Lyrical congratulations. Beautiful congratulations to the woman on her birthday. Happy birthday I congratulate you

Changing masks, tasting
Moments of joy and sweet moments
Always be happy. And remember by heart:
You are the most beautiful in the world.
Happy Birthday!

May everyone be happy for the minutes
Full of tender words and smiles
Life gives beautiful emotions
And the aroma of novelty will captivate!

Complements, flowers, admiration,
Fulfillment of dreams, new meetings,
Find inspiration in every day
And cherish the warmth in your heart!

More light, pleasure,
Fragrant flowers, sweet songs,
Warmth, peace of mind,
Comfort in the house and prosperity.

Great mood
We sincerely wish you now!
May all be filled with moments
Good and happiness! Congratulations!

Warmth and happiness on this holiday
With all my heart I want to wish
So that from smiles, beautiful feelings
All days could be happier.

And so that the words are softer,
Than silk of flower petals
And let all the moments give
Sincerity, joy and love!

Let people give kind words!
Let, like the most beautiful flowers,
Fate will be as bright and beautiful
And in it - you will always be happy!

On your birthday, you are so beautiful
And everyone around is in a hurry to congratulate!
May all dreams come true today
Which I could have imagined!

Hope the same pussy
How long have I known you
You remain first on the list
Beauties, with which I congratulate.

Hope health is normal
And optimism is all right;
That you stay in the best shape
Thanks to the love of exercise.

Hope in abundance
You remain the same pussy
And you love everything that we loved
And you laugh at adversity.

You keep so aloof
Diligently moving away
I don't even know if there will be
Read these words ...

I want you to be happy
Healthy, beautiful, joyful,
Rich like Monte Cristo
And the main thing is always right!

I want to tell my beloved Sagittarius
No words, no feelings, no heart sparing,
Like beauty and youth to face
To you, dear, a year before the anniversary.

I want the main thing in fate to come true,
So that the children meet all hopes
So that all the beautiful in the soul responded,
Making you happy as before.

On this day, excitement is forgivable
Without which the main thing will not be expressed:
Accept Happy Birthday congratulations,
Dear Tatyana Nikolaevna!

May all the most cherished come true
May your health not leave you,
Let only a memorable, joyful, bright
He walks next to you every day.

Let the cheerful, carefree laughter of daughters
Warms the soul, without stopping,
Well, a couple of dear to the heart Moorek
Gives songs, lapping milk.

Be happy, always loved
Let finance not sing romances
May luck not pass by
And any balances converge.

I wish my brother-in-law good luck
I wish him love
Solutions to a complex problem,
And so that the nightingales sing songs,
I wish you a birthday
Warmth, love and respect! ©

I wish you joy
My dear brother,
Happiness without end and edge,
And be yourself
I wish you my dear
So that there are no uninvited guests! ©

I wish you, my dear, cousin, that you never surrender to the mercy of the winner, that you never lose heart. I wish you that ringing children's laughter always sounded in your house, so that the birds of paradise sang under your window. On your birthday, I wish you to fly up the career ladder to the sky, but remain the same bright, gentle and pure person. ©

On your birthday, wonderful, cheerful and bright I wish you, my wonderful cousin, that you successfully study at school, so that you do not turn up your nose, so that you believe in miracles. I wish you to be adored by all the most beautiful girls, so that you have enough pocket money for ice cream, sweets and cakes for beautiful ladies. May all your most cherished desires come true, and your dreams remain the same colorful and bright. ©

I wish you, cousin,
My dear and glorious,
I wish you that the trolley
Luckily I took you away

I wish you sister
Beautiful and wonderful
So that you find the Amur arrow,
And to be dreamy

So that the most vulgar dreams
Cousin and wonderful
You could fulfill
After all, it is more interesting to live with erotica! ©

I wish you honey
To be the happiest
And she was sweet

I wish you, beauty,
Well, straight, super model,
I wish you all to like it,
Let the husband be a beast in bed

Let it not live sour
And the cabbage crunches in the wallet,
I wish in my mind to sum up the numbers,
Which the bosses are saving up for you! ©

Happy birthday, friend!
I want to tell you how I need you!
How you help with your advice,
Everything that you promised, you fulfill!

Such a friend is a dear find!
Believe me, I know it for sure!
I thank you for this,
I wish you joy in life, light!

May all your desires come true
Let your relatives give you all your attention,
And not only on your birthday!
Joy, good luck and fun! ©

I would like to wish happy birthday to the most wonderful and dear friend, excellent advisor, reliable assistant and partner, happy birthday! I want to wish you everything this life is rich in. So that you have everything you want. I wish you attention from women and a cheerful mood. ©

I want to congratulate the pensioner
Have a wonderful day,
Happy birthday
Let's sing together.

At this time, life begins
You can do a lot for yourself
May fate smile at you
Let your eyes shine clearly.

I wish you prosperity and happiness
So that there are no problems in life,
I wish you travel and passion
And the absence of difficult dilemmas. ©

On the birthday of a pensioner
I will say simple words
Happy Birthday,
After all, we are not strangers.

I wish you inspiration and strength
So that the back does not hurt and the legs,
So that you work out in the gym,
To run along the road.

Let the joints not ache with pain
Gray hair will not appear,
May today's holiday be special
You will really like it. ©

May your life be wonderful
Blooming like a spring garden
Magic, light, interesting
And as bright as heaven!

Smile to your loved ones more often
Give warmth of the soul by loving!
Stay cheerful, bright!
All colors of happiness are for you!

2. As a Goddess, you are beautiful!

As a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And you bloom day by day!
A lot - a lot of happiness for you
Joy, love, kindness!
Walk more cheerfully through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

3. They say love is not verbose

They say love is not wordy
Suffer, think, figure it out.
This is all, in my opinion, conditional,
We are people, we are not crucians.
And if you really want to,
So that your head is dizzy
Speak, speak, speak
The nicest words!

4. We wish you sunshine

We wish you sunshine
Guests at the festive table!
May your life be warmed
Love, joy, warmth!
May time be a kind doctor -
We wish you good health,
Smiles, happiness and good luck!

5. Let the sun shine tenderly

Let the sun shine tenderly
Radiant and welcoming
Flowers in a crystal vase
They stand coquettishly in the water,

The smile will be joyful
Always like a birthday
And the whole year will be
Happy continuation!

6. I can't stop looking at you.

I can’t stop looking at you.
Today you are especially beautiful!
And I want to be silent and kiss.
Steal you. Arrange a holiday for you.

Get the star. Blow out all the candles as soon as possible.
To fulfill at least one of your desires.
Darling, I am happy to meet you.
I remember our first date.

But we could have just missed each other.
How would it be then? Why would I be and where am I?
With all my heart I wish ... to wake up
With you the morning after your birthday!

7. I want to wish you a lot of luck.

I want to wish you a lot of luck.
So that you rest in your own dacha,
So that there is prosperity in the house, smiles and laughter,
So that you are the best example for everyone!

Live richly, do not know sorrow,
So that your loved ones do not upset you.
Let the years-adversity pass by
And you always stay young.

8. A bouquet of flowers - fragrant, fragrant

A bouquet of flowers - fragrant, fragrant,
An unexpected, wonderful gift,
And the compliment is exquisite, pleasant,
And the conversation is sincere, interesting ...
Smiles, sounds of beautiful music,
Exciting bright moments
And everything that can make life happier
Let this birthday give!

9. I want to wish you a birthday

I want to wish you a birthday
So that happiness spreads like honey!
In life, everything to be on the shoulder!
So that your beloved remains forever!
So that the native voices of friends
Distributed more often in this house!
And so that in your eternal music
There were only dawns of happiness!

10. Everyone knows you sweet, tender

Everyone knows you sweet, tender,
Although you can flare up.
I want to wish you
Only joy in fate.
So that more than a dozen years
Brought to others warmth and light.
You take life easier.
Dream, work, have fun

11. May this Day that you meet

May this Day that you meet
A happy date will enter your life,
And all the good things you dream about
Let it come true and let it come.
May the doors open in happiness
And everything that will be lived is not in vain.
You should know: we believe in you very much
And we love you very much!

12. I sincerely congratulate you.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Keep youthful hearts for people.
Illuminating with her gentle gaze,
Warm up the atmosphere of your soul!
What you give to people will respond
And will not sink into distant distances,
Seven times, will return with love,
And any sorrow will pass!

13. Sweetheart, gentle, light, clean

Sweetheart, gentle, bright, clean,
May this day when you were born
Happiness will smile at you radiant
Trouble and sorrow will pass the attack.
May it never, never end
Your faith in the coming of spring
May all dreams and hopes come true
Tales and dreams become reality ...

14. In all seriousness, without any laughter

In all seriousness, without any laughter
I want to wish you only success
Success in work, success in salary
Success with your beloved man in bed
At the beach resort of success in tanning
Evening success at the dance and bar
Away success and home success
Once again, success in love joys
Wherever you have to sail or go
Everywhere and always I wish you success!

15. Your birthday is a bright day!

Your birthday is a bright day!
Let the lilac not bloom now
Do not smell of roses under the window
But is it just that?
Look into the eyes of your friends,
What could be warmer in their eyes?
They have roses and lilacs,
There is a sea of ​​affection in them that day!

16. Although a little sad, on your birthday

Although a little sad, on my birthday
Smiles bloom everywhere like flowers
Give life magical moments
And cherished dreams will come true!

May joy be a frequent guest in the house
And tomorrow will be better than yesterday!
Good luck to the faithful and great happiness!
Warmth, love, success and kindness!

17. We want to say warm words

We want to say warm words
Happy birthday to mom.
About today's celebration
Let's start reading congratulations.

Love you our mommy accept
And I'm sorry for the actions that are not good.
You smile and bloom like a rose
Give us love and warmth!

You are still beautiful and slender
Be young for ever!
May spring please more than once
And the guiding star shines!

18. Beautiful, gentle and cheerful

Beautiful, tender and cheerful,
Charming, crazy
Always beloved and in love
Eternally young in soul,
With fire in my chest, with a dream in my heart
Unreachable like a star
And an unsolved riddle
You stay forever!

19. On the long-awaited birthday

On the long-awaited birthday
We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
Happiness, joy, fun
We want to wish you
So that worries and sorrows
You never knew
So that health and good luck
Were always side by side!

https: // site / s-dnem-rozhdeniya-zhenshhine /

20. The scent of all flowers

The scent of all colors
And the blush of dawn
We are ready for you
Give this day.
All that light is
And big in fate,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

21. Let it be as you want

Let it be as you want
Let expectations not be deceived
And all the beautiful dreams
Let them become reality!

22. The beautiful angel is pure and holy

A beautiful angel is pure and holy -
You are a woman - the crown of the union.
Beautiful, who is to blame?
The poet revived muse ...
Cherishing all the love
What they gave us from the world
Keeper of hearths
You were blessed from heaven.
Know how to be beautiful for the good,
What would people open their mouths
I wish you today
Big and sweet love.

23. May everyone be happy minutes

May everyone be happy for the minutes
Full of tender words and smiles
Life gives beautiful emotions
And the aroma of novelty will captivate!
Complements, flowers, admiration,
Fulfillment of dreams, new meetings,
Find inspiration in every day
And cherish the warmth in your heart!

24. On your birthday, congratulations from us - this time.

On your birthday, congratulations from us - this time.
We send kind words - that's two.
Being ahead all the time is three.
To live with everyone in friendship, in peace - it seems to be four.
Never lose heart is five.
To multiply all there is is six.
Being considerate of everyone is seven.
To be always at a normal weight is eight, nine, ten.
Well, in addition to this - Happiness, joy, good luck!

25. May dreams come true, as if in a fairy tale

May dreams come true, as if in a fairy tale
And life will become wonderful, light, bright,
Beautiful flowers bloom all around
And welcome gifts delight!

May the new day bring good luck
And luck will become a faithful companion,
Let only joy await ahead!
Love! Good luck! Happiness! Happy Birthday!

26. Always sad and pleasant

Always sad and pleasant
To celebrate your birthday:
Years go by forever
Just have time to count them.
But time is like a flow
Nothing can hold back.
Your birthday today
We want to wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles,
Life obstacles and hindrances
Easy and quick to remove,
More laughter, less sadness -
And never lose heart.

27. I wish you great happiness like heaven

I wish you great happiness like heaven,
Like the sun - hot and eternal love,
May in days of bad weather, rain and bad weather
The nightingales are eternally singing in your soul.
May the days of your life flow serenely
May happiness sparkle like a ray of sunshine
And may it be so pure, so tender
Like the sun in the spring, displaced by clouds.

28. Darling, happy birthday!

Honey, happy birthday!
We wish the mood
Only excellent always
And health for years
Let your eyes shine with happiness
And leads you along the path
Despite any hindrances
Only to luck and success.

29. Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you,
You read my congratulations
With all my heart, I wish you
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness
May they not pass without a trace
May your beauty, your tenderness
The years will never change!

https: // site / s-dnem-rozhdeniya-zhenshhine /

30. Sweetheart, kind, gentle, glorious!

Sweetheart, kind, gentle, glorious!
How many turned is not the main thing.
In life we ​​wish to be the happiest
Everyone's beloved, funny, beautiful.

31. Be very fun and the happiest

Be very fun and the happiest
Beloved and tender and most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most attractive
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way into powerlessness.
May everything that you do yourself come true.
Love you, faith, hope, good!

32. With all our hearts we wish you laughter

With all our hearts we wish you laughter,
Fun, joy, success,
Do not get sick, do not lose heart,
Eat okay, sleep soundly
Never worry
Do not get angry, do not swear,
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow like a river
Among the rocky shores
And may they always live with you
Hope, faith and love!

33. We wish you to be happy

We wish you to be happy
To be a woman you love
Keep tenderness under your heart
Love your children.
Years of fidelity do not grow old,
Years do not grow old tenderness,
May the heat of the sublime soul
Will come back to you again!

34. We wish you happiness and good

We wish you happiness and good
We wish you a full life
We wish you joy in the morning
Until late at night.

We wish you everything in life
And not to grow old, but to grow younger,
Maintain health, vigor
And to live for many, many years.

35. Today is a holiday - birthday!

Today is a holiday - birthday!
Everyone is in a hurry with wishes.
So let the congratulations not cease,
Words sound wonderful!
Let there be everything in life that is needed
So that happiness is added again -
Warmth of hearts and joy of friendship,
Well-being, love!

36. Do not ask how old a woman is.

They do not ask how old the woman is.
She is always beautiful, young
Although gray with wrinkles are marked
The years passed so imperceptibly
Everything was in them - stagnation and changes,
And you live with a light character,
Survived adversity, change,
She raised two children to their feet.
What more could you wish for?
With all my heart, from us:
Live, work, do not hurt,
To celebrate the hundredth anniversary!

37. I wish you love and affection

I wish you love and affection
So that dreams come true, like in a fairy tale,
So that there is no bad weather in life,
I wish you great, great happiness!
Be brave, cheerful, healthy, beautiful,
In a difficult life, be the happiest!
I wish you that with your eyes, burning with happiness,
You met the dawn young
So that the joys of meeting flying
We flew into your house more often.
So that the partings are short,
So that there is a momentary sadness,
So that only happy sounds
A wave carried the songs.

38. Let your birthday bring with you

Let your birthday bring with you
All that the heart is waiting for with excitement,
The world will become beautiful, magical, good,
Looks like the kindest fairy tale!

May life be formed only from holidays
Fun, fantasies, smiles of friends!
Let dreams come true quickly
And even in winter, flowers bloom!

39. How good you are today!

How good you are today!
The soul glows with happiness!
The hands are ticking in the clock
Laughter rings in your eyes.
We drink for you today!
You are our joy and destiny!
On the road you go
Through the beautiful wine rain
Candles, stars and the moon.
Never be alone
Always be in your circle
To catch on the run
A falling ray of the sun
The night that came out from behind the clouds
The verse I read to you
Laughter that brought us happiness.
Wisdom, youth itself!
Inaccessible like winter
More affectionate than spring itself.
Years of paint are destined
And autumn fruits!
For the beauty princess!

40. Your ability to be cheerful

Your ability to be cheerful
Today it delights everyone.
Determined - acquaintances insist -
Success always comes along.
Live a destiny simple and clear
Give love and friendship light
After all, there is no name more beautiful
And not a soul is more beautiful!

The holiday is always joy and fun. Favorite dishes on the festive table, surprises, gifts make you smile not only on the hero of the occasion. Girls, being gentle and sensitive creatures, require proper attitude and gratitude for all the beauty that they send to this world. Their life is just beginning, happiness and disappointment, ups and downs, tears of joy and sorrow await. Therefore, congratulating a young woman on her birthday should once again remind her of the good that has yet to be experienced.


Girls are romantic, they love to listen to beautiful speech. Poems of congratulations to a woman should contain words of gratitude. If we are speaking on behalf of the husband, then it is worth talking about how tasty she cooks, what order she maintains in the house, how well she brings up children. Girls love to be complimented, so be sure to emphasize that as well. Wish what the lady is most concerned about. For example: a career woman should wish a promotion, always caring about her appearance, preservation of eternal youth, a lonely meeting with her soul mate. But a girl who is overweight cannot wish for weight loss.
It is important to present such a happy birthday to a young woman. Ideally, if you yourself write a verse, even the simplest one, with a couple of quatrains, funny, a little awkward, but yourself. In the case when a verse is taken from the Internet, it must be memorized and read from a pure heart.


A surprise is an unexpected gift presented at a time when they are not expected at all and do not know what it is. Bypass the question "What to give you?"
There is a difference between a regular gift and a surprise. In the first case, you just buy a present, pack it beautifully (and even then not always) and give, in the second, you present what you bought in an original way, causing more delight. This, of course, requires a lot of money (time, material), but the girl's happiness is priceless.

Surprise options

At night, write wishes and congratulations under the windows with phosphorescent paint. In the dark, the inscriptions will glow. You can do this with crayons or a spray can, but the effect is completely different.
Find a climber who will give flowers from the window.
Sprinkle the road home from work or just at the entrance with flower petals. Find out in advance the exact time of her return. Otherwise, your work may be spoiled by passers-by.
Prepare your video. At least the simplest. Record in advance how loved ones will say congratulations. Also include records of memorable moments of life, photographs. If you have no knowledge of video editing at all, create a slideshow from pictures.
Write your wishes on the candy wrappers. You can order candies in packaging with photographs of the lady.
Friends can have a fun party.
Draw a poster. You can't just write "Happy Birthday" on it, a woman needs beautiful congratulations on such a special day. Print your favorite photos where she is alone or you are together. Write your wishes, tell about its merits. Complete all this with bright colors.
Buy balloons. The bigger, the better. But, if your budget is tight, buy the main one first. Now in specialty stores, balls are sold in a variety of shapes. They are relatively inexpensive.

Originally presented gift

Carry out the quest, after completing it, the girl will find a gift. A very interesting option. Paste pieces of paper around the house indicating the direction of the search.
When ordering a cake, ask the pastry chef to hide the gift in it. It will be very unexpected and doubly pleasant. After all, women usually go on a diet and allow themselves sweet joys only on holidays. And here is a cake and a gift at the same time. Ordering such a surprise is quite expensive, so you can do the same with any dish. The downside is that the present should not be large.
A man can organize a romantic evening. Such birthday greetings to a young woman can be organized anywhere. A classic choice in the restaurant and at home. But it will be much more interesting on the roof, on the beach, in the forest, in the bathroom, on the boat.
Take the birthday girl to an unusual place. None will remain indifferent from the roof or the cliff, which opens up a view of the city. Blindfold before bringing to desired location. While she is admiring, get the continuation of the surprise: flowers, gift, champagne, gift, sweets, fruits. Play soothing music on your phone, car or speaker.

Birthday greetings for a woman are very easy to create. You just need to turn on your imagination and approach it with all your heart!

We are always ready to choose beautiful words for women, especially on her birthday. She will particularly appreciate any of the following congratulations. Choose the most suitable one and bring a piece of happiness on this wonderful day!

Happy Birthday, my dear,
I wish you a beautiful life.
May your days always be joyful
And the sun is shining in your way!

Today is your birthday
And how many years does not matter.
So stay awake as always
And let the heart never grow old!

I wish you mental vigor,
Success in everyday life,
Always good health
Never lose heart!

Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar.
Zebra striped, rainbow too.
Let life be a striped zebra
But not two colors, but multi-colored.

Let there be a lot of green
Green is hope and warm summer.
Let the bright sun shine with yellow
Red - life illuminates with love
Blue will rise above the bustle,
he will be a true and good dream

I wish you so many colors
happiness, health, love and longevity!

Your birthday has come
I hasten to congratulate you
And wish that undoubtedly
Spring always bloomed around

So that your life is raspberries,
And every day is like marmalade!
I wish you to be irreplaceable
So that everyone is happy when they meet.

Breathe, shine, live like the sun
Throw your rays around.
Keep the window open
Its great beauty!

Anniversary knocked on you today.
You couldn't help but open the doors.
May your whole life change
It is possible to appreciate more than anyone else.

Let friends be by your side all the time
Sadness will leave you forever
Happy anniversary, dear, I congratulate you
And you don't need to count the years!

Wish you today on your birthday from the bottom of my heart,
I want health, happiness, peace and, of course, love.
Let there always be light and kindness in your soul,
And in the head there is peace and wisdom, and in thoughts there is only purity.

Let more joyful moments wait ahead,
Good luck always accompanies, and troubles will be behind.
And may only your faithful friends be with you in life,
Your beloved family will always support and help.

Happy birthday to you!
Be cheerful, happy always.
And I also wish with all my heart
So that she never knows trouble
So that happiness shines like the sun
So that you bloom under him, like spring,
So that you always go cheerful
So that you are always young.

May wishes come true
And dreams will come true
And in warm wishes,
Let the flowers bloom.

Peace of mind
And gentle warmth
Let there be abundance
And life is up to a hundred years old!

Live, dear, up to 100 years old
And know that there is no better You.
So that you were next to us
Today, tomorrow and always.
We wish to live without old age,
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment,
Happiness - without grief.
We wish you earthly blessings,
We know - You are worthy of them!

We wish you a sea of ​​positive, smiles, joy, love,
May your life go beautifully and only happiness is ahead.
And congratulations on your birthday, let them only remind you of
That very soon all bad things will leave your wonderful home.

Let there be someone who will walk the path of life with you,
But at the same time, do not forget your friends and relatives.
Let the dawn burst into your fate of love with a mad whirlwind,
And it will take you away like a fairy tale where there is magic, for many years.

Congratulations, congratulations!
I wish you a lot of money
Happiness, joy, kindness,
And, of course, warmth!

May good luck not leave
May spring come soon.
May health be strong
And everything that you expect will come true !!!

Happiness, boundless - like the sky, joy that shines like the sun,
Bread warm as a ray of sunshine, to be for all friends - like the light in the window!
Let the road of life be as straight as the string of a gentle sounding violin,
Let your family hug you tightly, forgetting all the quarrels and mistakes!

Feelings may be as sincere as the songs that are sung in children's wonderful fairy tales,
Life, like an adventure, is interesting, and let it be safe to step forward!
Congratulating on a wonderful holiday, I want to wish everything in the world,
Day so that this was the most magical, as good, the poems that these give!

Happy Birthday! Let your dreams come true! More lightness, wonders and beauty!

How I wanted to avoid this date,
How I wanted to pass her by.
There are no such miracles
Therefore, on this day you look beautiful.

May millions of scarlet roses
They cannot overshadow your beauty,
May your faithful friends
In trouble they will always help you

Let your eyes shine
And there will be time to develop
I wish to live loving you
Do not doubt yourself at all.

May you have rest
On islands and oceans.
I wish to know a lot
And visit many countries!

We've been waiting for the day for a very long time
When we congratulate you in love
And on this day without delay,
Happy birthday to you!

We wish you good health
The abundance of frequent, innumerable,
As well as loyal friends
And a number of sincere people!

May happiness not forget you
And he drives away all the problems!
And a fabulous mood
We wish you a birthday!

Happy birthday to you
And we wish you great health
Prosperity and prosperity to you
And, of course, love for order!

May your dreams come true together
And adversity does not come to you!
Let only success surround
Know the ways you are for all of us!

Let the children delight with smiles
They are not dearer to you in the world
And children's laughter sounds everywhere
You've created fun for everyone!

Happy birthday to you
And we wish you luck in life,
We gathered, of course, not in vain,
Let's raise our glasses friends!

On this wonderful day, with love, we are running to meet you!
Because we want to congratulate you on your birthday.
So that the smile does not go out, you never feel sad,
So that from happiness a tear only falls from the eyes of the happy.

So that despondency and troubles are bypassed,
And parting, pain with sadness disappeared out of sight.
So that there is a lot of health, a full cup over the edge,
Abundance promised life like in a fairy tale, like paradise.

Wishes come true, and all dreams come true,
And fate led the way to the world of wonderful beauty.
What else can we take this from the bottom of our hearts to wish you?
So in a hundred years to get together again and congratulate you again!

Poem with wishes for DR for women

Let the heart stop with happiness
Birthday only once a year
We sincerely wish you now
Know good luck, believe in kindness!

With a charming smile
Walking open and easy
We wish you today
And let's drink some strong wine!

We wish to cry only from happiness
Know neither troubles nor sorrows,
Wonderful life
And the incentive not to lose faith!

Happy Birthday to you,
We wish to live long
To be loved and desired
Bring joy to loved ones!

Birthday greetings to the woman

Congratulations in prose; suitable for the widest range of people

Today, on this wonderful and bright day, we all gathered at this wonderful table for a reason, but in order to congratulate you on your birthday and raise glasses to your health! May you always and in everything be accompanied by success and luck! We wish your work to bring you joy and a decent income, may your loved ones appreciate and delight you with their achievements and good health, and you with your hospitality and a warm smile! We wish you wonderful and long years of life, a bright and peaceful sky over your head and, of course, even if not only the most cherished, but all, even the smallest, your dreams will always come true! Happy Birthday!

We wish you on your birthday:
So that a happy year is bright
Good luck, happiness, inspiration,
Let fate hide from adversity!

We wish you joyful moments
Health, beautiful swarm days,
Love, crazy compliments
So that all friends are in trouble - a mountain!

So that the stars become a talisman,
And all the flowers bloomed
The air will be filled with peace,
May life make all your dreams come true!

What to wish you on the most important day?
So that under the sun you find a shadow,
So that in the cold you have a place to keep warm
So that they can lean on a friend.
On this day, you do not think about bad things
What was bad was not right.
Now everything is accident, then all adversity,
I wish you good weather!
I also wish you a hundred years of life,
So that all your whims are fulfilled,
So that they don't meet in the new year
You are accidents and sorrows.
Joy so that you do not have enough
So that you don't fall - just take off,
So that you walk proudly and sedately,
So that your head touches the moon!
So that it is in moderation both money and power,
So that you know only joy and happiness!

May dreams come true on this beautiful day
And fabulous fairies will all make their dreams come true!
All wishes will come true today without fail,
After all, a wonderful person appeared in the Universe!

May luck accompany you in everything, always,
Let the infinitely bright eyes of your star shine!
Tears drip from my eyes, even if only from happiness,
And so that gloomy bad weather avoids!

We wish you joyful moments in your life - the sea!
Beautiful compliments - twice as many!
So that the grief will pass you by!
So that our wishes come true all - soon!

And we also want to wish - happiness!
So that misfortunes pass your life!
So that joy and health get along in the house!
And so that your life is filled with love!

On your holiday - birthday, all congratulations for you!
The sun shines on a beautiful day, and there is not a cloud in the sky,
You are so beautiful today, everyone is jealous of your girlfriends!
Be that way you always, do not be distracted for years,
Let there be failures, but it still doesn’t matter,
Happiness will undoubtedly accompany you always!

It's an unusual day today
Today is not an easy day!
Do you dream on your birthday
To be an unearthly beauty.
And why are these thoughts?
You are beautiful without that.
Wish you better today
Gather your friends in a circle
After all, celebrate the birthday
It will be more fun with us!

Birthday is a wonderful day!
May everything come true soon!
We fill the glasses
We wish you happiness, joy!
Be successful and desired
The sweetest, long-awaited!

We wish well
Happiness, joy, warmth,
Money, bright news
Kind, sincere friends!

Congratulations and I want
Wish to overtake a dream
Find comfort forever

Congratulations and wish
Joy in full
May it always carry in the wind
A wave of sweets.

May happy and successful
There will be every moment
Clean, delicate and transparent
Just like this verse ...

Led by a beautiful woman
Fortunately, all of us are destined to work.
Let her be angry sometimes in vain
We love her very much all the same.
Let her scold for mistakes
We will fix everything, we must - it means we must!
And we are always waiting for her one smile -
And there is no best reward in the world for us!

For the youngest, for the most beautiful,
For a shy girl, for a clever girl,
Today we all drink!
Even the sun today
Shines in a special way
As if he is happy with us
At the festive table.
May there be a lot of joy
All life, let it seem like happiness
And whatever she wants
Let it come true, come true!

It's your birthday today
We wish you happiness and good
And eternal youth bloom
Smiles, sun and warmth

Be young, always beautiful
Desirable, kind and simple,
Always friendly and sweet
Always beloved, dear

Let there be no sorrow in your life,
Let happiness meet you everywhere
May joy remain your companion forever,
And there will be a forever loved one next to you

Let the sun shine brightly
At white tender birches,
We wish you good luck and success,
Health, cheerfulness always,
Well-being for all the coming years.

You are twenty six
Performed: years!
I have no strength to avert my eyes -
You emit light
Clever and kind,
Beauty, purity ..
Walk until the morning:
You are the best in the world!
We wish you success
Good luck to you
Healthy laughter
And happiness in fate!

You have an open soul
And character is better not to be found!
You are good in everything, dear:
Daughter is a caring, loving mother ...
We wish you bright days
Bright joy, brilliant success
And excellent health, which is more important,
Than solving life problems.

Desiring pussy
It's sweet to live, to chew on toffee
There is condensed milk with chocolate,
Always look right!
Be beautiful and fluffy
Sweet, affectionate, fragrant!
Do not meddle with mice in minks,
To compete occasionally.

The day will be yours today
Everyone will be for you
Do whatever you don't ask
Will execute any order.
Everyone will worship you
No one will be lazy
Everyone will be subordinate
However, like every day.

Sweet lady on her birthday
We send congratulations today!
Not hiding admiration,
With tears of tenderness
We wish her a flow
Blessings, health, money, happiness,
So that there is enough strength for everything,
So that there are no misfortunes
So that the bad weather dissipates,
So that the world doused with love!
For the sun to give light
To keep the heart warm!

You, as always, are full of worries
After all, life was not easy.
Oh, how many hard, hard days
It went to your heart!
You deserve joy in life
Many days ahead.
So be happy, healthy
And every day and every year.

The cherished day has come today
To your house and happiness for yourself,
He brought so much, so much,
I decided to celebrate with you!

So that on your birthday and from the moment,
I understood all the charm of life
So that the ribbon carries the positive through life,
So that you live by the sea of ​​happiness!

And from myself I wish more
There are many smiles and love
I conjure for a cheerful long life!
Burn, shine like a swallow of a bet!

We wish you:
in work - speed,
in health - vigor,
in happiness - eternity,
in life - infinity.

from the sun - heat,
from people - good,
from her husband - tenderness,
from friends - love and fidelity

We wish to be richer than the earth,
We wish you to be more beautiful than dawn
And happiness, joys for many, many years.

We wish you blue stars in your palm
We wish you love as bright as fire
We wish you not steep roads in life
And live not for yourself, but for others

Be happy, wishes you congratulations!
And do not count which is on the threshold
Stepped out of birthdays. After all, the years
They fly, and you, as before, are young,
Beautiful, as if at eighteen years old
Gentle light still pours from the eyes!
Let your worries not bend your shoulders!
Let the problems disappear, disappear!

Nature was late with congratulations
I did not bloom the leaves on this day,
But I hasten to wish you a happy birthday,
And may lilac always bloom in your soul.

In work, we wish you all victories,
In family life - peace and quiet,
Health, strength for hundreds of years,
The spring is twice, and the youth is three times.

If you need to get down to business - hit!
If you fall in love, do not be shy
If the door is locked, knock,
If the cowards are silent - shout!
If the wind is in your face - don't rot!
If trouble breaks out - be strong!
If joy is in your heart - sing
And always be yourself.