Essential oil ylang-ylang for the skin of the face. Oil Ylang-Ylang for Facial - Benefit and Application Oil Ilang Ylang For Wrinkle Face

With one of the Philippine languages, Ylang-Ilang is translated as a flower of all flowers. And the Philippine legend is popular, according to which the name Hlang wore the most beautiful girl in the world, which is not wanting to go beyond the unloved marriage, turned into a bright yellow flower. Anyway, today the essential oil is ylang-ylang for hair, for beauty skin, for nails, in perfumes, like aphrodisiac. And in your opinion, where are so much Philippines, who received the title Miss Universe?

Characteristic and composition

The flower itself grows not only in the Philippines, but also throughout Tropical Asia. The aroma can be called candy-flower, festive, sweet and warm, and it itself has a yellowish color, fluid and light. It enters the composition of such spirits as Chanel No. 5, Poison, Acqua di Gio and others. Getting this product is long and labor: Flowers are collected only in the early morning, and distillation (aqueous and steam) is carried out in several stages. That is why there are several varieties of this product:

  • Ylang-Ilang Extra
  • Kananga Oil

In the chemical composition there is a geranium, α-tolenene, nerv and nerridol, phytol, benzyl alcohol, methyl geptenon, eugenol, methylsalicylate, saffronol, valerian acid, ant, benzoic and acetic, etc.

Combined with:

  • bergamot
  • neroli
  • coniferous

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition, they use it in facial and hair growth, as well as in perfumery, this drug has many other properties:

Disadvantage Only its definite toxicity, manifested when using large dosages, can be called. This tool is added to sweets and drinks, but after heat treatment it can give a bitter taste dishes. At high concentration May cause headaches and nausea.

What is the use of skin

In addition to exotic aroma and ability to improve blood circulation (What is necessary for the health and beauty of the skin), this tool has many other properties, due to which in cosmetology is actively used for face, body, hair and nails:

  • Suitable for soothing irritated and dry skin;
  • soothes too active rigid fir glands;
  • normalizes the condition of mixed skin;
  • eliminates inflammation and irritation of various origin;
  • does not give skin cover to a compilation;
  • needed to stimulate the growth of new dermis cells;
  • reduces the acne rash;
  • "Aligns" skin covers, makes them velvety and elastic;
  • reduces symptoms of dermatosis and eczema;
  • makes a more even and resistant tan;
  • eliminates the expansion of capillaries and blood vessels, that is, hyperemia;
  • warning solar burns and irritation after tanning;
  • suitable for strengthening nails;
  • pulls up and makes more elastic breasts;
  • stops "leaf fall" on the head;
  • suitable for porous skin;
  • makes stronger brittle and thin hair.

Pcosmetic purposes

For hair

In the Victorian Epoch, Ylang-Ilang Oil was part of a popular means against hair loss and baldness. Today, its application for similar purposes has not lost the relevance: the tool greatly strengthens the follicles, saves from dandruff and section, and in general, it is universal: suitable for hair dry, and for fatty, and for gray, and for light, and for dark , and for painted, and for growth, and for density. The same Philipins use it in combination with coconut butter and palm. There are other recipes.

  • So, if the braids are weakened and dry, you can make a massage with it. For it, oil is basic, with anyone (castor, coconut, almond, burdock, sea buckthorn, jojoba) and a teaspoon of ylang-yulang. 20 minutes to rub in the roots, after distributing throughout the hair and tips, cover it with a hat for the shower and flush in two thirds.
  • A few drops of drug can be applied to a comb (better from the tree) and aromaaceticity: it is also the benefit for the growth of Kudrey, and aromatherapy at the same time.
  • You can also rinse your head after washing the means of five drops of ylang-ylang, lemon juice (teaspoon) and liter of pure water itself. The masks are also made, like any others: applied to a dry head, are distributed and rubbed, after which the head is covered with cellophane and a thick hat. It is washed off all this in two thirds of the hour.
  • You can "feed" and regenerate dry curls can be pushed by the flesh of avocado (250g), which add three drops of aromamasel of chamomile and ylanovoe.
  • To faster to grow long braids, you will need 10 ml of camellia oil, as well as three drops of rosemary, lemon and ylang-ylang. Keep under the film and a thick towel from half an hour and up to an hour. Wash off with the usual way.
  • When you fall out and for resuming growth, you can try rinse: in the liter of well-purified water, we add oil sandals (18 drops) and ylang-ylang (7 drops), as well as apple (15 ml) vinegar and aloe juice (30 ml). Supplied after washing Heads twice a week.

Aroma plant:

For skin

  • Oil Ilang Ylang for face can be used in masks, to enrich store equipment, in tonic and lotions, for massages, etc. But it is impossible to apply it in pure form. Also, it is impossible that the tool falls on the mucous eye and it is not recommended to use it during asthma and in allergies.
  • When the skin is dry for the basics of the mask, you can use a melon or banana flesh, which is mixed with three drops of aromamasla. Keep 20 minutes and clean well.
  • Also for dry skin, you can add three drops of drugs to the base of the olive oil (tablespoon)
  • During the skin of a problem and acne, a base of jojoba will fit (also a tablespoon), which add three drops of ylang yulang. Keep a quarter of an hour, do not forget about your favorite moisturizing cream after.
  • Another option is the base of jojoba plus lemon oils and ylang ylang in a pair of droplets. Hold in any case a third of an hour and remove the remnants with a napkin of paper.
  • If the skin is fat, the same three drops are added to the strawberry flesh and diluted with a teaspoon of lemon juice. It holds all this for about 20 minutes, the result is fixed with cream.
  • You can clean the face with the help of finely fused salt (teaspoon), base oil (better peach or grape bones) and ylang-ylang drops.
  • To rejuvenate a tablespoon of pulp avocado mix with rosewood oils (drop) and ylang ylang (2 drops). The same two drops can be added to the grateful radish and get a mask for rejuvenation.
  • With the skin fading into the base from almond, linen and jojoba oil, three drops of ylang-ylang and a drop of lemon, irredium and mint are added dropwise. All pour into the dark glass and use twice a week ten times.
  • You can rejuvenate with the help of the same three drops that are added to the mixture of peach or olive oil (10ml), the same amount of sour cream and oatmeal, as well as a pair of grams of lime honey. All instep five minutes, mix and strike a face by a third. Wash, do not forget about the cream.
  • For the preparation of a universal toning mask, vetiver aromaslas will be needed, incense (three drops), ylang-ylang (2 drops), sandalwood (teaspoon) and jojoba (10 ml). Third hours in turning the skin with a napkin paper.
This is drug he is a magnificent aphrodisiac. To prepare homemade perfumes of five drops of oil extracts Ilang-ylang and roses mixed with two digs of nutmeg. Apply for all pulsating areas of veins.

A few more ways of application

  • For the aroma of 8 drops of oil extracts, ylang-ylang, lemon and basils drip in the lamp and leave for the night. This and sleep improves, and stress removes, and tired takes away.
  • For aromavanna with a soothing effect, you need a pair of drops of ylang-ylang and grapefruit, as well as three drops of lavender. It is better to mix them with honey. The temperature of the water is from 37 to 40 degrees.
  • For erotic massage in the base (olive, peach, honey), two droplets are added. For a more expressive effect, you can add heels of droplets of sandalwood oil, four - pink and one - patchuli.
  • To strengthen and growth in nail, the base (olive or from any other vegetable oil, a pair of tablespoons) is heated and an oil extract of ylang-ylang (1 ml) is added. After the entire surface of the nails are placed in such a bath and keep a third hour. You can use several times. The same tool can be easily rubbed into the plates of nails and cuticles.
  • To enrich shampoo, cream or tonic need only three or four drops of drugs.
  • For internal use, the agent is not very suitable, but it is possible to add it dropwise to drinks, wines and pastries. If you add a toa to tea, you can get rid of insomnia, fear and panic, as well as to reduce the rate of pulse, getting rid of tachycardia and for sexual excitement. In addition to tea, you can add to honey or on a piece of sugar.

Video about the properties of Ilang-Ilanga

Application rules

They apply it like any other aromamasla, no features. Be sure to dilute with the basic, the remains can be removed with a napkin. You can not use if there is a negative reaction In the form of headaches, allergies, redness or temperature increase.


The remedy is quite harmless, but it is impossible to forget that individual intolerance and allergies can be anything. In addition, this is not recommended for drugs for too sensitive or damaged skin, with low pressure and diseases of respiratory organs and for children under 12 years.

Nature, creating a flora of our planet, probably sang different melodies. When two gentle notes were granted in her voice - Ylang-Ylang - she dropped a yellow star to the ground with elongated petals, admired his own creation and flew further. And Cananga Odorata remained on Earth to please people with sophisticated beauty and help them with their healing force. Why don't we take advantage of her generosity? Moreover, the essential oil of this plant does not relate to the category of deficient cosmetology products.

An important rule: It is impossible to use an exhaust of ylang-ylang in its pure form, that is, to smear it on face, hair, body, without mixing with something else!

We will talk about the laws of compatibility in detail.

Simple alchemy: means of fading skin

How painfully fought medieval scientists over the problem of eternal youth! Cold over the flasks, resorting to white, then to black magic. They simply did not have two miraculous components at hand, on the basis of which in a few minutes it was possible to make the desired drug.

Let's call these ingredients and their number:

  • ilang-Ilanga oil - 5 drops (convenient to measure the pipette if the bottle without a dispenser);
  • half of black radish.

In a very bitter, but an unusually useful vegetable, we first make a deepening with a fruit knife or a spoon, and then several cuts on the walls of the pits. In it in a couple of hours, approximately 30 milliliters of juice. Our floral extract, which is impossible to mix with water or even with glycerin, easily connects with a liquid separated from radish, because it probably also has essential oils.

This simple method we managed to get an elixir with a harmoniously balanced vitamin composition. Specified in the dosage recipe is enough for 2-3 procedures if the woman will lubricate the face only. However, the neck and neckline would also cost and rejuvenate - for this you only need to prepare three times more means. They are recommended from time to time to replace daytime creams.

After 2-2.5 months of regular use, check the effect:

  • The debrity under the chin will disappear, as a result of which the outlines of the face will become clearer. Make a photo before using this home preparation, capture yourself after the vitamin course - and the differences will immediately be detected.
  • In the morning, much faster than before, the folds will be smoothed, which remain on the cheeks and cheeks from the pillow. This means that the tour has improved.
  • Fatigue will not be accompanied by a gray-yellow face. From nature, pale ladies will notice that their skin has grown.

Fight inflammation and swelling

Wonderful invention - welding in bags. Lovers of green tea, do not rush to send back sacks from cups in the trash can! Welcome them, and then follow the proposed technology.

To create cosmetic applicators we take:

  • 4 bags of sleeping green tea;
  • 8 drops of ylang-ylang oil.

We divide 8 to 4 - we get 2 drops of a plant essence on each package. When the droplets are fascinated through the filter paper, lightly dismissed tea bags so that the oil is mixed with the beauty remaining in them.

We lie down without a pillow, climbing a polyethylene or a dense towel under the head, impose homemade applicators on problem areas (areas covered with rash, affected by allergies).

  • Green tea will remove redness, with a long use of masks appliqués, it normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and when their work will be restored, will serve as a preventive tool that will prevent the emergence of new inflammation, including acne.
  • Ylang-Ilang contributes to the regeneration and smoothes the bumps and the scars left by the racs.

To remove the edema of the upper eyelids and the bags under the eyes, the same tea bags impregnated with essential oil and cooled in the freezer, it is necessary to impose on the sublags and under eyebrows, without touching the eyelashes.

Mustional green mask

This is a summer version, as evidenced by the first line of the list of components.

Need to prepare:

  • 5 grape leaves and as much oxal;
  • 2 ml of ylang-ylang oil;
  • several branches of dill.

From the greenery and leaves to prepare with a blender homogeneous cleaner, interfer oil into it. Unpiring the face and, without waiting until it is completely dry, evenly lubricate it with a green mass. Hold before turning the mask in a tight crust.

Pantothenic, ascorbic and folic acids, a large amount of vitamin C and optimally necessary for the skin of the dose of vitamins B and RR - this is such a powerful arsenal of all useful is contained by a vegetable oil mask. The means will noticeably refresh and improves the epidermis. Penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, will strengthen the dynamics of regeneration processes, that is, put the barrier for the formation of wrinkles.

Lip balm

The second half of the spring and the first, the "velvet" part of the autumn is two seasons, the most comfortable for the delicate skin of the lips. Winter and summer it transfers badly: it cracks, peeling. Many are saved by butter - lubricate the cracks, and that's right. And even better experience such a recipe:

  • jump on the tip of a teaspoon a little melted cow oil;
  • pour there with 1 drop of ylang-ylang oil and the same carrot juice;
  • mix with a cotton stick and squeeze her lips.

Balzam saves not only from excessive dryness, but also from the formation of painful swelling in the corners of the mouth (they are called snaps). This is due to the antiseptic properties of essential oil.

With long-term use of the lipstick lipstick, the lips are also very suffering - scales appear on them. From such a trouble, the ylang-ylang will save again:

  • on fresh orange peel on the inside, we make the edge of the knife crosslings in the form of a thick grid;
  • impregnate it with essential oil (it is impossible to overdo it - no more than 4 drops!);
  • apply alternately to the upper and lower lip.

Scales softened and depart - in their place will first appear a smooth film, and soon healthy skin.
The spectrum of drawing from the CANANGA ODORATA plant is unusually wide, and a piggy bank of home cosmetology recipes on its basis can be replenished infinitely.

For women's beauty, there are many cosmetics. Natural oil ylang-ylang for the face entered a set of means to care from the times of Egyptian beauties and firmly fixed in the cosmetics of a modern woman.

Magic tree

Ylang-Ylang is an amazing evergreen tropical tree, which is quite common in Polynesia and the Philippines. This plant "Wearing" branches and original flowers resembling elegant female pendants. Despite its grace and beauty, the tree is known for its extraordinary persistent and strong aroma. In nature, its smell spreads to 30-40 meters, and with windy weather, much further.

The ylang-ylang flowers are pollinated by night moths, and therefore the strongest tree fragrant from the evening to dawn. Interestingly, for perfumery, ylang-ylang flowers are going to sunrise.

To obtain a concentrate from the colors of Ylang-Ilang, a distillation method is used. Amazing is the fact that only flowers of yellow color are used to prepare distillate. The process takes 14 hours. The copper dishes are used, in which the ylang-ylang flowers are poured with water in proportion 100: 50 (per 100 kg of colors 50 liters of water). As a result, only about 2 liters of oil (extra) is obtained. It is this extract in the future divorces in different proportions. Despite the fact that the most popular ylang-ylang in perfumery, this oil is also actively used as a facial skin care agent. It should be noted that precisely extra or 1 category is used for cosmetics.

Magic cosmetologist

Ylang-Ylang can be considered a universal face tool, because this product is suitable for any type of skin, rich in vitamins and amino acids, which are beneficial to the epidermis and providing its feed. There are only positive feedback on this tool.

For women with a fatty type, ylang-ylang helps to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, cleanses the pores and thereby helps in the fight against acne and helps to remove acne.

The owner of dry skin mark a completely reverse effect: the skin is powered by a softer and elastic, thereby flushing and peeling is removed.

For women with normal and combined types, this universal tool can become a beautician, normalizing dry areas, toning normal and adjusting the work of the sebaceous glands in areas prone to fatty gloss.

Due to its toning property, the ylang-ylang is widely used as a means for fading skin. It is able to smooth out minor wrinkles and make a general view of the face more fresh.

There is another property of this oil, which is little known: it can fight with the effects of ultraviolet rays. And here the "smart" remedy has an electoral impact: smoothes the skin, relieves inflammation and can fasten the tan.

Magic tools

The use of oil requires compliance with several important rules:

  1. Cannot be used in pure form, but only in combination with other natural products.
  2. Ilang-Ilang can not be added to purchased cosmetics, because It is impossible to predict the effects of chemical oil reactions with cosmetics ingredients.
  3. Apply only after cleansing the face from cosmetics.
  4. Before first use, you need to make a sample on allergies: smearing the wrist and leaving for 1-2 hours.

So, it became clear the effect of oil on the skin of the face and the rules for its use. Now you need to select a tool containing this universal product available for cooking at home.

The most simple tools with ylang-ylang:

  • Simple and effective is to use Ilang-ylang oil in combination with any other transport (in proportion 1: 1) for wiping in the morning and in the evening. You can use any cosmetic natural, based on your own choice and other feedback, as well as depending on the needs of your skin. Olive is perfectly suitable as a universal means.
  • If a few drops of oil add to the pinch of the usual cook salt, it may turn out to be a wonderful scrub, which will help get rid of dead epidermis and acne.
  • You can add a drop of oil into water for washing, which will provide a skin of light food, remove the fat shine in the warm season, and the fragrance will add a good mood.

These options are simple, but very effective, and will inevitably cause all positive feedback in regular use.

More complicated, but also quite effective are masks with ylang-ylang:

  • Avocado mask (melon, pumpkins, banana) with ylang-ylang is designed for people with dry skin: you need to crush the ripe pulp of the fetus, to 1 spoon of the casis, add 2 drops of oil. Everything is carefully stirred and applied on the face for 15-20 minutes.
  • The mask of strawberries and oils is prepared according to the same principle as the mask with avocado, but is intended for lightweight peeling and has a cleansing property.
  • With problematic skin, mask made of jojoba oils, ylang-ylang and lemon (2: 2: 1 proportions). The result is lubricated by the face and after 30-40 minutes wash it with cool water.
  • The rejuvenating mask, undoubtedly, deserves your delighted reviews, and is prepared as follows: mixed on a teaspoon honey, sour cream, olive oil and oatmeal and add three drops of ylang ylang to the resulting mixture.

Ylang-Ilang Lovely Afrozodiak, and adding it to the bath can be provided with an unforgettable night with a loved one.

This oil has only one disadvantage: because of a strong smell it may not like some people, and its bust in cosmetic means can cause a negative attitude to the products containing it. It is easily eliminated by a simple sense of measure.

Ilang is used mainly in cosmetology and perfumery, but not only. See the video Overview of all useful oil properties.

Today, going to a specialized store for caring cream for skin, you can stumble upon a huge range of cosmetic products. The beauty industry offers us a wide choice of funds for any type of skin, in the fight against various problems. If you believe the labels and loud promises, these funds are able to completely change the skin of the face - tighten, make matte, clean, smooth and shining. Among all this, the diversity of women is increasingly returning to the origins - use natural oils to leave. Among the popular and truly effective skin care products can be isolated Ilang-ylang oil. It is based on very many creams for skin and body, various lotions and tonic. In this article, let's talk about pure ylang-ylang oil - how it acts on the skin and how to use it correctly.

Useful properties of oil ylang-ylang for face

Ylang-Ylang is a flowering plant that grows in Asian tropics. The amazing fragrance of pale yellow inflorescences has long conquered the whole world - based on it makes magnificent perfume products, oil is used for aromatherapy, even for medical purposes. It is believed that the oil ylang-ylang is perfectly soothing, normalizes blood pressure. Outdoor use The oil is able to get rid of skin problems. And Ilang-ylang oil is a real Aphrodisiac, without which there is no wedding ceremony in Indonesia. What is useful oil for our women? How it affects the epidermis, let's try to figure it out.

  1. Anti-aging care. The oil contains phenols that stimulate blood circulation in the deep layers of the epidermis. In fact, a large-scale process of skin regeneration is launched. In case of oil use, the face is noticeably tightened, the oval is compacted, the lines of the cheekbank become clearer. The oil is well used against sagging balls - in combination with cold therapy and cosmetic massage from them you can completely get rid of them. The oil is perfect for mature and faded skin.
  2. Acne and inflammation. Ilang-Ilang oil has a pronounced antiseptic effect due to the content of a certain amount of alcohol in its composition. The oil gently removes inflammation and redness, eliminates swelling, perfectly heals the fabrics without scars and scars. At the same time, the oil does not dry and does not tighten the skin, leaves no acne peeling and affected areas.
  3. Color and tone. This means is effectively used even in the absence of visible problems with the epidermis. The oil gently tints the skin, lines its color, removes dark circles and bags under the eyes. With the help of oil, you can achieve the perfect shine of the skin - now you do not have to apply a thick layer of the tonal cream and powder to hide defects during makeup.
  4. For dry skin. The oil is perfect for dry, scorched on the sun or weathered skin. It gently nourishes, moisturizes and enriches the skin with vitamins, restores the natural protective layer. With regular use of oil on the skin, the finest barrier is created, which protects the epidermis from the aggressive effect of ultraviolet rays, salt sea or chlorinated water in the pool.
  5. For oily skin. Ilang-ylang oil is one of the few oils that can be used for both dry and oily skin. Such a product does not leave on the epidermis of the fatty layer with a greenhouse effect, does not clog the pores, and vice versa, displays the black dots, suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, narrows the pores. With the help of oil ylang-ylang you can make the skin more matte and attractive.

In addition, oil is used to care hair - it makes them alive, elastic and shining. Ilang-ylang oil effectively with weak, thin and damaged nails - lubricate the nail plates with oil every day to strengthen them from the roots.

To get a favor from the cosmetic product, it should be used correctly.

  1. Oil must be applied strictly on cleaned skin. Remove the makeup with special means that remove the remnants of cosmetics and dust from the depths of the pores.
  2. The oil must be preheated in a water bath or lower the bottle into hot water. Warm oil is much more useful for the skin.
  3. In no case do not apply the ylang-ylang oil in its pure form, it is strong enough and can aggressively affect the skin. Ylang-ylang is usually mixed with basic oils - any cosmetic product can become basic. If there are no creams at hand, use simply olive oil, which is found in every home.
  4. The oil is applied to the skin in the amount of 5-6 drops, which are thoroughly rubbed into the epidermis massage movements. It is especially worth working as a zone around the eyes, a nasolabile triangle, neck, forehead. As a rule, these areas of the skin are first exposed to aging.
  5. After applying oil, you need to leave the skin for another hour so that the remnants of the cosmetic tool are absorbed. If an hour on the skin there is a thin layer of oil, it can be erased by a paper napkin and rinse the face with cool water.
  6. Ilang-ylang oil can be used at night as a night caring cream. But for this it should be sought on the pillow a special pillowcase to avoid fatty marks to bed.
  7. From my ylang-ylang you can make a wonderful scrub, which perfectly exfoliates excess skin and refreshes the face. In the oil you need to pour a little salt and dilute the composition of lemon juice. The acids gently burn the kneading layer of the skin, the salt instead of the brush believes with the epidermis all unnecessary, and oil nourishes and soothes irritated skin. You can do such a peel no more than once a week.

Keep the ylang-ylang oil always with you. Apply a droplet on whiskey - it will help you calm down and get rid of headaches. Make a lightweight abdominal nose massage with oil - it will suppress spasms during menstrual pains.

To enhance oil action, it can be combined with other no less useful components.

  1. Oil, aloe juice, chamomile decoction. If you have problem skin, just use this recipe. Mix the oil in half with a strong chamomile decoction, add a little aloe juice and apply a mixture on the skin of the face. Already after the first application, you will notice that redness will come down, and swelling and inflammation will become much less pronounced. With regular use, the mask can get rid of acne completely.
  2. Potato and oil cubes. This is a great remedy for fading and mature skin. Raw potatoes should be grateted on a shallow grater and squeeze juice out of it. Starch, which is contained in potatoes, perfectly pulls the skin. Mix juice with oil in a 3: 1 ratio, run into the form for freezing cubes, place in the refrigerator. Every evening after removing makeup, wipe your face with such a cube. The cold is perfectly tones, and potato juice with oil ylang-ylang gives a powerful lifting effect.
  3. Oil, honey, yolk, sour cream. Mix all the ingredients in equal amounts, you will get a nutritional bomb that greatly restores and moisturize the dry skin of the face. For a mask you need to take natural honey and fatty sour cream.
  4. Lemon juice, protein, oil and oatmeal. If you have oily skin, the above-mentioned ingredients should be added to a mask with Ylang-Ylang. With extended pores, lemon juice is added. Mask will make the skin matte without fatty gloss after the first application.

Remember that you can care for the skin at any time. With oil you can mix any fruit, vegetable and berry juices, dairy products. Oil can be added to traditional masks that you used to use. For any of your care, skin will tell you "Thank you" and will answer natural radiance and healthy elasticity.

Use amazing oil ylang-ylang not only in caring for hair, nails and skin. Add oil into the aromalamp - it will fill the room with a thin aroma of the East and Tropics. With oil ylang-ylang you can make an erotic massage - it greatly increases the potency. Add oil to the bath to relax after a long working day. Enrich with oil your creams, lotions and tonic - you make the skin elastic, healthy and clean!

Video: Ilang Ilang Essential Oil

Yellow kaenanga fragrant flowers allow you to get fragrant and useful oil ylang-ylang. For his face, it is used as an additive to the fixed assets for skin care. Ylang in cosmetology - long-standing, but very effective substance. Most often it is used to restore hair.

But for the skin of the face, it can become salvation from many problems. Let's figure it out how to use it correctly to achieve the maximum effect.

Ilang-Ilang essential oil is not only a well-known aphrodisiac, but also a means that is suitable for all types of skin of the face. It is indispensable in solving many problems with the epidermis. In particular:

  • reduces the production of hydrocal fat with sliced \u200b\u200bglands, and therefore makes the face of matte, without acne, acne and extended pores;
  • helps relieve irritation, eliminate itching and peeling on sensitive and tender skin;
  • actively moisturizes dry epidermis, contributing to the preservation of his youth and reduce signs of aging.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use ylang-ylang oil for any skin area in pure form. A pair of drops of funds in a can with a cream or for a mask will be enough to obtain the desired effect.

The chemical composition of the oil makes it a storehouse useful for the skin substances:

  1. The esters help to level the relief of the epidermis, improve its condition and appearance.
  2. Phenols contribute to the activation of subcutaneous microcirculation.
  3. Monoterpenic alcohols - disinfection, which helps reduce inflammatory processes, acne and acne. Remove fatigue from the skin and contribute to its toning.
  4. Organic acids are rejuvenating and protecting a person from aggressive environmental impact.


There are certain contraindications in the use of oil. Ylang-Ilang needs to be used not only in a divided form, but also:

  • in small quantities, since its excess can lead to head pains, nausea, dizziness, allergic reaction;
  • it is forbidden to use during pregnancy, lactation, low arterial pressure;
  • age limit - up to 9 years;
  • it is not recommended to use people with sensitive smell;
  • allergo sample must be carried out to find out that even the diluted oil does not cause allergies.

Home use: Verified Mask Recipes

Oil Ilang-ylang for the skin of the face can be used at home. Most often it uses as an aid in masks for the face. Its properties and use directly depend on the goals set:

  1. Moisturizing. To do this, mix the puree from the pulp of avocado (banana, persimmon or melon) with a pair of oil drops. To withstand a quarter of an hour, wash off. The mask is suitable for daily use, it is best if the basic product will change so that the epidermis is spinning with various useful substances and rejuvenated.
  2. Elimination of acne and acne. Dilute 3 drops of oil ylang-ylang in a teaspoon of jojoba oil, in which a drop of lemon ester is added. Apply on the face cleaned skin and withstand no more than 10 minutes. Ilang-ylang oil is used for nails in the same form, causing a nail plate on a nipped from varnish.
  3. Rejuvenation. Mix a tablespoon of oily sour cream with the same amount of olive oil and oatmeal. Introduce a teaspoon of May honey and two drops of oil ylang ylang in the mixture. Apply on the skin of the face, neck and zone neckline for half an hour. Such a mask can be used daily, but it is better to combine it with other means for rejuvenation. This will give the best effect.
  4. Cleansing. A teaspoon of sea salt is soaked in oil grape seeds with adding drops in it ylang-ylang. Massaging movements rub no more than 3 minutes into the skin. Wash away Instead of the above abrasive substance, coffee can be used, but only a very fine grinding. You do not need to rub much or pressed when applied.
  5. Emergency rejuvenation. Dilute 10 drops of oil in a whipped egg whites, in which a tablespoon of honey and as many natural yogurt or kefir has been added. You can add a couple of drops of lavender ether. Apply deep wrinkles on the zone for 30 minutes. The effect of mask is observed immediately, but it lasts not more than 6 hours. Do not abuse such a mask, it can cause headaches. Use it only in emergency cases.
  6. Toning. In the tablespoon of jojoba oil introduce a teaspoon of sandalwood with the addition of 2 drops of ylang-ylang, incense and vetiver. Apply to peeled epidermis no more than 5 minutes. If you enlarge twice the number of the first two means, then the resulting mixture can be used as massage oil.
  7. Reducing pigmentation. The following esters are added to the whipped egg protein: 5 drops of jojoba, 2 - lavender, droplet ylang ylang, lemon, tea rose. Application: Apply for 5 minutes on cleaned and sparkled skin. Use no more than two times a week.
  8. Peeling. In the crumpled blender rice - 2 tablespoons, add 4 drops of Ether Ylang-Ylang and Avocado. To withstand on the skin for 10 minutes, flush the napkin, washed off.
  9. Removing irritation. In the dining room spoon of peach oil add 7 drops of rose ether and 3 drops of Ylang-Ylang and Mirra. Linced into the skin of the face, surplus in 10 minutes. The benefits of such a mixture will be for anti-cellulite massage.
  10. From extended pores. In the tablespoon of cucumber cucumber, Introduce 2 drops of ylang-ylang and apply to problem areas for 30 minutes. Wash away It can be added to any mask that narrows the pores and eliminates acne, the main thing is not to overdo it with the number of ether so as not to provoke headache or irritation.

Review of shopping cosmetic faces with Ylang-Ylang

Essential oil Ilang-ylang and its use for the beauty of the skin of the face actively used by manufacturers in their cosmetic products:

  1. Mask film "Ilang-Ilang" from the Chinese manufacturer "Lan secrets" is actively used to combat black dots and epidermis salinity. 100 gram packaging means will allow a couple of months to remove black points with the T-zone. Promotes cell regeneration and rejuvenation due to its composition, which in addition to oil ylang-ylang enters the ester of tea tree, sage, as well as white clay.
  2. Penka "Gentle friends" from the Ukrainian producer "Celandel". Suitable for dry and delicate skin to clean it or remove makeup. He contributes to the rejuvenation of the epidermis, actively feasting it. No less effective against the problems of oily and combined skin due to its antiseptic property. Thanks to the rich composition, it perfectly derives toxins, rejuvenating face.
  3. The "Ilang-Ilang" face cream from the Chinese manufacturer "Lan Secrets". In addition to the fight against acne and acne, actively moisturizes the skin. As part of not only Ether Ylang-Ylang, but also Basilicova's perilles, Camellia Chinese. And due to hyaluronic acid, an effective face rejuvenation takes place. Tube weighing 50 grams is enough for a couple of months of use.
  4. Mask clay "Ilang-Ilang" from Spivak. The properties of the oil and all the effectiveness of the ylang-ylang in combination with the Kaolin of white clay allow you to make the skin with an elastic, smooth, with purified and narrowed pores. This makes it indispensable in care of both dry and problem skin. Small particles of white clay purify the epidermis without injury, and the useful esters soothe and normalize his work.
  5. Oil from TM "Beauty". The main ingredient of the means is cedar oil, in smaller quantities, a ylang-ylang is used here. It can be used in pure form not only for the face, but also for the whole body. It is applied to clean skin no more than once a week. The 50-gram bottle of dark glass is enough for several months of regular use. Fully organic.