Doll Tilda Sleeping Donkey. Pattern and master class with step by step photos. Tame animals. DIY animals

Tilda dolls appeared thanks to a Norwegian needlewoman named Tone Finanger, who, having made her first doll, did not even imagine that this would initiate a real "tildomania". Explaining the worldwide craze for these amazing dolls is very simple. Well, how can you remain indifferent to such soft and cozy creatures?

Tilda dolls patterns a great many. Initially, dolls were called tildes, which were sewn exclusively according to the patterns of Tone Finanger. But then many craftswomen began to bring in something of their own. But still there is something in common that unites tilda dolls... Firstly, the material from which the doll is sewn. Natural fabrics (linen, calico, cotton) are best suited for this purpose; fleece or flannel are very well suited for sewing tilda animals.

Second, the fabric for sewing clothes for tilda dolls... Any fabric is suitable for this, but it is desirable that it be with a small pattern. Moreover, the smaller the drawing, the better.

Use a machine for sewing or sew by hand - it's up to you. It is known that Tone Finanger sews her dolls by hand. However, many craftswomen use a sewing machine for this purpose.

We bring to your attention a master class on sewing Tilda's sleeping donkey.

For sewing a donkey we need the following materials:

  • donkey pattern;
  • fabric: white fleece for the donkey's body, fabrics for patchwork for the legs, hearts, inserts in the ears;
  • threads for sewing and floss for embroidery of eyes and nostrils;
  • scissors and pins with ears;
  • a sewing machine (if you are not sewing by hand);
  • some pink wool for felting (needed for the mane and tail end);
  • filler, for example, synthetic winterizer;
  • weighting agent (granulate).
  • Pattern opens in a new window. Save it and print at the desired scale.

    You can change the size of the donkey by changing the scale for printing the pattern.

    Print and cut pattern... Transfer it to the fabric. Ears and feet are sewn not only from fleece, but also from cotton fabric. The donkey's ass and the bottom of the legs are cut out of the same fabric (this is one detail on the pattern). Cut out the details patterns, departing from the contour by about 1 cm. These will be the seam allowances.

    Let's start by sewing the ears. The back of the ear is made of fleece, and the front is made of bright cotton fabric with a small pattern. We sew the details, there is no need to stitch the ear along the bottom line. We turn it out.

    Now, using a needle and thread, manually pull off the lower edge of the eyelet as shown in the photo:

    We sew the paws, do not touch the upper part. We turn it out. We fill the legs with padding polyester through the remaining hole.

    Now we start sewing the donkey's body. We start by stitching the back line. The donkey's tail is a thin strip of fleece (about 2 cm wide) sewn on one side. Roughly speaking, this is a fleece tube. We connect the back part with the lower part, putting a tail between them. Then, using pins with ears, we attach the lower part (made of fabric with a pattern) to the back. If you wish, you can bast in order to make it more convenient to sew the parts together.

    We sew parts together:

    Now we will sew the front part (tummy and top of the lower legs). In order to make it more convenient to sew the parts, we will again use the pins with ears:

    We turn out the part and fill it with filler. You can put a little weight in the legs and butt.

    Let's start sewing the donkey's head. The head consists of two identical parts. On one of them, we will make an incision just above the middle of the part. We need this hole in order to fill our head with filler.

    Place the ears between them before stitching together the details of the head. Just do not confuse: the colored side of the ears should be on the front side, and the cut should be on the back of the head.

    We fasten the parts for reliability with a pin:

    We sew the details, turn them out and stuff the head with a padding polyester.

    By hand, carefully sew the head to the body so that the hole on the head is hidden.

    Now let's go back to the legs again. Sew the top edge by hand (the one through which we stuffed the foot with filler). Then we sew the handles to the body.

    It's time to sew on the heart. There is no heart pattern. I usually cut out his eye by folding the fabric in half. Sew the heart by hand with red threads so that the outline is better visible.

    Wrote in June 4th, 2013

    Today we have donkeys in the arena. As it turned out, almost no one makes donkeys, they make donkeys. Donkeys are really funny and cause a lot of positive emotions.

    Elena Zagolnaya from Moscow sews plush animals, and also runs a Hobby Atelier shop, where you can buy fabrics, ribbons, doll clothes and furniture, details of porcelain toys ...

    Donkey Little Violinist

    The dreamer from Irkutsk is a real fan of his craft: he sculpts from plastic and clay at home and on vacation (almost in the field). He often sculpts figures of people from his environment or fairy-tale characters at the request of his son. Also in his magazine, he gives valuable advice on organizing a comfortable workplace or working with various materials and tools.

    I fell into the hands of the "Book of Fairy Tales"! An image flashed and a Donkey appeared!
    The donkey is made without a frame, from a wild mixture of Fimo, Cernite and Sonnet. Crumpled foil inside.

    Yulia Zoulka from Moscow creates toys from wool and threads, rolls and knits. And she knits from the head, without creating schemes.
    "I love it when people like what I do, when they hold my toys in their hands and smile."

    Donkeys Eeyore

    Natalia Kuznetsova from Moscow creates felt toys.
    "For several years now I have been making toy animals using the dry felting technique, complementing their images with various accessories from other materials. My works take part in various competitions and exhibitions held in Moscow and St. Petersburg."

    Donkey. Size 15x15 cm.
    Frame base.

    Irina from Izhevsk (Udmurtia) knits toys, sling beads and jewelry for the little ones.
    "I knit toys from cotton yarn, children's acrylic, mixed angora / acrylic yarn, sling beads - from cotton yarn.
    As a filler in toys and soft sling buses, I use komfortel - an elastic hypoallergenic fiber, so that the products can be washed if necessary.
    For sling beads I use unpainted wooden beads and acrylic beads. "

    Rattle Donkey. Height 12 cm.
    Children's acrylic, comfortel filler.
    There is a rattle container inside the body.

    Knopa from Moscow creates fabric and knitted primitive toys.

    Donkey-primitive Eeyore. Fabric - cotton, holofiber, acrylic paints, tinted coffee, cinnamon, pva. 20 by 16 cm

    His tail is in place :)

    Alena from St. Petersburg makes toys from wool.
    "Wool toys are my passion for the last year. I love the process itself (creative-meditative :) and the result. In this direction I plan to reach unprecedented heights ... both in technology and in having fun :)".

    Donkey Eeyore. The size of the toy is 23 cm (height) * 26 cm (length from the "tail seat" to the paws).
    Composition: wool, plastic, acrylic.

    Natalia Sleptsova from Odessa is engaged in patchwork sewing.
    "I offer products for home and for the soul. I myself come up with my own works: cut, selection of materials, shapes, style. Quite often, if not almost always, I start sewing completely spontaneously. idea...

    I diligently avoid clichés and standard solutions. My passion is quirky patchwork objects. I use innovative, designer cuts, find fun objects to create, and love to combine different styles. I am constantly looking for new ideas. "

    Tildo donkey.
    "Donkey Eeyore is the saddest and most unhappy character. He almost never has a good mood, he is a pessimist, he thinks that no one is interested in him. Strive to cause pity in others. Although deep down, the donkey is kind, he avoids the rest of the characters. True. , I decorated it a little with a joyful orange. "

    Indira from Tashkent sews tildo toys. Although she is an accountant by her main profession, she has always been engaged in needlework.

    Donkey girl

    Galina is passionate about embroidery. She finds interesting drawings and creates schemes for them. For example, here is her diagram of a donkey:

    "I really like the lace donkeys of Anfisa and Alesya, but their author Catherine Lannez apparently closed her website and schemes.
    I confess, I started to imitate.
    This is how I got a donkey in love. When I will embroider, I don’t know - while I’m drawing, I have time to play enough, it seems I can no longer sew. "

    Ekaterina from Moscow follows a healthy lifestyle. She creates healthy natural sweets and plays with wool toys.
    “I love finding familiar flavors in a natural way. Sharing ideas and discussing them.
    It is important for me that there are products on the table that give life energy.
    Therefore, I use non-thermally processed ingredients in my recipes. "

    Calm, quiet, brooding donkey. Height 14 cm. Mixed felting.

    Ekaterina Tselinskaya from Irkutsk crochets toys and does scrapbooking.
    "I am open to everything new and interesting. I am improving in my work, looking for my own unique style and direction :)"

    Donkey Elvis.

    Olga Isaenkova from Moscow sews teddy bears and other fabric toys.
    "I create little teddy bears and their friends. The toys are created according to the author's design and patterns. All babies appear with their own history, with their own past and each with their own character ... All of them are forgotten from childhood. They keep their memories of this wonderful period life.
    The seams are made by hand. To create animals, only high-quality materials are used (German viscose, mohair). For the bindings, I use traditional teddy discs and cotter pins purchased from specialist stores. The stuffing of my toys is dense (I use sawdust, wool). "

    Mint donkey.
    "... I just got up in the morning and over a cup of tea suddenly realized that I want a little donkey to live here, but not a simple one, but with a mint filling ... I quickly drew a sketch on a napkin, made a pattern out of it and voila) I sewed it too quickly, especially considering that I was sewing by hand. One side is embroidered with flowers, a slight reminder of summer ... When I looked at the finished work, I realized one thing - it is cozy, and this is the most important thing .. "

    Inna Frolova from Stary Oskol sews textile toys.

    Anastasia Melnitsyna from Voronezh is engaged in decorating household items.
    "Having an art education, for many reasons, I did not do my favorite thing. Namely, decorating. Now I try to make up for lost time, being at the post of a housewife)))"

    Interior toy "Favorite donkey"

    Where do socks keep going? And here's where - a completely ordinary pair of socks turns into a cute stuffed toy! You can sew such a toy with your child, and older children can even cope on their own - after all, there is nothing complicated about it. Everything is very easy and simple.

    So, let's get over it - for our toy we need:

    • 1 pair of socks
    • cotton wool or any other filler.
    • thread with a needle.
    • scissors.
    • buttons for the peephole and nose of our toy.
    • lace for decorating a donkey (here you can connect imagination and use any other decorative elements - for example, use a ribbon or beautiful fabric, buttons, braid, etc.).

    Cut out the body parts of our donkey from the socks, as shown in the photo. To make it clear, I numbered them:
    1- torso
    2- handles
    3- ears
    4- head

    We straighten all parts of the donkey's body into place, so as not to get confused, and we begin to sew them one by one.
    All our parts are now ready to be filled. We take the body and carefully, slowly, begin to fill it with small pieces of cotton wool. To make it easier to fill in hard-to-reach places, you can use a pencil. After the donkey's body is stuffed with cotton wool to the end, thread the edge with a needle and thread and tighten. The body of our toy is ready. Then, in the same way, we fill the head, the edge of which we also thread with a needle and thread, tighten and fix. Now we fill the handles with cotton, but the ears do not need to be filled with cotton, they should be thin.

    After we have formed all the parts of the body, we carefully sew them into place. And now our donkey is ready, it remains only to decorate it. First, let's take care of the muzzle of the donkey. Buttons will serve as the eyes and nose of the donkey. Of course, the buttons can be taken in different colors (for example, blue for the peephole, and black for the nose), so it will even be more interesting. But I only had white ones in stock, so to darken them slightly, I put a black dot in the center of each with a marker. Then we carefully embroider a smile with colored threads (black or red). Now we need to dress our donkey, for this we need lace. We take a strip of lace and thread it along the edge with a needle and thread, tighten it slightly, forming folds of the skirt. Sew the skirt to the body of the toy. To make the image of Nyasha's donkey more harmonious, I decided to make a bow from the same lace and sewed it to one of the ears. Ready!

    The donkey is one of the favorite characters in children's books and cartoons. His long ears, tail with a tassel and touching muzzle will not leave anyone indifferent! Pretty Toys invites you to sew a magnificent donkey with your own hands. You will find many useful recommendations in our Workshop. We present not only patterns of toys, but also detailed master classes with photographs of their sewing.

    The patterns of the famous donkey Eeyore are especially popular. The finished toy can be presented to someone who is fond of stories about Winnie the Pooh or just an animal lover. In addition, it is a great solution to present such a gift to your kid after visiting the zoo: just imagine his joy and delight!

    You can also sew a donkey from Shrek, a neat donkey Togo, funny Elio or brooding Romeo. Any fleecy fabric is suitable for creation. The eyes of the toy are embroidered with dark threads, but you can purchase ready-made toy eyes at a sewing accessories store or sew on beads / buttons of the desired shade and size.

    The pattern of a donkey made of fabric does not limit your imagination. It is quite possible that you like toys made using the Tilda technique. To create such a donkey, natural fabrics (linen, calico or cotton), as well as fleece and flannel, are best suited. Ideally, it should have a small drawing. Moreover, the smaller it is, the better. Whether using a sewing machine or sewing by hand is a matter of taste. Classic Tilda toys are handmade.

    Of course, it will take a certain amount of time to create a donkey. However, it will not be wasted. As a result, a truly unique toy will be in your hands. Our collection lacks patterns of original donkeys, we will gladly accept them from you. If you have got an original toy, send a photo with recommendations. Together with you we will create a rich collection of patterns.