What do kids love to play with? What games do kids play today? Shadow games

According to the theoretical positions of domestic developmental psychology, the leading activity of a preschooler is a role-playing game. It is in this activity that the main neoplasms of this age are formed and most effectively develop: creative imagination, imaginative thinking, self-awareness, etc. The game is of particular importance for the formation of various forms of voluntary behavior of children - from elementary to the most complex. Thus, voluntary attention and memory, subordination of motives and purposefulness of actions begin to develop in the game. A conscious goal - to concentrate, to remember something, to restrain an impulsive movement - is distinguished earlier and more easily by a child in the game.

One of the main provisions of the concept of play by the outstanding theorist and researcher of the play activity of children D.B. Elkonin is a statement about its social nature. He repeatedly and convincingly emphasized the special sensitivity of the game to the sphere of human relations. The game arises from the conditions of the child's life in society and reflects these conditions. These provisions have become classic for domestic psychology and are the traditional basis for understanding the nature of the play activity of a preschooler. .

However, D.B. Elkonin were held in the 60-70s, when social relations and society as a whole were different in many ways. Since then, there have been significant changes in our society, in relationships between people and in the conditions of children's lives. These changes could not but affect the game of children. The nature of these changes is extremely important to understand, at least for the following reasons.

Firstly, the features of the game of modern preschoolers reflect the originality of their mental development, their interests, values, ideas, etc.

Secondly, the game, due to its special sensitivity to the sphere of human relations, reflects the position of the child in society and the specifics of this society itself.

Thirdly, the analysis of the current state of the child's play activity is extremely important for preschool education, for building new methods of play pedagogy. .

However, despite the importance of this task, there are currently no serious psychological studies on the specifics of the play of modern children. At the same time, parents and kindergarten teachers note that over the past 5-6 years there have been certain changes in the games of preschoolers.

The most obvious change that most experienced preschool teachers capture is that children in kindergartens have begun to play less, especially reduced (both in quantity and duration) role-playing games. Lack of time to play is usually cited as the main reason. In most kindergartens, the daily routine is overloaded with various activities and there is at least an hour left for free play. However, even this hour, according to the observations of teachers, children cannot play meaningfully and calmly - they fuss, fight, push - therefore, educators strive to fill the children's free time with calm board games and offer them various mosaics, designers, etc.

At the same time, the variability of the game and its dependence on the specific conditions of education should be emphasized. There are separate kindergartens where a lot of attention is paid to children's play activities, and role-playing takes on expanded forms. Children living in normal family conditions also, as a rule, love and know how to play role-playing games. However, such gardens and such conditions are now the exception rather than the rule. We are interested in a broader and more generalized picture of what and how today's preschoolers play.

The reasons for the departure of the game from preschool childhood are quite obvious. First of all, this is a misunderstanding of the developmental significance of this children's activity. The game is increasingly viewed by adults as entertainment, as a useless leisure, which is opposed by purposeful learning and the acquisition of useful skills. This is largely facilitated by the orientation of adults. (parents, teachers, professionals) for teaching preschoolers. The pressure of educational achievement and the priority of learning activities are crowding out play. For most parents, early learning seems to be a more important and rewarding activity for children than play. At the same time, education is understood primarily as the assimilation of knowledge and the acquisition of learning skills. (mainly reading, counting, writing). The priority of knowledge and learning activities displace the game from the life and educational process of preschoolers .

Another reason for the decline in the share of the game is the lack of children's communities of different ages. Previously, the game arose spontaneously, regardless of any pedagogical influences of adults, since it was transmitted from the older generation of children to the younger ones. (in yards, in large families and other groups of different ages). At present, when one-child families predominate and there are practically no contacts between younger children and older children, the natural mechanisms for broadcasting the game are disrupted, and adults cannot take on the function of introducing the game.

The marketization of childhood has become a characteristic phenomenon of our time. The abundance of goods and entertainment for children form the attitude towards consumption. So toys are increasingly ceasing to be a means of play and turning into a commodity that adults purchase for children. Toys become simply the child's property, objects of possession that fill the physical space, and not stimuli for the external and internal activity of children.

The consumption mindset is actively shaped and strengthened by the expansion of modern media and video products for children. The dominant occupation of preschoolers has become watching cartoons, the artistic merit and developmental potential of which are for the most part very doubtful. This occupation intensively replaces the game as a more active and creative form of activity. .

However, one of the main reasons "care game" from preschool education is the substitution of the game with game forms of learning. The game, as it were, does not disappear, but becomes a means of learning, i.e. more "useful" and aimed at learning new things. Indeed, in modern preschool pedagogy, the significance of the game is not denied, but, on the contrary, is constantly emphasized. However, the meaning of the game is predominantly seen as purely didactic. The game is used to acquire new skills, ideas, to form useful skills, etc. This, in particular, is evidenced by numerous methods of pedagogical work, in which, one way or another, there are terms "game form" , "gaming tools" , "gaming technology" , "play activities" etc. The game is being replaced by gaming techniques and teaching methods, gaming technologies and is increasingly becoming not an independent activity (moreover leading) but a learning tool.

In games, attention is formed in children, memory is activated, thinking develops, experience is accumulated, movements are improved, and interpersonal interaction is created. In the game, for the first time, there is a need for self-esteem, which is an assessment of one's abilities in comparison with the abilities of other participants.

Role-playing games introduce the world of adults, clarify knowledge about daily activities, allow faster and deeper assimilation of social experience. The value of the game is so great that it can only be compared with learning.

Playing is to a child what planning is to an adult. Before any significant event in life, we must prepare, mentally calculate, rehearse what we will say and do. If we do not prepare for important things, we can get into an unpleasant situation. Here is the child, when he repeats the actions of adults in a role-playing game (heals, teaches, educates, fights, builds), rehearsing, preparing for an important event for himself - adulthood. If he did not have time to practice on toys in childhood, then in adulthood he feels insecure, he may not be up to par. Maybe that's why adults, who lost their childhood early, play out, catch up on lost time at 30 and 40 years old, and until they train, they don't feel truly mature.

Children's role play (to the doctor, school, daughter-mothers, war games and other story games) can do what the most professional teacher cannot do. With its help, the child learns with ease and joy, develops all mental processes (memory, attention, speech, thinking, imagination) imperceptibly and effectively. Preschoolers need to learn only in this way, they are not yet able to sit down at their desks and concentrate with an effort of will. In one game, you have to sit like a mouse and not move so that you are not discovered. This is how volitional concentration develops. In another game, you have to remember the magic words to find the treasure. This is how memory develops. In the third game, you need to be on the lookout and not miss your card in the loto, because the one who closes his big card first wins. This is how attention develops. And so on.

Further development of the theory of children's play could be productive in the following directions:

  1. study of the features of the game as one child in his individual game, and in a collective game with other children and a discussion of dependence (or independence) the level of development of the child's play from including him in the game with other children;
  2. the study of the features of the game of children in different ages and integration (where there are children with normative and deviant development at the same time) groups, when partners in the game have differences related to intellectual development, behavioral characteristics, physical limitations, etc.;
  3. study of the dynamics of individual and group play of children of different psychological ages (including the question of why a game situation arises at a certain moment between certain children and why, due to what external or internal events it ends);
  4. study of the features of the game of a child or a group of children, depending on the game material that is used in the game (game material in this context is understood extremely broadly);
  5. study of the features of the game of a child or a group of children indoors and outdoors (on the street).

List of used literature

  1. What are our children playing? Games and toys in the mirror of psychology / E. Smirnova and others. - M.: Lomonosov, 2012. - 224 p.
  2. Pavlova, L.N. Early childhood: the development of speech and thinking / L.N. Pavlova. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2013. - 236 p.
  3. Rutman, E.M. Study of the development of attention in ontogenesis / E.M. Rutman // Questions of psychology. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 161-167.
  4. Smirnova, E.O. Approaches to understanding the game in modern Western psychology / E.O. Smirnova, M.V. Sokolova, E.G. Sheina [Electronic resource]// Modern foreign psychology. - 2012 - №1 - URL: http//psyjournals. ru/jmfp (accessed 24.11.2017).
  5. Smirnova E.O. The structure and variants of the plot game of a preschooler / E.O. Smirnova, I.A. Ryabkova // Psychological science and education. - 2010 - No. 3. - S. 29-32.
  6. Smirnova E.O. Game and arbitrariness among modern preschoolers / E.O. Smirnova, O.V. Gudareva // Questions of psychology. - 2014 - No. 1. - S. 41-46.
  7. Teplitskaya, I.B. Game and relationships of children of early age / I.B. Teplitskaya // Game and its role in the development of a preschool child. - 2011. - S. 111-116.

Olya Makeeva
Essay "What modern children play"

What modern children play? Do they even play? And is it possible to call a game what our children?

Modern children, like many years ago, they strive to learn everything new, they are quite developed communicatively, they are more liberated. current children very quickly can figure out a particular technical issue. Life dictates its conditions, its rhythm noticeably accelerates, it is oversaturated with information. Life conditions have changed, and games have changed with them. Previously, there were cubes, soft toys, constructors, mosaics, dolls. Now more and more often they are replaced by computer games, cartoons in unlimited quantities, tablets, laptops. More and more new gadgets appear and modern toys. Nowadays, there is less and less place for traditional games, but a game has always been an integral part of children's activities. Just ten years ago, outdoor games occupied most of the children's time. Modern children also remember the existence of active games, but how often they are in them play? Unfortunately, not many people have the opportunity play in outdoor games as much and when you want. It is often convenient for parents that the child is at home at the computer, and not playing in the street where you need to follow him, to be nearby.

And in contemporary the potential of the game is not in demand in the educational process, a game is ousted from the lives of our children and ceases to be a means of socialization, although the huge role of play in the education of a full-fledged personality is obvious. A game develops independence, creativity of imagination, self-awareness.

So what modern children play? The first place in popularity is occupied by games located in various modern gadgets. Also in demand are games related to the themes of various films, cartoons, comics. Among contemporary for children, such heroes as Harry Potter, X-Men, Spider-Man, Avatar and others enjoy authority. Often such characters promote cruelty, aggressiveness, the priority is to be the first no matter what the cost. Images of all kinds of mutant robots push the human element into the background, so adults need to correct such games.

It is very important to find a place and time for the child so that he can to play. play that that it is not just necessary for him, but that it is vitally important for him that he grow up mentally healthy, that he grow up in general! Grow out of your development difficulties, grow up. In order not to be afraid of the world around, to want to become someone, to know what he himself needs in this world and what benefit he wants to bring to this world!

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The game is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The following functions can be distinguished:
Teaching function - the development of general educational skills and abilities, such as memory, attention, perception and others.
An entertaining function is the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the classroom, the transformation of a lesson, other forms of communication between an adult and a child from a boring event into an exciting adventure.
The communicative function is the unification of children and adults, the establishment of emotional contacts, the formation of communication skills.
Relaxation function - removal of emotional (physical) stress caused by stress on the child's nervous system during intensive study, work.
Educational function - helps to identify the individual characteristics of children, allows you to eliminate unwanted manifestations in the character of your pupils.
The function of self-expression is the desire of the child to realize his creative abilities in the game, to fully discover his potential.
The compensatory function is the creation of conditions for the satisfaction of personal aspirations that are not feasible (difficult to implement) in real life.


creative games role-playing"Shop", "Hospital", "Library", etc. Target: study of various social roles of a person Plot types: Peculiarities: plot (that environment of reality that is reproduced by children); content (what is reproduced by the child as the central moment of activity and relations between adults in their activity); role (playing position of the child, identification with any character)
directorial"Accident on the road", etc. Target: development of creativity and imagination Plot types: household, industrial, public Peculiarities: reflection of events and impressions; partners (toys and their substitutes) - inanimate objects; Condition: creating an individual space for children
building and construction Target: solution of constructive problems Material types: natural, specially created, ancillary Peculiarities: lead the child from imitating the actions of an adult to independently solving constructive problems
theatrical and artistic Target: introducing the child to art; Kinds: child directors and child actors; Peculiarities: represent acting out in the faces of literary works; have a ready-made unchanged plot; all actions are subject to the content of the work;
games with rules didactic Target: education Kinds: plot-didactic (“shop”); desktop-printed ("lotto"); verbal ("seasons") Peculiarities: the presence of training and game tasks, game actions; existence of rules
mobile Target: Kinds: Peculiarities: existence of rules
story and non-story games sport games (large, medium and small mobility)

In recent years, the problem of classifying children's games has again begun to attract close attention of scientists. A new classification of children's games developed by S.L. Novoselova

At the heart of the classification lies the notion that who initiates games(child or adult).

Allocate three classes of games:

1) games initiated by the child (children),

standalone games:

a) game-experimentation;

b) independent story games:





2) adult-initiated games, which introduces them for educational and educational purposes:

educational games:

a) didactic

b) plot-didactic,

c) mobile;

leisure games:

a) fun games

b) entertainment games,

c) intellectual

d) festive carnival,

e) theatrical productions;

3) games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group (folk), which can occur at the initiative of both an adult and older children:

traditional or folk(historically, they underlie many games related to educational and leisure).


If we talk about modern children, first of all, it should be noted: children today either do not play at all, or play too little. This is due to a number of reasons:

1. Modern society requires early success and achievement from children. Everyone wants to teach them! Teach reading, writing, counting as early as possible, forgetting that the leading activity of a preschooler is play!

2. Parents of modern children themselves belong to the non-playing generation: their childhood also passed without games, it was also full of educational elements. That is why parents do not play with their children - they very often do not know how to do it themselves. Plus, they don't have enough time. Children do not have the opportunity to adopt the gaming experience.

3. Modern parents don't let (are afraid) their children go out. The child must be in the field of vision of the parents.

It is impossible not to say about how modern toys differ from the toys of their parents. Firstly, there are a lot of them, so it is difficult for a child not only to choose what he will play, but also to dream about what he liked so much. Secondly, in addition to soft bears and bunnies, the child looks at robots, monsters, sex dolls, adult Barbies and Kens with great interest. The plots for playing with such toys are different from the traditional games of mothers and daughters with baby dolls and cribs!

There is one more feature of the life of children - parents, as a rule, have no time to delve into the playing space - they get lost in the world of toys, follow the wishes of the child, create unsafe situations for the health of children, leaving them at the computer, even with educational games and toys . We need to pay more attention to those games that used to arise spontaneously, help children develop story games that they understand, navigate the world of modern toys, maintaining a balance between the desires of the child and the benefits for him.

Games of modern children:

1. Outdoor games are significant, they take the 1st place (removal of internal emotional stress).

2. Educational didactic games.

3. Computer games (strictly select content).

4. One-on-one games with an adult - games in passing (count trees, etc.).

5. Finger games, preparation for literacy.

6. Less often they play SJRI, change, vary depending on the time, toys for the SJRI change.


Story - role-playing game A child goes through several stages in their development. Sequentially replacing each other:

introductory game, descriptive game, plot-representative game, plot-role-playing game. The first stage in the development of gaming activity is Introductory game. According to the motive given to the child by an adult with the help of a toy item, it is an object-play activity. Its content consists of manipulation actions carried out in the process of examining an object. This activity of the infant very quickly changes its content: the examination is aimed at revealing the features of the object-toy and therefore develops into oriented actions-operations.

The next stage of gaming activity is called Depictive game in which individual subject-specific operations pass into the rank of actions aimed at identifying the specific properties of an object and achieving a certain effect with the help of this object. This is the climax of the development of the psychological content of play in early childhood. It is he who creates the necessary ground for the formation of the corresponding objective activity in the child.

At the turn of the first and second years of a child's life, the development of play and objective activity merges and at the same time diverges. Now, however, the differences begin to appear in the methods of action - the next stage in the development of the game is coming: it becomes plot-representative. Its psychological content also changes: the child's actions, while remaining objectively mediated, imitate in a conditional form the use of the object for its intended purpose. This is how the prerequisites gradually become infected. role-playing game.

At this stage of game development, word and deed merge, and role-playing behavior becomes a model of relationships between people meaningful to children. The stage is coming role-playing game, in which the players simulate the labor and social relations of people familiar to them.

With the correct organization of educational work, already in the first half of the second year of life, children begin to move from actions based on the properties of objects and toys to reflecting the practical semantic connections between them, that is, to playing out scenes from his life that are accessible to the understanding of the child. The next stage in the development of the game is coming - it becomes plot-representative.

A characteristic feature of an independent plot-representative game is the desire to repeatedly repeat certain game actions. For example, a girl can take a doll's temperature: put a stick under her arm, take it out, look, determine the temperature and put the thermometer back on. In other cases, children, after wiping the doll after bathing, begin to wash it again, etc.

In children of the third year of life, the nature of display games is predominantly preserved, but the actions become more diverse. They reflect not only manipulations with the object, but also a person acting in a certain way. However, the actions of a person are not yet distinguished from the life phenomenon reflected by the child: the child depicts in the game both the work of the driver and the noise of the engine. Each plot action in itself has its own logic: the bunny walked - “top-top”; fell and whimpers - "oh-oh"; eats - "yum-yum." However, they are combined in an arbitrary sequence.

The development of play in early childhood also occurs in connection with the emergence of the role that the child takes on when performing this or that action. Already in games in which children treat or comb a doll, in fact, a number of actions performed by adults take place. But at the same time, children do not yet call themselves by the name of the adults whose actions they perform in the game. First, the child begins to call himself by his own name in order to understand that it was he who performed the action, later, with the development of play activity, children begin to designate their actions with a different name - a role.
The first rudiments of the role appear only at the very end of early childhood. This is reflected in two ways. First, there is the naming of the doll by the name of the character. The doll thus stands out from the toys as a substitute for a person. Secondly, there is a conversation of the child on behalf of the doll. For example, Vova puts two dolls facing each other and says for them: "Hello, Kolya, I've come." In these manifestations, we see the beginnings of a future role-playing speech, which is no longer pronounced from the “face” of the role taken on by the child, but through the doll.

In play, toys replace objects for the child, and representative situations become carriers of certain relationships between people. In the third year of life, the baby does not take on the role, but actually fulfills it. There is still no obvious communication with anyone, the child plays alone, but at the same time his actions are inspired by imaginary communication and reflect the activities of adults. It is the situation of communication that determines the transition from an objective game to a role-playing game.

16. MODERN APPROACHES TO THE PEDAGOGICAL MANAGEMENT OF ROLE PLAYING GAMES. When managing role-playing games, educators are faced with the following tasks:

Development of the game as an activity (expansion of the subject of games, deepening of their content);

The use of the game in order to educate the children's team and individual children,

The management of a role-playing game requires great skill and pedagogical tact. The educator must direct the game without disturbing it, maintain the independent and creative nature of the game activity.

Indirect tricks- without direct intervention in the game (bringing in toys, creating a game environment before the start of the game).

Direct tricks- direct inclusion of the teacher in the game (role-playing participation in the game, participation in the collusion of children, clarification, help, advice during the game, suggesting a new topic for the game, etc.). The teacher influences both the choice of the topic and the development of its plot, helps the children to distribute roles, filling them with moral content.

The following pedagogical approach is presented in the studies of S. L. Novoselova and E. V. Zvorygina, who developed complex method game guides. The integrated method of leadership is a system of pedagogical influences that contribute to the development of children's independent plot play, based on its age characteristics and potential development of the child's intellect.

This method includes the following components: - systematic pedagogically active enrichment of children's life experience;

Joint (educational) games of the teacher with children, aimed at transferring the gaming experience of the traditional culture of the game to them; - timely change in the subject-game environment, taking into account the enriching life and gaming experience;

Activating communication between an adult and children, aimed at encouraging them to independently use in the game new ways of solving game problems and new knowledge about the world.


Early age.

Direct leadership.- emotional communication between an adult and a child in a joint game

Demonstration of methods of action with objects, accompanied by the speech of an adult

Joint play activities with the educator

Inclusion of the educator in the child's game (to solve certain game problems)

Demonstration, training in the use of substitute objects in the game, traced markers of the game space, imaginary objects

Application of the activating dialogue of the educator with the child

prompting questions

Junior preschool age.

Direct leadership.

Second junior group

Teaching ways of game reflection of reality:

The inclusion of a teacher in the game (in order to transfer game experience)

Teaching game actions and role-playing dialogue by example

Activating communication of the teacher with the children during the game:

Questions (Who are you? Or are you a driver? I'm late for work, give me a lift please)


Motivations for statements (You ask your daughter, she is not hungry)

Help of the teacher to unite in the game (You are probably bored alone, invite Olya, she also walks with her daughter)

middle group

Inclusion of the educator in the game, taking on the main or secondary roles (not often)

Entry of the educator into a role-playing conversation (in order to activate the role-playing dialogue)

Senior preschool age.

Direct leadership.

The inclusion of a teacher in the game, taking on a role (main or secondary) - not often, if necessary (showing a speech sample, collective discussion of the role-playing behavior of the players after the game)

Paper games

Snowballs: Children crumple paper, make snowballs and throw them.

"Shiny lumps": children crumple thin foil, make different lumps and play with them.

"Paper whirlwind": children cut pieces of colored thin paper with scissors and blow it away with the help of the "wind" created by a sheet of thick paper, a fan or breathing, watch the "flight".

Shadow games

The teacher fixes the light source so that the shadow is clearly marked on the wall, and the children experiment with the shadows at will: with the reflection of their hands, the movements of various toys, objects.


At the age of 4-5 years, children need various attributes (a white coat, a steering wheel, a sailor's cap) to embody their role. At the same time, the development of the game requires careful selection of toys and materials. Here it is important to abandon the principle "the more - the better." A large number of attributes leads to the fact that children do not play as much as manipulate objects.

The organization of each role-playing game requires the selection of key toys and attributes. For example, the main thing for playing in the hospital is white coats for the doctor and nurse, a phonendoscope, syringes, thermometers. Everything else is selected from substitute items during the game (for example, handkerchiefs from the dressing corner can temporarily become “dressing material”, paper and pencils from the drawing corner can become recipe material).

Minimizing merchandise for story games also has the advantage of making the play area look tidy. If the subject-game environment is overloaded with all sorts of attributes, it interferes with the game, hinders the development of game creativity. To this end, it is necessary to minimize thematic sets for role-playing games.

In a role-playing game, many real objects can easily be replaced by imaginary ones. For example, the game action “anoint with cotton wool before an injection” can be an action performed without an object and voiced (“as if already anointed”), i.e. visual play action. This creates the conditions for a more intensive development of the storyline of the game, because. the child begins to pay attention to inventing new events, and not just performing "professional" actions.

The organization of the subject-game environment can be tied to a specific game topic very conditionally. In this case, the playing space becomes universal, children can unfold plot-role-playing games, starting from their own ideas, and not from the dictates of the subject-playing environment.

Preschoolers themselves begin to create a subject-game situation to realize their plan, using ready-made toys, substitute objects, imaginary objects.

Toys are becoming, on the one hand, more and more realistic, detailed, more diverse in terms of thematic focus. On the other hand, the conventionality of toys is intensifying.

Emotional expressiveness is important for toys that children of middle preschool age play with. The expression of the "face" of the little animal can be surprised, curious, cheerful, sad, mischievous. This awakens the child's imagination, causes a desire to play with such a toy in a certain way.

In the play sets for the middle group there should be dolls of different sexes and professions and soft toys, preferably not very large sizes - a little more than the palm of an adult; sets of furniture (large and for games on the table), dishes, clothes; various types of transport.

The group needs a supply of additional game material: boxes of different sizes, spools, scraps of fabric, sticks, pipes. All this will find application in the game, and will contribute to the development of game ideas and creativity.

It is important to involve the children themselves in the design of the play places: paste wallpaper in the doll room, make “products” for playing in the store, come up with icons to designate the doctor’s office.

It has been noticed that the average preschoolers, when playing, like to somehow designate their playing territory. To do this, you can use folding screens, colored cords, fences made of bars and bricks, play mats. Having marked the game boundaries, the players feel more confident, the game group unites faster, new ideas appear.

The amount of large modular material (foam blocks, boxes, rollers, pillows) is increasing. Children are very fond of building a space for themselves, modifying it.

Games with water, snow, ice

"Magic Water": mixing tinted water and obtaining a variety of "magic" colors and shades.

"Colored droplets": dropping liquid paint of various density and saturation from a pipette into jars of water and observing the "journey" of a droplet.

"Icicles": freezing colored water in different molds and decorating buildings made of snow with ice floes.

"Ice patterns": freezing in water patterns of pebbles, beads, leaves and examining them.

"Release from captivity": defrosting small toys frozen in ice by the "ice witch".

"Sinking - not sinking": a test for the "buoyancy" of toys from different materials.

"Snow figures": modeling snow women, snow maidens, bunnies from snow, playing "in the snow kingdom".

"Who passed?": to recognize footprints in the snow by fingerprints.

Mirror games

“Catch the sun”: catch a ray of the sun with a small mirror and let the “bunny” go.

"Sunny bunnies": the teacher and children let out funny sunny bunnies.

“What is reflected in the mirror”: try to see what is behind, on the right, on the left, on the ceiling, only with the help of a mirror.

Games with light

"Shadow Theatre", "Who has a more interesting shadow", "Guess whose shadow": experimenting with the shadow.

Hide and Seek: Search for a hidden object using a flashlight in the dark.

Glass games

"The world changes color": viewing the environment through glasses of different colors.

"Mysterious pictures": looking at colored pictures through glasses of different colors and observing which images in the picture become invisible.

“We will see everything, we will know everything”: examining objects, small pictures, signs, patterns through a magnifying glass.

Sound games

"Rattles": test which items rattle best in boxes made of different materials.

"Sounding bottles": to test what sound the hammer makes when you hit bottles filled with water, sand, or empty ones.

“Guess what rustles, what rattles”: recognize different sounds with your eyes closed (tearing or crumpling paper, fluctuating foil, pouring sand, pouring water, etc.).

46. ​​GENERAL TASKS OF THE TEACHER FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME OF CHILDREN OF THE OLDER PRESCHOOL AGE. The tasks of the educator in the development of role-playing games in the senior group:

enrichment of the content of children's plot games based on acquaintance with the phenomena of social reality and people's relations (school, shop, hospital, hairdresser, travel), activating the imagination based on the plots of cartoon fairy tales;

building a game on the basis of joint plot formation with peers: first, through the transfer of familiar fairy tales and stories in the game, then through making changes to a familiar plot (new roles, actions, events), subsequently - adding up new creative plots;

creating conditions for the development of the ability to cooperate with peers. In working with children of senior preschool age, it is important for the educator build a joint game with them in such a way that its central point is the mastery of children in a new, more complex way of building a game - joint plot construction. It includes: the child’s ability to build new sequences of events covering a variety of thematic content, and at the same time be focused on peer partners: designate for them (explain) what event he would like to unfold at the next moment of the game, listen to the opinion of partners (after all, they can offer completely other events) the ability to combine the events proposed by him and other participants in the general plot during the game. 47.WAYS OF GAME DEVELOPMENT IN SENIOR PRESCHOOL AGE.

It turns out that an effective means of formation is the joint game of an adult with children, but in a completely different form than at previous age stages.

It is the joint construction of the plot that can be made the center of attention of children in a game of a special kind - a joint “game-inventing” game-fantasy with an adult, which proceeds on a purely verbal plane.

A). A joint game with children should not begin with inventing completely new plots, but with a partial change - “loosening” already known ones; Gradually, the adult leads the children to more and more complex transformations of a familiar plot, and then to the joint inventing of a new one.

The most convenient for such a gradual "loosening" are the plots of fairy tales known to children.

Transforming fairy tales is quite easy: while maintaining the general semantic outline of events, you just need to change the specific conditions for the actions of characters or change the characters themselves who perform certain functions in a fairy tale (hero, giver, opponent), and a new fairy tale will turn out.

Take, for example, the tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf". What transformations are possible here? In the first event of the tale, the Tsar wants to get the Firebird and sends Ivan Tsarevich to get it. Let's replace the Firebird with another curiosity, difficult for the Tsar to achieve - for example, a New Year tree. Let him send for her not Ivan Tsarevich, but a servant (or any other character, in the perception of children positively colored). In the second event, instead of the Gray Wolf, the hero can meet another owner of a magic tool (Baba Yaga, Fairy, an old forest man, etc.) and get a magic ball, a flying carpet, walking boots, etc. With the help of a magic tool the hero finds himself in a country where Christmas trees grow - this is the third event of the tale. In the fourth event, the hero must fight the enemy. Let's replace the kings-opponents from the fairy tale about the Gray Wolf with the Gorynych Serpent (dragon, evil wizard, dwarf, etc.), guarding the most beautiful Christmas tree in the forest. Having defeated the enemy, the hero takes the Christmas tree and returns home - this is the fifth event of the fairy tale (here you can come up with additional obstacles: on the way the hero meets a sea king, a sorceress, etc., whom he successfully defeats). And the last event - receiving a reward (half the kingdom can be replaced by any attractive thing - a hundred pounds of ice cream, a school bag, a bicycle, etc.).

B). First of all, it is necessary to orient the children to listening to each other, the continuation of the partner's story. This can be done by "remembering" a well-known fairy tale together (essentially retelling it, but in a casual way). The teacher addresses two children:

- “Masha, Vasya, what fairy tale do you like the most? About the Gray Wolf? Somehow I forgot about her. Let's remember together. We will remember a piece by piece - Masha will tell a piece, then Vasya, then I, and then again Masha.

The retelling should take place in a free environment, without assessing the quality of children's speech and the requirements for the completeness of the story. It is only important that the child conveys the general meaning of the next event of the fairy tale.

After his presentation, the adult offers to pass the “move” to the next partner:

- "You have already told a piece, now Vasya." If the children have forgotten part of the fairy tale, you can turn on “out of turn”: “I remembered that it happened like this ...”

IN). For the same children, 1-2 days after the retelling, the teacher offers:

"Let's play again! Together we will come up with one common fairy tale, similar to the fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf, only a little different.

Usually this proposal is readily accepted by the children, but then their question follows: “How are we going to invent together?” The teacher explains:

“We'll figure it out piece by piece. First I’ll come up with a piece, then Vasya, then Masha, and then I’ll come up again. ”

The easiest way to start the transformation of a well-known fairy tale is to change the main character, his task (the desired object), and a magic tool.

The teacher offers the children the beginning of the tale:

- “Come on, the king really wanted to get not the Firebird, but a New Year tree decorated with toys. He heard it was very beautiful. And he sent her to look for ... Whom did he send?

At first, the children will prompt an already well-known character: “Ivan Tsarevich”. At this moment, an adult can make his proposal aimed at further changing the tale:

“Come on, we will be different. He had a servant, and he sent this servant. And promised him...

If children immediately have their own initiative proposals (regarding the hero, awards), they should be accepted. Then the teacher passes the "move" to the second participant in the game:

- “Then you invent, Vasya!”

G) In further such games, the adult encourages children to make more changes to the invented race, compared to the known one. To do this, it is advisable to offer the beginning of a fairy tale, combining fabulous and realistic elements in it at once. For example:

- “Ivan Tsarevich wanted to study at school, and he went to look for her”; “Emelya had a sister, and his parents asked him to take the girl on a sled to kindergarten. Suddenly a blizzard arose, and they got lost, ”etc.

The game-invention each time should take no more than 10-15 minutes. You need to settle down for it in a quiet place, in a circle, so that the participants can see each other. Gradually, the teacher can include not two, but three children in it.

D). As they master the skills to combine a variety of events together, the teacher can encourage children to combine creative plot construction with role-playing interaction. To this end, an adult includes children in a game where participants are offered roles belonging to different semantic spheres - roles of different contexts (for example: Pinocchio and a teacher, a princess and a policeman, an astronaut and a teacher, Aibolit and a soldier, Baba Yaga and a seller, etc. ).

In order not to "close" the creative work of connecting these roles in a common plot with substantive actions, the game can be carried out in the form of "telephone" conversations of the characters.

The teacher invites two children to play with him and finds out their intentions. Suppose one of the children wants to play "shop" and be a "salesman". The educator, on the other hand, takes on a role that is completely unrelated in meaning to the role of the child, for example, the role of “Baba Yaga”, and offers the following game situation:

- “Come on, Kolya was in his store, and he had a phone. And I'm in a hut on chicken legs, I also have a telephone here.

This combination of seemingly incompatible roles usually arouses excitement and interest in children. The second child is offered the same role as the adult:

- "Tanya, come on, you are another Baba Yaga, and you also have your own hut."

Having received the children's consent to such a distribution of roles, the "Baba Yaga" teacher calls his neighbor and starts a conversation with her, suggesting the need to interact with the "seller":

- “I wanted to fly to visit you, but my stupa broke. I don't know how to be. Do you think they sell them in the store? I'll call the store."

Depending on the answers of the “seller”, the educator develops the plot in such a way that the second “Baba Yaga” also needs to call the store and even visit it.

E). In the future, the educator continues to conduct a joint inventing game with the children, now offering to invent not fairy tales (the familiar fairy tale has already fulfilled its function of the initial support for joint activity), but “real stories”.

Inventing stories can be done already in numerically large groups (up to 4-5 people). The teacher, having discussed with the children the initial episode of the story (the choice of the hero, the situation in which he finds himself, the goal he must achieve), or by offering it himself, in the future takes the position of an observer rather than an active participant in the game.


(Vasilyeva O.K. A child and an adult in the world of play. Pedagogical support for role-playing games for preschoolers. Minsk, 2013)

The issues of planning educational work on the development of story games often cause significant difficulties for teachers, since the plans do not take into account the creative nature of this type of games. The study of questionnaires and the analysis of calendar plans made it possible to identify typical mistakes made by teachers.

Many teachers daily plan a new theme of a role-playing game, practically not connecting it with the work to enrich the ideas of children. Daily planning of new games does not allow the teacher to complicate the storyline of the game, to achieve its gradual development.

At the same time, the course of the game, the sequence of the storyline and game actions are strictly planned. The implementation of such plans, as a rule, leads to the implementation of patterned actions as directed by the teacher, the development of norms and rules of behavior, the lack of interest and enthusiasm on the part of children.

Even when teachers plan work to enrich the ideas associated with the game, they set tasks aimed not at developing the game (enriching its content and plot, mastering the basic skills associated with the leading method of constructing the game), but at forming new ones and consolidating old ones. knowledge and skills. Often, ways of developing interests, emotional preferences of the child, ways of developing role-playing and game interaction with other children are not thought out.

Planning children's story games should be forward-looking.

Vasilyeva O.K. considers it possible to develop one theme of the game during the month, which, of course, does not mean that children will not play other role-playing games during this month. They will definitely play, but this is the art of the teacher to include naturally occurring independent games of children in the game being developed.

A long-term plan for the development of a role-playing game can be drawn up for a longer period - a quarter, six months, a year. It can be divided into weeks, specific days, regime moments, content, tasks can be distinguished in it.

Quarterly planning makes it possible to see the perspective of the development of the plot and the content of the game, to clearly understand what the teacher should do during this time: what toys and with what methods to bring in, what play corners to create, how to decorate the play space and direct the children's games.

Planning role-playing games includes:

Preliminary work (classes, walks, excursions, targeted observations, observations of the work of people of different professions, didactic and outdoor games, showings and viewings of performances, skits, dramatizations, television and video films, cartoons, reading works of art, stories of the educator, cognitive conversations, viewing pictures, illustrations).

Main work:

the purpose of the game (there are game goals: to teach to distribute roles, to act according to the accepted role, to teach to model a game dialogue; educational and developmental goals: to consolidate knowledge, develop imagination and speech, the desire to participate in joint games).

For example, to teach children to coordinate their own game plan with the plans of their peers, to change roles during the game. Encourage children to use knowledge about the life around them more widely in games; develop dialogue.

For example, teach children to distribute roles and act according to the role they have assumed, use attributes in accordance with the plot, resolve disputes fairly, act in accordance with the game plan. Display in the game knowledge about the surrounding life, develop creative imagination, expressiveness of children's speech.

game storylines,

play roles,

role play,

attributes, game material

Scenarios for the development of role-playing games (summaries-descriptions of the conduct of role-playing games, role-playing games-situations)

THE RELEVANCE OF THE PROBLEM OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD'S GAMING ACTIVITY. As parents and educators note, certain changes have taken place in children's games over the past 5-6 years. The most obvious change is that children play less, especially role-playing games (both in quantity and duration). The main reason, according to many, is the lack of time. And, indeed, in many preschool institutions there is a clear shift towards didactics (various activities, children are constantly overorganized). As a result, there is very little time that they can use for independent, free play. Usually it looks like fuss, fights. To avoid this, educators begin to fill the free time of children with calm board games - mosaics, designers. Role-playing games are very monotonous and are limited mainly to family themes. There are practically no games on professional topics, which were very popular 10-20 years ago. Meanwhile, it is these games that most contribute to the entry of the child into the world of adults. Taking a role, the child not only calls himself the appropriate character, but also acts, identifies himself with the hero. The fact that children ignore “professional” roles indicates that preschoolers are increasingly moving away from adults: they do not see and do not understand the professional activities of their parents. real relationships. The game does not arise by itself. It is passed from one generation of children to another, from older to younger. The connection is currently interrupted. Children's communities of different ages - in the family, in the yard, in the apartment - are an exception. Children grow up among adults, and adults have no time to play. As a result, the game disappears from the life of the child. This fact negatively affects the overall mental and personal development of the child. If adults do not organize the child's play, it is organized by what he sees, i.e. mass television and video production, computer games. As a result, children begin to play spider-men, killer robots, etc. According to the research of psychologists and educators, the personality of a person is mainly formed by the age of 5. The content of children's games creates the emotional and semantic basis of children's ideas about the world. Reflecting mass video production, the child gets the impression of the world as an arena of struggle between “us” and “them”, a struggle where cruelty and cold calculation bring success, where the strong is always right, to deceive, kill the enemy is always commendable, where there is no place for love and empathy. , nobility, decency. The insidiousness of this situation is that its consequences do not become obvious immediately, the preschooler still retains an orientation towards adults, continues to obey. Only by adolescence, when relationships with peers become most significant, and parents lose the lion's share of their authority, do parents catch on and begin to resent the emotional callousness of their child, his prudence, and the primitiveness of his interests. Another important aspect is the development of the structure of the game. If you do not play with a child, he will play primitively. This is exactly what happens in many families. As a result, instead of a role-playing game, even older preschoolers are increasingly interested in playing with toys: shoot a pistol, start a car, change a transforming robot. All kinds of educational activities cannot compensate for the lack of a full-fledged gaming experience. After all, the game and the lesson involve different ways of interaction between an adult and a child. The early start of classes with a weak development of the game leads to the fact that children get used to fulfill the tasks of an adult and reproduce the patterns set by adults. But their own cognitive activity does not develop, and sometimes even degrades. As a result, we can get a generation of intellectuals who are personally undeveloped and devoid of creative imagination. Another consequence of not playing with children is the “undeveloped” emotional impressions - fear, indignation, resentment, and others. Unprocessed impressions settle in the child’s soul as a burden of problems and lead to the appearance of “inexplicable fears and tears, outbreaks of aggression and cruelty, hysterical excitement or apathy. Creative story games develop the child’s imagination and the ability to play different scenarios in the mind, the ability to understand other people and motives of their behavior, flexibly change their behavior when the situation changes. If a child reaches this level, he has a psychological basis for successfully living through difficult life situations - situations of choice and failure, conflicts and crises. 2. INDIVIDUALITY OF THE GAME AS AN ACTIVITY. The main feature of the game is that it is a reflection of the surrounding life by children - actions, activities of people, their relationships in an environment created by children's imagination. In the game, a room can be a sea, a forest, a subway station, or a railroad car. Children give the environment the meaning that is due to the design and content of the game. As soon as a child says to himself “as if”, the fiction already lives in him. At the same time, one more property is noticed in the child: children know what they can believe, and what they should not notice. This nature of the game distinguishes it from all other types of children's activities and to some extent makes it related to art, with a figurative reflection of reality. The reproduction of real actions in the game is not an exact copy, a mirror image of them. Children are not bound by all the specific conditions of the real situation, by time, by a strict sequence of actions. While playing, they believe that, staying in the room, they are swimming among the raging sea, experiencing a sense of fear and the joy of overcoming it. Like brave astronauts, they fly to the moon and return back. Events are developing, as in a fairy tale, "by leaps and bounds." Another feature of gaming activity is its amateur character. Children are the creators of the game, its creators. They, as already mentioned, reflect in it their knowledge of life phenomena and events known to them, express their attitude towards them. A feature of children's play is also the combination and interconnection of the image, game action and word. These are not its external signs, but its very essence. In the game, the child lives by the actions and feelings of the portrayed hero. Sometimes the image captures the child so much that he does not even respond to the usual appeal to him: "I am not Seryozha, I am the captain." At the same time, he willingly acts in accordance with the image reflected in the game. “Comrade Captain, your ship will soon go to sea. Sailors must be strong and healthy. Build them for exercise,” says the teacher. And the captain cheerfully and authoritatively gives the command: “Get to exercise!” Children do not play silently. Even when the child is alone, he talks with the toy, engages in a dialogue with an imaginary participant in the game, speaks for himself and for his mother, for the patient and the doctor, etc. The word is, as it were, an accompaniment to the game action and more fully reveals the image, attitude towards him the child himself. Verbal communication during the game plays a huge role. Communicating, children exchange thoughts, experiences, clarify the idea and content of the game. Verbal collusion in the game performs an organizing function, contributes to the emergence and strengthening of mutual understanding and friendship between children, the same attitude to certain facts and phenomena of the surrounding life. The relationship of the image, the game action and the word is the core of the game activity, serves as a means of reflecting reality. The main structural elements of the game are: game concept, plot or its content; game actions; roles; rules that are dictated by the game itself and are created by children or suggested by adults. These elements are closely interrelated and define the game as a kind of activity for children. Game design is a general definition of what and how children will play: in the “shop”, in the “polyclinic”, in the “pilots”, in the “daughters-mothers” (in the “family”), in the “kindergarten” and etc., It is formulated in speech, reflected in the game actions themselves, formalized in the game content and is the core of the game. According to the game design, games can be divided into more or less typical groups: a) reflecting everyday phenomena (games in the "family", "kindergarten", "polyclinic", etc.); b) reflecting creative work (construction of the subway, the work of collective farmers, the construction of houses, factories, stadiums, etc.); c) reflecting social events, traditions (holidays, demonstrations, welcoming guests, travel, etc.). Such a division of them, of course, is arbitrary, since the game can include a reflection of various life phenomena. The plot, the content of the game - this is what makes up its living fabric, determines the development, diversity and interconnection of game actions, the relationship of children. The content of the game makes it attractive, arouses interest and desire to play. The structural feature and center of the game is the role that the child performs. According to the value that belongs to the role in the process of playing, many of the games are called role-playing or role-playing. The role is always correlated with a person or animal, his imaginary deeds, actions, relationships. The child, entering into their image, becomes the one whom he imitates, i.e., plays a certain role. But the preschooler does not just play this role, he lives in the image and believes in its veracity. Depicting, for example, a captain on a ship, he does not reflect all of his activities, but only those features that are necessary during the game: the captain gives commands, looks through binoculars, takes care of passengers and sailors. In the process of playing, the children themselves (and in some games, adults) establish rules that determine and regulate the behavior and relationships of the players. They give the games organization, stability, fix their content and determine the further development, the complication of relations and relationships. At the same time, the rules of the game help timid, shy children to be active participants in the game. All these building blocks of the game are more or less typical, but they have different meanings and are related differently in different types of games. 3. SIGNIFICANCE OF GAMING ACTIVITY IN THE LIFE OF A CHILD. Preschool childhood is a short but important period of personality formation. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, and character develops. The main activity of preschool children is a game, during which the spiritual and physical strength of the child develops; his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity. In addition, the game is a peculiar way of assimilation of social experience, characteristic of preschool age. All aspects of the child's personality are formed in the game, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of the preschooler. The game is a creative activity. The child knows that the doll and the bear are only toys, but loves them as if they were alive, understands that he is not a real pilot or sailor, but feels like a brave pilot, a brave sailor who is not afraid of danger, is truly proud with his victory. Imitation of adults in the game is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality, he combines different impressions of life with personal experience. Children's creativity is manifested in the idea of ​​the game and in the search for means for its implementation. The game teaches children to subordinate their actions and thoughts to a specific goal, helps to educate purposefulness. In the game, the child begins to feel like a member of the team, to fairly evaluate the actions and deeds of his comrades and his own. The game is an important means of mental education of the child. The knowledge gained in kindergarten and at home finds practical application and development in the game. Reproducing various life events, episodes from fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw, what he was read and told about; the meaning of many phenomena, their meaning becomes more understandable for him. In the game, the mental activity of children is always associated with the work of the imagination; you need to find a role for yourself, imagine how the person you want to imitate acts, what he says. Imagination also manifests itself and develops in the search for means to carry out the plan; before you go flying, you need to build an airplane; for the store you need to pick up suitable goods, and if they are not enough, make it yourself. This is how creativity develops in the game. Play plays an important role in the life and development of children. In the game activity, many positive qualities of the child are formed, interest and readiness for the upcoming study, his cognitive abilities develop. Play is important both in preparing the child for the future and in making his present life full and happy.


The game is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The following functions can be distinguished:
Teaching function - the development of general educational skills and abilities, such as memory, attention, perception and others.
An entertaining function is the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the classroom, the transformation of a lesson, other forms of communication between an adult and a child from a boring event into an exciting adventure.
The communicative function is the unification of children and adults, the establishment of emotional contacts, the formation of communication skills.
Relaxation function - removal of emotional (physical) stress caused by stress on the child's nervous system during intensive study, work.
Educational function - helps to identify the individual characteristics of children, allows you to eliminate unwanted manifestations in the character of your pupils.

The function of self-expression is the desire of the child to realize his creative abilities in the game, to fully discover his potential.
The compensatory function is the creation of conditions for the satisfaction of personal aspirations that are not feasible (difficult to implement) in real life.


creative games

role-playing"Shop", "Hospital", "Library", etc.

Target: study of various social roles of a person

Plot types:

Peculiarities: plot (that environment of reality that is reproduced by children); content (what is reproduced by the child as the central moment of activity and relations between adults in their activity); role (playing position of the child, identification with any character)

directorial"Accident on the road", etc.

Target: development of creativity and imagination

Plot types: household, industrial, public

Peculiarities: reflection of events and impressions; partners (toys and their substitutes) - inanimate objects;

Condition: creating an individual space for children

building and construction

Target: solution of constructive problems

Material types: natural, specially created, ancillary

Peculiarities: lead the child from imitating the actions of an adult to independently solving constructive problems

theatrical and artistic

Target: introducing the child to art;

Kinds: child directors and child actors;

Peculiarities: represent acting out in the faces of literary works; have a ready-made unchanged plot; all actions are subject to the content of the work;


with the rules


Target: education

Kinds: plot-didactic (“shop”); desktop-printed ("lotto"); verbal ("seasons")

Peculiarities: the presence of training and game tasks, game actions; existence of rules




Peculiarities: existence of rules

plot and

plotless games

sport games (large, medium and small mobility)

In recent years, the problem of classifying children's games has again begun to attract close attention of scientists. A new classification of children's games, developed by S.L. Novoselova, is presented in the program “Origins:

At the heart of the classification lies the notion that who initiates games(child or adult).

Allocate three classes of games:

1) games initiated by the child (children),

standalone games:

a) game-experimentation;

b) independent story games: - story-display, - story-role-playing, - directing,


2) adult-initiated games, which introduces them for educational and educational purposes:

educational games: a) didactic, b) plot-didactic, c) mobile;

leisure games: a) fun games, b) entertainment games, c) intellectual games, d) festive carnival games, e) theatrical performances;

3) games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group (folk), which can occur at the initiative of both an adult and older children:

- traditional or folk(historically, they underlie many games related to educational and leisure).


Sources: M. Bozhina "Modern children - modern games", A. Sachenko "Let's return the game to children."

If we talk about modern children, first of all, it should be noted: children today either do not play at all, or play too little. This is due to a number of reasons:

1. Modern society requires early success and achievement from children. Everyone wants to teach them! Teach reading, writing, counting as early as possible, forgetting that the leading activity of a preschooler is play!

2. Parents of modern children themselves belong to the non-playing generation: their childhood also passed without games, it was also full of educational elements. That is why parents do not play with their children - they very often do not know how to do it themselves. Plus, they don't have enough time. Children do not have the opportunity to adopt the gaming experience.

3. Modern parents don't let (are afraid) their children go out. The child must be in the field of vision of the parents.

It is impossible not to say about how modern toys differ from the toys of their parents. Firstly, there are a lot of them, so it is difficult for a child not only to choose what he will play, but also to dream about what he liked so much. Secondly, in addition to soft bears and bunnies, the child looks at robots, monsters, sex dolls, adult Barbies and Kens with great interest. The plots for playing with such toys are different from the traditional games of mothers and daughters with baby dolls and cribs!

There is one more feature of the life of children - parents, as a rule, have no time to delve into the playing space - they get lost in the world of toys, follow the wishes of the child, create unsafe situations for the health of children, leaving them at the computer, even with educational games and toys . We need to pay more attention to those games that used to arise spontaneously, help children develop story games that they understand, navigate the world of modern toys, maintaining a balance between the desires of the child and the benefits for him.

Games of modern children:

1. Outdoor games are significant, they take the 1st place (removal of internal emotional stress).2. Educational didactic games.3. Computer games (strictly select content).4. One-on-one games with an adult - games in passing (count trees, etc.).

5. Finger games, preparation for literacy.6. Less often they play SJRI, they change, vary depending on the time, toys for the SJRI change.

Found an interesting article.

Games of our childhood

It's no secret that outdoor games have almost disappeared from the lives of modern children. The very games that were played not only by us, but also by our predecessors. The very games that taught children to find a common language, helped to resolve disputes and conflicts, were the most effective and harmonious way of socialization. They gave the kid the opportunity to know himself, try his abilities, taught him to follow certain rules and simply brought great joy.

Julia Kasparova

Nowadays, the classics have almost disappeared from the asphalt, you will no longer meet in the yards girls or boys jumping over a rope or rubber band, enthusiastically playing "banks", and the tags have received the ominous name "zombies". And the yards themselves have changed, dissolving into sparkling new buildings. But what about children? Some of them go to school from the age of six, which no longer leaves time for games in the yard. Others spend all their free time watching TV screens or computer monitors, exchanging the joy of movement and live communication for new technologies. Still others are not allowed to roam the yard at all, fearing real or imagined dangers. But be that as it may, we, modern parents, still have a chance to change this situation. Is it worth it? Of course it's worth it!..

Magazine "Mom and Baby", No. 05, 2006

From myself: Many children of different ages live in our district. When the weather is good, they all pour out into the street. Mostly the boys ride bicycles and roller skates, and the girls sit on the benches. I've never seen them play hide and seek, hopscotch or knockout. And in winter there was no one with sleds at all, although there was snow! It is clear that each generation has its own games and hobbies, and it’s good that they have videos and are great. But I will definitely teach my children to jump on rubber bands and play different ball games, if only to remember my childhood.

What do your kids play outside?