Male view of female beauty. Myths and Reality. Reviews of men from the forums. What kind of women do they consider sex symbols

Beauty is subjective in almost any of its manifestations - everyone has their own tastes, and it is very difficult to find an ideal that would be to everyone's liking. Especially when it comes to what kind of woman is ideal for most men. However, according to scientists, there are non-obvious signs of female beauty that men perceive literally on a subconscious level.


According to an experiment conducted by French scientists, in nightclubs, men most often invite women with blond hair to dance, in second place are brunettes, and in third place are redheads.


According to clinical psychologist Leon Zeltser, men prefer women with long legs. And not tall, but leggy - they like it when a woman's legs are long relative to her body.

Manner of speaking

Men love it when a woman has a high-pitched voice (Marilyn Monroe is the perfect example). But men do not like a squeaky voice - this is due to the fact that older women have such a voice.

But they prefer the manner of conversation so that it resembles their own - the pronunciation of letters and words, the rate of speech, etc.


Men prefer women shorter than themselves. In addition, tall men subconsciously look for a girl of miniature stature, and short ones give preference to those who are of the same height with them.


Mostly men prefer women younger than themselves. For example, between the ages of 20 and 30, they prefer women between the ages of 24 and 26. However, there are men who tend to choose women after 30 - and here scientists note some special psychological reasons for choosing.


Statistically, blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women. Which, in turn, is not true for men with brown and green eyes.

Moderation in cosmetics

Men don't like bright makeup. On the contrary, they prefer moderate looks that are close to natural.


When meeting a woman, men very often pay attention to how correct their waist-to-hip ratio is. If it is about 0.7, this is ideal. To determine this, you need to measure the waist, hips, and then divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. Centimeters must be converted to inches.

Features of the structure of the eyes

Another interesting feature is the limbal ring - the dark ring around the iris. According to scientists, a wide limbal ring is more attractive to men.


The angle between the back and buttocks should be about 45.5 degrees - this figure is considered the most attractive for men. This is due to the fact that it is at this angle that a woman suffers less from lower back pain during pregnancy.

It is worth noting that external attractiveness is not all that is appreciated by men in women. Inner beauty also matters. In addition, every woman is beautiful in her own way, so is there any point in pushing herself into a certain framework?

A beautiful woman is a profession
And everything else is sheer amateurism.
R. Rozhdestvensky

Each of us wants to be beautiful: always or on an important date, for everyone or for someone else.

Who can determine the criteria, if beauty is a subjective and vague concept and it depends to a large extent on perception. Two representatives of the stronger sex see the same woman in completely different ways: one as a goddess and an ideal, the second as an unremarkable unit of the feminine gender.

And yet - what does a beautiful woman mean from a male point of view?

As you know, everything in a person should be fine. But no matter what is said about the soul, the first impression is made by the appearance. If we summarize the most popular opinions, women are perceived as beautiful who have:

Well-groomed appearance

Perhaps a man will never be able to determine in detail what type of skin you have, whether your hairstyle is fashionable and the percentage of split ends (unless this man, of course, is the shocked star Seryozha Zverev). But on the level of perception, they will always note matte and firm skin, shiny and beautifully styled (or "naturally" disheveled) hair, light natural makeup and neat clothing. And a foundation applied in spots on flaky skin, chapped lips and red sore eyes will certainly alienate you from the image of a beautiful woman. It is impossible to describe exactly what well-groomed means. The main thing is to constantly take care of yourself and take care of your skin, hands, hair and body according to your skin and hair type. The finishing touch is given by a light, unobtrusive perfume.

Proportional features and expressive eyes.

Of course, not everyone is given by nature a complete harmony of features: large eyes, well-defined eyebrows, a neat nose, chin and their relationship to each other. But all this can be slightly corrected with the help of decorative cosmetics. And none of this means deception. After all, if a person likes you, then the more serious your relationship becomes, the more he will appreciate the inner spiritual qualities, or rather, the harmony between inner and outer virtues. And if we are only talking about visual perception, what difference does it make to him how you look without makeup? And, by the way, Sophia Loren's nose is far from ideal shape, and who will turn his tongue to call her ugly? And the expressiveness of the eyes is evaluated differently by different people.

Proportional figure

And here we are not talking about thin or overweight - after all, men love different and, certainly, not a faceless standard. Did Marilyn Monroe look thin? The main thing is that the figure is fit, and the bottom is elastic. Breast size is also not an indicator of beauty, someone likes a lush breast, and someone considers a small one as a standard. And men began to understand the word "cellulite" only thanks to the number of articles on this topic and our groans.

Stylish and tasteful clothing.

Body-shaping, flowing clothes in soothing colors, high heels, long hair and beautiful manicure are one of the attractive looks. The second is sporty, and this is: short haircuts, jeans, comfortable but elegant shoes. The third attractive image, surprisingly, is a business woman. Business, but not boring suit, neat: hair, manicure and makeup. The main thing is to wear what suits you, hides flaws and emphasizes advantages. Whether a skirt is fashionable on you or not, few men will pay attention to it. But accuracy is one of the components. Twisted tights, gathered in pleats, a messy blouse and a stretched skirt with spots will automatically reduce your chances of getting into the top of the prettiest ladies.

Posture and self-control.

Good posture already visually tightens the figure, emphasizes the chest, makes you draw in your stomach and makes your gait smooth. In addition, it shows how a woman treats herself.

And here we come to another component of beauty - a woman's confidence that she is beautiful. And this feeling is transmitted - whether at the level of the subconscious, fluids or other subtle matters, but if you consider yourself beautiful, then there is a high probability that others, including men, will also think so.

But this is not the main thing, as the secretary Vera said, creating the same beauty from her nondescript female boss.

External beauty is never without internal, it is the latter that makes the eyes expressive, and the woman is interesting.

Kindness and interest in other people, the ability to empathize and communicate, intelligence and charm, cheerfulness and a desire for development - these and many other inner virtues distinguish a beautiful woman from a beautiful doll in the eyes of men.

And yet - a beautiful woman always has a certain mysterious gleam in her eyes, elusive sexuality, attention and promise. As the same Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote (another man's look into the piggy bank of knowledge):

And in the rare profession of a fairy-tale woman there are skills, secrets and strict principles.

Each has her own skills and secrets, but any woman is adorned with a smile - sincere and benevolent. Do not paint - lowered corners of the lips, universal longing in the gaze and a desire to tell the world one hundred and one problems.

The beloved woman always seems beautiful, whatever she really is. And the fact that a woman in love is beautiful meets all the above-mentioned principles: she is happy, smiles and rejoices at the world and is in complete harmony with it. Here is one of the secrets: to be beautiful - love. Close and dear ones, children and animals, just people and life, create a feeling of happiness in yourself - and beauty will shine from the inside.
Beauty is a magnet that attracts views, thoughts, emotions and men. The main thing is that beautiful men - with their souls.

Therefore, I decided to open my eyes and look at women, it's a pity it's not yet May, there is no sun, no contrast and not all the beauty is visible)) But I will try to convey how a man sees female beauty with his own eyes.

I started the story on my blog with an article and its standards (then be sure to take a look) and not by accident. There it is just about the fact that, as such, the standards of beauty for men do not exist. Much depends on national, religious, etc. etc ... factors.

In general, in the eyes of a man, feminine beauty is more likely to be a stop on demand)) Everyone seems to like the beautiful, but one likes this one more, and the other another, and plus it is also influenced by the local flavor.

And you begin to understand =)) women, remaining in a position of misunderstandings, begin to build beauty on the basis of their own discussions between women or taking images from magazines as mandatory. Personally, it seems to me that everything happens that way.

Girls, isn't it easier to ask your beloved what he likes more about you?))

I have enough examples from my personal life, not to mention my friends. Wife will make some hairstyle and you think something hit her head hard =)) Some stylish, fashionable, sleekness on her head and she's going with me to a decent company =))

I understand when once such an embarrassment turns out that I have to redo everything at home (I don't need a scarecrow with me, even if according to the latest fashion) I need a woman next to me, attractive, beautiful and pleasant. But when this is repeated, it cuts out completely and homeric laughter begins =))

My beloved, of course, in a trance, does not understand why I do not like it, she tried, and grievances begin that have to be ironed out. And what is the actual question and where does the problem come from?

I don’t want to, but you think my friends advised virtue, it’s not known for what purpose))

Female beauty through the eyes of men looks a little different than in the eyes of women themselves. And a strange paradox turns out. Women want to be beautiful in order to please men, but at the same time, they seem to compete in beauty with each other (if I may say so) and according to some of their own special rules.

They create, invent their own beauty and expect delight from men. Sometimes, of course, it works, to be honest, but very rarely =))

In external beauty, a man evaluates feminine virtues, not the beauty of a show. If you have, then they should be emphasized among other charms, if it is, then let her captivate the male half. It's pretty simple.

It's not the last thing to hide your flaws, well, I think my dears, you already know))

The only thing that can be useful for a woman in magazines, in my opinion, is the correct use of cosmetics, makeup, skin care. In general, what is really useful and what is not taught in school))

It's easy to be beautiful; it's hard just to look beautiful.
Frank Ohara

That's actually all about female beauty through the eyes of a man)) We don't have any standards in our eyes. Every man likes every woman in her own way.

If you dress two women in the same thing, do the same makeup, then all the same, in each of them a man will find completely different things, for which he will like her.

Most women start each morning the same way: foundation, lipstick, eye shadow, hair spray ... I am one of them too. In my diary, you can often see the entries "14.00 - solarium, 17.00 - manicure, etc."

I look at myself in the mirror - it would not hurt to extend my eyelashes, and I also want my hair to be long. In general, I am an ordinary girl whose shelves are filled with all sorts of cosmetics, and I plan to conduct many more experiments to improve my appearance.

This is exactly what I was a few years ago: I experimented with hair and makeup, I wanted to get piercings and tattoos, and extended my nails.

All this was until the moment when I realized from my observations and conversations with men that their idea of ​​female beauty is completely different from ours.

It is enough to ask the majority of the fairer sex which woman, in their opinion, men will like. The answer is likely to be obvious: a long-legged blonde with large breasts, full lips and long eyelashes.

Probably, this image was inspired by the media, but in any case, most of us believe this and try to imitate this image, which is very pleased with cosmetic companies and beauty salons.

Once I had a chance to walk in the park with one of my good acquaintances. Next to us was just a beautiful, in my opinion, woman in stylish clothes with a modern hairstyle. My companion, noticing my gaze, said with a grin that the girl was pretty, but these strange-cut trousers and a lot of makeup only ruined her natural characteristics.

After talking with my companion on the topic of female attractiveness, as well as recalling the statements of my boyfriends about my desire to constantly tint my lips, I drew certain conclusions for myself.

All our aspirations to constantly build up something or paint in unusual colors are associated with the desire to please men, but most of our ideas are real myths. Here are a few of these myths that I learned about from our conversation in the park.

The first myth. Men love long nails.

Once I spent a whole year with extended nails. They were so long that many chores were absolutely impossible to do, but I felt insanely sexy.

In fact, men do not like long nails, especially extended ones, and even some crazy colors. They prefer a neat, medium-length manicure much more.

The second myth. Men love trendy hairstyles.

Maybe men love fashionable hairstyles, but they definitely hate varnish and gel on their hair. It is much more pleasant to touch clean soft hair.

My friend said that the phrase "Don't touch, ruin your hair" discourages any desire to show any tender feelings for a woman at all.

But hair in fashionable unusual colors is just a taboo. Even my chestnut color was not perceived by all men adequately, but what can we say about other extravagant colors.

The third myth. Makeup adorns a woman.

It turns out that males prefer light makeup. Now I don’t remember where, I read that a woman eats about 9 kg in her life. lipstick, and men - 5. Men who know this fact are wary of lipstick.

As for the foundation and shadows, they believe that all these devices clog the skin, spoil the natural face. “You know, somehow I don't really want to kiss my face with chemicals,” my friend told me.

What really attracts men?

My friend did not answer this question unambiguously, because, as you know, the taste and color ... But there are things that most men like and that we women in our striving for perfection, on the contrary, spoil.

A woman, without a doubt, should be well-groomed and take care of her appearance.

Hair should be clean (this is the most important thing), cut neatly and fit to the face. Clothes should be stylish, but be sure to fit and go to your mistress. When asked about short skirts, my companion smiled and said: "Only with perfect legs."

A good figure, according to men, is the absence of excess weight or excessive thinness. Although the concept of "thinness" and "excess weight" in men is individual.

So I decided to stop spending so much money on myths about female beauty. The most important thing for a girl is to remain herself, and there will always be a connoisseur of her beauty.

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It is so conceived by nature that external beauty has a magical effect on men. They have always been interested and will continue to be interested in young owners of attractive bodies and regular facial features.

Women's beauty is incredibly important for modern men - in their opinion, a physically attractive woman is not only an excellent potential mother, but also a visiting card, reports.

Of course, female attractiveness is a subjective thing: some men are delighted with magnificent ladies, others love thin women, and still others pay attention to the inner content. But there are also common features of beauty that attract one and all. In particular, Daria Viktorovna Pogontseva writes about this in her dissertation.

In the modern world, various ideas about female beauty coexist, the core of which includes physical parameters of the external appearance, which differ in the color of eyes, hair, height, length of legs and arms, waist and size of chest and shoulders. The most popular standard of physical female beauty is a slender, flexible, tall woman with developed breasts, narrow waist, wide hips, long legs, big-eyed blonde, with harmonious facial features. (D. V. Pogontseva)

However, in addition to the generally accepted ideal of beauty, there are 15 unexpected signs of female attractiveness that attract men at the subconscious level. Did you know about this?

1. "Baby" face

The most attractive (from the point of view of men, of course) are women with a "child's face".

The main criterion is a small lower jaw!

Although men of different nationalities, traditions and cultures like very different female faces, symmetry is important to all.

Men prefer his life partner to have a high-pitched voice. Like Marilyn Monroe! Older women often have a squeakier voice.

The high timbre is associated with youth and, accordingly, with attractiveness.

3. Short stature

It has long been known that most men prefer women below themselves.

The difference in height is usually less than 20 cm.

Interestingly, tall men tend to increase this height difference by looking for petite girls. But undersized men prefer women of almost the same height.

4. Youth

It turns out that women's reproductive abilities are directly related to their physical attractiveness!

According to most men, their chosen one should be at least 10 years younger. In economically developed countries, this age distance is shrinking, averaging 2-3 years.

An interesting fact is that the older a man gets, the younger he is trying to find a partner.

5. Symmetrical chest

Regardless of the shape, the symmetry of women's breasts is of great interest to men.

Unsymmetrical mammary glands can indicate disorders in the development of the body.

According to the observations of doctors, the owners of symmetrical breasts give birth to more children.

6. Rounded buttocks

According to research, no matter the size, a woman's bottom should be round!

The most “female” hormone, estrogen, is responsible for the fat deposits on the buttocks and thighs.

The roundness of the "fifth point" subconsciously informs men about the readiness of the female body for childbirth.

Due to genetics: which female figure attracts most men

7. Slimness, not thinness

In almost all countries, a slender (but not skinny!) Female figure is considered ideal.

Evolutionarily, a woman must have fat reserves to carry a baby.

It is nice to know that most men still prefer obese women than the standard of the figure imposed by the media.

8. Hip to waist ratio

According to a study by psychology doctor Carey Fitzgerald, men find women with a hip-to-waist ratio of 0.7-0.79 most attractive.

According to experts, Marilyn Monroe, Kelly Brook, Kate Moss and Jessica Alba have such parameters.

Happy owners of this index have optimal levels of estrogen in the body, and their bodies are not susceptible to a number of serious diseases (ovarian cancer, diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system).

9. Long legs

Medical psychologist Leon F. Zeltser specially conducted several scientific studies on the beauty of female legs. He was able to scientifically prove that men really prefer women with long legs. But not everything is so simple!

Regardless of height, a woman's legs should be long in relation to the body.

It turned out that it is not the very presence of "feet from the ears" that is important, but how they harmonize with everything else.

10. Big blue eyes

The popularity of one color or another of the iris depends on ethnicity, so the most attractive eye color for men cannot be called unequivocally.

Scientists note that blue-eyed men are more likely to choose women with blue eyes as their companions. But green-eyed or brown-eyed representatives of the stronger sex do not have such preferences.

In the XX century, large and far from the bridge of the eyes suddenly became a real symbol of female beauty. It is this standard of European beauty that makes many Asian beauties do blepharoplasty!

11. Wide limbal rings

Another common sign of eye beauty is the limbal rings that outline the irises. Their thinning or even complete disappearance occurs due to disease or is the result of aging.

Wide limbal rings are incredibly attractive to men, since they are only in their youth.