How to get a fire red hair. Who is the red hair color, how to choose and get your ideal shade. How passes staining

Red hair go many women, as this color can be different shades suitable for different color types that are distinguished by four:

  • Spring - light warm;
  • Summer - light cold;
  • Autumn - dark warm;
  • Winter - contrast light or dark.

Hair paint is selected taking into account the color type, which includes the skin tone, the iris, the shade of the roots of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. In addition, the structure of the hair structure is necessarily considered - smooth or spongy, damaged, can be fiberglass hair. On the decision that the paint will be selected is affecting the presence or absence of seats, its number and nature of distribution. Against the background of the right selected color, the face looks fresh, the eye color is emphasized.

Warm peach, caramel, orange, light-copper shades are suitable for spring type. Summer - cold pink, ash rose, pink tree, light cherry, cherry tree. Autumn - fiery redhead, fire, golden, scarlet, mahogany, mahogany, ruby, grenadines, scarlet chestnut. Winter type will fit all the dark rich shades - wild cherry, grenades, eggplant, Beaujolais.

In the palettes of professional paints for hair, shades are marked with numbers for the convenience of working stylists and hairdressers. The first digit shows the level of natural hair depth. The smaller the value, the darker color. For example, 1 - black, 9 - light blonde. The red hair in the palette has numbers 4 (copper) and 5 (mahagon or red-purple). The second and third digits show the main and additional shade, respectively. For example, 6.73 - dark wood.

Source, that is, natural color is key in the process of staining.The depth of the natural tone sets the result of staining. The brighter of the girl's own hair, the brighter it turns out the shade. Light blonde easier to achieve fire or bright pink. At the middle depth of tone, it is possible to get beautiful restrained shades of red, such as copper, burgund, cherry. Brunettes before the procedure, as a rule, have to be discolored by special blonde compositions, which often adversely affects the structure.

Before painting your hair into a red shade, it is necessary to determine their structure, since it depends on the intensity of staining. It is known that the granules of the dye sponge hair absorbed easier, and the harder-gray and fiberglass. At the same time, their number on the head, as a rule, does not affect the quality of staining with a crucial way. You can paint your hair yourself at home, if they are absolutely healthy, have not very bright and not very dark natural shade. If they were repeatedly painted earlier, have a damaged structure, gray, as well as if a natural shade is light, dark blonde or black, it is desirable to use the help of a professional hairdresser in order for the red hair to look like that wants their owner. The beauty salon services are also recommended to contact in the case when the girl is not sure which hair paint is suitable for her.

For those who decided to draw painting at home, there are rules that need to be adhere to to successfully paint the hair in red.

  • It should use only high-quality products, the manufacturer should not be doubted;
  • It is necessary to correctly define your color from the color, to find out which of the options is harmoniously combined with it;
  • Most often it turns out that the desired tone does not look in strict accordance with the picture in the palette, since the one presented in it was originally white. This must be considered when choosing a tone;
  • Before the first procedure you need to carry out a skin test for allergies; It is mandatory to protect the skin from staining. To do this, you need to put any fat cream on my forehead, whiskey, ears and neck, and put on rubber or polyethylene gloves in the hands;
  • Before the procedure you need to wash your head shampoo without using air conditioning;
  • You need to strictly follow the instructions;
  • Wash your head at the end of the procedure follows cool water.

Red hair paint will not be clenched for a long time, if you follow the special rules for hair care. In the first two days it is better to refrain from washing the head, and in the first two weeks - from the insolation (staying on the bright sun) with a uncoated head. Additional paint resistance will give the use of special means (shampoos and air conditioners) for washing and rinsing with labeling "Red Hair". Repeat the hair in red is necessary as they grow their roots.

In the choice of red hair paint is very important not to be mistaken with the tone. This is the color of creative natures, loving experimenting with color.

Not every woman can decide to paint their hair in. To do this, you need to possess a certain fraction of courage. Among the experimenters are most often representatives of creative professions. Bright tones allow them to emphasize their individuality. They talk about internal freedom and bold nature. When choosing paints is very important not to be mistaken with the tone.

Who will fit the red shades?

Stylists have their own rules for the choice of casak. They are associated with the natural color of hair of women, their skin, eye and curl length. Blondes with sour cream skin is not recommended to paint their hair into a copper-red shade. Best for them are paints having Tint of mahogany.

Brunettes having skin with peach tump are best suited bright redheads. They are perfectly harmonized with green or brown eyes.

When choosing paint color are guided by the following rules:

  • Bright saturated hair shades Good combined with dark skin. They are harmonized with karim or green eyes.
  • Dark red tone. The color is designed for the winners of the color of the colors and brunettes, having a slightly dark skin.
  • Fire-red tone Well fit to face owners and blondes.

Most Popular Shades of Red

Red has a large number of shades. They make the appearance of a woman more expressive and bright. The main tone includes their palette:

  • The Red tree. Best color is suitable for mature ladies. He paints perfectly and has two main tones - brown and scarlet. To get such a color to the owners of light hair, you need to paint them first in red color.
  • Dark red. Color ripe cherry. The shade is ideal for women with dark and olive skin. Perfectly combined with brown eyes.
  • Copper red. Very beautiful this shade looks on long curls. Designed for women with white leather, light brown eyes and face without freckles and acne.
  • Fire-red. The color of impulsive, emotional women. Staining to this tone requires preliminary clarification.
  • Burgundy. The color is designed for women after 30. It combines brown, and purple overflows.

Find red hair paints in collections of various manufacturers.

Wellaton 66/46 Red Cherry

  • wild Cherry;
  • dark red;
  • black cherry;
  • bright red.

Get the necessary shade of red can be mixed by paints with balms. The composition of the paints includes ammonia. They have a creamy consistency and are designed for professional staining. The effect of coloring seed 100%.

Hair color is a red tree who is daring and at the same time behind the tint, but how to choose the right shade and to whom it can come to know everything, but we will help to understand this issue.

Proposed by the mother-nature of a variety of palette, a man of greedy before the exotic was never enough. In colorful experiments, the antique Greeks were given Zeus to the blue hair, and the color of the hair was preferred to Maja, mermaids in Russian fairy tales were fascinated by the young green shock.

Already in ancient times, natural shades were not in honor, modern girls are also preferred to change the color of the curls.
Everything will depend on freedom of choice or personal addictions: Some love bright fantastic, while others are natural shades. Thanks to the change of image, you will bring a variety in your life.

How to prevent an error when choosing: who goes, and who does not

The ladies of all bright shades of the skin, green and blue eyes are lucky, a varied palette to their choice, including the saturated shade of red. But dark-colored Brunette carrage glaze is better to pay attention to the paint palette with purple and brown notes.

A girl with a bright appearance and active lifestyle, change your hair color on the red tree will help express your inner me.

Select color when painting a complex process that takes time.

If you doubt what kind of shades to give preference, try the wigs of different palettes, so it will be a little easier to see yourself in a certain image.

Diverse palette

In any palette of paints for hair granted from three to five shades of red. For those who want something completely new, it is worth trying to mix the tones among themselves, but it is better to do it in the cabin to avoid incidents with an unforeseen result.

The Red tree

As a rule, it is made in two shades, which can be mixed as desired:

  • Brown.
  • Red.

Chestnut tone saturates incomparable with a chocolate tide. It is the harmonious concentration of two shades to determine the final color. Updated to it stands for women for 50, since this kolker will respond to wrinkles and paint gray.

Despite all saturation, it is not striking, and complete with a restrained make-up and calm clothing tones, this color will be very appropriate.

Dark red

Dark red - these are dark and deep notes of the red palette, close to brown. It is impossible to emphasize the darkness and olive skin of the face, giving it freshness. In this color, dark cherry and purple tones are combined, which give the ruby \u200b\u200bshine tone.


Recommended by girls with light brown eyes and pale skin. The bright representative of the Red, thanks to copper notewings, is a bit bold, but at the same time, give the image of individuality.

With a red tint

Girls with autumnal color (blue, green or dark gray eyes and light skin shades) It will fit perfectly. Please note this color will emphasize on the skin all flaws (acne, redness, wrinkles).


Shades of hair paint Red tree will require a pair of tones. Not often chosen by ladies, as this color is dangerous. For 20-year-old girls, it is too dark, and for 50-year-old, no longer by age.

Who will fit? Women loving the attention of men and having an individual addiction to such shades of red.

Hair coloring options in red


Ombre painting, made in the form of flame languages \u200b\u200bmore and more in demand for girls up to 30 years. The spectacular basis of such dyeing will be dark or black hair color, as the red will look more bright.

If you decide to staining, then it is worth considering that the upper boundaries (dark hair) should not be trapped. It is for this reason that most often the girls are painted in red only ends.


Melting makes it possible to combine several colors, more often two.

The base is better to choose a dark tone, and for strands will suit any shade of red, your choice.

The most boldens try painting red strands on light hair, but here it will be more difficult to combine tone and better appeal for help to a professional.

Painting tips

Staining the tips, the most acceptable way out for those who are not ready to completely change the color of the chapels, but wants to try something new for themselves.

You wish to stand out from the crowd, pick two shades of red and make smooth transitions of the tones from light to the dark.

Effect of staining

Risky experiment, if you are poorly painting curls, then there may be glimpses, and this is not beautiful. With light hair, dark paint is twice as fast as with brown flowers.
What now is not painting? It is not necessary to paint, but you should not choose too dark tone and spend the first half a year in a month, so you save the brightness.

Light hair

Pay attention to the brighter tones of the red palette (copper or red). The sharp change of color is usually traumatized, so for a start, use the shadows of the balm to see the end result.

Dark hair

Hair color Red tree on a brunette is a great option, as it is practically impossible to be mistaken. This muffled shade will give the image of saturation and depth.
The database is usually chosen with chocolate and red notes (optionally you can mix two or three shades). For light skin tones, this paint will be too gloomy.

Blonde hair

A red tree on blond hair will suit women from 28 to 65 years, and young women and teenagers from such experiments should be abandoned. Combining red and brown tones, it turns out the individuality that gives the Russes of Locks of radiance and life.

Colorists offer a wide tint palette, but consider the rule, selectively choose the darker of the base otherwise, there is a risk that the paint does not take, but there will be only a shade.

A red tree on black hair is a non-standard approach, requiring skills to get the result. The black color itself is very individual and does not want to be combined with other shades.
Before staining, you need to make a wash in the cabin so that the curls will give a minimum of two tones. Refusing these procedures, you will get a light red shade in the sun.

Tips for staining hair at home will help you change the color without problems, and the result will be amazing.

  • The first stage is the selection of the dye. It will be directly dependent on the state of the skin of the head and the curl structure. If the skin is observed signs of skin diseases or wounds, it is worth refreshing from staining until you cure the skin.
  • In detail to consider the original color will be easier to the sun, since it can be darker with room lighting.
  • Most often (so laid by nature) the roots of curls are darker, and at the ends they are lighter. Take into account this moment during the color, it will help to get a uniform transition.
  • Before starting the color, spend the test for allergies. Apply a bit of the painting element to the skin behind the ear and wait about half an hour (sometimes you advise you to wait a day, but the allergies appear in a couple of weeks), there is no irritation, boldly proceed to the color.
  • We decided on what day you will be painted, day do not wash your head to protect your curls from ammonia, which is contained in any paint. Well, if the chapels are very dirty, wash it in the usual mode, but to refuse a balm and masks.
  • At the edges of the growth of hair (the skin of the face, the ears, the temporal part), smear with any bold cream, so you protect your skin from paint.
  • Do not use metal objects (combs, bowls or hairpins) they are oxidized. Suitable plastic or ceramic dishes.
  • Mix the paint for half an hour before applying, not later.
  • With a comb, divide the hair into four zones. It will help to paint the curls evenly. Start the distribution of paint from the front, and then work with a population.
  • Whiskey and forehead process the last place, since these sites are painted faster.
  • For red shades there is its own paint system. Return from the roots of 2-3 centimeters, apply paint over the entire length, and only then color the roots (last time).
  • It is necessary to keep paint on hair, from 35 to 50 minutes no less than no more. Choose a golden middleness depending on the structure of the hair. Sometimes there are advice, put the plastic bag on the head and create a greenhouse effect.
    But, this is the remnants of the past, all the hairdressers stylists in one voice say that it is impossible to do this, the color is more intense, but the hair you smell.
    Your curls and are so subjected to stress during painting, and their oxygen degrading, the chemical reaction becomes intense and as a result, you will get damaged from the inside of the curls.
  • Locks of red shades, during staining in golden become yellow (most likely). They received not the shade that wanted - use the mixture (removes the yellowness and gives color saturation).

    Price averages from 300 to 600 rubles. Volume of 60 to 150 milliliters. On the middle length there is enough one bottle, and if the curls are lower than the shoulders, then you will have to purchase two.

Golden mixture will help neutralize purple shades:

  • Green
  • Lilovy
  • Grey
    Enhances ash and white tone.

The mixture is distributed through the hair like shampoo, but try to distribute it evenly, withstand no more than 20 minutes, with each head wash, the paint will wash off. Red tones are as intense, so quickly and washed off.
Want to have a rich shade constantly, we will have to paint every two weeks. Paints in the form of a mask is easier to distribute on the hair, they are convenient to use, and saturation will last more than a month.

In general, I would like to note that the red tree is the original color of the hair that is capable of bringing new notes to your image. But, it is necessary to competently use, given all the features of appearance and style in clothing.

Videos: Streets of hair color

Red hair is a raisin image. To whom the color of the red tree is suited to find out in the first video. And in the second you can get acquainted with the coloring technology at home.

Color your hair in the original red - for many women, this is a great way of self-expression. In it is hidden the desire to become more noticeable, to present yourself special, go beyond social norms (not to be either brunette or blonde), as well as change the image, try something new.

In the name of life changes

Red hair symbolize the passion of nature, unbridled temper, rebellion. Such a color has a property of changing our essence, affects us in a certain way. If you need these changes, then decide despite the fact that most men do not like unnatural hair colors, these desires should not be suppressed. Barely strange!

Red and your color

If you think that the red hair is not to the face (the color is not the color), know, there were cases (hairdressers will confirm) when women of a certain colorota, in which red hair did not fit (all except the color of the Autumn), were transformed beyond recognition. Small details helped to complete the image: suitable lipstick color, nail polish, clothing and cosmetics. It turned out, you only need to choose a suitable color gamut! For example, green shadows are good for contrast with red lipstick harmonizes with the same paint. The transformation went to the benefit of these women: Self-acceptance has changed, self-confidence appeared, decisiveness and courage to turn their lives in the right direction.

Therefore, the choice of red hair in most cases is justified! Remember until you try, you will not know exactly, you will go new or not. In extreme cases, paint can always be washed away!

Choice of paint and colors

Red hair is a challenge: society and, above all, to itself. The useful change of the usual mistake allows you to open new opportunities, character traits, transformed, become feminine, relaxed and even a little bold.

So that everything went smoothly, the choice of paint is very important. Refrigerated products are able to make you vulgar, not a cute and desired girl. You will experience frustration, and such an unpleasant experience will kill all the good gusts to change.

Perhaps you should not start immediately with bright shades. Bright red hair paint (pomegranate, red, ruby) is too serious. Such a choice is only suitable for women who have already tried and know for sure, whether they are burning red. Start with softer shades: Mahagon, Burgundy, Burgundy.

Choose shades suitable for your skin. If you have freckles, the red colors are suitable with a honey tint. If the skin is light, even pale - choose burgundy shades and raspberry. For a tanned face good more rich bright red colors.

Give preference to the paints that give glitter hair (this is always evidence of their health), with a gentle composition (for example, without ammonia), and necessarily painting the hair in different shades of color (so the hair looks natural, and the color is richer).

For example, paint with a mixing technology of tones from Londa gives the effect of a multifaceted color. Red paint for hair of this brand is represented by different shades: from pomegranate-red to light-chestnut (with a light shade of red). Londa is an inexpensive paint, but very high quality. With proper care, the color will continue for a long time, and the hair will not be so damaged as when using cheap brands.

Alone or in a professional

If you change your appearance for the first time, consult your professional. The unsuccessful result will kill the desire to change. And for a woman it is detrimental. A qualified, experienced hairdresser will help to choose a shade, and maybe mix high-quality paints to get a unique color that suits you in all respects.

Professional care or high-quality care products, including for daily applications, will allow the color for a long time. Qualitative modern paints are made by technology that allows color to keep up to 8 weeks, almost not fading. Special masks, feeding, strengthening and restoring hair structure after their staining (triple effect) will be extended. The main thing, do not use the means that are not related to the series "for painted hair": they quickly wash the red color from your hairstyle.

Hello everyone) Our authors share their accomplished Wishlists and purchases. Usually, it is some kind of care, as a rule, dear. For trellied and gently favorite hair. But what to do when the departure is selected, the hair of proper quality and beloved color, all the Wishlist have long been bought, the desired hair length has long been thrown and cut off with a clean conscience? Boring, right? And if another hostess of these hair is very windy and changeable ... and also stained her herbs for a long time first in black, and then in the copper ... right, change the color of your favorite hair, even if it is impossible. Wishlist? Wishlist)))))
Today I will tell you and show you how I tried to change the color of the hair, applying nuclear weapons and Molotov's cocktail Professional tools strictly (almost strict ..) According to the rules, squeezing the maximum potential of hair and means. Methods extreme, but even in this case, they were not entirely effective. Post about the bought arsenal of colorist and its application
... and yes, he is long a long, so groceries, cookies and drove)

Initial data:

Haircut Bob-Kare.
Throwing the roots 1cm 5-6.
Staining with 7cm, all that is longer than henna and bass.
Visually is dark hair with a copper tide in the root zone, a smooth transition from dark copper to brown, and then to black. And bright roots. Seeds are not.

Desire Standard:

Split and bougar. To be honest, it was tired of looking into the mirror and see, albeit with the roar, but a dark-haired girl. No, I still do not want a blond, but I'm not so negative, as in the old days. I want red hair. First red bob, and there is not far from the hair to the waist

When I finally reflected my hair to the waist and looked with them, I understood that it would be much easier for me to part with them, in the case of which I would be much easier than ever. And indeed, when I, I did not regret it. There was only a feeling of lightness and novelty. The second haircut was given to me with great difficulty, as I remembered that at one time such haircuts were morally empty, despite their voluntary exercise. But this time the Fair deceived me - the haircut so I was that I gladly accepted her and slowly study it.

Now almost all bass cut off, with the exception of the front strands. It can be said, the ideal base as part of the presence of herbal staining for bleaching and further staining in a brighter coarse warm shade. Hair is healthy. They are wrapped in so powerful care that the question of its relevance for this type and the condition of the hair was once a question. That is why I was not afraid to resort to the discoloration of the hair with a powder, and more than once.

What will we work?

In my disposal an oxidizing emulsion of 3% (hereinafter "oxide", "oxigent", "peroxide"), powder with additives Plex-component, two tubes of paint tones 7 \\ 55 and 8 \\ 55. Shampoo and balm for painted hair bought in the inertia, because I had no basic care for painted hair. All funds firm Bouticle.. Over the scene of oxide 1.8% (not typo), purple and blue correctors Tefia..
But what about the technical line for flushing powder and paint? - you ask. Here I have a couple of clips Tefia.: Shampoo and balm for painted hair. It happened that, unlike most brands, in Tefia. Special means of color stabilization are not provided, this important role of the brand is played by a series for painted hair. On the one hand, it is convenient: you do not need to buy extra liter bottles, but with another suspiciously: stabilizing means you can use a maximum of a week after staining, and then you need to return to your familiar care. Other components, other proportions, other technology ... Therefore, to the next painting, I will buy a normal technical line from sin away.

I will tell you more about each of the funds.

Bouticle BLOND PLEX POWDER BLEACH bleaching powder with amino acid

Production: Italy
Price: 950r
Weight: 500gr
Appearance: Blue powder, not dust, no extraneous fragrances, smells like a regular powder.

From the manufacturer:

High-tech discoloration powder for efficiently preserving hair structure during the discoloration process. Thanks to the special formula based on advanced technology Blond Plexconnecting disulfide bonds and maintaining the natural structure of the hair, the discoloration process becomes the most secure as possible. The bleaching powder is ideal for working with open technicians, foil and thermal paper. Provides lightening up to 7 levels.


Application: Blond Plex bleaching powder is mixed with an oxidizing emulsion 10 Vol (3%), 20 vol. (6%), 30 vol. (9%) in proportion 1: 2 (30 g. Blooming powder + 60 ml. Oxidizing emulsion). Exposure time up to 50 min. After exposure time, rinse your hair with plenty of warm water, then use a delicate shampoo.

I bought this powder in response

Bouticle Expert Color Permanent Hair Cream Cream

Production: Italy
Weight \\ Volume: 100ml
Price: 250-300r.
The number of shades in the palette: 93
Number of proofreaders \\ Mikstons: 8

From the manufacturer:

Permanent professional hair cream-dye with a reduced ammonia content based on a restoring complex consisting of hydrolyzed Silk Proteins and Macadamia OilEffectively preserves the keratin structure of the hair to create a resistant color. Reliably protects hair and scalp in the process of staining.

MPT technology (Micro Pigment Technology) provides micro-pigments of the dye high penetrating ability with minimal disclosure of the cuticular layer, which guarantees the creation of flawless cosmetic color with maximum preservation of the integrity of the hair structure.

Resistant staining with shades from 1 to 10 tone level.
Oxidizer selection:
Tone in tone or darker - 3%, 1: 1, 30-35 minutes
On 1 level lighter - 6%, 1: 1, 35 minutes
On level 2 lighter - 9%, 1: 1, 35-40 minutes
On level 3 lighter - 12%, 1: 1, 40-45 minutes
Application technique:
Lightening (from 1 to 5 levels) or staining in bright copper, red shades: Apply the coloring mixture for the length of the hair, retreating from the skin of the head of 1.5-2.0 cm, after 10-15 minutes, apply the mixture into the roasting zone and with This moment check the full exposure time according to the type of coloring; Tone-in-tone, darker: apply a paint mixture from the roots to the tips.
Re-staining (the hair was previously painted, abandoned roots):

Resistant staining with shades of extra-blond 12 / xx row *
Oxidizer selection:
Up to 4 levels lighter - 9%, 1: 2, 55 minutes.
Up to 5 levels lighter - 12%, 1: 2, 55 minutes.
* Tints 12 rows are not intended for staining of gray hair and toning of previously colored or bleached hair.
Application technique:
Primary staining (hair previously not painted): Apply the color mixture for the length of the hair, retreating from the skin of the head of 1.5-2.0 cm, after 10-15 minutes, apply the mixture into the roasting zone.
Repeated coloring: Apply the mixture to the abnormal hair in the root zone, at the end of application, check the exposure time according to the type of coloring, then go to the toning of previously colored hair.

Toning is performed, both on dry and on wet hair, depending on the desired result and technology of staining.
Oxidizer selection:
Toning - 3%, 1: 2, 5-25 minutes.
Application technique:
Toning of previously painted hair: Color does not require correction: Samulinage the coloring mixture for hair length at the end of the exposure time in the root zone; An insignificant color correction is required (an additional color nuance is lost): perform tinting using a 3% oxidant in proportion 1: 2, the dye of the same level or 1 level is lighter 10-15 minutes until the end of the exposure time in the root zone; Color correction is required (lost the main color nuance): Perform a toning using a 3% oxidant in proportion of 1: 2, the dye of the same level (or on 1 level lighter) is 15-25 minutes before the end of the exposure time in the roasting zone; Loss of tone level: perform staining immediately after applying a coloring mixture in the root zone by choosing a shade taking into account the level of tone and hair status in length.

Staining of gray hair *:
% gray hair:
30% -50% - 1 part of natural + 2 parts of the selected shade, 6% (1: 1), 45 minutes
50% -70% - 1 part of natural + 1 part of the selected shade, 6% (1: 1), 45 minutes
70% -100% - 2 parts of natural + 1 part of the selected shade, 6% (1: 1), 45 minutes
* Shades 10, 12 rows are not intended for staining of gray hair.
The natural row should be the same level of tone as the selected shade.
Application technique: When staining gray hair Start applying from sites with the largest% of seats. At the end of application, return to the very gray sections and repeat the applying if necessary. When working with a resistant seeding, perform a mandensazh (6% oxidizer to carry on gray hair, dry the hairdryer, proceed to apply the coloring mixture, according to the type of coloring) or prepigement (shades 0 - for cold directions; .3 - for warm directions; .03 - For neutral, apply a shade in pure form without an oxidizing agent, a thin layer on the focal seeding is 10 minutes before applying a coloring mixture selected according to the type of coloring).
Primary staining: Apply the color mixture for the length of the hair, retreating from the skin of the head of 1.5-2.0 cm, after 10-15 minutes, apply the mixture into the roasting zone and from this point in the total exposure time according to the dyeing.
Repeated coloring: Apply a painting mixture into the abnormal hair in the root zone, according to the type of coloring. Toning previously colored hair in length (see Toning).

I noticed that in the palette there is a shade of 7 \\ 55 (intensively red), which is not in all brands, and decided that you need to take.

Consistency: Cream, colorless first few minutes. After, the color begins to come on the air. When mixing the dye and oxygen, a creamy mass is obtained.

Oxidizing Emulsion Bouticle Developer Emulsion

Production: Italy
Volumes: 100ml, 1000ml
Price: 279r for 1l.
Laying: 3%, 6%, 9% and 12%; 1.5%

From the manufacturer:

10 Vol (3%), 20 vol. (6%), 30 vol. (9%), 40 vol. (12%). The soft formula of the oxidizing emulsion has a protective and softening effect, delicately causing the skin of the head and hair in the process of staining, lightening and discoloration. Designed for use with professional dyes and discoloration means brand BoutiClé. It has a moisturizing effect.

Oxygen standard consistency, not too liquid, not too thick. Purchased into a pair to powder and paint, because native oxygen is preferable ...

Process of coloring

... I was helped by my classmate for hairdressers. The whole process is based solely on those knowledge that we managed to get during the training, as well as on mine. If there are any amendments, set out, listen, comment ...

Since the hair of good quality is not damaged by staining, thermodes, time, it is decided to discolor a powder by 3%. We were told on training that it was possible to discolor the hair to three times in one day, in case one time it did not work out to discolor the hair to the desired base. Namely: 1 time caused the hair to the hair, slapped 50in and look at the quality of the hair, checking it on elasticity. After time, we are tightened by powder with a dry towel and thoroughly wip away from the surplus of powder. In such a state, the powder ceases to act on the hair in full force, and you can safely continue to apply the powder to other sections at this time if you perform work in complex technique. Let's go back ... pulled the powder and put a fresh portion on these strands over what left after tightening. Skilled another 50min. Do not forget to check the hair on the elasticity and the intensity of the discoloration. They pulled the powder again. If the color has not risen enough, we apply in the third and last today.
This does not mean that tomorrow you can be discolored, keep in mind. As a rule, such manipulations begin with length, retreating 1-2 cm from the roots, because in the root zone the temperature is higher, and the process will go much faster.

Apply powder.
Pooge is recommended to stir with an oxygen in proportion 1: 2, but because the paste as a result of such a kneading was very thick, then I decided to take the ratio 1: 2.5. At seminars, I often heard the view that the amount of the oxygen affects only a consistency and a little bit - on the rate of raising APT, so such a deviation from the instruction found permissible.

They were deliberately applied on the length of the frontal-dark zone (the fact that in front, there are the longest hair). They applied abundantly, massaging each strand. The foil was not hidden, because the hair was short, and quite warmly warm up that it became unexpected for me.
"Draft, take them, they are hot," My Parliament Masha was surprised, and I was not less surprised.

Already after the first application, the color began to rapidly leave the hair, leaving behind only impenetrable henged copper and the henno-bass greens. As mentioned by me above, after the first 50 minutes we were tune with the puddro who came to the strands and inflicted a new portion. And so on the whole head as "ripening" strands. The hairs remained elastic and dense.
My hair after the second right was still lighter, and greens are more intense. The condition of the hair is decent. Already pride takes for its armor-piercing care, because the structure of the hair is not the strongest, alas)

Powder hit me a little on the roots, and I felt a slight burning sensation. 3% oxigent. So, ideally, the percentage would be lowering ... the third approach, in which we have been painted now and the length, and the roots, it was decided to make 1.8% oxide Tefia.because Bouticle. The lowest percentage at the moment is 3%. It is rumored that manufacturers still developed a lower percentage of their oxigent, but to my city, as always, he has not yet reached. This solution is also due to the fact that before that, 3% oxigent was used, which managed to uncover the hair scales and clean everything inside it, and 1.8% work mainly on the cuticular layer of hair (on the surface), where mine is fixed Herbs. On the roots of the powder, 1.8% behaves almost like 3%, but burning is much weaker. Here we did not withstand 50 minutes, but looked at how the roots are discolored, and when everything was ready, we went to wash off.
... Technical retreat: During the training, we were told that the oxygen Tefia. universal, it can be used with dyes of other brands, if there are no special technological deviations in their technologies, such as in Kezy.where very liquid oxigents and very thick dyes ...

Washed only with shampoo for painted hair Tefia.. The balm did not need, because ... my fingers did not stop and did not get confused in my hair both during washing and after it. I, honestly, was in a pleasant shock, because how much I painted and discolored people (not much, but still), in all almost such a trick did not pass in the freshly oxole hair. Hair hellish was confused. I did not have this. But the quality of the hair still has changed. It is clear that for the worse. I will not shine a soul, they have become more reminded by a wet cloth, a little and subject, but not before the murdered state.

What do we see? Almost boiled-white roots, yellow-orange those are the same 7 cm of hanged hair and marsh-green-green ends, as well as predicted)

Staining \\ Toning
And if everything is clear and can be painted with roots and the hennament, and can be painted in any shade that does not contain blue-green pigment (all sorts of ash or beige), then with a fable greens only one output. More precisely, two, but we now do not take scissors into the red, thereby neutralize the greens. By the way, if you are painted into any blond or ash, and you understand that it is rapidly green, add to your paint or subsequent tinting red pigment. In the first case, it will be correctors \\ Mikston red, and in the second - tinting shampoos \\ balsams \\ masks. Just do not overdo it, and then you have to add green

We have prepared two bowls with paint for roots and for length. I did not want to darken the length too, because there and so the layer of herbs was left, so it took number 8 \\ 55, the fives point to the reinforced red, and because the claimed UGT is quite high - 8, then the color should get very bright, slightly Whether not neon. Also added the droplet of the blue correer (because "thanks" he was discouraged to orange, at least might fit it) and stirred well by 3%

For the roots, it was decided to take a tone below 7 \\ 55 with the addition of a purple corrector (against the yellowness of the resulting illuminated background). This is truly deep and at the same time a bright color, my most beloved in this palette. Cold red with barely caught pinkish nuance. It is very sad for this shade, for example, Ollin., Tefia. and Kezy. - These are the brands on which we were taught to work during training and seminars. But there are B. Kaaral.but I'll get to him yet.

They were applied first on the roots, and after 20 minutes for the length. Roots turned out to be slightly darker. Actually, this was the calculation so as not to be very glared, but the next time I will have to somehow look for a way out of the situation in terms of what I do not want to darken the roots, but also not worth it. In general, I will see what it will wash off, then I will think over the coloring formula.
In the meantime, I wash off the paint from the hair of Iiii ... I nano my favorite ampoule Kairal Restructure.Because after washing the paint, the hair is still confused. But my ampulles quickly leads them to feelings.

And here I come back to my many, many-multilayer theme: After ampuny, air conditioning ... then spray, cream and dry hairdryer. And before laying there is also oil. I have not yet learned how I have not learned, so you have to phenomate with a hairdryer.

Yes, lay down with spots, yes, Basma did not leave, yes, the warm henny looks over, but it is a mask. Above the head is no longer jumping. I wanted cold red, got neon orange-red ...

I did the question: it was possible to do without the help of discoloration powder, if the result is still red-red? My answer: No, because without powder, the color after staining would be much darker declared on the package even when complying with the entire technology. Still, Henna and Basma were densely on the surface .. But how awesomely see and the mirror is not darkened hair work on the color is now the matter and the question of time and work on quality will now be fully justified. These hair will now absorb very many masks and immentable funds, these hair are now needed more sparing shampoos that do not waste color

The impression of the first washing a couple of days after staining.
Hair for other quality, creaking, confused mainly from the roots and rear, the front strands are healthier. Wash your head now you have to be very gentle and carefully, but I'm not accustomed to, because I have already learned myself in my time carefully treat the hair
What about the resistance of the color, then I knew that red and copper shades almost from the first wash begin to lose their intensity, Therefore, it was ready for such a turn of events. Color after the first wash line for painted hair Bouticle. (As part of the SLES shampoo) swept color. On the wet hair, I saw more neon rims than redness, so I decided not to slow using a tinting mask Tefia. in red execution. I must say that tinting masks will now be my permanent satellites in care, because I intend to keep the color bright. The same applies to blondes: you want to carry your cofflies for a long time - use tinting agents, the same masks, they also take care
After washing away, the color of my hair acquired that redness, which I already began to miss after the first washing. Read more about the mask itself, I will dissolve somehow later, but so far the first photos.

With the skinless leaving the same song: the hair is immediately transformed as soon as it inflicts it. They need it, and they ask for additives. And I give them additives without visible consequences)


I have already written a lot more, but now it's relevant as ever, since there was a lot of posts from newbies on our site, the content of which is about the following: "I want to repaint \\ discolored \\ knee, but I am afraid for the further condition of the hair / length and T .d. "... Do not be afraid to change if the soul asks, but do not forget that the condition of the hair after staining will change in any way. And yes, you need to pick up a new care. I do not hide, it is waiting for me. Despite my pretty good care, it may turn out that some kind of tool will not fit into it or simply stop working in connection with the change of hair type. And for me, the era of the differenties and the search for a new care will come again
As for the haircut, then a more suspended solution is needed. The tips to fill nothing worth it, but more radical haircuts will require full satisfaction from you what you wear at the moment. In other words, you managed to be like a dream long, and she bored you or her appearance began to spill under the influence of a variety of factors as in my case. Then there will be no regrets. Then boldly solve the change of image. In other cases, try to suffer and play with care, distract, in other words.

In general, all chic and healthy hair, and most importantly - moral satisfaction from your manipulations over them yet)
