Skin tension lines. Face lift massage. Technique, massage lines, zones, how to do acupressure. Why massage lines are needed

Langer's lines (Langer) - conditional lines on the surface of the skin, indicating the direction of its maximum extensibility. Named after the German anatomist, who in 1861 studied in detail the elastic properties of human skin (article "On the anatomy and physiology of the skin. On the splitting of the skin").


They are round or ribbon-like, straight or convoluted fibers of the connective tissue of the skin. If their number increases in a certain place, then they are connected by branches in the form of a network, which easily stretches in the direction of the fibers, and then takes on its original appearance.

Langer's studies also showed that the plexus of connective tissue fibers is a lattice formation of vascular bundles with loops stretched diagonally. The narrower the loops, the more parallel the vascular bundles are. According to Langer, the direction of movement of the elastic fibers of the skin is constant and is not the same in different areas of the body.

The importance of Langer lines in forensic medicine

Langer's lines and leather strength

The strength properties of the skin depend on the direction of the acting force relative to the orientation of the collagen fibers (Langer's lines). The maximum resistance is provided by the skin when the direction of action coincides with the orientation of these fibers; the specific tensile strength of the skin along the Langer lines requires a load almost 3 times higher than in the transverse direction.

The amount of the ultimate load leading to skin rupture

Changing the shape of damage

The shape of the wounds on the skin, after removing the wounding object, changes its shape. For example, wounds from the action of stabbing objects with a non-ribbed surface are not round, but slit-like, and their longitudinal dimensions in certain parts of the body are parallel.

The absence of dependence of changes in the size of the skin preparation after exposure to fixing solutions relative to the location of Langer's lines is noted.

Langer lines(cleavage lines) - skin tension lines; the lines of the skin along which it is maximally stretchable; the direction of the lines corresponds to the arrangement of the bundles of collagen fibers.

Proposed by S. R. Langer (German anatomist) in the article of 1861 “On the anatomy and physiology of the skin. On the splitting of the skin "(German" Zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Haut. Über die Spaltbarkeit der Cutis ").

Langer lines (cleavage lines) / Langer С.R. - 1861.

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Langer lines (cleavage lines) / Langer С.R. - 1861.

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/ Langer С.R. - 1861.

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Langer lines (cleavage lines) / Langer С.R. - 1861.

/ Langer С.R. - 1861.

Modern ideas about the structure of bone tissue: new research methods and possibilities of use in forensic medicine / Konev V.P., Shestel I.L., Moskovsky S.N. // Bulletin of forensic medicine. - Novosibirsk, 2016. - No. 2. - S. 40-44.

About morphometry of a normal heart / Gnatyuk M.S. // Forensic-medical examination. - M., 1978. - No. 3. - S. 18-20.

International anatomical terminology / L.L. Kolesnikov - 2003.

On the question of the metric parameters of the human body used in forensic medical examination / Kadochnikov D.S., Dzhuvalyakov S.G., Dzhuvalyakov P.G., Rakitin V.A. // Forensic-medical examination. - M., 2010. - No. 1. - S. 17-18.

Preparation Guide / Goncharov N.I., Speransky L.S. - 2004.

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As we age, we try to pay more attention to our face. Small wrinkles appear on it, and the contour becomes fuzzy. Systematic creams and masks help to cope with the problem. And to make their application as effective as possible will help the scheme of massage lines of the face.

Main aspects

Cosmetologists assure that when studying a number of actions and their sequence, each woman will be able to carry out such a procedure independently. Within a week, clear results will be noticeable:

  1. This massage helps to relax all tense muscles and brings a lot of pleasure from the process itself.
  2. Having studied the technique of the correct point effect, with its help you can establish most of the functions in your body.
  3. The skin is noticeably tightened, and in the right direction and in the right places, the flabby chin disappears, the oval of the face is leveled.
  4. The metabolism in cells is improved due to better blood circulation in this area. It helps to quickly clear the skin of pimples and inflammations.
  5. A general improvement in tone allows you to significantly slow down the processes of effort, get rid of age spots, edema and other age-related imperfections.

Parsing along the lines

Experts know that any procedure requires a clear direction of movement, in which all massage lines of the face and neck will be involved. Their scheme is a series of sections, each of which requires a special approach.

  • the chin,
  • cheeks,
  • the upper part of the eyes,

Correctly following the application scheme, you can direct the skin in the right direction and avoid excessive stretching.

Right direction

The scheme of facial massage lines will make any cosmetic procedure several times more effective. The latter is performed in the following directions:

- the movement begins in the chin area and follows the massage lines up and to the sides;

- the neck is necessarily involved, which is one of the first to give out real age;

- from the chin, lips and nose, the lines diverge to the earlobes;

- the bridge of the nose is massaged along, special attention is paid to the glabellar zone, where the first wrinkles are often formed;

- in the forehead area, the lines go to the temples and up.

A careful study of the right directions will help to achieve better results, improve the functioning of internal organs and ensure the supply of the required amount of oxygen to the cells.

The art of massage

There are many varieties of this process. Moisturizing is necessary for recovery, drainage promotes high-quality removal of toxins, massage with glycolic acid exfoliates well, and thanks to deep cleaning, you can quickly get rid of blackheads. All of them use massage lines for the face and neck. A detailed scheme of such a procedure is known to every specialist in a beauty salon.

  • Before starting the procedure, the specialist will certainly conduct a consultation, find out all the wishes of the client, select the massage option he needs, and conduct an allergic test for the components that are part of the applied funds.
  • This is followed by deep cleansing of the area with a mild product, scrub, steam bath or hot herbal compress.
  • The client is placed in a comfortable chair for complete relaxation, any type of massage involves complete relaxation and enjoyment of the process.

The choice of a specialist should be approached strictly individually, taking into account the experience of his work. Salon massage should be performed at least once a month.

Ultrasound massage

Often, cosmetologists use additional means to enhance the effect of the procedure - mechanical and hardware, during the application of which all massage lines of the face are involved (diagram). The ultrasonic massager is now the most widely used. The essence of its action lies in the directed work of ultrasonic waves, which have a most positive effect on the appearance of the skin, eliminating inflammation and minor defects on it. To obtain an ideal result, this procedure is recommended to be performed every other day. It is absolutely painless, suitable for all skin types and is very fond of women.

Home massage

If the scheme of facial massage lines is well studied, a similar procedure can be carried out at home, and a mesoscooter can be used as an effective additional tool. For such purposes, a device with a maximum needle length of up to one millimeter is recommended. They create microscopic punctures on the skin, which accelerate the processes of its regeneration.

  • Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Improves skin nutrition and hydration.
  • An auxiliary capillary network is formed, which improves blood flow.
  • The skin is denser, the overall complexion is evened out.

In addition, such punctures affect certain points of the face, positively affecting the nervous system and the work of internal organs. The absorption of cosmetics applied to the massage lines of the face is improved. The scheme for the mesoscooter is fully consistent with other types of massage and excludes only the effect on the lower area around the eyes.

Techniques and techniques

The procedure is recommended to be performed daily before bedtime. The scheme of facial massage lines will help to make it as high quality as possible, and the whole process will take no more than fifteen minutes. Experts recommend that you definitely combine it with proper nutrition, then the results will not be long in coming. The most commonly used techniques for its implementation are:

  • tonic - quite energetic, includes pinching and patting;
  • relaxing - assumes complete relaxation and light stroking movements; for it, you can additionally use your favorite moisturizer, which provides softness to the action;

Techniques can be combined, starting the procedure with stroking and gradually moving on to more active actions - strong and intense, each of which leads to a separate result:

  • light pats all with the plane of the palm strengthen the skin well, make it dense and elastic;
  • tapping with the knuckles tones up and has a positive effect on the work of nerve endings;
  • tweezing thickens the top layer of the skin, allows you to get rid of fuzzy contours and a flabby chin.

Facial massage lines are a very important aspect in all respects. The scheme for applying cream, masks and other useful components depends entirely on their location. In order for the substances to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, cosmetologists recommend strictly adhering to the movements along the lines. This does not mean that the cream will not work with a simple application, but this will maximize its benefits.

  • try to choose only natural products for massage and subsequent skin care, which do not contain parabens and petroleum products; you can use homemade products from several types of oils (base and essential);
  • actions should be vigorous, but soft, not damaging the skin, but only bringing it into tone - a good result will be obtained from complex procedures, including contrasting washing and high-quality moisturizing of the face.

You certainly want to look beautiful and, it would seem, are doing everything for this: determined your skin type, selected the right creams, lotions, masks, tonics, etc. But, do you know how to properly apply all these necessary cosmetics?

It is not enough just to gently distribute the cream or mask over the face, it is important to do it along the massage lines. What it is? Let's figure it out now.

What are facial massage lines

This is the name of the directions along the vectors of which the skin is subjected to the least stretching. With proper skin care, it is extremely important to follow these guidelines when carrying out home cosmetic procedures. It doesn't matter what exactly you do: apply a cream or mask, cleanse your skin with lotion or tonic, self-massage your face - in any case, this must be done along the massage lines.

Only in this way your skin will not experience stress as a result of improper mechanical action on it, only in this way it will maintain elasticity and avoid premature wrinkles.

Where are the massage lines of the face or how to apply the cream correctly ( mask) on the face, forehead and neck

  • neck: in the central part - from bottom to top, on the sides - from top to bottom;
  • the chin: from the center to the cheekbones and further to the earlobes;
  • cheeks: from the corners of the lips - to the middle of the ear, from the center of the upper lip - to the upper part of the ear;
  • how to apply cream around the eyes: in a circle - inner corner of the eye, upper eyelid, outer corner of the eye, lower eyelid ( you can change the direction of movement one by one);
  • forehead: from the center to the temples ( slightly angled down);
  • nose: from top to bottom along the bridge of the nose and from the bridge of the nose to the cheeks.

Remembering the massage lines of the face is not difficult, just look at the picture and repeat it several times in practice. To facilitate the memorization process, just take a picture of the diagram below on your smartphone, then you can quickly use such a "cheat sheet" at any time.

A few more important points

No rubbing ( rubbing) movements, they lead to the formation of wrinkles, especially around the eyes. Movements should be light sliding or tapping. In the process, two fingers of each hand are involved - the ring and middle, and around the eyes you only need to work with the ring fingers.

Of course, there are other ways to work with massage lines, for example, plastic and pinch massages. They are used for problematic and aging skin, but it is better to do them not on your own, but to trust professional masters, because the process is much longer and more complicated than a simple "classic" method of self-massage.

When massaging the face, do not do it "dry", be sure to use a small amount of cream or oil, after cleansing the skin. The massage is carried out with light strokes, without stretching the skin, along the massage lines in the following sequence:

  1. neck, chin,
  2. cheeks,
  3. eye area.

Repeat each movement ten times before moving on to the next section.


Disconnection of soft tissues (incision) the surgeon performs the following indications: emptying the abscess, biopsy, removal of a small tumor or foreign body. The length, direction, shape and depth of the incision vary depending on the nature and location of the pathological process. Consider some general principles of soft tissue separation.

The skin is dissected with a sharp abdominal scalpel, adhering to Langer's lines (Fig. 6) and the direction of the skin folds, which is beneficial from a cosmetic point of view. In cases where the intervention is performed with the aim of emptying the abscess, it is better to make the incision perpendicular to the skin folds, especially in the axillary region. Together with the skin, the subcutaneous tissue is usually dissected. Deep-lying tissues (fascia, aponeurosis, muscles) are severed along the course of their fibers by a sharp (scalpel, scissors) or blunt way.

Rice. 6. Layout of Langer's lines.

All soft tissue incisions produce strictly anatomically, that is, layer by layer and taking into account the topographic and anatomical features of a given area (vessels, nerves, glands, tendons). This primarily applies to incisions in the neck and hand. In outpatient operations, the shape of the incision is usually linear or oval (outlining the incision), and the depth does not go beyond the subcutaneous tissue and muscles (Fig. 7, a). Performing interventions involving penetration into body cavities (chest, abdominal, joints) is considered a gross mistake.

Rice. 7. Diagram of the incision and tissue connections (a-d).

Tissue bonding produced in layers by applying various seams. Muscles, subcutaneous tissue are sutured with catgut or thin nylon sutures (Fig. 7, b, c). Their separate stitching contributes to better contact of the edges of the wound and healing. However, several layers can also be stitched together, especially for small cuts. It is important that the same layers of tissue are taken from both sides into the seam, to the same depth and through the entire thickness. Skin sutures are selected depending on the location of the incision. On open parts of the body, in particular on the face, for cosmetic reasons, use a thin suture material - nylon or silk No. 00, on closed parts and with a noticeable tension of the edges of the wound - silk No. 3 or 4. Sutures should not be too frequent, they are not applied closer than 1 cm from each other, leaving 0.5 cm from the edge of the wound. The latter do not tighten tightly, but only bring them to contact. The nodes are placed not on the cut line, but on the side, and on one side (Fig. 7, d).

Rice. 8. Applying a cosmetic suture.

On the face and neck, after removal of dermoid cysts, hemangiomas, etc., it is more correct to apply a cosmetic suture with an atraumatic needle (Fig. 8), since it leaves an inconspicuous scar.

In some cases, during excision of tumors, a tissue deficit is formed, and when the edges of the wound approach, a significant tension is created along the suture line, which adversely affects healing. In such cases, the skin is mobilized around the circumference of the wound to the width of the defect, after which the edges are usually brought together without tension. But if it remains, it is better to make additional laxative skin incisions on the sides in a checkerboard pattern. The resulting wounds are closed with a sterile gauze napkin, which is fixed with a bandage or adhesive plaster. Usually, the suture line is closed with a gauze sticker or, which is much more convenient, with special pastes (for example, Novikov's liquid).

Removal of stitches usually produce on the 7th-8th day. However, it is always necessary to take into account the peculiarities of each specific case. On the face, so that a rough scar does not remain, it is permissible to remove the stitches on the 4th day, but at the same time it is advisable to strengthen the line of seams with a strip of adhesive plaster for 3-4 days.

Guide to Pediatric Outpatient Surgery.-L.: Medicine. -1986

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- Provision of surgical care in the clinic: anesthesia in the clinic

- Operations for dislocations of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar vertebrae

- Operations on the joints of the foot

Langer lines

The lines of maximum tension are used during any procedure on the skin of the face (for example: make-up remover, cleansing, moisturizing with cream, serum and / or ampoule). The above procedures should be followed as follows.

  1. In the front of the neck, from the base of the neck to the chin.
  2. From the chin to the earlobe along the jaw line.
  3. From the corner of the mouth towards the tragus ear cartilage. Langer's line from the wings of the nose running along the cheekbones to the top of the ear cartilage.
  4. When applying cosmetics on the nose, it is worth starting from the wings of the nose and going vertically to the side
    the base of the nose and in the area of ​​the forehead, changing the direction to weight.
  5. The skin around the eyes is very thin. Therefore, she needs special care, which must take into account Langer's lines. The skin around the eyes should not be stretched. Any product should be rubbed in with light patting movements using the pads of 3 or 4 fingers.
    The least tension can be achieved using circular massage movements starting from the inner corner of the upper eyelid towards the outer corner of the eye, continuing along the lower eyelid towards the base of the nose.

Observing the daily ritual of cleaning and moisturizing along the Langer lines, the elasticity of the skin is maintained, the mimic muscles are strengthened, the swelling of the skin is reduced, which in turn slows down the formation of wrinkles.

Science has known for a long time about the existence of such a substance as collagen. These are protein filaments present in connective tissue, namely in the intercellular substance. Collagen provides firmness and elasticity to the fibers. This substance forms a kind of beams. Langer's lines are located in their direction.

Discovery history and subsequent research

In 1861, the scientist Langer released his work "To the anatomy and physiology of the skin. On the splitting of the skin. " It was in it that he described the presence of conventionally drawn lines on the surface of the skin, along which it is most extensible.

Langer studied the properties of the skin, such as elasticity, and noticed that the skin was more elastic in some directions than in others. He attributed this phenomenon to the placement of collagen bundles under the skin in these places. He stated that in different parts of the body, elastic fibers have different directions.

Along the cleavage lines, the leather is much more durable. The scientist established this empirically, using the skin on the corpses. In our time, researchers have tried to give more accurate data on this phenomenon by doing experiments on the skin of animals. Of course, animal skin is significantly different from human skin. Therefore, the information obtained in this way left many questions.

Scientists at University College Dublin in Ireland and personally Professor Aisling Ni Annaidh tried to obtain accurate information. To conduct the research, they needed about fifty-six fragments of skin (taken from cadaveric material).

The research data confirmed Langer's hypotheses, but the question of the origin of this phenomenon remained open. This is probably just a feature of the influence of forces that act when the skin is attached to the body, but it can also be anatomically determined. That is, it is possible that the skin itself has hidden structures that form Langer's lines.

The main conclusion from all studies of this phenomenon can be made by the fact that the existence of Langer lines simply needs to be taken into account by many specialists in different directions. Starting from surgery and ending with cosmetology, for a more effective effect on the skin, you need to know the features of Langer's lines.

Langer lines on the face

To reduce the consequences after surgery, including plastic ones, as well as for a more effective work of the cosmetologist, it is necessary to know exactly where Langer's lines are located on the face (cleavage lines).

These lines on the face are as follows:

  1. Along the line from the chin to the earlobes.
  2. From the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears.
  3. From the wings of the nose to the upper tips of the ears.
  4. From the middle of the nose to the temples.
  5. On the nose: from the tip of the nose to the bridge of the nose along the back and from the bridge of the nose to the wings.
  6. Upper eyelid: in a semicircle from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer.
  7. Lower eyelid: in a semicircle from the outer corner of the eyelid to the inner one.
  8. Forehead: from the middle of the forehead to the temples; from the eyebrow line straight up to the hairline.
  9. Neck: The front of the neck has fibers from bottom to top, and the side is from top to bottom.

It is not so difficult to remember the location of these lines, but they should definitely be taken into account when cleaning your face and removing makeup, and even when applying make up. These procedures should be carried out strictly in the direction of these lines, avoiding stretching the skin. Apply makeup on the surface of the nose from the wings vertically to the base of the nose, and starting from the forehead, change the direction towards the temples.

The skin in the area of ​​the eyes is the thinnest and in no case should it be stretched either when applying or removing makeup. It is better to rub in the products with patting movements, and remove makeup with circular massage movements. The application of cosmetics to the face should take place along the stretch lines, which will keep the skin more elastic. Proper care prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Langer lines on the body and head

Obviously, collagen bundles are located in a certain direction not only on the face, but throughout the body. For a better understanding, you should consider the figure.

Langer's lines on the body are usually located in the places of natural folds of the skin, since they are directed perpendicular to the muscles, so that when the muscle is strained, the collagen bundles are not damaged. As we can see, Langer's lines are placed horizontally on the arms, parallel to each other. Also in the center of the back and on the back of the legs. The lines run parallel to the ribs, bend around the pectoral muscles in front and the shoulder blades in the back. On the buttocks, directed from the center to the edges from bottom to top. On the front of the leg, above the knee, the lines are vertical. All these features are usually taken into account by surgeons during operations, massage therapists and cosmetologists.

When we need to determine the location of Langer's lines in places where there are no natural folds or wrinkles, we can do the following: squeeze a section of skin with your fingers, first along and then across. If skin folds appear, then there are Langer lines, if the surface is smooth, this area does not correspond to the direction of the lines.

Langer's lines are located not only on the face, but all over the head. Their location is important to consider when transplanting hair, for example.

Langer's lines in the upper half of the forehead are parallel to the hairline.

  • At about eye level, a horizontal line wraps around the back of the skull.
  • Between this line and the hairline there are lines perpendicular to them that go around the skull.
  • Between the same line and the horizontal line dividing the area of ​​hair growth and the neck, there are the same lines perpendicular to them, enveloping the skull. For a better understanding, you should pay attention to the figure below.

Science has known about the existence of Langer's lines for more than one hundred and fifty years. This knowledge is actively used by cosmetologists all over the world, and, of course, by surgeons. Considering this phenomenon, it is possible to more effectively influence the skin and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

When there is an impact on the skin without taking into account this factor, the collagen bundles are more likely to wear out. As a result, the elasticity of the skin decreases, it ages more likely and wrinkles appear earlier. Everyone needs knowledge about Langer's lines in everyday life in order to properly care for their skin.

It is also necessary to remember that it is important to apply cosmetics not only along the massage lines (Langer's lines), but also at a certain time. The skin has its own biorhythms when it is best adapted to cosmetic procedures. More information about the biorhythms of the skin is written on the pages of the Aesthetic Portal.

Skin: function and structure.

Now we will turn to biology a little, and consider the skin as a living organism.
The artist is accustomed to working on canvas, and since a make-up artist is a make-up artist, his main surface of work is human skin, which in terms of its scale is the largest organ, the area of ​​which in an adult individual at times varies from 1.5 m2 to 2, 3 m², and approximately 15% of the total body weight. One of its main functions is protective: to protect the body from the effects of the external environment, free radicals, ultraviolet rays, damage to internal organs. It provides external respiration, participates in thermoregulation, in metabolic and excretory processes of the body.
Like a fabric, it is elastic, porous, durable, waterproof, antibacterial, sensitive. At low temperatures (cold), the lumens of the vessels of the skin are reduced, therefore, less heat is accounted for, more heat preservation. When the temperature rises, the pores and blood vessels expand, then metabolic processes proceed faster and more intensively, sweating increases and the skin loses a lot of moisture. But do not forget that the intensity of heat transfer will also depend on the humidity of the air (climate), and the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue (including racial characteristics).
We examined the main functions of the skin, now let's look at its structure. The skin consists of three layers: the outer layer is the epidermis, the middle layer is the skin itself, or the dermis, and the inner layer is the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Each layer performs its own function.
The task of the makeup artist will be to work with the uppermost layer of the skin - the epidermis, since decorative cosmetics are designed for external use and should not affect the lower layers of the skin. Now we will touch on the structure of the epidermis and work with it in more detail, and only superficially then we will touch upon the features of the functions and structure of other layers.
The epidermis is 0.07-2.5 mm thick. In appearance, it resembles a narrow strip, although in fact it consists of 5 layers: horny, shiny, granular, prickly and basal (sprout). The last layer contains such an important pigment as melanin.
The upper layers of the epidermis are horny, forming a keratin (stratum corneum) layer, while in its lower basal (germ) layer, on the contrary, cells are constantly formed. Keratinized cells serve as a protective surface, but they constantly die off and peel off, being replaced by new ones. The path of a new cell from the basal layer to the keratin layer takes approximately 2-4 weeks. In childhood, cell renewal is faster, due to the fact that the body is growing, with age, this speed of reproduction gradually fades away, visible aging processes begin to manifest themselves when the number of dead cells exceeds the number of new ones.
Therefore, it is very important to take good care of the skin, cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturize it at least 2-3 times a day. In the morning, to put it in order after sleep and metabolic processes, because the body does not stop working when our consciousness is turned off. For lunch, those who have problem skin and well-developed subcutaneous tissue. This requires additional toning, fat removal. In the evening, since during the day it is exposed to external factors (sun, dust, environment), sweats, removes metabolic products, thereby becoming polluted. Also, before applying decorative cosmetics to the skin, it must be cleaned of cells that have already peeled off during the day (with cleansing drugs, or tonic), so that later you can apply cosmetics to clean, smooth and even skin. Indeed, the quality and purity of the work will depend on the condition of the skin. There is even such a saying: that there is no better makeup than clean and well-groomed skin.
Let's go back to the epidermis: its deep layers contain pigment cells. They produce the pigment melanin, which affects hair color and skin color in this case, as well as the acquisition of one or another shade of tan. Melanins absorb ultraviolet rays, and thereby protect the tissues of the deep layers of the skin from radiation exposure, deactivate free radicals, and is a catalyst for many biochemical processes. Thus, it is an integral part of the body's immune system. For a makeup artist, the melanin level determines a person's contrast level and their complexion.
The more melanin the skin contains, the darker it is. Its largest amount is found in the skin of the Negroid race, Indians, Indonesians, etc. Most peoples who live in the equatorial and subequatorial zones, with an equatorial and tropical climate, have a high percentage of melanin in their skin, and as a result, dark and dark skin serves as protection from intense ultraviolet radiation. A slightly smaller pigment of melanin is found in peoples living in the subtropical zone, with a Mediterranean and subtropical climate: in the Latin, Eastern, Asian peoples. The average melanin content can be roughly attributed to people living in a continental climate. And the smallest percentage of pigment will be contained in the skin of people living in the subpolar and polar belts, i.e. among northern peoples, a low pigment content has also developed historically, due to not intense solar radiation, and simply in the absence of the need for protection from it. And due to the cold and the contraction of the vascular lumen, it will seem even lighter, bluer and thinner.
The epidermis is practically impervious to water and solutions based on it. Fat-soluble substances penetrate better through the epidermis due to the fact that the cell membranes contain a large amount of fat and these substances seem to "dissolve" in the cell membranes. Therefore, many preparations contain emulsifiers that "combine" water and fatty bases. Also, there are no blood vessels in the epidermis, and its nutrition occurs due to the diffusion of tissue fluid from the underlying layer of the dermis.
The next layer of cells is the dermis, or the skin itself. This is the inner layer of the skin, which has a thickness of 0.5 to 5 mm. It consists of two layers: papillary and reticular. The reticular layer consists of loose connective tissue, which includes the extracellular matrix and cellular elements. The reticular layer consists of loose connective tissue, which includes the extracellular matrix and cellular elements. The basis of cells in the dermis is fibroblast, which synthesizes the extracellular matrix, including collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin.
The dermis contains hair follicles, a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels that provide nutrition to the skin, also participates in heat exchange, pain and sensory nerves are located in it, as well as receptors (which branch into all layers of the skin and are responsible for its sensitivity). The excretory function in it is performed by sweat and sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands secrete fat, which lubricates the hair, skin and makes them elastic, protects the skin from the external environment, makes the skin waterproof, bactericidal (sebum, together with sweat, creates an acidic environment on the skin surface, which adversely affects microorganisms). Sweat glands participate in heat exchange, remove such decay products as water (in the form of sweat), thereby maintaining a constant body temperature, cooling it and preventing overheating.

And now we will consider the structural features of the extracellular matrix, which is synthesized by the fibroblast, as well as its functions. The extracellular matrix sucking consists of two main components: the fibrillar part and the matrix.
The fibrillar part is the fibers of collagen, elastin, and reticulin, which form the skeleton of the skin. Intertwining with each other, collagen fibers form a network that is located almost on the surface of the skin under the epidermis. It is the skeleton that gives the skin its strength.
In the face area, collagen fibers create a special dense network, which is strictly laid and ordered so that it forms lines of least stretch - Langer's lines, which are also massage lines. It is along these lines that massage is performed and cosmetics are applied so as not to stretch the skin and not provoke the formation of wrinkles (this massage is best performed with the weakest fingers - ring fingers).
At a young age, collagen fibers are strong enough and provide the skin with mobility and flexibility, while maintaining its elasticity and shape.
All this can be compared to an armored bed, the basis of which is a metal mesh. While the bed is new, the iron springs quickly return to their original position, but over time, the springs begin to sag and the bed loses its shape. Likewise, our skin - while we are young, our springs (collagen fibers) keep their shape perfectly, and with age they begin to sag.
The matrix (matrix or amorphous component) in its structure most of all resembles a gel and consists of polysaccharides. The most famous of them are chitosan, seaweed polysaccharides, hyaluronic acid.
It is the components of the extracellular matrix, both amorphous and fibrillar, that create the skin from the inside. By themselves, saccharides do not form fibers, but they fill in all the gaps between
connective cells and fibers. It is through them that the interstitial transport of all substances occurs.
As a result, it is the state of the dermis (water content in the polysaccharide gel, the integrity of collagen fibers, etc.) that determines the state of the epidermis and the healthy appearance of the skin.

Massage line drawing

And the last thing we will touch on will be the hypodermis or subcutaneous fatty tissue - the deepest layer of the skin. It consists of loose connective tissue, which is rich in fat cells. The thickness of this layer is different and depends on the lifestyle, nutrition, metabolism. Fat is involved in thermoregulation and thermal insulation processes, preventing the body from hypothermia or overheating, it also protects tissues and organs from mechanical stress. Fat cells are also a depot in which fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, F, K) can be stored. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is very important as a mechanical support for the outer layers of the skin. The skin, in which this layer is poorly expressed, usually has more wrinkles and folds, and "ages" faster.

Why is it so important to learn and always apply the Langer line rule?

Nothing preserves beauty and youth more than gentle care and care for the skin from birth! of course, every age has its own rules. The most important thing is not to miss the moment and prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles!

It would seem that everyone has heard about the existence of some mythical massage lines, along which any cosmetic procedures should be performed. But, nevertheless, even those who know and have heard do not always observe this rule.

And in vain.

Of course, if you apply the same cream 1-2 times outside the massage lines, a disaster will not happen. But the fact is that you apply the cream at least 2 times a day, which means 365 * 2 = 730 times a year!

Therefore, these lines must be learned, then this skill must be inscribed in your life so that it becomes your good habit!

To understand the very essence of this concept - Langer's lines, I present to your attention a small encyclopedic reference:

“The lines of least stretch of skin were discovered by the German anatomist Langer in 1861 as a result of a study of the elastic properties of skin. Therefore, experts call these lines Langer lines.

The essence of this discovery is that collagen fibers in the skin do not lie chaotically, but in a certain order. The elasticity of the skin depends on this - along the lines of Langer, the skin is stretched 3 times less than across. Wounds will form a smaller scar if the wound is along this line. This fact is used by plastic surgeons and cosmetologists in their work. "

✅All movements with your hands on your face - whether you apply cream, mask, remove makeup or wash your face - should be done along massage lines☝

Treat your skin as gently as possible, as rough touching will stretch the skin and leave it sluggish