Cream against the growth of hair on the body - the best remedies, effective folk recipes, tips for getting rid of hair forever. How to slow down hair growth after shaving

Hair growth inhibiting cream keeps skin smooth for two weeks

How does a cream that slows down the growth of facial and body hair work?

Special innovative creams to slow down the growth of unwanted hair can suppress the vital activity of the follicles. As a result, hairs after epilation appear more slowly, become softer and lighter in color. It should be applied regularly to keep the skin smooth for up to 2 weeks.

The effectiveness of a cream that slows down hair growth depends on its composition. Before buying, carefully study its composition, especially if you plan to apply the cream to the delicate skin of your face. Give preference to a product that contains natural plant extracts:

  • extract from green walnut peel;
  • turmeric;
  • hyacinth root;
  • soy milk;
  • Usuri hops.

These ingredients not only slow down hair growth, but also prevent ingrown hairs. Before applying the product to your face, be sure to test it - rub a small amount of the cream into the skin of your wrist.

If redness and itching do not appear within 30 minutes, you can safely apply it to the face

Facial Hair Removal Tips

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Hair growth inhibiting cream: advantages and disadvantages

If you use the product regularly, the hairs will gradually become thin and weak. However, the cream for slowing hair growth has some disadvantages, namely:

  • at the beginning of using such a product, the skin may react negatively to it - redness, itching, peeling will appear. It is enough just to be patient a little, and these manifestations will disappear, because the skin gradually adapts to the new cream;
  • the possibility of an allergy to one of the components of cosmetics;
  • the drug only slows down hair growth, but does not stop it permanently.

Buy products with glycerin, lecithin, grape seed oil. Such components help to take good care of your skin, make it smooth, and saturate it with useful microelements.

Buy only high quality creams. If possible, it is better to first consult with a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The specialist will be able to familiarize himself with the composition of the cream and identify hazardous components.

After reading reviews of creams that slow down hair growth, we can conclude that such cosmetics can significantly increase the time between epilation sessions.

The problem of quick restoration of unwanted hair on the body of women and men is considered the main and difficult to solve in personal care. Despite the various methods for removing vegetation, they still quickly reappear and cause discomfort.

But science does not stand still and at the moment special means have been invented that, although they do not get rid of this problem forever, can still make life much easier, thanks to the slowing effect of hair growth.

There are special concentrated samples that slow down the process of division and maturation of follicular cells, suppress melanogenesis and destroy keratin. After using these samples, the hair becomes much softer, thinner and lighter, therefore it is especially recommended to apply such products to the skin after depilation.

Cream with a retarding effect of hair growth after epilation is required contains inhibitors that interfere with normal physiological processes in the body.

Often, such inhibitors are natural substances, they can be:

  • extract from St. John's wort;
  • arnica;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • witch hazel.

Papaya and pineapple are used as depressants, from which proteases are obtained. Some samples contribute to the neutralization of sulfur, which is necessary for the body to regenerate hair.

There is also a cream for retarding hair growth after epilation, which, with the help of special enzymes - proteases, promotes the breakdown of proteins in the body, due to which it has antiandrogenic and antikeratin effects, thereby destroying the hair roots.

Did you know? Human skin has up to 5 million follicles. Their number can change throughout life.

Also, such creams, in addition to the main active elements, contain additional substances that help soften and soothe irritated skin. Often these are natural ingredients:

  • beeswax;
  • soy milk;
  • grape seed oil;
  • jojoba oil.

Manufacturers achieve an antibacterial and healing effect using allantoin and aloe extract.

How to choose a cream?

When it's time to choose the one that will have the effect of slowing hair growth, it is not necessary to focus on the most expensive option, implying that it will work better or longer on the skin.

An ineffective product can be purchased both in the mass market department and in the expensive cosmetics department. Therefore, the most important thing when choosing is to pay attention to the constituent components. The content should suppress hair follicles, soothe and moisturize the skin.

Hair growth retardant creams can be purchased online at great prices and free shipping. Including such popular brands as Aravia Inhibitor Cream and Creams of the Australian company Skin Doctors are available.

It is recommended to give preference to a more natural composition containing a minimum amount of chemistry. It is important to acquire well-known firms that have existed on the market for a long time, have many positive reviews and recommendations among their clients.

You can pay attention to companies that produce inexpensive, but sufficiently high-quality goods that save not on the composition of funds, but on their advertising, due to which they are available to the entire population (for example, Aravia).

Instructions for using creams

Instructions for using such tools are simple and do not require special skills. Let's consider how to apply such creams on legs, face and other parts of the body for women and men.


After shave creams are produced for men, which can prolong the effect of smooth skin. For the effect to last longer, it is necessary to apply a special product to the prepared (shaved) area of ​​the skin as soon as possible.

As a rule, such creams can deal with skin irritation and inflammation after hair removal so you don't need to use any other aftershave.

The cream should be applied not only after shaving, but also continue to be used every day. After two weeks of use, the result will be even better., the hair will soften and grow much slower.


Women's creams do not differ much in the way they are applied. The products are also applied to the areas where hair removal has occurred. A small amount of cream is rubbed in gently, with a massage motion, so as not to injure irritated skin.

You need to use the cream every day for better results. Over time, such a cream will thin and lighten the hair, you will have to remove it less often than usual, and the procedure will be faster.

Features of using the cream for different parts of the body

There are some features of the use of the funds under consideration for different parts of the body.

The skin on different parts of the human body is different, respectively, it is necessary to use any means with caution. First of all, you need to check the cream to be used for allergic reactions. This requires apply a little on the wrist and wait 10 minutes.

If nothing happened: there is no redness, rash and other possible manifestations of allergies, then the product can be used for delicate areas of the skin. Even if the product was previously used by you for the skin on the legs, it is not a fact that it is suitable for the armpit area, because the skin on the legs is coarser and more protected than in delicate areas.

Important! Some creams are intended only for a specific area of ​​use, which is indicated on the package, so it is strongly discouraged to use them for other areas.

You can not use men's creams for women and vice versa, because men's skin is very different from women's.

Does depilatory cream slow down hair growth?

There are special creams that are used to remove vegetation from different parts of the body. For their correct use, you need to apply to problem areas, after a certain time they are removed with a special scraper.

Almost all depilatory creams are marketed as agents for slowing hair growth. But let's see if depilation cream actually slows down hair growth.

Of course, it is quite difficult to trace the reality of the results of slowing down the growth of hairline in girls, because this is an individual phenomenon that depends on the body.

Depilatory cream with a hair growth retardation feature is more expensive than without it. But it is not always the case. To be sure of the likelihood of the expected result, you need to pay attention to the composition of the cream. If it contains components that slow down or destroy hair, then the probability of the desired effect is naturally high.

But some unscrupulous manufacturers in large letters on the front of the package denote this effect, but in fact it is a deception. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a proven depilatory cream that slows down hair growth according to reviews and recommendations of friends or from popular proven companies.

Folk remedies

There are also folk remedies that can produce the expected effect.

Let's consider some recipes:

  • You can significantly slow down hair growth with a decoction of dope ordinary. Use 150 g of dope per liter of water and cook for 15 minutes. With a filtered broth, lubricate problem areas of the skin daily.
  • You can also use walnuts. It is recommended to cut young green nuts into several parts and lubricate problem areas of the skin with them. Such a tool very effectively copes with the task at hand, and the result can be seen within three days after use.

Important! This procedure can stain the skin in a brownish tint, so it is important to take this factor into account when using green nuts.

  • Freshly squeezed white grape juice or simply cut berries will help in solving this problem. It is necessary to apply the product daily to problem areas, and the result will be very good.

The best remedies for slowing hair growth (examples)

The most effective and popular remedies for slowing hair growth are:

  • Cream "Arabia" (ARAVIA) - a professional remedy for slowing hair growth, containing papain, shea butter and allantoin. The content is suitable for face and body. Recommended for use after waxing, sugaring and after using the epilator.
  • Spanish cream with daddy Cream Moisturizing and Hair Growth Inhibitor BYLY, which is also claimed to be a moisturizer.
  • Gel cream for use after depilation Deep depil with natural ingredients - herbal inhibitors with a triple effect of action: stopping hair growth, moisturizing the skin, relieving irritation.
  • Lotion CORA to slow down hair growth, it is able to destroy the bulbous structure of the hair, which ensures their slow recovery and growth. It contains natural inhibitors. Recommended for use after epilation.
  • Company Johnsons & Johnsons also has an effective body lotion to help slow down the growth of hair on the body. The composition contains active ingredients and also soy extract, which reduces the activity of the follicle.
  • Green mama- a manufacturer of high-quality and effective cosmetics also has effective means in its arsenal. The main component of the cream is Ussuri hops, which, in combination with vitamin E, acts as a moisturizing, nourishing and vegetative retardant.
  • Oriflame for men has active, but not harmful to the skin, components. It is advised to apply immediately after shaving. Application for a month is guaranteed to slow down hair growth and help reduce hair.

Did you know? In the 16th century, it was customary to shave hair in order to have a high forehead, and, for example, Queen Elizabeth I of England used a remedy to slow down hair growth, which consisted of the blood of frogs, bats, mixed with ash.

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Summing up, it is important to note that there are a very large number of products for slowing hair growth, which are in different price categories. In order to choose the remedy that suits you, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the body, and carefully read the composition.

Many girls face the problem of accelerated hair growth on their legs. It does not matter whether epilation or depilation was carried out, hemp still breaks out. There are salon techniques, such as laser removal or photoepilation, that can permanently rid beautiful ladies of unwanted vegetation. However, hair growth can also be slowed down by folk methods that are successfully used in Europe, America and the Middle East. Let's consider them in order.

How to slow down the growth of hair on the legs with folk remedies


Grind 30 gr. fresh nettle leaves in a convenient way, then add 15g. plant seeds. Pour in 80 ml of the mixture. corn oil and place in a dark cabinet for 4 days. After the time has passed, wipe your feet immediately after hair removal.

Brew 40 gr. mint 180 ml. boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Add 12 drops of rosemary ester, 7 drops of ginseng ester and 7 drops of geranium ester. Cover the skin after depilation. Pour the composition into a dark container so that you can use the mixture while on vacation. In this case, rub your feet three times a day.

Grind 1 bunch of green grapes in a convenient way. Rub the composition into the skin each time after depilation or epilation. Within a month, hair growth will slow down by 2-3 days. If possible, apply the product several times daily.

Wash 2 potato tubers, do not peel. Grate on a fine grater, add 25 gr. oat bran and stir well. Scrub your feet for 10 minutes 3 times a day. The lasting effect is achieved after 2 weeks of regular use.


Grind 2 lemons with the zest in a blender, add 10 ml to the mixture. olive oil. Apply the composition to your feet after removing hairs, wrap with cling film and wait 20 minutes. Perform the procedure 2 times every 5 days for a month. Then take a break of 1 week and repeat the course.

Take 12 pcs. unripe nuts, mince them or chop them in another convenient way. Pour 160 ml of gruel. boiling water, wait half an hour. Rub the mixture thoroughly into the skin and leave for 5 minutes, remove with warm water. The technique is suitable for slowing down the growth of hair on the legs during the beach season. Walnut stains the skin a lot, so be careful. If this happens, immediately rub your feet with lemon juice.

Brew 60 gr. dry turmeric with hot water and leave for 15 minutes. Perform the hair removal procedure, then immediately apply the mixture to the skin, rubbing in thoroughly. Wrap your legs with cling film, wait 10 minutes. Remove the composition and apply the cream after depilation.

Cottage cheese
Take 150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, add 60 gr. rice flour and 50 ml. lemon juice. Mix the mixture with 50 ml. kefir, then treat the skin of the legs well. Wait 15 minutes and wash off with cool water.

Massage your feet with medium-ground coffee grounds before removing hair. Epilate or depilate and repeat the procedure. Perform simple steps several times a week for 2 months.

Hydrogen peroxide

Purchase a 3% peroxide solution, the concentration should in no case be higher than the indicated one. Apply a little of the product to a cotton pad or cosmetic swab, wipe the skin well. Wait 10 minutes and rinse your feet with cool water. If peroxide is not available, chlorhexidine can be used. The principle of action of the drugs is the same, do not increase the exposure time.

Cane sugar
Grind 1 grapefruit with the zest in a blender or meat grinder. Add 80 gr. To it. brown sugar and 60 gr. cognac. Rub the composition into the skin for 5-10 minutes, then wrap with cling film and leave for another quarter of an hour.

Mix 25 ml. castor oil, 50 ml. vodka, 20 ml. ammonia. Pour the composition into a dark glass container, add 3 drops of iodine and shake well. Leave the lotion for about a day, then apply after each hair removal procedure. If possible, rub in the mixture 2-3 times daily.

  1. If you still use your shaving razor, replace it with an effective one. Instead of depilation, epilate with wax strips or pure wax. The procedure called "Shugaring", which is carried out with the help of sugar paste, has also proven itself well. You can buy an electric epilator, it is no less effective. All of these methods get rid of unwanted vegetation for a period of 2 to 5 weeks. In addition, new hairs grow less frequently, and their structure becomes thinner and lighter.
  2. Before the procedure, massage your feet with a regular pumice stone. It will weaken the follicles and cause hairs to fall out over time. To avoid irritation, apply shower gel, shaving cream, or shampoo to your skin. After that, epilate or depilate in a convenient way.
  3. Use a depilatory cream. This method has few supporters, because the composition has a pungent unpleasant odor. However, it dissolves the hairs and splits the upper edge of the bulbs, which allows you to maintain the effect of smooth legs for 3 days longer. A cosmetic product designed for all skin types. Very often, it contains aloe vera, olive oil and liquid protein, which have emollient properties.

It is not necessary to visit the salon and do photoepilation; you can prolong the effect with the help of folk remedies. Use lemon, mint, nettle, cottage cheese, or turmeric. Also, do not give up alcohol lotion, hydrogen peroxide, potatoes and walnuts. All of these methods are extremely effective; their complex application is permissible. Try to epilate with wax or sugar paste. Over time, you will complete the procedure faster than a machine.

Video: mask to slow down hair growth after depilation and shaving

29 816 0 It doesn't matter what method of depilation or epilation you use. These procedures do not always give pleasant sensations. Every girl would like to carry out these procedures as little as possible. In addition, the post-epilation period is also not always rosy. For example, irritation or ingrown hairs bother most of the girls around the world. To cope with this problem, you need to use a cream after depilation. And today we will tell you how to choose them, what to look for, and also introduce you to the best 8 creams and gels after depilation, in our opinion and the opinion of girls on the forums.

Skin care after depilation

Many girls prefer to remove body hair using various means. For example, razors or wax strips. Most of the ways to remove unwanted hairs lead to one unpleasant problem: after these procedures, the skin usually becomes reddened or irritated. Such a reaction of the body to this procedure is quite natural, because during depilation, along with the hairs, small pieces of skin are detached, and the body experiences stress during such an intervention. That's why there is discomfort and irritation. These problems can be dealt with by taking proper care of the skin after depilation:

  • You should not comb your skin or rub it with a towel, you can only gently blot it.
  • It is better to rinse the skin after depilation with cool water, as this will narrow the pores and prevent infection.
  • Also, be sure to wash your skin with antibacterial soap or use chlorhexidine.

To get rid of irritation or reduce it as much as possible, you need to take care of your skin both before and after the procedure. After depilation, the skin is more vulnerable than usual and needs special care. For this, you can use a special cream. Such creams perform many useful functions, for example:

  • Makes the skin softer;
  • Relieve irritation;
  • Remove redness;
  • Make the skin smooth and velvety;
  • Slows down hair growth.

Soft and well-groomed skin - this is what the result of this procedure should be. Our TOP 8 includes both famous brands of cosmetics and homemade natural creams. So, first things first.

How to find the right cream after depilation

Nowadays, in stores you can find a huge number of creams that have different specifics. Some soften the skin and make it smoother, others remove irritation, while others slow down hair growth. But you can also pick up a cream that will cope with all tasks, and it will not necessarily cost a lot of money.

After such procedures as depilation and epilation, the skin undergoes several stages of recovery:

  • After the procedure, she needs protection;
  • After one to two hours, she needs hydration;
  • And only then you can use the means to slow down hair growth.

To find a good cream to protect and moisturize your skin, you first need to study the ingredients that make up it. A good cream should not contain additional fragrances, as this can cause even more irritation. It is best to keep the cream as natural as possible and also contain ingredients to relieve pain. For example, menthol. A plus is the alcohol in the composition, as it has antibacterial properties. If you need a cream that will make the skin softer and more hydrated, it should contain panthenol. This substance makes the skin softer and heals all damage, even the smallest. Once the skin has been protected and hydrated, a cream can be used to slow hair growth.

Important! Many girls note that only after long-term use of the cream after depilation, they notice that their hair grows more slowly. Therefore, you should not wait for an instant result.

TOP 8 best tools

This is one of the best post-depilation creams. This cream contains such a component as extract walnut shells. The cream slows down hair growth, makes the hairs themselves lighter and thinner. After applying this cream, you can carry out the depilation procedure once a month, since the hair becomes invisible. Also, this cream makes the skin soft and moisturized, removes irritation, redness and eliminates flaking. The cream contains natural oils, which is very useful for any type of skin. In addition, the cream contains menthol, which removes the unpleasant sensation of burning and pain. The cream is absorbed literally in half a minute, has a light texture, white color and a pleasant smell.

Due to its composition, the skin retains its elastic appearance, which is very important with frequent depilation, when the skin tends to become decrepit.

This manufacturer has long become famous in the market for its natural formulations in cosmetic means. So the new gel after depilation was no exception. It should be noted that this gel after depilation is also considered one of the best among its analogues. After application to the skin, a pleasant mint scent is felt. GreenMama gel contains many natural ingredients, which is very good for any injured skin. Arnica extract perfectly relieves any irritation and redness. The cream moisturizes and soothes the skin as well as the previous ones, relieving unpleasant sensations.

By the way, unlike Belkosmex, which will be discussed further, GreenMama gel has a dispenser, which is very convenient to use.

Mint, which is part of the gel, pleasantly refreshes the skin and soothes it. The aroma of the gel is reminiscent of the aroma of men's after-shave products. Thanks to its consistency, GreenMama gel is used very economically. Many girls on the forums note that with this gel they began to do depilation much less often, about once a week. Also, the favorites of this gel note that after it there is no peeling and tightness of the skin.

This cream after depilation is produced in the Republic of Belarus. Due to the presence in its composition of the extract aloe, it has a soothing effect on the skin, and also eliminates skin peeling. One of its ingredients is Shea Butter, which moisturizes and protects the skin. Thanks to the innovative Pilisoft complex, the cream has the property of retarding hair growth. In general, it is worth noting that this cream is rich in natural ingredients.

The consistency of the cream is not very thick, but not liquid either. Absorbs quickly. It cools the skin a little, possibly due to the presence of mint in the composition. Does not create film and stickiness on the skin. Has a pleasant aroma, which is especially pleasant after using the depilatory cream. Since the smell on the skin still remains from the chemical composition. Cream from Belkosmex does an excellent job with this inconvenience and with its task in general.

As for the price, this is an excellent budget option that will easily give odds to expensive creams after depilation.

Many girls on the forums note that the hair after this cream still grows in, but not as much as without it.

Velvet cream - gel after depilation perfectly softens the skin due to the aloe in the composition and eliminates irritation. The texture of the cream is more liquid than dense; it is applied easily and absorbs very quickly. The smell is neutral. Also, one of the components of Velvet cream is cotton extract, thanks to which this cream can be used as an antibacterial and antimicrobial agent. It soothes the skin and relieves irritation. Well suited for delicate and allergy-prone skin, it can be applied to all parts of the body: both on the hands and on the skin in the bikini area.

A quality product that improves the condition of the skin after such a traumatic procedure as depilation or epilation. This cream is designed to be applied to any part of the body, be it the face or the bikini area. The cream nourishes, moisturizes and quickly soothes the damaged epidermis, making the skin smoother and more pleasant. Also, this cream contains sorbain, a component that slows down hair growth. After applying the cream, the hairs grow back lighter and thinner. You can apply Cloran cream to the skin every day or immediately after the procedure itself.

Post-epilation skin care cream can be easily prepared at home. For To do this, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • Jojoba oil which is rich in vitamin E. This ingredient helps the skin to cope with redness and discomfort. It has many beneficial properties, such as moisturizing and regenerating the epidermis.
  • Another oil - Palm ... It contains vitamin E, carotenoids and coenzymes that protect the skin from dehydration and flaking.
  • Celandine hydrolat in a matter of minutes, relieves the skin of redness and discomfort, eliminates even the smallest wounds and damage.
  • Menthol soothes the skin, relieves pain and disinfects, increases its protective properties. Liquid menthol can be found over the counter.
  • Betaine - an amino acid that has many beneficial properties. It soothes and heals the skin, making it smoother and softer.
  • D - panthenol - an ingredient that is used in the manufacture of many creams designed to care for delicate and sensitive skin. Its regenerating properties allow the skin to recover faster after depilation.
  • Chlorophyllipt - an excellent antiseptic that prevents bacteria from entering the body through damaged skin.
  • Sodium lactate - antiseptic that protects the skin. Also acts as a preservative in the cream. Thanks to sodium lactate, it has a longer shelf life.
  • Emulsion wax Polawax - a preparation completely consisting of natural substances. It is used to moisturize the skin and maintain its moisture balance, as well as to ensure that the cream is uniform and stable.

You will also need a few sanitized jars and a glass stick to mix the ingredients.

The first step is to warm up 8 grams of jojoba oil well in a water bath and add 8 grams of palm oil to it. Stir the resulting mixture and carefully pour into emulsion wax (it will take 10 grams). Wait until it is completely dissolved and add 3 milliliters of menthol. Measure out the required 55 milliliters of celandine hydrolate, also warm up and pour some of it into a separate jar. First dissolve D - panthenol in it, then add betaine.

Then add sodium lactate to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly, then pour in the remaining celandine hydrolate. Next, pour in chlorophyllipt. This component will color the cream in an unusual and pleasant greenish color. Then you need to pour the fatty part of the cream into the water and mix with a mixer for about 60 seconds. It is important that no foam forms at this stage. After a minute, remove the mixer and continue mixing the components with a glass stick. When the cream thickens a little, transfer it to specially prepared jars.

The cream can now be used for the intended purpose. It is suitable even for those who are allergic to regular store-bought creams. With this cream, you can take care of the skin after depilation. It protects and moisturizes the skin, therefore it is almost universal.

There are several more options for taking care of your skin after depilation at home. For example, you can make a generic mask. It includes:

  • Solid cocoa butter, which is the basis of the entire mask. It should be melted, and then the remaining components should be added to it. (about 150 grams)
  • Olive oil in the amount of 1 tablespoon. It gives the skin hydration and a well-groomed look.
  • Calendula oil can help clear up post-treatment acne.
  • A certain amount of tea tree oil disinfects damaged skin.
  • A few drops of patchouli oil can help relieve inflammation.

Like the previous cream, this mask should be stored in glass jars so that it does not lose all its beneficial properties.

The next recipe is a turmeric mask to relieve irritation. This mask only requires two tablespoons of turmeric and a little warm water. They should be mixed and applied to the skin for about fifteen minutes, then washed off with cool water.

And lastly!

There are several other effective remedies designed to soothe the skin and remove irritation:

  • You can use chamomile tea or aloe juice as they have soothing properties.
  • Tea tree oil, diluted 1: 4 with any other oil, works well to relieve irritation.
  • Ice can also help with redness and relieve the unpleasant burning sensation.

Differences in caring for individual areas of the body

Is there a difference between taking care of the bikini area and skin on the legs after depilation? Of course there is, but it is not that great. The skin in the bikini area is softer, easier to injure, and most often irritated after this procedure. It is also important to find the right creams for different skin types. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of creams and other skin care products after depilation, because the health of the skin depends on this.

Our skin is very delicate and requires attention at any time, especially after depilation. Therefore, you should definitely take care of her after this procedure, and use only the best products that will help the skin to cope with stress and any damage.

Any woman wants to look well-groomed and beautiful. For this, a lot of money, time and effort are put into carrying out various body care procedures. One of the most common is the regular removal of unwanted hair.

It is known that Cleopatra also loved smooth, flawless skin. And since ancient times, women plucked, shaved, washed with a pumice stone and did other not very pleasant procedures. Currently, unwanted hair can be removed using various, more "humane" methods, but conditionally they can be divided into two ways:

  1. depilation- only the visible part of the hair is removed, which is located above the surface of the skin. This is done with a special cream, thread or razor;
  2. epilation- removal of the entire hair, including the hair follicle. Beauty salons offer a wide range of services in the field of hair removal: shugaring, wax or laser hair removal, etc. At home, an epilator or wax strips are usually used for this process. It should be noted that this procedure is quite painful, and the final result is not always long-term.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to make sure that hair does not grow at all, and for many women, due to individual characteristics, it is simply impossible. But to carry out manipulations to remove them less often allows a cream that slows down hair growth, and in a different way an inhibitor cream.

Inhibitor composition

The cream that slows down hair growth is a highly concentrated cosmetic product containing substances that destroy keratin and slow down the maturation of follicles (hair follicles). Such a cream has a complex composition, including natural ingredients:

  • plant extracts and essential oils acting as natural preservatives;
  • extracts and extracts of various medicinal herbs(St. John's wort, arnica, pumpkin seeds, aloe, etc.), which have a healing and caring effect on the skin and reduce the negative impact of the environment;
  • enzymes derived from papaya or pineapple, which inhibit hair growth.

Additional components such as wax, allantoin, lecithin, glycerin serve to soothe, relieve skin irritation, and heal small wounds.

When using an inhibitor, there is no need to hope for the complete disappearance of unwanted hair, but this tool is able to slow down their growth and long-term smoothness and silkiness of the skin.

How to use

A cream that slows down hair growth should be applied immediately after epilation or depilation to clean skin and used regularly until the next removal procedure. During application, it is sometimes possible to feel a slight tingling sensation or slight itching, which means the beginning of the action of this remedy. If, after application, the skin began to peel off strongly, cracks or sores appeared, then this inhibitor should be abandoned, since an allergic reaction often occurs. Therefore, it is recommended to do an allergy test before the first application.

Types of funds

To achieve the expected result, it is necessary to correctly select an inhibitor cream, depending on individual characteristics, the condition of the skin and the method of hair removal. You can also make similar tools at home yourself.


Hair growth retardation cream Aravia with papain, allantoin and w oil and is actively used in a professional shugaring program and is intended not only for the body, but also for the face. It can also be used at home after any depilation method for 10 days.

This tool has a unique composition. Papain extract, the main enzyme, has a complex effect not only on the scalp, but also on the skin.

The result is visible after just a few weeks of use: the hair slows down its growth and becomes thinner and lighter. The skin becomes velvety, taut and firm. The product prevents early wilting and stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis. Also, one of the advantages of this tool is a fairly quick absorption and the absence of subsequently traces on clothes.

Based on the results of a review of user reviews, Aravia Professional Inhibitor Cream satisfies as much as possible even the most demanding needs of the “fair half

Deep depil

For many years the company Floresan on the domestic market offers various cosmetic products, including Deep Depil inhibitor cream. It fully corresponds to such a trendy trend in the field of cosmetology as herbal medicine and contains extracts and pomace of clover, aloe, chamomile, green walnut shell... It can be applied for as little as five minutes after removing the hair bristles.

Eveline "Q10 + R"

Polish cosmetics Eveline are already about 20 years old. But only in recent years has it become quite popular, largely due to its inhibitor cream. It is ideal for even the most sensitive areas, cooling the skin and relieving mild inflammation. Hair after a course of application becomes soft and brittle. Another definite plus is its rather budgetary price.


Cosmetic line Velvet has long been in demand among women in the fight against unwanted hairs. The cream-gel of this company has the most delicate consistency, which is easy to apply and even easier to absorb. Nature itself helps to care for delicate skin: extracts of cotton and aloe restore the dermis, softens and makes it unusually tender. Verbena extract weakens the hair structure and slows down their growth.