Normal weight for a 2 year old girl. An adequate assessment of the height and weight of the child. The ratio of the parameters of growth and body weight of the child

Usually, the age norms of a child's development serve as a guideline. It is very important that everything goes well with the growth of the baby and with his development. It should gradually rise, as it were, up a step.

Physical development of a 2-year-old child

Indicators of physical development by the end of the second year of a baby’s life, on average, reach the following parameters:

  • weight: 12.3-12.7 kg.
  • height: 84-86 cm.

In the second year of life, weight is added monthly by 200-250 grams, and growth by one centimeter.

Dynamics of growth and weight for girls and boys from 1 to 2 years

From this table it follows that the average weight gain per year is 2.3-2.6, and in growth - 10.5-11.7.

Boys take over in their physical development already at this age. The increase in the circumference of the chest in boys is slightly behind girls and is 1.2-1.7 by the end of the second year, while in girls it is 2.2-2.6. But drawing conclusions, we must not forget about the features of the physique of the family .

For good physical development, do not exclude animal proteins and mineral salts from the diet.

Learned new skills and abilities

What motor skills (the ability to control your body) does the baby acquire?

  • Confident walking.
  • Jumping.
  • Walking stairs (up, down).
  • Overcoming obstacles (bypasses, jumps over or steps over obstacles 20 cm high).
  • Kicking the ball, throwing the ball.
  • Able to deftly climb and back away.
  • Jump on one leg.
  • Pass through the hoop.
  • Maintain balance on the bar.


  • Using objects for their intended purpose (drawing with a pencil, digging with a scoop, eating with a spoon, combing with a comb).
  • Flip through the pages of a book.
  • Stand on tiptoe.

At this age, the motor activity of the child develops intensively. Physical development is assessed in terms of coordination and coordination of movement. Develop children's physical skills, as well as gross and fine motor skills.

Give preference to walks, instead of many hours of watching cartoons. Take a walk with your child in the fresh air, combining a walk with a visit to children's playgrounds. Game complexes with carousels, rocking chairs, manholes are excellent helpers for physical development.

Speech development at 2 years

The vocabulary of children from 1.5-2 years old can range from 40 to 100 words, and by the end of the second year it can reach 300 words. Along with the replenishment of the vocabulary, the child also catches the meaning of what was said, his understanding of speech intensively develops. Children combine two or three words, from such combinations phrases are obtained: mom came, the big car left. The main thing is that the baby can combine words in meaning .

If the child fails to form phrases (makes a mistake in the combination of words), then you need to correctly pronounce the entire phrase, but not a single word. In this way, he will understand how to build phrases correctly.

It is curious that when getting acquainted with new objects, the baby tries to learn about the function of the new object, and asks "What is the name of this?". The adult must not only name this object, but also show the child how to use it.

Try to build communication with your child in such a way that he expresses his needs in words, even if you perfectly understand him from a half-word. In some cases, the child may ask for an object with a gesture or mispronounce a word.

For example, the baby says: “Mom, give me a bibika,” and the mother answers: “What to give, I don’t understand?”. This way of misunderstanding will stimulate the child well in the first case to speak, and in the second to pronounce the words correctly.

To develop fine motor skills, you need to arrange activities and games in which hands and fingers (hands and feet) participate, in which case they will perform small and precise movements. You can offer to draw, add cubes, assemble a mosaic or puzzles. Small movements of the fingers and the development of speech are closely related to each other.

Features of the development of the psychology of children 2-3 years old

The behavior of the baby at the age of two is involuntary. He cannot control himself at will, such are the features of the second year of life.

Another pattern is that the child cannot focus on one subject for a long time.

Many parents use this age feature to their advantage, diverting the attention of the child as necessary. At this age, he clearly understands the purpose of household items and uses them. For example, the use of personal hygiene items when washing, the use of cutlery while eating.

  • Speech is more understandable than a six-month-old, sometimes using adjectives.
  • The child can fold pyramid, cubes, mosaic.
  • Can cut paper, holding scissors in one hand.
  • To rhythmic music dances (sways, crouches, stomps).
  • Performs simple instructions and requests.
  • Able to remember quatrains, nursery rhymes, songs.
  • Draws, sculpts from plasticine simple figurines.
  • Parses toys trying to explore the content.

Cognitive abilities of a child of 2 years

  • After the show, he can collect the pyramid of 5 rings (from the largest ring to the smallest, and vice versa).
  • Corresponds geometric three-dimensional figure with a flat analogue.
  • Identifies an object by its characteristic features weight, texture, that is, heavy, soft.
  • Oriented in different dimensions (for example, comparing a nesting doll in height, color, volume, width).
  • Visually highlights the object according to its shape (matches geometric shapes in shape, and inserts them into the appropriate boxes).
  • Distinguishes three to four colors , some names or matches to a given pattern.
  • Draws the lines different lengths, directions and shapes, names what is drawn.

What to play with a child at the age of two?

At this age, the baby is already consciously doing some actions, so he wants to learn more about the world around him. And the baby is surrounded by a lot of objects with which you can and.

It is desirable to note that children at this age focus only on a small number of objects. They quickly get carried away with a new activity, but also get tired in a short time and lose interest in them. Play short and easy to understand games.

  • "Who quickly"

Build a small gate from the designer on the floor or on the table, and arrange races: who will quickly roll their object to the gate. Invite your child to choose one of the figures for the races. Objects must be of various shapes: a ball, a cube, a stick, a bar, a wheel. After several starts, show that round figures roll better, explain to the baby why this is happening.

This game will teach distinguish objects by shape.

  • "Similarities and differences"

Take 2 things or pictures, and talk about their similarities and differences. For example, a bear cub and a squirrel have eyes, ears, a nose, paws, a tail; but the squirrel's fur is red, and the bear's fur is brown. If you coped with the first task with ease, you can complicate the second: offer 2 cars of different colors.

The game develops attentiveness.

  • "Comparison"

Offer the baby four soft toys or dolls, and give 3 saucers, will there be enough saucers for everyone? Lay it out and conclude: "The saucer is smaller than the toys." Do the same for the "greater than" and "equal" cases. Combine the number of toys and saucers. Don't take too much, start with 5.

The game teaches actions of comparison, is considered the beginning of the study of mathematics.

  • "Book with your own hands"

Take several pieces of cardboard of the same size. Together, cut out your favorite illustrations from old magazines and newspapers. In the process, teach your child how to use scissors correctly. Glue the pictures onto cardboard. Make 2 holes in each piece of cardboard, then stack all the pieces on top of each other and tie with a ribbon or rope. Got a book. You can select thematic pictures and come up with a story for them.

The game develops love of books, imagination, fine motor skills.

  • "Fortress"

Together build a reliable fortress that will save its inhabitants from adversity. As a building material, use boxes of different sizes, any will do: from under shoes, juice, equipment. Build a fortress, tower, castle or house by stacking boxes around the perimeter and then on top of each other.

The game develops imagination.

Nutrition and care

A two-year-old child should include easily digestible proteins, vitamins and minerals. In the diet - milk porridge, sour-milk products (kefir 500-700 ml per day or milk), cottage cheese or cheese (cottage cheese dishes: cottage cheese casseroles, dumplings). Vegetable dishes from various vegetables (beets, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini).

A few simple meals for feeding a two-year-old baby

1. Salad "Snowman"

Lettuce is laid out in layers, each of which is soaked in sour cream. Below - boiled chicken breast, then - boiled carrots, the next layer consists of boiled beets, the final layer is grated cheese. The top layer looks like a snowman's head, you can add olive eyes, green eyelashes and, of course, do not forget to attach a carrot nose.

2. Buckwheat cutlets

For lunch, you can offer the baby buckwheat cutlets. First, boil 0.3 kg of beef in lightly salted water. Then take out the meat and boil half a glass of buckwheat in the same water. For minced meat, pass the meat through a meat grinder, add buckwheat, 1 egg, finely chopped and fried onion, spices to taste. Blind cutlets and fry them in a pan or cook in a slow cooker for a couple.

3. Zrazy from cottage cheese and pumpkin

Grind 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, add 2 eggs, 0.5 cups of sugar, a little flour, salt to taste. The pumpkin must be cut and baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Grind the pumpkin and add to the curd mass. Blind zrazy, roll in flour and fry. Serve with sour cream.

When caring for a two-year-old baby, you need to take care of his health and safety, ensure comfort and all-round development, observe sleep and nutrition.

Children's height and weight are rapidly changing quantities and are a very important indicator of a child's overall development. Sometimes it seems to parents that their child is growing by leaps and bounds: the recently bought jacket has already become cramped, the new shoes are already too small, and the little one has stretched out and become very large. But sooner or later, any parents ask themselves questions - what height and weight should a child have at his age? What parameters are considered normal?

To answer such questions, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed tables of normal height and weight for children from birth to 17 years of age. These standards are suitable for assessing the development of a child of any nationality and do not depend on social status and place of residence.

It is worth noting that, according to WHO, children who are breastfed gain weight more slowly than their peers who are bottle-fed. However, the table takes into account averages, therefore it is applicable to all types of feeding.

The growth rate of a child depends on his age. As you know, the child begins to grow even in the womb and at birth, his height is 46-55 cm. In the first year of life, the child grows very quickly - on average, by about 25 cm. grows by 5-7 cm per year. In adolescence, in some years, a sharp jump in the growth of the child is possible (by 10-15 cm per year), which is normal and is associated with puberty.

Weight norms are usually proportional to height. The child actively gains weight in the first year of life, then the weight gain slows down significantly and becomes stable until the age of 17-18, depending on individual developmental characteristics.

Norms of growth and weight of children up to 1 year

According to WHO developments, the normal range for both boys and girls is allocated in the table of height and weight. Indicators "low" and "high" are a signal for parents to consult a doctor. If the real height or weight deviates significantly from the norm, this may be the result of a systemic disease or an unhealthy lifestyle - you should immediately consult a doctor and examine the child.

1. Table of normal height for boys up to 1 year (in centimeters)

Age (months) Short Norm High
0 48,0-53,5 >53,5
1 51,2-56,5 >56,5
2 53,8-59,4 >59,4
3 56,5-62,0 >62,0
4 58,7-64,5 >64,5
5 61,1-67,0 >67,0
6 63,0-69,0 >69,0
7 65,1-71,1 >71,1
8 66,8-73,1 >73,1
9 68,2-75,1 >75,1
10 69,1-76,9 >76,9
11 71,3-78,0 >78,0
1 year 72,3-79,7 >79,7

2. Table of normal weight for boys under 1 year old (in kilograms)

Age (months) Short Norm High
0 2,9-3,9 >3,9
1 3,6-5,1 >5,1
2 4,2-6,0 >6,0
3 4,9-7,0 >7,0
4 5,5-7,6 >7,6
5 6,1-8,3 >8,3
6 6,6-9,0 >9,0
7 7,1-9,5 >9,5
8 7,5-10,0 >10,0
9 7,9-10,5 >10,5
10 8,3-10,9 >10,9
11 8,6-11,2 >11,2
1 year 8,9-11,6 >11,6

3. Table of growth rates for girls under 1 year old (in centimeters)

Months Short Norm High
0 47,5-53,1 >53,1
1 50,3-56,1 >56,1
2 53,3-59,3 >59,3
3 56,2-61,8 >61,8
4 58,4-64,0 >64,0
5 60,8-66,0 >66,0
6 62,5-68,8 >68,8
7 64,1-70,4 >70,4
8 66,0-72,5 >72,5
9 67,5-74,1 >74,1
10 69,0-75,3 >75,3
11 70,1-76,5 >76,5
1 year 71,4-78,0 >78,0

4. Table of normal weight for girls under 1 year old (in kilograms)

Months Short Norm High
0 2,8-3,9 >3,9
1 3,6-4,7 >4,7
2 4,2-5,5 >5,5
3 4,8-6,3 >6,3
4 5,4-7,0 >7,0
5 5,9-7,7 >7,7
6 6,3-8,3 >8,3
7 6,8-8,9 >8,9
8 7,2-9,3 >9,3
9 7,5-9,7 >9,7
10 7,9-10,1 >10,1
11 8,3-10,5 >10,5
1 year 8,5-10,8 >10,8

Norms of height and weight of children aged 1-7 years

5. Table of growth rates for boys from 1 year to 7 years (in centimeters)

Age Short Norm High
1 year 3 months 75,9-83,0 >83,0
1.5 years 78,4-85,9 >85,9
1 year 9 months 80,3-88,3 >88,3
2 years 83,0-90,8 >90,8
2 years 3 months 84,9-93,9 >93,9
2.5 years 87,0-95,5 >95,5
2 years 9 months 88,8-98,1 >98,1
3 years 90,0-102,0 >102,0
3.5 years 92,6-105,0 >105,0
4 years 95,5-108,0 >108,0
4.5 years 98,3-111,0 >111,0
5 years 101,5-114,5 >114,5
5.5 years 104,7-118,0 >118,0
6 years 107,7-121,1 >121,1
6.5 years 110,8-124,6 >124,6
7 years 113,6-128,0 >128,0

6. Table of normal weight for boys from 1 year to 7 years (in kilograms)

Age Short Norm High
1 year 3 months 9,6-12,4 >12,4
1.5 years 10,2-13,0 >13,0
1 year 9 months 10,6-13,6 >13,6
2 years 11,0-14,2 >14,2
2 years 3 months 11,5-14,8 >14,8
2.5 years 11,9-15,4 >15,4
2 years 9 months 12,3-16,0 >16,0
3 years 12,8-16,9 >16,9
3.5 years 13,5-17,9 >17,9
4 years 14,2-19,4 >19,4
4.5 years 14,9-20,3 >20,3
5 years 15,7-21,7 >21,7
5.5 years 16,6-23,2 >23,2
6 years 17,5-24,7 >24,7
6.5 years 18,6-26,3 >26,3
7 years 19,5-28,0 >28,0

7. Table of growth rates for girls from 1 year to 7 years (in centimeters)

Age Short Normal High
1 year 3 months 74,5-81,5 >81,5
1.5 years 77,1-84,5 >84,5
1 year 9 months 79,5-87,5 >87,5
2 years 81,7-90,1 >90,1
2 years 3 months 83,5-92,4 >92,4
2.5 years 85,7-95,0 >95,0
2 years 9 months 87,6-97,0 >97,0
3 years 90,8-100,7 >100,7
3.5 years 93,5-103,5 >103,5
4 years 96,1-106,9 >106,9
4.5 years 99,3-110,5 >110,5
5 years 102,5-113,6 >113,6
5.5 years 105,2-117,0 >117,0
6 years 108,0-120,6 >120,6
6.5 years 110,5-124,2 >124,2
7 years 113,6-128,0 >128,0

8. Table of normal weight for girls from 1 to 7 years old (in kilograms)

Age Short Normal High
1 year 3 months 9,2-11,5 >11,5
1.5 years 9,8-12,2 >12,2
1 year 9 months 10,3-12,8 >12,8
2 years 10,8-13,5 >13,5
2 years 3 months 11,2-14,2 >14,2
2.5 years 11,6-14,8 >14,8
2 years 9 months 12,1-15,4 >15,4
3 years 12,5-16,5 >16,5
3.5 years 13,4-17,7 >17,7
4 years 14,0-18,9 >18,9
4.5 years 14,8-20,3 >20,3
5 years 15,7-21,6 >21,6
5.5 years 16,6-23,1 >23,1
6 years 17,4-24,8 >24,8
6.5 years 18,3-26,5 >26,5
7 years 19,4-28,3 >28,3

Normal height and weight for children aged 8 to 17

9. Table of normal height for boys 8-17 years old (in centimeters)

Age Short Normal High
8 years 119,0-134,5 >134,5
9 years 124,7-140,3 >140,3
10 years 129,4-146,7 >146,7
11 years 134,5-152,9 >152,9
12 years 140,0-159,5 >159,5
13 years old 145,7-166,0 >166,0
14 years 152,3-172,0 >172,0
15 years 158,6-177,6 >177,6
16 years 163,2-182,0 >182,0
17 years 166,6-186,0 >186,0

10. Table of normal weight for boys 8-17 years old (in kilograms)

Age Short Norm High
8 years 21,5-31,4 >31,4
9 years 23,5-35,1 >35,1
10 years 25,6-39,7 >39,7
11 years 28,0-44,9 >44,9
12 years 30,7-50,6 >50,6
13 years old 33,8-56,8 >56,8
14 years 38,0-63,4 >63,4
15 years 43,0-70,0 >70,0
16 years 48,3-76,5 >76,5
17 years 54,6-80,1 >80,1

11. Table of normal height for girls 8-17 years old (in centimeters)

Age Short Normal High
8 years 119,3-134,3 >134,3
9 years 124,8-140,5 >140,5
10 years 130,5-146,7 >146,7
11 years 136,2-153,2 >153,2
12 years 142,2-159,2 >159,2
13 years old 148,3-163,7 >163,7
14 years 152,6-167,2 >167,2
15 years 154,4-169,2 >169,2
16 years 155,2-170,2 >170,2
17 years 155,8-170,4 >170,4

12. Table of normal weight for girls aged 8-17 (in kilograms)

Age Short Normal High
8 years 21,4-32,1 >32,1
9 years 23,4-36,3 >36,3
10 years 25,0-39,8 >39,8
11 years 27,8-44,6 >44,6
12 years 31,8-51,8 >51,8
13 years old 38,7-59,0 >59,0
14 years 43,8-64,0 >64,0
15 years 46,8-66,5 >66,5
16 years 48,4-67,6 >67,6
17 years 49,2-68,0 >68,0

A long-awaited newborn has appeared in the family, and parents have numerous questions regarding feeding. After all, the weight and height of the baby will depend on the norm of the diet. Of course, the first year of a child's life is especially hectic, but it is equally important to monitor the weight of children at 2, 3 and 4 years old in order to understand that the child is developing correctly. Therefore, many caring parents often ask themselves the question: how much should children who are only 2 years old weigh?

Child Development

Before answering the question “How much should children normally weigh at 2 years old?”, It should be understood that each child develops individually, and it is the physical development of the child’s body that affects growth and weight indicators. Despite him, pediatricians have drawn up certain criteria that help to understand how much children should weigh by month, as well as at 2 years old. It is these indicators that help parents and pediatricians to monitor the correct development of children.

What should be the weight of the baby in the first month of life

Many parents become very anxious when they watch a newborn baby begin to lose weight when he is discharged from the hospital. Do not worry about this, because this weight loss is normal for newborns. The reason for the loss may be:

  • evaporation of excess moisture through the skin;
  • cleansing the body with frequent urination;
  • drying and elimination of the umbilical process.

Normally, babies can lose up to 9% of the weight that was recorded at the time of birth. And the child must restore the lost grams during the first month of his life. How much newborns need to gain in the first month is quite difficult to answer, because the calculation should take into account the mass with which they were born.

On average, a baby should gain 700-800 grams over a given period, but weight gain should be monitored 10 days after the baby is born. For example, if children were born with a body weight of 3200 grams, then by the end of the first month they should weigh about 3900-4000 grams. It should also be added that when weighing newborns, one should take into account the growth rate, which should increase by about 3-4 centimeters in the first month of a baby's life.

In the future, children will gain weight in accordance with the norms of feeding, so it is important to monitor how much the child will drink infant formula or breast milk. What is the daily feeding rate, a pediatrician or a doctor from the maternity hospital will be able to tell. On average, a child gains 500-600 grams per month, of course, nutrition will affect this indicator, and you should also consider how much liquid the baby drinks daily.

How much should a child weigh up to a year

As soon as the children reach their first anniversary, that is, they turn 1 year old, their body weight is mainly in the range of 10-11 kilograms. This figure is considered the norm for one-year-old children. The height of the child should be 75-81 cm. It is these indicators that indicate that children are developing correctly, receiving as much nutrition as is required for a healthy child's body.

The table of indicators of height and weight is as follows.

Year and MonthBoy Girl Month
The weightGrowthThe weightGrowth
Professional assessment regarding weight, height, and body mass index of children
At birth3.65 50.5 3.45 50 0
1 month4.47 54.7 4 54 1.5
2 months5.3 58.5 4.95 57 2.5
3 months6 61 5.55 59.4 3.2
4 months6.75 63.5 6.2 61 4.3
5 months7.35 65.2 6.7 63.5 5.2
6 months8 67.5 7.25 65.5 6.5
7 8.45 68.9 7.75 67 7.2
8 8.87 70.5 8.2 68.5 8.3
9 9.3 71.5 8.6 70.5 9.2
10 9.7 73.5 8.9 71.4 10.3
11 10.5 74.5 9.25 72.7 11.5
Year and 1 monththe weightgrowththe weightgrowthmonths
1 year10.5 75.7 9.7 74 12
year+monththe weightgrowththe weightgrowthmonths
2 years12.8 87.7 12 85 24
2.1 12.9 88 12.1 86.5 25
2.2 13 88.5 12.3 87.7 26
2.3 13.1 89.5 12.6 88 27
2.4 13.3 90 12.8 89 28
2.5 13.4 91 12.9 90 29
2.6 13.5 91.5 13 90.5 30
2.7 13.6 92 13.2 91 31
2.8 13.7 93 13.4 92 32
2.9 13.9 93.5 13.5 93 33
year+monththe weightgrowththe weightgrowthmonths
2.1 14 94.5 13.7 93.5 34
2.11 14.1 95 13.8 94 35
3 years14.2

What should children be able to do at 2 years old

When children are 2 years old, this is already a completely independent person who should be able to do the following things:

  • overcome small obstacles;
  • be able to maintain balance;
  • be able to throw a small ball;
  • run, jump, play outdoor games that are suitable for his age.

At the pediatrician's appointment, each baby up to a year is weighed monthly and measured for growth. Why is it so important for doctors to know how a child is growing and how much he is gaining weight? What do these parameters say, and what are the anthropometric norms for children of different ages?

Where did the weight and height indicators for children come from and why are they needed?

Anthropometric data of a child are one of the main indicators of the physical development and health of children. Significant deviations from the normal values ​​​​of height and weight in a child almost always indicate the development or presence of certain diseases. So, if a child under one year old with adequate nutrition does not gain weight well, then this may be one of the symptoms of rickets, anemia, immunodeficiency states, diseases of the endocrine or central nervous systems.

A significant growth retardation may indicate a lack of somatotropin growth hormone in the body, and a clear excess weight with normal growth and proper nutrition may indicate disorders in the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and even the development of a brain tumor.

In order to detect and start treating such formidable diseases in time, doctors carefully monitor the anthropometric indicators of children from birth. Development standards are compiled by the World Health Organization on the basis of many years of research. In addition to the average standard indicator for each age, the limits of the norms were also calculated. Weight and height above this limit is considered high, and below - low. It is for such children that doctors begin to observe especially closely.

WHO table of height and weight for girls under 1 year old

According to the norms, a healthy full-term girl is born with a height of 49.2 cm and weighs 3.200 g. This is the average. The lower limit of the norm for a newborn is a height of 47.3 cm and a weight of 2.800 g, and the upper limit is located at values ​​of 51 cm and 3.700 g, respectively. Values ​​outside the lower and upper limits of the norm are marked as very low or too high. Doctors will observe such a newborn and, possibly, additionally examine it.

During the first month, the newborn should grow by 4.5 cm and gain a kilogram. The lower limits of the norm for a monthly girl will be 51.7 (height in cm) //3.600 (weight in grams), and the upper limits - 55.6 //4.800.

Normal indicators for a two-month-old baby: 57.1 cm and 5.100 gr. The lower limit of the norm is 55//4.500, and the upper limit is 59.1//5.800.

By three months, girls grow to 59.8 cm and weigh 5.900 grams. Low for a three-month-old baby is considered to be less than 57.7//5.200, and high is more than 61.9//6.600.

Average height and weight for a four-month-old girl: 62.1 cm and 6.400 gr. The lower limits of the norm are 59.9//5.700, the upper frames are 64.3//7.300.

By five months, girls should grow to 64 cm and weigh 6.900 grams. Low rates - parameters less than 61.8//6.100. Indicators 66.3 // 7.800 are the upper limits of the norm for a five-month-old girl.

The age of 6 months is considered an important milestone in a child's development. A six-month-old girl should grow to 65.7 cm and weigh 7.300 g. The lower limit is 63.5//6.500, and the upper limit is 68//8.300.

A seven-month-old baby grows to 67.3 cm and weighs 7.600 grams. Scores below 65// 6.800 are considered low, while scores above 69.6 //8.600 are considered high.

At eight months, the norms are: height - 68.83 cm, and 8 kg - weight. The lower limits of the norm: 66.4//7000, and the upper ones - 71.1//9000.

By nine months, growth should be 70.1 cm, and the baby should weigh 8.200 grams. Low values ​​at this age are values ​​less than 67.7//7.300, and high values ​​are more than 72.6//9.300.

A ten-month-old baby, according to the norms, should be 71.5 cm tall and weigh 8.500 grams. The lower limits of the norm for ten months are 69//7.500, and the upper frames: 74//9.600.

By eleven months, a normal girl grows to 72.8 cm and weighs 8.700 grams. Indicators less than 70.3//7.700 are considered low. High will be indicators exceeding 75.3//9.900.

By the year, according to the norms, girls should grow up to 74 cm and weigh 9,000 grams. The parameters 71.4 //7.900 are considered the lower limit of the norm, and 76.6 //10.100 are considered the upper limit.

WHO table height and weightfor boys up to 1 year

The norms for boys are different from the norms for girls, as boys are usually born slightly larger. So, a healthy full-term newborn boy is usually born with a weight of 3.300 grams and a height of 49.9 cm. These figures are considered normal. The lower limit of the norm for a newborn is a height of 48 cm and a weight of 2.900 g, and the upper limit is at 51.75 cm and 3.900 g, respectively.

For the first month, the baby should grow by 4.8 cm, and gain 1200 gr. The lower limits for a monthly boy will be 52.8 (height in cm) // 3.900 (weight in grams), and the upper limits - 56.7 // 5.100.

Normal indicators for a two-month-old peanut: 58.4 cm and 5.600 gr. The lower limit of the norm: 56.4 // 4.900, and the upper - 60.4 // 6.300.

By three months, boys grow to 61.4 cm and weigh 6,400 grams. Low readings will be below 59.4// 5.700, and high readings above 63.5// 7.200.

Average height and weight for a four-month-old boy: 63.9 cm and 7000 gr. The lower frames of the norm are 61.8 // 6.300, the upper frames are 66 // 7.800.

By the age of five months, the boy should grow to 65.9 cm and weigh 6.900 grams. Low rates - parameters less than 63.8// 6.100. Indicators 68 //7.800 are the upper limits of the norm for a five-month-old baby.

By six months, the baby should grow to 67.6 cm and weigh 7.900 grams. The lower limit is 65.5//7.100, and the upper limit is 69.8//8.900.

A seven-month-old boy grows to 69.2 cm and weighs 8.300 grams. Below 67// 7.400 will be considered low, and above 71.3 //9.300 will be considered high.

At eight months, the average indicators for a boy are: height - 70.65 cm, and 8.600 g - weight. The lower limits of the norm: 68.45//7.700, and the upper ones -72.85//9.600.

By nine months, the baby should be 72 cm tall and weigh 8,900 grams. Low values ​​will be less than 69.65// 8.000, and high values ​​will be more than 74.3//9.900.

A ten-month-old boy should normally be 73.3 cm tall and weigh 9.200 grams. The lower limits of the norm at this age are 71//8.200, and the upper limits: 76//10.200.

By eleven months, the normal baby grows to 74.5 cm and weighs 9.400 grams. Indicators less than 72.2//8.400 are considered low. High will be indicators exceeding 76.8//10.500.

In a year, according to the norms, boys should grow up to 75.8 cm and weigh 9.700 grams. The parameters 73.5 //8.700 are considered the lower limit of the norm, and the upper limit: 78//10.800.

Growth and weight table for girls from 1 to 10 years old

The growth of children begins to slow down as soon as the babies turn one year old, therefore, for children from one to three years old, the norms are no longer determined monthly, but every three months. For children from 3 to 7 years old - once every six months, and for children aged from seven to ten years - the norms change once a year.

By the age of one and three months, a girl should normally grow to 77.5 cm and weigh 9.600 grams. The lower limits of the norm: 74.83 (height in centimeters) and 8.500 (weight in grams), the upper limits: 80.3 / / 10.900.

The next breakpoint is defined for an age of one year and six months. Norm: 80.65//10.200. Lower limit: 77.7//9.100. Upper: 83.5//11.600.

In a year and nine months, the norms for girls are 83.65 / / 10.900. Lower limit of normal: 80.6//9.600. Upper limit: 86.7//12.300.

By the age of two, girls normally grow to 86.4 cm and weigh 11,500 grams. The lower limit of the norm: 83.2//10.200. Upper limit: 89.6//13.000.

Average height and weight for babies aged 2 years 3 months: 88.3 / 12.100. Lower limit: 84.8//10.700. Upper limit: 91.7//13.700.

Girls at 2.5 years old should grow to 90.7 cm and weigh 12.700 grams. The lower limit of the norm: 86.9//11.200. Upper frames: 94.3//weight 14.400.

At 2.9 years, the average values ​​are: 92.9 / / 13.300. Lower bounds: 89.3//11.700, upper bounds: 96.6//weight 15.100.

The growth of three-year-olds should be 95 cm, and weight - 13.900 gr. Data less than 91.3//12.200 is considered low, while values ​​above 98.8//15.800 are high.

At 3.5 years old, the standards for a girl are: 99//15.000. The lower limit is 95//13.100 and the upper limit is 103.1//17.200.

Average height and weight for a four-year-old girl: 102.6//16.100. The lower limits of the norm: 98.4//14.000, and the upper height and weight: 107.1//18.500.

At 4.5 years old, the standards for a girl: 106.2 / / 17.200. The lower limits are 101.6//14.900 and the upper limits are 110.7//19.900.

Average height and weight for a five-year-old girl: 109.4//18.200. The lower limits of the norm: 104.7//15.800, and the upper ones: 114.2//21.200.

At 5.5 years old, girls should grow to 112.2 cm and weigh 19,000 grams. Parameters less than 107.2//16.600 are considered low, while parameters greater than 117.1//22.200 are considered high.

Standards for six-year-olds: 115.1//20.200. Lower limits: 110//17.500. Upper - 120.2//23.500.

By the age of 6.5, girls grow up to 118 cm and weigh 21.200 grams. The lower limits at 6.5 years are 112.7//18.300, and the upper ones are 123.3// weight 24.900.

Average height and weight for seven-year-old girls: 120.8 and 23,000. Lower limits: 115.3//21.300, upper limits: 126.3//26.300.

In children older than seven years of age, anthropometric indicators are monitored once a year. Standards for eight-year-old girls - 126.6//25.000. The lower limit for eight-year-olds will be 120.8 and 21.400. The upper limit is 132.4//30.000.

Norms for nine-year-olds: 132.45//28.200. Lower limits: 132.5 and 27.900, upper - 138.6 / / weight 34.000.

A ten-year-old girl, on average, should have a height of 138.55 cm and a weight of 31.900 grams. Data less than 132.2//27.100 are considered low, while values ​​above 145//38.200 are considered high.

Table of height and weight for boys from 1 to 10 years

Boys at 1.3 years old should reach the parameters 80//10.400. Lower normal value: 76.55 (height in centimeters) and 9.200 (weight in grams), upper frames: 82//11.500.

The next milestone is a year and six months. The standard for the year and six is ​​82.3//10.900. From the border: 79.6//9.800. To: 85//12.200.

At 1.9 years old, the standards for boys are 85.2//11.500. From the border: 82.4//10.300. To: 88//12.900.

By the age of two years, normal peanuts reach 88//12.200. From the border: 84.4//10.800. Up to 90.5//13.600.

The standard for a baby at 2.3 years: 89.6 / / 12.700. From: 86.5//11.300, to: 92.8//14.300.

By 2.5 years old, the little one should grow to 91.9 cm and weigh 13.300 grams. Lower frames for this age: 88.5//11.800. Upper frames: 95.4//15.000.

At the age of 2.9 years, the standards are - 94.1 / 13.800. Lower limits 91//12.300, upper limits 97.6//15.600.

The height of boys at 3 years old should be 96.1 cm, weight - 14.300 gr. Scores under 92.4//12.700 will be rated as low, and scores over 100//16.200 as high.

At 3.5 years old, the norm for boys: 99.9 / / 15.300. From the border: 95.9//13.600, to: 103.8//17.400.

Average height and weight for a four year old boy: 103.3//16.300. From the border: 99.1//14.400, to: 107.5//18.600.

At 4.5 years old, the boy's height reaches 107 cm, and the normal weight should be 17.300 g. The lower bar of the norm: 102.25//15.200, and the upper one: 111.1//19.900.

Standards for boys at 5 years old: 110//18.300. From bar in: 105.3//16.000 cm, to: 114.6 and 21.000.

By the age of 5.5, the standards for boys are -113//19.400. For 5.5 years, indicators less than 108.2//17.000 are considered low, and more than 117.7//22.200 are considered high.

Average height and weight for six-year-olds: 116/20.500. Bottom bar: 111//18.000. Upper: 120.9//23.500.

By the age of 6.5, boys reach the parameters 119//21.700. The lower limits for this age are 113.8//19.000, and the upper ones are 124//24.900.

Norms for seven-year-old boys: 121.8 / / 22.900. From plank in: 116.4//20.000 cm to: 127//26.400 cm.

By the age of eight, the guys grow up to 127.3 cm and have a weight of 25.400 grams. The lower bar of the norm for eight-year-olds will be 121.5 / / 22.100. Upper - 132.8//29.500.

Average height and weight for nine-year-olds: 132.6 / 28.100. Lower limits: 126.6//2.300, upper limits - 138.6//33.000.

At the age of 10, boys should normally reach the parameters 137.8//31.200. Numbers below 131.4 and 26.700 are considered low, while numbers above 144.2//37.000 are high.

Table of height and weight for teenage girls

In adolescents, anthropometric data are monitored once a year. For an eleven-year-old girl, the averages are 144.5 (height in centimeters) / / 34.4 (weight in kilograms). Parameters less than 136.2//27.8 are considered the lower normative limits, and parameters more than 153.2//44.6 are considered the upper ones.

Average height and weight for a twelve year old: 150//40.7. Lower limit of the norm: 142.2//31.8, upper: 162.2//51.8.

A thirteen-year-old girl normally has the following indicators: 155.8//44.3. Lower data bar: 148.3//38.7, upper: 163.7//59.

At the age of 14, the average data for a girl: 159.5 / / 53.1. The lower limits of the norm: 152.6//43.8, upper: 167.2//64.

By the age of fifteen, the average height of girls reaches 161.6 cm, and the average weight is 55.5 kg. Lower limit of data: 154.4//46.8, upper: 169.2//66.5.

Average height and weight for sixteen-year-old girls: 162.4 / / 56.5. Lower limit: 155.2//48.4, upper - 170.2//67.6.

For girls at the age of 17, the standard is 163.9//61. Lower limit: 155.8//52.8, upper: 170.5//68.

Table of height and weight for teenage boys

Boys between the ages of 10 and 14 years are slightly behind girls in growth, this is normal, since hormonal changes in boys begin a little later than in girls. But after fourteen years, guys begin to grow more intensively than girls, and by the age of 15 they overtake them in terms of growth.

In adolescence, anthropometric indicators significantly depend on genetic predisposition, therefore, when monitoring the physical development of adolescents, it is recommended to focus not so much on the average, but on the limits of the norm indicated for each age and on the child's heredity. So, if the father of a young man has a height of 190 cm, then the height of 182 cm of the teenager himself at the age of 15 can be considered the norm in this case.

For an 11-year-old boy, the average figures are: 143.5 (height in centimeters) / / 35.5 (weight in kilograms). Parameters less than 134.5//28 are the lower limits of the norm, and parameters greater than 153//44.9 are the upper limits.

Average height and weight for a twelve-year-old teenager: 149 / / 39.8. From the border: 140//30.7, to: 159.6//50.6.

A thirteen-year-old teenager normally has the following indicators: 155.5//44.3. From the border: 145.7//33.9, to: 166//59.

At the age of 14, the average indicators are 161.9//49.7. From the border: 152.3//38, to: 172//63.4.

By the age of fifteen, the average height of the guys is 168 cm, and the weight is 55.5 kg. From the border: 158.6//43, to: 177.6//70.

Average height and weight for sixteen-year-old boys: 172.3 / / 66.9. From the border: 163.2//48.4, to 182//76.5.

At seventeen, the average height and weight are 176.6 / / 66.9. From the border: 166.7//54.6, to: 186//80.1.

Video "The height and weight of the child, Dr. Komarovsky"

Parents are always worried about whether their baby is developing normally. When a child does not fit into the framework defined by various tables and indicators, mothers begin to panic, turn to pediatricians with questions about why the child is gaining weight poorly or vice versa, gaining height too quickly or slowly.

Standards: dogma or landmark?

The main thing to remember for worried parents is the factor of heredity. If dad is tall, athletic, strong physique, then the height and weight of a child at 2 years old can significantly exceed the norms established by pediatricians. Moreover, the gender of your child in this matter does not matter. Another thing is if these deviations are significant, but there are no visible reasons. In this situation, the doctor should understand.

There is a conditional formula that allows you to determine the average weight of the baby. To do this, the child's age in years must be multiplied by two and added eight. For example, the norm of weight in 2 years according to this formula is 12 kilograms (2x2 + 8). Domestic pediatricians define the weight range as follows:

  • the weight of a boy at 2 years old can vary from 11 to 14.5 kilograms;
  • the weight of a girl at 2 years old is from 10.8 to 14 kilograms.

Height ranges from 83.5-93 centimeters for boys and 84-90.4 centimeters for girls. Specialists from WHO expand these boundaries somewhat. So, the normal weight of a child at 2 years old can vary from 9.7 to 15.3 kilograms for boys and from 9 to 14.8 kilograms for girls (height 81.7-93.9 and 80-92.9, respectively).

Obviously, if your fidget fits into the above framework in all respects, then there is no cause for alarm. But what if the child gains little weight or grows slowly outside?

Causes of Slow Weight Gain and Poor Growth

It is generally accepted that a child under two or three years old should be a cute puff. Appetizing cheeks, chubby arms and folds on the legs always cause tenderness in others. That is why the lack of "plumpness" worries moms.

If your observations do not match the standard rules for how a child should gain weight, reconsider his diet. Babies may simply not be full of milk if the mother is trying to lose weight after childbirth and is on strict diets. Before and after the next feeding, it is necessary to weigh the baby in order to know how much milk he drank. These records should be shown to the pediatrician. The baby may need to introduce complementary foods and formula supplements. By the way, artificial people who eat the recommended amount of the mixture can also be malnourished. If the baby has a fast metabolism, then the rate can be increased.

The second reason for underweight in a child under 2 years of age may be heredity, which has already been mentioned above. A thin child is agile, mobile, does not get sick? Then there is no reason for parental worries!

Despite the fact that small children have not yet had time to get acquainted with the whole range of gastronomic tastes, they already have their own likes and dislikes. One toddler loves vegetable purees, while the other refuses to even try them. Categoricalness and haste here to nothing. Over time, the baby will taste the new food and will eat it with pleasure.

An interesting fact: such high-calorie and not very healthy sugar for children actually impairs the absorption of nutrients in the body, and fats, from which mothers try to protect babies, are a necessity.

High mobility can also be among the main reasons for underweight. Such kids cannot sit in one place for a long time, they are in constant motion, so calories are consumed very quickly.

However, in cases where the weight has suddenly ceased to gain, you should immediately consult a doctor, because some diseases (celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, helminthiasis) can manifest themselves this way.

How much did children weigh at 2 years old? What was the height?

We are 11,500 and 92 cm, it turns out that the weight is the norm, and the height is above the norm, because of this we are thin)