Unsuccessful bang what to do with it. Beer mask with rye bread. Mask with mustard

Almost any girl at least once in his life came across such a problem as a collapse of bangs. She climbs into the eyes, interferes and looks inaccurated.

Today, the online magazine "Karunam.ru" will tell how to quickly and beautifully lay a abnormal bang.

The best options for stacking bangs with photos

In fact, to lay a banging bang with many ways. In this case, your image will become completely new and memorable. Consider several options how to put a bangs:

№1: Nachi - always relevant!

The easiest way - make a nobody. Just draw your hair from behind in the direction of the forehead and secure invisible.

You can experiment with worship - make straight or on the side.

№2: Elegant image with hoop or dressing

Put on bezel or beautiful bandage. Such an accessory is not suitable for every girl, so, first, it is better to measure several options.

Wear a rim or bandage can with loose hair or with a tight beam.

№ 3: In the best traditions of Parisian ...

French laying - rim. It is done as follows - a thin French pigtail from the temple to the opposite ear is woven.

It turns out a kind of rim. The rest of the hair can be collected in the tail or twist with large curb.

№4: Just and stylish

Highly abandoned bangs scroll back or kill ordinary invisible. For better fixation, it is better to straighten bangs before fixing.

If you like to remove your hair for your ears, then the abnormal bang slash invisible for ears.

It will be an excellent daily and convenient hairstyle.

№5: Mapper spikelet

Spectacular and magnificent option - kosher-spike. The abnormal bang can be collected in the main, the first strands of the spikelet.

Kosh can be supplemented to the end, or assemble in the tail in the middle of the head.

№6: Original hairstyle - flagella

To do this, we make a direct sample and take bangs in two flagellas coming from the probor to the back of the head. Fix them invisible and hairstyle is ready. The hairstyle can be complicated if you increase the number of harnesses.

Variation of the previous hairstyle - pick up bangs in one negligent firing. You can take it back or put on the side.

№7: retro style

Long bangs can be fixed and put with the help of junk.

Such a hairstyle is perfectly suitable for lovers of retro style.

As you can see, it is beautifully to put the abnormal bang in a variety of ways. And our list is far from the limit.

Show your fantasy, and the banging bang will not be an annoying inconvenience, but the basis for the beautiful and original hairstyle!

30 107 0 Hello, dear beauties of our site. Today we will tell you how to quickly repel bangs at home. We will share with you the recipes of masks, as well as secrets, how to grow bangs for 1 week.

Female mood changeable as weather in March. Yesterday it seemed that it seemed to cut bangs - a great version of shifts hairstyles. And today you already sigh in the mirror, dreaming to return everything as it was. Of course, it is impossible to grow bangs for 2 days, but significantly accelerate hair growth is possible! Be prepared for daily events and be patient. On average, the hair grows by 6-7 cm for half a year, and if you make an effort, you can grow 3-4 cm per month!

How to grow bangs at home

  • Refuse tools for laying. Forget about the curly, iron, varnish and foam, gel and mousse. Healthy strong hair is grow faster, and all the above is dried and damaging curls, like staining with industrial paints.
  • Slide the head massage. This simple procedure activates blood circulation and will be hardly the most important assistant in achieving your goal. Next, we will tell you more about it.
  • Use. These can be pharmacy, and tested folk recipes.
  • Adjust the power. Take care that vitamins and minerals come to the body.
  • Do not get drunk. Natural body fatty head nourishes hair, so you should not wash them often without need.

On four of the five points of the Plan will dwell in more detail.

Massage for crust growth

It is better to make a massage every day. When there is time, massaging the whole head is more effective than focusing only on the bang area. Pay attention to several points:

  • Conduce the procedure for an hour for 2-3 to sleep, otherwise the risk is not to fall asleep due to the intensified blood circulation;
  • Massage with oils with oils: ray, castor, almond, cedar. But note that in this case you have to wash your head after the massage, so every day the oil is better not to use;
  • You can massage your skin with your fingers or comb. Replace old combs if they are hard, made of metal, cling or pulling hair. Choose soft brushes, crests from plastic and carefully treated tree.

Massage with light stroking and circular movements, slightly shifting the scalp. Avoid pain or unpleasant sensations. Continue 10-15 minutes, it is possible and longer, because it is not only useful, but also nice!

How to make a head and hair massage, to accelerate their growth.

Hair growth activators

Do not waste money on shampoos, balms "for hair growth" from the nearest supermarket. Their composition rarely contains effective ingredients. But since it is still not possible to repeat the bangs without growth activators, let's get acquainted with the most effective and affordable means. It:

  • Ginger
  • From pharmacy inexpensive means - nicotinic acid

Any of these ingredients can be added to your finished mask or balm, and can be used as a separate independent means.

Masks for growing bangs

Several recipes from the category "Just and quickly", because for complex masks, we often lack time and strength.

Mask with mustard

1-2 st. Supplements of mustard dilute with warm water to the consistency of non-thick sour cream. You can use a mask in this form, and you can add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil or two capsules of the Aevit vitamins. Apply only on the scalp, trying to get the hair as little as possible. The mustard is dried, but perfectly activates blood circulation. From above, cover with polyethylene, put on the insulated cap and try to withstand the mask for about 15-20 minutes. If the bake is very strong, do not tolerate, wash off the usual shampoo. Next time, apply less than the mixture or add more oil. Do not make a mask more often than once every 10-12 days, it is a very strong means.

Mask from ginger

Use dry ginger as well as mustard in the recipe above. Fresh ginger root grind, pour boiling water, insist for half an hour and rub the infusion before washing the head.

Ginger also enhances blood circulation, but it can be used more often than mustard: 2-3 times a week.

Red pepper tincture

Sale in a pharmacy. The tincture must be divorced with water 1: 1 - and the means is ready. You can rub it before every wash of the head. You can add eggs, vegetable oil, honey and use as a mask. In this case, the mixture is applied on the roots, a warming cap is put on. Washed off with shampoo after 40 minutes.

Long mask

Perfectly activates hair growth, gives health to the scalp. It is a pity that his smell remains long on her hair. But if you make a mask from a bow on the eve of the weekend, wash your head for two days in a row and try not to fall under the rain (when you wet the smell becomes stronger), this is a great agent can be used. Moreover, the field of growth of the bang is not so great, so the smell will not be so heard as if you were applied to the whole head.

So, soda on a shallow grater 1-2 bulbs, press the juice through the gauze. Wrap in the roots of the hair, withstand 40-50 minutes and wash your head. At the end, slip the hair to the hair with lemon juice (1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. Soca) - it helps a little sind of smell. Onions can be used as often as you want.

Natural Mask Mask

Any suitable: castor, rapid, almond, cedar. These are the most useful oils for your curls. You can take some one of them or mix in any variations.

2-3 tanks of oils necessarily heat a little on a water bath, add a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Wrap in the scalp. Be sure to combine the application of oils with a massage, wear polyethylene, top with a hat or towel and wash with a shampoo after 50 minutes. From such a procedure, the curls are not only growing faster, but also acquire shine, silkiness, a magnificent healthy look.

Nicotinic acid mask

Nicotinic acid is sold in ampoules in a pharmacy. Wash your head and dry your hair. Remove the acid with a needle with a needle from the ampoule, remove the needle and apply a bang in the place of growth. Make a light massage, put on the insulated cap, wash the minutes after 50. Repeat every 3 days. For the course you need 10 ampoules.

Important moment!Do not laminitate the hair, trying to grow them. Lamination seals the hairs, no nutrients do to them. Therefore, the masks will be simply useless.

Products accelerating hair growth

Growth and quality of hair depend on what we eat. If you want to repel the bangs for the week, make sure that there are always: in the diet:

  • proteins : fish, eggs, low-fat meat, nuts, cheeses and dairy products;
  • carbohydrates : fruits, bran, gray and rye bread;
  • fat. : Not everything in a row, but useful. This is a sea fatty fish, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils: corn, sesame, olive, sunflower.

In addition, vitamins are needed daily:

Drink or do not drink pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes? Many doctors believe that such vitamins are poorly absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is better to get everything you need from food. But if it is not possible to organize a sufficiently diverse diet, it may make sense to replace the nutrients with tablets.

But what is definitely useful from pharmacy means fish fat . It can be an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamins A and D, iron. Daily reception of fish fat accelerates hair growth, gives them beauty and increases the general immunity of the body.

Wash your head with benefit!

The simplest and frequent hair procedure is their washing. How to grow bangs at home, without applying supernatural efforts? Wash your head right!

  • choose shampoos with natural extracts, without sulfates and parabens;
  • use balm after shampoo;
  • wash your head with a useful decoction: Take on the tablespoon of birch leaves, burdock, nettle, daisies. Place in the fabric bag and boil the water bucket. After an hour and a half, when the decoction cools, you can wash your head. You do not need to rinse with tap water. Somewhat troublesome procedure, but the result is worth;
  • frequent washing head is harmful, so sometimes use dry shampoo. Just sprinkle the bangs with a mixture of starch and food soda, slightly stuck and disperse a thick crest. For a while, the hair will remain fresh.

How to grow bangs for the week

This is almost unrealistic. But if your hair, in principle, grow quickly, then all the above procedures, with regular use, contribute to the rapid growth of hair on the bangs.

If you do not have time to wait and hope that the hair will grow to some important event next week, then beauty salons will come to help you. With the help of a simple procedure, you can transform bangs thanks to the overhead strands. For this, of course, it is better to turn to those skilled in the art that they picked the strands of your hair color, and also made the length you need, cutting up too much. After a solemn event, you can remove strands and stimulate natural grew through the folk remedies we are told above.

In addition to the foregoing, once a month cut off the bangs by 1-2 mm. It will not affect it for a length, and the battered tips will update - the hairs will be easier to grow. And to quickly enjoy your way with a bangs, you can always use false strands while they grow up!

Personal experience of crust growing.

Women are changeable natures that love to experiment with their appearance. New haircut, staining, curling or straightening ... Such experiments are poorly reflected in the state of hair, which become dim, weak, neglected. What if the check doesn't look bad or tired? How to grow the cheek and beautifully lay in at home until it reached the right length? Answers to all these questions you will find below.

Chelka: pros and cons

Do I need to grow the cheek? See how there are advantages:

  • If you have curly hair, then the cheek must be laid daily. Harder to hide short curls in hairstyle
  • You must often visit the hairdresser to adjust the length.

Before you finally decide, you need to think carefully. First of all, you need to decide on the type of cheeky in accordance with the face form, skin defects, hair color. It can be straight or oblique, smooth or asymmetric, with edging or without it.

Think how you will wear it, for this you can use the online hairstyle program. Meet your hairdresser.

If you still decided on this, bring patience, it will not work in a week, but for this period, subject to regular care, it is possible to activate its growth.

Decide with the hair type and in accordance with it, select cosmetology and folk remedies for accelerating growth. Use oils, decoctions, vitamin complexes that can be purchased in any pharmacy. Resources of folk cosmetology are endless - use!

For the period of the rope of Cheklov, it is worth stocking of miniature hairpins, invisible, beautiful rims and means of fixation (gel, mousse, foam, wax). All this will help make a beautiful laying.

Vitamin complexes, balanced nutrition, competently selected hair care products not only accelerate the growth of the check, but also improve its appearance. For the period of growing, it is worth abandoning hot laying and chemical impact on hair.

Countertilization methods of Cheklie

To make a cheeky to grow quickly, you need to follow these rules:

Recipes of folk cosmetology

Filly means will help to grow quickly, effectively and safely.

Many are wondering how much the cheeve is growing with regular care. The first changes will be noticeable after 10 days.

Methods of laying Chelka

A few weeks later, growing strands begin to cause discomfort: they lose shape, interfere, climb into the eyes. What to do with the growing cheese? There are several ways to lay strands:

Main tab for growing cheeky

Chelka is not just part of the hairstyle, but an image structural element. Now you know how to grow it. Take patience and carefully treat your hair!

How to grow bangs - video

In the life of every woman, moments happened when she had an insurmountable desire to change anything in the well-minded lifestyle. And the first step on the way to a given goal most often becomes going to the hairdresser, because nothing transforms the usual way and does not raise the mood as a new hairstyle. But, unfortunately, hairdressing experiments do not always end in successfully, for example, when the lady, deciding to the cardinal change of the image, asks the master to cut her bangs. Yes, indeed, the neat bang perfectly complements the hairstyle, gives it originality, allows you to visually correct the face form and emphasize the expressiveness of the view.

However, the presence of this detail in the image delivers a lot of trouble with its owner. First, a woman with bangs takes much more time to laying curls, secondly, it has to visit the hairdresser to keep the shape of the hairstyle, and, thirdly, with regular use of styling devices and tools, hair becomes dry, weak And practically cease to grow. These or other reasons forcing many fine sex representatives to think about questions: how to quickly grow bangs and what should I do?

Of course, implementing in a few days, even with the maximum of effort, it is impossible - for this it may be necessary to be needed (especially if it is necessary to repel very short bangs to the level of the rest of the hair). But it is not worth upset, because, as they say, there is nothing impossible, and, if you make some efforts, the process of growing bangs can be significantly accelerated.

What you need to do to quickly grow bangs: simple tips

Crop bangs are always easier than to repel it again. Of course, you can leave everything as it is and wait until it comes to the length with the rest of the hair. But the growth rate of the curls is an individual value: if one person is required for a noticeable increase in bang length of two to three months, then another process can delay for a longer period. And since the rustic strands violate the aesthetics hairstyles, they will be strained in different directions and constantly climb into the eyes, many women periodically occur to cut them. Therefore, it is quite natural that every lady wants to repel the bang as soon as possible in order not to experience inconvenience. How to do it? To achieve the desired results in a short time, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Wheave hair from negative environmental impacts: Do not go outside without a headdress (in winter and summer), use it, if necessary, careful means containing UV filters, do not wash the hair with hard water.
  • Try to minimize the use of high-temperature devices for laying curls (electrical forceps, iron and others). Do not forget about thermal protective facilities that will help protect your hair from damage.
  • Limit the use of styling agents (modeling fans, gels, varnishes and mousses). The composition of such products includes various chemical components that harm curls, making them dry and brittle.
  • Do not comb the curls too often and do not use metal combs with sharp teeth: they tear their hair and injure the skin of the head, which is not the best way in the state of the chapels and leads to a slowdown of hair growth. Prefer the products made of wood or plastic, with genuine or mixed bristles.
  • To repel bangs, refuse to dye hair and other procedures involving the chemical impact on the curls. Such manipulations damage the structure of the hair rods, violate the functionality of the follicles and oppress the growth of bulbs.
  • For hair wash, use only warm (not hot and not too cold) water. At the same time, try to give preference to shampoos, which contains vegetable components (oils, herbs and other extracts). Do not neglect by balm and air conditioning: they moisturize curls, protect them from damage and external influences.
  • Be sure to make a head massage (daily or twice a day). Such a simple procedure contributes to improved blood circulation, thereby accelerating the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, so that the hair begin to actively grow. For massage, you can use a special massager, a comb with genuine bristle or fingers. To strengthen the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to pre-apply vegetable oils to the head of the head, accelerating hair growth (olive, almond, castor), or liquid vitamins (retinol, tocopherol, nicotinic acid).
  • Pay attention to your diet. It will certainly be attended by products containing such hair-beneficial elements like potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, vitamins of groups B (in particular, vitamins B6 and B12), ascorbic acid, biotin, retinol, tocopherol, and others. In addition, it is necessary to take care of admission to the body of a sufficient amount of fatty omega-acids, which are necessary for rapid hair growth (their main source is seafood and marine fish). You can additionally take the vitamin complexes specifically designed to improve the status of the curls (it is desirable that the drugs prescribe a doctor).
  • It is also recommended to purchase so-called hair growth activators in the pharmacy - special means that are produced in the form of drugs for outdoor use (oil mixtures for head massage) or in the form of additives intended for intake.

In order to quickly repel the bangs, not only factory products and drugs can be used, but also folk remedies, the action of which is aimed at accelerating hair growth. Among them, the most effective are homemade masks, which are independently prepared mixtures (usually multicomponent), consisting of natural products. As for the recipes of masks, there are a lot of them, but those that are presented below are considered the most effective.

Masks for rapid hair growth: recipes

Mustard mask with kefir

This tool activates hair growth, makes them more dense, strong and durable. Since the mustard is a rather aggressive means, it is not recommended to apply the owners of sensitive skin of the head, as well as those whose hair is strongly overwhelmed. To achieve noticeable results, procedures using mustard masks are needed 1-2 times a week.

  • 20 g dry mustard;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 100 ml kefir.
  • Fill the mustard powder kefir, mix and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Add oil to the resulting mixture, mix again and apply a ready-made mass on the roasting hair zone.
  • Heat the lap with a food film and a terry towel and withstand a quarter of an hour.
  • Ride the remedy with a shampoo and treat the hair with an immemorated balm. During the procedure, a light burning can be observed (such a reaction is considered permissible), but if it is enhanced, the mask must be immediately washed away.

Beer mask with rye bread

Such a mixture contributes to the rapid growth of the hair, strengthens the roots, makes curls softer, obedient and shiny. It is recommended to conduct these procedures 2 times a week.

  • 300 ml of light beer;
  • 1/3 of a loaf of rye bread.

Preparation and use:

  • Take a large plastic bowl or other container in which you will be convenient to work with a mixer, place bread chopped into it with large slices and fill it with beer.
  • Leave the mixture for about an hour so that the bread is completely twice.
  • Beat the contents of the container with a mixer to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply the finished remedy for a slightly wet clean hair, shook them tightly with polyethylene and sustain at least 40 minutes.
  • Wash the beer mask with warm water without shampoo.

Long mask with honey

This mask is considered one of the best hair growth activators. With regular use of this tool, the curls become more dense and stronger, the beautiful shine and radiance are purchased. Conduct procedures using onion masks are recommended 1-2 times a week.

  • 1 raw bulb;
  • 50 g of honey;
  • 30 ml of olive oil (if you have dry hair).

Preparation and use:

  • Grind the bulb peelled from the husk in a blender and leaving the juice from the resulting casis.
  • Mix it with warm honey and oil and apply a ready-made mass on the roasting hair zone.
  • Put a warm cap on the head and look around for about 30 minutes, after which we rinse the hair with warm water with a soft shampoo. To eliminate the unpleasant smell of onions, you can additionally rinse the hair with water with the addition of lemon juice (20 ml of juice per liter of filtered water).

Honey mask with cognac and aloe juice

Due to its composition, this mask not only significantly accelerates hair growth, but also gives them a beautiful shine, and also helps to get rid of dandruff.

  • 30 g of honey;
  • 20 ml of aloe juice;
  • 30 ml of brandy.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix all the indicated ingredients to a homogeneous state and distribute the resulting composition on wet strands.
  • Take the head with a polyethylene and a thick towel and leave for 50-60 minutes.
  • Rinse the hair with warm water without shampoo.

Mask with vitamins

The mask prepared on the basis of vegetable oils, perfectly nourishes the hair, contributes to their strengthening and accelerates growth. It is necessary to apply such a mixture 1-2 times a week.

  • 30 ml of rapid oil;
  • 30 ml of castor oil;
  • 30 ml of oils from olives;
  • 1 ampoule vitamins A and E.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix all the oils and warm them on the water bath (the temperature of the mixture should not be higher than 35-40 degrees).
  • Add vitamins to oils, mix and distribute the finished composition on wet curls.
  • Heat the hair and leav for at least 60 minutes, then wash the head with warm water with shampoo.

Many women who have decided to increase the length of the bangs, after some time begin to experience a lot of inconveniences related to the fact that the thrust strands constantly interfere, climb into the eyes, confused and look untidy. To get rid of discomfort, and at the same time, and from the desire to cut off the bangs again, it is worth getting a different hair accessories - hairpins, invisible, rims, with the help of which you can not only choose interfering strands, but also add a highlight to the highlight. If you do not like to decorate, simply experiment with samples or lighten one of the types of weaving, such as the French braid. Try, show fantasy, and you will definitely be able to create your own unique style.

It is impossible to find a girl who at least once did not cut through the bangs! It seems, that's, after the exit of the hairdresser, you will be so angry, the queen of warriors, but the result is often not so cool and the long months of growing are beginning ... Everything about how to grow bangs so that it does not interfere, how to competently hide it and On creative methods of laying.

Neither step back, or how to quickly grow

Get ready for the offensive on all fronts! Here is your plan:

  • First: lean on vitamin utility. It is well known that the hair grows from the bulbs, which their food is obtained from the inside of the body. The more the bulbs get useful, the more actively every Volosina is growing. Eat more protein, from which the power and elasticity of the hair depend. And in fatty fish there is a breakdown of omega-3 fatty acids, very useful to your curls. Also run on carrots, liver, cabbage, citrus. In the diet should prevail copper, calcium and zinc. An option for lazy is a special vitamin complex to strengthen hair.
  • Second: take care of damage. Hot drying, straightening, curling make strands with dry and brittle. Use them only in the most extreme case and only with thermal protection. Also refrain from staining, remove the metal comb, remove the metal comb and do not get carried away with the mousse and foam. Let the bunch grow calmly, not knowing the metal and chemistry ...
  • Moisturize. Air conditioners, masks with proteins, keratin and provitamins will not give the tips to break and protect them from the aggressive external environment (for example, wind, frost).
    Use stimulants. Do not be afraid, we are not about doping. You are not an Olympic champion, he has nothing to do with you. We are talking about the banal stimulants of growth, which are sold in the pharmacy. The same nicotinic acid is worthwhile penny, but it so accelerates blood circulation that the hair grows much faster. And you can also buy professional growth activators.
  • Hang ends. No need to cohere the mad centimeters, no! In such a delicate case, the countdown is on millimeters. Ends will inevitably break down until you grow bangs, throw it, braid and so on. Therefore, ask the Masters to dispense the grains of finishes.

And the most obvious council is, oddly enough, to gain patience. Many find it difficult to take ourselves into the driving men and do not run into the beauty salon to stop. After all, the first time the hair will climb into the eyes, and the view of them will be, to put it mildly, not very presentable. Therefore, in order to feel attractive during the change of imagine, read the recommendations on how to remove the bangs when it is growing, and look at photo examples.

Problem Finito! Checked in the case methods of laying Chelka

If a little bit to climb, then the rustling of bangs will not give you the inconvenience, and will become a beautiful impetus for experiments with their own image! Here are the most beautiful and creative ways.


When the bang just begins to grow and obsessively climbs into the face - the invisible to tame it easier. Moreover, in the box of each girl they lie from time immemorial and waiting in the wings. Invisible can be laid bangs in or back. If the "gun" is knocked out, then treat your hair with wax, and they will lie like you comfortable. Try to look beautifully to stick bangs so that it does not interfere, and hide the invisibility under long strands.


More festive way - original hairpins. There is where to turn around! With pebbles, pearls, bows - they are all charming. Just apply a little bit of locking tools and put your hair to the side or upstairs by scraping them with a bar.


Masking Masking is, of course, bezel. If you take an accessory with small frequent cloth, then it will mostly remove the bangs back, will open the face and give you a nurse, what you did not dream about! Do not believe? Look at the photo!

The rim will decorate any hairstyle when you grow bangs. It is gorgeous and on loose curls, and on the chittered design.

And again: if the hairs from under the rim are knocked out (and most likely, and it will be with a short bang), scroll a little wax in the fingers and seal them.


Weavers are now at the peak of popularity, and the rustling bangs can be used in a tight pigtail. Not only is it very practical, so also stylish! A cute pigtail on bangs and with a lot of celebrities on the red tracks were wore with loose or collected hair.

Try to weave pleasure, because of the lush braids, the hairs can get to the will.


About how to lay a bang that you grow, your first thoughts will be. The rule here is simple - laying the side, so that the bangs climb into the eyes and did not interfere with the review.

The process itself is simple: you need to apply a slightly fixing agent and dry it with a hairdryer in the right direction. If you have a hairstyle on a straight sample, then divide the bangs in half and dry, twisting the tips. When the sample is oblique, it is beautifully putting a bang in the direction where part of the hair is more so that there is no asymmetry.

For a special occasion, it can be twisted with a catch or iron.

New haircut

If you wish, you can change a little image. For example, haircuts are multilayer, such as cascade or Italian, just imply changes in the length of the hair from bangs. Make a new haircut, and then the difference between the length of the rustic bangs and the rest of the strands will be at all imperceptible!

Is it worth a candle checkell?

Of course, if she is a girl, bangs can perform a lot of useful functions.

  • If you have a very high forehead or do not at all make pimples on the forehead, you can hide your shortcomings under stylish bangs.
  • The straight and smooth cut visually will lengthen the round face.
  • If the temples appeared poisons (and women also suffer, alas and ah), then the thick bang will hide them.
  • A look from bangs will be straight-sensual! Remember the incomparable Elizabeth Taylor in the image of Cleopatra with bangs.
  • And finally, bangs are the easiest way to try on different images without a cardinal and irreparable hair loss. After all, it can be made direct, and bevelled, and torn, and branched. Choose, do not want!

But, of course, not all the car carnival ... Many decide to get rid of bangs not only because she is tired, but also because of its flaws. It:

  • Frequent visits to the hairdresser. So bangs in an attractive condition, you will have to cut it often. Especially if your choice was straight cut. Connect the trigger schedule for a week - and now, she climbs into the eyes, does not fit and generally infuriates.
  • Laying is its second name. It is impossible to wake up or work, collect the lap in the beam and go to the destination. Bang after sleeping will look untidy, and maximum - will hang ahead of you, Aki Bushprit on the ship. That is why it needs to be laid every day at least a hairdryer. By the way, often carefully laid bang under the cap takes a nonundensible forms and, removing the headdress, you can hear the cross over yourself.

Here is the whole story of bangs without bills. Deciding for the growing, do not wait for a super recipe, which will give 10 centimeters for a week. This is physically impossible. But to repel the bang at least before the chin for a couple of months - quite real.

Now you know how to grow bangs so that it does not interfere and at the same time looked very organically with your style and the worldship. The hairstyle plays a considerable role in the whole female appearance and the rustling jug will become an incentive to diversify his image! The proposed laying options are also suitable for a business woman, and for punk rocker. The main thing is to take care of your hair carefully and you will be the most beautiful!