There is no mutual understanding of the family as a way of life. How to achieve a family idyll? What does a family idyll look like and how to create it

The lack of mutual understanding manifests itself in the form of a lack of respect from relatives, trust with children, good relations with colleagues. Efforts are needed to change the situation

What is mutual understanding?

Mutual understanding between people is a coincidence of judgments and views, finding solutions in conflict situations. The foundation of a long-term relationship is mutual understanding.

Without mutual understanding, the existence of a working relationship, love or friendship is impossible. It is important for a person to feel the support of like-minded people in case of quarrels or conflicts. Mutual understanding is the main assistant on the way to success.

In family relationships, mutual understanding makes it easy to go through joint difficulties, while maintaining family comfort and a calm atmosphere. If at the beginning of a relationship mutual understanding arises by itself, then in the process of family life it is supported by all family members.

Mutual understanding and friendship are inseparable concepts The ability to forgive, patience and support are the main parameters of friendly relations and mutual understanding.

Reasons for the lack of understanding

The problem of mutual understanding can be present in any type of relationship. If mutual understanding disappears, then the relationship falls apart. Finding the causes of what is happening will help to collect them bit by bit.

Establishing the cause of the loss of mutual understanding:

  • Selfishness and obsession with self-interest.
  • Neglect of the opinion of a partner.
  • Misunderstanding of the words, actions of the partner.
  • The desire to impose an opinion on a partner, unreasonable entry into disputes.
  • Inability to find a compromise, be flexible and avoid conflicts.
  • Inability to listen and hear.
  • There is a big difference in the level of education / upbringing / intellectual development, when it becomes more difficult to find a “common language” over the years.

An attentive attitude towards a partner will help to establish mutual understanding. Do not expect quick results - focusing on the problem of mutual understanding in a relationship can aggravate the current situation.

For an easy path to agreement, here are some tips on how to achieve mutual understanding:

  • Talk about everything more often. Share thoughts, tell news, discuss books and movies. Speak more frankly.
  • Find things to do. If you live together - do household chores, if colleagues - have lunch together, if friends - go shopping, relax in a bar.
  • Pay Attention. Friendly glances, smiles, light touches will have a positive impact.
  • Keep happy moments in mind spending time together, remember why this person attracts you so much.
  • Forget and don't hold grudges, goodbye and do not think about the bad that is in the partner
  • Focus on your partner's needs. Make small gifts: treat them to ice cream, go to a movie.
  • Come up with traditions. You can go on a picnic with your family on Sundays, with friends you can exchange books once a month, with colleagues you can arrange a “tea ceremony”. Any habits or traditions, if followed for a long time, bring together.
  • Give in to each other. Let your partner make a choice, trusting - the relationship will become more sincere. Start by taking small steps, such as “give in” to arguments, because the ability to give in is the basis of mutual understanding.
  • Do not deny your partner's problems and requests for help. Support in difficult times with deeds, advice, do not remain indifferent.
  • In case of a disagreement do not allow yourself rude remarks to the partner, neither in personal communication, nor in the discussion "behind the back." Be tactful and correct.
  • In strong quarrels, never reveal your partner's secrets to strangers.

How to restore mutual understanding in the family?

The problem of "fathers and children", as well as the lack of mutual understanding between spouses, is formed for a long time. The prerequisite may be a crisis in a relationship or self-obsession.

How to restore mutual understanding with your husband?

To restore mutual understanding between spouses, it is worth keeping yourself in hand during quarrels. Follow simple tips and then you will look at your soul mate from the good side.

  1. Start talking to your husband again. Share experiences, opinions about the book you read, desires or memories. Conversations help to “discover” an interesting person and fall in love again.
  2. To have more topics for discussion - start watching movies, read books, support hobbies, find common things outside of everyday life. Let it be a new weekend tradition, or a new joint hobby (sports, drawing, design).
  3. Don't impose your "plan of action", give your husband more freedom in actions and decision-making.
  4. Do not "saw" for misconduct and do not reproach for wrong decisions. The main task is to create comfortable conditions for changing the situation for the better. Example: don't whine that you don't have enough money - help find profitable job offers or help climb the career ladder; do not scold that he often meets with friends - find an interesting activity for him with his family and become his best friend.
  5. Share experiences and listen to your husband's feelings. Don't be indifferent, support. Do not hold back grievances, gently reporting the oversight, without reproaches and quarrels.
  6. Diversify your sex life. This kind of relaxation with a new passion will bring a lot of positive emotions into boring everyday life.

How to restore mutual understanding with children?

The problem of loss of mutual understanding in the family is between the parent and the child. You can gain family understanding by finding a “common language” with the child, becoming congenial comrades.

The search for mutual understanding with a teenage child is necessary for his psychological development, education of true values ​​and ethics of social behavior.

Here are some tips to help you get along with kids of all ages:

  • Love and accept your child for who they are.. Speak more often, let the child know what is dear to you. With good grades and bad grades, after a misdeed and a wrong decision, feed love with care, understanding and tenderness. Hug more often - it brings you closer.
  • Don't lie and keep your promises. The child must be sure of the firmness of your words and intentions.
  • Listen. If a child shares his impressions, talks to you - this is important for him. In response, you need mom or dad to speak out, show interest. State your opinion, express your feelings. Have an active dialogue about the affairs and feelings of the child, about what surrounds, worries or pleases.
  • Give yourself permission to do what you love. Do not stop the goals and aspirations in the life of a child.
  • Don't run to help where he can handle himself, let me make mistakes.
  • Openness in relationships, trust. Accept that your parents are wrong. They must admit mistakes to the child, be responsible for the lies. Do not hide the details of your life from the child: let him know how and with whom you work, with whom you are friends, how you relax, what you dream about, regret. Talk about what surrounded you at his age.
  • Joint conflict resolution. Do not walk away from quarrels, do not hide resentment, and let your child do the same. Conflicts must be resolved: discuss the problem, find a way out together.
  • Spend more time together, do not make excuses, referring to fatigue. Show interest in hobbies. With a small child, you need to walk more, get out to interesting places.

A game for preschool children is a way of learning about the environment: objects, animals, people. Through games, children learn creativity, absorb and reinforce behavioral foundations, develop attention, and learn to compete.

How to maintain mutual understanding?

Mutual understanding accompanies the beginning of a love relationship. During this period, young people can talk for hours, share experiences.

Mutual understanding of a guy with a girl at first does not require effort to maintain. But preparing to live with a person for many years in a trusting relationship, you need to make an effort not to lose this feeling.

For a happy family life:

  • Keep getting to know each other. Accept the good and the bad in a partner with love, as when meeting. If the new habits of your half do not please you, do not try to redo it, be patient.
  • Keep surprising each other, make gifts, surprises. Many over the years forget to please their loved ones. Pleasant little things in life together discharge the domestic environment.
  • Don't let yourself and your partner get fed up with intimacy. Mutual understanding in sex is an important component of a happy relationship.

Maintain good and open relations with friends, the usual social circle.

In order not to lose mutual understanding with friends, you need to:

  • "don't forget" them. Do not postpone meetings for a long time, joint trips to the cinema and restaurants, to sporting events.
  • Don't refuse help. Let it be support with words, the need to listen or give a little more time.

A huge part of the time people spend in a working environment, surrounded by colleagues and superiors. It is necessary to establish mutual understanding in the team to maintain a comfortable environment and improve performance.

Mutual understanding between employees can be established and maintained.

Follow the tips:

  • Avoid conflicts, quarrels, gossip. Do not let them get involved in intrigues, "separation" of the team and squabbles. Establish yourself as a person adequate, calm, peaceful.
  • Don't hesitate to help your colleagues, but don't let them push and abuse support.
  • Treat everyone equally Learn to win people over.

Mutual understanding makes people more honest, relationships are kinder, and life is calmer. To be able to win and maintain it is the work necessary to achieve happiness and well-being, psychological and emotional comfort.

Hello dear friends!

Mutual understanding is a fundamental quality for building strong, family relationships. But it happens that the spark goes out, the passion goes away, and in their place there is a reinforced concrete wall of omissions and silence.

This process occurs due to two reasons: a woman firmly believes that her chosen one will change over time, and a man hopes that her beloved will never exchange a portion of care and adoration for sharp reproaches.

Dangerous Mistakes

Understanding reaches its peak at the moment when both people sincerely trust each other. At the same time, there are pitfalls, ignoring which will result in conflicts and disagreements. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the track record of mistakes leading relationships to a break.

Mismatch between the values ​​and needs of the couple

Every person has a klondike of fears, habits and values ​​in their head. They are acquired in childhood and replenished throughout life. Education also makes an invaluable contribution to the stock of attitudes. Basic family values ​​are always passed down from dynasty to dynasty.

Mutual understanding becomes impossible when one of the partners does not share the views on the life of the other. For example, it is important for a woman to build a strong relationship with a man and have a child. It is these values ​​that form her idea of ​​a happy life. Consequently, the range of its needs will acquire specific messages.

But the man imagines a completely different picture. Financial stability and career growth are important to him. Confrontation of the above directives gives rise to a powerful wall of misunderstanding and, moreover, is dangerous by a complete break in relations. Therefore, it is very important at the first stages of acquaintance to correctly ask the chosen one about personal values ​​and ideas of family improvement.

Conflict and manipulation

Tantrums, raised voices, silent games and door slamming are a sign of manipulative inclinations. Playing the role of a victim or an aggressor, a person shows disrespect for a loved one, undermining feelings in the bud with dynamite!

Language of love

The “language of love” described in the book by G. Chapman is a real tool through which a person can express love for a partner. As it turned out in practice, there is not a single set of languages ​​that our interlocutor “understands” when communicating. For one person, these are gifts, for another - time, and still others are fanatic from the verbal expression of experiences and touches.

In order to improve the quality of understanding with your wife, it is important to ask yourself the question: “And thanks to what will my beloved be able to understand about my feelings? How will she feel happy (words, actions, etc.)?”.

Inability to talk about your feelings and desires

It is especially important to be able to talk about your requests and desires. Unfortunately, in 2017, people still don't have the superpower to communicate telepathically. And to understand what he or she wants is impossible!

But the ability to talk about spiritual sensations is a purely individual phenomenon! It is important to understand that character and temperament play a key role in this matter. In order to understand, it is important to speak and be able to wait for an answer. And this flows into the next subparagraph.

inability to listen

The lack of dialogue with her husband makes a woman turn into a radio, constantly broadcasting news reports. Moreover, they have nothing to do with the interests of the spouse or his problems.

Even when a man made up his mind and began to speak, in her arsenal there will always be the right advice or comment that simplifies his position as a man or person. So ladies, if you want your boyfriend to talk, just let him do it! Is there a basic list of recommendations, adhering to which you can count on understanding at a glance?

Rules of Mutual Understanding

Write down family status and life plans

To maximize mutual understanding, I suggest that you lay down the essence of your family's rules on paper in an accessible language. This should apply to both everyday life and the upbringing of children. Make special emphasis on stipulating important aspects of the partner, giving him the opportunity to argue his point.

Spend time together

Joint leisure is able to introduce you to your soul mate again. Draw, cook, dance, share your feelings about the working day over a cup of tea and be interested in your soulmate! To understand at what stage your relationship is currently at, just take a closer look: the more the husband or wife moves away from spending time together, the more critical the situation is and needs to be saved!

Don't forget about the kids!

In a family where there is no understanding, but there are children, it is they who fall victim to the battle between the ego of mom and dad. Each of them throws all his strength into shouting over the opponent, forgetting that there is a baby in the next room.
If you want to keep the child's nervous system in order, then I advise you to stop sorting things out with a child. He must see his parents happy, because otherwise, he will take the blame for what is happening!

Respect your partner!

Respect is the main whale on which the whole framework of understanding is built. Give up disrespectful attitude towards loved ones in front of strangers, demonstrate control of emotions and endurance.

Compliments and praise

How to make a person grow wings behind his back? That's right, praise and encourage! If you do not learn to notice good qualities, then you will give all your attention to looking for bad ones, which is fraught with scandals. Do not stir up past mistakes, give thanks for actions and words, give compliments at least 5 times a day.

Taboo on reproaches

Reproaches are words that can destroy your relationship and completely kill mutual understanding. If you criticize, then do it constructively, refusing to go over to personalities and insulting words.

Support and friendliness

Support your chosen one in any situation! Always be by his side, showing calmness and faith in his strength. After all, when an individual is friendly, smiling and friendly, you want to talk to her and trust her! So why not become a super-human for your beloved!?

On this point!

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Couples face this problem much more often than it seems from the outside. It happens that a marriage looks quite successful - but there is no mutual understanding with the husband, and the wife begins to feel that she lives under the same roof with a stranger who does not understand her ...

How to get out of this situation - the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell.

Why is mutual understanding lost with her husband?

Of course, we do not know what exactly happened in your family - life is complex and varied, and each couple has its own “pitfalls” in the relationship. You have to find and bypass your "reefs" on your own.

But we bring to your attention several typical scenarios - how lovers gradually lose mutual understanding. Perhaps in one of them you will recognize your case ...

  • If for a woman a wedding was some kind of special barrier, an end in itself for her entire pre-married life, then it is very characteristic that she ceases to seek interaction and spiritual intimacy with her spouse. This is akin to how politicians actively organize various charity events before the elections, and then safely forget about the voters and their problems. If earlier a woman set herself the goal of dragging a man to the registry office at any cost, then of course, she talked with him, looked for all possible aspects of rapprochement ... But when a man said “yes” and put a ring on his finger, then why want any special mutual understanding further ? After all, the house, life and children unite by themselves, the husband will not run away anywhere - you can exhale, relax and start living your own interests ... If there is no acute conflict in a couple, then in this state you can live for decades - in the same house, but not together ...
  • With the advent of the child My husband and I don't get along. According to surveys among married couples, it is couples with children under the age of 3 who most often consider themselves unhappy or not happy enough. For a woman, the world closes on a small child. The husband feels like a “forgotten toy”. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the wife has no time (or rather, does not want to) think about her husband’s experiences, but she constantly demands from him financial support for the family, help with the housework, and participation in caring for the baby ...
  • Was it mutual understanding? There are also marriages that are made spontaneously, in the heat of love, when mutual understanding was replaced by violent passion ... And after some time it turns out that you generally understand little of the person who happened to be next to you. If so, then you have yet to reach an understanding with your husband!
  • You have "outgrown" your marriage. As terrible as it sounds, it happens. Two people at a certain stage of life turn out to be close to each other, but... After some time, it becomes clear that their personal development has gone in different ways, and they become uninteresting and incomprehensible to each other... For example, a student and a student from the same university marry. After graduation, he successfully starts a business, goes to various business trainings, etc., becomes a business person. And she “settles” at home, perhaps gives birth, after a couple of years she is disqualified, does not acquire any new professional skills, instead, for example, she begins to be interested in esotericism. It is very likely that a successful businessman and a homely clown with eccentric religious views do not have an understanding, and they will not be able to find it. They just went down different paths in life. Perhaps a better solution for them - break up and find new partners, who will accept them as they are now.

How to live with a husband if there is no mutual understanding?

There are three options for the development of events if you realize that you do not have mutual understanding with your husband. None of them is easy and simple, all have significant drawbacks.

But you will have to make one of the decisions in order to move on and not push the problem into an even deeper corner.

  • Break up and look for a new man. This is an option for the case when you understand that you are completely different people (in terms of worldview, life values, interests, etc.), and achieving mutual understanding with your husband would cost both of you to give up many personal desires and aspirations.
  • Live on together - but without violating each other's personal space, without interfering in the life of a husband / wife, and without the obligatory fidelity. Many couples admit that this is a good way out for a while - something like a companionship. If for some reason you want to stop at this option, then you need to honestly discuss the situation with your husband together and understand whether this suits you, or will someone alone feel deceived?
  • Restore rapport with your husband. This is a difficult job, but if you want to save your family, then this is necessary!

None of the options is the most correct, wise and noble - because the initial situations are also different, the same decision can turn out to be both good and evil. You must feel what you really want, what you will regret the least.

How to find mutual understanding with your husband?

What to do if you want to understand your closest person, and be just as understandable and close to him?

  • Talk to your spouse. This does not mean everyday conversations “where did you buy it, how much did you spend, what to cook”, but rather the exchange of thoughts, dreams, judgments about events, etc.
  • Do something together. From frying potatoes. It is important not to overdo it here - do not impose on your husband and do not strive to do absolutely everything together! He should have both personal time and some activities that do not require a partner. But even small joint deeds are very close.
  • Try reading the same books, watching movies together, etc. - there will be something to discuss.
  • Delve into the problems of your spouse, try to feel his mood. This is a very important aspect of mutual understanding - the willingness to support the husband, at least morally, in his life's difficulties.
  • Do not impose your opinion on him, let him understand that even in those matters in which your views differ, his wife does not require him to necessarily agree with her point of view. Let your husband do, think and say what he sees fit.

To return mutual understanding with your husband means to begin to understand him, and not to change or re-educate! After all, real mutual understanding is when two people accept each other for who they are!

To understand family relationships, you need to know what your companion likes, that at the same time he or she feels how he or she reacts to your words and actions. It is necessary to make every possible effort to understand your soulmate.

Mutual understanding in the family: how to achieve

Love is understood not only as a bright, light and warm feeling, but also as an important work for preserving feelings. Getting acquainted, a man and a woman make great efforts to build relationships. But, having entered into marriage, they cease to engage in their relationship. They think that everything will happen somehow by itself. But by doing at least half of what they did before the wedding, the feelings would only become stronger.

It is also necessary to understand that in love you always have to sacrifice something in order for your partner to have contentment and in order to avoid quarrels in the family. There must be mutual understanding and unity in the family. Communication is a very important part of family life. Usually, a husband and wife communicate for a short time, and then only on the issues of raising children or on household chores.

How can a woman keep a man
Top 5 reasons why relationships end

Mutual understanding is a mutual mutual desire to understand and hear each other, to show and convey their feelings. Women are usually more talkative than men. Many believe that men do not want to make contact, do not want good relationships in the family, but everything is different. Men are very worried if there is no support, mutual understanding and good relations in the family. At the same time, it has been proven, for example, that the stronger sex is twice as likely as women to die from a heart attack. This is due to the fact that men keep all their experiences and emotions inside themselves, without showing them.

You must try to make your marriage happy. To do this, you need to tune in precisely to success and understanding, while some destructive methods will not help here. We need only positive e and then we can achieve something. Wanting unity and understanding with someone, you need to ask yourself some questions: “What kind of person is this? What are his goals? What is important for your companion, and what is secondary? What do you value and hate the most?

You need to know what you want from each other and do your best to meet the needs of your partners. There is nothing wrong with asking yourself what needs to be done so that your spouse understands that you love them. We can agree to do this for each other. In some situations, it will be right to put yourself in the place of another. At the same time, you need to know what he or she likes, that at the same time he or she feels how he reacts to your words and actions. It is necessary to make every possible effort to understand your soulmate and immediately see what changes will occur in your life.

"He doesn't understand me!" - every married woman said this phrase at least once in her life. What is it: simple words spoken on emotions, or Then how to live with a husband if there is no mutual understanding? Or maybe it's not in a particular man, but in all? Perhaps, at the genetic level, they are not able to understand women and satisfy all their desires and needs? All this will be discussed in this article.

Short-lived happiness from marriage

In the first days and weeks, as well as at the beginning of acquaintance and the birth of love, it seems that happiness has finally come. The newlyweds are in a great mood, they see it as light, cloudless and infinitely joyful. But it ends very soon, and it is replaced by gray everyday life, domestic troubles, as well as one of the most common reasons for a quarrel: the problem of mutual understanding. The better a man and a woman get to know each other in marriage, the weaker they become because their dreams have come true, turning into real life, which means that sex has moved from violent passion into the category of ordinary performance of marital duties.

Marriage kills romance

Over time, the husband and wife cease to treat each other so reverently and tenderly, as before the wedding. Weasel, flirting disappear, compliments are spoken less and less, they are replaced by criticism and mutual claims. Egoism wakes up in each of the spouses, I want the partner to indulge and please in everything. Such desires give rise to omissions, resentment, disappointment.

If you want to maintain mutual understanding in the family for as long as possible, then you need to cherish love, try to bring at least a drop of romance into everyday life: a small surprise, flowers for no reason, walks in the park, a kiss at a meeting and goodbye. And it should not be friendly, on the cheek, but real, passionate. Such as if you are not married, as when you first met and had not yet had time to get enough of each other. Love will keep the marriage as long as there are greedy long kisses.

No relationship with husband

Preserving a marriage and building family comfort is a difficult task, but doable if both spouses undertake it. Most often it happens that a wife beats on a closed door, trying for the good of her husband, and in return does not receive any gratitude. In marriage, men turn on a consumer attitude towards a woman who should cook, wash, clean, give birth to children, take care of them herself, not interfere with watching TV, while still working, looking good, but not spending money on cosmetics and beauty salons . The husband, on the other hand, is sure that he does not owe anything and is quite capable of making his wife happy simply by his presence, at best, also by the salary brought. Tired of such a situation, periodically asking herself the question of how to live with her husband, if there is no mutual understanding, the woman does not find the right answer and decides on a divorce. But is the marriage doomed? After all, until recently, you lived in dreams about this person, looked forward to meeting you, solemnly swore in the registry office in eternal love and care in grief and joy.

Psychologists offer to use some recommendations, thanks to which mutual understanding and trust can return.

Happy spouses - myth or reality?

As you know, any fairy tale can be brought to life. So, a happy married life is quite real. Such a couple will always have time and desire for unpretentious signs of attention, thanks to which you can feel warmth, attention and love. After all, it is not at all difficult to warn in advance that you are late from work, set aside a couple of minutes during the day, call and find out how you are doing. Having met in the evening in the kitchen, a loving husband and wife will definitely ask how each day went. These little things allow you to feel what they think about you, worry that you are an important part of your partner's life.

If there is no happiness

How to live with a husband if there is no mutual understanding in the family even after following all the above tips? With a probability of 90%, we can say that this article will be read by women, which means that only they will follow the recommendations. But you cannot achieve a positive result if both spouses do not work to maintain the relationship. Usually men do not think about such subtle matters as harmony and mutual understanding, it is more important for them to be full and watch TV. Such a marriage will last exactly as long as women's patience is enough.

Reconcile or break up?

The opinion imposed by society affects the adoption of the right decision by a tired wife. Almost every advice says that a woman should be near her husband, endure and come to terms with her difficult lot. Many ladies believe that all men are bad, but living alone is even worse and therefore turn a blind eye to drunkenness, laziness, and betrayal. All this results in scandals, tantrums, hundreds and thousands of dead nerve cells. If there are children in the family, then they are unwitting witnesses to such dramas. Girls, seeing an unhappy mother, begin to hate their father from a young age, and then men. In children, an incorrect model of relations between a man and a woman is being built in their heads, because of which it will be difficult for them in the future to build their own cell of society. Therefore, sometimes to the question of how to live with a husband, if there is no mutual understanding, there is only one correct answer: no way!

Freedom or loneliness?

The one who has his small copy is not alone. Do not forget that the family is primarily blood ties, which means that after parting with your husband, you have not lost your family if you have a child. If you have not found common goals and interests with your spouse that could cement the marriage, you always have a chance to build a harmonious relationship with your child. And if your baby is a boy, then you must certainly try to raise him in such a way that your future daughter-in-law will say "thank you" to you.