Face massage with spoons against wrinkles and other tricks with a spoon: the secrets of cosmetologists. Facial massage with silver spoons: affordable, effective and useful Massage with a spoon

Rene Koch, a German cosmetologist, is sure that in order to get rid of wrinkles on the face and tighten the skin, it is not necessary to turn to plastic surgeons.

Massage with spoons is well suited for massage at home. It is not difficult in its technique, but it will not make you wait long for results with regular use.

The procedure is performed with the back of the spoon, which gently and evenly presses on a certain area of ​​the skin, and smoothes out wrinkles like a flat iron. While spoon massage can be done all over the body, facial massage is the most common.

The beauty of spoon massage lies primarily in its accessibility. No special equipment is required for this procedure.

We may need

  • a pair of silver or cupronickel spoons, but if there are none, then simple steel ones will do;
  • hot and cold decoction of some herb or green tea
  • vegetable oil (you can take an oil suitable for your skin type. For oily and combination, it is better to take "hazelnut", "almond", "sesame", and for normal and dry - "apricot", "peach", "olive".)

Facial massage with silver spoons is best done in the morning, after cleansing the skin and then moisturizing it with cream. I want to warn you right away: if you want to achieve the desired result, then make this procedure your obligatory ritual.

Depending on the goals, the massage will be carried out with a chilled or heated spoon. This will result in different results.

Special skills for self-massage are not required. A little effort and a mild lifting effect, improved blood supply and lymph flow are provided.

The massage technique is very simple. You need to take tea or dessert spoons (the number of spoons depends on the exercise), steel ones, a glass of cold water with several ice cubes, a bowl of warmed vegetable oil.

To make a massage you will need about 20 minutes of free time.

Important!We do massage strictly along the massage lines.

The main directions of massage: along the forehead from the bridge of the nose to the temples and the hairline, along the eyelids in a circular motion from the inner corner back to it, along the cheeks from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the chin to the temples, along the neck from its base to the chin.

Spoons are pre-wiped with alcohol. Before you start, you need to clean your face and apply cream on it, although it can also be applied directly to the spoon just before the massage (on the convex side). The cream contributes to a better result, so if you want to apply it on spoons, do it like this.

We lower the spoons in containers with water, 1st in hot, 2nd in cold water. First, the massage is performed with a hot spoon. You take it out of hot water, blot it with a napkin and check if it is too hot before applying the cream? Then apply the cream and proceed directly to the exercises.

Then you can carry out the procedure according to the following scheme:

Eye area

Common problem - swelling of the eyelids and bruising under the eyes. In our age of "stress and passion", computers and cordless phones, such manifestations are more than common. And so that the eyes sparkle, stop being tired and sad, let's start with the eyelids.
First, cool the spoons in ice water (by the way, you can pre-cool the spoon in the refrigerator). Let's apply them for a few seconds to the upper eyelids. And so in 5 visits. This exercise will help eliminate swelling and visibly tighten the skin of the upper eyelids.
Let's repeat the exercise, applying a chilled spoon to the lower eyelids - we will remove puffy bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Exercise "Wave" - ​​eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes. You will need 2 chilled spoons. Place them near the inner corners of the eyes. With the help of wave-like movements, move the spoons to the temples. Perform 3 clicks on the temples, move to the ears. Stop for 6 seconds, move the spoons to the eyelids again, linger for 2 seconds. Total - 3 repetitions.

Exercise "From crow's feet"- the purpose of the exercise is clear from the title. It will take 4 spoons, on which you will need to apply a gel or cream that fights such wrinkles. Place heated spoons near the corners of the eyes, above the cheekbone. Perform 3 circular motions, move to the temples. The stop is just a few seconds. Repeat 2 more times. Now perform with chilled spoons (1 time). Again 3 repetitions heated and 1 - chilled. Total repetitions - 3.

If wrinkles on the forehead are a problem for you, we will heat the “tool” thoroughly by lowering them into a glass with a hot decoction of the herb. Lubricate with vegetable oil and apply to the base of the eyebrows, with light circular motions, draw to the temples. We repeat this exercise at least 10 times. This procedure will help in smoothing wrinkles on the forehead.

Exercise "Line" - smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows. You need 2 spoons. We place a hot spoon between the eyebrows and press 6 times, then we lead up the forehead. We lower the spoon back into the container with hot water and do the same action with a cold spoon.

Exercise "Spiral" - smooth wrinkles on the forehead. It will take 2 spoons, both of which are lowered into a container of hot water. We apply the spoon to the right temple and draw a spiral in three circular motions, then move the spoon along the forehead to the left temple. We draw the same spiral in three circular motions. We take a new spoon, start the exercise again, only on the left temple.

Exercise "Zigzag" - the task is the same, we smooth wrinkles on the forehead. Take 4 spoons. Place a couple of hot spoons on the forehead (in the middle). Next, you need to immediately lead with both spoons from the middle to the temples, as if drawing a zigzag (you point the spoons in different directions). Reach the temples and perform 6 light pressures. Repeat with cold spoons.


After that, you need to hold the spoons a little in warm oil and start massaging the cheeks along the massage lines. With a little pressure, the spoons are moved in parallel or alternately:

  • from the chin to the earlobes, without shifting the skin;
  • from the center of the upper lip to the auricle;
  • from nose to temples;
  • from the chin to the cheekbones and further to the temples

Advice:To avoid stretching the skin during the massage of the cheeks, it is necessary to fix it under the chin with the other hand or place a fist under the chin.

Neck and chin, decollete
We heat the spoon in the broth, grease with vegetable oil. let's spend it from collarbone to chin on both sides of the neck. Let's repeat 10 times. These movements will help get rid of the annoying, second chin.

Important make sure that the movements are gentle, and the skin under the spoons does not stretch or move.

Let's move on to the chin massage. Movements are made from the midline to the ears and from the upper edge of the jaw down towards the throat.

We massage the neckline from the hollow to the armpits.

Nasolabial folds

Cosmetologists say: the presence of a pronounced, deeply drawn nasolabial fold on the face makes a person's face 7-10 years older. She also gives her face an aggressive, gloomy, sad expression.
Therefore, it is worth fighting wrinkles that go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth before they lie on the face in deep furrows. Again, a wonderful spoon will help in this.

Exercise "Spiral" - smooth out the nasolabial folds.Gently and carefully “draw” with it “spirals” from the lips, along the cheeks, up to the earlobe. And so in several approaches, moving first from the upper lip, then from the lower.
Relax a bit and then do it again. We will do the exercises 5 times. This procedure softens nasolabial wrinkles.

Exercise "Drum". You will need 4 spoons (for a quick change). We puff up our cheeks, with medium-strength blows we go through the nasolabial folds and around them with the back of a hot spoon, while counting up to 10. Do several repetitions, changing spoons.

Exercise "Letter O"- the goal is the same as in the previous exercises. You will need 2 spoons. Apply anti-wrinkle cream on hot spoons, the mouth should be ajar, as when pronouncing the letter "O". Place the spoons at the wings of the nose, perform circular movements, gradually descend, drawing the "antennae" to the lips (corners). Perform circular motions again. Close your mouth, heat the spoons and you can again perform the exercise a second time. Only 3 repetitions.


Exercise "Mustache" - smooth wrinkles around the lips. It will take 2 teaspoons, which are hot, placed in a horizontal position above the upper lip. Keep your mouth ajar, pronounce the sound "E". Moving in small movements in the form of a semicircle, move to the corners of the mouth, drawing the antennae. They stopped and slightly pressed the spoons in the corners of their lips. Then turn them upside down and move towards the earlobes as if trying to lift the corners of the lips. Having reached the ear lobes, stop, perform three clicks and climb up the ear muscle. Repeat - 2 times.

Individual work

To work with wrinkles, we use the principle of "contrast shower". That is, we will apply a hot and cold spoon to the face alternately. This effect will lead to an improvement in skin tone.

Go to the mirror and look at yourself, remember the location of facial wrinkles. You will have to carefully “work through” each zone in a circular motion, massaging alternately with a hot or cold teaspoon. We massage the face with spoons first clockwise, and then vice versa.

Important!Make massage movements clockwise with pressure, and against - do light strokes so as not to get a reverse outflow of tissue fluid.

If you smear the back of the spoon with honey, you will get a greater effect.
According to barishnia.ru, uroki-pitaniya.ru

After at least a little experience of the mass of the face of lies is received, you can come up with a scheme for your personal exercises.

These are just a few exercises for facial massage with spoons, with which you can transform easily, effectively and most importantly, in a relaxed home environment. See the video below for more details

The founder of facial massage with spoons is a German cosmetologist Rene Koch. This classic massage option is popular with European, Chinese and Japanese women. Recently, Russian ladies have also become interested in the technique of rejuvenating massage with spoons. To complete the procedure, you will need dessert spoons.


The essence of the procedure is that the back of the spoon acts on the skin, facilitating the penetration of nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin. Metal is an excellent conductor of both cold and heat. This helps to activate the metabolism, fat cells disintegrate, swelling disappears, muscles are in good shape.

And the use of nourishing creams and oils, when interacting with spoons, penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, which allows it to receive all the necessary useful minerals and substances. The result is an improvement in the condition of the skin.

There are two types of massage.

  • Cold. The touch of cold metal to the skin helps to reduce inflammation and swelling. Unpleasant dark circles and bags under the eyes disappear. Coolness restores the elasticity of the skin.
  • Warm. The touch of warm metal on the skin allows you to get rid of fine wrinkles, tighten the skin in the neck area and get rid of the second chin. The contour of the face becomes clearer.

The benefits and results of massage with spoons are obvious:
Firstly, such a massage procedure improves blood circulation, improves the general condition of blood vessels.
Secondly, all excess fluid is removed from the tissues.
Thirdly, facial muscles are strengthened, which allows you to look fresher and younger.

Indications for use

  • swollen face,
  • bags under the eyes,
  • wrinkles,
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds
  • Deterioration of complexion.


  • Diseases of the organs of the ENT system,
  • Inflammation on the skin of the face
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system
  • Couperose,
  • Colds,
  • Herpes.


For a massage, you need about 20 minutes of free time. 2 teaspoons and 2 dessert spoons. It is considered a plus if the spoons are made of silver. Of course, conventional devices will also work, but the result will be achieved longer. Why is silver better? The answer is simple. Silver is an excellent antioxidant. In addition, you should prepare 2 bowls of water - cold and warm. In cold water, it will not be superfluous to add a few ice cubes. Instead of ordinary water, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, nettle. To do this, pour the dry mixture with boiling water and let it brew for a while. Herbs have a more favorable effect on the skin, so if it is possible to brew herbs, it is better to use it. You can also brew green tea, which has a calming effect and removes toxins.

You need an oil that suits your individual skin type - olive, linseed, almond or just vegetable oil. The oil should be at room temperature. It can be replaced with fat cream or honey. Honey - perfectly removes toxins. The spoon should slide over the skin easily, without effort, so as not to stretch the skin.

As before starting any massage, the skin of the face should be thoroughly cleansed. You should wash with water, you can apply a light scrub or peeling. Pat dry with a soft towel. Apply cream, honey or oil to your face. If desired, these cosmetics can be applied directly to the spoon before starting the massage. Before this, the spoons must be disinfected with alcohol.

Cosmetologists advise to massage in the morning and strictly along the massage lines:

  • The bridge of the nose is whiskey.
  • The inner corner of the eye is the outer. Circular movements.
  • Wings of the nose - cheeks - temples.
  • The base of the neck is the chin.

The procedure should be carried out with the back (reverse) side of the spoon with soft, sliding movements. Spoons should be carried with little pressure. Each exercise should be repeated 3 times. After the end, any exercise always ends with the same action, the so-called final step. With a spoon, it is necessary to draw from the ear to the neck and to the collarbone, thereby diverting the lymph along the line of the main lymph flow.


Elimination of edema: this massage technique is performed with spoons previously dipped in a bowl of cold decoction or water. Devices must be applied to the eyelids for 3 seconds. Put away. The procedure is repeated 5 times. This technique allows you to tighten the skin around the eyes, make the look open and fresh.

Eliminate circles and bags: This technique involves the use of 2 cold spoons, which must be placed at the inner corners of the eyes. With the help of wave-like movements, move to the temporal lobes. 3 times to press on the temples, slightly. Then, with similar movements, move to the eyelids. Hold for 3 seconds. The procedure should be repeated 3 times.

Elimination of "crow's feet": This massage technique will relieve mimic wrinkles and tighten the skin. You will need 4 spoons. Some are warm, some are cold. A necessary cosmetic product is an anti-wrinkle cream. Warm spoons, with cream applied to them, are placed at the outer corners of the eyes. After making 3 circular motions, move to the temples. Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Then do the same movements once with cold spoons. Do 3 sets.

Forehead wrinkle removal: There are two methods to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead. It is necessary to arm yourself with 2 warm spoons and 2 cold ones.
Method 1. Lubricate a warm spoon with oil, cream or honey and apply to the base of the eyebrows. Making circular motions bring them to the temples. Repeat 10 times.
Method 2. Place two warm spoons on the center of the forehead and at the same time lead to the temporal lobes, making zigzag movements. When the spoons are on the temples, press them 6 times. Repeat the procedure with cold appliances.

Elimination of wrinkles between the eyebrows: You need 1 cold spoon, 1 warm. The procedure starts with a warm. It should be applied to the area between the eyebrows and pressed 6 times. Then draw it up the forehead to the hairline. Similar manipulations with a cold spoon. Do 3 approaches.

In order to remove wrinkles between the eyebrows at home, there are many other ways.

Smoothing nasolabial folds: nasolabial folds are smoothed out with an exercise called the “drum”. To do this, take two warm spoons and tap them in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial fold. First on one side, then on the other. 10 times. To achieve the best effect, the exercise is best performed with puffed cheeks.

Neck massage: grease a warm spoon with cream, honey or oil and drive, rotating, from the base of the neck to the chin.

General toning facial massage with spoons: its technique is extremely simple. You just need to apply warm and cold spoons to different parts of the skin of the face. Apply in sequence. Such a massage will refresh the skin and relieve fatigue.

You can finish self-massage by alternately applying warm and cold spoons to different areas of the face. After that, wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Massage with spoons should be carried out depending on the state of the face. If the skin is young and wrinkles are just beginning to appear, then the procedure should be performed 2-3 times a week. For mature skin, massage is recommended every other day. If a person requires urgent toning, self-massage should be done daily. If the purpose of the massage is to relieve puffiness, it can be done every day.
The massage course is approximately 10-15 sessions.

Massage with spoons has a positive and noticeable result with the naked eye after 4 procedures. The skin looks visibly younger, firmer, healthy and radiant.

Video of facial massage with spoons

Facial care is a mandatory daily procedure, which should include not only washing. Shops and pharmacies have in their arsenal a lot of tools that are aimed at improving the condition of the skin of the face, and beauty salons offer a variety of procedures to maintain youth.

The methods of improving the condition of the epidermis include massage. There are several varieties of it, and all of them are aimed at making your face look fresh and elastic. And now it is not at all necessary to visit a beautician, because the lifting effect can be obtained without leaving home. A facial massage with spoons will help in this. Yes, you heard right. Ordinary teaspoons with which you put sugar or eat dessert. This method has been used for many years, our grandmothers used it, and many consider the German doctor Rene Koch to be the ancestor of this procedure.

The benefits of massage

Before proceeding directly to the massage technique, it is worth talking about its benefits. This procedure eliminates various kinds of puffiness, reduces deep wrinkles (for example, around the lips and between the eyebrows), as well as the shape of the face becomes clearer and more pronounced. But to achieve the result, one session will certainly not be enough, but after three to four weeks of daily facial massage with a spoon, you will notice how the skin becomes more toned, bags and dark circles under the eyes disappear, and blood circulation improves. You will look younger for a couple of years without spending any money, because there are spoons in every house!

How to give yourself this massage

If you convey the very essence of the technique, then this is a kind of stroking with a small pressing force using the back of teaspoons. Moreover, this method is practiced on the whole body, but it is considered the most effective for. It is important to decide why exactly you need a facial massage with metal spoons, what problem do you want to fix? Because for each problem area there is a special technique. For example, with the help of heated spoons, you can achieve a tightening effect, remove a double chin, and also eliminate mimic wrinkles. Cold spoons are effective against edema and other inflammations.

It will be better if, in addition to massage, you use special creams that are also aimed at improving the condition of the epidermis.

So, let's move on to preparation:

Spoon face massage technique at home for skin rejuvenation:

  • You will need cold spoons. You apply them to your eyes, which should be closed. The appliances will gradually heat up, then put them back into the ice water and over your eyes. Such repetitions will be required five or six times. Thanks to this, you will get rid of wrinkles, eliminate puffiness, the tired look will disappear, your eyes will become more sparkling and attractive.
  • Next, teaspoons are heated with hot water. You can use one spoon or both at once (depending on which is more convenient for you). Their movements should be made from the forehead to the temple two or three times.
  • Using again heated devices, massage the area around the lips, smooth out the wrinkles between the nose and mouth with light pressure. You can also work out the wrinkle between the wires.
  • To keep the face in good shape arrange a kind of “contrast shower” with spoons, namely: put a hot spoon on your face (on any areas), and then a cold spoon, replacing them. But you don’t just apply devices, but, as it were, slap them in the face.
  • With the help of heated appliances, walk from the middle of the chin to the earlobes five to six times. Then move from the chin to the neck.
  • When the spoons are in the neck area, then lightly pat them, while the head should be slightly thrown back.
  • At the end of the session, you will need to lightly blot your face with a towel. (wet, not rub), and then moisturize the skin with cream.

Three techniques (to choose from) to remove forehead wrinkles:

  • You can heat up the spoon then lubricate it with oil and apply to the eyebrows (to their bases), and then, using circular movements, lead the instruments to the temples. You will need to repeat the action ten times.
  • You can heat two spoons, one of which you apply to the temple and massage it, as it were, with spiral movements. Then draw this spoon along the line of the forehead to the other temple and again complete the movement in a spiral. Then you take the second device, which should also be warm and do the same movements, only from the other temple.
  • You put two heated spoons to your forehead (to its middle), and then move them to the temples, on which you then lightly press six times. After that, you need to do everything the same, but only with the help of chilled spoons to provide more effective skin.

Technique for eliminating wrinkles in the lips and nose:

Facial massage with spoons should not be started without knowing anything about it. Therefore, watch videos for beginners, read articles on the Internet, such as this one. And it will also be useful to get acquainted with the reviews of those who have already tried this procedure and share their impressions and results.

I practice this massage not only for the face, but also for the whole body (I already take tablespoons for it). Be sure to lubricate the skin with apricot oil (it suits me best). I have been conducting sessions for a month now, spending ten minutes each time. The result is really noticeable. The circles under the eyes disappeared, the look became more open. Significantly improved complexion.

I love this massage. It's simple, fun, and best of all, it's free! And the effect of it, as after visiting the salon. And if you can't see the difference, why pay more? Or rather, to pay at all. The only moment, you need to be able to overcome laziness in order to do this procedure yourself.

Although the effect of these procedures should be visible after three to four weeks, I use it as a resuscitation measure before some important event. I just apply cold spoons to my eyes, and the signs of fatigue disappear.

I did this procedure in the salon, because the price was for a promotion. After five sessions, I saw changes for the better, my complexion became healthier, I forgot to think about bags under my eyes! I recommend!

We hope that this article turned out to be useful for you in terms of familiarizing yourself with a similar technique of simple and affordable massage, which will make her beautiful and young, as for example, only at no additional cost.

For the first time, the German cosmetologist Rene Koch suggested using ✅spoons for facial massage. The cosmetic procedure is carried out using two spoons. As well as two glasses - with hot and cold water. Spoons of different temperatures stretch the muscles of the face. This leads to improved nutrition of the skin, the outflow of excess lymph.

We all know that the process is inevitable, but is there really nothing to be done? But there is a way out. This is a facial massage with spoons, reviews and results on the Internet are very positive. Let's find out how to make it at home and what appliances are best.

Facial massage with spoons: how to do it right at home

  • How to do it right

There are 57 muscles under the skin of our face. They are not all involved. Those who are unemployed weaken over time. This is how we lower the corners of the lips, sag cheeks and eyelids. Massage of the face with spoons tones our muscles. So it tightens the contour of the face, smoothes wrinkles.

For the first time, the German cosmetologist Rene Koch suggested using spoons for facial massage. The cosmetic procedure is carried out using two spoons. As well as two glasses - with hot and cold water. Spoons of different temperatures stretch the muscles of the face. This leads to improved nutrition of the skin, the outflow of excess lymph.

Features of the holding technique

It is optimal to carry out the procedure daily, immediately after washing. Spoons can be heated and cooled under running water. The technique of manipulation is different: tapping, stroking, pressing. The main thing is without fanaticism.

  • Puffiness, bruising under the eyes, soothe irritated skin will help cold spoons.
  • Get rid of facial wrinkles, tighten the contour, the skin on the neck - heated spoons.

You can heat them up to 50 ˚С. Cutlery should not burn the face. Massage should be comfortable.

Before proceeding directly to the procedure itself, you need to do the following:

  • Cutlery for massage should be disinfected before each session. It is better to store them separately from other dishes.
  • Before the session, you need to clean your face, wash your hands.
  • Apply cream or oil so that the spoons glide smoothly over the skin. During the cosmetic procedure, the skin should not be stretched.
  • Cutlery should slide only along the massage lines of the face.
  • You need to press lightly on the skin, you do not need to press hard. This will avoid bruising and vascular injury.

As for the frequency of sessions - it all depends on the goals. If there is swelling, you can do it daily, in the morning, for 5 minutes. If the goal is to tighten the contour and remove fine wrinkles - a course of 10-15 sessions. In this case, the procedure will be longer

It is good to use different lifting gels and creams during manipulations. After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream. Along the way, the vitamin complex will not hurt. Take a break after the course. Its duration depends on the condition of the skin. If something does not suit you, the course is repeated.

This type of cosmetic procedure has contraindications. It can not be done if there are rashes and inflammation on the skin. If you don't feel well. Inflamed lymph nodes are also a contraindication. Avoid places with spider veins, they can not be massaged. In diseases of the nasopharynx, the procedure is also better not to do.

What are the best tools to use

Many are interested in what spoons can be manipulated? Silver appliances are preferred. Silver is an antiseptic and antioxidant. It helps nutrients to penetrate deep into the skin. This improves her nutrition. If you do not have such spoons, stainless steel or plastic will do. Appliances can be cold, warm or room temperature. It is advisable to put ice in a cup of cold water. The second should have hot water.

Cutlery sizes are selected individually. Start with a teaspoon, try a dessert spoon, then a tablespoon. You will understand which one is more convenient to use.

Timing is better in the morning. This will relieve puffiness and tone the skin. If you don’t have time in the morning, you can do it before bed. But no later than 2 hours before you go to bed. Otherwise, you may get swelling.

How to do it right

Removal of puffiness of the eyelids and bags under the eyes

Cool cutlery. You can use cold water or ice cubes for this. You need to start at the inner corner of the eye. Run the spoon over the upper eyelid at least 5 times. More precisely on the superciliary arch.

Move from the nose. After, at least 5 times lead along the lower eyelid. Now the device should move towards the nose. The movements should be smooth, the pressure is small. Refrigerate the spoon periodically.

Nasolabial folds

To smooth out the nasolabial folds, move the spoon along them from the bottom up. Like lifting them up. Make sure the skin does not stretch. To drain the lymph, move the spoon from the nose up the cheeks to the temple. Then from the corners of the mouth towards the earlobes. Be sure to drain the lymph after several movements in one line. You need to repeat the manipulations several times. When you have mastered this technique well, you can try circular movements along the lines.

Inflated cheeks will help enhance the effect of the procedure. Inflate them and walk along the nasolabial folds, lightly tapping with spoons. Use hot cutlery first, then cold cutlery. The procedure should be repeated 3-5 times. Don't forget to alternate spoons.

Wrinkles on the forehead

If you have wrinkles on your forehead, use spoons smeared with massage oil. They need to be placed above the eyebrows.

10 times circular movements with a spoon in one direction and the other.

Bring two spoons together between the eyebrows. Dilute them to the sides to the temples. Movement should be relaxing and calm. Repeat 10 times.

You can alternate warm and cold cutlery.

Facial oval modeling

To correct the oval of the face, point the spoons towards each other. Then massage the muscles of the lower jaw with force. Each spoon should move from the chin to the ear. Next, perform at least 3 massage movements on the mandibular muscles. The effect will be better if they are strained. This can be done if you pronounce the sound E during the massage. After the procedure, do not forget to divert the lymph.

Correction selection

To correct the chin, heat the spoons and place them under it. Cutlery must be in a horizontal position. The chin muscles need to be tightened. To do this, push the lower jaw slightly forward. Say M. Then, slowly with pressure, move the spoons to the sides and up from the middle of the chin.

3-4 movements are enough and we remove the lymph. Then we repeat everything again. You determine the time of the cosmetic procedure yourself. 5 minutes is enough for the problem area. If you can do more reps, do it.

Well, now it’s clear why they came up with spoons - with them you can stay young and beautiful for a long time.published.

Olga Sologub

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Plastic surgery in our time is the most common way to restore youth to the face. But plastic is not always safe. And why resort to radical methods, if there is a great opportunity to replace it with a worthy alternative! Cosmetologist Rene Koch came to the conclusion that a facial massage made with silver spoons could well replace surgical procedures.

Keeping the youthfulness and attractiveness of the skin of the face, fighting wrinkles will help regular exposure to the face with silver or cupronickel spoons. Such a massage does not require special preparation, besides, spoons can be perfectly done on your own, at home.

What you need to know about spoon massage

First you need to prepare the necessary "toolkit". You will need:

Silver or cupronickel spoon (in extreme cases, you can take a regular teaspoon);

  • green tea or herbal decoction, cold and hot;
  • vegetable oil.

Before starting the massage, it is necessary to prepare the skin - it must be dry and clean. The spoon should be greased with cream or oil.

There are two options for spoon massage. The first is rhythmic, with a certain effort, circular pressure with a spoon on the skin of the face in a clockwise direction. The second option consists of light, stroking movements in a spiral.

Pressing movements on the skin are necessary only when moving in a clockwise direction - moving in the opposite direction of effort is not necessary.

Rotational movements of a spoon across the face will help get rid of wrinkles. You need to start the massage from the bridge of the nose, then move smoothly along the line of the eyebrows towards the temples, then move towards the ears with the same movements from the corners of the lips. Dark circles under the eyes and puffiness will disappear if cold spoons are applied to the temples.

This type of massage is gaining more and more popularity in modern cosmetology. Studies show that using spoons is a very effective method, using which you can independently correct the features of a fading face.

Mimic wrinkles, unsightly folds on the face after regular sessions of such an energetic and deep impact will disappear. Remember that facial massage must be done systematically, up to three times a week, in the morning, devoting at least 15 minutes to the procedure. You will notice the first improvements after a few sessions.

Having previously cooled the prepared herbal decoction to an icy state, we keep spoons in it. Then cold spoons are applied to the upper eyelids. The same should be done on the skin under the lower eyelids. The procedure must be repeated 5 times. The elimination of edema and bags under the eyes, like all facial rejuvenation with spoons, is achieved only with regular exercise. Another positive result of such manipulations will be a noticeable tightening of the skin of the upper eyelids.

The following exercise stimulates the skin in the forehead area. They will get rid of wrinkles on the forehead with circular movements with a spoon heated in a hot broth, along the trajectory from the eyebrows to the temples. The exercise is done 10 times.

Continuing the massage, move on to the neck and chin area. With a heated spoon lubricated with vegetable oil, we draw from the base of the neck to the chin. The exercise is aimed at maintaining the tone of the neck muscles and will not allow the second chin to appear. The final part of the massage with silver spoons is done in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Inflating the cheeks, we walk along the nasolabial folds, tapping on them with a spoon, for 10 seconds. This effect will smooth wrinkles around the lips. The exercise should be done at least 5 times.

The tonic and firming effect of the massage will restore your skin elasticity. And the first visible result can be felt in a month. Good luck!