Normal discharge in pregnant women. Brown discharge during pregnancy - should you call an ambulance? Highlights white

Pregnancy is an extremely important period in the life of any woman. Discharge from the genitals is almost always alarming, so it is extremely important to know the mechanisms of their occurrence, types and possible consequences for the body.

Outside of pregnancy, the cervix constantly produces mucus, while several types of mucus are produced during the menstrual cycle:
  • the first half of the menstrual period. The work of the whole organism, primarily the organs of the reproductive system, is aimed at the release of the egg from the ovary and possible fusion with the sperm. For this, the woman's body produces a plentiful and liquid secret, the purpose of which is to facilitate the movement of sperm;
  • the second half of the menstrual period. When the egg is fertilized, the woman's body prepares for its direct introduction into the uterus. In this case, an opaque and viscous mucus is produced, the purpose of which is to protect the entrance to the uterus from foreign microorganisms.

The first half of the cycle is regulated by the female sex hormone estrogen, the second by the hormone progesterone. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is progesterone that regulates the work of the uterus and its appendages. She produces thick secretions in small quantities. However, starting from the thirteenth week, the female body begins to produce significant amounts of estrogen, so vaginal discharge becomes abundant and liquid.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

The course of the first trimester of pregnancy (the first twelve weeks) is determined by the influence of the female sex hormone progesterone. Initially, it is secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary menstruation (it is formed after the rupture of the follicle, from which the egg is released during ovulation). After the fertilization of the egg occurs, the corpus luteum of ovulation under the action of the luteinizing hormone of the pituitary gland grows and then turns into the corpus luteum of pregnancy, producing large amounts of progesterone. This hormone contributes to the retention of the embryo (fertilized egg) in the uterine cavity by blocking the exit from the cavity of this organ (a thick mucous plug forms in the cervical canal), as well as suppressing the contractility of its muscles.

Under the influence of progesterone, very thick, glassy, ​​transparent, in some cases whitish discharge appears directly in the first trimester of pregnancy, which can be found on linen in the form of clots of mucus. This is the norm only if the discharge does not have any odor and does not bother the pregnant woman, that is, it does not cause itching, burning or other discomfort.

If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to look for another reason, that is, immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

After the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is firmly strengthened in the uterine cavity and the placenta almost ripens (the organ that connects the mother and fetus organisms and provides the latter with all the necessary nutrients, hormones, biologically active compounds), estrogens begin to be released in large quantities again. The task of this period is the development of the uterus (it is the organ in which the fetus develops, therefore it must constantly increase in size) and mammary glands (new glandular tissue begins to form in them and new milk ducts form).

Under the influence of these hormones in the second half of pregnancy, women experience abundant discharge, colorless or slightly whitish in color, from the genitals. They should not be counted among any pathological conditions, however, such discharge should not have an unpleasant odor, cause symptoms such as itching, burning and other manifestations of discomfort.

The presence of these signs is extremely important, since the appearance can be deceiving and serious diseases can be masked under it.

White discharge during pregnancy

White discharge occurs most frequently during pregnancy. They can be a cause of concern in women, but only in extremely rare cases are they associated with any pathological condition.

The composition of the discharge includes the following components:

  • slime. Its source is the numerous glands of the female reproductive system: the uterus, its cervix, vestibule, as well as the vagina itself;
  • microorganisms. In the vagina, microflora is always present, which can have a varied composition, which is different for each woman. If she is healthy, then these are mainly the so-called lactic acid bacteria. The presence of other microorganisms does not yet make it possible to judge the development of any disease;
  • epithelial cells. They cover all structures of the female reproductive system, are constantly exfoliated and replaced by new ones.

Vaginal discharge can be both pathology and the norm. Usually, white discharge is associated directly with the menstrual cycle. In its first half, there is an abundant discharge of a watery consistency, with the course of ovulation it becomes thick and viscous, and can acquire a beige tint. By the end of the menstrual period, the amount of discharge increases again. White discharge can also appear due to other factors: after intercourse, accompanied by the use of hormonal contraceptives. Pathological white discharge can be associated with infectious diseases, for example, candidiasis.

White discharge can be called the first sign of pregnancy. At this stage, they are associated with the influence of the hormone progesterone. From the thirteenth week, its effect decreases, increases, respectively, the effect of estrogen. During this period, the discharge becomes more abundant, they are transparent and do not have a certain odor. They do not cause unpleasant symptoms such as burning, itching, which is extremely important for the diagnosis of pathological conditions.

Despite all the fact that such discharge during pregnancy is quite normal, you need to pay attention to their consistency, color and quantity. Changes in these indicators may indicate the addition of infection, hormonal disorders, diseases of the genital organs. The most common cause of such changes is candidiasis or thrush of the female genital organs. In this case, the discharge will look like cottage cheese, exude a beer smell and become abundant. Other conditionally pathogenic microflora can also join, since during pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity.

To prevent thrush, doctors prescribe probiotics to women during pregnancy, including dairy products. If it is not possible to prevent the development of pathology, then special antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Another source of secretions is bacterial. At the same time, they have a watery consistency and a transparent shade, and a rather unpleasant odor.

If pains in the lower abdomen join the discharge, then this condition requires immediate hospitalization, since there is a high risk and threat of miscarriage.

Thus, white discharge in women during pregnancy is quite normal, but you need to pay attention to indicators such as smell, appearance.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

The presence of yellow discharge is not normal, but it may not cause any concern unless it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms such as foul odor, burning, itching, and pain. Otherwise, an urgent need to visit a gynecologist, especially if the discharge is dark yellow.

There are several reasons for the appearance of such a pathological symptom. The first of them is the presence of inflammatory processes of any nature, which are exacerbated by pregnancy or other factors. Immunity during this period is weakened, which allows pathological microorganisms to easily penetrate into the vagina and accumulate there, causing a similar unpleasant symptom. In addition to all this, discharge can be triggered by spontaneous abortion. Therefore, you need to respond to them as quickly as possible.

The appearance of dark yellow discharge can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to underwear or intimate hygiene products. Certain microorganisms can also cause specific yellowish discharge.

If the color of the discharge changes to green, then the problem that has arisen indicates the development of serious abnormalities. For example, this may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. They are also characterized by the appearance of itching, pain when urinating, burning sensation in this area.

If the discharge is bright yellow, then it is most likely caused by inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries, as well as various bacterial infections in the vagina.

Many infections and inflammatory diseases, which manifest themselves during pregnancy with specific yellow secretions, only worsen at this time, and do not appear in connection with the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, before the moment of conception, the expectant mother must undergo a full examination. This will help determine the state of the body, identify undesirable pathological conditions and diseases and get rid of them even before pregnancy.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

Brown discharge can suddenly occur in almost all the fair sex during pregnancy. There are several reasons for the development of such a condition.

The first one is. When it occurs, the egg is inevitably rejected. One of the characteristic signs of its development is brown discharge. Bleeding may also occur. Unfortunately, many women at this time do not even know about the onset of pregnancy.

In many cases, the appearance of brown discharge indicates a threat of miscarriage. In this case, an experienced gynecologist must take all possible measures in order to preserve the fetus (surgery or conservative treatment). Miscarriage is a serious complication that occurs only in early pregnancy. At first, bleeding may be minor and not accompanied by painful sensations. However, it is not able to stop for a certain period of time and gradually increases.

With incomplete miscarriage, significant bleeding may occur, they have a thick red with a brown tint, and clots may be present. All this is joined by infrequent but intense pains in the lower abdomen. In this case, it is necessary to curet the uterine cavity and remove the remnants of the dead ovum.

The appearance of a discharge that is brown in late pregnancy may be evidence of a malfunction of the placenta. This organ may delaminate. As a result, minor bleeding may occur.

The next reason for the appearance of such symptoms may be diseases associated with inflammatory processes or erosion of the cervix.

If the due date is already on the way and brown discharge suddenly appears, then this indicates the beginning of labor. Another extremely important reason for the appearance of such discharge is the rupture of the uterus. Most often it develops in those women who have had abortions or have scars on the uterus.

Thus, the most common causes of brown discharge are genital diseases, as well as cervical erosion. To eliminate such pathological conditions, you must contact a gynecologist.

When the placenta ruptures, bed rest is prescribed, any emotional and psychological stress is excluded, as well as the use of hormonal drugs.

Bleeding is quite common, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. According to statistics, eighty percent of women carry a fetus calmly and without any deviations in the future.

There are many reasons for bleeding. For example, active blood supply to the internal genital organs or their excessive sensitivity. This usually happens after an ultrasound examination in the case of a special vaginal probe or when used when examining a gynecological speculum.

Similar discharge may appear after sexual intercourse, as the cervix is ​​irritated, as well as the vaginal mucosa. Discharge begins due to a slight detachment of the placenta: a certain amount of blood accumulates under it. When selected outward, it has a pinkish tint.

Often in women, discharge appears on the days when they had menstruation before pregnancy. They are also accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. This happens due to hormonal disruptions in the body in the early stages of pregnancy and it is absolutely safe.

A signal that speaks of dangerous complications is the appearance of blood clots. An urgent need to consult a doctor, because, most likely, this is a threat of miscarriage.

If the discharge has a brownish tint, then a hematoma may have formed in the body.

With the development of an ectopic pregnancy, a woman may also experience spotting. Another reason is a "frozen" pregnancy. In this case, a week after intrauterine fetal death, a spontaneous miscarriage develops.

A rare cause of spotting is gallbladder drift, in which there is an overgrowth of placental tissue. At the same time, the discharge is abundant, but it is absolutely painless. The outcome of this condition is the death of the baby.

The most dangerous spotting is in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. They can be evidence of pathology, threaten the life of not only the fetus, but also the mother.

Blood discharge can also develop in the presence of fibroids, erosion of the cervix, polyps of the cervical canal, genital trauma.

Despite the fact that bleeding in most cases does not pose a danger to the fetus and mother, it is necessary to consult a specialist in time in order to exclude the development of dangerous complications and ensure the normal course of pregnancy.

Discharge in early pregnancy

Discharge that appears in early pregnancy can be both normal and pathological. A change in discharge in the first weeks after conception is an inevitable process. This is due to the fact that the secretion of the hormone progesterone increases in the female body. It provides attachment to the uterine wall of the egg fertilized by the sperm, participates in the preservation of the fetus and the formation of the placenta. At the same time, vaginal discharge becomes scanty, opaque and stringy. This nature of the discharge contributes to the formation of a protective plug in the cervical canal, which protects the uterus from the ingress of pathological microorganisms.

On the tenth day, immediately after conception, spotting from the vagina may appear, which is also not classified as a pathological condition. This is due to the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus. This organ has an extensive network of blood vessels and capillaries that can be slightly damaged when the embryo is attached. This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding and lasts no more than two days. Strong and more prolonged bleeding indicates the development of a pathological condition.

Discharge that is distinguished by yellowish, brown, greenish colors, a curdled consistency and an unpleasant odor are considered pathological.

Yellowish vaginal discharge, which has a pungent and unpleasant odor, indicates the presence of inflammation in the uterus and its appendages. Inflammatory processes in the internal organs during pregnancy are very dangerous, as they often lead to its termination.

If spotting is observed that does not stop within three days, then this indicates the development of serious complications and requires immediate medical attention, since this is one of the signs of a developing miscarriage. Often a similar symptom is accompanied by pulling, severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, loss of appetite, bowel dysfunction.

In early pregnancy, bleeding discharge may be a sign of cervical erosion. They are almost always painless and stop within a few hours.

The appearance of dark red, brown or bloody discharge a few days after conception may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, blood is released after the rejection of a fertilized egg. An ectopic pregnancy poses a significant threat to a woman and reduces the chance of a future pregnancy.

Thus, white, uniform, stringy, and odorless discharge early in pregnancy is normal and should not be a cause for concern, while curdled, yellow, foul-smelling discharge may be a sign of candidiasis or uterine inflammation. Abundant brownish, bloody discharge are also alarming symptoms and require immediate attention to a specialist.

Usually, late pregnancy refers to the period from the thirty-fifth week until the onset of labor. At this time, the body is actively preparing for the birth of a child. The discharge has a slimy consistency, milky color, and has no smell. Normally, they do not cause unpleasant discomfort, burning, itching or any other irritation.

Often before the expected birth, around the thirty-seventh week, there may be a brown discharge and a slimy consistency. This is due to the fact that the cervical mucosa begins to prepare for childbirth. It softens, then opens slightly and frees from the mucous plug. A similar phenomenon indicates imminent childbirth.

However, if in the last days of the week foamy discharge with a greenish, bright red or brown tint is observed, then this indicates the development of dangerous complications.

Bright red discharge may indicate placental abruption. In this case, an emergency ambulance is needed.

Greenish foamy discharge, which is accompanied by itching, most likely indicates the addition of some kind of infection. In this case, it is extremely important to eliminate their cause before childbirth, since otherwise their course may be complicated and there is a threat of infection of the fetus.

Discharge after pregnancy

After the birth of a child, regardless of the type of delivery, a woman has a bloody discharge from the genital tract. Such postpartum discharge is called lochia.

They are caused by the healing process of the inner surface of the uterus, usually at the place where the placenta was attached to its wall. If there is a timely release from all non-viable tissues, then the postpartum period proceeds without any complications.

It is imperative to pay attention to the duration and color of the lochia. Their nature changes - the discharge becomes more scarce over time and changes its color:

  • red lochia. They begin in the first two to three days after delivery. It is bright red, bloody, profuse discharge with few blood clots;
  • serous lochia. Beginning from the fourth day after childbirth. The discharge turns pale and becomes serous-bloody (pinkish-brown) color with a high content of leukocytes. During this period, there should be no bright red lochia and hemorrhagic clots.
  • white lochia. They begin from about the tenth day and continue until the twentieth day. The discharge becomes yellowish-white or yellow, becomes smearing, odorless, liquid, and impurities of blood.

The number of lochia gradually decreases, from the third week after childbirth they become scarce and contain an admixture of mucus from the cervical canal. Discharge from the uterus stops at the fifth or sixth week after birth. Only vitreous mucus flows from the cervical canal, in which single leukocytes are noted.

Therefore, the discharge that begins after childbirth and lasts up to one and a half months has nothing in common with menstrual bleeding. They pass on their own and do not depend on whether the woman is breastfeeding or the child is artificially fed.

The cervix of the female body produces mucus systemically - this is a natural and natural process. During the menstrual cycle, several types of secretions are generated - an abundant / liquid secretion, facilitating the penetration / movement of sperm for conception (the first half, estrogen dominates) and an opaque / rather viscous secretion that protects the uterus from pathogenic microorganisms (the second half, progesterone dominates).

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the functioning of the uterus with the appendages maintains progesterone, respectively, from the thirteenth to fourteenth weeks, estrogen takes the leading role. It is the above hormones that are responsible for the process of secretion from the vagina.

The following list of changes in the structure, viscosity and intensity of secretions is associated with natural physiological processes during pregnancy and refers to the norm, however, it may vary in the indicated time intervals due to the individual characteristics of a particular female body.

1st week

2nd week

The secret becomes slimy, sometimes with small impurities of blood. During this period, ovulation / installation of the egg occurs to the walls of the uterine cavity.

3rd week

Light or moderate implantation bleeding, sometimes accompanied by a pulling pain syndrome in the lower abdomen. Alternatively, a creamy discharge of pink, brown or yellow hues that disappears a few days after the start of the process.

4th week

The consolidation of the implantation process is accompanied by an abundant thick transparent or slightly whitish secretion without an unpleasant odor, sometimes with an admixture of blood. From this period, a global hormonal change begins, and an increase in mucus occurs due to a large blood flow to the organ.

5th week

The norm is transparent, odorless discharge in a small amount, any other color of the secret indicates infectious, sexually transmitted problems or the threat of termination of pregnancy (in the case of blood clots).

6th week

In pregnant women during this period, a transparent or slightly white secret is usually secreted in small volumes, odorless and of a standard structure.

7th week

Changes in the hormonal background entail an increase in the flow of secretions, they become not only more abundant, but also thinner. A thick secret of any shade can indicate pathology.

8th week

The discharge is moderate, mostly light in color and slightly sour odor, not liquid, of normal consistency. A brown secret is very dangerous, usually accompanying the separation of the fetus from the walls of the uterus, followed by the termination of pregnancy.

9th week

The secret has a liquid watery consistency, is odorless, has a light shade and should not cause any discomfort.

10th week

During this period, the pregnant woman often undergoes a primary gynecological examination. The discharge is similar to the 9th week, but in rare cases a small bloody secret can be observed - it is not dangerous if there are no abdominal pains and can be caused by microdamages to the walls of the uterus that have become loose due to mechanical stress during a gynecological examination, after intercourse or due to erosion of the cervix.

11th week

The secret is sparse, colorless or light, stands out in a small volume.

12th week

Good discharge of a moderate character, light or whitish, sometimes with a slightly sour odor. During this period, venereal diseases are very dangerous, manifested by itching, burning, mucus / pus and leucorrhoea of ​​unnatural colors.

13th - 25th week

The discharge remains transparent, but its volume, due to the increase in the effect of estrogen, begins to increase, to acquire an increasingly liquid consistency. Leucorrhoea acquires a slightly sour odor.

25th - 36th week

Moderate or abundant discharge of light, less often white shades with a pronounced sour odor. In rare cases, there may be a partial waste of amniotic fluid (yellowish tint, liquid consistency), which is a pathology and requires immediate medical attention. With severe constipation / hemorrhoids, the secret may include blood clots, if the discharge is brown or any other color - this is a signal of a serious pathology.

36th - 40th week

Moderate discharge of a whitish tint can alternate with a mucous-type secretion, sometimes with the addition of blood clots, signaling the process of preparation for the passage of the plug and the onset of labor. Semitransparent liquid discharge in large quantities is a waste of amniotic fluid or a change in the structure of the membranes. In any case, if they occur, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Below, the main types of vaginal discharge are described, most often appearing in the fair sex during pregnancy.

Light, white discharge

The causes of occurrence are the generation of mucus by the glands of the glandular system, the renewal of the epithelium of the walls of the genital organs, the reproduction of microflora.

The following are considered the norm:

  • A thick and viscous secret of a light milky shade.
  • Abundant discharge of a watery consistency.

The volume of secreted secretion depends on the concentration of a certain type of hormone - progesterone or estrogen.

As a rule, doctors associate this type of discharge with the menstrual cycle (corresponding to the days before the onset of pregnancy) - in its first part, a low-abundance secret of a watery consistency is observed, which is later replaced by a thick and viscous substance, completely white or beige. By the end of the cycle, the volume of discharge increases again.

Also, white, light discharge can form after intercourse or the use of hormonal contraceptives. An abundant secret of white color, a curd structure with a pungent sour or beer odor is already a pathology, usually caused by candidiasis. White, translucent liquid watery discharge in large quantities with an unpleasant odor - most often vaginosis of a bacterial nature.

Is this type of discharge accompanied by a pulling feeling in the lower abdomen or pain? See a doctor immediately!

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Causes of occurrence - an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products, inflammatory processes, leakage of amniotic fluid.

A small amount of opaque, light yellow discharge without a pungent odor, itching, pain and discomfort is considered a relative norm.

Yellow discharge from the fair sex is not considered natural, however, if they are not accompanied by other pathological symptoms and pass after a while on their own, then they should not cause serious concern. Be sure to immediately contact a gynecologist in the event that the secret has a pronounced dark yellow tint - this is a possible sign of spontaneous abortion or a serious allergic reaction.

If the yellow discharge changes its tint to green, this usually indicates the presence of some kind of sexually transmitted disease. Often in this case, there is a corresponding additional symptomatology, in particular, pain and itching during urination, burning sensation in the genital area.

The bright yellow color of the secret also indicates a connection to the pathology of a bacterial infection with inflammation of the ovaries, appendages or fallopian tubes. Very abundant light yellow watery discharge most often means a partial discharge of amniotic fluid, which is considered the norm just before delivery - in any other situation, a pregnant woman requires immediate hospitalization.

Green discharge during pregnancy

Causes of occurrence - sexually transmitted diseases, bacterial infections, the threat of termination of pregnancy, inflammatory processes, pregnancy over 42 weeks. Unambiguous pathology, discharge cannot be considered normal.

Green discharge during pregnancy is always a pathology and can cause a whole number of reasons.

First and second trimeter

Colpitis and cervicitis are most often diagnosed here. The former are infectious in nature (streptococci, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.), while the latter are an inflammatory process in the cervix. Less commonly, women with green secretion are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, which is considered to be a violation of the normal balance between beneficial and pathological microflora in the internal cavity of the vagina.

Generalized bacterial infections, in the absence of proper treatment, can overcome the placental barrier and cause serious pathologies in the developing fetus (flesh before the termination of pregnancy and the death of the unborn baby), therefore, if the secretion of green occurs, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, chorioamnionitis can be added to all of the above factors that contribute to the appearance of green discharge - an acute inflammation of the fetal structural membranes of an infectious nature, which almost always turns into endometritis, which is an inflammation of the inner walls of the uterus. An infectious-inflammatory process, accompanied not only by the secret of the above color, but also by an increase in temperature, in the absence of effective conservative counter-therapy, affects the amniotic fluid and can infect the fetus itself.

With a significant delay in the delivery process, over 42 weeks, even normal amniotic fluid turns green, indicating the processes of hypoxia of the acute / chronic spectrum. In this case, doctors carry out an artificial call to the birth process, in extreme cases, in its absence - a cesarean section.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

The causes are impending childbirth, ectopic pregnancies, abnormalities of placental structures, severe inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, direct threat of miscarriage, erosion of the 2nd and 3rd type, microtrauma of the mucosal walls, precursors of bleeding.

The relative norm is considered to be small volumes of a secret of medium consistency, light brown before childbirth, after implantation of the ovum, as well as microtraumas of the mucous membranes during intercourse / examination by a gynecologist.

Most often, the discharge of this shade belongs to pathologies. So, this type of secret is a basic symptom of an ectopic pregnancy with egg rejection. In addition, in pregnant women with normal indicators, brown discharge of dark shades of medium or high intensity indicates a threat of miscarriage - in this situation, you should immediately contact the hospital for conservative treatment or surgical help.

A translucent liquid secretion in extremely small quantities, appearing regularly throughout pregnancy, usually accompanies cervical erosion - a fairly well-known gynecological problem, which is eliminated after delivery by moxibustion.

Red strong discharge with brown local areas, blood clots and a rare intense pain syndrome in the lower abdomen usually indicate incomplete miscarriage and the need for a procedure for scraping the uterine cavity and removing the dead fetus.

In late pregnancy, but before the beginning of the 36th week, a brown secret of a viscous consistency, secreted in small volumes, indicates a placental abruption or a malfunction. A very profuse discharge of any brown shades after the 36th week requires immediate hospitalization - the most likely cause is a ruptured uterus.

Bloody issues

Causes of occurrence - physiological hormonal changes, extraction of the ovum into the wall of the uterus, infectious diseases, the threat of termination, ectopic or frozen pregnancy, placental abruption, microtrauma of the mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus.

Discharge of this type during the menstrual period (corresponding to the days before the onset of pregnancy), a small translucent secret after intercourse or gynecological examination are considered the norm.

Bloody discharge is a frequent physiological phenomenon in pregnant women in the first trimester and is primarily caused by hormonal changes, too active blood supply to the genitals with an increase in their sensitivity, as well as loosening of the epithelium of the uterine cavity. In all the above situations, little secretion is released, it is translucent and does not have blood clots.

Certain concerns can be caused by an increase in the intensity of the discharge and a change in their color to a more saturated one. So, in the middle and late stages, a secret of pink color of medium intensity may indicate a placental abruption. The appearance of large blood clots in the secretions, as well as the secretion of mucus with rich shades, closer to brown, signal an ectopic / frozen pregnancy or a hematoma of the uterine structure.

In rare cases, gynecologists diagnose the so-called cystic drift - structural changes in the fetal receptacle with an overgrowth of placental tissue. In this case, the discharge may not be of an intense red hue, but it is very abundant and lasts for weeks, while the pain syndrome does not arise. In the absence of professional medical care, the fetus may die.

The most dangerous spotting is in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and may indicate a number of pathologies, from genital trauma to fibroids.

Additional criteria for assessing discharge


The norm is considered to be the absence of such or discharge with a slight sour smell. In the case of sharp unpleasant odors (beer, purulent, sulfuric, etc.), it is better to contact a gynecologist to diagnose the problem and identify pathology.


  1. Minor - usually the norm, regardless of the color of the secret with a normal consistency.
  2. Medium - the norm for transparent and whitish discharge of normal consistency.
  3. High intensity - only clear discharge from the 13th week of pregnancy is normal and is caused by an increase in estrogen production. Also, a short-term powerful flow of a yellowish secret from the 36th week indicates the withdrawal of amniotic fluid and the beginning of the labor process.


  1. Liquid - is considered the norm in most cases. Usually appear from the thirteenth week after fertilization and continue almost until delivery.
  2. Thick - indicate the direct effect of progesterone, are the norm in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Mucous, pasty - may indicate a variety of diseases (for example, candidiasis), are the norm after intercourse, during the period of the withdrawal of the placental plug.

Immediately after delivery, for a month, a woman has a special type of dynamically changing discharge, characterized by the secretion of a bloody nature and the presence of so-called lochia. The appearance of the latter is due to the process of natural healing of the internal structure of the uterus and the physiological rejection of excess tissues. Key stages with descriptive characteristics:

  1. Profuse bloody discharge with blood clots, bright red. Usually lasts up to three days after immediate delivery.
  2. Serous-bloody secret with a predominance of pinkish and brown shades. The discharge itself turns pale, normally there are no hemorrhagic clots and bright red blotches. They begin from the fourth day after childbirth and disappear by 10-11 days.
  3. Discharge of a yellowish color with an admixture of white shades, smearing, mostly liquid and odorless. Disappear by the third week after delivery.

From the third week after childbirth, the above-mentioned lochia begins to disappear, and the discharge becomes more scanty and watery with admixtures of glassy mucus from the cervical canal, leukocytes are absent or appear in isolated cases. After the sixth week, the uterine discharge should completely stop, but the secretion at the same time comes to the prenatal rate only by the second month after the normalization of the woman's hormonal background.

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Vaginal discharge

Elena Malysheva about the smell from the vagina

Discharge from the genitals in women immediately after conception or a little later frighten expectant mothers. This phenomenon is completely different from the menstrual cycle, so many women mistakenly believe that discharge during pregnancy is a pathology.

Only a qualified gynecologist can establish the original cause, as well as diagnose the nature of the released substance. The substance can be of different colors: colorless, yellow, red and even dark tones.

Normal discharge has no characteristic odor and leaks out in small quantities. You need to know in which case it is considered a pathology and why this happens in women in position.

How the female body changes after conception

During pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes.

Some time after conception (at 6,7,8,9-14 weeks), symptoms of early pregnancy begin to appear, characterizing changes in the female body:

  1. Breast sensitivity increases. In the early stages, uncharacteristic chest pain is felt. The nipples increase in size, easy touching brings discomfort to the woman. In addition to pain and discomfort, colostrum is secreted from the chest - a colorless, odorless substance. As a rule, this phenomenon is a positive factor and is not considered a pathology;
  2. An increase in basal temperature. This factor is due to the fact that in the female body, 2-3 weeks after conception, progesterone begins to be produced. The optimal temperature, which will be kept on a constant basis, is 37 degrees, but sometimes, the indicator will rise to 38 degrees;
  3. Toxicosis. One of the primary signs. The frequency of gagging increases, and some odors cause lightheadedness. The phenomenon occurs due to the restructuring of the hormonal background;
  4. Bloody clots. After the sperm has successfully entered the uterus, blood clots can be released from it. This is normal. However, if they continue to stand out on the 29-30th day after conception, this is a reason for contacting a specialist.

For each woman, pregnancy takes place on an individual basis, therefore, the above phenomena can occur in a more or less intense mode.

Secretion in early pregnancy - norm or pathology

Throughout her life, a woman has discharge - menstrual, daily, as a result of a viral or infectious disease, etc. This is a natural process envisaged by female physiology. But is this considered a pathology in the early stages of pregnancy? It's all about the nature, color and intensity of the discharge.

A few weeks after conception, the first outflows appear - thick, transparent masses. The phenomenon is due to the fact that a new hormone appears in the female body - progesterone, which is a key factor in a successful pregnancy.

Some of the fair sex may start having periods if conception falls on the "red" dates of the calendar. In some cases, the menstrual cycle can harm the female body or the future fetus, therefore, for your own peace of mind, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.

An important factor is the absence of pain, unpleasant odor, or abundance. If the listed symptoms are present, the situation is considered a pathological deviation and urgent intervention is required.

What do discharge in pregnant women say - possible causes

Discharge from the genitals is the result of a "large-scale reconstruction" of the body. The hormonal background undergoes the greatest changes due to the production of a new hormone - progesterone. This is an irreplaceable element that actively "works" during the first three months of pregnancy.

Its production is accompanied by the appearance of a thick and viscous mass, vaguely resembling mucus. This is not considered a pathology and is considered normal. It is enough to use a daily pad to correct the current situation.

Another symptom that occurs at 5-5 weeks is the appearance of bloody clots. As a rule, they occur on the day when the menstrual cycle was supposed to begin. The factor is due to the fact that the body has not "rebuilt" completely and functions as before.

In the absence of pain, blood clots do not pose a threat to a woman in position. It is worth contacting a gynecologist for a control check.

What is considered normal discharge

In the early stages, there is practically no discharge, which can be a sign of pathology.

Consider several types that are considered the norm:

  • Colorless, odorless... As mentioned several times before, this is a phenomenon caused by the work of progesterone.
  • Bloody clots. They arise as a result of the penetration of the embryo into the uterus.
  • Liquid, colorless, odorless discharge. Closer to the second trimester, new changes occur in the hormonal background, and instead of progesterone, estrogen begins to act actively. It helps the body to adapt to the ongoing pregnancy and restores the changed hormonal background;
  • Discharge resulting from poor hygiene. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. As a result of impaired daily hygiene, an allergic reaction occurs on the genitals, accompanied by redness on the skin, a rash and other unpleasant aspects. The end result of such negligence is irritation of the mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of purple mucus (due to damage to the walls of the vagina). By treating the affected area with antiseptics and stabilizing daily hygiene, this deviation can be eliminated.

It is very important not to forget to use sanitary pads, as well as to change your underwear several times daily. Adhere to all the rules established by a specialist, and then the pregnancy will pass without complications.

When to see a gynecologist

Some manifestations of fluid and clots in the first trimester indicate the presence of pathology. If you do not contact a medical institution in a timely manner, the subsequent consequences can strongly affect the condition of the fetus, which will lead to uncontrollable complications.

Blood clots that come out with pain or foul odor are the primary signs of abnormalities. There is a possibility of irregularities inside the uterus or loss of cervical tone. As noted earlier, blood clots signal the menstrual cycle if, for any reason, conception occurred during the period of your period.

Yellow-green clots indicate an infection developing inside the genitals. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to hesitate. If the spreading infectious process reaches the uterus, then the risk of miscarriage will significantly increase.

Pink fluid sometimes indicates internal bleeding, but there is no significant cause for panic. Contact a medical institution for diagnostics and, if necessary, treatment.

The specialist talks about the discharge at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy:


In the first trimester of pregnancy, discharge is especially pronounced, accompanied by a restructuring of the hormonal background and the body's adaptation to future changes.

Observe your daily hygiene. Use special spacers. This will help prevent the development of an infectious process. If any abnormalities, severe pain or bloody clots occur, an urgent need to seek help from a gynecologist.

In medical statistics, it is noted that similar symptoms are present in an ectopic pregnancy or suddenly opened internal bleeding.