Men's haircuts for eared. We select a haircut for a boy by age. Severe straight haircut

Eleanor Brick

Hair plays one of the most important roles in shaping a person's image. Women pay more attention to their appearance than men. However, in recent years, the stronger half have become "more reverent" about their image.

When choosing a hairstyle, both men and women can follow fashion trends. But above all, you should start from the features of your appearance: face type, head shape, figure, age, as well as occupation, lifestyle, social status, etc.

Men's hairstyle in the shape of the head

How to choose men's hairstyles according to the shape of the head and type of face? In no case should these criteria be ignored, focusing only on the fact that the fashionable undercut haircut, otherwise called "British", is very suitable for some of your friends.

When choosing a hairstyle, focus solely on the features of your appearance. However, you also need to be aware of fashion trends in the field of hairdressing, not forgetting to "try on yourself." Only with this approach can you expect a good result. Why look worse when you can look better ?!

Men's haircuts for a round face

The ideal face shape is considered to be oval, and therefore when correcting all other face shapes you need to strive for an oval, for which you should create the illusion of height and angles.

This effect can be achieved in several ways:

  1. Give preference to haircuts characterized by the presence of short strands on the sides of the head and longer ones in the parietal part.
  2. "Artistic mess" at the top of the hairstyle- the perfect choice for those with a round face.
  3. The task of chubby men is strive for asymmetry in the hairstyle, which brings some "angularity" to the face.
  4. Long hair is perfectly acceptable however, at the same time, the hair should be laid on one side and trimmed in levels.

Short haircuts and bangs are bad choices for those with a round face.

The best choices for chubby men are the following haircuts:

  • "Undercut" or "British";
  • "Canadian";
  • "Quiff" is a variation of the "mohawk" hairstyle

Men's haircuts for an oval face

The oval face shape is considered the standard, and therefore its happy owners can afford to wear different hairstyles.

Men with an oval face showing classic short haircuts, especially those that are characterized by the presence of short on the sides and longer on top of the strands. Hair should be pulled back, because if the strands fall on the forehead, then the visually perfect oval face will acquire completely unnecessary roundness. "Oval-faced" men with long hair and a "bun" hairstyle look great.

Representatives of the stronger sex with an oval face shape should give preference to the following types of haircuts:

  • "Anterkatu" or "British";
  • "Canadian" with bangs combed back, if the strands in it are long;
  • "Boxing" and "semi-boxing";
  • haircuts with bangs.

Hairstyles for an oval face

Men's haircuts for a square face

Men with a square face can afford to wear a variety of hairstyles. For example, classic short haircuts, hairstyles for long hair... Especially the dignity of a square-shaped face is emphasized by haircuts with short hair on the sides of the head and bangs.

These men are ideal for:

  • classic haircuts of the 50-60s of the last century;
  • smoothly combed back hairstyles are versatile, since they look equally appropriate both in the office and at a party;
  • messy, tousled hairstyles, which are especially relevant for men with curly hair;
  • short haircuts like "hedgehog".

Men's haircuts for a full face

Basic rules for choosing hairstyles for men with full faces:

  1. Avoid hairstyles that are too sleek and also refuse to use styling gels.
  2. If a fat man has curly hair, you should give preference to layered hairstyles, which will save them from excess volume.
  3. Refuse to wear hairstyles with straight thick bangs ... Oblique and asymmetrical bangs should be preferred..

Full face hairstyle

What hairstyles are suitable for overweight men

What haircuts should be chosen by overweight men:

  1. Short haircuts that are distinguished by the presence of shaved temples: "Boxing" and "semi-boxing". They will give their owners a fair amount of brutality. These haircuts are unpretentious in terms of maintenance and styling.
  2. Fat men can also afford a "square". However, such a hairstyle is suitable for representatives of creative professions, but it will not look quite organic on a tax inspector. The "square" looks especially good on wavy hair, if you comb your hair to one side.
  3. Haircuts with elongated temples that visually narrow the face.
  4. When styling any haircut for overweight men, straight partings should be avoided, which not only visually expand the face, but also add comic relief. What can not be said about the side partings, which visually reduce the degree of roundness of the face.
  5. Overweight men should not forget about the possibilities of "hair" on the face, so beard and sideburns can mask chubby cheeks and chin.

Fat men should always choose curvy hairstyles that visually narrow the face.
Men's haircuts for a triangular face

A man with a triangular face will look much more advantageous if he prefers a haircut with volume on the parietal part of the head and shorter strands on the sides. It is worth choosing from:

  • "Undercut", this haircut has another name - "British";
  • haircuts that allow combing the bangs back or sideways;
  • "Canadian";
  • "Quiff".

The heart-shaped face shape is very similar to the triangular one, the only thing that differs from the latter is the sharper chin and the width of the cheekbones. A feature of the face shape "heart" is the combination of a wide forehead and a sharp chin what makes her look like a heart - what is customary to portray, for example, in "cartoons".

Haircut for a heart-shaped face

In order to bring this shape closer to the ideal, you need to choose hairstyles that hide the width of the forehead and highlight the chin aesthetically. The most suitable men's haircuts for heart-shaped faces are:

  • "British";
  • "Canadian";
  • haircuts with comb back, as well as on the right and left side.

But haircuts with strands of hair that hang over the face should not be chosen, since they draw attention to a disproportionately narrow chin.

An excellent masking element for those with triangular and heart-shaped shapes will be a wide beard, which will make facial features more proportional.

In this case, almost any haircut and styling is suitable for a man.

Men's haircuts for an elongated face

Men with elongated faces should not get carried away with hairstyles with long hair. unless, of course, they want their faces to look even longer. Owners of elongated faces should choose haircuts that are in the shape of a trapezoid, while the whiskey should not be shaved.

What should men with elongated faces avoid when choosing a hairstyle?

  • short haircuts are not for you, as they visually stretch the face even more;
  • do not choose haircuts with open ears, they will emphasize the excessive thinness of the face;
  • long hair should not be your choice;
  • give up high haircuts and straight parting, they also visually lengthen the face.

Long face haircut

How to correct the shape of an elongated face?

You can give the elongated face proportionality as follows:

  • give preference to a multi-layered hairstyle;
  • grow a mustache that divides the face horizontally, thereby visually shortening it;
  • choose glasses with round or square frames with bright patterns and designs.

Men's hairstyles with a large forehead

According to the majority, the "Socratic" forehead is a flaw in appearance, therefore, many young people are seriously complex, having a high and wide forehead.

Basic techniques for disguising the "Socratic" forehead

There are a number of techniques that can help hide a high and wide forehead:

  1. You need to choose the right men's haircuts for a high forehead, with elongated bangs. Bangs can have very different shapes, and therefore the owners of "Socratic" foreheads will have the opportunity to experiment with their appearance.
  2. Straight parting should not "furrow" the hairstyles of such men... There may be a side parting that slightly reveals the face when it comes to cascading haircuts.
  3. Give preference to asymmetrical hairstyles with a short nape and an elongated front.
  4. Haircuts with protruding strands are suitable.

Tall men should abandon combed back hair, since such hairstyles further emphasize attention.

Hairstyles for eared guys

The life of people with high and wide foreheads can be recognized as heavenly in comparison with the trials that fall to the lot of those who were not lucky enough to be born with protruding ears. They get it since childhood, so it is not surprising that men with this trait are puzzled by the problem of how to disguise them.

Haircut for lop-eared men

Any haircut is suitable for men with protruding ears. Another question is whether they are ready to proudly show their "wrong" ears or not. What are their haircuts for lop-eared men?

The ideal choice in such a situation are medium-length hairstyles that can really hide protruding ears from prying eyes. So men with this problem first need to grow their hair to a length that will cover their ears. After that, you should make a haircut, for example, a "graduated bob" or an elongated "bob".

It makes sense for men with protruding ears to grow a beard that will shift the focus from the ears to itself.


A correctly chosen hairstyle is capable of real miracles, giving the image of a man uniqueness and uniqueness. A man with well-groomed healthy hair will always be in the center of women's attention, and therefore we advise you to approach the choice of hairstyle with full responsibility, because nowadays "image is everything"!

November 20, 2017 3:34 pm

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Even the most fashionable men's hairstyles sometimes need to be changed - both stylists and hairdressers talk about this. Changing your haircut has a positive effect on your image and self-awareness. I gave these and approximately these arguments to my husband when I decided to show him new interesting men's hairstyles, photos of which I found on the net.

If you want to choose a few trendy hairstyles for your husband, then here you will find a lot of interesting things.

What are the general types of men's hairstyles? Men's fashion does not offer too many reference haircuts, and in the end, each master cuts a little in his own way. Therefore, most often they just distinguish the hairstyle - sporty, classic, and so on.

Going to the hairdresser, it is best to save on your smartphone a few pictures of what you would like to get after a haircut, it is also worth talking to the master and explaining what attracts you in this or that picture, what length seems comfortable to you and what the master can offer so that adapt this or that haircut to your style.

Do not neglect the opinion of the master (and if you are not sure of it, then it is better to find another master) - not every haircut can be repeated one to one simply because different people differ in the thickness and structure of hair, the direction of their growth and density. If the person has coarse curly hair, then a trendy Brad Pitt hairstyle will look completely different on your hair. Listen to the opinion of the master.


A classic haircut for a man always looks the same - it is a clear, even strict edging, the hair has a maximum (several centimeters) length at the crown, and gradually fades away, shortening to the edging line. Such a haircut is performed with ordinary scissors, and in fact, the master must be able to handle his tool in order to perform this haircut well.

On the basis of the classic haircut, you can make many hairstyles for men - it allows you to style your hair in different ways and change your image. For example, if you want to get an extremely businesslike and focused look, you need to lightly moisturize your hair with a styling product, and then comb it in a straight part, without adding much volume to your hair.

The final finishing of the styling is done with a large, infrequent comb - it helps to create the necessary texture for a carefully and neatly combed man.

Romantic fashionable hairstyles are suitable for young people and figures of the creative and cultural environment - the length of the hair allows you to create volume and light wave, and with the skillful use of styling products, you can achieve an interesting effect.

By the way, the classic men's haircut can be combed forward, creating the illusion of short bangs - this option is more suitable for a party or vacation, because short strands of pseudo-bangs will look somewhat frivolous.

The classics can be worn in medium length - so that the hair on the crown reaches a length of about 8-15 centimeters. Suitable for men who carefully care for their hair and do not mind styling every day, at the same time they must have soft enough hair so that it lies beautifully. For styling this hairstyle, it is best to use powder or soft-hold foam.


What fashion trends in men's fashion await us in 2019? Fashionable men's hairstyles continue to dominate undercut or British... By the way, this fashionable haircut, which is worn by many Hollywood stars and famous people, has another name - for example, in Ukraine, it is a type of hairstyle called an oseledets.

What does a proper, classic undercut look like? There is no single criterion, almost all hairstyles with shaved temples can claim this name. This hairstyle first became fashionable about sixty years ago in Britain, and since then it has become fashionable from time to time in one form or another.

In 2019, the classic undercard will be fashionable, which means:

  • no transition between long and short hair;
  • long strands at the crown have different lengths;
  • shaving the lower part of the head in 2019 can only be afforded by very young representatives of the stronger sex;
  • you can give an original touch to the haircut with a plucked pattern that separates long and short hair.
What about other men's hairstyles with medium hair? Those who prefer medium hair length can be offered stylish men's hairstyles with a slightly longer than average length - it can be a cropped bob or even a man's bob.

As before, in 2019, hairstyles with shaved temples remain popular - asymmetric, when only one temple is shaved. It's a small tribute to the mohawk and bikers, as well as a little flirtation with the undercut of the early 80s.

Medium length hair with one shaved temple will look good only in one case - if the person has an original bright image. In all other cases, it will be rather inappropriate, especially if a man cannot boast of a fit sports figure.

In general, partially shaved whiskey is the heritage of the Indians and the mohawk hairstyles, therefore, the appearance here needs an appropriate one. I would also like to say about blondes. Due to the fact that light hair looks neutral on light skin, you need to wear shaved whiskey very carefully - under certain lighting conditions, the illusion of deep bald patches can form.


Sports are usually called short men's hairstyles, which are often worn by athletes. Considering that in the past few years, professional sportsmen wear different hairstyles, the concept has become somewhat blurred.

Traditionally, sports haircuts include hairstyle semi-boxing and haircut semi-boxing men's - this is a short haircut with a clipper, which is a versatile short hairstyle with a slightly elongated crown in relation to the rest of the hair.

There are quite a few options for this type of hairstyle - thinning and edging in combination with strands of different lengths give an almost endless number of options.

An ordinary beaver can also be considered a kind of sports haircut - a short haircut with a machine with an equally short hair length all over the head. Such hairstyles are decorated with shaved ornaments, highlighting, coloring. Practically no styling is required.


Casual ordinary men's hairstyles with bangs will receive special attention in 2019 - casual hairstyles look fresh and relevant almost always. Separately, mention should be made of the Canadian haircut - it could be attributed to sports, but in fact Canadian is more than a universal option for men's hairstyles... It is performed on soft hair, and how good the hairstyle will be depends on the skill of the hairdresser.

Parting hairstyles are also quite popular, especially if it is a side hairstyle - a deep parting that goes almost from the forehead to the crown of the head, with fixed hair that is slightly textured.

Do not be afraid to change your image - a modern man should look neat and well-groomed, but he should also look modern, otherwise his perception will be appropriate.

Is it very difficult to decide to change your image? Discuss this issue with your hairdresser. Ask to leave enough length so that if something happens, you can do a short, but familiar hairstyle, and try something new.

One of the hardest questions about men's hair style fashion is styling products. Men often believe that a small comb and regular tap water are enough for good styling, being confident that styling products are only for women.

If you are a woman, and your man behaves this way, then there is a simple solution here too - men's cosmetics for hair care. You can buy it on the Internet or at any barber shop.

By the way, there you can also try to get a professional haircut from a good male master, tidy up facial hair, drink a cup of coffee and even discuss football - barbershops have long ceased to be ordinary barbers and have long become a kind of club of interests for well-groomed and strong men.

Short men's haircuts emphasize masculinity, energy and sportiness of a man, and this is now in vogue. We bring to your attention a detailed review of short men's haircuts: classic and creative, model and sports (see photo).

Youth men's haircuts of the spring-summer 2017 season

In the upcoming season, a pronounced masculinity and severity will be in fashion, and in order to be in trend, you will have to abandon everything "metrosexual". This means restraint in hairstyles: long bangs, styling and other attributes of last year's fashion must be mercilessly discarded.

The 2019 trendy hairstyle is a short haircut with no hint of femininity, but creativity and style are encouraged. The basic basis can be a classic haircut with bangs, as well as all kinds of "army" haircuts in the military style.

Sports haircuts with a slick back, hairstyles with a hat are also in fashion.

Fashionable men's haircuts

Masculinity and brutality, so fashionable this season, are most clearly expressed in the following current haircuts.

The Tomboy haircut is considered a real hit of the 2019 season. "Tomboy" is a somewhat refined and familiar "short bob" hairstyle.

A retro hairstyle looks luxurious, especially if it is in harmony with the overall style of the wardrobe and accessories. It's hard to do without the help of a stylist, but if you want to look stylish, it's worth it.

  • Hair with the help of mousse is styled with a comb back and parting.
  • A fine comb is required to create the hairstyle.

Boxing and Semi-boxing


Model haircut - a hairstyle created by an experienced hairdresser, taking into account the individual anatomical features of the structure of the head and face, as well as the wishes of the client. Any hairstyle can be model - from an elegant classic to an extravagant "mohawk" haircut. The master step by step and carefully embodies his idea, as a result, this model haircut becomes the client's favorite, and he will wear it for many years, or even his whole life.

The basis for a model haircut is a regular haircut for short hair; the master simply introduces one or more of his own elements into the hairstyle. For example, a haircut with patterns - on top resembles an ordinary "half box", and from the sides and on the back of the head, the master shaves a pattern. Sometimes the master leaves a strand on the back of the head, then a hairstyle "with a ponytail" comes out.

The "torn haircut" technique gives a lot of room for imagination. The master cuts the hair with a razor so that it looks like the hair has been torn off. The "ladder" haircut will add volume to the hair. The scheme for its implementation: the master cuts the hair so that the strands processed from the back of the head and down are longer than each other. The "cascade" differs from the "ladder" in that the transition of the strands is not smooth, but abrupt.

With shaved temples

These hairstyles have recently been a hallmark of punk music lovers. But fashion is changing, and more and more men with shaved temples appear on the streets. Any short haircut serves as a base for a hairstyle - you just need to shave off the whiskey, and a powerful charge of creativity is provided.

Find out which ones are right for girls.

  • Short haircuts are suitable for strong-willed, strong and energetic men, their age does not matter.
  • They are most suitable for men with a round face, and stylists often recommend choosing hairstyles with short hair on the sides and elongated hair at the top. If the face is elongated or oval, it is better to do a different hairstyle. Bangs are not always suitable for men with an elongated face.
  • If it is important for a teenager to stand out and find their own original stylish image with a catchy haircut with asymmetry, then for older men this option may not work. The characteristic features of youth hairstyles are a deliberately careless appearance, catchy and even outrageous.
  • Feel free to give directions to hairdressers - in many cases they take their job "slipshod". Your appearance is in your hands!

The key to the success of any man is his ideal appearance. It is enough to choose the right, fashionable haircut that will suit the type of face - and you are already halfway to success. And a neat and well-groomed man arouses not only the interest of women, but also the disposition and trust of others. Men's hairstyle trends change frequently, but there are some that don't go out of style. This is very convenient for guys, because they are not inclined, like girls, to endlessly improve their appearance.

The main thing is to find the one option that suits you best, and feel free to stick to it. Although, in fact, there are a huge variety of hairstyles for men and guys.


Sports options

Men who choose sporty hairstyles have traits such as focus, determination, brutality and endurance. Such haircuts only add masculinity and style. They are quite simple, comfortable to wear and do not take much time to style.

Sports haircuts most often have a minimum length, which can be either ultra-short or standard.

Sports haircuts are suitable for many males. They do not suit blondes and those people who have scars, cuts or birthmarks on their heads.

Boxing and semi-boxing haircuts

These hairstyles were previously a form of sporty style and have long gained popularity among men. Today they are worn by young teens, young guys, and mature men. What is the difference between these two haircuts?

In fact, the difference is small, but it is still there. More often you can find a boxing haircut, which is short hair on the temporal and occipital area, in combination with more elongated strands on the vertex.

In the semi-box, more than elongated vertex, and the border between long and short strands is lower than that of a box.

And if the first option does not require styling, then in the second one you cannot do without it. These two haircuts have long become classics of the genre, symbolizing courage and self-confidence. They suit everyone, without exception.

You can find out how a half-box is done by watching the video.

The Canadian haircut is another kind of sporty style. She has firmly established herself on many men's heads, so for many years it has not gone out of fashion. This phenomenon is quite justified, because the hairstyle suits many, regardless of hair type and appearance.

To become the owner of a Canadian, your hair must be three centimeters long. You can add bangs of any shape and length to your haircut.

When performing a Canadian with the help of a typewriter, part of the hair length is removed at the temples and a little at the back of the head. At the same time, the crown remains long.

Canadian is also beneficial because it can be stack differently... This could be:

Offset back to the 50s styling style.

Located on the side.

Stylish youth negligence- "a la just out of bed."

The Canadian should be neat, have smooth transitions without sharp borders and protruding strands. She looks especially good on blonde guys. To add originality to the image, you can make various ornaments or patterns on the temples.

Retro haircuts

Fashion always comes back. Therefore, choosing a retro-style haircut, be sure that you have made the right decision. This style is characterized by semi-long or short hair, long bangs. The most popular styling options are hair combed in the side parting with long bangs, laid to one side, to the side or raised up.

Retro hairstyles are characterized by volume. It can be made not only from the bangs, but also from the front strands, combing them, or ruffling them with mousse.

Haircut "Tomboy"

For a significant period of time, the "Tomboy" haircut was considered a woman's. However, over time, they began to notice her more and more in the novelties of men's fashion. Over time, she changed significantly, which allowed her to become more brutal. "Tomboy" is created on the basis of another haircut - a short bob. But the length of the hair can be left to choose from: 3-7 cm.

This type of men's haircut is universal; it has no frames, certain contours and patterns. In addition, there are a great many variations of it today. Therefore, before creating, consult with a stylist and look at several options in order to choose the most suitable one for yourself. Both very short and elongated oblique bangs are combined with this hairstyle.

Military style

The "military" style, or in other words - "military", remains one of the favorite among men. Those who choose such haircuts, thereby demonstrate their courage and fortitude... Military-style hairstyles are suitable not only for mature men, but also for young guys. But they are unlikely to suit romantic natures with a subtle soul.

Although the military style is considered military, very often these haircuts can be found in everyday life. Often they are ultra-short, on the sides they have no more than 3 millimeters, and at the top of the head they reach 7 mm, bangs are not provided in them (although there are exceptions). They are considered military because of their associations with soldiers.

Often this style also includes:

  • Hedgehog;
  • boxing;
  • semi-box;
  • "Under zero".

The advantage of military haircuts is that they do not require constant combing, styling and special care. They are practical and great for an active lifestyle.

In whatever century we live, children's hairstyles for boys will always be interesting to young and modern mothers who want to see their little son not only healthy and well-groomed, but also a stylish boy.

Agree that a beautiful haircut for a boy is a great opportunity to teach a kid to take care of himself from an early age. Moreover, the fashion for children's hairstyles for boys offers us quite diverse and bold haircut solutions for boys.

Naturally, there are boyish hairstyles that are easy to maintain, and there are equally original and slightly unusual hairstyles for teenage boys that require daily styling and constant grooming of bobbed hair.

Let's take a look and analyze the most fashionable hairstyles for boys 2019-2020 with you, and you will try to choose the most stylish haircut for your young son.

First of all, we will try to divide the most beautiful and fashionable children's haircuts for boys by age categories and highlight interesting and original examples of hairstyles for boys among them. We will start, of course, from the smallest fidgets.

A short overview of haircuts for little boys

For many boys, getting their first haircut is a routine routine. At one year old, many mothers cut their baby's hair as short as possible, mistakenly hoping that after cutting the hair will become stronger and thicker. But this is not at all the case.

It is not at all necessary to wait a year to cut the hair of a child, and it is not at all necessary to do the shortest possible haircut for a boy.

There are very original and decent haircut options for a boy 2019-2020 from classic to model.

If your baby has inherited curly hair, it is better to choose a medium length haircut for him, such as a bob for a boy, such a haircut with curls looks cute and playful.

It is also worth trying pompadour-style haircuts for boys that are fashionable in 2019-2020. After all, many boys are delighted with the hairstyles worn by their adult idols and many want to imitate them, and the hairstyle is another way to inherit their heroes.

In addition, it has now become very fashionable to use adult men's haircuts on the smallest boys. Cropped weights and the back of the head, even parting, slicked back hair - all these hairstyles for boys look stylish and cute, making a little dandy out of a child.

In addition, it is very cool when dad and son choose the same hairstyles for themselves and together watch and look after her.

Fashionable kids hairstyles for school boys

The same can be said for children's haircuts for boys 6-9 years old. In most variations, trendy hairstyles for school-age boys are similar to those of adult men.

At this age, boys can afford to experiment and try even the most unusual haircuts for boys 2019-2020. Basically, these will be haircuts such as Canadian and pompadour.

Of course, if your boy spends more time in active activities, for example, he often goes in for sports, then it is better to choose one of the classic short haircuts for a boy, such as boxing and semi-boxing. A similar haircut can also be made more original and even unique by shaving a pattern and even a pattern on the head.

Unusual haircuts for boys with a shaving pattern are combined not only with ultra short haircuts such as "box" and "half box". Feel free to combine a shaved pattern with an undercut, or choose a more daring version with a mohawk.

In the new season, any restrictions on hair length are removed, so boys are allowed to wear both a short box and a long bob. The main trend is clear lines that divide the top and bottom of the haircut.

As for long hair, it is possible not to cut them off in 2019-2020, since haircuts for boys for medium hair remain fashionable, mainly cascading haircuts for boys with long bangs, asymmetry and highlighted strands.

Trending haircuts for boys among teenagers today

So we come to the older boys. Stylish teen haircuts for guys 2019-2020 is probably the largest number of trendy haircuts for boys, starting from 12 years old. Because teenagers are almost adult men who want to look more masculine and therefore choose adult men's haircuts.

This is the age at which you can afford the original hairstyle, which could not have been done in early childhood, and which will be inappropriate at the age of an older man. For example, a Bieber hairstyle for a boy, or bold haircuts with a mohawk.

At the age of 12-15, boys are already able to choose their own style, which will be present not only in haircuts and clothes, but also in behavior. Stylish young guys already want to please girls and already understand something about fashion.

For romantic guys, the perfect haircut would be a pompadour-style hairstyle and an undercut with a comb back. For active boys and athletes, such short haircuts for boys as hedgehog, Canadian and tennis are undoubtedly suitable.

The most popular haircut options for boys 2019-2020

I would like to highlight several options for a modern haircut for boys, which will be suitable for a two-year-old boy and for older boys.

Probably, everyone is familiar with a samurai-style haircut with a bun on the top of the head. This hairstyle has become very popular among boys of all ages. An unusual hairstyle for a boy with a ponytail looks most advantageous on dark, straight hair.

Hairstyles for boys with a side parting are very beautiful and neat, from which not only mothers, but also young girls are delighted, are also universal for boys of any age category.

The above-mentioned haircut for a boy with a shaved pattern and pattern, which can be done at any age, and with any type of hair, will be able to give individuality.

In principle, on short-cropped hair, you can shave any pattern, from clear lines, ornaments, to a complex pattern or symbols, which, for example, are associated with your favorite characters.

How to choose a haircut for a boy that matches the style of your heir, we hope our photo selection of the best ideas for children's hairstyles for boys 2019-2020 will help you.

Get inspired, save, consult with your baby and sign up with a master who will help you create a stunning look for your son.

The most fashionable children's hairstyles for boys of the 2019-2020 season: photo haircut ideas for boys