Synopsis on fine arts "where the motherland begins". Synopsis of a class on art activity with what the motherland begins "Where the Motherland begins"



Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic:

"Where does the Motherland begin"

Prepared by:
teacher Ulyanova Irina Nikolaevna

contribute to the education of moral and patriotic feelings in children, love for their native city, pride in their homeland.
 Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the concepts of Motherland, small Motherland;  To acquaint with the history of Ostrogozhsk, with the emblem of the city;  To continue to teach children to find beauty in the works of great Russian artists;  Encourage children to express their feelings through visual activity.
Educational area:
artistic creation (drawing)
Integration with educational areas:
communication, knowledge, music, physical culture, socialization.

examining postcards depicting memorable places in the city of Ostrogozhsk; visiting various exhibitions of the museum. Kramskoy; conversations about the Motherland, native land; acquaintance with the map of Russia.
map of Russia; emblems of different cities of the Voronezh region; reproductions of paintings by Russian artists: A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"; V. Polenov "Overgrown Pond"; K. F. Yuon "Domes and swallows" and others; postcards depicting memorable places in Ostrogozhsk; musical composition "Where the Motherland Begins" (performer: Mark Bernes, lyrics by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner); sheets of paper primed for the "Scratch" technique, toothpicks for each child; projector; notebook; presentation on the topic "History of the city of Ostrogozhsk".
GCD progress:

(The teacher and children stand near the blackboard in a semicircle).

On this map you will not find the house in which you live. And even the native streets We will not find on the map of that one.
But we will always find our country on it - our common home! (V. Stepanov)
Guys, what is hanging on our board?
We have a map on the board.
Which map? Map of what?
Map of the country, map of Russia.
What interesting answers I heard. Yes, this is a map of our country. What is the name of the country we live in?
The country we live in is called Russia.
That's right, our country has a surprisingly beautiful, sonorous name - Russia. Let's look at the map. What do we see on it?
On the map I see Russia, rivers, points.
A map can tell a lot about our country. Russia is a big and strong state. Look at the vast territory Russia occupies. There are a lot of rivers, mountains, forests, cities in Russia. When at one end of our country people go to bed, at the other end morning begins. It can snow on one side, and the sun can bake on the other. That's how big our Russia is.
(Children sit on chairs)

Now slowly sit down in your seats. Listen to the poem "Immense Country". If for a long, long, long time We fly in an airplane, If we look at Russia for a long, long time, Then we will see Forests and cities, Ocean expanses, Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains ... We will see a distance without edge,
Tundra, where spring rings, And then we will understand what a big, vast country Our Motherland is. (V. Stepanov) The author of this poem says that Russia is our Motherland. What is Motherland? How do you understand this word motherland?
The word Motherland means the country in which we live.
Homeland means native, like mom and dad. Motherland is the place, the country in which we live, where our loved ones live. Everyone has one homeland. Let's draw a circle the same as our Russia. What circle do we have?
(draws a big circle)

We have a round, large, beautiful circle.
That's right - big, which means Russia is our big Motherland.
But, everyone has their own small homeland. And how do you understand what a small Motherland is?
I think that the small Motherland is the house in which I live, these are my parents, the village, the city. This is the corner of the earth where we grew up, where our home is located.
Guys, where is your small homeland?
My small Motherland is here, in Ostrogozhsk.
Most of you were born here, so this is your small Motherland. Our hometown Ostrogozhsk. What do you think, what circle should be drawn to depict our city on the map of Russia?
We need to draw a small circle.
Correctly, we must draw a small circle, or rather put a dot
. (Draw a small circle)
We have made a model of our Motherland, where it is clear that the small Motherland is a small part of our great Motherland - Russia.

Each person has a small homeland, a city or village where he was born and raised. And what is the name of the inhabitants of our city of Ostrogozhsk?
Let's play: I will name the city, and you will call the people living in it. The ball will be my assistant in the game.
(Children stand in a circle)

Get ready! How can one name the inhabitants of the city in one word  Moscow – Muscovites;  Voronezh - Voronezh residents;  Belgorod - Belgorodtsy;  Volgograd - Volgograd residents;  Novgorod - Novgorodians;  Sochi - Sochi residents.
(Children sit on chairs)

Guys, do you want to know why our city is called Ostrogozhsk and how it appeared? Then sit back and listen and watch.

"History of the city of Ostrogozhsk"

It was a long time ago: at the direction of the king on the banks of the Tikhaya River

Pine was built Ostrog - a wooden fortress to

defend against enemies (slide).

And the river that flowed in the city was called Ostrogoshcha (slide)

This is where our city got its name from.

The main occupation of the inhabitants of the fortress was agriculture, which

reflected in the coat of arms of our city. It is green

shield, in the center of which is an ash sheaf. It is a symbol of wealth

our land (slide).

A difficult and heroic lot fell to our city during the years of the Great

Patriotic war. For a very long time he was in the German

occupation. Many buildings were destroyed (slide). Among the inhabitants

of our city, there were a lot of heroes, in memory of which now

lit an eternal flame and created an alley of heroes in the city park (slide).

Now in our city a lot of new, modern

buildings swimming pool "Pearl", Sports and recreation

complex, etc.

At different times in our city lived such famous people as:

the world-famous artist I. N. Kramskoy (slide); Children's

writer S. Ya. Marshak (slide); great cosmonaut A. V. Filipchenko

(slide) and many others.

Guys, there is such a proverb "Whatever the city, then the temper." Do you know what she means?
(children's answers)

Yes, indeed, no two cities are exactly the same, each is somewhat different from the others. Every city has its heroes, its sights. And each city has its own distinctive sign - the coat of arms. And what is depicted on the coat of arms of our city?
The emblem of the city of Ostrogozhsk is a green shield with a yellow sheaf in the center. It is a symbol of the wealth of our land.
Let's play.
D / and "Recognize our coat of arms."

(The teacher removes a map from the board under it, coats of arms hang in a row

different cities)

Guys, what is the coat of arms of Ostrogozhsk?

The coat of arms of Ostrogozhsk is the 3rd in a row...
Close our eyes (changes)
3 times

Our city is very beautiful, it has many interesting, memorable places - sights. Do you guys know them? Now let's check. I invite you to a tour of our hometown. Get on the bus.
D / and "Tour of the native city"

(Children get up, become pairs, in front of the "chauffeur" they hold in their hands

steering wheel)

D: (running around, singing)
We are all passengers We are not traveling in a car We are driven by a bus, We are looking into the distance together. Together we are not crowded, Everything is so interesting. Citizen driver, step on the pedal! (words and music by Yu. A. Ageeva)
AT: ( shows a red circle)
Stop! Cars red light Further you have no way!
(shows City Garden Gate)
Look at the windows, And think a little: What is this in front of you? Where have we arrived?
This is the gate at the entrance to the city park.
That's right, well done!
(shows a green circle)

I turn on the green light and let you pass further
D: (run in circles to the music)
Monument to A. S. Pushkin; eternal flame, the last stop of the museum. Kramskoy.
We get off the bus, go to the museum, where today there is an exhibition of paintings by Russian artists.
(“we go to the museum” we stand near the paintings)

All people love and remember their small homeland all their lives. People express their admiration for the beauty of their native land in poems, in songs, but how else can you do it? That's right, you can still draw. See how artists painted their hometown or village
(looking at pictures)
 Here the artists conveyed the beauty of the streets of their native city;  In this picture, the artist K. Yuon showed the beauty of the city from a bird's eye view, if we were birds, we would see our city exactly like this: the roofs are close-up, and the people and trees are very small;  And this is the artist Polenov's favorite place of rest - Overgrown Pond;  and here the artist showed the beauty of the city at night.
Do you guys love your city? And let's, we also express our love for our hometown with the help of a drawing. Only I suggest you draw the beauty of the night city of Ostrogozhsk. Can a city be beautiful at night? How? And we will do it in an unusual drawing technique, which is called "scratch" or "scratching". We already drew, remember what? And what do we need for this?
Children's answers.

Then go to the tables and start drawing. You can draw the street where you live, your favorite place in the city: a park, etc.
Show examples.

(children draw to the music for 10 minutes)

The teacher hangs out the work on the board, the children admire.

Look what a beautiful view of the city we got. Guys, what are we talking about today? (about the small homeland - Ostrogozhsk). What new did you learn? (about why the city is called that...); What did you like the most? That's all, thanks!

fine art lessoncyours.

Lesson topic: Where does the Motherland begin?

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson Objectives:

1. Implementation of control over the degree of assimilation of the material in the amount of the mandatory minimum content of the material.

To develop the cognitive interest of students, the feeling of love for the small Motherland, its nature by means of fine arts.

To improve the skills of self-control, mutual control of students.

Lesson objectives.

Creation in the lesson of the necessary search for additional information on this topic by students.

Formation of the skill of more conscious work with colors when making a landscape.

Stages of the lesson.

Topic. Goals. Tasks.

Formation of new knowledge.

Practical work.

Summary of the lesson.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Stand the guys correctly near your desks and carefully look at whether everything is ready for work in the lesson.

Sit down, listen carefully and try to remember everything, so that you can repeat it later.

II. Formation of new knowledge.

Teacher: - Guys, tell me, what is the name of the country in which we live?

Child: - Russia

Teacher: - (the teacher on the board hangs out the name written in advance on the sheet.)

Teacher: - This is our great Motherland. Its vast expanses stretched from north to south, from west to east. There are wonderful lines of the poetess Natalya Lvovna Zabila "My country", I want to read them to you.

"My country"

How big is my land

How wide are the spaces!

Lakes, rivers and fields

Forests, and steppe, and mountains.

Spread my country

From north to south:

When spring is in one side,

In the other - snow and blizzard.

When we have a dead night

Blackens behind the window.

Far Eastern Territory at that hour

Already woken up by the sun.

And the train through my country

To the border from the border

Not less than ten days

And then it will barely rush ....

Teacher: - See what a big country we live in. At one end it is dead night, and at the other end it is already day. At one end is spring, and at the other end there is still snow. And we really won’t be able to go around its vast expanses in ten days.

Tell me, what is the name of the city that we call the heart of our Motherland?

Child: - Moscow. (the teacher hangs a card on the board with the name - Moscow.)

Teacher: - Moscow guys is the capital of our Motherland.

Name the city in which we live, where our school is located, the museum of the famous writer Sholokhov, the banks of our city are washed by the great Russian river Volga? Child: - Nikolaevsk. (the teacher hangs a card on the board with the inscription - Nikolaevsk.)

Teacher: - If our great homeland is Russia, then what can we say about our city of Nikolaevsk, standing on the banks of the great Russian river Volga?

Child: - This is our small Motherland.

Teacher: - Listen to the song performed by M. Bernes, and answer me this question: - Where does our Motherland begin?

(a song performed by M. Bernes “Where does the Motherland begin?”)

Teacher: - Where does the Motherland begin? (children answer the question)

Teacher: What do you think the topic of our lesson is?

Children: - Where does the Motherland begin?

(the teacher opens the topic, pre-printed on paper and closed on the board with small posters.)

Teacher: - What sayings about the Motherland do you know?

Children: - Motherland - know how to stand up for her.

Children: - The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

Children: - A native bush and a hare are dear.

Children: - From the native side, the dog is cute.

Children: - There are no relatives, but the heart aches on the native side.

Teacher: - Our Motherland begins with the nature of the native land. In the last lesson, we began to depict the nature of our native land in pencil. They gave a complete analysis of the reproductions of the paintings that are presented here.

All these paintings were depicted by artists in paints, let's talk more about the colors in the paintings.

Look at this sheet and say: - What colors are considered warm?

Children: (red, brown, yellow, orange and their shades, burgundy, cherry)

Teacher: - What colors are considered cold?

Children: (blue, green, cyan, lilac, purple and their shades)

Teacher: - Today I will reveal a secret to you: white, black and their derivatives are colors that do not belong to either cold or warm colors. If white is added to warm and cold colors, the picture is bright and light.

Teacher: Look at this picture. But if more black paint is added to the same colors, then the picture is obtained - heavy, gloomy and disturbing.

Teacher: Look at this picture.

Teacher: - Guys, look at the blackboard now. (Paintings of famous Russian painters are hung on the board.)

Teacher: - Look at the picture of the famous Russian painter, I.I. Shishkin "Birch Grove".

What season is the artist depicting in this painting?

Children: - Summer.

Teacher: - What colors warm or cold did the artist take to paint the picture?

Children: - Cold.

Teacher: - What helps us to see that the picture is warm and it is a wonderful time of the year, summer, on the street?

Children: - The rays of the sun break through the trees.

Teacher: What mood does this picture convey?

Children: - The bright rays of the sun warm the whole picture, the mood is warm, joyful, although the colors are cold, there is a lot of cold green.

Teacher: - Let's look at the picture of the famous Russian painter D.Ya. Alexandrov "Winter's Tale"

What season is the artist depicting in this painting? Children: - Winter.

Teacher: - What colors did the artist take to paint this picture?

Children: - A lot of light blue, these colors are cool colors.

Teacher: - What makes this picture warmer?

Children: - It is shown on the trees that the sun is shining and the whole picture is warmed by its rays.

Teacher: - What mood is conveyed in this picture?

Children: - The artist had a calm state of mind, and his mood was not entirely cheerful, a little anxious.

Teacher: - let's now look at the picture of the famous Russian painter, I.E. Grabar "Golden Autumn".

What season is the artist depicting in this painting? Children: - Autumn.

Teacher: - What colors, cold or warm, did the artist take to paint this picture?

Children: - All colors are warm, cheerful.

Teacher: - There is a riot of colors in the picture, it seems that there is not a single shade of warm color that the artist would not touch with his brush. But look, there are also cool colors.

What mood is conveyed in this picture?

Children: - Fun.

Teacher: - But on it autumn says goodbye to warm summer. But you can hear in the noise of these leaves not sadness, but rather fun and happiness.

Teacher: - Can we say that the choice of color when painting a picture depends on our mood?

Children: - Yes!

Teacher: - Guys, I will now read you poems, and you try to guess what season these poems belong to and show me the numbers.

(Numbers are placed near each picture.) (Each child has numbers on the desk.)

Teacher: (without naming the name of the poem, read it out.)


White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

Teacher: - What landscape does this poem refer to?

(children show a number with a number)

Is in the autumn of the original

Short but wonderful time

All day, as if crystal and radiant evenings.

Where the peppy sickle walked

And the ear fell, space everywhere.

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Shines on an idle furrow.

Show me the numbers, what do you think?

The teacher reads the following poem without saying its title.

She sings - calls out

The shaggy forest cradles.

The call of a pine forest.

Around with a deep drag

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

Teacher: - What landscape does this poem refer to?

Show me the numbers, what do you think?

All the edges are green,

Green pond.

And the green frogs

They sing a song.

Teacher: - What landscape does this poem refer to?

Show me the numbers, what do you think?

Mug is ripening over a hot field,

And from the field to the field

Whimsical wind blows

Golden overflows.

Teacher: - What landscape does this poem refer to?

Show me the numbers, what do you think?

Enchanted winter

The forest is bewitched,

And under the snowy fringe,

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life.

Teacher: - What landscape does this poem refer to?

Show me the numbers, what do you think?

Teacher: - Guys, the nature of our Motherland is diverse, but you and I should not forget that if we do not protect and protect it. Then our future generation will never see this beauty again.

(children answer the question, telling the rules of behavior in nature)

Children: - On vacation, you need to clean up after yourself packages, cans, pieces of paper. Do not scatter candy wrappers, do not break tree branches, plant young plantings.

Teacher: - We guys are tired, let's have a rest with you. Get up from the desk.

Physical moment.

(to the music, under the guidance of a teacher, children perform small physical exercises.)

Teacher: - You guys are little artists today and any brush in your hands will turn a faceless drawing into a beautiful landscape. Take a smile on the road and try to pass this period of time in a good mood, conveying it with colors.

Remember guys, our brush, always after work, should be in its house. Show with your finger where her house is? It is impossible to shake the desk during work, so as not to spill water.

Teacher:- Get started on your own.

Independent work of children.

(During independent work, the teacher comes up and helps the children in coloring the children's landscapes.)


Teacher: - What new did you learn in this lesson?

- Why do we need to know warm and cold colors of paints?

Where can you apply what you learned in this lesson?

The formation of attitudes towards the country and the state, the Motherland begins from childhood. Therefore, one of the main tasks of our preschool educational institution is patriotic education. Only love for Russia, for its history, its culture, for its people can revive a great country. This love begins with small things - with love for our small Motherland. But to love, you need to know. Where does the Motherland begin for a baby? This question is not idle. At preschool age, children must definitely know and appreciate their small Motherland - the place where they were born and live.

For a baby, this is, first of all, a home, a kindergarten, a street, a city. This is nature, people, houses surrounding them, which they see every day.

Realizing the task of patriotic education, in working with children, the teaching staff uses a whole range of measures aimed at developing and consolidating the child's knowledge of his native land. Through the close and native creativity of their countrymen, it is easier for children to understand the creativity of other peoples, to receive an initial aesthetic education.

So in our preschool educational institution in January 2016 a number of events were held:

  1. Kindergarten teachers held open classes. Teacher of the middle group Dyndys L.V. showed the GCD on the social world "Life is given for good deeds." The teacher of the senior group conducted a GCD in the form of a game - a quiz "What, where, when" on the topic "Folk crafts of the Tula Territory". Agafonova L.N., teacher of the preparatory group, conducted a lesson "My small homeland - the village of Dubovka." Musical director Shabanova O.A. with the children of the preparatory group held a lesson in the form of a trip "Motherland - my Tula". At the lesson, the children got acquainted with the famous countryman - gunsmith Ivan Sizov - the creator of the Tula accordion, listened to its sound; listened to the anthem of the Tula region, played spoons and staged the melody "In the blacksmith" and much more.
  2. With pupils of the preparatory group, deputy head. VMR Logacheva N.V. made an interesting and fascinating journey "Uzlovaya - my Motherland", during which the children got acquainted with the past and present of our city.
  3. Among the teachers of the preschool educational institution, a competition of professional skills was held for the "Best Mini-Museum of the Group". We all know that museum pedagogy enables the child to realize himself as a citizen and patriot. Through museum pedagogy, preschoolers have the opportunity to “immerse themselves” in an informative, new subject environment. In the child's soul, the seeds of love for the native nature, the native home and family, the history and culture of one's country, for everything that has been created by the labor of relatives and close people, germinate. In the groups of our preschool educational institution, mini-museums of thematic orientation are decorated: "Museum of Bread", mini-museum "Mother's Hands", "Museum of Trees". In real museums, you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums of a kindergarten, it’s not only possible, but necessary! Each exhibit of the mini museum is available to the child. A preschooler tends to learn the world through the senses. It is not enough for him just to see something with his eyes, he remembers more and better when he touches the thing, picks it up, plays with it.
  4. A competition of children's drawings "Native land - you are not more beautiful" was held, in which pupils of the senior and preparatory groups took part. Children's drawing, the process of drawing is a particle of the child's spiritual life. In their drawings, children did not just transfer something from the surrounding world onto paper, they lived in this world, entered it, as creators of beauty, enjoyed this beauty. The most striking drawings of Ksenia R. "My favorite kindergarten", Roman B. "Miracle Rainbow", Nastya B. "At the Sviridovsky Pond".
  5. Among the pupils of the middle, senior and preparatory groups, a competition of readers "Native land" was held. The children read verses by the nodal poets, verses about their small homeland. The winners of this competition were David R. with the poem "At the eternal flame", Andrey E. "For peace, for children", Nastya D. "Uzlovaya is my city".

Thus, the teachers of our preschool educational institution believe that it is necessary to educate patriotism from early childhood, not forgetting that patriotism is formed individually for each child. It is connected with the spiritual world of man. And the task of teachers is to make these experiences bright and unforgettable. It is necessary for all adults to always remember the words of Academician D.S. Likhachev: “The feeling of love for the Motherland must be carefully cultivated, instilling spiritual settledness, since without roots in one’s native area, a person looks like a withered tumbleweed plant.”

Svetlana Sulakina

(design of the collective album)

Integration of educational regions:

"Social and communicative development", "Cognitive Development", "Speech Development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Tasks. Create conditions for reflecting in the drawing the idea of ​​the city of Saransk, as one of the corners of its Motherland. keep learning paint simple scenes or landscapes (optionally). Develop creative imagination, the ability to compose. Cultivate patriotic feelings, interest in knowing one's own Motherland.

Preliminary work. Conversation about Motherland in a lesson on the knowledge of the surrounding world. Photographs and postcards with views of the city of Saransk. Cover design for the collective album C what begins the motherland?

Materials, tools, equipment. Album sheets of paper of the same size for compiling a common album of drawings; wax crayons; simple pencils, erasers. The teacher has a cover and basis for the future album C what begins the motherland?

Used Books: Lykova I. A. Visual activity in children's garden: planning, class notes, guidelines. preschool group. - M.: KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS.

The teacher reads to the children a poem by Tatyana Bokova « Motherland»

Homeland big word, great!

Let there be no miracles in the world,

If you say this word with soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!

It fits exactly half the world:

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.

City dear, native apartment,

Grandma, school, kitten... and me.

Sunny bunny in the palm

Lilac bush outside the window

And on the cheek mole -

It is too Motherland.

The song sounds "FROM what begins the motherland (music by J. Frenkel, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

caregiver: Guys, with what is the beginning of the motherland for the author of this song?

Children: from friends, from the primer, from my mother's song, from the bench at the gate, road, birch ...

caregiver: A c what does the Motherland begin for you?

Children: from home, parents, fairy tales, kindergarten ...

caregiver: Home is a place, where are you was born, grew up where your friends live, your family. This is your city, your country, the nature that surrounds you.

How many of you know the name of our huge country in which we live? Children: Russia

caregiver: Yes, our Motherland - Russia.

caregiver: What is the name of the main city in our country?

Children: Moscow

caregiver: We live in the great country of Russia, and we are all united by one Motherland. But each of us has our own small motherland this is where you are born live. What city do we live in?

Children: in the city of Saransk.

caregiver: That's right, our little homeland is the city of Saransk. Capital of the Republic of Mordovia.

What is interesting in our city? Children's answers.

What did we see on excursions and walks?

What interesting events in the life of our city can you remember? (Free statements of children.)

caregiver: Come on, let's draw where and how we live. Everyone draws their own picture for example: your house or your street, our kindergarten or park, a pond or a river, a theater or just a store that you go to with your mother. And then from these pictures we will all together make an album

"FROM what begins the motherland

The teacher shows the children the future cover of the album and offers to agree on how the sheets will be placed in the album (horizontally or vertically).


Children draw by design. The teacher clarifies the children's idea that in the plot the images are somehow connected between yourself: by meaning, by placement in space (combined into a plot on a common basis, by proportions (same or different size according to the plot). Drawings, children put in an album under the cover.

After class. Children complete the design of the album "FROM what begins the motherland and make up stories from personal experience.

Topic: "Where does the Motherland begin?"

Educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development


Educational: to form children's ideas about the Motherland, the population that lives on the territory of Russia, to acquaint children with the meaning of their names, to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfamily members, of the role of the family in the life of the state.

Developing: to develop a sense of patriotism, camaraderie, mutual assistance to each other, the ability to coherently express one's thoughts, to tell a story.

Educational: to cultivate respect for all family members, love for nature, aesthetic taste, culture of speech, love for the Motherland.

Material: multimedia presentation "Meaning of a name", cartoon "Where does the Motherland begin?", film "National costume", a map of Russia, a picture of the "family tree", pictures of national costumes of Russia, music for a physical education session.

The course of educational activities

Children with a teacher are included in the group.
Sun: Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When meeting, they greet: "Good morning"
Good morning to the sun and birds
Good morning smiling faces
And everyone becomes kind, trusting
Let the good morning last until the evening!

Guys, today we will have an unusual lesson, we will talk about the most important, the most important thing in our life - about the family. Why about family? Because family is the most precious thing any person has. And a girl will come to visit us, and her name is Ladushka. Guys - this affectionate name Ladushka in Ancient Russia meant the goddess of beauty and love. (knock on the door). And here comes Ladushka. (Ladushka enters)

Hello Ladushka. We are very glad that you came to us.

Ladushka: Hello guys. Thank you for the invitation. You are so sweet. I really want to get to know you.

Gather children in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

(children form a circle)

Look at your faces, who would I be friends with here? I, Ladushka, and who are you? Tell me what your affectionate name is. (children say their name, and Ladushka says which of the greats had the same name, accompanied by slides)

What beautiful names you have.

Vos-l: Every person has a name. It is given by parents after birth. Every day our loved ones are with us: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather.

Ladushka: Guys, what is a family?

(children's answers)

Vos-l: Guys, do you know that our Motherland begins from the family. There are such wonderful words of the great poet M. Prishvin “We are the masters of nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish need water, birds need air, beasts need forests and mountains. And a person needs a Motherland”

Motherland, they talk a lot about it. What do you think, what is the Motherland? (children's answers)

Yes, guys, for everyone, the Motherland begins with their family, their home.

Do you have family albums at home that contain photos of loved ones, relatives. I asked you to bring photos of your relatives. Ladushka, take the photos they brought from the children, we will need them a little later. Now think and answer: who are called relatives?

Ladushka: Correctly relatives are called people close by kinship. What does the word "kind" mean?

If you combine all your answers, then we can say that the genus is one big family. Each genus has its own beginning. The oldest member of the family is considered the most respectful. Who will be the most respected relative in your family? Why?

It is true that we respect and love them for the fact that they were waiting for the life of your parents, and your parents - for you.

It's good that you all have a family. You are the happiest kids in the world. For a long time, home and family have always been spoken of with love and respect.

Vos-l: Yes, Ladshuka. From ancient times, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about the family have come down to us. Let's try to remember them. I'll start and you finish.

Game "Continue the proverb"

When the family is together ... (and the soul is in place)

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)

The mother feeds the children... (like the land of the people)

Family is ... (seven I).

And now Sasha will read us a poem about the family

Family is native!

How much light, kindness and warmth is in it!

How proud we are of our families

For all their merits, for all their deeds!

Mother's eyes warm us,

Like the sun shining, they are hot.

And the father's hands shield from trouble.

The care of relatives is like the rays of the sun!

Vos-l: Okay, and now I want to introduce you to one very large family. For this, we need those photos that the kids gave you. I think that all of you will be interested to know what kind of family this is. Every family has its own story. Our connection with relatives can be depicted in the picture. This drawing is called "Family Tree".

(Player will place the photos on the tree)

Look, we got a big tree where each family is a leaf on this tree. And the tree itself is called Motherland, and without these leaves the life of this tree is impossible.


(Dance of children with Ladushka)

(during the dance, two children change into national costumes)

Ladushka: Oh, guys, look how beautiful and smart our children have become. Do you know what these children are wearing? This is the national costume of our country. (Ladushka's story about the national costume)

Vos-l: Guys, look again at our tree. One family - one leaf, itself very small and invisible, and when there are many of us and we are all together, we make up one big beautiful, powerful tree - the Motherland.

Tell me, please, where does our Motherland begin?

(Watching a cartoon)

Vos-l: What is the name of the country in which we live?

That's right, Russia. A lot of people live in Russia and they are all different, but they are all united by one Motherland. You love your relatives, people close to you, protect and take care of them, you should also treat your homeland.

Ladushka: I suggest you make a portrait of our great country.

(Children make a collage)

Now the children will read us a poem about the Motherland.

What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside.

What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Well done! Today you have told a lot of interesting things. Thank you.

Reflection. Guys, what did you like about the lesson?

What is a family?

What is Motherland?

What should they be?

The song "The sun shines for everyone" sounds

Ladushka invites everyone to a tea party with delicious homemade pies.