Fairy stories for children are short and interesting. Fictions invented by children

Fictions in poetry are considered great fun for children. It would seem such short and silly rhymes, but they cause funny infectious laughter in kids. If your kid laughs at fairy tales, and even tries to come up with something like that himself, it means that the child has a good sense of humor. After all, it is nonsense in poetry that makes us adults smile, and the children have fun. Read our short stories in verse and laugh at them with your children.

Who would believe that it happens?

Who will believe that it happens
A cat with a mouse in an embrace is walking.
The wolf rolls the lamb in a carriage.
And in the evening he reads her fairy tales.
The fish sings songs like a bird.
The coward-hunter is afraid of the hare
The toad flutters from branch to branch ...
Who would believe that it happens?


Two bears sat
On a thin bitch
One read the newspaper
Another was grinding flour.

One cuckoo, two cuckoo,
Both fell into flour.

Mom saw
I told my dad.
Dad was surprised
I fell down the stairs.

From the stairs to the street
From the street to the chicken
From chicken to rooster.
This is such nonsense.

Vanya rode on a horse

I praise myself for a reason,
I say to everyone and everywhere
What any suggestion
I will repeat it straight away.

Vanya rode on a horse,
Leading a dog on a belt
And the old woman at this time
Soaps the cactus on the window.

Vanya rode on a horse,
Leading a dog on a belt
Well, the cactus at this time
Washed the old woman on the window ...

Vanya rode on a horse,
Leading the old woman on a belt
And the dog at this time
I washed Vanya on the window ...

I know what I'm talking about.
Said I’ll repeat
So it came out without errors,
Why boast in vain?


Glad, glad, glad
Light birches,
And on them with joy
Roses are growing.
Glad, glad, glad
Dark aspens,
And on them with joy
Oranges are growing.
It didn't rain from the cloud
And not hail
Then fell from the cloud
And the crows over the fields
Suddenly they began to sing like nightingales.
And streams from underground
Sweet honey flowed.
The chickens have become pavas
Bald curly.
Even the mill and that
Danced by the bridge.
So run after me
To green meadows
Where over the blue river
A rainbow-arc has risen.
We are on the rainbow vska-ra-b-repent,
Let's play in the clouds
And from there down the rainbow
On a sled, on skates!


Where has it been seen, where has it been heard,
For the hen to give birth to a bull
Piglet laid a testicle
Yes, he took it to the shelf.
And the shelf broke off
And the testicle broke.
The lamb loosened up,
The filly cackled:
- Oh, where, where, where!
It never happened with us
So that the armless man robbed our cage,
The bare-bellied one bowed in his bosom,
And the blind man was peeping
And the deaf one overheard,
And the legless water runner ran
The tongueless "guard" screamed!

Short stories

The garden has blossomed
Cacti in the garden.
And in the lilac hippopotamus
Sings sweetly.

Our cat got sick
Her leg is sneezing.
Take a radish from the tola
Treat your sick pussy.

At the feeder in the yard
Birds are jumping in January:
Sparrow, bullfinch and swift,
Nightingale, goat and mouse.

Put on by Manechka
Mittens for legs,
Hooked to my head
Red boots.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
Baba rode on foot
In a calico carriage.
And behind her at full speed
With quiet steps
The wolf tried to swim across
Sea with pies.

Nonsense on the fence
Fried jam
Chickens ate a rooster
One Sunday.

The devil smeared his nose
Hit my hands
And from the cellar brought
Fried trousers.

Between heaven and earth
The piglet was digging
And by accident the tail
He clung to the sky.

By the swamp in the snow
A mosquito bit a flea.
A hare is sitting on a birch
Dies with laughter.

At Egorov's yard
A lot of fun, hurray!
And at our gate
Everything goes the other way around.

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said to the crow,
Give powder and perfume
To bait roosters.

We will harness the cat into a droshky
And the kitten in the tarantass
And let's go to the village
All the girls for the show.

The rain is warming
The sun is pouring down.
Miller grinds
Water in the well.

Washerwoman on the stove
Washes the trough.
Grandmother in the river
I fried a sieve.

Two funny toddlers,
Sitting deftly on the stove,
Tore watermelons from the apple tree,
They pulled carrots in the sea.
Crayfish ripened on the branches,
Seven herrings and ruffs.
All the surrounding dogs
We ate rutabagas heartily.

The dog sits down to play the accordion
Ginger cats dive into the aquarium,
Canaries begin to knit socks
Flowers of babies are watered from a watering can,
The old man lies at the window, sunbathes,
And granddaughter's grandmother plays with dolls,
And the fish read funny books,
Taking them little by little from the boy.

Everything in the world happens
Happens in the world.
And miracles meet
They meet, believe me!
And maybe,
- It can be! -
We will hear one day
That the wings are in the store
Available for citizens!
And maybe someday,
Waking up early in the morning
Suddenly someone's mother will say
Natasha or Tanya:
"Put on, daughter, wings,
Fly, daughter, to the bakery,
Buy, daughter, sugar
And two good buns! "
And maybe…
That's great!
Seryozha to a friend Kostya
Flies across the street
On business or on a visit ...
And maybe, suddenly ...
After all, maybe so
Happen that sometime
The teacher will say:
“We are flying to the circus, guys!
Livelier - wings on your back!
Seryozha, Zina, soon there? "
And the whole class is suddenly fun
Will fly over the bustling city !.
And the wings will be different:
Orange, white ...
What we want -
This is what we will do!

Two bears sat
On a thin bitch
One read the newspaper
Another was grinding flour.
One - cuckoo! Two - cuckoo!
Both fell into flour!
Nose in flour
The tail is in flour!
Ear in sour milk!


I guys once
Made friends with a crucian carp.
A crucian came to me
Chat about this and that.
He knew how to dance the hopak,
Sang folk songs
And there was a master to cook
The food is excellent.
Sewing, knitting and embroidering -
Cross and stitch.
How did he manage it -
I cannot understand.
He was brave in all matters
I took on any ...
Only did not know how to swim
And he was afraid of water.

My friend said ...

My friend said:
"All the goats
can fly,
like dragonflies.
Then he said: -
And all the bulls
they know how to buzz,
like, beetles.
And we boys
by the way,
we love to teach lessons very much.
We love to clean the bed
and wash your hands with soap,
and we have no habit at all
pull the girls by the pigtails,
tease dogs,
chasing cats ...
It's like that!
At least I'm ready to argue! "
He said - and, shaking my hand,
headed somewhere ...
But in some ways he was wrong,
isn't it guys?
(A. Kostetsky, translated by V. Korchagin)

On the side of that bears
Sadly the paw is not sucked.
Bees are good neighbors
They carry honey as a gift.
The wolf lives there not far away
But his howl is not heard,
He doesn't touch the sheep
It feeds on grass.
What's that invisible hat!
There are miracles everywhere:
Marvel at how they sleep in an embrace
There is a bunny and a fox in the mink.
How can you not dream about it?
Does everyone live in harmony there?
Mice go for advice
To kind affectionate cats.

A fox walked, sweeping its tail
And she shook her horns.
Grew up on an empty stump
A box of pies.

Suddenly a crow flew
With wolf teeth.
Ate raspberry pies
Having eaten with mushrooms.

Fish walk along the path
They wave their fins
The hedgehog carries an elephant on its back,
Chickens plow the land.

The hare is chasing a lion
And growls terribly.
Mole under the tree is building a house
From red mountain ash.

The wolf flies behind the cloud
Mice are dancing in a circle.
And at the bottom of the river sits
There is a frog under the umbrella.

Above a funny tale
The sun is blue frolicking.
And in the green clouds
The elephant rides on skates.
(I. Gurin)


I get up in the evening
And in the morning I go to bed.
The rooster cries,
The goose crows.
I am a dress for a doll
I erase with a broom
And there is firewood in the stove
I light it with a saw.
I pour in three soups
In a saucepan with an egg.
Song with a cover
A saucepan with an end.

The village drove past the peasant,
And the gate barks from under the dog.
He snatched the cart from under the whip
And let's hit the gate with it.
The roofs got scared, sat on the crows,
The horse urges the man with a whip.

Rode, rode down the track
Timoshka in a basket,
Petka in a boot,
Kuzka on one leg,
Senka in a glass,
And Vanya is on a cockroach.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
Baba rode on foot
In a calico carriage.

There lived a tall citizen
Vertically challenged.
And walk him out the window
It was very simple.
Once on a frosty summer day
In the morning in the evening
Languishing in the heat
Suddenly he climbed onto the stove.

With marmalade in the beard
To your daddy
A bear swam in a frying pan
For curly porridge!
A watermelon flies over the ground
He chirps, whistles:
-I am mustard, I am lemon!
I closed for renovations!
Yam-tiryam-tiryam, in a carriage
Two mustachioed whistles
Barefoot, jogging
They catch the wind with their boots!

A buffet runs along the river
In it lies
A big secret,
He acts in films
Everyone will love it!
(J. Moritz)

What are fables?

First of all, it is a way of developing logical thinking. Quite interesting and addicting. Fables (children's) are short stories or funny poems, where the opposite is true. For example, a cat lives in a booth and guards a house, and a dog catches mice. A logically reasoning kid will immediately notice where the discrepancy lies, and will certainly correct the narrator.

Examples of

There are a lot of fables that were written quite a long time ago. Here is one of them:

A hare is sitting on a birch,
He reads the book aloud.
A bear flew to him,
He listens, sighs.

Such short stories for children really help develop logical thinking. Firstly, hares do not sit on birches, but jump on the grass. Secondly, they don't read books either. Third, bears cannot fly. Even a two-year-old will quickly be able to figure out what the catch is in such a rhyme.

"Vanya rode on a horse ..."

Such tales (for children), like about Vanya on a horse, who led the dog on a belt, are not too short. Therefore, it is better to tell them already to more conscious kids. For example, senior preschoolers or younger students. It is noteworthy that in about the fifth grade, children are often forced to learn this well-known fable, since it develops memory, logic and attention well (you have to keep track of the order in which the sentences in the rhyme go).

What else is the use

Unfortunately, today's children spend too much time watching cartoons and animated series. This significantly affects their perception of the world. So, some kids do not completely distinguish reality from virtuality. Therefore, it is worth not only giving up this kind of leisure, but also studying folk tales for children. They will help determine how real this or that event is. For example:

Between heaven and earth
The piglet was digging
And by accident the tail
He clung to the sky.

The kid should be told that pigs are found in the barn or on special farms, and not on the clouds. And you can't cling to the sky with your tail. It's even better if you have pictures with the real state of affairs at hand: here is the piggy mother, here the pigs, here the barn, here is the one who feeds the animals. Such unpretentious short stories for children will be much better than any cartoons and comics about superheroes that do not exist in nature.

Where did they come from?

In general, this genre was originally invented by our ancestors, who composed poems and songs on the principle “I say what I want”. Around the same place, famous fiction poems for children such as:

A cat barks from a basket,
Potatoes grow on a pine tree
The sea flies across the sky
The wolves have eaten their appetite.
The ducklings are croaking loudly
Kittens croak thinly.

And about the brick, which, like glass, floats on the river. They were invented a long time ago, but they are still in demand now. First, it's funny, a sense of humor develops. Secondly, while reflecting on the topic posed by the verse, the child turns on logic.

Marshak and his tales

Such a famous writer as Samuil Marshak has written many such works from his pen. One of them is called "Fairy tale". This is a rather long piece that deserves attention. This kind of tales are suitable for children in grade 3 of the school. How can the work be useful? First, we are talking about the pioneers, of whom in our time no longer exist. That is, you can tell the children about who they were, what they did, what they were wearing. Secondly, the poems have a deep meaning, which even such young schoolchildren can understand.

"That's how absent-minded ..."

Although this is not short fables for children, it is still a noteworthy work. Firstly, here we are talking about what little ones know so well: how to dress in the morning, how to keep up with their business. Very young children can read the work line by line so that they have time to appreciate both the humor and the lack of logic in the actions of the main character. After all, they don't put a frying pan on their heads instead of a hat, and don't put their hands in trousers. Marshak really tried, creating such a wonderful, useful and funny piece that has not lost its relevance for many years.


This term was coined by Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky, who was a master at composing gay nonsense. But fictions-shape-shifters for children are nothing more than funny nonsense, nonsense, something that cannot be in nature. For example:

A hedgehog sits on a pine tree -
New shirt,
There is a boot on my head
A cap is on the leg.

This does not happen in the real world, but it is fun and funny. Such shifters (when everything is turned upside down) can interest even the most restless toddler. Especially if you set the right tone for the story, make pauses in the right places, semantic stress and amplification, so that it is more interesting to listen and perceive.

Write or read?

Many parents wonder whether they should come up with stories themselves or take those that have already been written earlier. It all depends on how well the fantasy works in adults, how well the child perceives information by ear. There is a whole category of babies who do not like to listen when they are read. But the stories are perceived by them "with a bang." In this case, you need to either memorize rhymes or compose them. The latter is not as difficult as it seems. The rhyme does not have to be present on all lines. For example:

The cat in the forest found a watermelon,

I exchanged it for bacon,

The bear hides an ace in its paw,

Honey is not enough for him.

Such a delusional poem can be composed on the go, in just a couple of seconds. The kid will only have to figure out what is true and what is fiction in him. For example, a bear really loves honey, there is always little of it, but he cannot hide an ace in his paw, since he is still an animal, not a man.

What should educators and teachers do?

Of course, both are simply not able to come up with new poems for children every time. Therefore, it is wiser to refer to already written works. So, for example, in the children's preschool and school (younger) anthology there are a lot of examples of folk fables and those that were written by famous authors. For example:

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
Baba rode on foot
In a calico carriage.

This is from the folk. Or the work "On the Horizons Islands" by Boris Zakhoder. It entirely and completely consists of fables and nonsense, that which cannot be or can, but vice versa. If you introduce children to such a poetic story, there is an opportunity to develop not only logical thinking, but also significantly affect the child's worldview. For kids who still go to kindergarten, the poetic fable of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky "Confusion", which talks about how animals ceased to be themselves, will be interesting. This is a simple, light and funny work that teaches that everyone has their own place in the world, everyone has their own purpose, and if you mix everything up, then life will become much more difficult. When choosing a work, you should first pay attention to what it is more interesting for the child to listen to, as well as age, because not all rhymes can be understood at two or three years old and even at five years old.

Fairy tales for children

If your child has already grown up, then you can read him funny fairy tales. These funny rhymed lines will amuse both the adult and the child. Children enjoy listening to fables and all sorts of invented stories. Read fairy tales with your child and have fun from the heart!

Such reading develops a sense of humor, imagination in kids, helps to see the world wider. If the child still does not quite understand the difference between fables and nursery rhymes, then try to explain to him that fable- this is a comic story, an absurdity, a playful invention of the author.

Unprecedented side
On the side of that bears
Sadly the paw is not sucked.
Bees are good neighbors
They carry honey as a gift.
The wolf lives there not far away
But his howl is not heard,
He doesn't touch the sheep
It feeds on grass.
What's that invisible hat!
There are miracles everywhere:
Marvel at how they sleep in an embrace
There is a bunny and a fox in the mink.
How can you not dream about it?
Does everyone live in harmony there?
Mice go for advice
To kind affectionate cats.

A fox walked, sweeping its tail
And she shook her horns.
Grew up on an empty stump
A box of pies.

Suddenly a crow flew
With wolf teeth.
Ate raspberry pies
Having eaten with mushrooms.

Fish walk along the path
They wave their fins
The hedgehog carries an elephant on its back,
Chickens plow the land.

The hare is chasing a lion
And growls terribly.
Mole under the tree is building a house
From red mountain ash.

The wolf flies behind the cloud
Mice are dancing in a circle.
And at the bottom of the river sits
There is a frog under the umbrella.

Above a funny tale
The sun is blue frolicking.
And in the green clouds
The elephant rides on skates.
(I. Gurin)


I get up in the evening
And in the morning I go to bed.
The rooster cries,
The goose crows.
I am a dress for a doll
I erase with a broom
And there is firewood in the stove
I light it with a saw.
I pour in three soups
In a saucepan with an egg.
Song with a cover
A saucepan with an end.

Fiction confusion

A steamer was sailing on the sea,
The fish swam in the river
The cat was purring in the sand
There is a pedestrian on the path
I walked with a wallet in my hand
Walked, walked, walked ...
Suddenly a strong wind rose
Mixed up everything in the world
And in the same place:
A pedestrian was sailing on the sea,
The cat was wallowing in the river
The fish basked in the sand
Steamer along the path
He walked with a wallet in his hand.
(R. Farhadi)

I once saw an elephant in a circus
Jumped straight from the ground onto the balcony
Then he jumped all the way to heaven
And so far, no tears have come from there.


A gray bear flies across the skies,
He wagged his ears, paws,
He's tailoring it with a black tail.

Unbelievable, but unheard of.

On the mountain, a cow barked at a squirrel,
Legs widening and eyes bulging.

Fiction in faces, unbelievability,
Unbelievable, but unheard of.

A pig made a nest on an oak tree,
She twisted the nest, brought the children out.

Fiction in faces, unbelievability
Unbelievable, but unheard of.

Little kids piglets
They sit on the knots, look at the tops,
They look at the top, they want to fly away.

Fiction in faces, unbelievability
Unbelievable, but unheard of.

The cockroach walked, walked behind the stove,
Suddenly, he walked into the white light.

Fiction in faces, unbelievability
Unbelievable, but unheard of.

I saw a cockroach in a tub of water:
- Is this eh, brothers, the sea is blue? -

Fiction in faces, unbelievability
Unbelievable, but unheard of.

I saw a cockroach - they sip from a cup with spoons:
- Isn't it, brothers, the ships are running,
Are the ships running, rowers rowing on them?

Fiction in faces, unbelievability
Unbelievable, but unheard of.

The village drove past the peasant,
And the gate barks from under the dog.
He snatched the cart from under the whip
And let's hit the gate with it.
The roofs got scared, sat on the crows,
The horse urges the man with a whip.

Rode, rode down the track
Timoshka in a basket,
Petka in a boot,
Kuzka on one leg,
Senka in a glass,
And Vanya is on a cockroach.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
Baba rode on foot
In a calico carriage.

There lived a tall citizen
Vertically challenged.
And walk him out the window
It was very simple.
Once on a frosty summer day
In the morning in the evening
Languishing in the heat
Suddenly he climbed onto the stove.

With marmalade in the beard
To your daddy
A bear swam in a frying pan
For curly porridge!
A watermelon flies over the ground
He chirps, whistles:
-I am mustard, I am lemon!
I closed for renovations!
Yam-tiryam-tiryam, in a carriage
Two mustachioed whistles
Barefoot, jogging
They catch the wind with their boots!

A buffet runs along the river
In it lies
A big secret,
He acts in films
Everyone will love it!
(J. Moritz)

How are you doing?
- They put an ax on their bare feet,
They mow the grass with a boot,
They carry water in a sieve.
Our sleigh goes by itself.
And our horses - with mustaches,
They run underground for mice.

Why, these are cats!
- Mosquito in your basket!

Our cats live in the nest
They fly everywhere.
We flew into the yard
They started a conversation: - "Kar, Kar!"

Why, these are crows!
- Boiled fly agaric for you!
Ours is a crow eared,
He often runs into the gardens.
Dap and dap, across the bridge,
A tail with a white speck.

Why, it's a bunny!
- Ogurtsov you a keg!
All animals are afraid of our hare.
Last winter in severe frost
The gray hare carried the ram away.

Why, it's a wolf!
- A click on your forehead!

Have you never heard
That we have horned wolves?
The wolf shakes his beard
I dined with a swan.

Why, this is a goat!
- You a thousand clicks!

Our goat has gone under the snag,
Wiggles its tail
He doesn’t order nets.

Why, it's a burbot!
- No, not burbot.

This is not what we say about burbot.
Halim Nikodim is proud of himself,
Halim Nikodim wears a sable hat
And in front of whom it does not break
And he doesn't understand jokes either.
(Sapgir Henry)

As a child, I saw and still remember:
The cat sewed on a sewing machine
Suddenly her car rebelled
And sewed the cat's paw to sewing.
(A. Sergeev)

I saw a lake on fire
A dog in trousers on a horse
There is a hat on the house instead of a roof,
Cats caught by mice.
I saw a duck and a fox
That pies were baked in the forest,
Like a teddy bear shoes measured
And how a fool believed everything!
(S. Marshak)

A trolleybus was sailing in the ocean
A motor ship was sailing in the sky.
As in the snow, in sour cream,
The skiers went hiking.

The camel was skating,
The pike was basking on the bitch,
An elephant climbed a tree
And he began to sing: - Ku-ka-re-ku!

The bear sat in his rocket
And went to the station ...

I didn’t come up with it myself.
Kostya told me this.

He is a fictional master!
Or maybe it happens so?
(Sergey Baruzdin)

The lines of the poem are divided into two parts. The first words of each line are written on the left, and the continuation is on the right. The task of the players is to connect the first and second parts so that a fiction is obtained.

An angry boar was sitting on a branch
The steamer languished in a cage
The nightingale sharpened its fangs,
The porcupine was beeping.
The cat taught physics
Masha was catching her tail.
Pinocchio sewed his pants
The tailor ate all the pancakes.
The hedgehog was served for dinner,
The siskin was wiggling his mustache,
Cancer flew under the clouds
The table was chasing mice.
The kettle was jumping in the yard
The boy gurgled over the fire.

  • Continue making up fables with a friend.

The song played chess
The girl sounded loudly.
An elephant flew in the skies,
The goose ran away from the jungle.

  • Read riddles. Guess them. In riddles, underline the words that help you guess what or who is talking about.

In the summer it wanders without a road
Between pines and birches,
A in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hiding your nose from the frost.

He has big ears ,
He is obedient to the owner.
And although it is small,
But as lucky as a truck.
(A donkey)

He has four legs
A pair of sensitive ears
He is a storm of mice.

  • Find a collection of riddles at home or in the library. Write down a few riddles you like.

There is a notebook in the school bag,
And what kind of notebook is a mystery.
A student will receive an assessment in it,
And in the evening she will show my mother ... (diary)

On the Primer page
Thirty-three heroes.
Everyone knows a literate.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house,
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

Ah, don't touch me
I will burn without fire.

  • Organize a contest "Who knows more riddles" with your friends.
  • Read proverbs and sayings. What are they talking about, what is the topic of each of them? Can we say that all these proverbs and sayings about the seasons? Divide them into groups by topic. Supplement your groups with proverbs and sayings from the Literary Reading textbook (pages 26 - 27). What other source of information can you find proverbs and sayings?

1. About spring:

1). The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends.
1). Whoever does not lie in the spring will be full all year.
1). Whoever sleeps in the spring freezes in the winter.
1). Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is sheaves.
1). March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
1). New Year is a turn towards spring.
1). Spring is red and hungry; autumn is rainy and well fed.
1). Spring and autumn - there are eight weather per day.
1). Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.

2. About winter:

2). In winter, it’s not a shame without a fur coat, but cold; and in a fur coat without bread - and warm, but hungry.
2). In the summer you cannot store, in the winter you cannot bring it.
2). What is born in the summer will come in handy in winter.
2). Whoever sleeps in the spring freezes in the winter.
2). In the summer you walk up, in the winter you get hungry.
2). There will be winter - there will be summer.
2). December is the cap of winter, July is the crown of summer.
2). New Year is a turn towards spring.
2). January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
2). In November, winter fights autumn.
2). Summer is a store, winter is a tidbit.
2). December ends the year, and winter begins.
2). The frost is not great, but does not order to stand.

3. About autumn:

3). Autumn will come, he will ask for everything.
3). Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
3). There is no turning from autumn to summer.
3). Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is sheaves.
3). November - September grandson, October son, brother in winter.
3). Spring is red and hungry; autumn is rainy and well fed.
3). Spring and autumn - there are eight weather per day.
3). In November, winter fights autumn.

4. About summer:

4). There is no summer twice a year.
4). In the summer you cannot store, in the winter you cannot bring it.
4). What is born in the summer will come in handy in winter.
4). In the summer you walk up, in the winter you get hungry.
4). There is no turning from autumn to summer.
4). There will be winter - there will be summer.
4). December is the cap of winter, July is the crown of summer.
4). Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.
4). Summer is a store, winter is a tidbit.

All proverbs (except for the proverb "Don't shine like a month, but everything is not the sun", which must be attributed to the time of day) tell about the seasons.

Proverbs and sayings can be found in various collections of the same name, on the Internet, and learn from elders.

  • What proverb or saying did you like the most? Explain its meaning.

I liked the proverb "There is no summer twice a year." Its meaning is that summer happens only once a year. Figurative meaning: One should not wait for something that has already been and has passed.

  • What proverb you don't understand well?

New Year is a turn towards spring.

  • Learn fairy tales. Write the names of Russian folk tales.

"Baba Yaga", "By the Pike's Command", "The Frog Princess", "Sivka-Burka".

  • Find the collection "Tales of Russian Writers" in your home or school library. What fairy tales have you read? Write down their names and the names of the authors. Is there a fairy tale among them V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower"?

I found the collection “Fairy Tales of Russian Writers. Primary School. Grades 1-4 ". Publishing house "Strekoza", 2016. I read from this collection the following works: D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray neck", P. Bazhov "Silver hoof", V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower".

The words "Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east ..." belong to the girl Zhenya from the fairy tale of V.P. Kataeva "Seven-colored flower", in whose hands a magic flower with multi-colored petals fell.

  • Talk with a friend about what folktales teach very important.

A fairy tale is meant to be more than just entertaining. She talks about what is extremely important in life, teaches you to be kind and fair, sensitive and responsive; protect the weak; find a way out of the most difficult situations, overcome difficulties, resist evil, come to the aid of a friend; be patient, persistent, brave; respect the elders, not offend the younger ones; love your homeland.

  • Compose a short message on the topic "What fairy tales teach."
    Start with the words: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!"

"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!" - says in "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by Alexander Pushkin. And this statement is true. Fairy tales help us to believe in ourselves and our strengths, to overcome difficulties, to cultivate strength of mind, courage and courage. They teach children kindness and patience, compassion and forgiveness; help adults look at themselves. Fairy tales are our best friends and advisers in the most difficult situations. By their actions, fairytale heroes teach us to distinguish truth from lies, good from evil. The meaning of a fairy tale never lies on the surface, but its “hints” contain the age-old wisdom of the people.

The game. We compose a fable

2.7 (53.68%) 307 votes

    Tell them that they will be in school for 15 years

    Here's a good story, just for a child.

    They bought me a cell phone, and I look and it turns out there you can call superheroes from comics. We chatted well with them. Iron Man promised to give me a laptop, and Spiderman promised to ride him.

    My cat brought a gray hare to our house in the evening and said that now the hare is his best friend and they will live together. Evening came. I made a bed for the Hare, gave him a blanket and told him not to make any noise at night. I wake up from a terrible noise. It turns out that the Hare liked us so much that he called his friend Bear on the phone and invited him to live with him. I, of course, got angry, but I also allowed the Bear to stay with us. We went to bed. I wake up, and no one is at home. Well, that's good. Everyone went to school. Call. I open the door, my cat is alone, smiling joyfully. I ask where his friends are. The cat meowed something illegible and I never saw either the Hare or Medvel. And the cat later let it slip that he felt cramped and decided not to take the forest guests into the house anymore.

    We thought for a long time, and this is what happened:

    Outside our window, on a tall banana palm tree, lives a very cute plump hippopotamus. He built himself a cozy nest, where there is not only a TV, but even a refrigerator. And recently there was an Internet connection. On weekends, the hippopotamus flies to his friends who live near the city in the village on the rooftops. The locals love them very much, even sometimes they feed them liver from the palm of their hand.

    Here is such a gibberish. But we were even given Clever for this essay, since there are no grades in the second grade yet.

    The child even supplemented the fable with a drawing, something like this:

    To come up with a fable you need to have a good imagination.

    You can think of something like:

    My cat, when yesterday went to walk the dog on a leash, met an old friend, a sparrow, and he told him a fascinating story about a distant island. On this island, palm trees grow on which, instead of fruits, chocolates and sweets. And when a sparrow flies to winter in warm regions, he will definitely take his friend a cat with him.

    Once upon a time there was a kitten who did not have a home and who was always hungry. Once a brilliant thought came to him: why not settle in a birdhouse? Without thinking twice, the kitten began to live in it: it was now warm and satisfying, but so good that it didn’t even want to go outside.

    So the kitten lived, and he once became a cat, which now could not go out, because he would not have crawled through the hole in the birdhouse.

    Once he felt so cramped there that he began to scream heart-rendingly. The guys and I climbed a tree, took off the birdhouse and disassembled it on the boards. In the end, we saved a completely cubic cat, which now lives in my house. He is cute and nice, but he loves to eat very much (especially watermelons of an unusual shape). We called it the Cube.

    A fiction can be like this:

    Finally the weekend came. Kolya and Sasha took skis and went for a drive in the forest. It was snowing. Having rolled to their fill, the boys decided to make a snowman. We made a big snowball, then a smaller one, and finally the smallest one. They put them on top of each other, from the branches they made eyes, a nose and a mouth, as well as hands.

    Tired but satisfied with their walk, the boys decided to return home. At home, they decided to draw a snowman that they dazzled in the forest. Suddenly the snowman smiled and winked at them.

    The boys decided to frame the drawing. It turned out very nicely.

    Before going to bed, the snowman wished the boys good night and said that tomorrow they will definitely see each other again.

    Fictions are remarkable in that no one will believe that this happened. For example:

    Yesterday I went with my parents to mushrooms and saw a dinosaur. He was completely peaceful, chewing grass. We treated him to mushrooms and took him home. We now have a house dinosaur.

    The shortest fable is that the bun hanged itself.

    To begin with, let's understand a little about the terminology. Fiction is a story about what did not exist or what cannot be at all. This means that the flight of fantasy is limited only by children's perception. So, let's try:

    Once my mother scolded me for a broken vase, and I broke it completely reluctantly, and forbade me to go for a walk. I sat by the window, looked at the birds and thought: I wish I could become a representative of birds, soar in the clouds, break as many vases as I wanted and not get anything for it.

    I don't know how, but one bird responded to me - it began to chirp on its bird and offered to become it for a while. I didn't believe it, but decided to follow her advice: she said that if you open your eyes, you can take off.

    And you know what? I closed my eyes, my body became lighter every 100 times, my legs did not feel the chair ... for another second and ... I broke the vase again.

    But my mother, when I saw the fragments of two of her beloved vases, let me go from the house with the words “You’ll never break a vase there!”. So I followed the bird's advice and became free, as they promised me! ''

    Once upon a time there was a tree. She had, surprisingly, three cubs. And these cubs were not simple - they carried eggs.

    This was given to me by my five-year plan, when I asked her to invent a short story. Ask your child if he (or she) will surprise you. If it's hard to start with something, say that you need to come up with a fable about kittens (piglets, diapers come to life, Luntik, who came from the TV to your home, something like that).

    It turns out that crocodiles fly. Yes, yes, they do fly. Once the girl Ira went for a walk and then a crocodile flies to meet her and cries. The girl, of course, asked about the World Cup. To which the crocodile replied that he flew out of the nest and could not climb the tree in any way, since he had not yet learned to fly high. The girl decided to help the crocodile. She took him in her arms and ran for the stairs. She put the ladder up to the tree, and the crocodile climbed it up to his brothers and sisters. After that, the crocodile never flew out of the nest without a mother, and the girl Ira always fed the little crocodiles in the nest.

Children's poetry-fables is a huge storehouse of folk wisdom. Many writers insisted that fables are primarily a special children's intellectual game, thanks to which you can harmoniously develop your child. And as it turned out, they were right, because children can not only play using a variety of means, including toys, cars, dolls. Children can play just as much fun, but only with their thoughts. Fiction is a product of fantasy and imagination, which allows the child to expand significantly the boundaries of existing reality, to look at every object in a new way, to make the world more interesting.

Always perky, funny and funny - children like them.

They talk about things that really don't happen.

and it cannot be.

Often adults can hear a child compose fables himself. There is no need to stop the kid, let him compose, perhaps it is in your family that a great storyteller is growing.

Despite the fact that the struggle for the right to compose and tell lasted for many years, today this genre can rightfully be considered interesting and useful. revived.

Using the game as a means of developing the child's intellectual abilities

Develop mental processes in children (Fantasy, logical thinking, speech, imagination

Enhance cognitive interests.

Form the inner position of the future student.

I praise myself for a reason,

I say to everyone and everywhere that any proposal,

I'll repeat right away.

Vanya rode on a horse,

Leading a dog on a belt

And the old woman at this time, Soaps a cactus on the window.

Vanya rode on a horse,

Leading a dog on a belt

Well, the cactus at this time, washed the old woman on the window.

Vanya rode on a horse.

He was leading the old woman on a belt.

And the dog at this time,

Soap Vanya on the window.

Knowing what I say

Said I’ll repeat

So it came out without errors,

And why boast in vain.

Vladimir Shainsky "About the cat".

I bought a talking cat at the bird market

But I didn't know what would happen yet,

With him is a continuous maeta maeta,

My cat ran away from home

And he came to the garden of deity.

He sang the song Chunga-chang

Thirty-three hours straight.

Fables, fables,

All boundaries are crossed.

So what, so what.

Fiction and fiction are so similar.

On Sunday, half past one,

The Martian has arrived

I called on the phone

I wanted to get acquainted.

I was just filming a movie

And where has it been seen,

And what village has heard

For the hen to give birth to a bull

The piglet laid an egg,

Yes, I took it to the shelf,

And the shelf broke off

And the testicle broke

The lamb loosened up,

The filly cackled,

Oh, where, where, where,

It never happened with us.

So that the armless man robbed our cage,

The bare-bellied one bowed in his bosom,

And the blind man was peeping

And the deaf one overheard,

And the legless water runner ran

The tongueless "guard" screamed!

The village was driving

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog,

The gate is barking

He grabbed a club

Chopped up an ax

And according to our cat,

I ran through the fence

The roofs were scared

Sat on the raven

The horse is driving

A man with a whip.

There is a stump in the swamp

There is a stump in the swamp
He's too lazy to move.
The neck does not toss and turn
And I want to laugh.

The fox ran through the forest
The fox lost its tail.
Vanya went to the forest,
Found the fox tail.
The fox came early
I brought berries to Vanya,
She asked to give her tail.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is riding
On a bulan cart
On a creaky horse.
Boots on it with a pocket,
A vest with a heel.
Gird himself with a club
Supported by a sash.

Between heaven and earth
The piglet was digging
And by accident the tail
He clung to the sky.

Fuck-tah, tararah,
Mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait for the prickly hedgehog,
Unbearable to go anymore
You are very prickly, hedgehog!

    Where did you run?
    - To the forest-dubrov.
    - What did you do there?
    - Cora tore.
    - Where did you put it?
    - I put it under the deck.

  • The fox ran through the forest
    The fox lost its tail.
    Vanya went to the forest,
    Found the fox tail.
    The fox came early
    I brought berries to Vanya,
    She asked to give her tail.

  • Between heaven and earth
    The piglet was digging
    And by accident the tail
    He clung to the sky.

Fuck-tah, tararah,
Mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait for the prickly hedgehog,
Unbearable to go anymore
You are very prickly, hedgehog!

  • Because of the forest, because of the mountains
    Grandpa Yegor is coming.
    Himself on a filly,
    Wife on a cow
    Children on calves
    Grandchildren on kids.
    We drove off the mountains
    They made a fire
    They eat porridge
    Listen to a fairy tale.

  • Shadow-shadow-sweating
    There is a wattle fence above the city.
    The animals sat down under the fence.
    Boasted all day:
    The fox boasted:
    - I am a beauty to the whole world!
    The bunny boasted:
    - Go, catch up!
    The hedgehogs boasted:
    - Our fur coats are good!
    The bear boasted:
    - Can I sing songs

  • There is a stump in the swamp
    He's too lazy to move.
    The neck does not toss and turn
    And I want to laugh.

  • There was an important turnip,
    Each grandmother wondered.
    You can't go around one day.
    The whole village ate a whole n eat

More on this topic ...

Olesya Emelyanova

Fairytale or fiction

This is a game for children 3-6 years old. There can be as many participants as you like. Draw a line on the ground or, if played indoors, place tape or string on the floor. Children should stand behind the line, and the leader should stand in front of them. Before starting the game, you need to acquaint children with conventional signs. If the presenter says something that can happen in life (true story), you need to get up and raise your hands above your head, if he said something that cannot be (non-fiction), you need to squat down. You can think of other conventional signs, but they must be very different from each other so that you cannot quickly change one to another. After that, the presenter reads a short rhyme to the children, and they must respond to it with the correct conditioned movement. The presenter himself should not make any movements. Everyone who shows the correct sign takes a step forward. All who made a mistake remain in the same places.

The winner is the one or those who advance the farthest at the end of the game. For greater honesty, the entire area for the game can be lined into stripes-steps. Or, on the contrary, allow the players who answered correctly to take a step or jump of the maximum length.

Couplets-were marked in green, and fables in red:

To escape the winter blizzards,
Swallows fly south.

Ballerinas at work
They stuff the fluff into the feather beds.

Cuttlefish in the sea
It does not float, it rolls.

From porch to gate
The snails crawled all day.

To hunt, owls
Bricks are being thrown down.

African gorilla
Eats elephants and crocodiles.

From a tree bud
The leaves have grown.

In the thicket of the mushroom picker Peter
Bitten by midges.

To be treated for a cold,
The ants eat mustard.

Gave Misha Sveta
Chocolate candy.

Flying hedgehogs
Eight legs and six ears.

Boy Petya for a walk
I collected rolls from the trees.

Rhinos and elephants
They came to us from the moon.

At the zoo monkeys
They eat bananas in the morning.

Cockerel, singing the dawn,
Says to chickens: "Oink!"

Milk Semyon from a bull
Two cans of milk.

The mighty eagle
Two legs and two wings.

Made of ice
Very wet water.

In the morning the wolf is toothy
Cleans teeth with toothpaste.

Two hungry jellyfish
We ate corn in the sea.

So that your ears do not freeze in winter,
Puts on Lusha's hat.

Young fisherman Fedot
In a boat floats down the river.

Fly from the kitchen at Antoshka's
She carried off the fork and spoon.

Natasha has a ghost
I ate all the jam in the house.

CSKA football players
The ball is played from the sand.

On Baba Yulia's table
The dough is coming out of the pan.

Wolverine at the zoo
Outrun the turtle.

Cancers whistle on the mountain
To the flood and heat.

The plane is spinning in the sky
Flaps its wings like a bird.

At the toy nesting doll
Long arms and legs.

The squirrel jumps between the trees
She hides nuts for the winter.

Uncle Misha at work
Sells skates and skis.

In the park I saw Alena
A flock of green sparrows.

Every five years
The cat changes color.

In the Kalahari all year round
The cactus dances and sings.

Sometimes the moon during the day
It is visible to people in the sky.

New doll Matryona
Dropped up from the balcony.

Smart dog on command
Kolya brought slippers.

Kangaroo mom hides
Kangaroo in a holster.

After a rain of semolina
Toadstools grew up in the forest.

From cakes and syrup
Penelope has grown fat.

Soldiers in training
Learn to throw grenades.

A dove walks along the path
It has four legs.

In Larisa's garden
Foxes steal zucchini.

At the end of the earth east
The sun shines day and night.

The fallen athlete
Bandaged knee.

Angry toothy crocodile
Scooter swallowed.

Printer printed photo
Tabby raccoon.

Petya using baskets
Converts snow to gasoline.

Underwater at the bottom of the sea
The stingray feeds on sand.

The cow in the picture
Very dirty shoes.

The porcupine threw off the needles,
Became quite, not at all prickly.

On a green orange
The skin turned dark blue.

Underwater divers
Breathe gas through the tube.

Vasya, a five-year-old boy
Fifth year in tenth grade.

Uncle Vasya to Antarctica
In the summer I swam on a mattress.

Angry Antoshka from the window
He poured water over the cat.

Flew in a flock
There are ermines in the sky.

At night in total darkness
Mice ride on a cat.

In the summer in the courtyard of Yegorka
From the icy roller coaster.

At a fun carnival
The masked children were dancing.

The polar beaver
There is a hole right in the iceberg.

After tuesday wednesday
It does not always come.

All his life, a huge whale
Eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea.

Make tomato juice
From thistles and from boards.

There are no babies
No colored pencils.

Under the window on a spring day
White lilac blooms.

If there is a notebook in the box,
You can't draw in it.

Saw Ian like a caterpillar
She ate a bird in the garden.

Of an eagle chick
You can grow a starling.

From a cold at Timur
The temperature has risen.

Digs a move under the ground
Little agile mole.

Vanya's grandson Vanin's grandfather
Fifteen years younger.

Dasha ate at lunch
One hundred plates of semolina.

In the garden Proshka
I planted potatoes.

He hissed Petya from the stump
Poisonous pig.

A bird is jumping on the branches -
Yellow-bellied titmouse.

I plucked Anyuta a rose,
And now there is a splinter in my hand.

Near the old pond
The ostrich sat down on the wires.

Uncle Kolya for beauty
I grew a mustache.

In icy and icy conditions
Good sledding.

Adding seagulls to tea
Swan and Euphorbia.

Catfish caught in the river
And boiled in boiling water.
(catfish itself could not catch and cook)

At the sea lion
The skin is like an oilcloth.

Even the Chinese
There are five fingers on the hand.

Cucumber tops
Twice as sweet as halva.

It's easy to teach a hedgehog
Drink milk from a saucer.

Grandchildren of Baba Ole
We weeded the beds.

Scaly hose
It is called a snake.

Prescribed by the doctor Misha
From the sore throat of the ski.

In cartoons on rollers
Lions and rabbits are riding.

Fish smart dolphin
There will be no paraffin wax.

Skinny gopher on a hillock
It stands by the mink in a column.

Don't give a cripple
Books in the library.

Eight-year-old boy Kolya
Got an A at school.

By the frog from the pond
The beard turned gray.

Everyone always put it in a salad
Chocolate and marmalade.

Glory found the rainbow
And he walked along the rainbow.

The cat sleeps on the battery
And it becomes kinder.

At the bazaar, we are a Kazakh
Weighed the melon on the clock.

Chef Uncle Borya cleverly
Frozen muffin in the oven.

Angry penguin grabbed a raccoon
And he took it to his swamp.

Vlad on the phone
I called Semyon.

Together with grandfather Egor
Paints the fence.

Water poured out during the day
From a leaky pond.

Chinese Li from his hands
The panda is eating bamboo.

The train drove across the bridge
And he signaled to everyone "Tu-tu!"

Jan pushing the switch,
Koshkin turned off the purr.

See also:


Children's stories in verse

About a red mouse and a green horse

I went and asked
different passers-by
About the red mouse
And a green horse.
And they answered me
Dozens of passers-by:
- We have not seen such-
Even similar ones.
They were smiling all around:
-It's all fantasy! -
An old man grumbled:

I walked through the city
Ridiculous and disheveled.
I asked everywhere
You won't confuse me:
-Well has anyone seen
Green horse
Green horse
And a red mouse?

Suddenly someone called out
me out of the window.
And I saw
blue elephant,
Who said:
- Look for them at the pier.
Recently there
Walked by tourists
Green horse
and a red mouse.
Well, stomp soon
what are you worth?

In excitement I came running
to the pier,
Where is the white boat
shook the stern.
The ship was already leaving
From the pier.
Green horse
I stood at the side
And the red mouse
waving to me from the stern ...
since then, unfortunately,
We did not see each other.
You will say: all this
one untruth.
Do not believe?
Ask the blue elephant.
G. Sapgir

Keg of little dogs

Let me
A piece of tickling
Give a laugh - Two pinches,
Three tablespoons
And thunderstorms - Four meters!
Squeak-squeal - Two hundred grams
Plus half a liter
Yes more
Gulp of rope
And a lot of soda! - - I'll give everything,
What would you like,
If you
In exchange, give
Yeah keg
Little dog!
Zakhoder Boris

Maybe, maybe ...
From the movie "Plasticine Crow"

One simple tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple,
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood,
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don't remember
But let's remember.

We remember, crow,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
Lucky once.
Someone sent her some cheese
A gram, I think, two hundred,
And maybe three hundred,
Or maybe a pound.

She flew to the spruce,
Or maybe it didn’t take off,
Or maybe on a palm tree
I climbed up at a run.
And there she will have breakfast,
Or maybe have lunch
Or maybe have dinner
Calmly gathered.

But then the fox was running,
Or maybe she didn't run
Or maybe it's an evil ostrich,
Or maybe not angry.
Or maybe it was a janitor.
He walked through the countryside
To the nearest hazel
Behind a new broom.

Listen crow
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
But good too.
You have such feathers
Your horns are like that
The hooves are very slender
And a kind soul.

And if you sing
Or maybe you bark
Or maybe shut up √
Cows moo
Then you have a big saddle,
Carpet and TV
They will immediately give it as a gift,
Or maybe they will.

And a stupid crow
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
How something will sing.
And from such singing,
Or maybe not singing
Fainted immediately
The whole people laughed.

And that crow has cheese
Or maybe dogs
Or maybe cows
Of course he fell.
And straight to the fox
Or maybe an ostrich
Or maybe the janitor
Hit immediately.

The idea of ​​this tale
Or maybe not fairy tales,
Not only an adult will understand
But even the little one
Don't stand and don't jump
Don't sing, don't dance
Where construction is going on
Or a load is suspended.
Uspensky Edward

Three wise men
Three wise men in one basin
We set off on the sea in a thunderstorm.
Be stronger
Old basin,
Would be my story.
Translated by S. Marshak

They said they couldn't see a sparrow,

And the sparrow is walking down the street,

He carries a violin in the left wing,

Plays with his right wing,

Jumps from foot to foot.

And-ta-ta, and-ta-ta,

A cat married a cat,

For the cat kotovich,

For Ivan Petrovich.

They began to bury the cat,

Ring all the bells.

Ti-li-l don,

Ti-li-l don,

Goat house caught fire

The goat jumped out

Her eyes bulged.

A chicken with a bucket is running

I ran to the oak tree

I bit my lip

I ran to the city

She singed her beard.

Erema, Erema,

You would sit at home

Sharpened spindles

The heels are green.

The spinner spun on a thread,

I put it in boxes,

The mouse was riveting.

The mouse is swearing

Lies on the stove

Not expensive (thread)

Shepherds for lunch.

The cat walks on the edge

She fights a little

Weaving paws to a cat,

And the cat has no time -

We need to brew beer

We need to brew beer

Yes, you need to marry your son.

Son Maxim, balalaika player,

I bought a balalaichka,

Yes, I fell in love with all the girls:

You are stooped

You are hunchback

Get out, marry me

Yes, for the rich.

I have something about you

The river is whole with milk,

Kissel barns are intact.

The rams walked along the road

Soaked your feet in a puddle.

One, two, three, four, five,

They began to wipe their feet,

Who with a handkerchief

Who's a rag

Who has a leaky mitt.

White bunny, where did you run?

Into the oak forest.

What did you do?

Barks tore.

Where did you put it?

Under the deck.

Who stole it?

I don’t know, I don’t know.

Thunder rolled through the mountains -

A mosquito fell from the oak tree,

Crashed against rhizome

Old mosquito mosquito.

Flies flew in an instant -

Two rattles-grieving,

They raised the poor brother

They began to buzz, to be killed:

Old mosquito mosquito

How much it hurts, buddy!

Our poor little light-sudarik,

How sorry we are, mosquito!

Drove the village

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog

The gate is barking.

He grabbed a club

Chopped up an ax

And according to our cat

I ran through the fence.

The roofs were scared

Sat on a raven

The horse is driving

A man with a whip.

Our hostess

She was quick-witted

Everyone in the hut is a job

For the holiday I gave:

The dog washes the cup with his tongue,

The mouse picks up the crumbs under the window

The cat scratches its paw on the table,

The chicken sweeps a half-mat with a broom.

All the birds flew together:

Sister tap dancers,

Girlfriend Cuckoo;

Sparrow brother-in-law

I screwed up my eyes;

Crow bride

She sat down.

Only there is no groom.

Should I call a rooster?

I bought a ram bagels

Early in the bazaar

Bought a ram bagels:

For lambs, for lambs

TEN poppy rings,

NINE dryers,

EIGHT buns,

SEVEN cakes,

SIX cheesecakes,

FIVE cakes,

FOUR donuts,

THREE cakes,

TWO gingerbreads

And ONE kalach bought -

I have not forgotten about myself!

And for the little wife - sunflowers.

Our moon,

At a dear friend,

Forty tubs

Salted frogs

Forty barns

Dry cockroaches,


Piglets -

Only the legs are hanging.

Kindergarten websites
How to create a website for a preschool educational institution ...

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Children's creative contests, contests for teachers, voting.

... "Rooting for Russia-2014"
"Gift for dad to 23" Bird feeder "

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