Daily rate of vegetables for a 9 month old child. Veal puree soup with vegetables. Kid's menu - examples

A child of the second half of the year grows and develops rapidly, his body needs new nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, milk alone no longer satisfies his needs, therefore, complementary foods are increasingly introduced into the diet.

And yet the menu for a 9 month old baby for every day suggests that milk - breast milk or formula - an indispensable and indispensable product in the diet... At this age, many types of complementary foods have already been introduced and new ones are gradually being introduced.

Breastmilk (or formula for artisans) is still essential in a 9 month old baby's diet

During breakfast, lunch and dinner, the child is offered full food and a set of tableware is used - a cup, spoon, mug, napkin. Of course, you need to be prepared for the fact that the cups will often be just overturned, and the spoons will be abandoned.

Be patient. Feed your baby yourself from these cutlery items first. Note that if the child is hungry, he will not play with cutlery, but will eat. If the baby is already starting to play, help, feed him yourself.

So, let's look at the main differences in the diet of a 9 month old baby.

Feeding mode

The feeding regime for a child of 8 and 9 months does not have significant differences. The main difference is the amount of product introduced and already introduced into the diet, and of course, this fact is reflected in the preparation of the menu for every day, where the number of products in grams by this age increases.

A 9-month-old baby can already chop food not with a blender, but with a fork or knife (knead or chop finely)

Food consistency

The consistency of the foods offered to the child undergoes minor changes. Homogenized foods are gradually being replaced by foods that have larger food particles, for example, simply mashed. So the child gradually joins the common table and the consistency of adult food.

When the ninth month comes to an end, you can gradually start offering food, chopped into small pieces with a knife.

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Variety of complementary foods

The menu for a 9 month old baby becomes more varied every day.

The diet of a child at the age of nine months is replenished with fish products. First, for acquaintance, fish is introduced in a boiled form in a grated, mashed state. Fish varieties should be selected white and low-fat (pollock, cod, hake).

You can start to introduce boiled or stewed meatballs or meatballs from poultry and fish.

From 9 months, fermented milk products made specifically for babies are allowed

On the menu for a 9 month old baby fermented milk products are introduced in small quantities every day- kefir, cottage cheese, it is better to buy them in a specialized department of baby milk nutrition, and be sure to pay attention to the expiration dates, because the baby's health depends on it.

Important to remember! New products for the child are introduced in small portions, with a gradual increase in the amount every day.

You can introduce a new complementary food a week after the previous one, making sure that there is no allergic reaction.

Refusal of night feedings

At the age of 9 months the baby can already do without night feeding and sleep peacefully until the morning. Therefore, the menu for every day ends with the obligatory feeding of the baby before bedtime with milk in the amount of up to 200 milliliters.

However, many babies still wake up at night to take milk. If the child is overweight, it is better to try to wean him from night feedings. Even if the baby whimpered at night, it is worth waiting a little, it is quite possible that he will fall asleep again. As a last resort, give some water.

You need to wean the baby from night feedings, instead of breast milk or a mixture, give a drink of water

If the baby's weight is normal or lagging, or if the baby is asking for it, it is better to continue giving milk at night. The baby should not be allowed to starve, you must always remember that each organism is individual.

Pediatric advice: How to treat jaundice in newborns. What are the causes of the disease and the possible consequences.

Meal plan

Follow this feeding routine for a 9 month old baby:

  • For the very first morning feeding, the baby is given only milk - at 6 o'clock;
  • Full breakfast with complementary foods - at 10 o'clock;
  • Lunch - at 14 o'clock;
  • Dinner - at 18 o'clock;
  • Evening feeding - at 22 o'clock.

Of course, feeding time may vary, depending on the individual characteristics of the child.

If the baby is asleep, you should not wake him up for feeding, because proper sleep plays an important role in the health and development of the baby.

Allowed Products

The diet of a nine-month-old child should already include such products as:

One of the foods that appear in a baby's diet at 9 months is porridge.
  • Porridge - rice, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal, multigrain, wheat, semolina;
  • Fruit puree - apple, pear, plum, banana;
  • Vegetable puree - squash, potato, pumpkin, mashed potatoes from different types of cabbage - broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage;
  • Juices are also included in complementary foods;
  • Fermented milk products - cottage cheese by the end of the month up to 25 grams, kefir up to 170 grams per day (some pediatricians do not recommend introducing kefir for up to a year);
  • Some types of bread, as well as cookies (you can give it both whole and diluted with milk);
  • Meat - chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey, offal - tongue, liver, heart;

Also, vegetable soups should be present in the child's diet.
  • Vegetable soups with meat broth - 30 ml;
  • Vegetable oil and butter - 5 or 6 grams per day (adding to the porridge);
  • Yolk up to ½ part;
  • Fresh finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley) are added to soups and vegetable purees.

When drawing up a menu for a 9 month old child, for each day, several products for breakfast, lunch and dinner are selected from the presented list, which can replenish the child's body with proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements and satisfy the needs of the baby.

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Sample menu for a 9-month-old baby for a week

Let's imagine an approximate menu for a 9-month-old child, just an approximate one, because everyone has different tastes, and the volume of meals can vary depending on the period of introduction of complementary foods. For example, if a certain cereal for porridge has just begun to be introduced, its volume will be much smaller, and instead, you can supplement it, for example, with fruit puree or cookies with milk, that is, already well-known products.

It is important! The table shows the meals that use complementary foods. The first morning and last evening feeds are supposed to be fed with milk alone.

Table. Sample menu for a baby 9 months for a week

Day of weekMeal timeDishes *Volume, ml
Mondaybreakfastoatmeal porridge with butter150, 5
dinnerrice soup30
vegetable puree,150
dinnerbanana puree50
Tuesdaybreakfastcottage cheese, fruit puree30, 50
dinnerfish soup30
mashed potatoes150
mashed fish30
dinnercookies with milk100
Wednesdaybreakfastbuckwheat porridge150
dinnerchicken soup30
squash puree150
chicken ground with blendor60
dinnerfruit, kefir with butter100
Thursdaybreakfastcorn porridge150
dinnervegetable soup30
broccoli puree150
ground beef60
dinnerapple puree, cottage cheese50, 30
Fridaybreakfastmultigrain porridge, yolk150, 5
dinnercabbage soup30
cauliflower puree150
dinnerbanana puree50
Saturdaybreakfastwheat porridge with butter150
dinnerchicken soup30
mashed potatoes150
hare puree50
dinnercookies, kefir150
Sundaybreakfastsemolina porridge with butter150, 5
dinnervegetable rice soup30
boiled zucchini puree150
ground boiled chicken liver60
dinnercottage cheese, fruit puree30, 50

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Of course, if the child cooks the first and second for lunch, given that the dishes should be dietary, prepared separately from the dishes that are fried and cooked for the rest of the family - without frying vegetables and adding spices, the mother may simply not have time for other things ...

Therefore, you can cook a soup with potatoes, vegetables - cabbage, carrots, meatballs for your baby in a small saucepan, and after cooking it, make up your child's meals. Soup and separately mashed meatball will be served separately.

You can make mashed potatoes from several potatoes separately by kneading them and adding a little butter and milk. So you can instantly prepare a complex fresh lunch for your baby.

Baby food should be steam or oven cooked, such as fish soufflé

If the mother has enough time to prepare separate dishes for the baby, you can cook various soufflés from fish, cereals, steamed vegetable cutlets, steamed meatballs. It is convenient in a multicooker to simultaneously lay down water and cereals for porridge and for steaming (on top) vegetables and meat or meatballs.

Important to remember! The tastes of babies are different, and the main task of the mother is to expand the range of food for the child, so that the baby does not remain hungry.

What rules must be followed

Introducing complementary foods in the menu of a 9 month old baby for every day products new to the baby should be offered before milk, otherwise the child, having satiated with his usual milk, will refuse unfamiliar food.

Kefir is offered to the child mainly in the evening feeding, for example, at 18 o'clock. Kefir and cottage cheese should not be given more than once a day.

Complementary foods are introduced in a small amount, which is gradually increasing.

When breastfeeding

If the baby is breastfed, milk can be given to him after complementary feeding in all feedings.

If the mother does not have enough milk, diluted formulas can be used during morning and evening feedings.

With artificial feeding

If a child is an artificial person, then the amount of milk required at this age for a child, as well as for an eight-month-old, is from 150 to 200 ml at a time.

Thus, by the end of the 9th month, the assortment of the baby's menu is full of various products. There is an opportunity every day to offer for breakfast, lunch and dinner a full set of substances necessary for the growth and development of the baby.

What should be the menu for a baby at 9-10 months - watch this video:

The daily routine, nutrition, daily ration, skills of a 9-month-old child - in this video:

And finally, the advice of pediatricians regarding nutrition for a baby at the age of 9-12 months:

I have already tried many of the products that caring parents prepare for him every day, changing tastes and experimenting with children's recipes. Let's take a look at what changes in the baby's menu at 9 months old and how to properly build a diet for babies at this age.

Features of the diet of a 9-month-old baby

  1. A baby at this age already needs mother's milk or an adapted formula less, but doctors do not advise canceling them. Let the breastfed baby continue to feed on her mother's breast early in the morning and before bedtime, and also wash down new dishes with breast milk. The artificial child is advised to continue giving the formula after waking up and at night.
  2. The list of foods introduced into the diet of breastfed babies and artificial babies became the same at 9 months of age. The only difference is in the volume of some dishes. Their bottle-fed babies are given more because of the earlier start of complementary feeding and the increased requirements for minerals and vitamins. We are talking about purees and juices from fruits, cottage cheese, yolk and fermented milk drinks.

At 9 months, you should not give up breastfeeding or formula

Calculate Your Complementary Feeding Chart

Indicate the date of birth of the child and the method of feeding

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What foods can be added to the diet?

The kids, who were fed according to the Komarovsky scheme, begin to eat the same way as the rest. For bottle-fed babies or babies who, for a good reason, began to feed before 6 months of age, new products are not introduced at 9 months, but only increase the amount of products and make food more varied due to new combinations of products.

But the baby, who was fed only with mother's milk for up to six months, is introduced to such new products at the age of 9 months:

  1. Yolk. It is usually given in the second meal along with porridge.
  2. Cottage cheese. It is added to the fourth meal of the fruit puree.
  3. Fermented milk drinks. They are also given on the fourth meal along with fruit, cottage cheese and baby biscuits, thus forming an afternoon snack.
  4. Cow's milk . Porridge is cooked on it.

Many new products appear on the menu of a breastfed baby at 9 months

How much should a baby eat?

To determine the total daily amount of food for a nine month old baby, you need to know the weight of the baby. By dividing the mass of the toddler by 8 or 9, you will find out how much a child of this age should eat per day.


A nine-month-old baby still has five meals a day, as at 7 or 8 months. They are evenly distributed throughout the day at intervals of 3 to 4 hours.

For example, if the baby wakes up for the first feeding at 6 am, then the next meals will be at about 10 am, at 2 pm, at 6 pm and the last meal at 10 pm. If the child eats breakfast at 8 o'clock, then the second meal will be at about 11-12 o'clock, lunch at 15-16 o'clock, the fourth meal at 18-19 o'clock, and feeding at night at 22-23 o'clock.

The diet may differ depending on the temperament of the baby.

Sample menu

For a baby exclusively breastfed up to 6 months of age, at 9 months the menu will look like this:

For a nine-month-old baby, whose acquaintance with complementary foods occurred at the age of 4-5 months due to the insufficient amount of breast milk from the mother, the menu for the day will be as follows:

For a bottle-fed baby, the day menu at nine months will look like this:

Be careful with new products. Although the baby has already become acquainted with a very large number of new dishes, there is always a risk of a reaction to any food product. Start with a small amount of everything new in the morning and evaluate the response towards the evening. If everything is in order with the skin and digestion of the crumbs, you can increase the portion.

Recommendations for the baby's menu are approximate, you should not strictly adhere to them if the child is against new foods in the diet

Consider the following nuances:

  • Gradually teach your child to eat not only homogenized food, but also finely ground food. For example, offer the crumbs vegetable purees less often, replacing them with soups, in which the vegetables will simply be mashed with a fork.
  • Fruit puree can be given in the full amount recommended for a given age in the fourth feeding, mixing it with cottage cheese, but more often a part of the fruit is added to the second feeding (in porridge).
  • Always feed your baby fresh food. If you buy ready-made baby food for crumbs, follow the expiration dates on the packaging, and also observe the storage conditions.
  • Should not be insisted if the baby is against any new product. Come up with new combinations that will please the little one and make his menu varied and tasty.

Do you think it is worth giving vitamins to babies at this age? You will learn the answer to this question from our article.

At 9 months, the food of the crumbs is already more like the diet of an adult. It is better if most of the diet of a 9-month-old baby is based on breastfeeding, which maintains a psycho-emotional connection between mother and baby. However, cases of artificial feeding at this age are not uncommon. During this period, the baby needs to develop mental and physical abilities.

Weight norms for a child at 9 months

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the norm for a child's weight is the range from 6.5 to 11 kg. The practice of domestic pediatricians shows that these frames are somewhat narrower: from 7.5 to 10.5 kg. In this case, it is also worth taking into account the gender of the child, since the norms for them differ somewhat.

How much should boys and girls weigh (table from domestic pediatricians)

How is feeding and what should a child be able to do at this age

You need to water the baby from a cup, let him keep it on his own, you only have to support. Let him try to hold a spoon and eat. Of course, those children who were constantly breastfed will not show much desire to try to eat or drink on their own, their mother's milk is dearer and tastier to them. Some women think that 9 months is too early for independence, but they already need to try.

Baby's diet: when and how many times to eat and drink

  • The baby should be fed at 9 months 5 times a day, while the morning and night feeding should be breastfeeding or an adapted milk formula.
  • There are no special differences in the menu of a breastfed and artificially fed child, except for the first and last meals. In the first case, you give the baby breast milk in the morning and at night, in the second - the formula.
  • If the baby eats during the day with an enviable appetite and his weight is within the normal range, try already at this age to wean him from demanding food at night.
  • There are some standards for the diet of the clock. Here they are.
    Time Food intake
    6.00 first breakfast
    10.00 lunch
    14.00 dinner
    18.00 dinner
    22.00 late supper
  • Remember that you can easily make up a feeding regimen for a baby at 9 months, based on the characteristics of your little one, because if a baby wakes up at 7 in the morning, it is hardly worth waking him up at 6 o'clock and stuffing milk or mixture into him.
  • How much should a baby eat at 9 months? If we take the average indicators, then the daily mass of consumption is equal to ⅛-1/9 of the child's weight. More details in grams are set out in the sections below.
  • The baby can drink exactly as much as he needs, provided that it is water purified and prepared for baby food. The mass of other drinks is regulated.

The more opportunities for self-feeding you give your child, the sooner he will master complementary foods.

The diet of a child at 9 months: what foods should be on the menu

Since the diet of a child at 9 months is more extended, it is very important to strictly monitor the state of health. The menu for the week includes the following products and dishes:

  • vegetable puree using almost all vegetables,
  • grated porridge (corn, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal),
  • egg yolk,
  • chopped meat,
  • rabbit or chicken meat
  • veal liver,
  • low-fat fish soup,
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir),
  • crackers, cookies,
  • fruit juices and purees in jars.

There is no guarantee that the baby will be happy to eat the liver or drink kefir, but he may really like the cottage cheese and he will be ready to eat it every day. That is why it is recommended to compose the menu individually, taking into account the advice of a pediatrician.

You should not forcefully introduce complementary foods, it is better to wait for a hungry pause, then the appetite will appear quickly.

How to feed your baby correctly: what to combine with what during the day

Menu for 9 month olds with product weight in grams

It will be better and more correct to cook all the dishes from the child's menu at 9 months on their own. Then you will be sure of the observance of the cooking technology and the freshness of all products. As an example menu for the day, you can use the following.

Daily feeding chart

If you need more detailed data, you can use another hint table. The diet is indicated in it 6 times a day, but this does not prevent the baby from eating a complex of the second and third meals at a time.

An example of a diet for a week (table)

If your baby is not yet familiar with some products, the table for introducing new products into the child's diet will help.

Scheme for the introduction of complementary foods up to 1 year of life of the baby

Video: the opinion of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia on the nutrition of a child of 9-12 months

What dishes to cook baby at 9 months: recipes

Since the most healthy food for a baby is one prepared by a young mother herself, recipes for simple and healthy meals of proper nutrition for a 9-month-old baby will be useful.


  • chicken fillet - 50 g;
  • small potato - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 30 g;
  • half a small onion.

At a later age, the baby does not need to grind the ingredients of the soup so thoroughly.


  1. Put the fillet in a saucepan with water, let it boil and cook for about an hour. It is better not to add salt. Finely chop the finished fillet.
  2. While the fillets are cooking, put the grated carrots and chopped onions in another pot of boiling water. The water should be 1 cm higher than the chopped vegetables. Cook for 20 minutes, then add finely chopped potatoes and cook for another 20 minutes.
  3. Add the chopped fillet to the vegetables, boil the resulting mixture for another 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the resulting soup into a blender. Grind the composition until completely homogeneous.
  5. Bring the resulting puree to a boil and put on a plate, adding a little vegetable or butter (see the norms in the tables above).

Rice porridge with apple


  • rice - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • water - a glass (250 ml),
  • butter - ½ tsp.
  • small green apple.


  1. Pour the rice with water.
  2. Add the peeled and chopped apple.
  3. Cook the porridge for 15 minutes, then grind in a blender until smooth and add oil (optional).

Add some breast milk or formula as needed.

Steamed fish cutlets


  • fish fillet (only white fish without bones: pollock, hake, cod, etc.) - 200 g,
  • carrots - 50 g
  • half an onion,
  • 1 tbsp. l. oat flour (grated rolled oats).

Based on this recipe, you can cook rabbit cutlets for your baby


  1. Grind the fish fillets and onion in a blender until minced.
  2. Throw finely grated carrots and oat flour into the minced meat. If it comes out too dense, you should bring the composition to the correct consistency by adding water.
  3. Make small patties, place in a steamer bowl and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. It is better to mash the resulting cutlets with a fork, but do not grind them with a blender! So the baby will quickly learn to take solid food, especially if up to 6 months of age feeding was exclusively breastfeeding.

Well, and the last moment: when accustoming your baby to self-feeding, be patient. You will have to clean up after him many times, but this is better, because the habituation to the table at a later age will be longer. Good luck in complementary feeding, let your baby grow up healthy!

The article was updated in February 2017

At the age of about 9 months, the child, in his development, passes into a qualitatively new stage: from passive participation in the life of the family (when he just ate, slept, and apart from his mother's hugs he practically did not need anything), the baby proceeds to active actions. The baby chooses new objects of communication, strives for greater independence, clearly identifies his desires, preferences, tastes - this behavior also applies to food.

Although the child's body still needs breastfeeding, his interest and craving for "adult" nutrition are no longer as educational in nature as it was at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods. This is not surprising: at 9 months, a child consumes almost all groups of foods present in the diet of an adult, and he has a definite opinion about each of them. Of course, he may like something more, something less, and the taste of some dishes may generally be disgusting, but the need for complementary foods for a 9 month old baby grows along with his activity, and nutritional balance at this age plays a very important role.

Nevertheless, you should not worry if a child categorically refuses to eat some food: eating habits change quite often even in an adult - what can we say about a baby who only a few months ago embarked on the path of gastronomic knowledge.

In addition, at this age, a child can, in a sense, be “persuaded” about some taste preferences: unobtrusively and little by little adding foods that are not tasty for him to his favorite dishes (if, of course, they can be harmoniously combined to taste).

After a few months, the child's food preferences may change dramatically, but for now, the best thing parents can do is to keep the baby interested in complementary foods, making a menu of his favorite foods and trying to make it varied, tasty and nutritious.

Purchased or homemade

In terms of feeding a child, numerous manufacturers of baby food come to the aid of modern mothers: today, on store shelves, you can find a variety of mashed potatoes from meat, vegetables and their combinations - the main thing is to choose among them the complementary foods that a child needs at his age. Occasionally use such products, or completely compose the baby's menu from them - the choice is only for the parents.

For some reason, a newborn may not poop for several days

At first glance, the advantages of purchased food are obvious: in each case, nutritionists, pediatricians, and professional technologists are involved in the development of the composition of baby foods; Special attention is paid to quality control of raw materials entering production, compliance with production technology and quality of finished products. In addition, you should take into account the significant savings in time and effort - it is much easier and faster to create a varied balanced menu from purchased ready-made children's products than to prepare it yourself. However, there are also disadvantages here: with the level of counterfeit products that are sold today in stores and supermarkets, there is a fairly high risk of buying a low-quality product and harming the baby's health.

The child's menu should contain exclusively fresh, organic products - this statement does not cause doubts or objections to anyone. But when buying products for cooking homemade meals in a supermarket or on the market, we cannot be 100% sure of the required quality - such confidence can only be given by our own subsistence farming (which, unfortunately, most of us cannot afford due to many reasons). Therefore, composing a menu for a breastfed baby, parents themselves choose the safest and most correct, from their point of view, way to implement their “gastronomic plans”: buy a ready-to-eat product, or cook a delicious lunch for a little gourmet with their own hands.

Menu fantasies

As practice shows, it is more convenient to make a menu for a small child of 9 months for a whole week (especially if you have to cook not only for a baby) - this way less effort, time and products are spent: by correctly correlating the ingredients of dishes for children's and adult rations, the cooking process can be successfully combined saving a significant amount of time and energy. The tables below show approximate menus for the week: in this way, you can make up a huge number of options for the diet of your crumbs - and in this case, the flight of your imagination can be limited only by your culinary abilities and child's preferences.

The concept of the rate of liquid stool in a breastfed baby

Secrets of Cooking Delicious Meals

It should be noted that no matter how varied the menu of a child at 9 months of age may be, all the products he consumes are just complementary foods to the main food - breast milk.

Breast milk contains all the substances necessary for the final formation of the baby's nervous, immune and digestive systems, as well as for improving the processes of brain activity, coordination of movements, all types of memory, etc. As a rule, such feedings occur in the evening (before bedtime) and in the morning (as soon as the child wakes up) - this serves as a kind of ritual for starting a new day and ending it. The rest of the day is a "green light" for complementary foods, which in 3-5 months will acquire the right to be called your baby's nutritional value, and therefore it must be made as attractive and tasty as possible for the child.

I dishes. Soups, cream soup, vegetable purees

  • It is better to cook meat broth from chicken breast or tender veal pulp (if the child is not allergic to cow's milk proteins), in the morning: half of the breast for 1-1.5 liters of water will be enough - part of the boiled meat and the broth obtained from it can be use for the entire daytime complementary foods, for preparing other menu dishes;
  • Vegetable broth is also best cooked for the whole day - as a rule, it is used in preparing meals for lunch and dinner when fish is on the complementary food menu (it is better not to use meat broth on such days).
  • It is better to finely chop vegetables for the soup right away - this way they cook faster, and the thickness of the soup is easier to regulate in this way;
  • Do not forget about onions - they are healthy, they give the soup an additional flavor. You can finely chop the onion in the puree soup, but it is better to grate it into a regular soup (many children persistently reject boiled onions from the age of 9-10 months - some "fussy" just do not like the texture of boiled onions);
  • Alternate ordinary soups with mashed potatoes - each time it will be interesting for the child to consume food of different consistency.

How dangerous is green stool in breastfed babies

II dishes. Meat and fish cakes, meatballs, meatballs

They all prepare in almost the same way:

  • Lean meat (tenderloin of veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken breast) or thoroughly deboned white fish (cod, hake, pollock, pike perch) twice in a meat grinder;
  • Soak a piece of white stale bread in water, squeeze and add to the meat - mix the mass thoroughly (preferably in a blender - the products will be more tender and homogeneous);
  • Add a little cold water to the consistency required for "sculpting";
  • And then, depending on the menu:
    • Rolling up small balls and boiling them in boiling water (broth) - we get meatballs for soup or boiled meatballs;
    • The same balls in a double boiler will turn into steamed meatballs;
    • You will get very tasty steamed cutlets if you add boiled carrots grated on a fine grater to the minced meat, a little onion and a very meager share of garlic before shaping (it is undesirable to add garlic to fish cakes). In the same way, cutlets from offal are prepared, but they can be boiled first before being rolled in a meat grinder.

Curd and porridge. This menu item is perhaps the most beloved by children and the section of nutrition that is familiar to them - after all, babies get acquainted with these products from the very beginning of complementary feeding.

To prepare cereals, whole (or pasteurized milk of a sufficiently high fat content) must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 - and only then begin to cook cereals in this mixture;
Cottage cheese, grated in a blender with various additives in the form of vegetables or fruits, will acquire a delicate consistency if you add a little boiled milk to it; instead of fruits or vegetables, you can add a little hard-boiled egg yolk to the curd - it will also be very tasty and healthy for your baby's nutrition.

The main food for a newborn baby is breast milk. The most physiological type of nutrition, which protects the child from many diseases, helps him to grow and develop harmoniously. However, the child grows and his body begins to change. He already requires nutrients on the menu that are not given by breast milk. Here complementary foods are prescribed at 9 months.

The main goal pursued by the introduction of complementary foods in the menu is the intake of mineral substances, vitamins, proteins and fats into the child's body, which are not contained in milk in full.

The second need for complementary foods is teaching the baby new skills in chewing and swallowing solid foods. Under the influence of the unusual consistency of food, the chewing muscles, gums and teeth, stomach and intestines develop.

How to understand when it is time for a child to start introducing complementary foods?

The average age of the introduction of complementary foods is from 4 to 5 months. However, each child develops individually, therefore, to determine his readiness it is better to use not age, but indicators of his condition:

  • the child can sit on his own, he does not need support;
  • able to keep the head up;
  • does not spit out a spoon;
  • interested in new types of food;
  • does not refuse the spoon offered to him with food.

Features of the child's body

The baby's digestive system reaches full development. However, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is still very delicate and not adapted to the digestion of rough food.

By 9 months of age, a child should acquire four teeth.

The digestive glands - salivary glands, stomach glands, pancreas and liver - secrete all the enzymes necessary to digest food.

The child should already acquire at least four teeth. You should already begin to develop the function of chewing.


The child is able to assimilate almost all foodstuffs, so his diet expands significantly.

Curd should be used as a complementary food at 9 months

If the baby is healthy and does not have any manifestations of allergies, he receives the following types of foods as complementary foods:

  • milk - breast milk, artificial, a small amount of cow's;
  • dairy products- kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, natural yogurt;
  • meat products - chicken, veal, turkey;
  • fish products - low-fat varieties of sea fish in small quantities;
  • eggs - chicken or quail;
  • bakery products- bread, biscuits, crackers;
  • fruits - apples, pears, bananas, plums, apricots;
  • vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini (recipe for mashed zucchini), cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • drinks - water, juice, compote, fruit drink, tea;
  • cereals - buckwheat, rice, oat, corn, wheat.

It is still undesirable to give sweet confectionery products, sugar, jam, honey to the baby. You can not give your child meat delicacies, sausages, canned foods, mushrooms.

Breastfeeding nutrition

Breast milk is the most balanced diet for your baby. With natural feeding, all types of complementary foods are introduced into the diet later and in smaller quantities.

The digestive system of a breastfed baby matures a little later, while an artificial person is normal. Foods that are thicker and rougher than breast milk should be introduced no earlier than five months of age.

Breastmilk is the most balanced diet for your baby

Even with breastfeeding, the baby should receive all types of complementary foods. Age requires all the nutrients not fully found in breast milk.

Nutrition with artificial feeding

Formulated milk formulas are less adapted food for the baby than breast milk. They are not able to provide all the necessary nutrients. But the digestive system of an artificial baby matures early. He is ready to receive complementary foods from 3.5-4 months.


Since the child still has few teeth and the mucous membrane of his digestive tract is quite tender, complementary foods should be given to him in an adapted form:

  • meat and fish products are no longer mashed, but crushed. It is permissible to cook steam cutlets from meat and fish, and teach a child to chew;
  • give vegetables and fruits raw and boiled, without rubbing or chopping them;
  • egg yolk is still crushed;
  • bread and biscuits are given to the baby to nibble;
  • give porridge well-cooked.

Vegetables and fruits should be given to the child raw and boiled.

It is more useful to steam or boil food. Fried food is harmful to the child; it is better to replace frying with stewing.


A child for the normal functioning of the intestine must follow the correct diet. The volume of food received by the child must be at least a liter. It does not include drinks that the child drinks during the day.

How many times to feed? The entire food volume is distributed over five feedings. They should be carried out at approximately regular intervals. Night feeds are no longer required for a baby at nine months old.

The amount of food for each feeding is 200 ml

How much food to give? The amount of food for each feeding is 200 ml. Between feedings, it is permissible for the baby to be given a fruit or cookie.

For convenience, you should draw up a power plan.

Self-food training

It's time to teach a nine-month-old baby to eat on his own, especially if he wants to. He is already able to sit in a child's chair and hold a spoon in his hands. It is necessary to purchase a set of special children's dishes and allow the child to eat by himself.

Let it get dirty all over - inevitably. But he must get and consolidate the skill of self-eating. This works best when an adult eats with the child. The kid will look at mom or dad and repeat the movements after them.

Avoiding night feedings

A baby at nine months old should only eat during the day. Night feeds are no longer required at this stage of life. But not every child goes through this period calmly and painlessly. Some children have to wean themselves off nighttime meals.

Even if a baby cries at night and sleeps badly, this does not always mean that he wants to eat. You should not give him a breast or a bottle of milk with every cry of the baby. Sometimes it is enough to turn the baby or stroke the tummy - and it calms down.

If all the methods have been tried, and the child still refuses to sleep and cries, most likely the reason is really hunger. But this does not mean that you need to continue feeding him at night. It is better to try increasing the amount of daily feedings so that the baby is full.

If the baby is unable to wean from night feeds, increase the amount of daily feeds.

Menu table for a nine-month-old baby per day

Butter or vegetable oil must be added to cereals and soups, three times a week the yolk is included in the child's menu. Such a schedule is necessary to develop the correct eating behavior in the child.

The eating schedule is also important for the correct production of digestive juices.

What are weaning tables for?

The tables that describe the age norms for the introduction of complementary foods and the dishes added to the diet are important for the convenience of the mother. Using tables, it is much easier to determine in what month and in what quantity a new dish should be introduced into the diet.

What are the rules for introducing complementary foods

New food is stressful for the child's body. Therefore, it is not administered immediately in full, but gradually, starting with small doses. It is imperative that parents monitor their children's reactions to new foods. For this, complementary foods are introduced in the morning.

It is imperative that parents monitor their children's reactions to new foods.

The use of complementary foods in the menu continues only if the child reacts to it adequately, eats with pleasure, there are no allergic reactions and stool disorders.

By gradually increasing the volume of new food, you should reach 200 ml per feeding. Food must be homogeneous.

You cannot immediately give multi-component dishes - each new product is introduced one at a time, then give them mixed. All complementary foods are given to the baby before breastfeeding or formula from a bottle.

Complementary foods are introduced only to a healthy baby, not against the background of preventive vaccinations and respiratory diseases. You should spoon feed your baby and encourage him to eat on his own. Be sure to follow the food intake regimen, the child should eat while sitting at the table.

Introduction of fish products

Fish is a fairly allergenic product; it should be introduced carefully as a complementary food.

  1. You should start with lean fish, preferably sea fish - pollock, cod.
  2. Use only completely stoned fish fillets for feeding.
  3. Boil the fish, then knead thoroughly.

After eating fish, you need to monitor what the baby's reaction will be. Therefore, fish dishes from the beginning of their introduction should be given in the first half of the day.

Only completely pitted fish fillets should be used to feed a child at 9 months

Introduction of fermented milk products

A child at nine months old is allowed to give cottage cheese and kefir. These products are also being introduced into the menu gradually. The kid is allowed to give only cottage cheese and kefir adapted for the child's body. They are easy to get in the dairy kitchen, buy special baby food, or make your own.

Introduction of meat products

Meat is the roughest food. Even a nine-month-old baby is still too early to eat whole pieces. It is better to start meat complementary foods with mashed potatoes. After the baby has mastered the skill of chewing, cutlets and meatballs should be cooked for him.

What to do if a child refuses complementary foods?

The introduction of new food on the menu is not always perfect. The child is able to refuse food, eats poorly, turns away from the spoon. This is a variant of the norm. If the child has stopped eating complementary foods, it means that his body is not yet ready for new food.

Don't force your baby to eat if he doesn't want to. Try changing the type of food, cooking method. If complementary foods are introduced a week later, nothing bad will happen.

Recipes for kids

It is not at all necessary to buy ready-made food for children. If the mother has time, it will be much more useful and correct to prepare complementary foods on her own.

When the baby is already accustomed to all new foods and eats the required amount, he should be given mixed food. Here are some delicious recipes.

Vegetable mix

Boil carrots, potatoes and beets. Mash them until homogeneous, add sunflower oil and chicken egg yolk. Mix.

Fruit mix

Grate an apple, a pear, and mash a banana. Mix all fruits.

Meat with potatoes

Boil a piece of meat (veal or turkey), scroll through a meat grinder. Mash boiled potatoes. Mix meat and potatoes, add butter.

The nutrition of a baby at nine months should be as varied as possible in order to provide the child's body with the substances necessary for its growth and development. For this, complementary foods are introduced into the diet of children.