Argentine customs and traditions. Culture and national traditions of argentina argentina message holidays features

Holidays and events in Argentina 2019: the most important festivals and exciting events, national holidays and events in Argentina. Photos and videos, descriptions, reviews and timing.

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The inhabitants of the beautiful South American country of Argentina are very fond of the holidays and everything connected with them. And although the New Year is celebrated here very quietly and at home, a little later in Argentina, the Carnival of the Country begins, the longest carnival in the world, which lasts two whole months. In these winter months we are accustomed to in Argentina, a bright, shining summer lasts, where hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world come here, who never want to miss this grandiose colorful event, “the time of carnivals and love”, as the Argentines themselves call it.

Every Saturday for two months, the streets of the cities are drowned in a motley stream of dancing people dressed in sparkling multi-colored costumes and feathers, music sounds incessantly, and dancers from all over Argentina perform their exciting dances.

Not only funny carnivals are of interest to Argentines: this proud and suffering people honors and remembers the milestones of their history. On June 20, the country celebrates Argentina's Flag Day, with its color blue in honor of the sky and white, symbolizing the snowy peaks of the Andes. The celebrations take place in the city of Rosario, where rallies and parades are held on this day, bringing together military and government officials.

Another national patriotic holiday - Argentina's Independence Day - is celebrated on July 9 in honor of the 1816 declaration of independence from the Spanish crown. Argentines believe that it was on this day that their Republic was born, therefore they celebrate on a large scale and with all their hearts. In all cities and villages of the country, slender parades are held to the sound of brass bands, Argentine gaucho cowboys march through the streets on graceful horses and shining old cars drive, folk melodies are heard in parks and squares, to which Argentines dance until late at night.

It is imperative for live music lovers to get to Buenos Aires from October 7 to 19, where the International Guitar Festival in Argentina is held at this time.

On September 11, Argentina celebrates one of the most revered professional holidays in the country - Teacher's Day. This holiday has a national character, students congratulate their teachers and give them gifts. In addition, this day falls on the anniversary of the death of the country's beloved president, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, whom the Argentines affectionately called the teacher-president.

It is imperative for live music lovers to get to Buenos Aires from October 7 to 19, where the International Guitar Festival in Argentina is held at this time. Since 1995, this event in the world of music, gradually gaining fame and fame, attracts not only grateful listeners to the capital of Argentina, but also famous guitarists from Latin America and Europe.

It was in Argentina that a lively and emotional, passionate and sincere dance of the early 20th century was born - tango, in which the rhythms and movements of Cuba, Africa and Europe were intertwined. On December 11, Argentines celebrate the birthday of Carlos Gardel, who is considered the author of this beautiful dance, which symbolizes the Argentine nation with its temperament and love.

The whole country is filled with the sounds of tango, people surrender to the power of dance in the streets, in cafes and restaurants, and this spectacle is absolutely amazing, incomparable with anything else.

Argentines celebrate Catholic Christmas very much like Europeans - it is a family holiday, on which it is customary to be close to loved ones and relatives, to set a festive table. This table is traditionally decorated with the main course - beef or pig roasted on charcoal, and various sweets with nuts, dried fruits and chocolate. There is also traditional champagne and, of course, gifts, except that the tree does not grow in this part of the world. At night, the sky shines with fireworks, and young people go to bars and discos, where they have fun until the morning.

It is safe to say that the culture of Argentina is inimitable and unique. After all, it is this country that is considered the most Europeanized in South America. Argentina gradually developed a special culture. It is not like the cultures of Uruguay, Brazil or Chile. Some experts point out that the literature, architecture and art of Argentina are connected by invisible threads with European culture.

Tango is the most passionate dance

The most popular part of the culture of such an unusual country is a dance from Argentina - tango, the melody of which is very much loved by romantics of many countries.

Football has long been an integral part of Argentine life. This is not just an ordinary hobby. For the inhabitants of the country, this is a real national passion. As you know, Argentina has already won the World Cup several times. AND celebrities like Diego Maradona are helping to make football popular around the world.

The people of the country have a very strong and independent character. Politeness and special attention to appearance are in their blood. When meeting on the street, close or familiar people always exchange smiles and mutual compliments.

Argentines have a slight obsession in the relationship between the sexes. But this is more a custom than a desire to get what you want. The same can be said about the overly frivolous attitude towards the words and promises of the Argentine. Therefore, you should not trust the inhabitants of this country in everyday life.

Whatever the traditions of Argentina, remember that non-punctual people live in this country, since it is normal for them to be late even by 30 minutes.

The people of the Latin American country are touchy, but not vindictive. However, if it comes to pride in themselves or in their country, then the Argentines will bravely defend their opinion to the bitter end.

The role of music in the cultural development of Argentina

Music and dance are of great importance in the development of the culture of Argentina. Today it is known that the king of tango is the performer Carlos Gardel. Then the singer Astor Piazzolla made a huge contribution to the development of culture, for whom music became the meaning of life.

In the 19th century, when many immigrants from Italy settled in Argentina, classical music became incredibly popular. In 1857, an opera house called Colon was officially opened on the territory of Buenos Aires, which became the most popular in the world. The theater plays unique music, and famous artists perform.

The founder of the composing school in Argentina was Alberto Williams, who established the conservatory in 1893. The composer himself created very beautiful symphonies and small pieces, which were based on national melodies. But not only music was his main hobby. Williams founded a music publishing house that became popular in the Hispanic world.

In 1929, the "Musical Renewal Group" was created in Argentina, which began to develop modern music. Of the most famous composers, Jacobo Fischer, who is a native of Russia, Luis Gianneo, Honorio Siccaruzi and Alberto Ginaster can be distinguished. All musicians are famous and popular in European countries.

An integral part of Argentine culture - art

The most talented artists in Argentina are known far beyond the borders of the Latin American country. Of these, the artist Erik Speyer is still popular, who, even as a pilot, painted all the time. Almost all of his works are portraits painted in watercolors, beautiful landscapes and still lifes. Speyer, becoming a well-known artist, taught painting to students at workshops in Vietnam, Miami, New Mexico and Alaska.

Interesting are the works of Carlos Ferreira, who began to paint as a child and then decided to devote his life to art. For 30 years devoted to art, Ferreira has developed his own painting technique, and also created a huge number of works that are able to interpret culture, mood and events.

Today, the most popular is the artist Maximo Arias Valente, who studied the cultural heritage of Argentina and painting under the guidance of Carlos Terribili, Akel Amuchastegui and Jose Marchi.

An honorable place among the artists of Argentina is Eloise Bollivian, who is known for creating female portraits, giving them a certain mood.

The most famous traditions of a Latin American country

The main holiday in Argentina is Christmas, which, according to cultural tradition, is celebrated on December 25. The whole family gathers at a beautiful and rich table. At midnight, the most sincere wishes are heard and cider is drunk. It is on this day that incredibly bright and cheerful carnival processions with fiery music and fast dances take place on the main streets of Argentine cities.

The tango holiday, which is celebrated annually on December 11, has become the most real cultural heritage and national tradition. A lot of people gather in the city squares to watch old recordings of talented dancers performing tango on the big screen. After that, very interesting carnival processions take place.

In Argentina, the heroes of the country are honored on August 17. Wedding traditions of the Latin American state are very interesting and unusual. The newlyweds-to-be must save up their own money to organize the most important celebration. It can be concluded that the inhabitants of Argentina are a fiery and amazing people who honor their traditions. And the culture of Argentina continues to evolve, making it more popular.

The most unexplored and amazing country, where new adventures can be expected at every step - this is Argentina ... She became famous all over the world not only for her incendiary dance - tango, but also for her football. Only in Argentina can you feel freedom from civilization. This attractive country has everything - kilometer-long snow-white beaches, hot deserts and picturesque waterfalls, huge cities, as well as the wild expanses of southern Patagonia.

After all Argentina - the most "Europeanized" state in South America, it has formed its own unusual culture, which is both similar and not similar to its neighboring countries. Argentines remain what they have always been - independent and proud people who are simply obsessed with the history, customs and traditions of their great country.

The Argentine people are very famous for their "Latin" disposition, which is characteristic not only of men, but also of women. Moreover, the attitude towards each other and towards foreigners is very polite and attentive. It seems that politeness is in the blood of Argentines, it is similar to custom, like following a great fashion or paying attention to one's appearance. But this is the most common behavior of residents, here even a beggar on the porch asks for a coin without any ingratiation. And if you meet good acquaintances, then wonderful smiles and mutual compliments will simply not be counted.

The entire Argentine people are simply obsessed with football and politics, as well as with the impression they make on the interlocutor. They have a certain obsession, which is especially manifested in the relationship between a man and a woman, or rather, it even serves as some kind of ritual than a simple desire to get what they want at all costs. This can also include their rather frivolous attitude towards their promises, as well as their words. If the matter concerns a business, then of course the promise will be fulfilled flawlessly, but if the promise concerns everyday life, then you should not believe the words of the Argentines. Moreover, in the stream of words escaped by them, it is very difficult to grasp the promise itself or its conditions. By the way, being late for a meeting, half an hour or an hour, is quite a normal custom.

The Argentine people are very touchy by nature, but not vindictive. To end a quarrel or make up for an allegedly inflicted offense, you just need to make a minimum of effort right on the spot and you will be immediately forgiven. But in our efforts we must also not go too far, because the pride of Argentines both for themselves and for their country is quite serious and sincere. Even the local fashion is a changeable essence, for the Argentine people it is a matter of special pride. Also, his attention to this aspect and zeal for his appearance remains unchanged.

The Argentine people get up late, so I eat and they dine much later than our usual time. Argentines dine from four to six, and they start dinner only after nine in the evening, and even on weekdays, but they pay more attention to dinner than lunch. The meal is usually imposing, observing some of its own little customs (each family may have their own) and naturally accompanied by long and long conversations "about everything" - about family, children, weather, business, tango, football, politics and etc. Moreover, how the interlocutor treats the problem under discussion as a whole is not so important, for them the most important thing is to be able to show themselves and equally listen to their interlocutor. In this situation, the main thing is not to cross a certain line beyond which the Argentine people begin to experience enthusiastic interest in the topic under discussion. Then a pleasant conversation can turn into a small demonstration, however, as theatrical as many of their emotions.

There is another tradition of the Argentines. Every week on Saturday, Argentines make asado, the meat they roast on a grill set on coals. It is cooked both on the balcony and on the roof of the house, it can be done in a blossoming park or in the yard, on a snow-white beach or right on the street. By the way, builders and handymen, who have worked half of Saturday, cook asado right there at the workplace, and use construction waste to light a fire.

Argentines have all the meat of the first grade, there is no bad one at all, so it is not even customary for them to wash it before cooking, they believe that when cooking, microbes themselves are destroyed. Meat is consumed only with red wine. Argentines never get drunk, because they already walk as if in a drunken state, well, what can you do, they have such a style of behavior.

Tourists can also be struck by the spontaneity of the Argentines. Wherever he is on the street, in transport or in the office, he behaves simply and uninhibited, and always does what he likes at the moment (naturally within the bounds of decency), completely not paying attention to anyone. It is quite a decent phenomenon to see a respectable man in a tie walking along a crowded street, whistling your favorite song loudly, and even out of place, or an elderly aunt in headphones, humming and stomping to the beat of the music, but what about putting your foot on the table in the office, so this is generally their national tradition. Nothing can stop the Argentinean, so as not to look closely at all the charms of the girl who has attracted, it is natural to whistle and express a pleasant compliment to her. It would be a big mistake to think that they are unceremonious and cheeky people. The most interesting thing is that this is the whole paradox: their immediacy is in perfect harmony with tact. The Argentine people are very well-mannered and courteous!

By the way, a smile is a visiting card of the Argentine people. However, very often it is "made", and this is so clearly visible, but it's still nice! Naturally, everyone understands, they are not smiling because they are happy to see you, but simply demonstrate their benevolence, which means that no one will offend, humiliate, or offend you, and this is such an encouraging effect on our subconscious that you automatically start smiling back. It's a downright conceptual transition from quantity to quality: a pleasant habit is born immediately, treats people well.

Christmas among Argentines is considered a purely family tradition. All close relatives and friends gather for Christmas night. The indispensable dishes of the holiday are: pie or sweet bread, sweet bar of nuts, something like our kazinaki and sweet weak sparkling wine. The invited guests bring all these attributes along with pleasant gifts. Christmas for Argentines is a calm and friendly conversation, during which they slowly sip cider and eat sweets and pies. And for young people there is no difference at all between Christmas and New Year, they just need another reason to light up. At midnight, Papa Noel (a similar Russian Santa Claus in appearance) brings the children long-awaited and precious gifts. When the children, tired of the fun, go to bed, then everyone begins to slowly disperse.

A very unusual, beautiful and, of course, the most pleasant holiday, or rather the custom of the Argentines, is Golosina por un Beso (Sweetness for a Kiss). Such a holiday is held during the first week of September. That is, all week you can give the girls you like, cakes, cakes, sweets and chocolates, and they are obliged (!) To kiss in response to this, though on the cheek, but these are small details.

Since we have already started talking about kissing, how can we not remember the most important and brightest tradition that you come across every day on the Argentine streets - kissing when you meet. Regardless of age, gender and relationship, when meeting with a handshake, it is customary, or maybe instead of it, to press your cheeks to each other and smack your lips loudly and loudly. Everyone, without exception, kisses when they meet! You can imagine a group of pumped-up young guys walking and meeting on the street exactly the same group of acquaintances or friends and starting to hug and kiss. But no one will even pay attention to this, and even more so will not "shy away" aside, as it would have done in Russia. This is the norm for them, so it is accepted.

All power in Argentina is in the capital, so the provinces live according to their own unwritten laws and traditions. They began to collect taxes only recently, some of them still do not pay and do not go to jail. Therefore, in Argentina you can live absolutely freely. No one has the right to interfere in the personal affairs and personal life of Argentines, it turns out, live as you want. That is, the sword of the government and power, as well as the obligations associated with it, do not hang over the inhabitants. And this is what attracts many. This freedom is somewhat reminiscent of our Russia, each person does what he wants, there is absolutely no order, and laws do not apply to anyone. The only difference is that in Argentina this is called freedom, but in Russia - lawlessness.

There is such chaotic traffic on the roads, the Argentines, of course, have heard about the rules of the road at some point somewhere, but no one tried to apply them in practice. Nobody pays attention to strict signs, which, by the way, are installed everywhere on the roads. They even have no traffic cops, which can undoubtedly please the Russian people. Well, their customs are such, what can you do. Argentines, like the Russians, love great speed. They run along the roads like crazy. Therefore in Argentina a huge number of accidents on the roads. Of course, if the driver drives half of the district with his head turned back, because a beautiful girl is walking there, and not only they are stared at. Where can an accident not happen here?

Culture of Argentina

Rich and varied culture of Argentina.A festive mood reigns here every day. For example, at the beginning of the year, namely on January 16, a big carnival is held here. This is a tradition that was formed many years ago and still remains relevant. There are a lot of such examples.

Hot, festive, actual culture of Argentina

It should be noted that Argentina is one of the countries where a lot of attention is paid to different areas of culture, holidays, science, art, and so on. There are fixed dates for celebrations that are of national importance, religious, territorial and more. Culture Argentina very versatile, always shows and pays special attention to relevant, sensitive topics and plots.

It is not so hard to guess that tango and plastic are the most popular segment in the whole Argentine culture. The melody of the famous Argentine tango is very much appreciated by many true romantics all over the planet Earth. It should be noted that sport is an integral part of the existence of each of the Argentines. At the same time, preference is given to football, which is not only some ordinary hobby, but a real national passion. This Latin American country has twice become the World Cup champion, and such a legendary person as a great football player named Diego Maradonna has not left the pages written by journalists from all over the world for the last ten years, gaining an incredible number of fans around the world.

Argentines have an incredibly strong and passionate temperament, which manifests itself not only among men, but also among the weaker sex. In the event that people who are closely acquainted in Argentina randomly meet on the street, this meeting will necessarily be accompanied not only by radiant smiles, but also by obligatory mutual compliments. All people who know each other very well always kiss on the cheeks. Moreover, those who are unfamiliar will definitely shake hands as a greeting. This old European custom is considered obligatory among Argentines.

It should be noted that the relationship between the sexes in Argentina involves some slight obsession. True, in the country this is regarded as a kind of ritual, rather than as a desperate goal to achieve what one wants. The same can be noted about the somewhat frivolous attitude on the part of the Argentines to their words and promises. It is not always possible to trust the inhabitants of a given country in everyday life. At the same time, in their endless stream of words, it will be quite difficult to single out not only a promise, but also something from its certain conditions, since almost everyone who is interested in the life of this bright country knows how quickly its inhabitants speak.

Greet each other in Argentina in most cases, one kiss on the cheek, even men, although this depends on the degree of intimacy. This custom shows the Argentine character - friendliness and courtesy. Plus, the Argentines are amazingly welcoming hosts.

One of the traditional Argentine customs is the custom drink mate... It comes from the way of preparing and drinking the drink, which, thanks to its charm, has turned into a small ritual. For those who don't know, the word mate comes from the Quechua word mathi, which means a container or vessel made of pumpkin and used for drinking. However, there is also a mate plant. Dry leaves and shoots are placed inside the vessel together with a cane stick (bombilla) - a filter straw at the bottom of it. Filling a container with hot water (never boiling) is called brewing.

The ritual is as follows. One person (usually the owner) brews the mate and gives it to the first person on his right. He accepts it completely (remember that mate is accepted, not drunk). As soon as the water runs out, it is returned to the brewer. He fills the vessel and hands it over to the second person on the right, and so on, until it comes to himself. The taste of the drink is bitter, but this is not its disadvantage, but its advantage. The more bitter the mate, the better it is. Anyway, many Argentines take it with sugar. The host, as usual, asks if the guests want mate sweet or bitter, and they must answer that they choose what the host prefers.

Many Argentines take an active part in a variety of sporting events. Popular football in the country is a kind of special national obsession than the most ordinary game. In 1986, also in 1978, Argentina managed to win the World Cup. But already in 2004, during the Summer Olympic Games, the country won a gold medal. The exploits and football of the legendary Diego Maradona were all the time very actively supported not only by the fans of the famous athlete, but also by many journalists and paparazzi around the world.

Do not think that Argentina is famous only for its passion for football. Indeed, in the country such sports as hockey, rugby and tennis are of great importance. Among other things, in 2004, at the famous Olympic Games in Athens, Argentina had a chance to receive gold medals for such a sport as men's basketball.

It should be noted that the legendary racer named Juan Manuel Fangio was Argentine. The strongest influence of all the customs of immigrants from England, traditionally playing polo, in Argentina, very much makes itself felt. After all, Argentina is the dominant country in this sport on the world stage. All Argentinean athletes play with passion, talent and the utmost dedication, which rarely gives them victory in various sports games. Lately, a famous polo player like Adolfo Cambiasso has made desperate attempts to increase the number of polo fans by incorporating some of the traditions of football into his favorite game. These are such important traditions as large-scale processes of celebrating their own victories, etc. At the same time, it should be recognized that this strategy of Adolfo has some success. For example, it has become very common for devoted fans of various football clubs to go together to watch the final of the Argentinean Open Polo Championship. True, this strategy of insane popularization is very harshly criticized among many traditional supporters of polo as a unique sport.

The official national sport of Argentina is a polo-like game called "pato", although it is played extremely rarely.

More than half of the country's population is engaged in the practice of one or another kind of sport, or performs some kind of physical exercise, such as jogging or walking. Regular visits to gyms, consistent soccer play and cycling are three of the most popular activities of this kind in Argentina.

Carnivals are more typical for small settlements than for large cities, where the tradition of holding them has been largely lost and where laws prohibit dousing and other similar forms of water fun, which more lenient authorities turn a blind eye to in the outback.

"Argentina through the eyes of the British", 1910

Many public holidays in Argentina serve as reminders of political events, rather than popular celebrations in the true sense of the word. Argentines are far from being as hedonists as their Brazilian neighbors, and the tradition of the carnival has practically disappeared, being expressed today in only a few rather modest processions that are held in certain parts of the country. Probably the biggest celebrations you will witness here will be football. Get ready for a burst of emotion during the international games of the national team ("Seleccion") with a lot of fun if they win.

The main holidays and festivals in Buenos Aires reflect the main hobbies of the city's inhabitants - tango and literature. For 10 days in late February - early March, the Tango Festival in Buenos Aires is held at various venues throughout the capital, the program of which includes free tango lessons, concerts and, of course, performances by the masters of this "national sport". From mid-April to early May, the book fair (Feria del Libro) is held for three weeks - a festival of literature, accompanied by readings and discussions. The third major event in the capital's festive calendar is ArteBA, a rapidly gaining popularity fair of works of contemporary art, held for five days at the end of May.

Holidays outside the capital are more vibrant and colorful. The ten January days of the Festival Nacional de la Doma y el Folklore near Cordoba is a cowboy show of the highest rank. Entertainment - a mixture of exciting rodeos, folk music and comic performances - starts at sunset and continues into the morning. In Mendoza, at the beginning of March, with the end of the grape harvest with wine and songs, the Fiesta Nacional de La Vendimia is celebrated.

The Sun Festival, Inti Raymi, celebrated on the eve of the summer solstice (roughly June 20), honors the Inca sun god. It is celebrated in the north-west of the country, where the traditional culture of the Quechua people is deeply rooted. In the first week of October, Villa General Belgrano hosts the Fiesta Nacional de Cerveza (Oktober Fest), celebrated as a celebration of the founding of the city and, in particular, of the European roots of a significant part of its inhabitants. As you might guess, the holiday is accompanied by wide and noisy beer feasts.

- whether it be religious, state or local events - always take place on a grand scale. Most often they last for several days, and the entire population is involved in them.

Interestingly, even in such large cities as, the holidays are held practically without the presence of the police: not a single district is taken under the cordon of the guards of the law, people can walk anywhere, and there is no riot. During holidays in the capital, only Avenida de Mayo is usually blocked and pedestrianized, and sometimes other central streets (for example, and).

National dates, various Catholic holidays (Argentines, most of whom are Catholics, are very religious), as well as a wide variety of original holidays are celebrated here. For example, in Buenos Aires, the Beauty and Vintage Car Contest is held, when beauties - representatives of different nationalities living in Argentina, drive through the city in retro cars, and the audience admires them from the sidewalks.

National holidays

Argentina's national holidays are both religious and secular holidays:

  • January 1 - New Year; this holiday is considered to be "home", like Christmas, and it is celebrated quite quietly, although, of course, the cities are beautifully decorated and various festive concerts, contests and other events are held;
  • January 6 - Reyes Magos (Day of the Magic Kings) - a holiday in honor of the Magi who came to worship the baby Jesus;
  • March 24 marks the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the "Dirty War" unleashed by the military junta that ruled the country from 1976 to 1983;
  • Easter, like all the most important religious holidays, is celebrated on a very large scale.
  • April 2 - Day of Veterans and Fallen in the War for the Malvinas Islands. Also the date is called the Day of the Malvinas Islands;
  • May 1 - Labor Day;
  • May 25 - Nation Day. Also the holiday is called "May Revolution Day" in honor of the revolution in May 1810. It is also called the "Day of the First Government";
  • June 20 - Argentina National Flag Day. This is the day of commemoration of the man who developed the design of the Argentine flag - Manuel Belran;
  • July 9 - Independence Day;
  • August 17 - Memorial Day for Jose de San Martín, Argentina's national hero, one of the leaders of the struggle for independence;
  • September 11 - Teacher's Day. This day is not a day off, but is widely celebrated throughout the country;
  • second Monday in October - Columbus Day (Americas Day). This day marks the anniversary of Columbus's landing on the American coast. The holiday is also called the Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity;
  • December 8 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary;
  • December 25 - Christmas.

Carnivals and festivals

The most popular celebrations of this kind in the country are:

  1. ... Argentina, as well as Brazil, has its own carnival. It is somewhat less famous than the famous holiday in Rio, but it is not inferior in color to its brother. In addition, it is the record holder for the duration: it takes place on Saturdays in the first two months of the year.
  2. Grape harvest festival. In the first week of autumn (from the last Sunday in February to the first Saturday in March), the traditional Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia is held in the province of Mendoza. The festival begins with the Blessing of Fruits ceremony, and ends with a grandiose theatrical performance. During the celebration, tastings, parades, fairs and the selection of the Queen of Beauty among the representatives of the departments of the region take place.
  3. Festival of immigrants starts at the beginning of September (on the first Thursday of the month). It lasts 11 days and attracts more than 150 thousand people annually. As part of the holiday, parades in national costumes, concerts, and tastings of dishes of national cuisines of those countries, immigrants from which live in Argentina, are held. 10 hectares of the Park of Nations turn into a giant camping, where among the tents there are peculiar "embassies" of different countries, including Guarani Indians, the indigenous inhabitants of Argentina. The festival ends with the elections of the Queen and two "princesses" of beauty, "Miss national costume" and "Miss friendship".
  4. Show it is difficult to call it a holiday in the usual sense of the word. However, the traditional competitions of cowboys, during which they have to demonstrate their strength and agility, tearing off the ring fixed on a special bar during the race, become a real holiday for the spectators of this action. The Gaucho Feria de Matederos Show is the most famous street show in Argentina. And you can watch it every Saturday, with the exception of the period from December 25 to January 3 at the livestock market in Buenos Aires. The action starts at 15-30.

Arts festivals

Since 1994, in October, Argentina has hosted an international guitar music festival. At first it was held as a competition for Argentine guitarists, after a couple of years representatives of all Latin American countries took part in it, and a few years later it received international status. Over the years of the festival's existence, more than 200 thousand performers have taken part in it. Today it is considered the most prestigious of all similar competitions in the world.

Since 1999, another international festival has been held in the Argentine capital - the Congress of Tango Performers. It takes place in late February or early March. At this time, both competitions of professional dancers and mass dances are held in the city squares. In addition, these days there are film screenings, exhibitions, conferences, master classes, concerts dedicated to tango. The festival is visited annually by 400 to 500 thousand people.

Sports Holidays

A wide variety of sports events are also held in Argentina, the most interesting of which can rightfully be called the Dakar Rally, which Argentina has been hosting since 2009. It starts in Buenos Aires and finishes in the third largest city in Argentina. Before the start of the rally, various events take place, those who wish can admire the participating cars, take pictures near them and buy souvenirs.