wide variety of goods.
b) Quality at the highest level.

Minuses: high price.

3) Givenchy

A company that pleases customers with a huge selection of goods. These shadows are durable, as well as beautiful design. Shadows create chic play.


a) Persistence.
b) A unique palette with a perfectly matched range.

Minuses: no.


A brand that is renowned for offering quality cosmetics at a relatively inexpensive price. Matte eyeshadows that are perfect for business and everyday makeup are deservedly popular.


a) Reasonable price.
b) High-quality matte shadows and a large selection of them.

Minuses: too greasy.

5) Tom Ford

A brand that is shrouded in a sense of mystery, power, the perfect combination of masculine and feminine. Due to its structure, it takes time to learn how to use these shadows correctly. Saturated colors can be too bright, as long as you don't overdo it.


a) A bright palette that has all the varieties of dark shades.
b) Firmness for the whole day.

Minuses: possible problems with the first application.