Dye your hair without. Coloring with natural dyes. Recipes for blonde girls

With the help of modern ones, you can give your hair almost any shade. However, not all women use paints: someone is allergic to them, someone fears for the condition of their hair and scalp. It would be helpful for them to know how to color hair without dye.There are folk remedies with which you can dye your hair without paint, our great-grandmothers used them. This is decoctions of various plants, which will not only help change the shade of the hair, but also strengthen your hair, give it shine.
However, it is worth considering that home remedies do not allow you to radically change hair color, so a blonde cannot become a brunette (and vice versa). Well, the result of such painting is not too durable. Although there is a plus in this - if you don’t like the shade or are tired, you don’t need to wait until the hair grows back or use washes.
Chamomile decoction will help to give a golden hue to light brown hair.. To do this, pour a handful of dried chamomile flowers with half a liter of water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and boil until the broth acquires a rich yellowish color. Strained broth should be regularly rinsed with hair (you do not need to wash off the broth, just moisten your hair with plenty of it after washing and let it dry).
You can also try make homemade hair dye based on chamomile. To do this, pour 125 g of dried chamomile flowers into 300 ml of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then bring the solution to a boil over low heat, cool and strain. Add the juice of one lemon and 30 ml of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and apply to the hair with a comb. Let your hair dry naturally and then rinse with warm water without shampoo.
Chamomile will help give your hair a light golden hue, if you like bright golden and reddish-orange shades, you can dye your hair with onion peel(the recipe, again, is only for light-blond girls and blondes, the bow “will not take dark hair”). 200 g of onion peel should be poured with a liter of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After cooling the broth, strain it and rinse your hair. This will give them a bright golden hue.
If you need a more saturated color, you need to do the following. Pour 50 g of onion peel with a glass of boiling water, cook for 20 minutes, and then let it brew properly and strain. You will get a richer broth. When coloring, it is advisable not only to apply it to the hair, but also to rub it into the scalp, because onion decoction strengthens hair and helps accelerate their growth.
For to give the hair a reddish-brown tint, you can use tea. 3 art. l. tea pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and strain. Apply tea leaves to washed hair and do not rinse.
To dye your hair in a chestnut shade, use a strong decoction of nettle, linden or oak bark.. You can mix oak bark in equal proportions with onion peel, pour boiling water (at the rate of a liter of boiling water per glass of the mixture) and cook for an hour. This decoction will help give your hair a rich blond color, for this you need to apply it on your hair and keep it for an hour, wrapping your head in a towel, and then let your hair dry naturally (no need to wash off the decoction).
Coloring with natural coffee with the addition of henna helps to give the hair a dark chestnut color.. To dye your hair with coffee, take 4 tsp. (with a slide) ground coffee, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Let the broth cool and pour a bag of natural henna into it. After mixing well, apply the resulting paint to the hair with a brush, wrap the hair with a film and a terry towel. After 40-50 minutes, rinse your hair well and rinse with water acidified with vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water).
Of course, it is impossible to dye your hair without dye for a long time. But if the use of paints is unacceptable for you for any reason, or if you just want to experiment, hair coloring at home is what you need!

The easiest way to external transformation is coloring. Blonding, coloring, balayazh - beauty salons today offer many fashionable coloring techniques. But it's no secret that hair dyes, even the most expensive and high-quality ones, have a bad effect on the condition of the curls. If you want to change the image, but are not ready to sacrifice the health of your strands, try dyeing your hair without dye. Today we’ll talk about how to change the shade without chemistry.

Hair toning

Hair coloring with ammonia-free paint is not the most durable, but much safer. Today, in salons, as a rule, only ammonia-free dyes are used. However, when you come to the procedure to the master or choosing mass-market products for home use, familiarize yourself with the composition of the paint. Perhaps ammonia has been replaced by other, no less harmful, components.

If you don’t want to use permanent dyes at all, there are many tinted shampoos and balms on the market today for dark-haired and fair-haired girls that tint hair. There is one caveat here - the new shade is quickly washed off, but this is rather a plus than a minus, because the owner may not like the new color.

If you wish, you can do without purchased paint and tonic and dye your hair with natural ingredients.

Coloring with natural dyes

Everyone knows such natural dyes as henna and basma. Recipes with these powders are very fond of oriental beauties, and you probably noticed how thick, shiny and strong their hair is. Henna and basma not only have a coloring effect, but are also natural healers - they get rid of dandruff, strengthen curls, and give them shine. Shown to girls allergic to chemical dyes. However, people who are prone to allergies are advised to test the composition on the wrist before proceeding with dyeing.

Basma in its pure form cannot be applied to the hair, it must be mixed with henna. It is in combination that they give the desired shades. And to get a luxurious color of curls, you need to mix these natural ingredients in the right proportions.

Rules for the use of natural dyes:

Apply only to clean, washed hair that has not been rinsed with balm;

After dyeing, the hair is washed with running water and rinsed with a solution of apple cider vinegar (per 1 liter - 1-1.5 tablespoons of vinegar) to fix the color and neutralize;

After the procedure, you can not wash your hair for 3 days;

Do not apply the compositions hot, so as not to burn the skin and not burn the hair;

Use natural dyes no more than once a month, otherwise you can dry your hair;

In combination with chemical dyes, perm compositions, salon lamination, you can get an effect that is the opposite of what you want. Therefore, decide clearly whether you want to completely switch to natural dyes.

To get a bronze tint:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons (heaped) henna
  • 1 st. basma spoon

Mix basma and henna in a glass container, then slowly pour hot water (not boiling water!) into the mixture and stir until the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture along the strands, wrap your head with plastic wrap and warm with a towel. Keep the composition for at least 1 hour: the longer you keep the mask, the darker the color will turn out.

For a deep bronze shade:

  • 1 st. henna spoon
  • 2 tbsp. basma spoons

Pour the basma powder and henna powder combined in a container with strong brewing of black tea. You can add 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa to obtain a chocolate brown with a reddish tint or 1.5 tbsp. spoons of instant coffee to get a chocolate-coffee cold shade. Keep the mask with insulation for at least an hour. Then rinse the curls under running water without shampoo.

For golden copper:

  • 2 tbsp. henna spoons

Henna can be mixed with kefir, a light solution of chamomile, tea leaves, or to get a reddish tint - with red wine.

Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide

Netizens are also sharing their experience of lightening natural hair with 3% hydrogen peroxide. For example, girls are advised for convenience to pour peroxide into a spray bottle and apply to strands, dividing the curls into several parts. Then comb to evenly distribute the liquid. In fact, hydrogen peroxide really dries out the hair. If they are naturally dry, then the strands can be further damaged in this way.

How to change the shade using folk remedies?

Nature is much more inventive than humans. There are quite a lot of natural dyes - coffee, cocoa, black tea, chamomile, lemon, etc. Based on them, you can prepare a variety of masks and hair rinses and get interesting shades without harm.

Before using folk recipes, remember: any combination of chemical dyes and home remedies can give an unpredictable effect. At least 2 months must pass after staining with chemical dyes.

A feature of natural dyes is that the effect of them manifests itself gradually. Therefore, be patient and use the product regularly until the desired shade is obtained. We tell you how to dye your hair without paint at home using folk recipes.

Gifts of nature for dark hair

Hair mask with brightening effect

Lightens hair by 2 tones, has a regenerating and strengthening effect - the strands will become shiny, silky, healthy. The shades are very pretty.

For a shoulder-length hairstyle you will need:

  • 3 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 2 teaspoons liquid honey
  • up to 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 6-7 art. spoons of balm or hair conditioner

For dry porous hair, it is recommended to add olive oil to the mask, as cinnamon dries the strands. For other hair types, three basic ingredients are sufficient. Combine cinnamon and honey in a glass container and mix well until the honey completely absorbs the powder. To the resulting mixture, add a balm or conditioner that you usually use. The mask is applied to clean, dry hair in strands with a brush from the coloring kit, avoiding contact with the hair roots, and is well emulsified with fingers within a few minutes. Make a "donut" out of your hair and warm your head with a plastic cap and a terry towel over it. The exposure time of the mask is from 3 to 5 hours. Soak the mask with warming for 30-35 minutes, then remove the towel and cap and keep the composition for the remaining time. After that, rinse your hair under running water with shampoo. You can do this mask once every 2 weeks, once every 4 weeks. Lighten to desired shade.

If you are doing a perm, lamination, dyeing with chemical dyes, first test the mask on the inner strand to predict the result.

Remedy for brown-haired women

  • 4-6 art. tablespoons dried sage
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of rosemary

Add ingredients to boiling water and simmer over low heat for 4 minutes. Let the decoction brew for 1 hour. Then repeatedly rinse the washed hair with the decoction. Repeat the procedure after each wash until the desired shade is obtained.

Rich color conditioner

This recipe will require strong brewed coffee, which dark-haired girls can use after every shampoo.

To get burgundy tones, you can add cocoa powder, St. John's wort or blackberries. And to maintain a deep dark tone, use a decoction of acorn shells or spruce bark.

Recipes for blonde girls

Chamomile decoction

  • ½ cup chamomile flowers
  • 2 cups boiling water

Let the decoction brew, after which it can be used either simply for rinsing after washing, or kept on the hair for 15-30 minutes to get a stronger lightening effect. This tool can be used 2 times a week, and after two weeks you will see the result.

lemon water

  • 2 lemons
  • 1 liter of water

Combine the juice of two lemons with 1 liter of water and use this product as a rinse after each wash. Lemon gives not only the effect of clarification, but also neutralizes the alkali in the water. You can mix lemon juice and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio and apply to the strands or to the whole mass, or, for example, only to the tips to get an ombre effect.

Mask with honey and lemon

  • 2-4 st. spoons of chamomile
  • 3 art. spoons of liquid honey
  • 1 lemon

Pour boiling water over the chamomile flowers and let it brew for about half an hour. Then add lemon juice and honey to the decoction, mix well and apply the mask along the length of the hair. Put on a plastic cap and warm your head with a towel. Leave the composition for 1.5 hours, then rinse under running water.

Adding a tint to red hair

Herbal rinse

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons dry calendula flowers
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of hibiscus

Pour 200 ml of water over calendula and hibiscus and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Let the composition brew, then strain and use instead of a conditioner after washing your hair.

Rhubarb wine rinse

  • 150 gr rhubarb root
  • 0.5 l red wine

Pour the crushed rhubarb root with wine, put in a saucepan over low heat and cook until the volume of liquid decreases by 2 times. Then remove the saucepan from the heat and let the mixture cool down. Use for repeated rinsing after shampooing.

How to paint over gray hair?

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Girls often want to change their hair color to match fashion. But not always a change of image leads to beauty, the hair begins to break, thin, get damaged. To prevent this from happening, you should know how to dye your hair without paint for the benefit of your curls.

How to dye your hair at home

Few people know how to dye their hair without chemical dye, so useful tips will never be superfluous. It is important to know that vegetable dyes fit better on hair that has never been dyed. If you have experienced the whole rainbow, then the result will not be simple: it may turn out to be unusual due to the overlap of layers. Mixtures are applied only to dry hair, preferably not freshly washed, they are kept for a fixed time and washed off. To fix the pigment, use special products that do not allow it to be washed out for a long time.

Depending on the natural color, you need to choose a suitable plant component, carefully study the possibilities of obtaining a result, and prepare for staining. Use only those proportions and components in grams that are indicated in the recipe or composition, with the slightest deviation, you may get the wrong result, in which you will become, for example, a blue-haired girl.

How to dye your hair with folk remedies

Depending on your original shade and the desired result, there are many different ways to color your hair without using dye. The most popular are henna to give red and basma to give black, decoctions of chamomile to lighten or oak bark to darken the shade. Useful vegetable dyes affect the structure of the hair - make them stronger, denser, shiny. So there is a reason to refuse chemical paint!

How to beautifully dye your hair red

You can make hair dye to get a red tint using the following dyes:

  • The most popular herbal dye for red hair is henna. There are several varieties of it: red, Iranian, colorless, solid. For a rich result, add the powder to water, apply to the length, scalp, rinse after a time (from 15 minutes to a couple of hours). The longer the henna is on the head, the richer the color will be.
  • In order to change your shade to a light red, you can rinse your head with a strong infusion of calendula flowers mixed with an infusion of hibiscus tea. This option is suitable for blond hair that can be easily dyed. On a dark mane, the result will not be so noticeable.
  • Onion peel and its strong infusion will help to give a rich red pigment.

How to lighten hair at home without dye

Natural dyes to obtain a light color are the following mixtures:

  • Honey wrap. To carry it out, wash your hair, help the cuticle open by rinsing the head with a little baking soda. After that, make a mask of honey for the entire length, make insulation from a bag and a towel or hat, rinse off after 10 hours. The longer the mixture is kept, the lighter the color will turn out.
  • Lemon and chamomile will help to dye in the desired blond. To do this, make a strong infusion of chamomile, mix it with lemon juice, apply the resulting mixture, rinse after half an hour. If you repeat the procedure once a week, you can achieve a beautiful shade.
  • A decoction of rhubarb with a glass of white wine gives the braid a simple wheat color.

How to make hair darker

Dark colors will help to make natural plant components with brown or black pigments:

  • Basma gives blackness, but you can’t use it clean, otherwise you get an ugly shade of blue or green. To obtain a chestnut color that goes into chocolate, basma is mixed with henna in equal proportions, and to obtain a lighter shade, the amount of henna is increased. Preparation of the mixture - you need to pour the powder with boiling water and apply on the head.
  • Natural ground coffee is used to obtain a noble dark color. It is necessary to brew strong coffee, take 2 cups of it, mix with pure ground coffee in the amount of 2 tablespoons, apply the mixture over the entire length, rinse after a couple of hours.
  • A decoction of nettle and its regular use as a rinse will make the color darker and strengthen the roots.
  • Blooming linden and a decoction of it will help to achieve a beautiful dark color scheme. Apply to the entire length or roots, and wash off after half an hour.
  • Black tea gives a chestnut tinge depending on the concentration of the brewed infusion. Brew tea from natural leaves in the ratio of 3 tablespoons per half liter, make a wrap out of it, keep as much as you want. The longer the wrap lasts, the richer the color will be.

For fashionable girls, hair coloring is not just about eliminating flaws, but about attracting attention.

They use bright colors, are not afraid of discussion and sidelong glances not to their person. Sometimes you can even see guys with similar hairstyles, but this rarely happens.

How can you color the ends of your hair?

Over the past six months, it has become very fashionable to dye your hair in different bright colors: from bright green to blue and purple hues.

This is especially true for the ends of the hair. You need to be able not only to professionally dye the ends of your hair, but also to skillfully match the shade to your natural color.

Each shade of hair has its own color scheme. For example:

  • For light hair, any shade is perfect, but with dark hair, the situation is a little more complicated. Not only do you need to lighten the tips to get the right color, you also need to choose the right shade so that everything looks harmonious.
  • Tips of such colors are well suited for dark hair: pink, red, gray and purple. We figured out the flowers, but how to color hair ends still remains a secret.

If you do not want to leave such a hairstyle for a long time, then you can paint pastels with good crayons, which will be washed off after a couple of head washing procedures.

If you have the opposite situation and you want everyone to see your colored strands, then you need to paint in a special paint while doing the procedure for lightening the tips.

How can you color artificial hair?

Today, artificial hair has become very popular, because thanks to them you can make chic long curls from a short haircut, which at first glance cannot be distinguished from natural ones.

Also, artificial strands are often bought by girls for painting in bright colors, as described above.

In order not to spoil your natural color, you can buy an artificial strand and carry out any processes with it. But the question remains how to color artificial hair.

First of all, you need to be sensitive to the fact that ordinary paint can easily ruin artificial hair, since in its structure it is very different from natural hair.

If such strands are dyed with hair dye, then all the “hairs” will scorch and twist.

In order not to spoil your wig or individual strands when painting in a different color, you need to use a marker or felt-tip pen.

And this is absolutely no joke. With this device you can paint.

It is necessary to paint with a marker carefully and accurately. If you want black or blue, you can use ink.

How can you temporarily dye your hair?

For many girls, the big question remains how to dye your hair without much harm and for a short time. There are not as many options as it seems. So how to dye your hair temporarily.

One of the most effective and simple ways is painting with pastel art crayons. In fact, the process is very simple and does not require much time for painting.

You need to buy pastel crayons in specialized stores, as others are simply not suitable for painting: asphalt colors will be too bright and difficult to apply to hair, and oil ones are difficult to remove from hair.

Before you start painting, you need to soak the crayon in water, or at least pour a spoonful of water on it. Then take one strand, wet it, and apply already soaked chalk.

Then go to another strand and continue to do until you get the desired result.

At the end of the procedure, you need to dry the hair, hold it with a clean hand, if the color remains in the palm of your hand, then dry it again. Then make the styling as you wish.

The natural color of the hair can be easily changed to several tones without using ammonia dyes that damage the hair structure. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to prepare a cream paint or decoction based on plants and other natural ingredients. How to dye your hair without dye? We will talk about the most effective and effective ways in our article.

Advantages and disadvantages of painting with natural means

Hair coloring can be easily done with natural dyes that do not dry out the hairs and do not disturb the alkaline balance. Using such compounds, you can not only lighten the curls or make them darker, but also improve the hair.

The benefits of folk remedies include:

  • Low cost of paint components;
  • Ease of use of funds;
  • Possibility of regular repainting of strands;
  • Strengthening curls and restoring their structure;
  • Giving the hair a more saturated color.

But before you dye your hair yourself, you should also familiarize yourself with the possible side effects after the procedure:

  • Relatively unstable result, which lasts only 2-3 weeks;
  • Accumulation effect: the hue becomes saturated after not one, but several procedures;
  • The impossibility of a cardinal change of color (the only exception will be henna and basma).

If all of the above disadvantages did not scare you away, try making paint from natural ingredients at home.

But keep in mind that with the help of the proposed means it will not be possible to change the color from a brunette to a blonde or change a dark blond color to a fiery copper one.

How can you dye dark hair at home?

If you notice that your curls have become dull and have lost their natural shine, you can revive them with the help of such cream masks and decoctions:

  • Coffee mix. Mix 2 tbsp. l. ground natural coffee with 200 ml of conditioner for curls. Pour 100 ml of regular black coffee into the emulsion and apply the mixture to the strands. Then wrap your head with a film and after 60 minutes wash your curls with warm water;
  • Decoction of black tea. Pour 5 tbsp. l. black tea ½ liter of boiling water. Boil the broth in a water bath for 20-25 minutes, then strain. Cool the decoction and apply on the head;
  • Linden decoction. 6 art. l. linden inflorescences pour 400 ml of water and boil over low heat. When the amount of liquid is reduced by half, strain it and cool. Rinse your head with a decoction and rinse with conditioner after 40 minutes;
  • Nettle infusion. To acquire a copper hair color, pour 150 g of dry grass ½ l of boiling water and add 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar. Infuse the liquid for at least 3-4 hours, then strain and rinse the strands with it. Wash your hair after 50 minutes.

How to change hair color?

In order for the paint to take well, the curls should be thoroughly washed before using the products in order to rid them of natural fat. Only then will you get a beautiful and rich color.

How can you dye blond hair at home? Thanks to the proposed recipes, you can achieve lightening of the hair, but only by a few tones.

If you use the products regularly, you will be able to achieve permanent lightening of curls:

  • Honey-soda mixture. Melt 5 tbsp. l. honey in a water bath and add 4 tbsp. l. warm water. Then mix the solution with 1 tsp. soda and apply on curls. After 3-4 hours, rinse your head with warm water, but without using shampoo;
  • Chamomile decoction. Pour 7 tbsp. l. chopped herbs 250 ml of water and boil over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Then cool the liquid and strain. Add to the decoction 3 tbsp. l. castor oil and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Rinse the curls with the prepared solution and rinse after 40 minutes.

How can you dye your hair, besides professional paint, to achieve a beautiful red hue? There are several effective ways that allow you to get a rich red color without ammonia paints.

  • Henna. To dye your hair with henna, dilute one or two sachets with a little water to make a creamy paste. Apply the product to the curls, as you would regular paint. After 60 minutes, wash the strands with warm water, then rinse with rinse aid;
  • Calendula and hibiscus rinse. Prepare a decoction of calendula, bay 4 tbsp. l. herbs 200 ml of water. In a separate bowl, brew hibiscus tea. Mix the liquids and use as a rinse daily until you achieve the desired shade.

In addition, you can get a copper tint with the help of decoctions made from onion peels, beets and Chinese tea. The greater the concentration of the coloring ingredient in the decoction, the richer the shade will be.

How to dye gray hair?

Strands devoid of natural pigment need to be nourished and restored, so it is very important to use regenerating agents that improve the structure of the hairs.

  • Decoction of walnut skins. 5 st. l. chopped walnut skins are poured with a small amount of water and boiled over low heat until a viscous consistency is obtained. The mask is applied to the strands and washed off after 25 minutes;
  • Hnu and basma. A bag of powder is diluted with a small amount of warm water so that a gruel forms. The product is evenly distributed over the strands and washed off after 60 minutes.

Natural dyes, unlike purchased dyes, do not deplete the hair and do not disturb the alkaline balance.

Thanks to folk remedies, you can not only dye your hair in the right color, but also improve it by making your hair shiny and more elastic.