The appointment of pensions under state pension provision. Pensions from the state - who can receive

Pension on state pension provision is permanent financial support. It is supposed to be Russians when they live to legally determined age, with the loss of breadwinners or under other circumstances enshrined in the law. Separately taken persons performing important government challenges also claim to preferential pension content.

Pension content SpecialCategories of citizens

The Russian socio-pension program is based on state social composite and pension compulsory insurance.

Social State Committee - Monthly Financial State Support:

  1. Persons held by the Public State and Military Service.
  2. Participants /
  3. Victims of technogenic, radiation disasters.
  4. Persons who have lost the ability to work.

Payments for state support are issued on the standards of FZ-166.

According to this act, pension subsidies is compensation and is provided in:

  • lights of remuneration during the resignation of federal government agencies in surviving to the maximum age period established by law;
  • losses of salary by pilots testing, astronauts during the resignation;
  • health deterioration during military service, due to man-made accidents, the loss of the breadwinters and the appearance of disabilities, live to the relevant age limit;
  • inability to work for various reasons, with the exception of deliberate membership and committing unlawful actions.

Pension federal civil servants

The federal employees have the right to claim a pension set by 3 regulatory acts:

  1. Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" No. 166-FZ dated December 15, 2001.
  2. Law "On State Civil Service" No. 79-FZ dated July 27, 2004.
  3. Law "On Insurance Pensions" No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013.

The pension of the civil servant is earned in the course of long-term labor at the federal state service. The parameters of such payments are dependent on the period of the civil service.

The provision of an employee occurs when the duration of testing (from 16.5 years in 2019). What spelling is spent, regardless of the ability to work and age boundaries. Since 2017, officials have increased civil servuel's service for making benefits from 15 to 20 years old with gradual growth (for half a year annually).

If it is enough to work out for payments, they are determined on the basis of average payment for the last official year.

N \u003d (45% SZ - SP) + 3% SZ × st,

  • P - Volume of all service;
  • SZ - average payment of labor;
  • ST - activities over 15 years.
Important! The general parameters of all service and insurance age or disabled benefits, fixed payments to the insurance pension and its growth should not be more than 75% of the average monthly payment of the employee enshrined by law. Download for viewing and printing:

In view of Art. 29 FZ-3 on the status of a member of the Federation Council and the Status of the State Duma Deputy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a person, who has ever been the responsibility of the State Duma deputy or a member of the Federation Council, has the right to expect a monthly increase to the insurance age or a wheelchair.

Persons relating to members of the Council of the Federation or State Duma deputies can count on:

  • monthly increase;
  • all service allowances;
  • lifetime monthly financial content.

It is established or a monthly increase in pension, or 1 from other mentioned benefits. The increase is established so that its value in aggregate with the insurance allowance amounted to:

  • when replacing position 1-3 years - 55%.
  • when replacing posts for more than 3 years - 75% of monthly payment.
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Pension content judges

The pension content of the judges regulates the law of the Russian Federation No. 3132-1 "On the status of judges in the Russian Federation". In view of Art. 15 of this regulatory act Russian judges claim to retirement special support. Monthly content will provide all categories of judges who have developed powers and resign.

The retired judge to choose from the right to receive:

  • monthly provision for life;
  • manual on general reasons.

Lifeline define in% attitude to official fees:

  • when working out the judge of 20 years - 80%;
  • less than 20 years, but at the achievement of 55/50 years in proportion to the period worked out in the judicial position.

When working over 20 years, the volume of said security increases by 1%, but it cannot be more than 85% of the court salary.

Attention! The judges who have become disabled due to military injuries, after the ability of authority, provide the opportunity to get disabled payments directly and monthly provision for life. Download for viewing and printing:

Relief payments to astronauts and their loved ones

The benefits of astronauts in the development of the required experience (25 (m) and 20 (g) years) are calculated:

N \u003d 55% of Dov + 3% Dov × st

  • Dov - payment obtained by working cosmonauts;
  • ST - Labor experience from 15 years.

The maximum amount of service allowances of astronauts - 85% of wages.

In the presence of social circumstances, the pension allowance for working out is relied:

  1. in% ratio from the size of the social project, determined by the legislation - 5334.19 rubles.
  2. living up to 80 years, or needing third-party care, confirmed by medical conclusion - 200%.
  3. not employed, with surviving up to 55 years or, in case they are disabled on health, have materially dependent disabled:
    • sisters, brothers, grandchildren, children, minors or older, if they are disabled since childhood or study in part - until the end of the educational process, but only until the age of 23.
    • grandparents - in the absence of persons obliged to provide them;
    • spouses, mothers and fathers, if they are disabled or lived to 60/55 years. Together with the parents, adopters are also entitled to count on leaving benefits. Steps and stepms - if the dead consisted on their content / raising at least 5 years.
Attention! Grandchildren, sisters and brothers can count on payments if they have no parents providing them. Adopted also have empathy to the benefits, like blood children.

Creation of employees of aircraft companies

Compensation for developing changes depending on the general professional experience. Personalized requirements for calculators are imposed on the special circilities with the empathy.

Variations of settlement calculations for employees of airlines are determined by the duration of working periods with the poverty to pay:

  • 1000% of the Socpension pay with experience 25 (m) or 20 (g) years and more than 2/3 of the ancient period had to check (with deduction of insurance benefits);
  • 800% of the Socpensation under similar conditions when less than 2/3 of the total working period spent on check flights.
Important! From the beginning of 2015, for registration of a service pension, such citizens no longer need to leave work.

Social modeling of participants in the Second World War and inhabitants of the Blood Leningrad

Received a medal "for the defense of Leningrad", the sign "inhabitant of a blockade Leningrad", if they also have the status of a disabled person; Veterans / participants of the Second World War are provided such types of payments:

  • insurance age (disabled);
  • state disabled.

Also, they establish additional financial content in the form of other social range (EVER, demo, etc.). For victims of technogenic and radiation disasters, the law provides 2 types of Losnov:

  1. For disability.
  2. Age.

These individuals are entitled to receive and insurance payments - disabled or age (if there are rights). The beneficiaries affected by the specified catastrophes are defined by Art. 10 FZ-166.

The parameters of the age-related state variation are approved by the total attitude to the Sockeency depending on which of the categories of the victims are related - from 200 to 250%. Workers' pensioners state and labor agents are paid in full, regardless of the parameters of their wage or other income.

The disabled pension is prescribed in the following volumes:

  • disabled 1 of the Group - 250% of the Socpension;
  • disabled groups 2 - 250% of the Socration;
  • in disabilities of 3 groups, on the content of which there are close-disabled people with disabilities - as 250% of social proceedings, every month of each near-disabled, but not more than 3 such relatives, and 125% of the said Socpension.
Attention! The size of the social pension specified by FZ-166 is 5180.24 rubles. Important! Such citizens simultaneously have several types of pension content, but they have the right to choose the volume of which is the largest.

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Monthly pension payment, the procedure for providing which and the right to receive is determined by the legislative norms (Article FZ under the number 166) refers to state pension provision.

Such payments are provided to citizens. as incomewhich were lost due to the cessation of civil service. The right to receive payments have persons who have reached retirement age, as well as citizens who have disabilities as a result of labor activity or man-made disaster.

Also, the support of the state can be calculated by persons and military, lost health in the service.

The following categories can count on public support for pensions:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • foreigners permanently residing in the state, but not
  • received citizenship.

State support implies the payment of such pensions, regardless of the receptions of citizens or labor pensions.

In the 4th article of the Law on the State Provision of Pensions to the category of persons eligible for payments include:

  • civil servants;
  • people who participated in the Second World War;
  • servicemen;
  • affected by the catastrophe (mean man-made and radiation cataclysms);
  • disabled persons (disabled);
  • as well as all family members of the categories listed above.

Funding payments is made exclusively from the federal budget.

The district coefficient is applied to such pensions - that is, the basic payments will be increased by finding and living in certain regions (for example, on). For residents of regions with serious climatic conditions, payments are increasing for the entire period of residence in such a locality. After moving to a new place of residence, the coefficient ceases to be taken into account - the pension is calculated again and its indexation is carried out in the amount established by law.

The following varieties of payments relating to state support are distinguished:

  • - provided to employees or servicemen who have received disabilities;
  • - This type of payments is addressed to non-working citizens;
  • with the loss of the breadwinner (payments are made in the event of its death) - the type of state support for families of military personnel and persons affected by the catastrophe (technogenic or radiation);
  • in old age - this type of pension is paid to citizens whose health has been harmful as a result of a technogenic catastrophe;
  • - paid for a former civil servant and military.

Dimensions of payout

Pension payments in old age relating to state support are provided only by one category - victims in man-made personnel. Their sizes are mounted according to the FZ under the number 166.

The main conditions for obtaining such payments are:

  • documents confirming participation in the elimination of a technogenic catastrophe (for example, on the Chernobyl);
  • the presence of the necessary (at least five years) or the achievement of the retirement age (for women 45, and for men 50 years);
  • belonging to the specified category;
  • long-term finding on a contaminated area (or accommodation in unfavorable zone health).

The victims of the catastrophe are divided (on the example of participants in the liquidation at the Chernobyl NPP):

  • on liquidators;
  • evacuated in compulsory;
  • who left voluntarily;
  • received disability;
  • employed in the works in danger zones, but not living there;
  • permanently residing in danger zones (with the right to squeeze).

The procedure for submitting documents and registration of payments includes such steps:

  • A visit to the Pension Fund personally (can provide a package of documents also a representative with a notarized power of attorney) and submitting all necessary documents together with the application.
  • Waiting for accruals. By law, the accrual occurs from the first day of the month, in which documents were filed (but not earlier the date of the occurrence of rights to receive pension payments!).
  • Getting a pension. Each pensioner has the right to choose an organization that will deliver money, as well as the place of receipt. For example, you can get money through the organization's cash register, directly to the bank account or at home. It is also allowed to reprove the acquisition of a trusted person (the validity of such a document is one year).

To change the shipping method, you need to re-apply to the Pension Fund (A written notice is sent).

Two pensions - who has the right to receive?

The overwhelming majority of citizens who have reached the retirement age receives only one monthly pension pay. But the law provides for exceptions to this rule immediately for several categories (FZ under number 166 of 12/15/2001 and the Russian law at number 4468-1).

I can apply for two pension payments:

  • chernobyl disabled (have the right to choose public security and labor pension - the underlying condition for such a choice is a five-year insurance or work experience);
  • participating in the Second World War and having disability (two pension payments are paid - in old age and disability);
  • persons who served in the Russian army and received disabilities;
  • parents of military personnel who died during the passage of the term service;
  • widow of military personnel (receive payments in old age and for the loss of the breadwinner);
  • civil servants who have achieved long service;
  • cosmonauts and tester pilots (in the case of death, members of families receive fees);
  • residents of a blockade Leningrad who have the appropriate reward;
  • servicemen who are entitled to the insurance pension (except ordinary, sailors and elderine).

Also for obtaining two types of pension payments (after service and labor), employees of the internal affairs bodies, drug control services, the bodies of the penitentiary system, the fire service can also be calculated.

  • SP on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner
  • 20. Fixed payout to an old-age insurance pension.
  • 21. Fixed payment for the insurance pension for disability.
  • 22. Fixed payment for insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.
  • 23. Mandatory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases: concept, subjects, features.
  • 24. Types of support for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
  • 25. Types of pensions under state pension provision and a circle of persons eligible for their receipt.
  • 35. The procedure for the formation and indexation of an individual pension coefficient.
  • 36. Manual as a type of social security.
  • 37. Unemployment allowance: appointment conditions, sizes.
  • 38. Pregnancy and childbirth manual: appointment conditions and sizes.
  • 39. Temporary disability allowance: concept, types, appointment conditions, sizes.
  • 41. The calculation of temporary disability benefits.
  • 40. Family benefits with children.
  • Child care allowance
  • 41. The calculation of temporary disability benefits.
  • 42. The system of benefits appointed in connection with the pregnancy and birth of the child.
  • 43. Calculation of manuals for compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.
  • 44. Social assistance: the concept, principles, types, a circle of persons entitled to social assistance.
  • 45. Concept, structure and sizes of the insurance pension for disability
  • 46. \u200b\u200bThe concept, structure and size of the insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.
  • 47. The concept, structure and sizes of an old age insurance pension.
  • 48. Social surcharges for pension.
  • 49. State support for the formation of pension savings.
  • 50. General conditions for pension provision.
  • 53 pensions to citizens from the number of cosmonauts and from the number of employees of the Field Testing Makeup.
  • 54. Pensions of old-age citizens affected by radiation disasters
  • 55. Disability pensions for state pension provision
  • 56. Pensions on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner by state pension provision and social pensions
  • 57. Maternal (family) capital
  • 58. Social Benefit
  • 59. Unemployment benefit
  • 60. Experience in PSO: concept, types and content
  • 61. Common work experience
  • 62. Civil service experience
  • 64. Rules for calculating insurance experience and driving services.
  • The procedure for calculating the insurance experience
  • 65. Insurance pensions: concept, general provisions.
  • SP in old age
  • JV on disability
  • SP on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner
  • 66. Conservation of the right to early old age pension.
  • 67. Establishment of the insurance pension, payment and delivery of the insurance pension.
  • 68. IPK: concept, calculus .76. Calculus IPCs for non-breakdown periods.
  • 69. Correction mechanisms and indexing insurance pension. 78. Recalculation of the size of the insurance pension and adjustment of the size of the insurance pension
  • 70. The proportion of an old-age insurance pension, established to the pension for the length of the years of the Fed.Gos.
  • 71. The proportion of an old age insurance pension, which is set to retirement pensions to citizens from among the FTER testing workers (LIS).
  • 72. Temporary disability allowance and insurance payments.
  • 1) a lump sum insurance;
  • 73. Payment for additional expenses related to the medical, social and professional rehabilitation of the insured person.
  • 74. Concept, goals and types of state. Social assistance
  • 75. State social assistance provided in the form of a set of social services.
  • 77. Filighting a later exit to the insurance pension
  • 79. Suspension and renewal of the payment of the insurance pension.
  • 80.News of pension reform 2015.
  • 81. The preservation of pension rights of citizens acquired before January 1, 2015.
  • 82. Concept, legal basis and social service principles.
  • 83. Organizations of social services.
  • Legal basis.
  • Concept.
  • 84. Social service in fixed form.
  • 85. Social service in semi-union form.
  • 86. Social service at home.
  • 25. Types of pensions under state pension provision and a circle of persons eligible for their receipt.

    Pension on GP

    The right to GPOs have:

    Right to retirement on GPOs have:

    2) servicemen:

    8) disabled citizens:

    Types of pensions for GPO:

    Citizens who are at the same time right to various pensions, as a general rule, establish one pension on their choice.

    Pension on GPO.

    Financing Pension on GPO is produced.

    according to a citizen. An exception

    indefiniteindefinite , including indefinitely

      Circle of persons eligible for two pensions.

    Citizens who have at the same time right to various pensions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes one pension on their choice, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

    The right to simultaneously receive two pensions is provided:

    1) Citizens who have become disabled due to military injury. They can establish a disability pension and old-age labor pension;

    2) participants in the Great Patriotic War. They can establish a disability pension and old-age labor pension;

    3) parents of military personnel who held military service for the call who died (dead) during the passage of military service or the dead due to military injury after dismissal from military service (except for cases when the death of military personnel came as a result of their illegal actions). They can be installed:

    4) the widows of military personnel who died during the passage of military service upon call due to military injury not entered into a new marriage. They can be installed:

    pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the labor pension in old age (disability);

    pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the social pension;

    pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and a pension for long service (disability);

    5) disabled family members of citizens affected by the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP. They can be installed:

    pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the labor pension in old age (disability);

    pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the social pension (with the exception of a social pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner).

    6) Citizens awarded the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad" sign. They can establish a disability pension and old-age labor pension.

    7) family members of the dead (dead) citizens from the number of astronauts, provided for by Art. 7.1 of the law. They may be determined by a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and any other pension established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (with the exception of the pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner or the social pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner).

      The circle of family members of the deceased breadwin, eligible for an insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.

    SP - Monthly cash payment, which is provided to compensate for the insured person of salaries (other income) due to the onset of disability due to old age (disability), as well as compensation for salaries (other income) to disabled family members of the Insured family in connection with his death.

    Under the loss of the breadwinner means the death of a breadwinner or a missing absence, which should be confirmed by a certificate of death or be established by the court.

    Base For appointment, the person of this pension is a combination of the following conditions:

    1) face is family member deceased breadwinner;

    2) the face consisted on dependency deceased breadwinner (with the exception of persons from 2 categories of disabled family members),

    3) the face is disabled.

    Family members eligible for SP:

      Children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren< 18 лет, если обучаются очно - < 23 лет, дети, братья, сестры и внуки > 18/23, respectively, if they became disabled to 18.! All this is only if they do not have able-bodied parents!

      1 of the parents, spouse, grandfather, grandmother, regardless of age and abdication, brother, sister, either child of the deceased breadwin, who has reached the age of 18, if they are engaged in care of children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner, who have not reached 14 years and having the right on the insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner, and do not work;

      parents and spouse of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 (respectively, men and women) are either disabled

      grandfather and grandmother of the deceased breadwin, if they reached the age of 60 and 55 years (respectively, men and women) are either disabled, in the absence of persons who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are obliged to contain them.

    Family members of the deceased breadwinner they are recognized as dependent on his dependency if They were on its full content or received assistance from him, which was a constant and major source of livelihoods.

    Decision of children under 18 is assumed and does not require evidenceExcept for these children declared in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation fully capable or age of 18 years.

    Disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner, for whom his assistance was a permanent and main source of livelihood, but which themselves received a retirement themselves, have the right to switch to an insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.

    Insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the feeder-spouse is maintained when entering into a new marriage ( on the preservation of the appointed insurance pension

    Advinteers are entitled to the insurance pensionon the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.

    Stepfather and stepmother have the right to insurance pension . Steying and Padrelitsa They have the right to the insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner on a par with their children ,.

    Disabled parents and spouse of the deceased breadwinner who were not dependent on his dependence, have the right to insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner, if they regardless of the time passed after his death, lost the source of livelihoods.

    Insurance pension on the occasion of the crumilla loss is established regardless of the duration of the insurance experience of the breadwinner from among the insured persons, as well as from the cause and time of his death, But in case of the complete absence of the deceased insured person of the insurance experience or, in the event of a disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner, the criminal acting act, which caused the death of the breadwinner and established in court, establishes a social pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Pension provision in the Russian Federation. "

    The right to social pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwin Constantly living in Russia children under the age of 18, as well as up to 23 years old, studying in full-time, lost one or both parents, and children of the dead lonely mother.

      Pensions servicemen for long service: appointment conditions and sizes.

    According to Art. 1 Decree. Law

    SERVICE YES - The total duration of military service, services in law enforcement agencies and other activities equal to this service, which gives the right to early receive a pension regardless of age, subject to dismissal from the service.

    In the service of years for the appointment of pensions, the servicemen is counted:

    Military service;

    Service in the positions of the ordinary and superior composition in the ATS, GPS; in drug monitoring bodies; in institutions and bodies of the WIS;

    Service in the Soviet partisan detachments and compounds;

    The time of operation in the OGA, with leaving in military service or in the frames of law enforcement. organs;

    The time of staying in captivity, if the capture was not voluntary and the soldier, being in captivity, did not commit a crime against the Motherland;

    The time of serving the sentence and detention of military personnel, individuals of the ordinary and superior composition, unreasonably attracted to criminal liability or repressed and subsequently rehabilitated.

    In service of years for the appointment of pensions fired from the service officers and persons of the superior composition of the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, organs on the control of drug trafficking and psychotropic substances, may also be counted the time of their study before determining the service (but not more than five years) at the rate of one year of study for six months of service.

    Preferential calculus of driving : but) one month service for six months - in the constant composition of the penalty parts of the army; b) one month service for three months:

    In military units, headquarters and institutions, in the Soviet partisan detachments and compounds in the period of hostilities; - in military units, headquarters and institutions that were not part of the current army, which were in the Great Patriotic War in the cities of heroes

    - the time of continuous finding on cure in therapeutic institutions due to injuries, contusions, injury or diseases obtained in military units, headquarters and institutions that were part of the army; - participation in hostilities abroad, including in countries, army whose combat operations or provided military assistance to other states (Hungary, Korea, Afghanistan, etc.); - on the work related to the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and the prevention of environmental pollution in the exclusion zone, from April 26, 1986 . until December 31, 1987, etc.

    in) one month service in two months:

    - In the period of the Great Patriotic War in military units who were not part of the current army, and the ATS, GPS; - the time of stay of military personnel (persons equated to them) in captivity (concentration camps) during the Great Patriotic War, if the capture was not voluntary and face Being in captivity, did not commit a crime against the Motherland;

    - in remote areas and high-mountainous areas of the Russian Federation; - military specialists in countries whose army conducted military actions or provided military assistance to other states; - in the positions of divers performing work in conditions of long-term stay under high pressure; d) one month service for a month and a half: - at flight work in aviation; - at nuclear surface ships and submarines; - on works related to the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and the prevention of environmental pollution in the exclusion zone - from January 1, 1988 to December 31 1990

    e) one month service for one and one third of the month: - in the units to combat organized crime ATS, FSB; - on surface ships (except atomic); e) one day service for one and a half day: The time of military service (service) in divisions directly carrying out (carried out) the fight against terrorism.

    Call Military Service as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman (urgent military service), in addition to periods to be credited for years of service on preferential terms, Passed in long service for the appointment of pensions incalendar calculus .

    Conditions for the appointment of pensions for service for years to military personnel :

      Speed \u200b\u200bfor the day of dismissal from service - 20 years and more (net length),

      Savior on the day of dismissal - 12.5 years and more + dismissal to achieve the limit age of stay, health state or in connection with organizational and staff activities + reached the age of 45 years + common work. Experience - more than 25 years (mixed service)

    The total work experience includes:

    a) Labor experience before the entry into force of the Federal Law on Labor. pensions

    b) insurance experience in the order of FZ on labor. Pension and prior to the entry into force of the FZ about fear. pensions

    c) insurance experience in the order of FZ about fear. Pension

    The procedure for calculating driers for military personnel - Decree of the Government of 1993 (similar to the title of the 1993 law on pension provision of persons held military service, service in the Department of Internal Affairs, State Fire Service, the Control Body for Drug Trafficking, Institutions and OIS, and their families)

    The size of the pension is 50% of the amount of money allowance with increasing: 1) 3% for each year driving over 20 years (no more than 85%), 2) by 1% for each year OTS Over 25 years old - with incomplete length.

    In the event of a re-determination of the person who received a pension, with the subsequent dismissal from the payment of the payment of them, the pension resumes on the basis of the length of service and the general employment experience on the day of the last dismissal

    Minimum pension - not lower than 100% of the calculated pension size (the size of the social. Pensions in disability), which, with regard to indexation in 2015, is about 8.5 thousand rubles.

    Increase pensions for long service - produced by persons who have become disabled 1st / 2nd / 3rd groups Due to: a) military injury, - by 300% / 250% / 175% of RRP; b) other reasons (an exception - disability due to their illegal actions) - by 250% / 200% / 150% of RRP - participants in the Great Patriotic War; - by 200% / 150% / 100% RRP - persons awarded the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad" sign.

    Dumping to pensions: 1) pensioners, which are disabled I groups or those who have reached the 80 years (for care for them) - 100% RPP; 2) non-working pensioners, having in their dependency of disabled family members who do not receive insurance (social) pensions - 32% / 64% / 100% RRP (if there is 1/2 / 3 and more dependents); 3) pensioners - participants of the Great Patriotic War, which are not disabled - 32% (64% when the 80 years of age is reached).

      Pensions of disability servicemen.

    according to the Law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 N 4468-1 "On pension provision of persons held by military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, state fire service, organs for monitoring drug trafficking and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families ")

    According to Art. 1 Decree. Law under military personnel are understood : Citizens who held military service as officers, ensigns, Michmanov or military service under the contract or call as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the CIS, Fed. border service, internal troops, etc.; as well as service in law enforcement agencies: ATS, FSKN, GPS, UIS institutions, etc.

    Personal Services Personal Services: Persons engaged in the Great Patriotic War in partisan detachments, military units and headquarters positions equivalent to officers + persons held at superior military service, former soldiers soldiers

    Disabled - A person who has a violation of health with the resistant disorder of the functions of the body, due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to the restriction of vital activity and the necessity of its social protection.

    Limiting vital activity - Complete or partial loss of the face of the ability or opportunity to carry out self-service, to move independently, to navigate, communicate, control your behavior, learn and engage in labor activity.

    Recognition of persons with disabilities is carried out federal institution of medical and social expertise. The procedure and conditions for recognizing persons with disabilities are established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 N 95 "On the procedure and conditions for recognizing persons with disabilities")

    Disabled are divided into: 1) disabled due to military injury

    Stay in captivity,

    due to the diseaseobtained during military service military service or military service (official duties). The size of a disability pension disabled due to: 1) military injury I and II groups - 85%, group III - 50% of the corresponding amounts of monetary satisfaction; 2) Diseases obtained during military service, I and II groups - 75%, group III - 40% of the corresponding amounts of monetary content

    In monetary content is included: Salary by position, by title and allowance for long service.

    The indicated monetary allowance is taken into account when calculating the pension from January 1, 2012 in the amount of 54 percent and starting from January 1, 2013 increases annually by 2 percent until 100 percent of its size is achieved. In this way, from January 1, 2015, monetasis is taken into account in the amount of 60%.

    Disability pension cannot be lower (for disabled I - III groups): 1) 300% / 250% / 175% RRP * - for disabled people due to military injury; 2) 250% / 200% / 150% RRP - for disabled people due to the disease obtained during the military service period.

    RRPabout 8.5 thousand rubles.

    Dumping to pensions (as for long service): 1) pensioners, which are disabled I groups or those who have reached the 80 years (for care for them) - 100% RPP; 2) non-working pensioners, having in their dependency of disabled family members who do not receive insurance (social) pensions - 32% / 64% / 100% RRP (if there is 1/2 / 3 and more dependents); 3) pensioners - participants of the Great Patriotic War, which are not disabled - 32% (64% when the 80 years of age is reached).

    + There is still an increase in disability pension - the same as for a retirement for years of service (see the previous question)

    Disability pension is appointed for a period of disability, and with disabilities older than 60/55 years - for life with re-inflammation of these people with disabilities. according to their application.

    In the case of the recognition of a pensioner who has not reached the age-specified age, a able-bodied pension is paid to him until the end of the month, in which it is recognized by the able-bodied, but not more than a day that disabilities are established.

    Pension size can be changed when revising the disability group.

    When a disabled disability disabled In federal institutions of medical and social expertise the payment of the prescribed pension is suspended from the day, which he had a disabilityIn the case of recognition of it again with disabilities - it is renewed from the date of establishing a disabilities again.

      Pensions to citizens who have held military service on call, and their family members.

    FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation"

    Citizens who held military service in the positions of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman, have the right to receive a disability pension (according to GPOs), and disabled members of their families - on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner (also on GPO).

    Disability pension Conscripts

    The right to a disability retirement has persons with disabilities if the disability has come: a) during the period of service, b) no later than 3 months after dismissal from service, c) later than this term, but due to injury, contusion, injury or diseases obtained during the period of service

    Disabled are divided by 2 categories depending on the cause of disability: 1) Disabled due to military injury - Persons who have become disabled due to injury, contusion, injury or diseases obtained at:

    The protection of the Motherland, - the passage of the service abroad in the states where the fighting was carried out - in the performance of other duties of the service,

    Stay in captivity,

    Staying in the current army as pupils and Jung. 2) Disabled due to the diseaseobtained during military service - persons who have become disabled due to injury received as a result of an accident not related to the execution of dutiesmilitary service or diseases not related to the fulfillment of duties military service (official duties)

    Disability pension (for disabled I - III groups): 1) 300% / 250% / 175% RRP * - for disabled people due to military injury; 2) 250% / 200% / 150% RRP - for disabled people due to the disease obtained during the military service period.

    RRP (\u003d size of social. Pensions in disability) with regard to indexation in 2015 is about 8.5 thousand rubles.

    If the invalid of the conscript has dependents, the size of the pension increases by 1/3 of the RRP for each dependent, but not more than three.

    In the case of a disability due to the commissioning of the crime, a social pension is appointed



      conscript's death:

    a) during the period of service, b) no later than 3 months after dismissal from service, c) later than this term, but due to injury, contusion, injury or diseases obtained during the period of service

      posted by disabled family members.

    Disable family members are recognized:

    1) children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren up to 18 years or up to 23 years old, but students in part; as well as older than this age, if they have become disabled to 18 years; Important: they should not have able-bodied parents;

    2) One of the parents, spouse, grandfather or grandmother, brother or sister, regardless of age and ability, if you are engaged in care of children, brothers or sisters of the deceased (deceased) breadwinner, who has not reached the age of 14 and has the right to retire and does not work;

    3) parents and spouse if they reached the age of 60 and 55 years (respectively, men and women) are either disabled;

    4) Parents of military personnel who have fallen (dead) during the passage of military service upon call or those who died after dismissal from military service due to military injury, if they have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (respectively, men and women);

    5) grandfather and grandmother, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 years (respectively, men and women) are either disabled, subject to the absence of persons who are obliged to contain them;

    6) Widow of military personnel who died (deceased) during the passage of military service upon call due to military injuries, not entered into a new marriage if they have reached the age of 55 years.

    The size of the pension for each (!) Of disabled family member:

      200% RRP - death due to military injury,

    150% RRP - death due to the disease obtained during the military service period.

      Pensions for state pension provision by federal civil servants.

    !! FGS have the right to retire GPOonly for long service .

    Sale- The total duration of military service periods, service in law enforcement agencies and other activities equal to this service, which gives the right to receive a pension regardless of age and subject to dismissal from this service.

    Calculation of years for years for employees GSS

    In the experience of the civil service for the appointment of a retirement for service of the federal state civil servants, are included in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation, periods of service (work) in the positions of federal civil service and other positionsdetermined by the President of the Russian Federation.

    The list of posts (according to the presidential decree), periods of service (work) in which are included in the experience of civil service for the appointment of pensions for long service:

    1. State posts of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation

    2. Positions of the Federal State Civil Service (executives, assistants, specialists providing specialists).

    4. Positions of the State Civil Service of the subjects of the Russian Federation

    5. Positions of prosecutor workers and employees of the RF RF

    6. Military posts, the passage of the service (military service) in which it is counted in the service of years for the appointment of a pension for years of service to military personnel

    10. Municipal positions (deputies, members of elected local governments, election officials of local self-government, members of the election commissions of municipalities operating on a permanent basis and are legal entities, with the right of a decisive voice), substituted on a permanent (standard) basis.

    13. Positions held by citizens of the Russian Federation in interstate (intergovernmental) bodies created by States Parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States

    14. Posts in the trade unions established in the state. organs

    Inclusion order (The one is approved by the Government):

    Inclusion in the experience carried out by application Federal State Civil servant when he applied for the appointment of a retirement pension by federal state the authority in which this employee replaced the position Federal State Civil Service immediately before dismissalAnd in the case of the abolition (reorganization) of the said authority, the federal state body, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, transferred the functions of a abolished (reorganized) authority.

    Document confirming civil service for the appointment of pensions for service of years of federal state civil servants, submitted by the Federal State Body to the Pension Fund Of the Russian Federation to address the appointment of the specified pension

    Periods of service (work) included in the experience The State Civil Service for the appointment of a retirement pension for years of federal state civil servants is calculated and confirmed in accordance with the procedure for counting and confirmation (the Ministry of Labor and Socials is approved. Protection) and the specified experience on the basis of information on labor activity, labor experience or experience in the employment record and in other documents issued in the prescribed manner

    Conditions for the appointment of a retirement pension for years of FGGS:

      Experience GGS - more than 15 years + right to insurance pension + held position on GGS last 12 months + dismissal on innocent grounds: Agreement of Parties; expiration of the term service contract; Termination of a service contract on the initiative of a civil servant; refusal to transfer; non-compliance with the post of health; The abolition of state. Authority, reducing posts, etc.

      Service experience - more than 25 years + No right to fear. Pension + dismorded at your own accord + occupied the position of GGS last 7 years

    !!! Pension for service of years FGGSnot paid during the period in the public service, giving the right to this pension.

    Conditions for granting the right to pension to civil servants subjects of the Russian Federationand municipal employeesat the expense of the subjects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the funds of OMS, are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Federation and acts of the OMS.

    Length for long service is establishedadditionally to the inland pension in old age (disability),appointed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions in the Russian Federation" and paid simultaneously with it.

    Pension size:

      With the experience of at least 15 years old - 45% of the average monthly earnings mini-age (disability), FV to CF and increasing FV;

      For each full year of experience over 15 years - 3% of the average monthly earnings

    The total amount of long-term service pension and high-strike joint ventures (disability), FV to the joint venture and increasing RF cannot exceed 75% of the average monthly earnings of the federal civil servant (ie, calculated for the last full 12 months).

    The size of the average monthly earningsused to calculate the pension can not exceed 2.8 salary (0.8 money remuneration), established (saved) in the corresponding period.

    The dimensions of pensions increase on the size of the district coefficient for the entire period of residence In the RCC, equivalent areas, other areas, I have severe climatic conditions.

    When determining the amount of pension for long service, it is not taken into account:

      the amounts of the increasing benefits of the insurance pension, which come to disabled family members and in connection with the achievement of the age of 80 years or the presence of a group I,

      amounts relying in connection with the Valorization of Pension Rights,

      the size of the share of the insurance pension,

      the amounts of increasing the size of the joint venture in old age and FV (when appointing an inlets in old age later, the right to her, restoring the payment of the specified pension or the appointment of this pension again after the refusal of obtaining an established pension in old age).

      Pension on state pension provision.

    Pension on GP - Monthly state cash payment, the right to receive which is determined in accordance with the conditions and regulations established by the Federal Law "On GPU in the Russian Federation", and which is provided to citizens:

    1) In order to compensate for earnings (income) lost due to:

      with the cessation of FGGS when the sent sent by the law is reached by the exit of an inheritant insurance pension (disability);

      with retirement retirement for citizens from among astronauts or from among the LIS employees (flight test composition);

    2) In order to compensate for the harm caused to the health of citizens:

      when passing military service,

      as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the case of disability or loss of the breadwinner, when the age-established age is reached;

    3) in order to provide livelihoods to disabled citizens.

    The right to GPOs have:

    1) Citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to the conditions provided for for various types of pensions on GPO;

    2) Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation - on the same basis, unless otherwise provided by law or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

    Right to retirement on GPOs have:

    1) FGGS (federal state civil servants);

    2) servicemen:

    Citizens who held military service as officers, ensigns, Michmanov or military service under a contract or call as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the CIS,

    Military service in the FPS and its bodies, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the external intelligence bodies, government bodies, the FSB bodies,

    Service in the Department of Internal Affairs, state. fire service, prosecutor's office, FCS, SK, FSKN, UIS bodies

    3) participants in the Great Patriotic War;

    4) citizens awarded the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad" sign;

    5) citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters;

    6) citizens from the number of cosmonauts;

    7) citizens from the number of fox workers;

    8) disabled citizens:

    Disabled, including disabled people with children with disabilities,

    Children under the age of 18, as well as up to 23 years old, if they are trained in person, who lost one or both parents, and the children of the dead lonely mother,

    Citizens from the number of small peoples of the North, who reached the age of 55/50 years permanently residing in the areas of living of the small peoples of the North on the day of the prescription of the pension;

    Citizens who have reached the age of 65/60, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and relevant the specified age.

    9) family members of these citizens in cases provided by law.

    Types of pensions for GPO: 1) for long service: - FGGS, - military personnel, - citizens from the number of cosmonauts, - citizens from the number of fox workers; 2) in old age - citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters; 3) for disability: - servicemen, participants in the Great Patriotic War, - citizens awarded the "resident of the Blood Leningrad" and - citizens affected by radiation or man-made catastrophes;

    Cosmonauts, 4) social pension (in old age, disability, loss of the breadwinner) - disabled citizens;

    5) on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner - family members: - military personnel, citizens affected by radiation or man-made catastrophes, - citizens from the number of astronauts.

    Citizens who are at the same time right to various pensions, as a general rule, establish one pension on their choice. Exceptions - see Question 26.

    Pensions on GP installed and paid regardless of receiving a cumulative pension.

    Financing Pension on GPOs produced at the expense of federal budget.

    Pension appointment, recalculation of its size and translationfrom one type of pension to another produced according to a citizen. An exception - Social pension: a) on disability - citizens who received a disability retirement under 18, being disabled children;

    b) in old age - citizens who have reached the age of 65/60 and have previously received an insurance pension for disability.

    Dates of the appointment of pension on GPO: 1) for the service of years of FGGS and citizens from the Fox workers installed in the insurance pension for disability - for the determination of the latter; 2) for long service (in other cases) - indefinite; 3) in old age (including social) - indefinite; 4) for disability (including social) - on deadline for persons with disabilities, including indefinitely; 5) on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner (including social) - for the term of disability of the relevant person, including indefinitely

      Pensions to the families of military personnel on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner.

    Pension on the occasion of the loss of breadwinner recruits - see Question 30.

    Pencing for the loss of the breadwinner appointed families: 1) servicemen if the breadwinner died (died):

    - during the passage of the service,

    No later than 3 months from the date of dismissal from the service,

    - Later, this term, but due to injury, contusion, injury or diseases obtained during the period of service; 2) pensioners, if the breadwinner died:

    - during the period of retirement,

    - Not later than 5 years after the cessation of his pension.

    Families who died at the front are equal to the families who died during their stay in captivity, and missing in the period of hostilities.

    The right to retire on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner has disabled members of the deceased family (died),consisting on their dependence . on full content or received assistance, which was a constant and main source of income for them.

    Independently from being dependent The feeder pension is prescribed: disabled children; disabled parents and spouse, if they after the death of the breadwinner lost the source of livelihoods; disabled parents and spouses of those who died due to military injury; A spouse, one of the parents or another family member from paragraph B) - see below.

    Disabled family members are consideredi:

    a) children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren up to 18 years or older, but if they have become disabled to 18 years old, as well as studying in full time until 23 years old; It is important - they should not be able-bodied parents;

    b) parents and spouse if they have reached the age: men - 60 years old, women - 55 years old, or are disabled;

    c) spouse or one of the parents or grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister, regardless of age and ability, if it is engaged in care of children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached 14 years old, and does not work;

    d) grandfather and grandmother - in the absence of persons who are obliged to contain them.

    Pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner is maintained when entering into a new marriage (it should be emphasized that it comes on the preservation of the appointed pensionon the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner, and not the right to appoint such a pension), and a minor child - with adoption.

    Adopters have the right to retireon the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner along with parents, and adopted children on a par with their own children.

    Stepfather and stepmother have the right to retire On the occasion of the loss of the breadwin on a par with his father and mother provided that they brought up and contained a dead step or a stepdaughter at least five years. Steying and Padrelitsa have the right to retire on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner on a par with native children, if they were on the upbringing and content of the deceased stepfather or stepmother.

    On preferential terms (in the event of the death of the breadwin due to military injury) the right to retire: 1) Spouse - upon reaching 55/50 years old, and busy care for the child who has not reached 8 years old - regardless of age, working capacity and the fact of work, service in law enforcement agencies, 2) parents (! Each) - upon reaching They have the age of 55/50, regardless of being dependent.

    Pension size for each disabled family member Due to the death of the breadwinner: 1) from military injury - 50% of the amount of money from the breadwinner (not lower than 200% RPP). Under the same norm, a pension is established, regardless of the cause of the death of the breadwinner: - families of a pensioner-disabled person due to military injury - on children who have lost both parents (deceased lonely mother); 2) due to the disease received during the military service period - 40% of the amounts Money allowance for the breadwinner (no lower than 150% RRP).

    The following are set to pensions. dumping : 1) 100% RRP (for Care) Family members: - Assibled of the first group I or age 80 years; 2) 32% of RRP family members: - disabled children and disabled from childhood I and II groups who have lost both parents ( dead lonely mother).

      The procedure for appointment, recalculation of the amount of payment and delivery of insurance pensions.

    Installation of insurance pensions and payment of insurance pensions, including the organization of their delivery, are manufactured by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

    With the establishment, payment and delivery of the joint venturehave the right to see :

    - insured person;

    - An employer in relation to persons consisting of labor relations (with their written consent).

    When changing the place of residence, the payment of the joint venture (the organization of its delivery) is carried out on the basis of the payment of the pensioner on its new place of residence (stay), confirmed by registration documents, (actual accommodation confirmed by a personal statement).

    Citizens can handle the statements about the establishment, the payment and delivery of the insurance pension:

      directly to the authority that performs the pension

      the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services at the place of residence In the event that there is an agreement on cooperation and submission of these applications between the authority to provide state and municipal services, the agreement on the public and municipal services provided in the Multifunction Center established by the Agreement is concluded;

      in the form of an electronic document via the Internet.

    List of necessary documents, circulation rules for the joint venture, FV to the joint venture, the implementation of their payment, conducting verification of documents on the payment and delivery of the joint venture, the rules for maintaining pension documentation, the deadlines for storing payments and documents installed in the manner determined by the government RF.

    Organ, carrying out pension provision, has the right to verify the validity of the issuance of documentsnecessary to establish and pay an insurance pension and also the accuracy of the information contained in them.

    Delivery of the joint venture (according to the pensioner):

    1) through the credit institution (enrollment of the SP to the pensioner's account in this organization);

    2) through the organization of postal services and other organizations involved in the delivery of the joint venture (presentation of the amount of joint ventures at home / at the office of the organization producing delivery).

    Payment of SP Delivery Services is made at the expense of funds provided for financial support for the relevant joint venture.

    Enrollment of joint ventures on account Pensioner in a credit institution it is produced without a commissive remuneration.

    SP, if its recipient is a minor (The person who has reached the age of 18 and recognized as incapable):

    - credited to the account of one of the parents (adoptive parents) or guardians (trustees);

    - Available to the specified person.

    The child who has reached the age of 14, has the right to receive the SP him established by him by enrolling on his account in a credit institution (awarding the postal organization, a different organization that carries out the SP), which he must submit an appropriate statement.

    At the request of the pensioner JV can be paid by proxy. If the duration of the power of attorney exceeds one year, an annual confirmation of the founder of its registration at the place of receipt of the joint venture is necessary..

    Delivery of FV to the joint venture is made simultaneously with the joint venture through the organization delivering this pension.

    When, if in documentconfirming the death (birth) of the insured person, only a year is specified without the designation of the exact date. death (birth) datage is accepted on July 1 relevant year if the number of month is not specified, then the 15th is considered The number of the corresponding month, and if the period is specified, the date of the start date is taken.

    If one of the conditions for establishing an insurance pension, the payment of an insurance pension, a fixed payment for the insurance pension is to achieve a certain age, such a condition is considered to be fulfilled on the day corresponding to the date of birth.

    The payment of the insurance pension on the territory of the Russian Federation is produced by a pensioner by the authority carrying out the pension provision in the established amount without any restrictions.

    Insurance pension is appointed from the date of treatment at the indicated pension but no earlier than from the day of the right on the specified pension.

    The day of appeal for the joint venture is the day of reception by the authority by the pension provision, statements with all the necessary documents.

    When, if not all necessary documents are applied to the application for the appointment of insurance pensionThe authority that performs the pension provision gives a person who has applied for the insurance pension, an explanation of which documents he must submit additionally. If a such documents will be presented no later than three months later. from the date of receipt of the relevant clarification , the day of appeal to the insurance pension is the day of receiving an application for the appointment of an insurance pension. The application is seen within 10 days.

    When sending a statement by mail, submission in the form of an electronic document, filing through the IFC providing state and municipal services with the application of all necessary documents - the day of appeal to the joint venture is considered to be the date: 1) indicated on the mail stamp of the Federal postal service, 2) submission of an application using Information and telecommunication networks of common use (including Internet), 3) Date of reception of the IFC application.

    The insurance pension is appointed earlier than the appeal of the joint venture in the following cases:

    1) SP in old age - from the day following the day of dismissal from work when contacting the joint venture not later than 30 days from the date of dismissal from work;

    2) JV on disability - from the date of the recognition of the person with disabilities when applying for the joint venture not later than 12 months from this day;

    3) JV on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner - from the day of the death of the breadwinner when applying for the joint venture no later than 12 months from the date of his death (when this period is exceeded, 12 months earlier, contacting the joint venture).

    Insurance pension in old age face receiving an insurance pension for disability, which has reached age for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension, which has at least 15 years of insurance experience and the value of an individual pension coefficient of at least 30, it is assigned from the date of the achievement of the said age without claiming the statement On the appointment of an old-age insurance pension on the basis of the data available to the authority implementing the pension provision. OrganWith pension provision, within 10 working days from the date of making a decision on the appointment of an old-age insurance pension informs this person on the appointment of an old-age insurance pension.

    When refusing to satisfy the application On the appointment of the joint venture (translated on the joint venture, from one type of SP to another) organmaintaining pension no later than 5 five working daysth after the date of the specified decision notifies the applicant about this, indicating the reason for the refusal, the procedure for its appeal And at the same time returns all the documents submitted to them.

    Decisions on the establishment (refusal to establish) joint ventures, its payment, deductions from the joint venture, recovery of excessively paid joint ventures may be appealed to a higher pension body (in relation to the authority that made the appropriate decision) and (or) to court.

    Terms of purpose SP:

    1) in old age - indefinitely;

    2) for disability - for a period during which the person is recognized as a disabled person, but not more than a day: a) the appointment of joint ventures (including early), b) achievements of the common age, c) in the absence of 15 years of insurance experience ( IPC values \u200b\u200bof at least 30) - until the day of reaching age for the appointment of a social pension in old age (65/60 years).

    3) on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner - for the period during which the appropriate person is considered disabled (incl. Indefinitely).

    Translation from one type of SP to another (from another pension on the joint venture) produced from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the pensioner filed a statement With all the necessary documents, but not earlier than the acquisition of the right to the joint venture.

    Recalculate size SP, FV to the joint it is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which:

    1) The circumstances have come, entailing the recalculation of the SP, FV to the joint venture towards the decrease;

    2) adopted a pensioner statement about the recalculation of the SP, FV to the joint venture in the direction of magnification.

    The procedure for recalculating the size of FV to the joint venture when establishing a group of disability :

    1) giving law at higherthe size of the FV to the SP in old age (disability), increasing the FV to the joint venture (disability) - from the date of the establishment of an ITU by the relevant disability group without claiming the relevant application on the basis of documents received from ITU federal institutions;

    2) entail recalculation towards the decrease- From the 1st day of the month following the month, which was established by a previous group of disability.

    The recalculation of the size of the FV to the joint venture in the connection with the achievement of the age of 80 years is made from the date of the achievement of the specified age without claiming the application.

    The term of consideration of the application for the recalculation of the joint venture or translation to another SP - 5 working days from the date of acceptance of the application (the day of receipt of the requested documents).

    In case of verification of reliability documents (failures within the prescribed period of necessary documents) of the FIU is entitled suspend time Consideration of the application until the verification is completed (submitted documents requested), but no more than onthree months .

    Pay Insurance pension in the territory of the Russian Federation, including its delivery, is made for the current month .

    Accrued amounts insurance pension payment of which was suspended The pension body and which were not claimed by the pensioner in a timely manner, paid to him over the past time, but not more than three years preceding the month following the month in which he appealed to obtain a accrued insurance pension. Insurance pension, not received by a pensioner in a timely manner of the authority, implementing pension provision, is paid to him in the past time without restriction by any term.

    Accrued amounts Insurance pension due to a pensioner in the current month and the remaining not received in connection with his death At the specified month, the members of his family were paid, who lived together with this pensioner on his death, if the appeal for the incomplete amounts of this pension followed no later than the expiration of six months from the date of the death of the pensioner. When treating several members of the family for the indicated amounts of insurance pension, the amounts of insurance pension due to them are divided between them equally.

    Pensioner must notify the authority that performs the pensionleaving permanent residence outside the territory of the Russian Federation by submitting an appropriate application no earlier than one month before the date of departure.

    Based on the statement of a person who left for permanent residence outside the territory of the Russian Federation filed in writing or in the form of an electronic document, as well as documents, the amount of insurance pension appointed to him is paid in the territory of the Russian Federation in the rubles by proxy or by enrolling on his account in a credit organization .

    Pension on state pension provision (GPO) is the payment of a monthly pension intended to compensate for income to persons who have lost it as a result of the end of the civil service, or compensation for the earnings of cosmonauts or flight testing composition, or compensation for harm to military service and others.

    The list of persons entitled to GPOs:

    • federal civil servants;
    • servicemen;
    • went participants;
    • having a reward "resident of the Blocade Leningrad";
    • victims of radiation or technogenic catastrophes;
    • cosmonauts and Flight Testing;
    • disabled faces.

    Types of pension

    GPO includes the following pension:

    • for long service;
    • in old age;
    • by disability;
    • on the loss of the breadwinner (read also an article ⇒);
    • social.

    Conditions for pension

    1. Pension federal civil servants. Pension provision of such a category of citizens depends on the duration of work in the federal state service. Her appointment occurs if the citizen worked out the laid work experience, equal to 15.5 years as of 2017. Each subsequent year of work experience increases 6 months to reach 20 years by 2026. The calculation of this type of collateral is produced, given their earnings received for the 12 last months of service, based on which the average earnings is calculated.

    The formula for the calculation of the pension is applied as follows:

    N \u003d (45% x zr - joint venture) + 3% x zp x collars, where

    P - pension for long service;

    ZSR - average size of earnings taken into account when calculating;

    SP - the resulting insurance pension;

    WST - insurance experience exceeding 15.5 years.

    1. Pension deputies and members of the Federation Council

    Citizens who were in the posts of deputy at least 1 year have the right to count on a certain extra charge to a pension appointed in old age or disabilities or to early. At the same time, these individual categories are entitled to the following types of collateral:

    • extra charge to pension;
    • for long service;
    • on lifetime content.

    Only one of the listed types of security is assigned.

    Supplement to the pension relies in the following sizes from the amount of the monthly salary received in the service:

    • with 1-3 year service - 55%;
    • when serving 3 years - 75%.
    1. Pension of world and federal judges. This category of citizens have the right to a special pension. It represents a lifelong content paid monthly. At the same time, they can choose what kind of pension to receive - in the form of content, or a regular pension. Lifetime relies as a percentage of salary received in the service:
    • under the service of 20 years - 80%;
    • in the service of up to 20 years - in proportion to the time spent in this position, while the person who is prescribed a pension should reach the age of 50 or 55 years;
    • with service for more than 20 years - annually increases by 1%, but before reaching 85% of the salary.
    1. Pension cosmonauts. Cosmonauts pension is appointed only on the accumulation of the necessary experience, 20 years - for women and 25 years - for men. The calculation is made according to the formula:

    N \u003d 55% of dov + 3% of dov x st;

    Dov - Earnings of the cosmonaut, obtained in accordance with the Regulations on Mathsurement;

    ST - experience over the established number of years (20 for women and 25 for men).

    In addition, astronauts have the right to count on certain pensions, calculated as a percentage of the social pension established for the current year. 80 years old retirees and older, people with disabilities 1 gr and in need of care have been eligible. The size of the retirement increase for them is 200%.

    1. Pension Flight Testing. The size of the pension of the flight composition directly depends on the employment experience of the working out of the flight test formulation:
    • the experience of 20 years for women and 25 years for men (at the same time, the experience coming to test flights should be at least 2/3 of the total experience) - 1000% of the social pension;
    • the experience of 20 years for women and 25 years for men (at the same time, the experience coming to test flights is less than 2/3 of the total experience) - 800% of the social pension.
    1. Pension participants in the Second World War and having a reward of the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad". This category of pensioners has the right to simultaneously receive two pensions: insurance and also state disability. In addition, they also receive additional matures in the form of an either demo. The amount of disability of the WFT participants is established as a percentage of the amount of social pension:
    • disabled 1 group - 250%;
    • disabled groups 2 groups - 200%;
    • disabled 3 groups - 150%.

    For citizens who have a reward "A resident of the Blood Leningrad", the size of a disability pension is as follows:

    • disabled 1 group - 200%;
    • disabled 2 groups - 150%;
    • persons with disabilities 3 groups - 100%.
    1. Pension victims in radiation, man-made catastrophes. This category of citizens is entitled to receive one of two types of gospens: for disability or by age. At the same time, they can receive states and an old-age insurance pension to achieve the age-established age. They have the right to choose greater in the size of pension provision.

    The pension is established as a percentage of social pension established by the legislation:

    • persons with disabilities of group 1 - 250% of the Socration specified for this category;
    • persons with disabilities 2 - 250% of the Socration, established for this category;
    • persons with disabilities 3 groups having dependent family members are calculated as follows:

    (250% SP + 1208 rubles x K) - 125% SP, where

    SP - social project established for this category;

    Kolynomium of family members who have the status of disabled, but not more than 3.

    The procedure for making a pension

    1. For registration of a pension on GPO, you can contact at any time, after the occurrence of this right, there are no restrictions on time.
    2. You need to apply with a statement to one of the organs:
    • PFR at the place of residence;
    1. The method of filing the application is the same as for submitting an application for any other type of pension provision, that is:
    • personally;
    • through the representative;
    • by mail;
    • in the form of an electronic statement through the "Personal Account" on the website of the FIU.

    When applying, a power of attorney is drawn up through a representative, and when sending mail, the letter is made in the form of a customized, with the description of the investment.

    1. The application for each type of pension will be filled with its. The application form can be found in the FIU or the desired department, and also found on the PFR website.
    2. In addition to the application, you will also need a package of documents:
    • passport;
    • documents confirming insurance experience;
    • additional documents provided depending on the category of a pensioner, for example, a document confirming a disability group, or a document confirming the death of the breadwinner.
    1. Terms of destination. The pension has been appointed from the first day of the month, which follows the month of submission of the application. At the same time, the period for which pension provision is appointed depending on the category of the pensioner. It can be appointed both for life and until the end of the term, which is approved by affiliation to one or another category of state pensioners.
    2. To deliver a pension, you can choose one of the proposed methods:
    • through the post office, it will be possible to get a pension both in the office and at home, in the post-mail set, waiting for an employee of the mail;
    • through the Bank's branch, for this you will need to open an account in the bank and / or issue a bank card and report data in the FIU or the Office. It will be possible to receive a pension both at the cash desk and in an ATM;
    • through the organization providing these services in this case, the delivery of the pension is carried out in the same way as when delivery by mail. That is, it will be possible to get it at the office of the organization, or at home, expecting an employee on the established days.

    Right to two types of pension

    The following categories of citizens can receive the right to simultaneous genetic security for disability and retirement of old age.

    • went participants;
    • disabled, as a result of military injury;
    • having award "A resident of the Blocade Leningrad".

    The following categories of citizens is entitled to share the insurance pension, which is paid together with a seniority.

    • federal members of the civil service;
    • cosmonauts
    • members of the Flight Testing Makeup.

    In addition, the following categories of citizens have the right to receive two types of pensions:

    • parents of a serviceman who died during the passage of service, or after it from the injury resulting from its passage;
    • the widow of the military person who died during the passage of service on the call, or after it from the injury obtained as a result of its passage before entering it into another marriage;
    • disabled in the consequence of the catastrophe of the Chernobyl NPP;
    • disabled family members of the family facing radiation disease or other diseases, as a result of radiation;
    • participated in the elimination of the catastrophe of the Chernobyl NPP.

    An example of calculating the pension

    An example of calculating the pension of civil servants

    Ivanov I.I. Worked as a civil servant for 20 years. In 2017, he draws up a seniority retirement. At the same time, the average salary for 2016 amounted to 35,000 rubles. Insurance pension Ivanov I.I. Not yet appointed.

    Calculate GPOs in length of years, based on the 5 years of exceeding the set experience:

    (45% x 35,000) + (3% x 35 000 x 5) \u003d 21 000 rubles.

    Consider an example of accrualing pension to astronauts.

    Cosmonaut Petrov P.P. He has an employment experience as an astronaut, equal to 28 years. Earnings obtained according to the provision of cosmonauts, respectively, is 95,000 rubles.

    Let's calculate the pension based on the 3 years of exceeding the set experience:

    55% x 95 000 + 3% x 95 000 x 3 \u003d 52 250 + 8 550 \u003d 60,800 rubles.

    Pension indexation

    For each type of GPO, a certain indexation of pensions is provided:

    • social pension is indexed on April 1 of each year, depending on the established subsistence minimum;
    • pension cosmonauts (family members) is indexed depending on the resolution of the salary, from the date of its increase;
    • civil servant pension - with increasing the monetary content of civil servants;
    • for other categories - in accordance with the increased size of the Sockeenia.

    The legislative framework

    Answers to common questions

    Question: State pension increases on the district coefficient?

    Answer: Yes, in those areas where the coefficient is set.

    Question: Does the size of the Mosnussia persist when moving?

    Answer: If in the region, where a district coefficient was prescribed to you, and there is no smaller in the new region, then the pension decrease. You can save its size by placing a bank card, in order to receive a pension, it was possible through the bank's separation.

    Pension on state pension provision is a monthly state cash payment, which is delivered to citizens to compensate for them to make earnings (income), lost in connection with the termination of public service when the sentiment established by the law is reached at an old-age (disability); or in order to compensate for the harm caused by the health of citizens when passing military service, as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the event of a disability or loss of the breadwinner, with the achievement of the age-established age; Or disabled citizens in order to provide them with livelihoods.

    Pension on state pension provision is appointed and paid in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".

    Pensions stipulated by the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" are established and paid regardless of receipt in accordance with the Federal Law "On Labor Pension In the Russian Federation" of the accumulative part of the labor pension.

    Types of pensions for state pension provision :?

    for long service; ?

    in old age; ?

    disability; ?

    social pension. 2.

    The right to state pension provision have. "?

    citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to the conditions stipulated by the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" for various types of pensions under state pension provision; ?

    foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation - on the same basis as citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise discussed by law.

    Right to pension on state pension provision

    federal civil servants; ?

    servicemen; ?

    participants of the Great Officer; ?

    citizens awarded the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad" sign; ?

    citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters; ?

    disabled citizens.

    Members of these citizens have the right to retire in cases stipulated by the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation". 3.

    The right to simultaneously receive two pensions in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" is provided :?

    citizens who have become disabled due to military injury.

    They can establish a disability pension and old-age labor pension; ?

    participants of the Great Out of Seeless War. They can establish a disability pension and old-age labor pension; ?

    parents of military personnel, speaking military service for the call who died (deceased) during the passage of military service or died due to military injuries after folling from military service (except in cases where the death of military personnel came as a result of their unlawful actions). They can be established a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the labor pension (disability) or pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the social pension (with the exception of the social pension appointed in connection with the death of the breadwinner); ?

    the widows of military personnel, in the period of military service, due to military injury, not entered into a new marriage. They can establish a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the labor pension of old age (disability) or pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the social pension (with the exception of the social pension appointed due to the death of the breadwinner); ?

    disabled family members of citizens: who received or suffered radiation disease and other diseases associated with the radiation effect due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP or the work on the elimination of the consequences of the specified catastrophe; Establish disabled due to the disaster at the Chernobyl NPP; Accepting participation in the elimination of the consequences of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP in the exclusion zone. They may establish a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the labor pension (disability) or pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner and the social pension (with the exception of the social pension appointed in connection with the death of the breadwinner). four.

    If, for the appointment of the relevant pension provided for by the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", labor experience of a certain duration is required, it includes periods of work and other socially useful activities, which are counted in the insurance experience, necessary to obtain a labor pension provided for Federal law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation".

    Labor experience - taken into account when determining the right to separate pensions under state pension provision, the total duration of periods of work and other activities, which are counted in insurance experience for obtaining a pension provided for by the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation".

    Financing of pensions for state pension provision is made at the expense of the federal budget.

    More on the topic question 23. Pension on state pension provision15:

    1. Question 25. Sizes of pensions for state pension provision
    2. Question 24. Appointment of pensions for state pension provision
    3. Question 26. Appointment of pension on state pension provision. Indexation, recalculation, payment and delivery of pensions