The best means to strengthen the immune system: how to raise the immunity of a pregnant woman

Immunity is a very fragile system, there is no need to interfere with its work, but it is necessary to maintain and strengthen it. Pregnancy also belongs to the category of special, albeit temporary, conditions during which a woman needs additional protection. All women who have children remember how hard it is to remain completely healthy during this period of life.

How to improve immunity during pregnancy? What does the expectant mother have to face while carrying a child? Can health problems be avoided during this period?

How pregnancy affects a woman's immunity

Each organ system prepares itself for the added stress of pregnancy. Immunity is also undergoing some changes. Throughout all nine months, the changes are different and contradictory, which cannot but affect the well-being of the expectant mother.

Each of the above reasons separately and all of them together lead to a deterioration in the immune system. On the one hand, a decrease in immunity is necessary so that the fetus is not rejected, but on the other hand, the body's defense deteriorates.

How to boost immunity during pregnancy

The proper functioning of the immune system depends on everything that surrounds a person and is inside him. The issue of strengthening the body's defenses must be approached consciously and done constantly. As for a pregnant woman, many medical methods become unavailable due to contraindications. We have to limit ourselves to general measures. How to strengthen immunity during pregnancy?

Non-drug ways to strengthen immunity

The immune system, like others, needs close attention from a person, and sometimes help. Simple recommendations that are available to everyone, including a pregnant woman, will help to strengthen it.

It is important to remember that garlic dishes, honey, cranberries and other extractive products will strengthen the immune system, but irritate the stomach lining, leading to heartburn. You need to be careful with them.

Strengthening immunity with medication

Medicines during the period of bearing a child are trying to be prescribed to a woman in a limited way, only in case of emergency. How, then, during pregnancy to strengthen the body's defenses? What drugs are used to increase immunity during pregnancy?

Balanced complex vitamins will help. On pharmacy shelves, they lie apart, because such drugs differ in the dosage of vitamins and minerals. The correct composition and timely use of vitamins will strengthen the immune system.

Can pregnant women get vaccinated? More often during pregnancy, vaccination is contraindicated, since it is difficult to predict how the drug will affect the fetus. They are vaccinated only in an emergency, when not only the life and health of the baby, but also the woman is at risk.

Why does immunity decrease in pregnant women? - This is a combination of factors, which is due to the load on each system in the woman's body. The best way to strengthen the immune system without harm to health is the treatment of chronic diseases before pregnancy, a healthy lifestyle while carrying a baby and following all the doctor's prescriptions. In addition, you need to avoid communicating with sick people and eat right. Every even insignificant factor is important in enhancing the body's natural defenses.

The food eaten by expectant mothers should be balanced, contain the necessary minerals and vitamins in sufficient quantities. Many expectant mothers, in whom a decrease in the protective functions of the body is detected, are wondering how to raise the immunity of a pregnant woman.

It is easy to raise immunity during pregnancy, the menu is enriched with vegetables, berries, herbs, fruits, you need to give up spicy, fried, too fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, coffee. It is not recommended to eat salted and dried fish, king mackerel, perch, pickles, raw eggs, ham, smoked sausage, carbonated drinks, foods with E-additives, dyes, flavors.

A good result is brought by the use of dairy and fermented milk products, they satisfy the needs of the mother and the embryo in amino acids, complete proteins, calcium salts.

An innovative pharmacological development is special vitamin complexes for expectant mothers, capable of supporting the immune system at the proper level and preventing complications. Many of them contain folic acid, which provides the required rhythm of growth and development of the baby, this substance is very important in the early stages of pregnancy. Vitamins are able to compensate for the costs of nutrition, they are designed to provide a woman's body with all the necessary compounds for the normal bearing of a baby and contain them in increased quantities.

Vitamin complexes are taken in courses, there is a break between courses, since their constant intake leads to the development of a large fetus, which will complicate the birth process, but will not affect the health of the baby.

The first months of pregnancy are a crucial period for the formation of a new life, the lack of any vitamins or nutrients adversely affects the development of the embryo.

The expectant mother should eat a little denser, protein food prevails in the diet, but preferably not animal fats or proteins, folic acid is released among the vitamins, the need for which is great in pregnant women.

Each woman has an individual need for certain vitamins, this is due to many factors, diet, health status, season, lifestyle. Like any medicine, vitamins are taken during pregnancy after consulting a doctor, vitamins E, A, B9 are important in the first trimester, iodine, iron, calcium are needed in the second trimester.

During pregnancy, it is important not to allow weakening of the immune system, for which the immune system is responsible, which is a defense mechanism developed by nature. The human body contains immune cells, whose task is to fight off disease-causing agents, most of the immune cells are located in the intestines. For the normal functioning of the immune system, the intestines must have a healthy microflora, determined by the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria, food for which are natural dietary fibers - prebiotics.

To raise immunity, expectant mothers are advised to eat foods rich in prebiotics, these include onions, garlic, bananas, vegetables, fruits, asparagus, beans, and figs. Lemons, cranberries, rose hips, yellow grapefruits well raise and strengthen the immune system, they can be consumed if they do not cause allergic reactions, in moderation they are safe.

It is possible to increase immunity when carrying a baby and to prevent ARVI with the help of onions and garlic, this is an additional source of natural folic acid, vitamins and minerals, but these products should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

It is possible to increase immunity and strengthen the body for expectant mothers with the help of some drugs, which include Viferon, Limontar, and Beresh-plus drops. These drugs have an immunomodulatory, tonic, antiviral, metabolic effect, improve adaptation and compensatory-protective mechanisms, before using these drugs, you should consult a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy.

In addition, a pregnant woman, taking care of her immunity, should alternate between rest and work, it is necessary to rest until the onset of fatigue, good sleep is very important.

During flu epidemics, the expectant mother is recommended to wear a gauze bandage, it must be changed every 3-4 hours, contact with people with colds should be avoided, avoid visiting crowded places, and regularly lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment.

Moderate physical activity, hardening contributes to an increase in immunity, in the form of contrast baths, hardening of the legs can be recommended to expectant mothers. The hardening process should be gradual, the water temperature decreases by 1 degree, starting from 37, the water temperature is gradually brought to 25 degrees.

The period of bearing a child is a huge test for the body. Hormonal changes, physiological changes negatively affect the resistance of resistance to viral and bacterial infections. The normal intrauterine development of the fetus and the general course of polykyesia, and a successful delivery depend on the full value of the health of the expectant mother. Therefore, it is worth considering how to strengthen immunity during pregnancy.

Causes of decreased immunity

The famous doctor of medical sciences Shmagel K.V. author of medical works: “on the resistance of an elderly person”, “on the concept of resistant control of a woman's body in preparation for bearing a child and during the entire period of pregnancy”, described in detail the reactions and mechanisms of immunity in the mother-fetus relationship.

Analysis of the information received showed that in order to safely give birth to a healthy baby, it is necessary to constantly take care of strengthening the protection system. Raise protective functions, increase a woman's resistance should be at the planning stage of conception. To be examined in advance, to treat all chronic and concomitant diseases. Get tested for toxoplasmosis, which is carried by a cat. Get vaccinated against chickenpox, rubella, caused by the herpes virus, infection with which is dangerous for the unborn baby and the normal course of pregnancy. Start taking vitamins a year before the onset of an interesting situation.

However, with the application of measures to strengthen the immune system, strong resistance reduces its functions, it can even drop sharply due to the physiological characteristics of the course of polykyesia. That is, immunity will decrease in any case. The only question is how much health can weaken.

The first critical period is conception and the early weeks of pregnancy. The time when the fertilization of the egg took place, but the fetus has not yet formed and has not attached to the uterine cavity. The body perceives the embryo as a foreign object. Hormonal changes begin. At the beginning of the first trimester, a woman feels weak, gets tired quickly. Symptoms of a cold or poisoning, fever may appear. Decreases immunity to viral diseases.

The second critical period is from the fourth to the seventh months, the time of active intrauterine growth and development of the baby. A huge part of the nutrients, micro- and macroelements from the mother with the blood flow passes to the child. During this period, the body is most susceptible to attacks by infectious agents. According to statistical figures and doctors' reviews: it is for this time of gestation that more women are registered who have colds, complain of signs of malaise.

The third period - hormonal preparation for labor and the displacement of internal organs under the influence of a growing fetus and a child's place provoke disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to a decrease in immune functions.

The main reasons for the decrease in resistance during pregnancy, throughout the entire period of bearing a child, are:

  • Transitional periods - spring, autumn, when the likelihood of getting sick increases significantly;
  • Stress, emotional stress;
  • Wrong, unbalanced diet;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Poor environmental situation in the place of residence of future parents;
  • Get pregnant at a later age (especially if polykyesia is the first);
  • Uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • Immunodeficiency;
  • Increased tendency to allergies;
  • Unsatisfactory living and working conditions.

Lack of outdoor walks and a sedentary lifestyle can weaken immunity.

Ways to boost immunity

In order not to get sick, to avoid colds, to maintain pregnancy, there is an extensive list of methods to raise reduced immunity:

  • Eat properly;
  • Observe the regime of the day and sleep;
  • Dress for the weather;
  • Take vitamins;
  • Use antibacterial hand products, oxolinic nasal ointment when visiting public places;
  • Do exercises;
  • To walk outside;
  • Improve living conditions, avoid stress;
  • Cleaning the house;
  • Take a shower, do not exclude intimate hygiene after a bowel movement;
  • Strengthen immunity.

Before using home remedies, you should consult with your gynecologist about the benefits and perceived harm to the intrauterine development of the fetus. You should follow all the doctor's recommendations, take tests in a timely manner, undergo screening tests, ultrasound.

In the first trimester

So, the early critical period can provoke the freezing of the child. strengthening the immune system is becoming the number one task to ensure:

  • Correct attachment of the embryo in the uterine cavity;
  • Normal formation of the placenta;
  • Intrauterine development support;
  • Relief of toxicosis, symptoms of lightheadedness, weakness;
  • Protection of the mother's body from the onset of diseases of various etiologies;
  • Preserving the health of a woman.

It is recommended to lead an active life in the first months. Walk more in parks, be outdoors. You should also enrich your diet with natural juices, fruits and berries. Eat more protein foods, dairy products.

A pregnant woman should exclude visiting crowded places in order to avoid catching colds, SARS, influenza, OCI.

It is useful during this period to perform light gymnastic exercises, get enough sleep, if possible, do not get nervous again.

In the second trimester

The health of the expectant mother is the key to the correct intrauterine formation of the fetus. After the twentieth week, the active development of the child begins. A woman's disease, weak resistance can provoke high water, growth retardation, pathology in a baby. The appointment of a vitamin complex developed for expectant and lactating mothers will help to raise the immunity of a pregnant woman and strengthen her health. To improve nutrition, the doctor will give a prescription for the free receipt of specialized mixtures enriched with all the necessary micro- and macroelements, organic acids.

  • Take fish oil preparations.
  • Eat food products, beef;
  • Continue active physical exercises, walks;
  • Fully rest, get enough sleep.

Folk remedies

The use of medicinal herbs and fruits to raise resistance and strengthen defense mechanisms, increase the body's endurance, have always been in demand.

Particularly careful approach to the methods of traditional medicine should be precisely during polykiesia. In addition to allergies, the use of medicinal plants can provoke complications and termination of pregnancy.

In order to increase the protective functions, a woman is recommended to drink tea with rose hips, rich in vitamin C, with the addition of a spoonful of honey.

Fruit drinks, jelly, compotes based on cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn will help to perfectly reduce weakness, fatigue and strengthen resistance. Thyme, ginger and pharmaceutical chamomile act in the same beneficial way.

For the prevention of colds and micronutrient deficiencies, in order to prevent a decrease in resistance, you can use vitamin mixtures with honey, lemon, nuts and dried fruits. Provided there is no allergy.

The use of medicinal herbs, folk recipes should be coordinated with a gynecologist.

Healthy eating

Particular attention is paid to the diet of women in an interesting position. Resistance will increase, provided that the expectant mother eats properly: there are several times a day for a small portion. All products should be eaten fresh or gently cooked.

Increase in the diet:

  • Proteins: beef, chicken fillet, turkey, beans, legumes;
  • Carbohydrates: cereal bread, wholemeal baked goods;
  • Fats: vegetable oils;
  • Vitamins and trace elements, fiber and dietary fiber: vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, nuts;
  • Dairy products;
  • Dried fruits: figs, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dates.

Vitamins and preparations

From the moment of registration, the condition of the pregnant woman will be constantly monitored. If the state of health or test indicators deteriorates, the doctor prescribes medications:

  • Improving blood: iron salts;
  • Folic acid;
  • Magnesium B6;
  • To normalize the function of the liver, kidneys;
  • Complexes of microelements: Alphabet, Vitrum, Elevit, complevit from the Prenatal line;
  • For the treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • Other medicines allowed for polykyesia.

Health care

Any malaise, complaints of a pregnant woman should be under the control of specialists. You should also use drugs for the treatment of a runny nose, throat, ARVI only after being prescribed by a doctor.

Do not neglect hospital support of health workers during the period of childbearing.

Daily regime

An organized day will help to increase the immunity of a pregnant woman. The routine implies:

  • A short day's rest;
  • Measured physical and mental activity;
  • Adequate sleep;
  • Walking;
  • Diet and medication.


You can improve immunity during pregnancy using water treatments. The beneficial effect of the temperature difference activates the raising of the resistance functions. During the period of bearing a child, you should use:

  • Wiping the body with a wet towel;
  • Baths for feet and hands: alternately keep feet or hands in cold and hot water for half a minute.

It is not recommended to increase the body's defense by visiting a bathhouse, bathing in reservoirs during pregnancy.

Immunity is a certain function of the body, thanks to which it can react in time to viruses and harmful microbes. As a result, a person has a certain protective barrier. This article will tell about what happens to immunity during pregnancy and is it true that during such a period it is catastrophically weak.

Pregnancy with reduced immunity: features of the condition

Among pregnant women, there are quite often rumors that during this wonderful period of life, the expectant mother's immunity is greatly reduced, as a result of which she needs to protect herself from viral and colds in time.

If we consider this issue from a medical point of view, then in fact such an assurance about weak immunity is only half true, because physiologically, during pregnancy, a woman's body seems to be activated and itself increases its defenses.

Moreover, many women confirm that it was during the period of carrying a child that they were less likely to get sick and were less prone to colds than in a normal state.

It should be noted that immunity during pregnancy can indeed decrease more, but only under certain conditions and lines of bearing a child.

For example, the first serious failure in the immune system is observed in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the body has not yet "understood" what is wrong with it and perceives the fetus as a foreign body.

In this state, a woman feels weak and exhausted. She may show clear signs of poisoning and even the flu.

The next dangerous period for the state of immunity during pregnancy is the second trimester, when the fetus begins to actively grow and develop its body systems. In this state, the child will need much more vitamins and nutrients, so the mother's body here acts as a kind of reserve. For this reason, immunity can decrease very sharply, especially if external factors and unhealthy nutrition of the expectant mother contribute to it.

Moreover, as medical practice shows, it is the second trimester of pregnancy that is most often accompanied by viral and colds in women, as well as allergic manifestations that have not been observed before.

Pregnancy with reduced immunity: causes, symptoms

In medicine, there are two types of immunity - congenital and acquired. The first type develops in a child even in the womb, and the second - occurs during life after vaccination, as well as past diseases (chickenpox, for example). During pregnancy, a woman uses the forces of both types of the immune system in order to be able to fight off pathogens.

It should be noted that when carrying a child, the female body must protect not only itself from diseases, but also an unborn child who does not yet have its own defenses and is very susceptible to external stimuli and viruses. For this reason, it is very important to know what causes immunity to decrease and how to properly increase it.

The following reasons are distinguished due to which the expectant mother may have a decrease in immunity:

1. Improper nutrition. This includes a meager diet with a lack of nutrients. The lack of fruits, herbs, meat and vegetables on the menu is especially negative.

Also, the lack of nutritional stability plays a very important role, that is, large intervals between meals, irregular eating, overeating, and the most dangerous thing is adherence to a too restrictive diet.

In addition, eating foods high in sugar and carbohydrates will lead to quick satiety, but will not improve the immune system in any way.

2. Complete absence of active physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle. In this state, the body not only does not receive the necessary energy charges, but also suffers from oxygen starvation. This can lead to dizziness and severe weakness.

3. Living in a bad ecological environment, as well as an unfavorable psychological environment at home, because of which a woman is constantly worried and stressed. The latter factor can greatly affect not only immunity, but also the overall course of pregnancy.

4. Failure of the digestive system.

5. Hormonal disruption in the body is one of the most dangerous and frequent causes of impaired immunity and its weakening. Unfortunately, this is a purely physiological process that cannot be changed. Thus, the body reacts to changes and releases more certain hormones.

According to statistics, even if a woman feels great already before childbirth, her immunity is still a little weakened, because the body continues to protect the child and give all its protective functions to help him.

Weakened immunity can be identified by the following characteristic symptoms and signs:

1. Great weakness and lack of strength.

2. Headaches.

3. Dizziness, which usually occurs after exercise.

4. Excessive sweating.

5. Brittle nails and hair, as a direct consequence of vitamin deficiency and lack of nutrients.

6. Dry skin.

7. Pallor.

8. Susceptibility to any viral and colds.

How to boost immunity during pregnancy

Not all wives know how to raise immunity during pregnancy and what needs to be done for this.

In fact, it is not very difficult to boost and strengthen the immune system in this position. To do this, it will be enough to observe the following medical recommendations:

1. Observe proper dietary nutrition. This means eating the optimal amount of healthy foods - fruits, grains, vegetables, herbs, and juices. Eating lean meat, fish, seafood, and nuts is also very beneficial.

To normalize the work of the digestive tract, a woman must definitely consume low-fat fermented milk products. It can be yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt. The main thing is that these products are regularly present in the menu of the expectant mother.

2. A woman must be sure to carefully monitor personal hygiene. This is especially true for washing hands before and after eating.

3. It is important to learn to follow a certain diet and eat at the same time. At the same time, meals should be frequent, and portions not large. So you can saturate your body, and at the same time avoid overeating.

4. Many women during pregnancy tend to eat fast food, fatty, sweet and smoked foods. Despite this, nutritionists warn that such food is very difficult to digest, and can cause digestive problems in pregnant women. For this reason, it is better to minimize or even exclude junk food from the diet.

5. In order to further support her body, a woman should definitely take vitamin complexes. Now there are whole programs that accurately describe which vitamins and in which lines of pregnancy should be taken. With their help, you can support the immune system and lay the foundations for the correct development of the fetus.

In addition, most of the beneficial vitamins can be obtained from food, especially liver, beans, herbs, and fruits.

6. To avoid unwanted "surprises", even during the planning period of pregnancy, a woman needs to pass a full list of tests to identify sexually transmitted diseases, compatibility with a partner and common clinical pathologies. If necessary, it is better to immediately undergo a course of treatment than to carry it out during the period of bearing a baby.

Thus, you can protect yourself and your child even before conception.

7. Regular physical activity is useful, but only if the pregnancy is stable. If there is a risk of miscarriage, then you should limit yourself only to long walks in the fresh air.

8. In the absence of contraindications, hardening can be practiced. This is an excellent and proven method to quickly strengthen the immune system and activate the body's defenses.

9. Avoid stress and nervous strain, because this will not only reduce immunity, but also can negatively manifest throughout the course of pregnancy.

If you follow these tips, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also simplify the course of pregnancy and minimize the likelihood of developing various pathologies in the unborn child.

To avoid colds during the period of carrying a baby, it is necessary to use all possible methods of fighting viruses and infections.

How can you strengthen your immunity during pregnancy?

Since many usual antiviral drugs are contraindicated for the expectant mother, it is necessary to focus on the nutritional system. It is with the help of products that are beneficial to the body that its defenses are increased.

So you need to diversify your menu as much as possible so that the immune system functions normally:

  • Proteins and amino acids. Thanks to these substances, there is an increase in the production of immunoglobulin A - antibodies that are present in the human intestine and fight against foreign agents that have entered the body. The main sources of proteins and amino acids are dairy products and meat;
  • Carbohydrates. In this case, dietary fiber is needed, which create favorable conditions for the course of immune processes. Many of these are found in vegetables and fruits, as well as in cereals;
  • Fats. They are also needed in a certain amount.

The food should be balanced and the menu varied. The required amount of fats and proteins is calculated from body weight: 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight. Carbohydrates are consumed up to 0.5 kg per day.

A decrease in defenses due to a violation of the intestinal microflora leads to poor digestion and a decline in the production of vitamins. Along with food, pathogens enter the digestive tract. A healthy intestine filters those out, so you need to monitor the state of its microflora.

To raise the level of its protection, measures are needed to prevent constipation, which, as you know, often bother women during the period of bearing a child. Constipation negatively affects the production of immunoglobulin A and leads to a violation of the intestinal microflora.

To avoid constipation, you need to accustom yourself to go to the toilet at the same time, optimally in the morning. They do it even if they don't want to. This measure helps to develop a reflex.

Constipated women should consume more coarse fiber, which is found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. Fresh fruits can be eaten in any quantity. One-day kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk have a slight laxative effect.

In the morning you can drink a glass of water and eat a few apples, a banana. An infusion of prunes and figs (10 berries + 200 ml of boiling water), which is drunk on an empty stomach, has a good effect.

Products that have a laxative effect: bran and whole grain bread; fruits vegetables; dried fruits; fermented milk; vegetable oil; oatmeal.

Rice and semolina porridge, pear, pomegranate and quince, broths, compotes, jelly and strong tea prevent bowel emptying.

Good prevention of constipation - swimming, massage, exercise therapy. Much attention is paid to motor activity, but it depends on the gestational age of the expectant mother's condition.

How to boost immunity with vitamins before pregnancy

These substances are necessary for the normal functioning and formation of immune cells, antibodies and other elements of the defense system:

  • Group B. Stimulates the body during stress, after injuries and operations;
  • Multivitamins containing A, C, D, E, B6 strengthen and prevent colds viral diseases;
  • Ascorbic acid stimulates macrophages - eater cells that help get rid of infectious agents;
  • Important trace elements are iron, zinc, iodine, selenium. Lack of iron and selenium promotes the penetration of bacteria into the body. Zinc is important for the thymus gland and is involved in the synthesis of T-lymphocytes. Iodine is an essential ingredient in the fight against infections.

Taking vitamins and minerals is an important preventive measure during seasonal flare-ups of colds and flu.

It is important not only before pregnancy, but also after conception, since the body is under increased stress and needs more nutrients. What kind of funds you need to take - the observing gynecologist will tell you.

How can you support immunity during pregnancy?

There are a number of natural immunomodulators - substances that help to activate the body's defenses:

  • Garlic, pharmaceutical products based on it. This is the easiest method to strengthen the body's defenses. Natural garlic is used for inhalation. To do this, it is enough to crush a few cloves and put them on a saucer. Such a tool is installed in every room. As a result, a person will inhale useful phytoncides;
  • Propolis, royal jelly, bee pollen. Unfortunately, not everyone can use beekeeping products. Many are allergic to them, and they can also provoke an allergic predisposition in a child.

It is not recommended to use widely known and familiar immunomodulators during pregnancy. These include Echinacea, Eleutherococcus, Chinese magnolia vine.


Increasing immunity is not complete during pregnancy without the correct regimen. It is very important to be able to combine work and rest. Good sleep and adequate physical activity are essential.

The total duration of the night's rest should be 8-10 hours. It is optimal to go to bed around 10 pm, so you need to train yourself to go to bed early.

Surely everyone knows that active exercise in the fresh air strengthens the body, increases the reserve and strength of the immune system. Our protection is enhanced by all kinds of sports - swimming, gymnastics, etc.

But a woman should remember that physical activity should be moderate. Excessive efforts will not do good. Brisk walking will be helpful, as well as gymnastics appropriate to the initial fitness and gestational age.

How to improve immunity during pregnancy? Temper!

Hardening activities cause stress in the body, but at the same time it activates its defense, that is, it develops resistance to adverse factors.

Rubdowns are the softest strengthening by hardening. A terry towel is well moistened in cold water and wrung out. They wipe the whole body with it, starting with the hands, then move to the neck - chest - back - legs.

The limbs are processed from fingers to thighs / forearms. The back / shoulders are massaged from the sides to the center. First, water is used at room temperature, then it is gradually lowered to 10-20 degrees.

Contrasting baths will be no less useful for a woman. They will need two basins: in one hot water (38-40 °), in the other cold (28-30 °). Every 5 days, the temperature is coldly lowered by 1 °, bringing it to 12 °.

First, the legs are lowered for 30 seconds in hot water, then in cold water for 10 seconds. The manipulations are repeated 3-4 times. Then they wipe dry, rub their feet and hands with a dry coarse washcloth and put on soft socks.

Hardening water procedures are not carried out immediately after waking up and immediately before bedtime. Allocate time in the middle of the day when the body is active. Also, do not get carried away with them - one day = one procedure.

An important point - you can't start with cold water. The duration of the activities should not exceed 2.5 minutes, but they must be carried out every day. It is useful to rub the entire body with a towel at the end of the manipulations. Before performing the procedures, it is worth walking barefoot for 10 minutes, doing a warm-up.

Blue skin, goose bumps, chills are indicators that the venture must be abandoned.