Can water flow away in parts. So. Bubble rupture can occur in a number of ways. Discharge of amniotic fluid before contractions

One of the signs of the onset of labor is the discharge of amniotic fluid. This is the liquid in which the child is kept for all nine months and which protects him from mechanical damage. How to understand that the waters began to recede, and how dangerous is this condition for the child?

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

What is "amniotic fluid"?

Amniotic fluid is also called amniotic fluid. This liquid medium is the first element your little one will get to know. It is located inside the membranes, fills the entire uterine cavity and surrounds the baby from all sides. The amniotic fluid has several very important functions:

  • Fetal nutrition. From the amniotic fluid, the fetus periodically receives nutrients by swallowing a small amount of water. Absorption can also occur through the skin.
  • Providing constant pressure. This is necessary for the harmonious development of all internal and external organs.
  • Maintaining a constant temperature. It is thanks to the amniotic fluid that the temperature in the mother's uterus is maintained at 37 degrees, regardless of the body temperature of the woman herself.
  • Mechanical protection of the fetus and umbilical cord. The liquid is able to absorb pressure and jolts, as well as prevent pinching of the umbilical cord.
  • The amniotic fluid contains immunoglobulins, which perform a protective function, preventing infection of the fetus.
  • Provides the fetus with a comfortable movement within the uterus.
  • Provides a comfortable state of the external environment for the baby - muffles the sound, makes the light less bright.

The state of the amniotic fluid is a diagnostic sign for determining the well-being of the course of pregnancy. In some pathological conditions, it is necessary to do a biopsy of the amniotic fluid in order to examine them in detail and make the correct diagnosis. With a procedure such as amniocentesis, the doctor can obtain very important information during the prenatal diagnosis stage. The amniotic fluid provides information about congenital and genetic diseases that have been passed on to the fetus. A detailed study makes it possible to find out the sex of the child, as well as the presence of deadly diseases. In late pregnancy, amniotic fluid may be examined to assess lung maturity and overall lung maturity. Sometimes this becomes necessary if a decision has been made to deliver the baby ahead of time.

The fluid itself is a secret that the amniotic membrane of the embryo produces. Normally, it is transparent or slightly cloudy, and in the composition it contains peeled scales of the epidermis, baby's hair, and primordial lubricant. By the second week of pregnancy, a bubble with amniotic fluid is formed, which seeps into the baby's body through the skin, enriching it and giving it bulk. In the middle of pregnancy, amniotic fluid is formed due to the fluid that occurs when the mother's blood vessels sweat. In late pregnancy, fluids also help form the baby's kidneys and lungs.

In addition to the epithelial cells of the child, the amniotic fluid is rich in useful substances - it contains fats, proteins, glucose, hormones, vitamins and other substances. The fluid is renewed every three hours. It is intensively formed inside the uterus from the beginning of the development of the embryo. By the last weeks of pregnancy, the volume of water can reach 2 liters. Before giving birth, the amniotic fluid that holds the water bursts and releases the fluid.

The first signs of water drainage

A heavy fetal bladder at the end of pregnancy begins to press on the cervix. Over time, this contributes to the opening of the neck and the appearance of real contractions. The amniotic fluid can rupture both independently and with the help of medical personnel. Quite often, this happens unexpectedly, so there is no need to talk about the first symptoms of rupture of the membrane. In some cases, a woman may feel discomfort and seek help from a doctor.

How water flows before childbirth

The passage of water is a physiological process and completes the first stage of labor. In order for the water to move away, it is necessary to violate the integrity of the amniotic fluid. Naturally, this happens when the neck is opened by about 4-5 cm, but in some cases the doctor pierces the bladder on his own.

As a rule, contractions become stronger and more frequent after the water has passed. It is not necessary that the waters flow out all at once. If correct, only a small part of the amniotic fluid can leak out, and the rest of the volume is behind the baby and will appear after his birth.

Young mothers, in whom the process of childbirth began with the passage of water, compare this moment with involuntary urination. It passes completely painlessly, so a woman suddenly feels that her underwear and even clothes are very wet.

The anhydrous period is very dangerous for the baby, therefore, when the amniotic fluid flows out, the pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor. Most likely, the childbirth process after this will go much faster, and the baby will be born.

Water can drain anywhere - on the street, in a store, just on the way somewhere. Normally, the liquid should be clear and slightly cloudy. No green or red shades are allowed, otherwise they will indicate a critical condition of the fetus.

If the waters have moved away, this means that the cervix is ​​slowly opening and preparing for the process of childbirth. However, the exact time and how long this process will take is unknown. It is considered a standard case when muscle contraction during contractions provokes the opening of the bladder and the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

Premature discharge of water

In each week of pregnancy, the fetal bladder becomes heavier - the amount of amniotic fluid increases, so it can burst. If this happened long before the date of birth of the baby, the outpouring of water is considered premature.

After the discharge of the waters, the onset of contractions is considered mandatory. If the contraction of the uterine muscles does not occur, and the amniotic fluid has left, the pregnant woman needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible. It is not recommended to wait for the onset of contractions at home, since every hour and even minute of the baby's anhydrous period negatively affects his health, because the amniotic fluid not only performs a protective function, but also serves as food for the baby.

Premature drainage of water can occur for the following reasons:

  • fall of a pregnant woman;
  • hit;
  • internal diseases of a woman;
  • too strong physical activity;
  • psycho-emotional shock.

With premature rupture, the cervix does not open enough, so the force of contractions is small, and the baby is not ready for birth. If the release of amniotic fluid occurs before 32 weeks, the woman is put on storage and measures are taken to continue the pregnancy. After this period, the decision is made on an individual basis and delivery is possible.

The danger of premature outpouring of water is as follows:

  • It is highly likely that the baby will not survive or that resuscitation measures will have to be taken to save his life.
  • There is a high likelihood of twisting or falling out of the umbilical cord, which entails. is one of the most common causes of child death. The only correct solution for the premature release of amniotic fluid is an urgent visit to a doctor.

Late outpouring - why doesn't the water drain?

There are also cases when the contractions have begun, and the bubble has not yet burst. It is also not worth delaying the process of leaving amniotic fluid. In this case, the doctor decides to mechanically pierce the bladder. Prolonged outpouring happens for various reasons. Indications for artificial opening of the fetal bladder are:

  • increased bubble strength;
  • weak labor activity;
  • overmaturity of the child;
  • preeclampsia;
  • irregular contractions and poor dilatation of the cervix;
  • pregnancy with Rh-conflict.

The procedure for puncturing the bladder is called an amniotomy. It is absolutely painless, so you shouldn't be afraid of it.

Pathological conditions

One of the dangerous conditions is a slight leakage of amniotic fluid. In this case, the woman may not detect the pathology in time and the baby will have a prolonged anhydrous period. Amniotic fluid is usually clear and odorless. This becomes the reason that the pregnant woman goes to the doctor late, especially if the opening of the bladder is not accompanied by increased contractions.

In late pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor your well-being and pay attention to the amount of daily discharge. If the volume of vaginal secretion increases, it is possible that amniotic fluid joins it. This can be determined quite easily using tests that are sold in most pharmacies.

What happens after the waters drain?

After the water leaves the woman, the first contractions appear or those that began before are intensified. The intensity of uterine contraction increases markedly after about a couple of hours. It is very important to monitor the duration of the waterless period, which begins with the discharge of water and ends with the birth of the baby. This time should not exceed 12:00, otherwise, it will negatively affect the condition of the fetus. In multiparous women, the anhydrous period lasts less and intense contractions start faster.

When answering the question of how pregnant women drain water, it should be understood that it all depends on how long the process of effusion began. If at 38 weeks and later, then the fetus has already formed and the birth occurs within the normal range, leakage begins at an earlier date, then this indicates the pathology of development and possible complications.

What does it mean, the water broke during pregnancy?

The baby inside the womb is in the fetal bladder, which is filled with amniotic fluid and is a natural environment for the purpose of a normal 9-month gestation. For the formation and development of the fetus, this substance is both a protection against injuries and harmful bacteria, and nutrients, filled with many useful substances.

If the amniotic fluid has departed, this means that labor begins, the fetal bladder has burst, and the baby is preparing to be born. As a rule, contractions come first, and only after a few hours the liquid is poured out. But it is not uncommon for the situation when the waters have receded, but there are no contractions, which is considered a variant of the norm and is called early labor.

Leaving early, in 1 or 2 trimesters, indicates a threat of miscarriage or the danger of termination of pregnancy. A dangerous situation is provoked by various pathologies, ranging from infection to genetic developmental defects.

Why does water drain during pregnancy

Before childbirth, the volume of amniotic fluid at 38-40 weeks is about 1.5 liters. The cervix expands and stretches, ready to release new life into the world. As soon as the process starts, the fetal membrane bursts, provoking discharge during pregnancy. The uterus is toned, the woman feels the first contractions, and water can leave, both before and after the start of contractions, which is considered normal.

When pregnant women begin to drain water, this means that the child is no longer protected from infection. Amniotic fluid has become scarce, the fetus begins to lack oxygen and nutrients, therefore, within the next few hours, the baby should be born. If this does not happen naturally, then a decision is made to deliver by cesarean section.

If a woman's discharge began prematurely, then the consequences may be different depending on the diagnostic tests and color. Ultrasound examination, cardiotocography and other measures are carried out to determine the causes of the pathology. The question arises about the preservation or termination of pregnancy.

How to understand that the water has departed during pregnancy?

In primiparous women, the question often arises, how to understand that the waters have departed during pregnancy? Determining the leakage process is not difficult:
  • the lower abdomen begins to hurt, discomfort is felt;
  • the outpouring is similar to spontaneous urination or incontinence, but it is worthwhile to strain the muscles and it becomes clear where the fluid is flowing from;
  • not often, a small pop can be heard, which indicates a rupture of the shell;
  • it is impossible to confuse with vaginal discharge, since they are strikingly different in consistency and structure.
Amniotic fluid leaves in a volume of up to 1.5 liters, but not all at once. First, not a large amount and only the front fluids should leave, and then gradually the rear ones. Initially, the baby descends to the pharynx of the uterus, begins to press on the membrane of the bladder, which leads to rupture and expiration.

When do pregnant women drain?

When the discharge in pregnant women begins, the child prepares for birth, he lowers it to the small pelvis and puts pressure on the fetal bladder, which subsequently becomes thinner and torn. A leakage of amniotic fluid is formed, which can take place, both before and after contractions. Both situations are not a pathology, it all depends on how open the cervix is.

During the time when the cork and water leaves, there are feelings of discomfort, the tone of the uterus rises, and the contractions gradually intensify. If contractions do not occur and the cervix does not open for a long period, then a decision is made to stimulate labor, since the child may die while inside the womb with a limited amount of oxygen and nutrition.

When the water leaves, they look transparent, possibly slightly yellowish, with a slight odor and an admixture of blood. A change in color (green, brown, red) indicates the development of pathology and means immediate delivery in order to prevent complications or death of the baby.

What and how to do to drain the water?

To remove the water during pregnancy, which is already overdue, it is recommended to eat spicy foods in small quantities and long walks in the fresh air. You should not resort to drastic measures, it is enough to consult a doctor who will advise an action plan in such a situation.

Perhaps specialists will independently stimulate labor activity, which will be the safest option. Also, the procedure for puncturing the fetal bladder is used - amniotomy, but only for medical reasons, in order to speed up the process of cervical dilatation.

The main thing is to always be aware that from the moment the amniotic fluid leaves, to childbirth, the child can live a maximum of 12 hours. In the future, you will need emergency help from obstetricians and gynecologists.

Outpouring of amniotic fluid is a long-awaited, but at the same time, terrible moment for the expectant mother. When does the amniotic fluid leave and how long does this process last? What color should it be? How to understand that the water has departed during pregnancy? What if it caught you at home? We will answer these and related questions in the article.

Amniotic fluid - what is it?

Amniotic fluid, fetal fluid, amniotic fluid is a biologically active liquid medium that is located inside the membranes (amnion and chorion) throughout pregnancy. Its importance is also great for the baby - it is his natural environment, ensures the intrauterine life of the child.

Before the onset of childbirth, and sometimes during their process, the bubble, where the baby is in the amniotic fluid, bursts, and water flows out through the natural opening in the mother's body. That is why it is so important to know the answer to the question of how to understand that the waters have moved away. After all, this process indicates that it is necessary to urgently go to the maternity hospital if the expectant mother is still not there yet.

The timing of the discharge of water

Amniotic fluid does not leave at the same time for all women in labor - this is an individual process for each woman. Therefore, the expectant mother should know the answer to the question of how to understand that the water has begun to drain at the beginning of pregnancy. Practice shows that there are three possible scenarios for the development of events:

  • Premature.
  • Timely.
  • Belated.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Premature rupture of fetal fluid

The bubble can theoretically burst at any time from the 32nd week of pregnancy. If the process began long before the birth of the baby, then we can talk about the premature discharge of water.

If you already know how to understand that the waters have receded, but there are no contractions, in no case do not hesitate, but urgently call an ambulance! At this time, the baby is in serious danger - without nutrition, which was previously supplied by the amniotic fluid. Only specialists can help him!

The reasons for prenatal outpouring can be both internal and external. The most common are the following:

  • The fall.
  • Hit.
  • Strong emotional stress.
  • Disease.

The woman is waiting for resuscitation at this time. Doctors are making every effort to preserve the fetus and provoke childbirth - after the 32nd week, the child's body is already more or less ready for life in the big world. But still, this state of affairs is dangerous for the baby: a prematurely born child may not survive, despite all the intensive resuscitation measures. The situation is complicated by his incorrect presentation - in this case, the umbilical cord may fall out or twist, which leads to oxygen starvation. Therefore, it is worth going to the hospital immediately.

Timely outpouring

Let us consider the most favorable option, examining the question: "How to understand that the waters of a pregnant woman have departed." The amniotic fluid has run out and the cervix is ​​softened and parted. At the same time, the contractions are already going parallel to the outpouring of water. If the contractions of the uterus began later, up to 10-12 hours, this is not a pathology.

Prolonged outpouring

Often there is such a state of affairs that, for some reason, the fetal bladder cannot burst on its own. There is only one way out - amniotomy, its mechanical piercing. There are many reasons for this phenomenon.

The indications for artificial rupture of the bladder are usually as follows:

  • Rh-conflict pregnancy.
  • Gestosis.
  • Labor activity is weak.
  • The baby is postponed.
  • Increased bubble density.
  • Irregular contractions.
  • The cervix is ​​not dilated.
  • Flat bubble.
  • Low percentage of placentation.
  • Polyhydramnios.

You should not be afraid of amniotomy - this procedure is painless for a woman, since the bladder has no nerve endings. She will not touch the child either.

And now let's figure out the sensations that will help answer the exciting question of how to understand whether the water has departed from a pregnant woman. It is important to pay attention not only to how this process takes place, but also how the woman feels at the same time.

How to understand that the waters have moved away?

Photo, for ethical reasons, we have placed only schematic. However, the following table will easily help you to recreate a complete picture of this process.

Sign Description, sensations
ContractionsContractions will begin simultaneously with the discharge of water or after - this is purely individual. Typically, the cervix first opens (here you already feel paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen), and then the bubble bursts. But, we repeat, there is nothing wrong if the contractions began 10-12 hours after the waters left.
PainHow to understand that the waters have moved away? Pain will definitely not be a sure symptom - after all, there are no nerve endings in the bladder. With this rupture, there is no discomfort, no burning sensation, no pain. Paroxysmal pain during the outpouring of water is already a sign of the onset of labor. By the way, it is they who often provoke the rupture of the fruit sac.
LiquidBut a sure sign of how to understand that the waters have moved away is precisely the outpouring of liquid. Feeling as if a whole stream of water gushed out of you, very quickly and sharply. Therefore, it should not be confused with spontaneous urination. It seems to women in labor that a lot of liquid came out - in fact, not more than a liter. But if the waters leave slowly, in parts, this may be a harbinger of a disruption in the flow of labor.
LeaksSometimes the approach of the outpouring of water is indicated by the so-called leakage. But their nature can only be understood in laboratory conditions - in everyday life they can be easily confused with urine or vaginal prenatal secretions.
SoundA clicking, popping, or popping sound inside your body is another unusual sign that a fruit bladder has burst.
CorkNot the most obvious symptom. A clot of mucus can come out both much earlier than the passage of water during urination, and during the expiration of amniotic fluid. Also, it's okay if he comes out before the baby is born.

After the water has departed, you need to pay attention to the color of the liquid.

Fruit water color

The color of the amniotic fluid can tell a lot about both the condition of the mother and the child:

  • Yellow... A dull yellow hue, reminiscent of urine in color, indicates that everything is going as it should, and there is only one problem - to be under the supervision of doctors as soon as possible.
  • Red blood streaks... You shouldn't be worried about this nature of the liquid either - in front of you is the discharge that appeared when the cervix was opened.
  • Green... A rather dangerous sign is one of the signs of a lack of fetal waters, which is fraught with oxygen starvation of the child. It may also indicate fetal defecation - if these masses get into the baby's lungs, it is dangerous for him with pulmonitis or pneumonia.
  • Brown... The darker the liquid, the more dangerous the situation. May be a sign of fetal death.
  • Red... Indicates the onset of internal bleeding - in the mother or child. We urgently need to take a horizontal position and call an ambulance!

What to do when the waters have receded?

So, your water broke. What's the first thing to do? Calm your anxiety, pull yourself together, and try your best to stay calm. And then - to act according to this simple algorithm:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. If the color of the waters is brown or red, lie still until the doctors arrive, without doing anything. Otherwise, follow the instructions.
  3. Change soiled laundry. Hygiene procedures should not be carried out so as not to disturb the child - most likely, your cervix is ​​already open.
  4. Dress appropriately for the weather.
  5. Collect the documents and things you need in the hospital.
  6. If contractions have begun, devote yourself to breathing exercises before the arrival of the doctors.

It is important for a mother-to-be to know how to determine the moment when the waters have departed - this is a sure sign of an impending birth. The most important thing for her in this situation is to see qualified doctors as soon as possible and not give in to anxiety.

All women know that amniotic fluid must drain before giving birth. How pregnant women drain water and what to do at the same time - a few simple rules will tell you how to behave while doing this.

During the entire period of pregnancy, the child is in the fetal bladder filled with fluid. Before childbirth, this bladder bursts and fluid is released. A baby left without a familiar environment should be born no later than 12 hours later - if this time is delayed, doctors take measures to speed up labor. But usually everything goes well, and in 6-8 hours after the waters have left, the child is born.

Amniotic fluid - what is it

It is really water, about 97%, in which various substances are dissolved. Normally, this liquid is colorless, transparent and odorless. All cases when the waters have a greenish or reddish color and, at the same time, they are cloudy, are signs of danger: green waters are a sign that the child does not have enough oxygen, and red ones speak of exfoliation of the placenta. In both cases, immediate medical attention is required. The same will be required if the waters have an unpleasant odor.

The amount of these waters in the body is about 1-1.5 liters, but it does not mean that they will all pour out at once, although this happens. But more often than not, the baby's head has already rested against the cervix, blocking the passage for water, so only that part of the water that was in front of the head is poured out, and all the rest will pour out already during childbirth, helping the baby move outward.

With a transverse arrangement of the fetus, it is better that by the time the waters drain, you are in the hospital - in this case, they leave violently, all at once, and can carry the umbilical cord or the baby's handle into the cervix with a stream. Therefore, after the discharge of water, a mandatory examination by a doctor is required.

If the fetal bladder has ruptured in its upper part, there will be no flow of water - it will just start to leak a little. A woman may even confuse the passage of water with urination.

Discharge of water in the toilet

If the water leaves a little, they can be confused with involuntary urination. Therefore, you need to know how to understand that the waters have moved away, and this is not urine:

  • the smell and color of water, unlike urine, do not have;
  • it is impossible to delay the process of water discharge that has begun.

Squeeze the muscles of your bladder - if the flow stopped, then it was urination, if not, it was water.

It's a question of time

The normal time for water to drain is when contractions are already taking place and the cervix has begun to open. But there are also deviations in both directions. If the contractions are in full swing, and the amniotic fluid does not break, doctors can help him - they pierce it with a needle. After that, labor is significantly accelerated, and everything happens normally.

The opposite situation is also possible - the water has departed, but there are no contractions, then you need to urgently go to the hospital and see a doctor - maybe you will have to use medications that speed up labor.

It happens that the waters leave very early - not a few months earlier than expected. Usually this is just a small leak, in which amniotic fluid is determined only by tests. For a child, a violation of the integrity of the bladder is dangerous due to the penetration of bacteria, so doctors take measures against possible infection.

Do not be afraid - everything will be fine!

Knowing how the waters drain from pregnant women before childbirth, you can not be afraid of this. Even if the water goes away at home, this is just an unequivocal requirement to immediately go to the hospital. But at the same time, you should not worry, and even more so - panic: you already know what to do, imagine how long it takes to give birth, and you can call a taxi and go to the hospital. With repeated childbirth, this process can go faster, so it is better to go to the hospital in advance.

Amniotic fluid, what is it?

From the very beginning of pregnancy, the fetus is in a bladder filled with liquid. Doctors call these waters amniotic or amniotic fluid.

For the embryo - a comfortable habitat, which is an additional barrier against traumatic and bacterial effects. Protection occurs due to the gentle aquatic environment, and from bacteria - due to the high content of immunoglobulin.

In the formation of the fetus, amniotic fluid plays a key role.

It is thanks to her that in late pregnancy the kidneys begin to function and the lungs develop fully. The amount of fluid increases as the baby grows and reaches a volume of about 800-1500 ml by the time of the first contractions and childbirth.

An insufficient amount of water, as well as an excess of water, can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

If the waters are gone, how long will it take to give birth?

With the correct course of pregnancy, the process of discharge of water should precede childbirth itself.

But in practice, there are nuances.

  • So, if the waters leave at an early stage, that is, then this indicates the threat of miscarriage.
  • small amounts of amniotic fluid can escape involuntarily.

As a matter of additional concern, as some associate this process with either uncontrolled urination or premature onset of labor.

Such options are possible, but it is better to get professional advice on this issue from your supervising gynecologist. Indeed, in the case when it lasts longer than two weeks, then an infection can enter the child's body through the slightly opened cervix and amniotic fluid.

In order to make sure that there is no danger, usually a swab of the amniotic fluid is taken for the presence of infection.

If an infection is detected and the pregnancy is shorter, antibiotic treatment will be offered.

After 35 weeks, when the baby's lungs are fully formed, they will not take such risks, which means that you need to prepare for the appearance of the baby a little earlier than the intended date.

  • In the normal course of pregnancy, with the onset of the due date and the first contractions, pressure on the cervix increases, which leads to rupture of the membrane and water naturally goes out.

But even after this signal for the onset of labor, the child does not remain "dehydrated."

The bubble consists of two parts and under the influence of pressure only the shell of the front part bursts, so that a certain amount of liquid is retained. In addition, every three hours, fluid reserves are replenished from the resources of the female body.

If the waters have receded, but there are no contractions

In addition, being in the water, the expectant mother may not notice this.

But if the water has receded and there are no contractions, this is considered a deviation from the norm. True, infrequent. According to statistics, every tenth woman in childbirth faces such a situation.

In this case, it is important to remember: time is expensive and immediately go to the hospital!

Correct timely response will avoid possible complications during childbirth and such a dangerous condition of the fetus as hypoxia.

In such a situation, in order to ensure the normal course of labor, contractions are provoked with medication.

The opposite option is also possible: the onset of contractions before the waters leave.

Doctors consider such a prenatal course the most favorable for both the mother and the baby for a number of reasons.

So, when the fetal bladder with amniotic fluid is intact, it means that the baby is protected from infection. And the pain of contractions is not felt so acutely and there is no need for drug stimulation of the labor process.

According to the results of observations, it has been proven that when the waters flow in this way, the cervix opens more efficiently.

Changing the color of the selection

It is necessary to pay attention to the density and color of the discharge at any stage of the entire period of pregnancy.

Contrary to fears, it is quite difficult to confuse amniotic fluid with urine or vaginal fluid: normally it should not have an odor and color, like urine, and be of an ordinary water consistency.