What topics to communicate with a guy. How to find contact with an unfamiliar person. What themes talk to a man

Often on the first date, young people do not even have ideas what to talk about. They do not know each other, but try to find out, to get some information about the partner, to understand whether this person can be considered in the role.

Although in society it is customary that the situation under control should hold a man, the girls should not be relaxed, too, because it is often that they have to start a conversation, as representatives of strong sex can also be shy.

If at the sight of a young man who really likes, you have a speech gift, you forget everything in the world, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with what themes can be told with a guy.

How to install contact with a guy

Collecting on the first date, it is worth familiar from only with interesting topics for conversation with a guy, but also with how to establish contact with it, because the further development of events often depends on this.

One of the basic rules of successful communication - you should always look good. Neat, well-groomed, in moderation made of painted, feminine girl has more chances to conquer the heart of a young man.

To establish contact with an unfamiliar guy, you need not only to be able to speak, but also listen to the interlocutor. Be objective, manifest interest, support the topics started by the partner!

Rules of communication with a guy on the first date

There are certain rules that will help the girl are not confused and successfully start a conversation with their interlocutor.

To arrange a partner to yourself, it is important to be open and honest. If the guy tells something, you should not look around the parties in the search for something, so you will roll out your indifference, and the partner will lose interest before talking to you. Look straight into the eyes, do not try to hide the facial expressions.

There should be no long pauses in the conversation, they will put in the awkward position of both participants in the conversation. If you do not know what you can talk to a guy, just ask him about interests and hobbies. In the event of a further development of relationships, you can learn more information from different sources about the areas that interest the partner that it will be pleasant to surprise it, get closer to you and will be another interesting topic for a conversation with a guy.

Topics for conversation with a guy

There is a list of topics that may be interesting to both interlocutors. They are universal, but have their own peculiarity. In order to start a conversation on some topic, make sure you have it enough. And yet, seeing that the guy does not understand at all in the topic you started, change it immediately. Representatives of the strong sex in nature wish to be winners, so if you hint at him that he does not know something, it will be a gross mistake.

Some guys have a narrow sphere of interest. Some know everything about sports, others love to read books, third listening to music. Here is an exemplary list for conversation with a guy:

  • discussion of the past day;
  • future plans;
  • common interests (travel, literature, music, etc.);
  • new film;
  • latest news;
  • entertainment.

These are just approximate topics for conversation with a guy. The list can be continued depending on how familiar young people are that they can unite them (study, work). The choice of the topic depends on the age of a girl and a guy.

What should not speak with a guy

Psychologists allocate, what themes can be told with a guy, and which is better to go around the party. So, it is not worth telling young man about his relatives, it may be a per capita, as well as the question of his loved ones. Do not remember your former, do not talk about their shortcomings. It may be the topic for a conversation with a guy in contact, but not on a date.

The guy is better not to know about the diseases that you transferred in childhood or who are sick now, about your failures, drops, disappointments. You should seem satisfied with his life, joyful, happy, because no one loves whips.

During the conversation, you should not ask the guy what he thinks at that moment. He will not answer honestly, so there will be something to come up with something to satisfy you.

In no case can not be on the first date to affect the topic of intimate relationships, if, of course, you are not looking for a guy for one night. The interlocutor may think that you are poorly brought up, and some guys are very inadequate to such things react. So, the first date can be the last.

As a result, going to date with a guy, you must familiarize yourself with what topics for conversation with a guy are prohibited to avoid failure and awkwardness in front of your interlocutor.

Demonstrate your best qualities, but do not tick yourself. Be confused, but are active, show interest in what the interlocutor says. Feel the line between what to leave the themes for a conversation with a guy VK, and what can be told, looking straight into the eyes.

Conversation Woman with a man ... What could be the natural process? We are born in order to gain happiness with your second half, create a strong and friendly family. In the process of tireless searches of the narrowed young lady, the entire combat arsenal is used, among which the main weapon is communication. It is the extraordinary thoughts and knowledge of the French representative who may be interested in the chosen one and forever conquer his heart.

Basic rules of the first date

We start with him, as people who saw each other for the first time, often nothing to say. They shy, lose, are afraid to seem boring and cannot find common topics. So that this does not happen to you, most importantly with a stranger - sincerity. Remember the children: how easily they find the points of contact with absolutely strangers. The whole secret in their immediacy, openness and honesty. If you can easily bring up these qualities of character, the interlocutor immediately begins to the fishing rod.

The first conversation with a man should be in a quiet place where no one will hurt you. Loud music and crowd of fussing passersby should not distract you and the cavalier from an important sacrament - dating, verbal knowledge of each other. Speak a pleasant voice, slowly, use the game of the Mimici, smile - these simple techniques bribe men. But the inappropriate laughter and even hysterical laughter, many questions and a missing look, on the contrary, can play a keen joke with a lady, haunting the target to please the chosen one and interest it with the help of a conversation.

Topics for communication

If you do not know what to say a man at the first meeting, let him choose the subject of the conversation. Responding to clearly set questions, you, without noticing, turn on in a conversation, will become its active participant. The most harmless and popular topics - entertainment and leisure. Ask the one about how he spends his free time, what kind of sport does, where he rests in the summer. Discussing pleasant moments of life is always easy and fun, especially if in the conversation process you find a lot in common.

Music, literature, Favorite films are another extensive form for communication, whose labyrinths can be worn almost forever. Even if you suddenly categorically disappear in tastes, do not dispute your right. Delicately tell me the opponent that you have your own point of view, although, of course, you may be wrong, so I will be happy to listen to his opinion. Representatives of strong sex love girls going to the category of women for them, the Golden Middle Aid between the hated self-confident ladies and submissive soft ladies.

Right questions

Do not be afraid to ask them. The main thing is to do it right - with feeling, really, arrange. Do not cover the interlocutor with a whole chapter of questions - this is not a question, but a date. Hold the pauses, tell me about yourself in the intervals. Just do not share your plans about the house by the sea and three kids - from such a head, the cavalier immediately self-dedicated and it is unlikely to call you again. Everything has its time. The first date does not tolerate the questions about the past and reflection about the future, especially if they concern their personal life.

Concentrate on the present. Do not know what to say? Then you can curly where the cavalier works, what kind of responsibilities, whether he likes the chosen profession. Why did he decide to become a doctor (teacher, fireman, postman), did he dream about this since childhood or someone inspired him to become on this path? You can also ask how the day of the cavalier usually passes, which events are filled with its schedule. Even if some financial moments are very curious, such as income size, housing or machine, it is better to lower it. Show patience.

When the relationship has already started

Suppose you have been together for several years. All questions relating to art, work, recreation, and other things, no longer one dozen times. You know even your mother's favorite dish, and how gently calls his pet. How to be next? What to say a man if he is for you - in fact an open book? In such a situation, it is important to maintain those warm feelings that have already originated between you. First, tell your chosen one compliments. Do not forget to remind what you have a courageous, beautiful, tightened, smart. Let me understand that you are in the seventh heaven from happiness that they met such a prince. Talking about the advantages of the chosen one can be inexhaustible.

A little about love

Some young ladies allow many mistakes when it comes to open recognition. Some shout about eternal love already on the first dates, others, on the contrary, until the wedding keep the tongue behind the teeth. Here the main thing is to correctly determine the moment when the promulgation of feelings will be maximally appropriate. If the relationship is already as close as possible, you are familiar with all its relatives and feel responsible tenderness and affection - solve. Do not worry if the chosen is not done first. Guys in love affairs often turn out to be real shorts and are very afraid to get into the ridiculous position.

Therefore, the first step is often behind the ladies. To say about love men, they can three ways.

  1. Looking into the eyes. Wait for the first convenient romantic case and, holding your favorite hand, not having a look, tell me: "I love you. You are the most expensive, what is in my life. " No high-nesting book phrases that sound unnaturally.
  2. By phone. A beautiful message with the right words will greatly simplify the task.
  3. With the help of the letter. The most romantic way. Rustling paper, curling paper and lips imprint at the end ... Romance.

If your recognition was not replicated, do not be discouraged. Show exposure, caress and care. You will achieve response.

Communication in marriage

Gradually, we understand that with a person we have nothing to talk about. All themes seem beaten and spinning around the upbringing of offspring and the profitable-expenditure article of the family budget. This is a normal process: having passed numerous tests in the form of pellery-pellets, focusing on the "eat-dressed" questions, people gradually lose spiritual proximity - it is replaced by material. Discussing the financial side is important. But more importantly, do not forget about the moments that made you happy.

What to say a man if he is already ten years old as your husband? Catch off economic topics and just remember those wonderful times when you just met. With a smile, describe your feelings and feelings of that rainbow period. In addition, you need to share the interests of the partner. Watch with him football, ride fishing, sign up in the same gym, which visits your spouse. He, in turn, let him take an active part in your life. Then the topics are general will appear, and you can discuss all the events experienced together per day.

Specifications and lack of emotions

Perhaps these two qualities will make you an ideal interlocutor. If you do not know what to say, it is better to silent. Talk in the style of "What I see, I sing" with friends. Only women can talk for hours anything. Representatives of the same gender love to initially adhere to one topic, so it immediately strictly outline its border. For example, you can discuss the last interesting invention of scientists, a new computer game, sports news. Of course, for this you need to constantly read to be aware of events. But no one has canceled self-education, besides, men love advanced girls. Just do not mind too much, show the chosen one that he is much wiser you.

And please, no hysteria and tears. React adequately to some of its rude words. Perhaps he came tired of work or simply not in the mood. In this case, make a conversation about what kind of worker you have: Without his efforts, the ship of your relationship would have been stranded or went to the bottom. Praise your man, admire, sing the diffilaments - it instantly fatters. And will appreciate your exposure and calm.

Do not compare and do not appreciate

It is clear that the former relations and all the most related peripetics are not the best topics for a conversation with a man. Representatives of strong sex from nature males, they do not tolerate the presence of the opponent, even in your thoughts. In the soul, he understands that a love adventure remained behind the shoulders, but prefers to ignore them. Be comprehensive - do not discuss the ex-guy and all the more do not compare it with the chosen one. It shakes the scandal and even parting.

Do not appreciate your favorite gifts. Even if he bought you ordinary chamomiles, please sincere joy. And even better - learn to really enjoy the cute presents. The main thing is not the cost, but attention shown in relation to you. Taba for discussion should also be friends and relatives of the chief, Him even if one mention of culinary talents of mother-in-law causes your nausea attack, keep with them and support the conversation: "Yes, cute, your mother is a real one. She has something to learn. " After that, change the topic or is quietly deleted - from sin away.


About what to say a man can write a whole book. No matter how they position themselves representatives of a strong sex with incomparable alpha males, in the soul they remain all the same young boys in need of care and care. Give it this: say praise his talents, emphasize the advantages. Discuss with him a variety of things that interest it: sports, economic position of the country, debates of presidential candidates, price for gasoline and currency rate. At the same time, be not only natural, but truly aware.

Never start a conversation with words: "We need to seriously talk." This phrase causes the panic horror and the desire to run, where the eyes look. It is much better if you begin to communicate with words: "Cute, advise ...", "How do you think ...", "To make you in my place ...". These words are once again emphasized that the spouse is your support and protection, the head of the family and the steering wheel, which manages the family vessel. What is good to say a man? All he wants to hear.

Not only women love ears. Each man loves when next to him is a sociable, interesting and disheartal girl. But it is not so easy to find topics for a conversation when a man is silent, or vice versa, talks that the girl is not interested or not clear. How to arrange the interlocutor to yourself, cause his interest and, with the help of a conversation, learn more about it - the question that worries many girls.

Threads of virtual communication

On the one hand, the virtual communication is much more complicated by the real: there is no seductor's face, it's not visible by his reaction, he has time to think and change his answer, to lie or get away from him, sometimes you have to wait for a reply message for a long time. On the other hand, you also have time to choose the answer and formulate a loyal thought and hide your secret emotions, and the electronic correspondence bonus is the ability to send a photo, video or audio that will be interested in the interlocutor.

Virtual communication occupies a huge place in the modern world, for him there is a bunch of messengers and social networks:

You can copy everywhere, but much more important is to know the correct rewriting tactics with a guy.

Beginning of the conversation

Start a conversation with a guy is not so simple, as it seems, regardless of whether you are familiar personally or just found your favorite profile in the social network. Many girls believe that writing a guy first is lower than their dignity, others are calmly written first. Opinions are divided and the question arises - to write or not to write?

If the guy, roughly speaking, your existence is not yet aware, then definitely it is worth writing. It's not even thinking here. Your happiness in your hands and a man will definitely assume that you ventured to take the first step.

If you are already familiar with the man and rewrite, but he does not write more first before writing to him, you must first figure out the reason for the lull.

Causes may be different, especially if a man:

  • Not sure of yourself and simply afraid to take a step;
  • Signs specifically, makes it possible to express yourself;
  • Busy important affairs;
  • Has problems with communications, unforeseen force majeure;
  • Does not like correspondence;
  • Lost interest or found another obstacle object;
  • Angry or offended.

Writing the first or not - a personal decision, however, we recommend writing, and act in circumstances. Analyze his reaction to the message and decide what to do next, but do not be annoying. You can write a guy once, but do not write every day, if there is no answer, but the message is read.

Another question is how to start such a conversation? If you are already familiar, there are several options:

  • Simple "How are you?" - Manifestation and participation. The question will cause a man a desire to tell about how he has. Option "How are you?" It sounds emotional, this question is better not to use.
  • More inventive: "Hi, how are you? I had such a story here ... " The main thing is to intrigue, and then the case for the imagination, the story should be interesting and exciting.
  • Just throw him an interesting article or a picture from the Internet, news or publication, wait for the reaction, and then it is not easy to continue the conversation.

If you want to meet a man on the Internet, you can do differently:

  • DANGER: "Hi, we are not familiar? I think I saw you somewhere. " A man will begin to build guesses and assumptions, and when it turns out that you are "with someone confused," does not want to stop the interesting conversation and try to learn more about you.
  • Leave a witty comment under his publication on an abstract topic, or express its original opinion about his avatar, status, personal data. A man will position the attention manifested and he will gladly continue correspondence.
  • Another option is to talk with a guy VK. Just write "Hello. Interested your profile. Do not mind talking? ". Easy and ease is a guarantee of a good relationship.

Avoid starting a message from Flirt, let us understand that you can not be called frivolous and first of all you are interested in a person.

Do not overload the message with emoticons and stickers, many men annoys it. Try not to use caressing-diminutive appeals without a reason and write the most correctly in order to cause respect from the interlocutor.

Questions and Topics for conversation

The first step is made, the conversation is tied, and then everything begins to go smoothly smoothly. That this does not happen, you need to constantly maintain a conversation with questions, discussions and interesting replicas. Ask a guy something about him or you can talk with a guy on topics that interest him.

In the search for the conversation in the correspondence should turn to the hobby, interests and hobbies of the guy. Among them, both common and unusual, which you never heard about them are asked about them. You can also contact topics that are always interesting:

  • Favorite multimedia: movies, TV shows, music, books. Discuss always be found that, especially in social networks, where in profile it is possible to calculate tastes literally in everything;
  • General groups and communities for interests;
  • Travels;
  • Novelties of music, movies, literature, video games;
  • Latest city news;
  • Sport;
  • Common friends and friends.

It is not worth lingering on one topic - change and experiment. In addition to the conversation with a guy there are universal questions that can be asked for a reason. For example:

  • How are you with the weather? We are cool, but I want to shift sneakers and run out for a walk. You, by the way, run?
  • I do not know what to play. Advice an interesting strategy / RPG / simulator, if not difficult. What is your favourite game?
  • I want to go somewhere. Where did you go for the last time?
  • I think that today to cook for dinner. Would you preferred?
  • Do you have a younger brother or sister?
  • I collect stickers with fruit. Do you collect any unusual collections?
  • Do you like cats or dogs anymore?
  • Do you know how to ride a bike?
  • I am afraid of darkness. Do you have any unusual phobias?
  • I have an allergy to avocado, so it's a shame ... Do you have allergies?

Taking a question. Try to suggest whether the guy will be interested in responding, and also you will be able to answer the same question honestly and fully if he taste it to you. If you really worries the answer to the question and you invest in it some kind of subtext, bring up so that the guy does not guessed. Everyone loves questions that allow you to reveal your personality, so try to ask the guy really interesting questions.

Little Council for the Future: Get a document with questions and answers to the guy so as not to get to see and not ask the same question twice. It also helps to remember important information.

It makes sense to make a separate document and for your answers to his questions - this will allow not only not to "miss" if you are slightly smoking, but will allow you to analyze, understand how interesting you are, and what exactly.

How to finish correspondence?

The correct completion of the dialogue is the guarantee of its continuation. If you want to communicate and further, you must even say goodbye beautifully. But the situation can develop in different ways:

  • The guy can be configured positively and actively respond to your messages, heated conversation;
  • The guy can respond reluctantly and monosyllant, ignoring some messages.

In different cases, the procedure will be different. In the first it follows, not taking care of warmth, wish good luck, have a nice day or good night. After a long time, you can even thank it for a conversation or individual events to which she led.

In the second, it is necessary to say goodbye before the interlocutor will show out clear discontent with your attention. Alas, but you are not interested in such a person. Do not lose your time on him.

Video chat with guy: Flirt and communication subtleties

Video chat is something average between the correspondence and meeting in reality. You still have the opportunity to interrupt the conversation or hide with crib with questions under the keyboard, but hide your emotions and the conversation in your favorite home retusions will not work. Flirt with a guy in a video member has its secrets and subtleties.

First of all, it is important to sue yourself. Clothes, accessories, cosmetics - Neurko, but original. The appearance should make you most customize: find your style and "highlight". It can be a shirt of a favorite football club, a tender blouse, beautiful seelings or a bright handkerchief. Pay attention to the hairstyle - let it be neat, but relaxed, as if you dress like this every day, and not specifically for him.

Before starting the conversation, turn on the webcam and see how you look in different poses. Choose the one in which your face is originally from the best side - and sit during the conversation.

Where to watch during a conversation with a guy - the question is more interesting. If the girl looks all the time in the camera, the guy may feel awkward because of his eyes all the time. Well, if the girl looks only on the screen, then the guy may think that she looked around in his image, or, even worse, on his own.

Sit down correctly, look and move is not all. You need to prepare for a conversation in advance: prepare a list of questions, topics for conversations, interesting things that can be supposedly remembered and telling when an awkward pause comes. It is important to know what you can talk to a friend and a guy who you like.

What to talk about a guy on a date?

Personal meeting is an important and responsible step. It is not necessary to decide on it if difficulties have arisen with a guy on the network. However, the practice shows that sometimes people who communicated by the day passes in VC, sometimes they do not find topics for conversation in life, because everything has already been said in correspondence.

Meeting with a person you do not know, you need to be able to support the conversation and find common topics that have not been revised earlier.

There are seven immutable rules for communicating on the first date, which will allow themselves to submit themselves from the best side and remember, as a mischievous and interesting interlocutor:

  1. Be natural and feminine, behave modestly and neat. Talk calmly and openly, answering questions honestly, but not too frankly. Place your confidence relationship, but do not disclose all the cards immediately.
  2. Watch the guy in the eyes, do not run through your eyes and do not avoid visual contact. At the same time, do not block it with a look. Do not be afraid to express your reaction to Mimicia, it allows the guy to understand what you listen to and hear it.
  3. Support a conversation. If the guy says something, ask leading questions, specify the incomprehensible nuances, smile and laugh at his jokes. Do not be afraid to express your opinion if you consider it competent, and do not be afraid to change the point of view if the guy leads weighty arguments.
  4. Let a man be a leader - provide him with the right to choose the topic and start a conversation. But do not be passive, at the appropriate moments take the initiative on yourself.
  5. Remember everything that the guy tells you - in the future you will be grateful for it.
  6. The first date is intended to study a person and his interests, so try to reveal it for yourself from all sides. Topics mentioned, interest and hobbies try to remember, and later learn more about them to get close to this soil.
  7. Avoid long pauses, support the conversation, ask questions, show that you are interested in the person of the guy.

Do not speak on the first date on forbidden topics: relatives, diseases, former, past, failures and problems from life - it all needs to be left for later. It will be much better to talk about hobbies and entertainment, films, books, travels, sports, psychology, latest news.

Communicating with a pretty young man live, or by phone, most girls are silent. Often it is not clear to them, which you can talk to a guy how to choose words, the topic for an interesting conversation, which can captivate and develop an awakening interest from the side of the man.

And although our society attributes to girls as a quality as a chatter, at the right moment it is treacherously disappearing, giving way to obliqueness and uncertainty.

Here you need to clearly divide communication with an unfamiliar guy and a conversation with your friend, relationship (even a friendly) with which for several weeks has been. These situations have a number of nuances, but unites them one.

The conversation should be built on both known for both languages. And focused sincere emotions, which can be compared with spices - little - dry and boring, a lot - tedious and tedious.

We speak with a stranger

So what to talk about with an unfamiliar person? ? In fact, the topic for conversation is not so difficult. Music, cinema, theater, weather, hobbies. Discussing tastes and preferences, the most important thing to maintain patience and tolerance to any opinion.

If the guy raised the so-called "male" topicin which you are not competent, it is not necessary to turn his speech. Men, like women, nice when they are listening. And lovely and attentive girls who can listen to a man always enjoy success at the opposite sex.

When communication requires continuation

If not one week has passed since the date of acquaintance, and you have already managed to know each other enough, the topics for the conversation arise by themselves. Instead of awkwardness and constraint comes confidence, the sense of humor wakes up.

Be sure to be interested in how a young man had a day. What he did and what his mood he had. Maybe the question "How are you?" And he sounds like a trifle, but given to the girl you like, he is very pleasant for male pride.

Men always like to be a little smarter, a little more experienced girls. Ask for the guy of the Council on the questions in which he disassembled better than you. This information can be the basis for making an important decision, and the pride of the wise "adviser", which took you under the wing will be satisfied. In any case, the right of final choice is always yours.

Sometimes it happens that strong men are divided with girls with their experiences or life difficulties. This step speaks of trust and sincere sympathy, so it is important to behave correctly in such an intimate moment.

Darina Kataeva

Tired awkward silence on? Do not know what else to talk about? Do not despair, take active actions. If you are sociable and friendly, it is even more attracting a guy. But what are the topics for the conversation and how to behave correctly when meeting with a new boyfriend?

How to behave with a guy?

If you were invited to date, it is not surprising that awkwardness, pursue you. However, these feelings can ruin the evening. To prevent such a situation, you should remember the basic rules of behavior with a young man.

Be yourself.

Do not try to look better than you are actually. If this is not noticeable, in the future a man will reveal all your shortcomings. It can shock it, so just relax and enjoy the rest. Remember, if the guy invited you on a date, then it impressed you something in you. Therefore, just be yourself!


Any awkwardness will smooth, and in a moment if you smile to your boyfriend. This is a simple tool refers to the number of most effective. As a guy will be easier to relax, and personally, if your face will not leave a nice and tender smile. Laugh, enjoy communication. You will not notice. After such a relaxed and light conversation, the guy will definitely want to meet you again.


Because of stress, many women at a meeting with a guy are doing what they say about themselves without silent. This behavior is erroneous, because the guy can have the impression that you think only about yourself. So try to ask the young man to ask questions, and most importantly - listen. It will show that you are interested in communication, and you deeply worries the life of another person. Even if you are not particularly interested in what the guy tells, try not to appear it. Listen carefully, and build answers on the basis of what heard.

Speak about your interests, not outstanding qualities.

In order for the guy about you anymore, it is not necessary to tell him what you are beautiful, and how much you have merits. He will notice it himself. However, do not miss the opportunity to talk about your interests. So you will find something in common, and this will become theme for further conversation.

Avoid whining and complaints.

Gossip and complaints on others just repel. Avoid such statements, even if you are right. Speak about the positive, and then only the most pleasant and touching memories will remain from communication.

How to find a topic for a conversation with a guy?

So that the date has passed successfully, it is worth avoiding awkward pauses. But how to be if you find it difficult to start a conversation. What to start talking about not to look ridiculous and stupid? The following tips will help find a topic for conversation:

Straight ask what is interesting to the interlocutor.

People love to talk about themselves, their hobbies, achievements and hobbies. Therefore, a direct question regarding the guy's interests will be located to a long and relaxed conversation. Ask the boyfriend: as he had a day, or what he likes to do. Such questions will be shown a young man that you are interested in his personal life, and this will contribute to the development of even greater sympathy towards you.

- travels;

- How was the day;

- memories;

- preferences in food and beverages;

- News at work / in school;

What should not speak on the first date:

- relatives;

- about the past beloved;

- the story of all your diseases;

- gossip and life complaints;

- Do not talk about money and material;

- On your own problems and failures.

Given the strict taboos and the proposed topics for conversation with a guy, you will feel much more confident on a date. Do not forget about good manners, useful habits and beautiful appearance. One conversation you will not impress the boyfriend, so do not forget about other factors attracting men!

February 11, 2014.