Roundabout make way. Roundabouts. Penalties for non-observance of the rules of movement on the ring

Quite often, drivers violate traffic rules, and one of the most common is the incorrect turning on of the turn signal signal at the moment of entering the ring.

Some drivers do not know which turn signal to turn on when entering, which leaves after this violation not only fines, but also terrible and even fatal accidents. This article will tell you in detail which turn signals are considered correct to include, how to avoid getting a fine and how to enter a roundabout correctly.

What is an intersection?

So, before writing about which turn signal needs to be used according to the traffic rules on the ring, you should first, in fact, figure out what this is.

This intersection can be characterized as an area of ​​the route in the form of a certain island, where transport does not go in the clock direction. This principle of movement especially applies to those roads where the priority is to move on the right side. If the route implies the left-hand movement of vehicles, then the principle will be the opposite, that is, clockwise.

As soon as the driver passes this area, then he gets to this intersection. It is worth remembering that there can be no adjustment on them, that is, the driver must be extremely careful, since there are no traffic lights, no signs, no inspectors who could direct car owners in the right direction. Therefore, a person needs to be careful so as not to receive a huge fine for violating one of the traffic rules.

So what should be done to avoid accidents?

  • First, you need to remember that the main driver in this case is the driver who moves in a circle, that is, this means that the one who only wants to enter it must yield to the one who is already in the circle.
  • Secondly, at the beginning of the movement there is no need to turn on the turn signals.
  • In this situation, the question of which turn signals should be used disappears. They should be turned on only when the driver has an intention to rebuild from his row to another.

Important: it is worth remembering that some signs at these intersections are still provided for by traffic rules:

  • The first sign is called "circular motion";
  • and the second is "Give way."

However, if the second sign is not observed, then the driver is still obliged to give way before entering the roundabout.

Which lane should you enter?

A huge role in such cases is played by the fact from which lane the owner of the car ended up at the intersection. The established rules state that there is not much difference from which lane the driver got on it, it is only important that after he completes his movement, he should decide where he will go next: to the right or to the left. If he then needs to continue on the right side or straight ahead, then he should turn, in fact, to the right. And similarly: if he then needs to turn left, then he should take exactly the left lane. All the same should be done by the drivers moving in the opposite direction. It is allowed to ride in the center if the subsequent movement is, respectively, in the center. If the driver did everything as it is written, then he will not have to pay a fine.

Important: the rules state that the ring must be driven through some installations in order to avoid accidents. The circle is the main road, therefore, the other is not the main one. During the journey, the driver must not leave his lane. If the driver leaves it, it will not only interfere with others, but also increase the likelihood of an accident.


So, you should consider all the turns that can be made during the journey along this intersection, and also consider which turn signals are turned on in all three cases.

Turn signal when maneuvering to the right

If the driver intends to turn to the right, then he should slow down, turn on the turn signal and, therefore, change to the rightmost lane. As soon as he approaches the ring, the driver behind the wheel, first of all, must carefully study the situation on the road: before entering, see if he is allowed to pass or not. With such vigilance, it will not become the main cause of the accident and will not interfere with other drivers who also need to enter this intersection.

When maneuvering to the left

Almost the same must be done if the driver wants to turn left. He needs to rebuild in advance to the left lane when the necessary turn signal is turned on. If there are not one, not two, but several lanes on the highway, then the car owner must continue to travel in the leftmost lane. If the track consists of only 2 lanes, then all maneuvers must be performed from the left lane. As soon as the first / second exits are behind, the owner is rebuilt to the right lane.

The most important thing is that such actions should be performed only with the turn signals turned on correctly.

Often there are tracks that have as many as three lanes, which creates some difficulty in movement (especially for novice drivers). However, you should not be afraid of three rows, because, in fact, drivers need to perform almost the same maneuvers. But there is still one caveat. In this situation, the owner of the car is rearranged twice to the right lane. It is extremely necessary to do this very carefully, having previously considered what kind of traffic is on the road, and at what point it is better to do it.

Important: what has been scheduled will only help if the movement order is standard. The main thing is to understand who is in charge on the road and who is not, and special signs and markings will help with this.

If you need to move straight

Well, and the last case: if the driver continues to move straight.

The driver must be prepared for the roundabout to consist of several adjacent circuits. And it is this fact that will be decisive in further actions. For example, if more than 2 lanes are adjacent, then the driver should move along the central one. If there are only two of them, then you will have to navigate by the moment that will reign on the track.

If the movement takes place on the main road, then before taking any action, you should evaluate the situation several times, that is, understand whether they are missing or not. If the transport is on the road that is not the main one, then it will have to let everyone pass.

It is also worth noting that, in principle, it is allowed to drive in the right lane (of course, if the car owner intends to drive further in the center), but this fact will only complicate the movement if, for example, a person who was driving along the central lane wants to turn right. Therefore, it is recommended to ride in this case in the middle lane.

Important: before getting to the intersection, the driver undertakes to let pedestrians pass.


It is worth remembering the most important rule: you can enter the ring from any lane, but you will only exit from the right. including the turn signal. But before that, the driver will again have to let the traffic participants who are moving on the right.

Possible penalties

The article repeatedly mentioned that violators receive fines for incorrect movement on this area of ​​the road. The amount of punishment will depend on what exactly the driver did on the road. If, for example, the driver drove to the wrong traffic signal (in some places they are available), then he will have to fork out for a thousand rubles. If after some time he committed the same violation, then the amount will be multiplied five times, that is, he will give 5000 already.

But in addition to monetary sanctions, a negligent driver can be deprived of his license for six months. Therefore, it is better to really soberly assess the situation on such sections of the route, and then make various maneuvers.


So, in this article, many points were considered regarding how to use the turn signal, which one to turn on in different situations on the ring. First of all, the question was analyzed in detail: is it necessary to turn on the turn signals at all? Yes, if you want to turn from one lane to another. Otherwise, the accident cannot be avoided.

Not so long ago, there were new rules for driving a roundabout. But some are still confused and cannot understand who should let whom. I'll tell you more about this:

"In the event that sign 4.3" roundabout "is installed in front of an intersection with a roundabout in combination with sign 2.4" give way "or 2.5" traffic without stopping is prohibited ", the driver of a vehicle at the intersection takes precedence over vehicles entering such an intersection means. (the paragraph was introduced by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/10/2010 N 316) "

It turns out that essentially nothing has changed. The main idea behind the changes was to make most of the "rings" the main ones, i.e. I missed everyone once before going to the ring and that's it - you go yourself calmly, not yielding to anyone. However, if there is only sign 4.3 in front of the intersection. "Roundabout" and there are no priority signs, then, as before, the rules for driving through a regular intersection apply. For example, "obstacle on the right" - drivers who drive in a circle are obliged to yield to those who enter the intersection.

If, in addition to the “roundabout” sign, there is a sign 2.4 “give way” or 2.5 “traffic without stopping is prohibited” and a sign on which the direction of the main road is drawn, then the one who drives along the main road has priority.

The following option is also possible: sign 4.3 "roundabout" in combination with sign 2.1 "main road" and a plate on which the direction of the main road is indicated. In this case, you do not need to let anyone pass before leaving, and in the future, the priority is given to the one who drives along the main road.

If there is a traffic light in front of a roundabout, then you need to wait for the permitting signal and then drive. In this case, the rules for driving through a regular intersection apply.

Many drivers leaving on the road with a circular traffic turn on the left "turn signal", intending to turn left or go straight. According to the traffic rules, it is not correct to do this. When entering the ring, you must turn on the right "turn signal", regardless of where you are going to go. The left "turn signal" must be turned on after entering the ring, if you are going to rebuild into the left lane. Approaching the desired exit, you need to rebuild into the extreme right lane of the "ring".

If there are several lanes before entering the ring, then when turning right you need to take the extreme right lane, and when turning left the extreme left. If there are more than three lanes, then when turning left you need to take one of the two leftmost lanes. When driving straight ahead, you need to drive along one of the central lanes, so as not to make unnecessary rearrangements and not interfere with other road users. A U-turn at an intersection with a roundabout is carried out in the same way as a left turn.

Driving around the roundabout is a problem for some drivers, and many do not even suspect that they are passing roundabouts incorrectly. Thus, they create emergency situations and make other road users nervous, who are forced to maneuver in order to avoid an accident. We will help you figure out what the traffic rules 2018 will say about driving through roundabouts and how they will be fined for this next year.

It is especially important to understand all the nuances and rules for beginners who have recently sat behind the wheel of a car and have not yet gained experience. Before entering the ring, many of them find themselves in confusion and do not know which lane to start from, which turn signals to turn on, how to correctly rebuild and leave the circle?

Roundabout - what does it look like?

A roundabout, called in the common people a circle or a ring, is a section of a road along which cars move counterclockwise. This principle applies in countries with right-hand traffic. On left-hand roads, cars enter the ring from the opposite side and move clockwise. Driving along the roundabout continues until the driver leaves it, and this can last forever - this is not a traffic violation.

Roundabouts are not regulated - there are no traffic lights. Priority for entry / exit is determined by road signs and corresponding markings. When entering the ring, you do not need to turn on the turn signals. You need to use them when rebuilding to adjacent rows.

Often, large roundabouts are placed around squares and other large areas, and pedestrian crossings are placed on them - they are unregulated. Drivers moving along the ring are obliged to let pedestrians crossing the carriageway.

How to choose a lane?

In the traffic rules of the Russian Federation for 2018, there is no strict provision regarding the entrance to a roundabout. At the same time, paragraph 8.5 says how to change the direction of movement on different sections of the road, making maneuvers with turns to the left and right. It also explains how the reversal is made according to the rules. In all these cases, drivers are required to perform maneuvers from the outer lanes.

It is not necessary to enter the ring on the right, but it is allowed to do it from any lane. The main thing is to do everything so that the lane does not change. Accordingly, if you are driving in the extreme left lane, you cannot immediately take the right lane on the ring - this is a gross violation that can lead to accidents. It is necessary to occupy the same lane, and in the course of the roundabout, rebuild if necessary.

If the number of lanes on the circle does not coincide with their number on the approaching sections of the road, you need to maneuver in advance and rebuild into the desired lane. When changing lanes on a circle, be careful and let other road users pass before the maneuver. The hindrance on the right has no effect in this situation.

We enter the ring correctly

How do I get started on the main road roundabout? As we said, according to the 2018 traffic rules, you can enter the ring from any lanes. This must be done from an equivalent strip, that is, from the right side only to the right, and from the left to the left.

If you take a straight track or need to make a right turn, keep to the right / center lane. If you need to make a left turn or a U-turn, keep to the left lane.

In real road conditions, when entering a circle, turning on the right turn signal can mislead other road users. They will decide that you are planning to rebuild. If the driver decides to continue driving on the ring, he turns on the left turn, but this is against the rules of the road - do not do this.

If you need to immediately exit on the right exit, turn on the right turn, and if you plan to go further towards other exits, you need a left turn. Right before the exit - right signal.

Difference between right and left stripes

When entering the ring from the right extreme lane, it will be more convenient for you to exit at the first exit to the right. With the right turn signal, inform other drivers about the planned maneuver so that they understand that you do not plan to continue driving along the ring.

If you continue to drive in a circle, you can stay in the right lane and leave it by turning on the right turn signal. At the same time, such behavior can cause some inconvenience to the driver himself. If you need to move around the loop for a long time, it is better to change to the inner lane, since on the right side you will probably intersect with the trajectories of other cars.

Note that when entering the ring from the right lane, you can initially keep to the right side, but later you can rebuild - this is not prohibited by the rules.

We enter the circle from the left lane

In this situation, you must let the road users already on the circle pass and continue driving along the same lane inside the intersection. The exit is carried out according to the following scheme: first, we rebuild into the right lane, then we pass the transport approaching from the right from external roads (along the right lane).

Ring accidents usually occur when the driver on the inner ring forgets to give way to drivers on the outer ring at the moment of exiting.

For safe passage of a roundabout for yourself and other motorists, you need to understand who, where and how should exit. Everything is quite logically determined by the factor who is in which row. For example, if the driver is moving in the first or second rows, then he is preparing to move out, and if in the middle-left, he plans to move on. However, there are exceptions, so be guided by the included turn signals and do not forget about them yourself.

To maneuver in order to exit the circle, you must promptly rebuild into the right lane. If you were standing, you were driving in the central lane, move to the far right to exit onto the adjacent road.

When changing lanes of two cars at the same time, you need to give way to the one moving on the right, according to the traffic rules on the corresponding obstacle.

We leave the circle

You need to leave the ring only from the right extreme lane. This is the most important rule for this maneuver, since there can be up to five lanes on the road you are planning to enter. In this regard, first go to the right, and then, if necessary, change to any other according to traffic rules.

Perform the maneuver so as not to drive into the oncoming lane. Drivers leave the ring from the extreme right lane, but no one forbids them to continue driving straight. It is allowed to drive from the left lane only in a circle, without moving out before changing lanes. In general, for all intersections, including roundabouts, does the rule apply? It is possible to turn to the right only from the right extreme position.

As for the signs "main road" and "roundabout", they indicate that before the exit you can not let other cars pass - priority is given to the one who is on the ring.

How to use turn signals?

It is important to know when and which turn signals to turn on when driving around roundabouts. Subject to the 2018 traffic rules, every driver is obliged to use them, although many people forget about this and in vain. In general, the circle does not fundamentally differ from the usual intersections at which you make turns.

In order not to violate traffic rules, turn signals on the ring should be used as follows:

  • when entering the circle, turn on the right one;
  • when rebuilding to an adjacent lane, turn on the right or left turn signal, respectively;
  • when leaving the ring, we use the right turn signal again.

In general, an elementary rule for all motorists operates here: where you turn the steering wheel, you turn on that turn signal.

General rules useful for drivers

Summing up, I would like to list the key rules and subtleties that motorists should remember when driving at roundabouts. Remember them, and you will not have problems on such road sections:

  • Drivers' traffic priorities are determined by markings and road signs.
  • Drivers on secondary roads are obliged to give way to vehicles moving from the side of the main road.
  • Start off from the signs in front of the roundabout. In most cases, the circle is the main one.
  • Pedestrian crossings without regulation are also found at roundabouts - be careful.
  • If there is a traffic light, start driving taking into account its signal.
  • When entering the ring, turn on the right turn signal, regardless of the planned trajectory and the lane you are going to take.
  • Once on the circle, you need to turn on the left turn only when changing lanes to the next row on the left.
  • When approaching the desired exit, move to the right lane, if you are not already in it.
  • When there are STOP or Yield signs in front of the roundabout, priority is given to vehicles on the roundabout. Otherwise, cars entering the ring have an advantage.
  • It is forbidden to turn around before entering the loop - you need to drive into the loop.

In this article, we will consider the rules for driving roundabouts on traffic rules, a fine for violating the rules for driving in a circle, and other issues:

New roundabout rules for 2020

Until 2017, the rules for entering the circle could differ from intersection to intersection, depending on the established road signs: when entering the circle, it was necessary to give way with sign 2.4 and take advantage of sign 2.1. To avoid confusion in the minds of drivers before another unfamiliar intersection, in 2017 the entrance to the circle was made uniform everywhere:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2017 N 1300 introduced a new procedure for driving through roundabouts in accordance with traffic rules: now, at any roundabout, a driver entering the circle must give way to all vehicles that are already moving along it.

Let's quote the traffic rules clause regulating the entry into roundabouts in the new edition of 2020:

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, clause 13.11 (1). At the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized and which is marked with sign 4.3, the driver of the vehicle must give way vehicles moving along such an intersection.

Let us recall what the requirement to "give way" means in the text of the Rules of the Road:

"Give way (do not interfere)" - a requirement that means that a road user must not start, resume or continue to move, carry out any maneuver, if this can force other road users who have an advantage in relation to him to change direction movement or speed.

Features of driving roundabouts in traffic rules

We also recall that a roundabout is denoted by 4.3. This type of intersection is always unregulated, i.e. traffic lights are not installed here. A circle intersection avoids the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of roads with heavy traffic. The direction of movement in a circle is always counterclockwise. Usually there are 2 or three traffic lanes at a roundabout.

Roundabout entry

From which lane do you need to enter the roundabout according to traffic rules? We will quote paragraph 8.5, which regulates the passage of intersections.

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, clause 8.5. Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, the driver must take the appropriate end position on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction in advance, except for cases when a turn is made at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

As can be seen from paragraph 8.5, before entering a roundabout, it is not necessary to take the extreme left or right position.

Let's summarize what was said above. When entering the circle, the driver occupies any lane convenient for him on the carriageway adjacent to the circle. The circle is always the main one in relation to the adjacent roads, so when entering, you should give way to all vehicles that move along it.

Circular rules

The movement is counterclockwise. The rules for driving on lanes on a circle are the same as when driving on a regular carriageway: we give way if we change to an adjacent lane. Before leaving the intersection, we occupy the required lane in advance.

Roundabout exit rules

Exit from the crossroads to the right, from the extreme right lane, unless otherwise provided by markings and road signs.

U-turn at a roundabout

If you need to make a U-turn at an intersection, be sure to drive a full circle in the roundabout. Otherwise, if you turn to the left, the driver will be fined or disqualified for going to the oncoming lane.

Which turn signal should you use to enter the circle?

Traffic rules do not regulate the giving of turn signals when entering a roundabout. However, drivers generally adhere to the following rule: if you plan to leave the circle at the nearest exit, enter the circle from the right lane with a right turn signal. If you plan to continue driving in a circle beyond the first exit, you enter the circle from the left lane with a left turn signal.
When driving at the very roundabout, turn signals should only be shown when changing lanes

The established rules for driving a roundabout allow you to avoid a traffic jam on it: you can enter the circle only if there is no traffic jam.

Roundabout Penalty

The punishment for a traffic violation when driving through a roundabout is similar to a fine for a traffic violation when driving through a regular intersection.
So, at the entrance to the circle, the fine for failure to provide an advantage to vehicles moving along the roundabout is regulated by Art. 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Article 12.13 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for driving through intersections
2. Failure to comply with the requirement of the Road Traffic Regulations to give way to a vehicle enjoying the preferential right of passage through intersections -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

When leaving a roundabout from any lane other than the right (unless otherwise provided by markings and signs), the driver will be fined under Art. 12.14 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation:

1.1. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations, except for the established cases, before turning to the right, left or making a U-turn, take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction, -

Changing lane on a circle without giving a signal with a turn signal is punished under Art. 12.14 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 12.14 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules of maneuvering
1. Failure to comply with the requirement of the Road Traffic Regulations to give a signal before starting a movement, changing lanes, turning, making a U-turn or stopping -
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

For a U-turn without driving in a circle, and immediately to the left, you can lose your license:

Article 12.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for the location of a vehicle on the carriageway, oncoming passing or overtaking
4. Departure, in violation of the Traffic Rules, into a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or on tram tracks of an opposite direction, except for the cases provided for by part 3 of this article, shall -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

Any driver is obliged to comply with traffic rules not only in order not to receive a fine, but also not to become the culprit of the accident and not to harm himself and other people.

The motorist must understand how he should be in each specific situation. For example, the traffic rules for a roundabout involve choosing a certain lane and leaving that section carefully.

What is a roundabout?

This term is understood as a section of the carriageway, which is made in the form of an island. Driving around the ring occurs before the vehicle leaves a specific section.

Traffic lights are sometimes installed in such areas. Traffic on the 2020 traffic rules ring is determined by signs, special markings or traffic lights. It is not necessary to turn on turn signals when driving at a roundabout. Their inclusion is required only when the motorist decided to move to another lane.

  • A new clause has been introduced in traffic rules No. 13.11 with a corresponding note: the car that is already moving directly in the circle has an advantage, and the one entering the roundabout, which is designated as 4.3, must give way.
  • If priority signs are installed in front of the ring, for example, from 4.3 there is "give way" or there is a traffic light, then the movement in this case will be determined by these signs.

A similar rule applies in many European countries. To avoid disagreements and confusion, Prime Minister Medvedev signed a corresponding amendment to the traffic rules.

Until some time, SDA circular movement was denoted by the sign 4.3. Subsequently, it was supplemented with the sign "give way." It determines the advantage of the vehicle while driving on the ring.

How to decide on the choice of lane?

When entering such a road section, an important role is played by the lane from which the driver entered the ring. According to the traffic rules, you can enter such a section from any line that adjoins the road.

If, while driving along the ring, the driver needed to go straight or turn to the right, then it is better to sit on the right line. If you need to turn to the left, then you should be on the left side. Similar actions should be taken by a motorist who plans to make a U-turn. The position should be located in the center only when the movement is planned in a straight line.


There are some requirements according to which the roundabout must be fulfilled, the rules of passage of this section are regulated by traffic rules.

When driving through the described area, it is worth looking at the accompanying signs that are located in front of this section. The circle is for the most part a main road. All other roads are minor. But there is also a different situation.

Carrying out movement along the ring, the driver must first of all observe the lane. If he loses his line, he will cause great discomfort to the rest of the motorists and increase the risk of an accident.

If the driver decides to turn to the right, he needs to slow down, turn on the turn signal and change lanes to the far right lane. You should be careful when entering the ring, it is important to make sure that other cars are ready to provide the new vehicle with a road.

Traveling at an intersection with three rows is the same. Only here it will be necessary to go to the right side twice. It is necessary to perform such a maneuver very carefully. It is important to assess the situation on the road.

The listed methods are valid only in that situation, unless a different order of movement is provided. To decide who has the upper hand, it is important to look at the road markings and signs.

Driving in a straight line

Many roads can adjoin such a section of the road. Depending on their number, the driver will make a decision when making a maneuver. If the number of lanes is more than 2, drive along the center line. If there are only 2 rows, the choice will need to be made based on a specific situation. If the car is driving on the main road, then before driving to the roundabout, it is important to see that other cars are ready to give way to the vehicle. Driving on a non-main road, the car must let other cars pass.

If a moving car intends to move in a straight line in the future, it has the ability to move along the right line. But from this the situation on the road can be aggravated if the driver from the middle lane wants to make a movement to the right. To avoid such situations, it is worth moving in the center.

Leaving a roundabout area

We figured out how to enter the ring correctly, now it is necessary to understand how to correctly exit from it. Traffic rules state that leaving this zone must be carried out only from the right line. Before moving to the next lane, you need to skip the vehicle moving to the right.

A driver can enter a roundabout intersection from any lane. But he can leave it only on the right.

A feature of such sections is that overtaking is allowed on them.

Punishment for incorrect passage of roundabouts

If a motorist drives in a circle incorrectly, he will face a fine.

The amount of the penalty depends on the nuances of the violation:

  • So, entering this zone at a red light is punishable by a fine of 1 thousand rubles;
  • If the driver commits the offense again, he will be fined 5 thousand rubles.

There is also a possibility that the owner of the car may be deprived of his rights for half a year. The punishment will be imposed by the court.

Collection can also be presented in cases where the driver:

  1. did not miss a moving car with an advantage;
  2. drove into the oncoming lane;
  3. did not turn on the turn signal during the transition from row to row;
  4. left the ring not on the right lane;
  5. stopped at the ring.

A fine is imposed if the motorist did not give priority to the vehicle entering this section of the road, but there was no road sign at the same time. A fine in the amount of 1 thousand rubles. will be issued in that situation, if there are signs, but the motorist ignored them.

In areas where there is a circular traffic sign, traffic rules assume overcoming this area only counterclockwise. Failure to follow these rules can result in severe penalties.

Parking on this section is allowed when the vehicle is located 5 meters from the intersected carriageway. If the listed requirements are not met, the driver will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

Each driver should drive on this section of the road as carefully as possible. Basically, the difficulties with crossing this section lie in the correct choice of the line. Riding on the ring without following the rules is dangerous. If you do not miss a passing car that has advantages, then it can end up with at least a fine, but at most an emergency. So, every time you notice a familiar road sign, you need to remember about the rules for driving at a roundabout.