Consultation for parents “Vegetables and fruits-vitamins on the table. Consultation for parents "Vegetables and fruits in the diet of the child Vegetables in the diet of children



Taking care of the health of the child, we must not forget about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, because they are all rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal development of the child's body.

Let's take a look at the most famous ones.

Apples - an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. The use of apples stabilizes the activity of the intestines, relieves constipation.

Pear contains organic acids that regulate the process of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, and the fiber that is part of it promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Banana rich in potassium, useful for the cardiovascular system, uplifting.

Apricot contains iron and vitamins, stabilizes bowel function.

Grape helps with loss of strength, anemia, disorders of the nervous system, metabolic disorders (diathesis).

Strawberry contains a large amount of magnesium, useful for the growth of the musculoskeletal system of the child.

Raspberries rich in vitamin C, indispensable in the autumn-winter period for the prevention and treatment of colds.

Cauliflower contains potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, iodine.

Broccoli in terms of vitamin C and carotene content, it is ahead of cauliflower. It is recommended for anemia, it tastes good and is easier to digest by the child's body.

Carrot improves blood clotting, vision, improves immunity.

Zucchini useful for sick, recovering, debilitated people and very well suited for baby food.

Potato strengthens the cardiovascular system, relieves digestive problems.

As you can see, the benefits of vegetables and fruits are enormous. And knowing the characteristics of each, depending on the time of year and the tastes of the child, you can always make a tasty and healthy menu.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


Healthy food will not only give the child strength, but also the body with vitamins and microelements. This is one of the most effective ways to return your baby to good health!

Abstract of the lesson on the world around "Vegetables and fruits are healthy products" Abstract of the lesson on the world around in the first junior group "Vegetables and fruits are useful products" Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Physical culture

Abstract of the lesson on the world around "Vegetables and fruits are healthy products" Abstract of the lesson on the world around in the first junior group "Vegetables and fruits are useful products"Integration of educational areas ...

Advice for parents

"Vegetables for children"

Teacher Krivtseva A.V.

I'll show you toys

I'll tell you how to arrange.

My material is not simple,

Unusual, painted.

And I will tell you how you can make the most ordinary vegetable dishes unusual and attractive to the child's eye.

Let's start with the fact that the diet of children should be balanced, healthy and nutritious, which guarantees healthy mental and physical development - every mother knows this.

To make sure that your child gets the nutrients and vitamins he needs, you need to provide his body with five main foods every day: fruits, vegetables, cereals, protein and water. This is a necessary minimum, and in no case can you save on it!


Not every child eats vegetables with great pleasure. And you have to eat them! What to do? To not give up!

Apply the principle of the rainbow in the vegetable menu, and it will be more interesting and useful to fit several flowers on one dish.

Actively involve the child in the process of cooking vegetables - ask them to wash them, peel them from easily peeled or peeled, you can even ask an older child to cut them (it is better that the vegetables are boiled).

Another way to get your baby interested in vegetables is to turn them into a holiday. Serve vegetables as a treat on the festive table or offer your child fresh vegetables as a snack, but, ATTENTION, cut differently. There is such a word "CARVING" that in translation from any language it is customary to understand how - decorative carving from vegetables and fruits. This is real art! For children, this way of serving vegetables is especially interesting, because, as we said a little higher, it is sometimes very difficult to get a child to eat at least a few vegetables. But it's one thing to eat an ordinary carrot and quite another - a cone of carrots or, for example, an exotic flower. You can also teach carving to your child. This lesson will help develop in him not only perseverance and the ability to cook, but also instill a wonderful sense of taste! With the little ones, start simple - cut out figures from boiled vegetables with the children using cookie cutters.

But that's not all. You can serve vegetables to children in beautiful dishes, at the bottom of which, for example, your favorite fairy-tale characters can be depicted. Purchase several plates with different images. The child will be happy to absorb soup or mashed potatoes in order to quickly find out who is hiding at the bottom today.

Well, if, after trying all the possible options, you still failed to make friends between the baby and vegetables, do not despair, try increasing the portion of fruits eaten - they have almost the same nutritional properties.


Theme "Vegetables. Fruits".

Children should know:

  • . names of vegetables, fruits and their parts;
  • . that vegetables grow in the garden, in the ground, in beds, on bushes, fruits grow in the garden, on trees;
  • . similarity and difference (be able to compare vegetables and fruits by color, shape, size, taste, smell);
  • . how vegetables and fruits are harvested (digged, plucked, cut, pulled out, processed (washed, cut, peeled, rubbed, how they are cooked and eaten (salted, raw, dried, boiled, which is prepared from vegetables, fruits;
  • . that vegetables and fruits are healthy, they have a lot of vitamins.

Children's vocabulary expansion:

Nouns cucumber, tomato (tomato, potato, beet, carrot, onion, turnip, cabbage, radish, pepper, garlic, eggplant, squash, zucchini, greens, parsley, dill, radish, pumpkin, beans, beans, peas, pods, tops, roots, fruits, seeds, tubers, leaves, head of cabbage, lettuce, beetroot, vinaigrette, juice, bag, box, path, fertilizer, pests, harvest, garden, bed, land, planting, watering, apple, pear, lemon, orange, tangerine, cherry, peach, apricot, plum, persimmon, banana, palm tree, pulp, stone, peel, apple tree, tree, branch, garden, watering, compote, jam, jam, juice;

Adjectives: red, green, yellow, ripe, unripe, tasty, tasteless, sweet, sour, bitter, salty, pickled, canned, raw, boiled, healthy, large, small, round, oval, elongated, oblong, smooth, ripe, fragrant, fragrant, juicy, vegetable, fruity, rough, soft, hard;

Verbs: plant, care, grow, sow, loosen, ripen, water, collect, ripen, sprinkle, dig, pull out, cut, wash, rub, boil, stew, fry, eat, crunch, cut, harvest, salt, ferment, preserve, pickle, dry, care, squeeze, dry, take out, ditch.

The grammatical structure of speech

. D / ex. "Call it sweetly"(formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes in singular and plural):
cucumber - cucumber - cucumbers,
pepper - pepper - peppers,
apple - apple - apples,
pear - pear - pear,

. D / ex. "One is Many"(plural formation of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases):
tomato - tomatoes - tomatoes,
pumpkin - pumpkins - pumpkins,
plums - plums - plums,
orange - oranges - oranges, etc.

. D / ex. "Tell me which one? »(formation of relative adjectives):
tomato juice - tomato,
apple juice - apple, (from plums, orange, grapes, peach)
carrot juice - carrot,
peach jam - peach,
apricot jam - apricot.

. D / ex. "Agreeing nouns with adjectives":

tomato is delicious, carrot is delicious, beans are delicious, tangerine is delicious, apple is delicious, plum is delicious, etc.

. D / ex. "Count to Five"(coordination of nouns with numerals):
one cucumber, two cucumbers, three cucumbers, four cucumbers, five cucumbers;
one apple, two apples, three apples, four apples, five apples, etc.

. D / ex. "Say the opposite"(selection of antonyms):
potatoes are large, and radishes are (small,
the pepper is empty inside, and the carrot is (full,
the tomato is soft, and the cucumber is. (solid,
the peach is big, and the apricot is (small,
an orange is round, and a banana is (long,
lemon is sour and peach is (sweet).

Do you want children to better remember the names of vegetables, fruits, their color, shape and taste? Give them the opportunity to take care of vegetables and fruits in the garden and in the garden: plant, water, loosen, dig and whitewash trees, harvest. You can play with vegetables and fruits at home, feel them, wash, cut, grate, squeeze juice, sort.

Games will help you learn the material on the topic:
. Taste game. The child closes his eyes, and the adult puts a piece of carrot, cucumber or other vegetable in his mouth. The same game is played with fruits. The child must guess what it is.
. The game "Know by touch". The child feels a vegetable or fruit in an opaque bag.
. Sculpting and drawing vegetables, fruits, shading contours in various directions.
. The game "Inventing riddles about vegetables and fruits." An adult describes a vegetable or fruit, for example: this vegetable is green, oval, hard, juicy. The child guesses what it is. Then the child himself learns to guess, and the adult guesses. Explain to the child that you need to indicate which vegetable or fruit to taste, shape, color, touch.
. D / ex. "The Fourth Extra"(selection of an extra item from a group of items). For example: apple, pear, vase, lemon (vase); lemon, peach, tomato, apricot (tomato); onion, turnip, nettle, garlic (nettle). Be sure to ask the child why he chose this or that object as superfluous.

Advice for parents

Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.

The main secret of a long life, strong immunity and a strong body is the daily consumption of vegetables. Of course, because they are the main suppliers of vitamins, fiber and trace elements that are vital for a person.

The role of vegetables for the body is very large, and now we will consider those that are most common and have benefits.


Cucumbers contain many vitamins. For example, such as B6, A, B2, C, and B1. They include pantothenic and tartronic acids, thanks to which fats and carbohydrates are not converted too quickly. It also contains potassium and sodium. Also, cucumbers are the most powerful diuretic products. Cucumbers are very useful for those who are overweight. That is why the cucumber diet is even known, which is considered very effective.


There are so many useful substances in carrots that it does not need to be cooked, but consumed in its raw, original form. It contains vitamins B6, B1, C, B2, various essential oils and enzymes, as well as carotene. In terms of carotene content, carrots can be surpassed only by peppers. But nutritionists warn that carrot salad does not need to be seasoned with fatty dressings (for example, sour cream or butter), since, together with fats, carotene is poorly digested by the body.


For many years it has been considered the “seed of health”. And not in vain, because in it you can find about eighteen types of amino acids and about a fourth of the elements of the Mendeleev system. Corn gives youth to the body and improves the functioning of the heart system.


The usefulness for the body of a tomato lies in the high content of vitamins C and A, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Another red vegetable contains biotin, which helps in rejuvenating the skin, nails and hair. carotene, which is included in tomatoes, is an excellent means of preventing cancer.

Useful properties of fruits.

Now let's turn our attention to no less important products than vegetables. Of course, we are talking about fruits. Many of us have come to think of them as just a dessert, something to indulge in between meals. But recent studies have shown that some fruits can fully replace the consumption of classic products, as they contain such useful substances as potassium and proteins. It is also a great exercise for the brain.

People who eat fruit every day in their diet feel much happier and more joyful. Not only do they get a delicious portion of food, but also the necessary vitamins and minerals enter the body. None of the vitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies can replace the full use of fruits.

But here it should be noted that it is better to buy those fruits that you are sure of. Try to buy products only from trusted sellers, because recently there has been such a situation that fruits are being imported into our country from abroad. You understand that in order for them to retain their presentation, they are stuffed with a variety of chemicals.

Also, the advantage of fruits can be called the fact that they do not need to be subjected to heat treatment. Rinse them thoroughly and they are ready to use. After all, everyone has long known that the more we steam, cook and stew food, the less useful vitamins and salts remain in it.

After eating fruits, you will never feel a feeling of heaviness or discomfort in the stomach, as, for example, from eating ordinary food. . Make it a rule to eat, for example, one apple or a banana every day before meals. Believe me, a little time will pass, and you will feel that the body behaves differently, as it began to receive the necessary vitamins.

The variety of fruits presented on the shelves of our stores is simply amazing. You can even choose those that you have never seen in your life. But before using them, you should still consult with a specialist. Do not force yourself to eat this or that fruit if you do not like it. For example, you read somewhere that oranges are very good for health. You start eating it, and in your mouth there is a feeling of impossible acid, which is simply impossible to eat. In this case, your body tells you that the acid-base balance in the stomach is disturbed. In this case, you can pay attention to another fruit for now.

And never ask anyone for advice. The main adviser here should be your own body, which will tell you what it needs now and what it needs. And in the end I want to tell you - bon appetit!