Pedagogical development. Development of speech motor skills in children of the sixth year of life by means of articulatory gymnastics Hold a gauze napkin with your lips - an adult tries to pull it out


1. General relaxation

2. Development of general motor skills

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Facial massage .

5. Development of facial muscles.

- After the autumn rain, the sun came out, and you smiled, rejoiced, upset.

- But suddenly a cloud came running, and you frowned, upset.

– But the wind carried away the clouds, and you smiled again.

- for lips: lips in a smile - "tube";
- For the tongue: "spatula" (hold counting up to 10).

- staging of lower diaphragmatic breathing.
Exercises are performed while standing, hand on the diaphragm: exhale, inhale, noisy exhale.
- voice exercises: portray the howling of the wind: u-u-u-u ... loud (strong wind), quiet (weak wind).

8. Physical education.

1. General relaxation
We clap our hands: clap, clap, clap.
We stomp our feet: stomp stomp.
We wave our hands and shake our heads.

2. Development of general motor skills

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Facial massage .

- stroking with your fingertips from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
- stroking from the midline of the chin to the auricles;
- stroking the wings of the nose (from the middle to the ears);
- stroking the nose from the tip to the bridge of the nose;
- stroking from the corners of the lips to the ears;
- “finger shower” (tapping with two or four fingers).

5. Development of facial muscles.

- Smiled.
- Upset.
- Surprised.
– got angry

6. Development of articulatory motility.

- for the jaw: alternate opening, closing the mouth;
- for lips: “bagel” - “tube”, “air kiss”, soundless articulation of sounds A, U;
- For the tongue: self-massage of the tongue (biting - dy-dya-dya, relaxation - t-t-t-t).

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

– An exercise to automate lower diaphragmatic breathing (while standing – inhale, exhale, pause, noisy exhalation)
- voice exercises: Ay, ay, Aukaem: autumn is multi-colored we call out (sing vowel sounds).

8. Physical education.

1. General relaxation

2. Development of general motor skills "Harvest".

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Facial massage .

Stroking, tapping, circular movements, stroking.

5. Development of facial muscles.
Perform actions on text.

It's good when you smile
It's good when you wonder
But how can we not have fun
When you get angry and upset.

6. Development of articulatory motility.

- for the jaw: close your teeth, open - close your mouth;
- for lips: "smack" lips; "slap" lips;
– For the tongue: Hold the tongue against the lower teeth counting from 1 to 5; bite your tongue with your teeth.

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

8. Physical education.

1. General relaxation

2. Development of general motor skills

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Facial massage .

- Forehead - stroke with light movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
- Eyes - draw glasses with your fingers.
- Cheeks - stroke from nose to ears.
- Chin - from the middle of the chin up the cheeks to the temples.
- Neck - warm the neck (stroking, acupressure).

5. Development of facial muscles.

6. Development of articulatory motility.

- for the jaw: coughing, imitation of pigeon cooing;
- for lips: "tasty jam";
- for the tongue: “brush your teeth” (Upper teeth from the inside).

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

- Children spread their arms to the sides and take a breath.
Then they wrap their arms around themselves and crouching (“falling under the water”) exhale 2-3 times.
- We draw one vowel sound, on one exhale. U——
8. Physical education.

1. General relaxation

2. Development of general motor skills

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Facial massage .

5. Development of facial muscles.

6. Development of articulatory motility.

- for lips: hold a vitamin with your lips;
- For the language: "needle"; "Pussy laps milk."

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

- Exercise "On the horizontal bar." Starting position - standing, legs together. Gymnastic stick in both hands in front of you. Rising on toes, raise the stick up - inhale, lower the stick on the shoulder blades - exhale for a long time with the sound "ffff" (3-4 times).
Voice exercises.
Pronounce combinations of two sounds on one exhalation: Inhale, exhale

8. Physical education.

Migratory birds.
1. General relaxation

2. Development of general motor skills "Cuckoo".

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Facial massage .

Longitudinal, transverse, point, circular .

5. Development of facial muscles.

6. Development of articulatory motility.

- for the jaw: open and close the mouth counting up to 5; sharply lower the jaw down;
- for lips: lips in a smile - "tube"; shout "(5 times)
- For the tongue: "spatula"; "needle".

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice.
- inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose (5 times, control the mirror);
- Voice exercises - pronounce the sounds of IU on one exhalation: (inhale, exhale)

8. Physical education.

1. General relaxation

2. Development of general motor skills. "Berries"

3. Development of fine motor skills. "Honey mushrooms".

4. Facial massage .

Vodichka. Vodichka,
Wash my face.
To make your eyes sparkle
To make cheeks blush
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.
5. Development of facial muscles.

6. Development of articulatory motility.

- for the jaw: the mouth is open, the movement of the lower jaw to the right - to the left;
- for the lips: pull the lower lip down (the front lower teeth are visible), keep counting from 1 to 6, return to its original position;
- For the tongue: hide the tip of the tongue behind the upper, then behind the lower teeth (4 times); "The boat is buzzing" (s - s - s)

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

- breathe in the forest air6 inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose (3-4 times).
- voice exercises6 pronounce the sound Ы on one exhalation.
Inhale, exhale. Y———

8. Physical education.

Game "Forbidden Movement"

1. General relaxation
Our hands rest, our feet rest,
The neck is not tense, but relaxed.
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.
One, two, three, look around.

2. Development of general motor skills. "Cat"

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Facial massage .

5. Development of facial muscles.

Furrow your brows; raise eyebrows; wrinkle your forehead.

6. Development of articulatory motility.

- for the jaw: open your mouth (hold the count to five); jaw movement left and right;
- for lips: smack lips, slap lips;
For the tongue: brush the lower teeth (on the inside), brush the upper teeth.

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

- inhale through the mouth - exhale through the nose (5 times);
- voice exercises: work on the sonority of the voice (inhale-exhale m-m-m-m-m)

8. Physical education.

We walk on socks
And then on the heels.
We're like guys
And like a clumsy bear.

Wild animals.
1. General relaxation

2. Development of general motor skills

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Facial massage .

According to the general rules: with imaginary trickles of rain (stroking), droplets (tapping with fingertips) and again trickles (stroking).

5. Development of facial muscles.

6. Development of articulatory motility.

- for the jaw: the mouth is open (hold counting up to 10); alternately open and close the mouth;
- for lips: grin, "tube" (alternation)
- for the language: tongue "painter", "brush the upper teeth";
- for cheeks: fat tomatoes, skinny cucumbers.

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (4 times);
-voice exercises: work on the sonority of the voice - inhale-exhale

8. Physical education.

Clothes, shoes, hats.

1. General relaxation

2. Development of general motor skills

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Facial massage .

Longitudinal, transverse, point, circular.

5. Development of facial muscles.

6. Development of articulatory motility.

- for the jaw: imitation of chewing;
- for lips: smack your lips, slap your lips;
- for the tongue: we will press the tongue with our lips (five-five-five), and then we will press the teeth (ta-ta-ta).

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

Inhale through the mouth - exhale through the mouth (45 times).
-voice exercises: pronounce on one exhalation.
E O A ————-
E O A———————–
E O A———————————

8. Physical education.

Game "Forbidden Movement"

An experimental study of articulatory motility was carried out on the basis of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 143". The experiment involved 9 children aged 3 to 5 years with an erased form of dysarthria.

When studying the kinesthetic oral praxis, it was noted that Veronika (3 years old) did not accurately answer the questions, when pronouncing the sound [T], she said that the tip of the tongue was at the bottom. Kristina (4 years old) and Katya (4 years old) corrected their mistakes, namely the position of the lips when pronouncing vowels after stimulating help. Maxim (5 years old) and Maxim. (4 years old) refused to complete the tasks, saying that they did not know the answer. Vitya (4 years old) could not understand the task itself and also refused to complete it. Sonya (4 years old) gave incorrect answers when determining the position of the lips when pronouncing vowels and the position of the tip of the tongue when pronouncing the sounds [И] and [Ш], saying that in all cases the tip of the tongue is at the top. Artem (4 years old) often made mistakes in her answers, did not determine changes in the position of the lips after the syllable series, when pronouncing the sounds [T], [D], [N] answered that the tip of the tongue was located below, did not correct his mistakes even after help. Karina (4 years old) spent a long time looking for the correct posture when pronouncing vowels, but gave the correct answers and positions of articulation after stimulating assistance.

During the examination of kinetic oral praxis, Veronica searched for a position for a long time when performing the “sail” and “spatula” exercises, after some time salivation began. Kristina searched for poses for a long time, completed the tasks with errors, instead of the “bridge” she made a “spatula”, and instead of the “sail” she made “delicious jam”. Maxim and Sonya performed tasks with errors, confused postures, synkinesis was observed. Vitya and Katya did the exercises correctly, but the time of holding the pose was 2 seconds, Artem's time of holding the pose was 1 second. Maxim did not give a single correct answer, he confused all the poses and could not hold them for a long time. Karina was looking for the “spatula” and “delicious jam” position for a long time, salivation was observed.

After examining the dynamic coordination of articulatory movements, it was noted that: Veronica slowly switched from one movement to another. Christina limited herself to two correct movements, and Sonya limited herself to three correct movements. Maxim searched for a long time for poses for the “swing” and “pendulum” exercises, after which he replaced these movements with each other. Vitya, Artem and Maxim refused to complete the tasks. Katya performed tasks with errors, she replaced all the exercises with each other or did not complete them in full, hyperkinesis was also noted. Karina, after a long search for a pose, gave the correct pose.

Examination of facial muscles showed that Veronika, Christina, Artem, Katya and Karina had only such single movements as pulling in their cheeks, frowning their eyebrows, puffing out their cheeks, puffing out their cheeks in turn, wrinkling their foreheads. Maxim had some movements performed inaccurately, for example: to wrinkle his forehead and frown his eyebrows, but he corrected his mistakes and gave the correct pose. Vitya and Sonya accurately completed all the tasks. Maxim had smoothness of the nasolabial folds, he had difficulty with each task, could not find the right position, or simply did not complete some tasks.

Analyzing the results of the examination of muscle tone and lip mobility, it can be noted that Veronica, Christina and Karina refused to complete the tasks. Maxim had difficulty in completing the task, a long search for a pose due to the immobility of the lips. Vitya inaccurately performed the “fence” - “tube” movements, but after the help he corrected and gave the correct execution. Sonya corrected all postures after stimulating help. Artem and Katya inaccurately performed the movements to lower the lower lip and raise the upper one. Maxim did not complete a single correct task, replacing one movement with another.

When examining the muscle tone of the tongue and the presence of pathological symptoms, it was noted that Veronika and Karina had a blue tip of the tongue. Christina had concomitant jaw movements. Maxim had salivation, which increased with functional load. Vitya was looking for all the poses for a long time, as a result of which there were difficulties in completing tasks. Sonya and Katya, after self-correction, gave the correct performance of the “pendulum” exercise. Artem searched for all the poses for a long time, after which he gave the correct answer. Maxim did not give a single correct pose.

After analyzing the results of the examination, the children were distributed according to the levels of the state of the articulatory apparatus. The levels are distributed as follows: the highest mark for completing tasks is taken (according to the method of E.F. Arkhipova, this is 4) and the lowest (according to the same method, this is 0). The average score of each child is calculated by summing the scores for each task and dividing it by the number of surveyed profiles. The levels are distributed as follows:

4 - high;

3 - 2 - medium;

1 - 0 - low.

The distribution of children according to the levels of formation of articulatory motor skills is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

The state of articulatory motility in middle-aged children with erased dysarthria

As can be seen from the table, not a single child with erased dysarthria has a high level of formation of articulatory motor skills. The average and low levels are represented by an almost equal number of children. An experimental survey showed that the articulatory motility of children of middle preschool age with erased dysarthria has the following features: salivation, which increases with functional load, violent movements, accompanying movements when performing specific tasks, limited movements of the lower jaw, tremor and blue tip of the tongue, flaccidity of the lips and cheeks. These features can lead to distortion of sound pronunciation, making the child's speech incomprehensible. Limited movements of the lower jaw lead to a violation of the modulation of the voice and its timbre. Also, violations of sound pronunciation can subsequently lead to such violations as dysgraphia and dyslexia.

All this indicates the need for targeted and comprehensive corrective work.

Purpose of the event:

To increase the effectiveness of correctional work by actively involving parents in the process of overcoming speech disorders in children.


- to increase the level of pedagogical competence of parents in matters of

speech development of children;

- introduce the concept of articulatory motor skills, gymnastics;

- inform parents that the production of sounds in children during

largely depends on the correct implementation of certain complexes

articulatory gymnastics;

- teach to perform special exercises for articulation

apparatus necessary for the pronunciation of hissing sounds;

- to teach playing techniques for performing articulatory gymnastics.


Computer, projector, PowerPoint multimedia presentations: “Formation of articulatory motor skills in speech therapy classes”, “Walk for the tongue”; badges for parents, individual mirrors, cotton wool, discs with articulation tales.

logo training program.

Teacher speech therapist: Good evening dear parents!

Today we will talk about the importance of articulatory gymnastics in correcting sound pronunciation. Let's learn some special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of the movements of the organs involved in the speech process. In addition, I will demonstrate to you some of the techniques for the formation of articulatory motor skills in speech therapy classes.

The message is accompanied by a presentation "Formation of articulatory motility in speech therapy classes."

Teacher speech therapist: Pronunciation of speech sounds is a complex motor skill that needs to be purposefully taught to children.

Correction of sound pronunciation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The preparatory stage, aimed at the formation of the correct articulation mode in the process of performing articulation exercises; stage of sound production; stage of sound automation in various phonetic conditions of pronunciation and differentiation of sounds similar in acoustic and articulatory properties.
  • Accuracy, strength and differentiation of fine articulatory movements develop gradually in a child. For clear articulation, strong, elastic and mobile speech organs are needed - tongue, lips, soft palate. Articulation is associated with the work of numerous muscles, including chewing, swallowing, mimic. The process of voice formation occurs with the participation of the respiratory organs (larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm, intercostal muscles). Thus, speaking of special speech therapy gymnastics, one should keep in mind the exercises of numerous organs and muscles of the face, mouth, neck, shoulder girdle, and chest. The method of educating sound pronunciation through specific gymnastics is recognized by a number of well-known theorists and practitioners specializing in speech disorders (M.E. Khvattsev, O.V. Pravdina, M.V. Fomicheva, etc.).
  • Articulatory motor skills, gymnastics - this is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of the movements of the organs involved in the speech process.
  • The purpose of articulation gymnastics development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones.

The principle of selection of articulation exercises is the nature of the pronunciation defect. For each child, I compose a set of exercises individually, based on the task, to achieve the correct articulation of sound, taking into account its specific violation in the child. It is not enough just to select the movements that need correction, it is important to teach each child to correctly apply the appropriate movements. That is, to develop accuracy, purity, smoothness, strength, pace, stability of the transition from one movement to another. Let's expand on these concepts.

  • The accuracy of the movement of the speech organ determined by the correctness of the final result, which can be assessed by the final location and shape of this organ.
  • Smoothness and ease of movement involve movements without jerks, twitches, tremors of the organ (muscle tension always disrupts the smoothness and softness of movement); the movement must be made without auxiliary or accompanying movements in other organs.
  • Pace is the speed of movement. At first, the movement is made somewhat slowly, the speech therapist adjusts the pace by tapping with his hand or counting out loud, gradually speeding it up. Then the pace of movement should become arbitrary - fast or slow.
  • Sustainability of the end result means that the resulting position of the organ is held unchanged for an arbitrarily long time.

Transition (switching) to another movement and position should be done smoothly and quickly enough.

First, the exercises are performed at a slow pace in front of a mirror, i.e. to achieve the final result, visual self-control is used.

After the children learned to perform movements, the mirror was removed, the control functions were taken over by the child's own kinesthetic sensations (sensations of movement and position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus).

Any exercise should not bring the body to overwork.

Performing articulatory gymnastics exercises requires a child to spend a lot of energy, a certain amount of effort and patience. So that the child does not lose interest in the work performed, articulatory gymnastics should not be carried out according to a template, boring.

A prerequisite for success is the creation of favorable conditions. I try to involve children in an active process, create an appropriate emotional mood, arouse keen interest, a positive attitude towards classes, and the desire to do the exercises correctly.

For this, in addition to the game, as the main activity of children, and classes, I use computer technology 2 times a week. The electronic manual helps to significantly increase interest in the correctional process.

Thus, in the formation of correct articulatory patterns in children, new stable pronunciation conditionally associative connections are activated, which contribute to the development of reverse afferentation and the motor link of the speech system as a whole.

In addition, for the formation of articulatory motor skills, I use sets of exercises that help prepare the organs of articulation for sound production.

For example, I will give a set of exercises for hissing sounds.

For each exercise, a picture-image was selected. The picture serves as a model for the child to imitate any object or its movements when performing articulatory gymnastics exercises. (Exercises: pancake, knead dough, cup, delicious jam, parachute, horse, house painter)

Another interesting presentation of articulation gymnastics is a fairy tale.

So, I suggest you visit the fairy tale with your children.

Viewing a computer presentation "Tongue Walk" and performing appropriate exercises in front of individual mirrors with the children.

Parents sit at tables on which are mirrors, aids for breathing exercises. Speech therapist showing copyright through a projectorfairy tale - the presentation "Walk for the tongue" demonstrates the correct implementation of articulation exercises. Parents together with their children, taking mirrors in their hands, follow all the instructions of the speech therapist, ask questions if something is not clear.

At the end of the logo training, parents share their impressions.

Teacher speech therapist: Dear parents! Thank you for your cooperation. As a memento of our meeting, we are handing you a disk with articulation tales, for classes with children at home. On this positive note, our logo training ends. I wish you success and joy in communicating with your children.

MBDOU Center for Child Development - Kindergarten "Rodnichok"

Tommot, Aldan district, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


from the experience of a speech therapist

Nadymova Ludmila Ivanovna

on the topic "Development of articulatory motor skills in children with speech disorders as an effective means of correcting sound pronunciation"

With. Menshchikovo, 2015

TOPIC: The development of articulatory motor skills in children with speech disorders as an effective means of correcting sound pronunciation

Any of us came into the world on this

Do good, hope, love,

Laugh, cry, but with all this

We must learn to SPEAK.

E. Akhaltseva

Sound pronunciation disorders in children is a fairly well-studied section in speech therapy, and the methodology for overcoming them is basically developed. But, despite this, there is reason to raise the question of the need for further research on techniques and methods that activate the mental and practical activities of children, contributing to an increase in the efficiency of overcoming sound pronunciation disorders.

Working with children at the preschool speech center with a variety of speech deviations (ONR, FFNR, FNR), I encountered a problem that is very often observed in speech pathologists. This problem lies in the long period of automation and differentiation of the delivered sounds.

This problem occurs for various reasons, one of the reasons is the insufficient development of articulatory motor skills.

Relevance chosen topic is that overcoming speech disorders in preschool age is of great importance in the subsequent life of the child. Deficiencies in sound pronunciation can cause deviations in the development of such mental processes as memory, thinking, imagination, as well as form an inferiority complex, expressed in communication difficulties.

Target: development of articulatory motor skills of preschoolers, contributing to the elimination of pronunciation deficiencies.


    Improving the development of articulatory motor skills through articulation exercises.

    To choose effective methods for the formation of pronunciation abilities of preschoolers.

    To increase the competence of parents in the importance of articulation exercises.

Speech is not an innate ability, it is formed gradually and its development depends on many factors. One of the conditions for the normal formation of sound pronunciation is the full-fledged work of the articulatory apparatus. Disorder of the mobility of the articulatory organs is one of the key problems in the occurrence of disorders in the pronunciation of sounds. Without the restoration of impaired functions, we cannot hope to correct the speech defect. Therefore, specialists pay a lot of time and attention to articulatory motor skills.

Theorists and practitioners specializing in speech disorders (M.E. Khvattsev, O.V. Pravdina, M.F. Fomicheva, L.S. Volkova, T.B. Filicheva, etc.) dealt with the development of articulatory motor skills. In the special speech therapy literature, the significance of the work on the development of the motor skills of the articulatory organs for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation is quite fully disclosed, descriptions and guidelines for the implementation of complexes of special exercises are given.

Work on the development of the main movements of the organs of the articulation apparatus is carried out in the form of articulation gymnastics.

The purpose of articulation gymnastics - development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulation apparatus, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Articulatory gymnastics includes exercises for training mobility and switching organs, working out certain positions of the lips, tongue, necessary for the correct pronunciation of all sounds.

The whole system of articulation gymnastics is divided into two types of exercises:

    Static, aimed at maintaining a certain articulatory posture;

    Dynamic, requiring repeated repetition of the same type of movement.

When performing the exercise, children gradually develop the patterns necessary to consolidate certain groups of sounds (whistling, hissing, sonorous).

One of the most important recommendations for articulation gymnastics is the daily repetition of articulation exercises. But fatigue, instability and short duration of attention, lack of interest in organized activities, low motivation, reduce children's interest in daily activities, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of articulation exercises. Therefore, it is extremely important to create conditions for the organization of dynamic, emotional, pleasant, tireless and diverse activities that contribute to the development of game motivation, children's interest in work, which is especially important within the framework of federal state educational standards. The development and implementation of variable models and forms of speech therapy help ensure its availability and high quality for children.

The use of gaming methods and techniques allows children to form a steady interest in performing articulatory gymnastics exercises and significantly increases the result of corrective work on the formation of correct sound pronunciation in children. M.F. Fomicheva in the book “Educating Children to Correct Pronunciation” noted that articulation gymnastics is best done in a playful way, because this is the main activity of preschool children. She offered to accompany each exercise with a subject or plot picture. This allows the child to master articulation gymnastics faster and more successfully. And this means that the process of development of articulatory motor skills is more active, overcoming difficulties is easier.

In order to inform parents about the forms and methods of preparing children's articulation organs for correct pronunciation, a seminar was organized for parents: "Articulation gymnastics at home", open classes with preschoolers, conversations (individual, subgroup), consultations "Fitness for the tongue" , "How to do articulation gymnastics", "Why articulation gymnastics is needed", photo presentations, memos and booklets with exercises were made.

It is quite obvious that it is possible to realize the set tasks only by clearly coordinating the work of a speech therapist and teachers.

Correction of the sound-producing side of speech is a long process; and in order to make it interesting, consultations were held for teachers: “To exercise with the tongue: exercises for children of preparatory age”, “Tongue traveler”, “Articulation gymnastics for kids”, workshop “Articulation gymnastics is an effective means of correcting sound pronunciation in children with speech disorders”, memos and booklets with exercises were made.

At present, there are various complexes of articulatory gymnastics. "Articulation gymnastics for girls" and "Articulation gymnastics for boys" N.V. Nishcheva, O.A. Novikovskaya "Merry exercises for the tongue" and many others. The authors of these manuals propose to optimize speech therapy work on the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. Interesting stories, fairy tales and playing them with the help of articulation gymnastics are perceived by children with great interest.

Taking into account the leading activity of preschool children and in order to increase interest in performing articulation exercises, I have prepared and tested the game manual “Articulation gymnastics with a Cheerful Tongue”. The manual was made on the basis of the content of the book "Lessons of a speech therapist" by E.M. Kosinova,it consists of a stand and symbol pictures for all articulatory controls. There is a card file with a description of all the exercises and methodological recommendations for their implementation.

The stand depicts a forest path along which the Tongue "travels". Pictures are made of magnetic vinyl. The stand and pictures are laminated, which allows for sanitization of the manual. The manual made in this way looks bright and aesthetically pleasing, practical in work, resistant to wear and damage. The possibility of manipulating picture-symbols arouses in children a lively, unquenchable interest in articulation exercises.

The magnetic method of fastening is very interesting for children, they are happy to attach and remove pictures from the stand. This activity promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

With the help of this manual, you can beat the complex of articulatory gymnastics for any group of sounds, subordinating it to a fairy-tale or game plot. Children gladly come to the aid of Tongue and help him complete some task, go for a walk with him, save him from trouble.

Work with the manual begins with the very first lessons of the preparatory stage of work to correct incorrect pronunciation. With the help of the protagonist of the Tongue, children get acquainted with the structure of the articulatory apparatus, learn about the benefits of exercises for the tongue and other organs of articulation, and learn to perform these exercises.

Since the exercises should be performed in front of a mirror, I consider it appropriate to place the manual near the mirror in the area of ​​individual work. The manual fit very organically into the interior of the speech therapy room and became a functional element of the subject-developing environment.

Classes in articulatory gymnastics are held according to a certain pattern. On the table in front of the child are pictures - symbols. Following the plot of the fairy tale, the necessary pictures are selected, the exercise is performed and the picture is attached to the stand-path. After performing articulatory gymnastics, a conversation is held according to a fairy tale - we remember where the Tongue went, what he did, whom he met, etc. In the first lessons, the exercises are performed in the sequence proposed by the speech therapist. In subsequent lessons, children independently choose the sequence of exercises, independently come up with a plot. It promotes the development of children's imagination and fantasy.

Also, with the help of this manual, you can work on the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech - learn to use spatial prepositions in speech (for, on, in, under, over, from under, etc.). Children really like to play with pictures, and after the end of the lesson they play for a few more minutes, voicing all their actions, which contributes to the development of coherent speech.

The use of a game aid allows you to make classes interactive, interesting, exciting, emotionally comfortable. The child does not notice that he is being taught. And this means that the process of development of articulatory motor skills proceeds more actively, faster.

Having completed the exercises of articulation gymnastics in class, the child, returning to the group, tells a new fairy tale to his friends, and at home to his parents. This contributes to the repeated unobtrusive repetition of a set of articulation exercises.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the ongoing work on the development of articulatory motor skills is carried out on the basis of diagnostics carried out at the beginning and at the end of the academic year. Examination of articulatory motility is carried out in the form of diagnostic tests using verbal instructions, a sample, a demonstration. By the end of the school year, children with speech disorders significantly improve mobility, endurance, and accuracy of movements of the active muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

The successful use of the game aid when performing articulation gymnastics allows achieving high results in the development of children's speech.

I hope that the presented manual will arouse the interest of speech therapists, and most importantly, will be useful in their work aimed at the prevention and correction of sound pronunciation defects in children.


1. Kosinova E.M. "Lessons of a speech therapist": games for the development of speech. – M.: Eksmo: OLISS, 2011.

2. Zhuravleva A.E. "Home speech therapy". – M.: Eksmo, 2012.

3. Tkachenko T.A. "Speech therapy exercises". – M.: Eksmo, 2013.

4. Krupenchuk O.I. Vorobieva T.A. "Correct pronunciation": A comprehensive method for correcting articulation disorders. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2013.

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Natalya Podstavkina
Formation of articulatory motor skills

From work experience. Subject: « Formation of articulatory motor skills» .

Speech therapist Podstavkina N. N. GBDOU d.s. No. 12 p. White clay.

The pronunciation of speech sounds is a complex motor skill, consisting of a complex set of movements, while articulation, voice and breathing must be coordinated in work. When pronouncing various sounds, the child needs to reproduce articulatory mode, consisting of a complex set of movements, while each organ participating in the speech process occupies a certain position. In speech, sounds are not pronounced in isolation, but smoothly one after another, and organs articulatory apparatus must quickly change its position. It is possible to achieve a clear pronunciation of sounds, words, phrases only if the organs are sufficiently mobile articulation apparatus, their ability to rebuild and work in a coordinated manner. Lack of facial and articulatory motility manifests itself in poverty, inexpressiveness of facial movements, in a fuzzy or incorrect sound pronunciation, in general blurring, indistinctness of speech.

With insufficient mobility articulatory muscles disturbed sound pronunciation

Target articulatory gymnastics - the development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of organs articulation apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening muscles articulation apparatus, the development of strength, mobility and differentiation of the movements of the organs involved in the speech process. An important role in formation sound pronunciation plays a clear, precise, coordinated work articulatory organs, their ability to quickly and smoothly switch from one movement to another, as well as to maintain a given articulatory posture, wherein articulation, voice and breathing must be coordinated in work.

The means are: motor exercises aimed at normalizing muscle tone

1. Gymnastics chewing articulatory muscles

3. Gymnastics of lips and cheeks

4. Gymnastics of the tongue

5. Mimic gymnastics of the oral region

6. Gymnastics for chewing muscles

7. Logomassage

Exercises are selected in accordance with the defect of speech, and each sound of a particular group. One of the indicators of the successful speech development of a child is formed correct pronunciation skills. To do this, the child must learn to control the organs articulation apparatus be able to listen to yourself and others.

Organ training articulation, especially with young children, is carried out in the play form. A certain sequence is observed from simple to more complex. has a positive effect on formation and further development articulatory motility. Promotes the development of the psychological base of speech and all aspects of the speech system.

In any exercise, all movements of the organs articulatory apparatus are carried out sequentially, with pauses before each new movement, so that it is possible to control the child's performance of the movement, and the child can feel, realize, control and remember his actions. At first, the exercises are performed at a slow pace in front of a mirror. In the first lessons, you can limit yourself to doing the exercise twice, the main thing is that it be done with high quality. After the child learns to perform the movements, the mirror is removed, and the child's own kinesthetic sensations take over the control functions.

Skillful combination of methods and techniques, diversity forms of work, systematic, consistent focus and effectiveness of corrective and speech therapy impact provide a favorable development articulatory motility, which serves as the basis for the further full development of speech.

The main condition for the effectiveness of this work is a positive emotional background of classes, the intrigue of the game. The child, being carried away by the game, does not notice that he is being taught. This means that the process of development articulatory motility will proceed more actively, faster.

Pantomime exercises find the greatest response in young children ( "Show how frogs smile", exercises in combination with movements ( "Phonetic Rhythm", exercises based on picture material.

Exercise "Puppy"

smiling puppy,

Show teeth.

I would do exactly the same.

Here look. Now

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