Preferential pension for medical workers. Is studying at a medical school included in work experience? List of preferential medical positions

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows citizens to terminate their labor activity ahead of schedule. Employees of health care institutions received this right, since the activity is accompanied by nervous tension and responsibility. A preferential pension for health workers is due after 25 or 30 years of service (depending on the area).

Legal regulation

To understand the accepted norms, the future pensioner studies the Federal Law 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" dated December 28, 2013. It denotes the conditions for retirement on an old age pension instead of the outdated law 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" of 12/17/2001. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 of 05/26/2009 contains a list of positions and organizations for the appointment of a retirement pension on preferential terms. The right to an early retirement pension for doctors is enshrined in Decree No. 665 of July 16, 2014, No. 10 of January 26, 1991, No. 516 of July 11, 2002.

Who is eligible for a preferential pension - list of positions and institutions

An employee of a medical institution applies for preferential payments in accordance with age, if the required number of years has accumulated in work experience. They retire early, subject to the transfer of insurance premiums. Positions that are eligible for benefits:

  1. Junior and paramedical workers.
  2. Forensic experts and nurses serving this department.
  3. Laboratory assistants and obstetricians.
  4. Doctors of all specialties.

Employees of all hospitals and hospitals, outpatient clinics, polyclinics, psychiatric hospitals with a hospital, and medical and sanitary units are subject to the law on benefits. The group included doctors from drug addiction and rehabilitation centers, hospices, dispensaries, an ambulance, a maternity hospital, and sanatoriums. The right to early termination of activity is reserved for workers of ambulance, prosecutors, surgery, intensive care, traumatology and other departments from the list of Resolution No. 781.

Terms of appointment

The seniority pension for medical workers is issued if the work experience is 30 years in a city organization. An employee of the outpatient clinic in the town has been working for 25 years. Age is not taken into account. Additional requirements for registration:

  • the position falls under Resolution No. 781;
  • the post or institution held is not included in the list, but the activity is related to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients;
  • the place of work appears in the order of the Ministry of Labor on the identity of the position fixed by law.

For physicians whose activities are associated with increased harmfulness, the threshold of work experience for registration of pension payments is reduced. The individual pension coefficient upon retirement for a physician is at least 30 points.

Medical experience and its features

The presence of work experience in health care organizations gives the personnel the right to end their labor activity earlier than the deadline established by law. A calendar year is equivalent to 1 year and 3 months of work if a physician works in a rural area. 1.5 years are added to the experience for practicing surgeons, operating nurses and TB dispensary workers, obstetricians, pathologists, anesthesiologists - resuscitators, forensic experts.

What is included in the preferential experience

When registering a pension for medical workers for seniority, some nuances appeared. Work experience consists of the following periods:

  • before January 1999, part-time work was counted, after - attention is paid to the standard or shortened schedule;
  • the period when a person receives benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth;
  • legal leave;
  • temporary disability;
  • passing the probationary period;
  • paid absenteeism after illegal dismissal or transfer to another position;
  • advanced training time.

The preferential service of medical workers does not include the time of suspension from duties due to violation of discipline. This means working under the influence of alcohol and non-compliance with safety regulations and other standards. Medical experience does not include parental leave or leave for personal reasons without payment, residency.

Calculation features

The preferential pension for medical workers is calculated using coefficients. For a surgeon, resuscitation specialist, pathologist, medical examiner, the insurance experience according to the work book is multiplied by 1.5. For this category of workers, 1 year of work is equivalent to 1.5. This increases payouts. Nurses and nurses are counted on part-time and quarter-time jobs.

How early retirement benefits are calculated for healthcare workers

The seniority pension for medical workers is issued on the basis of an application. According to the law, a third party has the right to apply if there is a notarized power of attorney and documents to confirm the identity of the attorney. Step-by-step instructions for making payments:

  1. Six months before the date of retirement, they consult with a PFR specialist about a package of documents.
  2. A working physician applies to the personnel department to calculate the length of service. An unemployed doctor is sent directly to the PFR office.
  3. A month before the due date, an application for the appointment of pension payments is submitted. The form is provided by the PFR administration or the Multifunctional Center. It is filled in by the pensioner personally. Other documents are attached to the application.
  4. After submitting all the papers, the Pension Fund employee reviews them within 10 days.
  5. The message on the receipt of a benefit or refusal is transmitted within 5 days.
  6. They give 3 months to submit additional documents.

Corrections and strikethroughs are not allowed in the application. In the standardized form, indicate the full name, name of the territorial body of the PFR, insurance number of the personal account, passport data and place of residence. If a trusted person contacted, he indicates similar information about himself. Be sure to make an inventory of the collected documents.

In the Russian Federation, people who protect the health of the nation are under the special care of the state, which has decided to appoint a preferential pension for doctors. The advantage is that they can switch to government support earlier than the deadline for most citizens. The payments they are entitled to are called the seniority pension, for the establishment of which only the employee's seniority is important.

Who is assigned a preferential pension?

Indicates a list of professions whose representatives are entitled to a preferential pension (an opportunity to take a break from work earlier than most of the country's population is considered a privilege, for a maximum of five years). The privilege is given to attending physicians and workers who perform actions to protect the health of citizens. These include the following nursing staff:

Also, the legislative act lists medical institutions, the above employees of which are entitled to benefits:

  • hospitals;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • medical unit;
  • centers where assistance is provided to certain categories of citizens;
  • outpatient clinics;
  • perinatal centers;
  • points of paramedics-obstetricians;
  • dispensaries;
  • ambulance stations;
  • sanatoriums and resorts;
  • medical bureaus;
  • laboratories;
  • military medical institutions.

Almost all doctors working in a private or public institution have the opportunity to take a break from work before the prescribed fifty-five years (for the female part of the population) and sixty years (for the male).

Insurance pension and seniority salary

Article 5 of Law No. 166-FZ regulates the procedure for assigning a seniority pension salary, which differs from an old-age pension. If the latter is appointed upon reaching a certain age, which is still sixty years for the male half of the country and fifty-five for the female, then the former depends on the accumulated experience, that is, the age of the person does not play a role. There are also a few more significant differences:

  1. seniority salary is mainly not associated with the payment of insurance premiums (money for payments is allocated from the federal budget of Russia);
  2. there is no uniform length of service, it depends on the position occupied by the medical worker;
  3. a salary based on seniority can be received only by leaving the previous place of work (this condition is not required to receive insurance payments for old age).

The amount of service payments established for medical workers is half of their monthly earnings. Article 21 explains that the average salary of a medical worker for the last twelve months of his work before dismissal is taken to calculate the seniority pension. A person who quit his job to receive a seniority pension may get a job again after a while. If insurance contributions will be transferred to the Pension Fund for it, upon reaching the general retirement age, you can apply for a recalculation of payments. At the same time, there is no need to switch from one type of pension to another - the PFR employees will take into account the new data, and the pension will be increased.

Privileges when calculating the length of service

The accrual of seniority for medical workers may differ from the generally accepted. All the features of this process are listed in article 27 of December 17, 2001:

  1. One calendar year of labor in areas outside the city or suburb (in villages, villages, settlements, etc.) is counted for 15 months. But to retire, you have to work for at least 25 years. Labor in the city does not give additional months, therefore, it is possible to leave work and receive a pension salary only after having worked for thirty years.
  2. A year of labor of such doctors as a surgeon, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, pathologist or forensic scientist takes one and a half.

If both conditions are the same, the seniority is made up of the partial addition of both benefits. For example, the calendar year of work of a rural paramedic will be equal to 1.9 years. For the calculation of the length of service pension, periods of residency and vacation at their own expense are not taken into account. If the health worker combined several positions with part-time work, this period will be credited, provided that, with the total amount of working hours, the rate (reduced or full) of at least one position is fulfilled.

There are additional conditions that allow women to take a break from work at 50, men at 55:

  • if the mother gave life to five or more children and raised them until the age of eight, and her experience is not less than fifteen years;
  • if a physician was involved in raising a child with a disability from childhood until he was at least eight years old and his work experience is 15 years (for the female half of the population) or 20 years (for the male);
  • if a mother of two children living in the Far North has fifteen years of experience (if she lives in areas equated to it - twenty years);
  • if a person became disabled due to a military injury and worked at the same time for fifteen years (for women) or twenty (for men);
  • if a man with twenty-five years of experience or a woman with twenty years of experience worked in the Far North for 15 years or 20 in equivalent regions (if both there and there, then the experience is derived from the calculation that nine months of work in the Far North are equal to a calendar year of work in localities , equated to it).

Also, 1.3 years is considered the calendar year of work of a guardian who raised a child with a disability from childhood until he reaches at least eight years (but not more than five years). Disproportionate dwarfs - men can count on retirement benefits at 45 years old with twenty years of experience, women - at forty years old with fifteen years.

Changes due to the reform

This year, pensioners are also worried about whether the seniority-based pension salary age will remain in connection with the new reform. The proposed bill, adopted in the first reading, does not imply the abolition of the opportunity to take a break from work earlier. Since 2019, due to the increase in the retirement age, the age when it will be possible to leave work for doctors and other beneficiaries will gradually increase. By 2034, it was planned to increase the required length of service by eight years for women, and by five - for men.

However, the last speech of the President gave hope for some softening. So, for the female population, the retirement age will now increase only by 5 years, as well as for the male part of the population. Mothers with many children will also be able to take a break from work earlier: for 3 years with three children, for 4 - with four. Those with more than four children will not be affected by the change. As now, they will be able to quit their jobs at the age of 55. All of these adjustments are still to be discussed.

Registration of service payments

Seniority pensions can be applied for at any time after the right to receive them arises. The basic rules for this process are spelled out in Article 22 of Law No. 166-FZ.
The physician must submit an application to the local branch of the Pension Fund or to the MFC, attaching the following official papers to it:

  • passport (for foreigners it can be replaced by a residence permit);
  • SNILS;
  • work book;
  • a certificate from the accounting department on wages for the last year.

The application can be submitted both in person and by using the mail services, through a representative or employer. You can also send it electronically on the website of the State Services or the Pension Fund of Russia, having previously registered on it. If the medical worker worked in the military field, the application must be submitted not to the Pension Fund, but to the appropriate department where his service was held.

Within 10 days, the FIU is obliged to notify the applicant of the decision. If it is positive, payments are assigned from the first day of the month of appeal. This pension is for life, and you will not need to reapply.


In Russia, health workers have the opportunity to retire earlier than others, receiving a salary based on length of service, which depends solely on the length of service. Some doctors also have benefits when calculating the length of service. The seniority salary is half the normal monthly salary of a medical worker. To receive payments, you need not only submit documents with an application to the PFR branch, but also quit your job. If the citizen then gets a job again, upon reaching the retirement age, a recalculation will be made and a new pension salary will be assigned.

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The legislation lists several occupational groups that have special conditions upon retirement. This is due to the nature of the work performed, requirements for the level of education, responsibility, health hazards. Medical personnel are classified as such workers.

How to calculate your pension

Pension provision for medical workers is carried out in the same way as for other categories of workers. The difference lies in the ability to stop working before the established age in old age: 60 for men and 55 for women.

An early insurance old-age pension is assigned to physicians who have worked in health care institutions for 30 years in cities and towns, 25 in rural areas, 30 years with mixed residence.

Such a pension is called seniority (that is, before old age).

Unlike military personnel, who have a special type of calculation, the pension of medical workers is calculated as usual, using individual points.

The individual retirement score depends on 3 components:

  • the number of years worked;
  • the amount of earnings before 2002;
  • % of insurance premiums.

A future pensioner has the right to deduct 16% or divide them into 2 parts: 10 and 6%. The first part is insurance (JV), the second is cumulative (NP).

(Since 2016, 6% of the pension has not been paid or accrued by the decision of the Government).

The accumulative one should be spent from the period when the payer of pension contributions decides. The purpose of the NP is to increase the size of the content in a certain period by a certain amount. The maximum statutory period during which it is necessary to spend this part of the deductions is 12 years.

Example. Over 10 years, NP amounted to 60,000 rubles. The policyholder has determined that he will receive it over a 5-year period, 7 years after retirement (from 67 to 72). The monthly addition to the main part will be 1000 rubles.

The video shows the seniority pension:

  • determine the amount of annual wages (APR) without obligatory deductions;
  • calculate contributions at a rate of 16% (CB);
  • divided into deductions from the base indicator (876 thousand rubles) of the maximum possible charges (BP).

IPB-fear. = SV / BP * 10.

Example. The monthly salary is 50 thousand rubles.

GZP = 50 * 12 = 600 (thousand rubles);

SV = 600 * 0.16 = 96 (thousand rubles);

BP = 876 * 16% = 140.16 (thousand rubles).

UPS-fear. = 96 / `140.16 * 10 = 6.85

The individual retirement score for 2017 is set at 11.4. Subsequently, for each year there is an increase of 2.4, so that by 2025, it will reach 30.

PB for retirement:

  • 2017 – 11,4;
  • 2018 – 13,8;
  • 2019 – 16,3
  • 2025 – 30.

If the personal score is below the established one, then it is impossible to issue retirement.

You can increase the UPS using a multiplying factor (PC): postpone going on vacation for length of service.

For each year of transfer, its own multiplying coefficient is charged (for full calendar months):

  • 12 – 1,036;
  • 24 – 1,07;
  • 36 – 1,12;
  • 48 – 1,16;
  • 60 – 1,21.

The IBI until 2015 is equal to: the amount of contributions as of December 31, 2014, divided by the value of the pension point (as of January 1, 2015), plus the coefficients of non-insurance years. Payments from these periods should not be included in the amount of contributions. Otherwise, they will not be taken into account.

Uninsured periods are the time of fulfilling duties in relation to the state, children, the inability to work for objective reasons.

Non-Insurance Coefficients (NIC):

  • caring for the first child - 1.8;
  • for the second - 3.6;
  • for the third - 5.4;
  • all others - 1.8.

KNP corresponds to the calendar year and has a gradation: 1 month = 1/12; 1 day = 1/360.

Example: Daylight saving time 8 months. 15 days (first child); KNP = 1.8 / 12 * 8 + 1.8 / 360 * 15 = 1.28

To calculate the amount of monthly maintenance, you also need to know the cost of 1 point and the amount of a fixed additional payment (FD, guaranteed social support, due to old age accrual). For 2017, 1 IPB is equal to 78.58 rubles, FD - 4805 rubles.

For each year, the Government approves new indicators of the value of the point and the amount of the supplement to the insurance pension. In addition, they are subject to indexing in a general manner.

The amount of pension provision for 2017 is determined:

ON=IPB-total * 78.58 * PC + 4805 * PC, where

IPB-obsh. = IPB-fear. + KNP;

PC - multiplying coefficient;

To retire on the length of service, health workers need to meet 2 conditions: a sufficient duration of work and a personal retirement score not lower than that established for this year.

Determination of the length of service for retirement

Resolution No. 781 specifies a list of positions and institutions that are eligible for early retirement retirement. In the general case, the length of service is calculated, as in the case of other categories of workers, by a calendar year. An exception is the medical personnel of surgical and equivalent departments, which have an increasing coefficient for the length of service: 1: 1.5 (1 calendar year is equal to 18 insurance months).

A prerequisite for special work experience is full-time work in stationary conditions.

Surgical departments are equated with:

  • gynecological;
  • obstetric and generic;
  • cardiological;
  • urological;
  • traumatic;
  • ophthalmic;
  • oncological;
  • operating rooms;

Health workers eligible for preferential service:

  • surgeons (operating, of all specializations);
  • heads of departments (operating);
  • operating nurses (including older ones);
  • midwives;
  • nurses *.

Nurses * of dressing departments:

  • purulent surgery;
  • burn;
  • orthopedic;
  • traumatological;
  • osteoarticular tuberculosis.

Operations must be confirmed by medical histories. The number of surgical interventions performed does not matter.

In rural areas, for these specialists, 1 calendar year is equivalent to 21 months of work experience.

Since 2015, the insurance part of the pension includes non-insurance periods:

  • conscript service in the army;
  • maternity leave up to 1.5 years (no more than 6 years in total);
  • the time of caring for a disabled person 1 gr., childhood, an elderly person over 80 years old;
  • the period of residence in the area without the opportunity to work in the specialty (for the wives of military personnel, the maximum duration taken into account is 5 years);
  • time spent abroad (for spouses of diplomatic workers, period not exceeding 5 years);
  • term of unlawful criminal prosecution.

When determining the period of labor activity, regional coefficients are used for the northern regions and equivalent areas.

Example. What will be the length of service under the following conditions: work as an operating nurse for 10 years, two maternity leaves, living in Murmansk (Arctic).

The total experience will be 25 years: (10 * 1.5 + (1.5 + 1.5)) * 1.4 = 25.2, where

10 * 1.5 - preferential experience,

1.5 + 1.5 = time on maternity leave,

1.4 - regional coefficient.

It takes 30 years to retire for seniority.

A seniority pension for medical workers is assigned with a sufficient amount of time worked in medical institutions, the required size of the individual retirement point. Some categories of doctors have a 50% benefit on seniority, which is explained by the special working conditions.

The law on raising the retirement age in Russia, which entered into force on January 1, 2019, provides for the opportunity to issue a preferential seniority pension for medical workers, subject to the acquisition of special (medical) seniority of the required duration.

Preferential seniority pension for health workers since 2019: tables by years of exit and a list of health worker positions eligible for early retirement

For healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc.) in Russia preferential retirement - by length of service , i.e. subject to the acquisition of special (medical) experience of the required duration. That is, the possibility of early registration of a pension for health workers directly does not depend on age and number of years of total insurance experience, since this right is determined only by the date of development of the length of service provided for by law.

In 2019, in connection with the pension reform, preferential retirement for doctors will not be canceled, however, an additional condition will be provided for obtaining the status of a pensioner - how many years have passed after obtaining the required preferential length of service (that is, a delay of several years before applying for a pension). In total, after the end of the transitional reform period (starting in 2023), doctors will be able to become a pensioner only 5 years after reaching the required length of service(see the schedule of retirement of health workers by year).

Seniority pension for doctors in 2019

From 2019, in order to apply for a seniority pension, doctors will need to have:

1. Medical work experience according to clause 20, h. 1, art. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ of 28.12.2013. "On insurance pensions", namely:

  • 25 years- in rural areas or urban-type settlements;
  • 30 years- mixed experience (in cities, rural areas and urban areas) or only in cities.

When taking into account medical experience, of particular importance is position and name of the institution, in which the medical worker works, since the preferential length of service includes the time of work only in the relevant positions and institutions provided for by law. Note that the calculation of special length of service is carried out according to a certain order, for example, for some categories of workers, the account is “one and a half year”.

2. The minimum required value of the PKI on the date of registration of payments in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ. Each year, the IPC standard increases by 2.4 points, therefore:

  • in 2018 you must have 13.8 points;
  • in 2019 - already 16.2, etc .;
  • and from 2025 the minimum value of the IPC will be fixed - 30 pension coefficients.

Pension reform for doctors (by seniority)

Pension reform from 2019 will also affect healthcare workers- for them, the new Law No. 350-FZ of 03.10.2018 provides for the introduction of a grace period for receiving a preferential seniority pension.

  • The amount of this delay will increase annually, and the final standards will be established in 2023 and will make 5 years.
  • This means that those doctors who develop the required preferential work experience in 2023 and later will be able to become pensioners only after 5 years, i.e. in 2028, etc.
The increase in the standard of the deferral provided by law will be carried out in stages in the following order:
  1. Starting from 2019, this value will increase by 1 year until it reaches the final value (5 years in 2023);
  2. In 2019 and 2020 it will be possible to receive a pension 6 months ahead of schedule.
It is possible to determine in which year a medical worker can retire, taking into account the above two conditions, according to the table (presented below):

Note:** - the date of retirement of medical workers according to the old law was the date of working out the preferential length of service. Abbreviations used: VP - retirement; p. - the corresponding half-year of the specified year.

The new law, adopted on October 3, 2018, does not provide for any conditions for the type of activity of medical workers during the period for which the possibility of receiving a pension is postponed. Therefore, during the stipulated 0.5-5 years of the grace period, you can at your discretion how to continue to work and stop working- there are no restrictions for this.

Medical experience for seniority retirement

The main condition for preferential retirement of medical workers (doctors, nurses, midwives, etc.) is the presence of the necessary medical experience - 25 or 30 years depending on the area in which the medic works. With the implementation of the pension reform, these standards will not change, as well as the rules for calculating special seniority and the list of medical positions will not be adjusted.

The procedure for accounting for medical experience and the list of medical positions are regulated by legislative acts, depending on the period of such labor activity:

  • before 01.01.1992- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1397 dated December 17, 1959;
  • from 01.01.1992 to 31.10.1999- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 464 of 06.09.1991;
  • from 01.11.1999 to 31.12.2001 No. 1066 dated September 22, 1999;
  • from 01.01.2002 to the present- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 of October 29, 2002

To determine whether work experience is included in the preferential medical experience, which allows you to issue a pension early (by length of service), you should be guided by the legislative act for each relevant period.

It should be noted that the preferential length of service includes periods of work only in those positions and institutions that are provided for by the above legislative acts. If the entries in the work book do not meet these requirements, then when determining the right to an early retirement pension in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the experience some periods of operation may be excluded.

List of health worker positions eligible for early retirement

In order for the period of work to be taken into account in the preferential medical experience, health workers must carry out formal employment in a position prescribed by law and in a health care institution. As noted earlier, the name of the position and organization must comply with the regulatory documents in force at that time.

For work periods since January 1, 2002 there are lists of positions and institutions provided for Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 of October 29, 2002 Therefore, in the specified period of time, the preferential medical experience includes the time of work according to the presented list of positions and institutions - in the table below:

Institution name Job title
  1. Doctors are specialists.
  2. Doctors are heads of institutions that carry out medical activities.
  3. Medium honey. staff:
    • head of FAP, health center;
    • paramedic;
    • senior paramedic;
    • Dentist;
    • honey. sister;
    • home honey. sister;
    • senior honey. sister;
    • roentgenographer;
    • laboratory assistant;
    • assistant doctor-epidemiologist;
    • midwife;
    • senior midwife;
    • honey. technologist;
    • honey. disinfector;
    • assistant sanitary doctor and others.
Psychiatric hospitals (hospitals)
Medical and sanitary units
Nursing Homes
Outpatient clinics
Feldsher-obstetric points
Honey. companies
Disinfection stations
Plague centers
Military hospitals
Ambulance stations help, ambulance and emergency honey. help
Blood transfusion stations
Women's clinics and other organizations

Complete list of positions and institutions, the work on which is counted in the preferential length of service for early retirement, is presented in the List approved by Resolution No. 781.

How to calculate the preferential length of service for retirement for doctors

The rules for calculating the preferential length of service for medical workers differ depending on the period of implementation of such work - they are regulated by legislative acts for each relevant period. For work activities carried out from January 1, 2002 to the present, the following applies procedure for calculating medical experience:

  • Preferential experience is taken into account in calendar order, i.e. the year of work in the position provided for in the list is counted as a year of preferential service.

It does not matter what clinical profile is indicated in the name of the health care institution, and also the departmental or territorial affiliation of the organization is not important.

  • In some cases, seniority is not taken into account "year for year", but in preferential calculation:
    • a year of work in a rural area or in an urban-type settlement is counted as 1 year and 3 months(this is important for medical workers with mixed experience, for whom the standard is set at 30 years of medical experience);
    • For the list of positions established by law, medical experience is counted as “one and a half year”.
  • The length of service before 11/01/1999 is included in the preferential rate in full, and after the indicated date only those periods of work during which working hours were met according to labor law (normal or abbreviated).
  • If the work was carried out in several positions (or institutions) during a part-time working day, then it will be taken into account in the preferential length of service only if the established working time is worked out in total, corresponding to a full rate for one of the positions.
  • In healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation abroad, the length of service is counted on a general basis.

All the conditions for accounting for preferential medical experience provided by law are given in the Rules for calculating periods of work, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In what positions honey work experience is taken into account as a year and a half

The legislation provides for a list of positions and health care institutions, a year of work in which is counted as a year and a half... For periods of work from 01/01/2002, this rule applies to the following health workers:

  1. Departments of the surgical profile, hospitals, burns, oncological, orthopedic, otolaryngological, microsurgical departments as:
    • operating medical specialists of any profile, incl. medical directors;
    • operating honey. nurses (including elders), midwives (including elders), honey. nurses in purulent surgery, trauma, burns and other departments.
  2. Departments (mobile ambulance teams, wards, groups) of anesthesiology-resuscitation, resuscitation and intensive care, namely:
    • anesthesiologists, resuscitators (including managers);
    • honey. ward sisters, incl. seniors;
    • honey. sisters-anesthetists.
  3. Bureau of the court. honey. examinations, central court. honey. examinations, court. honey. laboratories, etc. as:
    • forensic doctors, incl. managers;
    • medium honey. forensic autopsy and research personnel;
  4. Pathological and anatomical departments, namely:
    • pathologists, incl. managers;
    • medium honey. staff and others.

Resolution No. 781 approved the complete List of health care institutions and job titles of doctors and secondary medical personnel. personnel, the year of employment in which is counted as 1 year 6 months. In order for the registration of preferential medical experience to take place according to such a scheme, it is necessary that the entry in the work book corresponds to that indicated in this list.

Question answer

Is studying at a medical school (residency, internship) included in the length of service?

The length of service includes periods during which insurance premiums are paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (part 1 of article 11 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 No. "On insurance pensions"). Therefore, the time during which the citizen received education will be counted in the preferential experience only, if during training he held a full-time position and received a salary (for example, was on vacation with pay). This is possible, for example, when taking advanced training courses, internship, residency, etc. In addition, seniority may not be taken into account in a calendar order, but, for example, a year and a half if, during the training, the health worker took part in operations (in some cases, such a decision is made only in court).

Accordingly, if during the training period the physician was not registered under an employment contract (accordingly, insurance premiums were not paid), such a period will not be included in the medical experience.

Without further ado, let's start.

Eligibility criteria

These "certain positions" and "certain places of work" are fixed by the state by the corresponding normative act.

Anyone can get acquainted with them in the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 781 of 29.10.02.

Principles for calculating seniority

Until this date, all jobs are credited to the length of service, regardless of the rate. After - only full or complete, obtained by addition.

Seniority pension for doctors in 2019

For example, if a health worker worked in two "privileged places" at the same time, in each at half the rate.

Pension laws have changed, but people have stayed. And they were left with thoughts of their future retirement. In order to satisfy the interest of the general public, we have started a series of articles on the new pension reform. And today we will touch on the topic of preferential pensions for medical workers in Russia. What changes have occurred? Will the right of medical workers to preferential calculation of insurance pension be preserved under the new rules? What length of service will be counted as "medical"? Is it profitable to go to work in a village? etc.

Without further ado, let's start.

So, in Law No. 400-FZ of 12/28/13, regulating the provision of pensions to Russians, a separate chapter included provisions on the preservation of benefits for special categories of workers. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 20 of Article 30 of the above-mentioned legislative act, the right to early retirement of health workers still exists.

How early can such an exit be?

Unlike some other benefit categories, physicians are not age-specific. For medical workers, the main requirement for securing the right to obtain a preferential pension is the length of service, position and place of work.

The minimum period of employment for early retirement at:

  • employees of health care institutions located in a village or urban-type settlement (urban-type settlements) must be - 25 years old;
  • workers of health care institutions located in the city - 30 years;
  • health care workers with mixed work experience (both in the countryside and in the city) - 30 years.

Eligibility criteria

The general criteria for "preferential treatment" are as follows:

  • the organizational and legal form of a health care enterprise cannot be other than an "institution";
  • the name of the enterprise must contain the words indicated in Resolution No. 781, for example: "hospital", "hospital", "medical unit", "orphanage" and others;
  • if a medical worker carried out his activities not in a health care enterprise, but in medical structural divisions of individual organizations, then this activity is counted in the "preferential length of service" on a general basis. For example, such organizations may include: clinics at medical universities, sanitary units, laboratories at military units, military institutes, etc. (for more details, see clause 6 of the Rules for calculating the periods of work of doctors of Resolution No. 781).
  • the position occupied by an individual medical officer must be listed in the corresponding list of Resolution No. 781. This includes all medical practitioners and nurses. The head of, for example, a polyclinic can also receive a retirement benefit, but only if he has not stopped medical practice during his entire work.

Principles for calculating seniority

We have already mentioned in passing about the rules by which the duration of medical activity is calculated - they are all listed in the same Resolution No. 781. However, we will help you to figure out what's what.

So, the full 25 or 30 years of service in a privileged position, including mixed ones (part of the length of service in the countryside, part in the city), are credited to the "preferential length of service". If an employee has changed jobs several times during his working life, then all "grace periods" are considered and confirmed.

Each "grace" year of work in the city is counted in the total length of service in a 1: 1 ratio. That is, for one year of work - one year of service. But the employees of the village have the right to relief. They are counted "privileged experience" in a ratio of 1: 1.25. In other words, for each working year - a year and three months of service.

Also, at an accelerated pace, the length of service is going to medical workers - surgeons, anesthesiologists, forensic experts, pathologists and other health officials from the corresponding list (see the same Resolution). They are credited with 1.5 years of service for a year of work.

An important point: in the "preferential experience", starting from November 1, 1999, only full rates are taken.

Documents for registration of a preferential pension for medical workers

If you are applying for a preferential pension for a health worker, you need to come to the Pension Fund of Russia with your passport, work book and SNILS in advance, about six months to a year before the expected retirement. The FIU employee will consider the documents you brought and tell you what else is required to calculate the preferential pension of the health worker. The procedure for checking, confirming and crediting work experience is not a quick process, so you need to prepare for the fact that you will most likely have to prove your right to benefits.

By the way, keep in mind - the benefit applies only to the time of retirement. They do not in any way affect the size and do not increase it.

We hope we were helpful to you. All the best!

Pension laws have changed, but people have stayed. And they were left with thoughts of their future retirement. In order to satisfy the interest of the general public, we have started a series of articles on the new pension reform.

Details of the calculation of the seniority pension for medical workers

And today we will touch on the topic of preferential pensions for medical workers in Russia. What changes have occurred? Will the right of medical workers to preferential calculation of insurance pension be preserved under the new rules? What length of service will be counted as "medical"? Is it profitable to go to work in a village? etc.

Without further ado, let's start.

Categories of health workers eligible for early retirement

So, in Law No. 400-FZ of 12/28/13, regulating the provision of pensions to Russians, a separate chapter included provisions on the preservation of benefits for special categories of workers. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 20 of Article 30 of the above-mentioned legislative act, the right to early retirement of health workers still exists.

How early can such an exit be?

Unlike some other benefit categories, physicians are not age-specific. For medical workers, the main requirement for securing the right to obtain a preferential pension is the length of service, position and place of work.

The minimum period of employment for early retirement at:

  • employees of health care institutions located in a village or urban-type settlement (urban-type settlements) must be - 25 years old;
  • workers of health care institutions located in the city - 30 years;
  • health care workers with mixed work experience (both in the countryside and in the city) - 30 years.

Eligibility criteria

These "certain positions" and "certain places of work" are fixed by the state by the corresponding normative act. Anyone can get acquainted with them in the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 781 of 29.10.02.

The general criteria for "preferential treatment" are as follows:

  • the organizational and legal form of a health care enterprise cannot be other than an "institution";
  • the name of the enterprise must contain the words indicated in Resolution No. 781, for example: "hospital", "hospital", "medical unit", "orphanage" and others;
  • if a medical worker carried out his activities not in a health care enterprise, but in medical structural divisions of individual organizations, then this activity is counted in the "preferential length of service" on a general basis. For example, such organizations may include: clinics at medical universities, sanitary units, laboratories at military units, military institutes, etc. (for more details, see clause 6 of the Rules for calculating the periods of work of doctors of Resolution No. 781).
  • the position occupied by an individual medical officer must be listed in the corresponding list of Resolution No. 781. This includes all medical practitioners and nurses. The head of, for example, a polyclinic can also receive a retirement benefit, but only if he has not stopped medical practice during his entire work.

Principles for calculating seniority

We have already mentioned in passing about the rules by which the duration of medical activity is calculated - they are all listed in the same Resolution No. 781. However, we will help you to figure out what's what.

So, the full 25 or 30 years of service in a privileged position, including mixed ones (part of the length of service in the countryside, part in the city), are credited to the "preferential length of service". If an employee has changed jobs several times during his working life, then all "grace periods" are considered and confirmed.

Each "grace" year of work in the city is counted in the total length of service in a 1: 1 ratio. That is, for one year of work - one year of service. But the employees of the village have the right to relief. They are counted "privileged experience" in a ratio of 1: 1.25. In other words, for each working year - a year and three months of service.

Also, at an accelerated pace, the length of service is going to medical workers - surgeons, anesthesiologists, forensic experts, pathologists and other health officials from the corresponding list (see the same Resolution). They are credited with 1.5 years of service for a year of work.

An important point: in the "preferential experience", starting from November 1, 1999, only full rates are taken.

Until this date, all jobs are credited to the length of service, regardless of the rate. After - only full or complete, obtained by addition. For example, if a health worker worked in two "privileged places" at the same time, in each at half the rate.

If you are applying for a preferential pension for a health worker, you need to come to the Pension Fund of Russia with your passport, work book and SNILS in advance, about six months to a year before the expected retirement. The FIU employee will consider the documents you brought and tell you what else is required to calculate the preferential pension of the health worker. The procedure for checking, confirming and crediting work experience is not a quick process, so you need to prepare for the fact that you will most likely have to prove your right to benefits.

By the way, keep in mind - the benefit applies only to the time of retirement. They do not in any way affect the size and do not increase it.

We hope we were helpful to you. All the best!

Pension laws have changed, but people have stayed. And they were left with thoughts of their future retirement. In order to satisfy the interest of the general public, we have started a series of articles on the new pension reform. And today we will touch on the topic of preferential pensions for medical workers in Russia. What changes have occurred? Will the right of medical workers to preferential calculation of insurance pension be preserved under the new rules? What length of service will be counted as "medical"? Is it profitable to go to work in a village? etc.

Without further ado, let's start.

Categories of health workers eligible for early retirement

So, in Law No. 400-FZ of 12/28/13, regulating the provision of pensions to Russians, a separate chapter included provisions on the preservation of benefits for special categories of workers. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 20 of Article 30 of the above-mentioned legislative act, the right to early retirement of health workers still exists.

How early can such an exit be?

Unlike some other benefit categories, physicians are not age-specific. For medical workers, the main requirement for securing the right to obtain a preferential pension is the length of service, position and place of work.

The minimum period of employment for early retirement at:

  • employees of health care institutions located in a village or urban-type settlement (urban-type settlements) must be - 25 years old;
  • workers of health care institutions located in the city - 30 years;
  • health care workers with mixed work experience (both in the countryside and in the city) - 30 years.

Eligibility criteria

These "certain positions" and "certain places of work" are fixed by the state by the corresponding normative act. Anyone can get acquainted with them in the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 781 of 29.10.02.

The general criteria for "preferential treatment" are as follows:

  • the organizational and legal form of a health care enterprise cannot be other than an "institution";
  • the name of the enterprise must contain the words indicated in Resolution No. 781, for example: "hospital", "hospital", "medical unit", "orphanage" and others;
  • if a medical worker carried out his activities not in a health care enterprise, but in medical structural divisions of individual organizations, then this activity is counted in the "preferential length of service" on a general basis. For example, such organizations may include: clinics at medical universities, sanitary units, laboratories at military units, military institutes, etc.

    Early retirement pension for medical workers in 2018

    (for more details see clause 6 of the Rules for calculating the periods of work of physicians of Resolution No. 781).

  • the position occupied by an individual medical officer must be listed in the corresponding list of Resolution No. 781. This includes all medical practitioners and nurses. The head of, for example, a polyclinic can also receive a retirement benefit, but only if he has not stopped medical practice during his entire work.

Principles for calculating seniority

We have already mentioned in passing about the rules by which the duration of medical activity is calculated - they are all listed in the same Resolution No. 781. However, we will help you to figure out what's what.

So, the full 25 or 30 years of service in a privileged position, including mixed ones (part of the length of service in the countryside, part in the city), are credited to the "preferential length of service". If an employee has changed jobs several times during his working life, then all "grace periods" are considered and confirmed.

Each "grace" year of work in the city is counted in the total length of service in a 1: 1 ratio. That is, for one year of work - one year of service. But the employees of the village have the right to relief. They are counted "privileged experience" in a ratio of 1: 1.25. In other words, for each working year - a year and three months of service.

Also, at an accelerated pace, the length of service is going to medical workers - surgeons, anesthesiologists, forensic experts, pathologists and other health officials from the corresponding list (see the same Resolution). They are credited with 1.5 years of service for a year of work.

An important point: in the "preferential experience", starting from November 1, 1999, only full rates are taken. Until this date, all jobs are credited to the length of service, regardless of the rate. After - only full or complete, obtained by addition. For example, if a health worker worked in two "privileged places" at the same time, in each at half the rate.

If you are applying for a preferential pension for a health worker, you need to come to the Pension Fund of Russia with your passport, work book and SNILS in advance, about six months to a year before the expected retirement. The FIU employee will consider the documents you brought and tell you what else is required to calculate the preferential pension of the health worker. The procedure for checking, confirming and crediting work experience is not a quick process, so you need to prepare for the fact that you will most likely have to prove your right to benefits.

By the way, keep in mind - the benefit applies only to the time of retirement. They do not in any way affect the size and do not increase it.

We hope we were helpful to you. All the best!

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..3

Chapter 1 Conditions for granting a pension, length of service, size and circle of persons eligible for early retirement …………………………………………………………………………………… …………… 6

1.1 Conditions for granting pensions to medical workers and the circle of persons eligible for early retirement ……………………………………………………………………………… ..6

1.2 Calculations of special seniority …………………………………………………… .11

1.3 Size of labor pension ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… another only

1.4 The procedure for assigning, recalculating the size, payment and delivery of labor pensions …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………….16

Chapter 2 Evaluation of rights and regulation of pension capital calculations of insured persons …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2.1 Assessment of the pension rights of insured persons ………………………………………………… 22

2.2 Valorization of the amount of the calculated pension capital of the insured person, calculated when assessing his pension rights ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .25

2.3 Examples from judicial practice …………………………………………………………………… .28

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..36

References …………………………………………………………………………………………… .38



At present, the pension system of Russia is going through a serious crisis. In many respects, the aggravation of this crisis is due to early retirement benefits. The fact is that every seventh pension in the country is provided ahead of schedule (for 5, 10 or more years).

For this reason, every old-age pensioner does not receive a fifth of the pension due to the fact that more than 20% of the funds of the Russian Pension Fund go to financing early pensions assigned for work in connection with special working conditions, as well as in connection with special types of professional activity ( previously, such pensions were called seniority pensions). In addition, according to experts, about 30% of employees who enjoy the right to pension benefits work in normal working conditions).

With the help of this “preferential” pension system, the issue of attracting personnel to production with harmful working conditions is still being resolved. At the same time, enterprises that have such industries in their structure do not bear any financial burden for providing their employees with early pensions. This approach is not acceptable for market relations. The creation of a pension system in Russia that meets the new socio-economic conditions is one of the most difficult and important tasks. The pension system being created affects the interests of the entire population of the country: both those who are already receiving a pension and those to whom it will be assigned in the future. This explains the increased attitude towards her.

As you know, according to Russian law, medical workers have the right to early retirement pension early. However, not every work of a medical worker is counted towards the seniority for receiving an early retirement pension. And it is not always necessary to take seniority for a pension in a calendar order.

The early assignment of an old-age labor pension to medical workers is currently carried out in accordance with the List of positions and institutions, work in which is counted in the length of service, which gives the right to an early old-age pension.1

It should be noted that this list is compiled according to the principle of an exhaustive list of the names of positions and institutions (structural divisions) and was formed taking into account the proposals of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, as well as other interested departments and organizations, which excludes its broad interpretation.

The legislator did not impose any new conditions on the age qualification of medical workers, retaining the right to retire to an old-age labor pension regardless of age.

This course work provides answers to the questions: who has the right to an early retirement pension, how to correctly calculate the length of service that gives the right to early retirement benefits for medical workers, and other questions.

The purpose of the course work is to consider early labor retirement pensions for persons engaged in medical and other activities to protect the health of the population.

The goal determined the solution of the following tasks:

1. To consider the conditions for the appointment of early labor old-age pensions to medical workers.

2. Describe the procedure for calculating the periods of work that gives the right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities to protect the health of the population

3. To study the amount of early labor old-age pensions for medical workers.

4. Conduct an assessment of pension rights.

5. Consider the timing of the appointment of early labor old-age pensions to medical workers.

The object of the study is early labor old age pensions for persons engaged in medical and other activities to protect the health of the population.

The subject of the research is the norms of pension legislation governing the procedure for assigning early labor old-age pensions to medical workers (regardless of their age), calculating periods of work, giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who have carried out medical and other activities to protect the health of the population, the amount and the timing of early retirement pensions for these categories of workers.

Chapter 1 Conditions for the appointment of a pension, seniority, size, procedure for appointment, payment, eligible for early retirement

1.1 Conditions for granting a pension to medical workers and the circle of persons eligible for early retirement

"An early old-age pension for medical workers may be assigned ahead of schedule to persons who have carried out medical and other activities to protect the health of the population in state and municipal health care institutions for at least 25 years in rural areas and urban-type settlements and at least 30 years in cities, rural areas and in urban-type settlements or only in cities, regardless of their age. "2

The issue of assigning early retirement pensions to medical workers has always been difficult. Despite the constant amendments to the legislation on this issue, designed to clarify the situation, it is impossible to say unequivocally that the problem has become a thing of the past. In this article, you can consider the features of early retirement benefits for medical workers.

In retirement planning, healthcare workers should proceed from the fact that:

  • firstly, medical workers belong to the category of citizens whom the state provides with such a type of pension as a labor pension;
  • secondly, under certain conditions, medical workers can count on an early retirement pension for old age.

Consider what first of all it is worth paying attention to medical workers in the process of retirement planning of their work activities.

The conditions for the appointment of road traffic accidents to medical workers are governed by the following regulations:

1.FZ No. 173 Article 27 Clause 1 Clause 20

"The list of positions and institutions, work in which is counted in the length of service, giving the right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension to persons who have carried out medical and other activities to protect the health of the population in state and municipal health care institutions." 3

3. "The list of structural subdivisions and health care institutions at the positions of doctors and nurses, work in which during the year is counted in the length of service, giving the right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension, as a year and six months." 4

4. "The rules for calculating the periods of work, giving the right to early assignment of a labor old-age pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities to protect the health of the population in state and municipal health care institutions." 5

5. “Early labor retirement pension for persons who have carried out medical and other activities to protect the health of the population shall be assigned if the SSVR is present for at least 25 years in rural areas and urban-type settlements, or at least 30 years in cities.

If the work was carried out partly in rural areas, partly in cities, then at least 30 years of SSWR are required. " 6

“When calculating the periods of this work in the part not regulated by the Rules of 2002. The Rules for calculating the periods of work, which give the right to the early appointment of an old-age retirement pension, are applied. " 7

The list of positions of medical workers (health care workers) and institutions in which work is counted in the length of service, which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension to medical workers who carried out medical and other activities to protect public health in state and municipal health care institutions, is in accordance with with subparagraph 11 of paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 No. 781.

The list approved by the decree of 10/29/2002 was formed on the basis of the List of positions and institutions approved by the RF Government decree of 09/22/99 No. 1066 (hereinafter referred to as the List approved by the decree of 09/22/99). They have a lot in common, in particular the same structure. At the same time, there are quite significant differences between them. In addition, a number of innovations in the procedure for calculating medical experience were brought by the Rules, approved. by the decree of 29.10.02. The list approved by the resolution of October 29, 2002, like the previous one, contains two sections: "Names of positions" and "Names of institutions".

As under previous legislation, only physicians and related nursing staff are eligible for pension benefits.

Among doctors, the right to the pension in question is enjoyed by all doctors - specialists, regardless of the name (as specifically indicated in the List; there was no such clarification in the List approved by the decree of September 22, 1999), except for statisticians, including doctors - heads of institutions and their structural divisions carrying out medical activities. Accordingly, the head physician has the right to a "medical" pension as the head of the institution, but, naturally, on the condition that he is engaged in medical activities; this is usually confirmed by an order of the institution. Similarly, the issue is resolved in relation to the deputy chief physician.

Thus, in this part, in comparison with the List approved by the resolution of September 22, 1999, there are no special changes.

There is one clarification regarding the positions of nursing staff. In the title of the position "head of the medical assistant's health center - medical assistant" (as it was written in the List, approved by the decree of 09.22.99), an addition appeared: "nurse". Thus, the right to a pension arises for persons whose position is called: "head of a medical assistant's health center - a nurse". There are no other changes in the names of positions in the List approved by the resolution of October 29, 2002.

Much more changes and clarifications are contained just in the "Names of institutions" section of the List approved by the decree of October 29, 2002. It should be noted that hospitals of all names include all specialized hospitals, the list of which was contained in clause 2 of the considered section of the List, approved by the decree of September 22, 1999. As an exception, only a psychiatric hospital (hospital) of a specialized type, including with intensive supervision, is specified in clause 2 separately in the List approved by the decree of October 29, 2002.

Preferential pension for health workers

In addition, as a separate item - item 3, the name "Republican Association for the Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of Disabled Children" was given, which was indicated in the list of specialized hospitals in the List approved by the decree of September 22, 1999.

Under the same general name in the List approved by the resolution of October 29, 2002, the following are also indicated:

hospitals of all names - p. 6;

polyclinics of all names - clause 9.

A number of names of institutions are given under a general (or generalized) name, without their specific decoding. The list, approved by the decree of October 29, 2002, was supplemented by some types of medical institutions that were not on the List.

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How is medical experience counted?

IMPORTANT! The main condition for the inclusion of the above periods in the SS is the implementation by the insured of payments to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Art. 11 of Law No. 400-FZ). How mediation is considered In order for work in hospitals to be counted in the SS, a physician must work full-time. Part-time work will not be taken into account in the seniority, except for cases of part-time work in several institutions at once, if as a result the employee is busy all day (clause 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "Rules for calculating work periods ..." dated October 29, 2002 No. 781, hereinafter - Resolution No. 781). The periods of work are taken into account in the seniority in a calendar order.

How is the medical experience calculated?

This means that on the basis of contributions to the Pension Fund, which the employer makes monthly for the employee, coefficients are accumulated that are taken into account when calculating pension payments. The legislation provides for a grace period for health workers to retire.
Preferential - this means that the total period of activity that gives the right to retire is reduced. What is included in medical experience? The medical experience includes the period of work, starting from the first day of employment and ending with the onset of the time when 25/30 years have been worked in medicine.
The number of years worked are legally valid, since on their basis the calculation and appointment of old-age pensions, disability and other social security charges for citizens is made.

Continuous medical experience. allowances for continuous medical experience


But this is not enough to go on a well-deserved rest ahead of time. In order to take advantage of the privilege, it is necessary to work for 30 years only in the health care sector in the city, or 25 years in the village, or 25 full years only in an educational institution.

The stated material clearly states that it is a continuous medical experience, but do not forget - everything is individual! Calculation of continuous work experience for people of mature age is an exclusively individual process, since it depends not only on the number of years worked, but also on the affiliation of the institution where the activity was carried out, as well as on the position held.

How to count medical experience

Medical experience in a private clinic In Russia, to this day, there are regulations from the Soviet era, when there were no market relations, and there were no private clinics.

With the advent of commercial medical institutions, it became necessary to take into account the length of service of doctors and in them.

But taking into account the fact that they were not mentioned in the regulatory legal acts, the doctors who worked in them until the onset of retirement age were denied the accrual of a preferential pension, although the total length of service was taken into account if the clinic had a license for medical activities. Recognition of the medical experience as sufficient for the preferential calculation of pensions took place in court.

In 2004, the Constitutional Court ruled that the form of ownership is not a basis for not recognizing the right of doctors to benefits.

Medical experience: how is it correctly considered and in what cases is it interrupted?

If this information is not enough, the periods of labor activity can be documented, namely the work book (hereinafter - TC) or, if it is not possible to establish information on the TC:

  • labor agreement;
  • help;
  • an extract from the order;
  • personal accounts, etc.

Those who worked under a civil law contract can confirm their MD with such documents as (clause 13 of Resolution No. 1015):

  • this agreement;
  • document of the organization, indicating the payment of mandatory payments for the employee.

In the event that the employee was not registered as an insured person, but carried out labor activities, this period of work can be confirmed on the basis of the testimony of witnesses (paragraph 5 of Resolution No. 1015).

Medical experience for the appointment of a preferential pension to employees of medical institutions

  • in the event of the dismissal of pregnant women or mothers - up to 14 years of age of a child or 16 years of a disabled child, provided that they get a job before the child reaches the specified age;
  • spouses of persons who were transferred to another region, or pensioners who retired due to old age - until the moment they actually retired to a new job.

IMPORTANT! The 16-year-old limit for caring for a disabled child was canceled by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 11.04.2005 No. GKPI04-1644. Termination of seniority at the initiative of the employer Termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer may be associated with the implementation of certain actions by the employee or have objective reasons (Art.
81 TC).

Preferential Pension for Medical Workers - Job List

Continuous MD remains for 3 months when:

  • a person dismissed due to temporary incapacity for work or disability, has restored the ability to work and is going to go to work;
  • an employee finds a job after dismissal due to inconsistency with work due to deterioration in health;

Paid work or internship in postgraduate studies, clinical residency, as well as training or advanced training (Article 187 of the Labor Code, appeal ruling of the Astrakhan Regional Court of 03/01/2017 in case No. 33-879 / 2017) does not interrupt. There are also periods that do not interrupt the experience, but are not included in it (p.

Retirement rules for preferential pensions for medical workers

  • For the period of work since 1999, only full-time or short-time work is counted.
  • Work experience includes work:
  • in the town;
  • in urban-type settlements;
  • in the village.

Labor activity in the village proceeds as a calendar year for 1 year and 3 months. Work in some medical positions provided for in the List is counted as one year in a year and a half. For the other part of the medical personnel, the activity does not increase the working year, that is, 1 calendar year is equal to 1 working year. Important: with mixed experience, partial addition is carried out. For example, for a position - a year for 1.6 years and for work in a village - a year for 1.3 years. In total, one calendar year goes for 1 year and 9 months.

Medical experience

This means that the premium for continuous medical experience cannot be the same amount of money. Everywhere its own salary. And the surcharge depends on him very much.

Also, the length of continuous medical experience plays a huge role. It is easy to guess that the longer the employee works, the higher the additional payments will be.

Therefore, this moment should also not be overlooked. It is this reason that becomes the main one when deciding on the further employment of a dismissed employee.

I don’t want to lose the allowances too much! Features of charges How to correctly charge the required surcharges? The allowance for continuous medical experience for part-time workers and other medical personnel is provided in different amounts. How to determine their size correctly? It has already been said that the charges will depend directly on the salary.

Important For example, family doctors for 3 years of experience are given 3 additional days of leave (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of ..." dated 30.12.1998 No. 1588). What periods are counted in the length of service As a general rule, the length of service (hereinafter referred to as SS) includes such periods as:

  • Work or other activity within the Russian Federation.
  • Work or other activities outside the Russian Federation.
  • Voluntary payment by a citizen or another person for him of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the PFR) within the framework of compulsory insurance.

Moreover, the duration of such a period should not exceed 50% of the length of service required to establish an old-age pension.

  • Other periods listed in the law.