Origami for beginners: diagrams, detailed instructions. DIY paper origami: step-by-step master classes, photo examples

Origami. Its roots go back to antiquity, and the history of the technique of making paper figures goes back several thousand years. In the past, the process of creating crafts was accompanied by lengthy rituals, many of which are no longer known today. Meanwhile, children and adults alike love to create original paper models to decorate the interior of the house or just for fun. Consider what a beginner should figure out before starting work, and also get acquainted with one of the options for creating beautiful and bright origami flower arrangements from paper. The beginner's schemes presented in this article are simple and accessible to both adults and preschool children. To make a beautiful flower arrangement, you have to be patient. The result will definitely meet all your expectations.

The history of origami art

Schemes of flowers, animals and birds, made by folding paper, began to be invented in the distant past. Nobody knows the exact date of this interesting technique. Some believe that this art is older than paper itself. The first figurines were created from scraps of fabric and were used to drape Japanese clothing. Others associate origami with pagan cults. In ancient China and Japan, paper was often used for various religious rituals. For example, at a funeral, it was customary to burn all the clothes and household utensils of the deceased. Later, they began to burn only the names of objects written on paper. Even later, some things useful in everyday life began to be folded out of paper. Such figurines are most widespread in Japan. The paper was used there for the production of lanterns, umbrellas, screens, and even for the production of clothing. Gradually, the art of origami, the scheme for assembling simple figures and things useful in everyday life, improved. Paper models became more and more expressive and graceful. Origami ceased to have a religious connotation and moved into court art. At that time, only a select few could be engaged in folding paper figures, since paper was considered a very expensive pleasure. The ability to make a figurine from a leaf was considered a sign of refined taste and excellent education. Today, when anyone can buy paper, the origami technique has become generally available. Now everyone can try their hand at creating bright and unexpected compositions.

Origami paper for beginners

It turns out that making beautiful figures is not so difficult. It is enough to purchase the necessary materials (usually white or colored paper) and be patient. Beginners should start by familiarizing themselves with the basic schemes for creating the simplest models. These are flowers and animals. You can read special literature and collect elementary diagrams. At first, you need more patience and self-confidence. You should practice folding the origami creations of which are presented in this article, just suitable for those who are just starting their journey of acquaintance with this ancient Japanese art. The work will not take much of your time. The main thing is to do everything sequentially, carefully following the instructions.

Origami paper composition

Flowers, the schemes of which we will master today, are prepared according to traditional technology. One model has five petals. Each petal of the bud is done separately. Then they are all held together with PVA glue. Having mastered the technique of making one petal, you can easily cope with all the rest of the work. If you wish, you can create a flower arrangement and decorate your home for the arrival of guests.

Materials (edit)

You will need simple equipment that can be found in the home of any modern person. If something is missing, then buy everything you need at your local office supply store. So, to create one flower, you will need 5 sheets of colored paper. You can choose the color according to your wishes. Accordingly, if you have the patience to create a whole bouquet, then stock up on 30 sheets of paper. The size of each square will depend on the volume of your bouquet. Optimally cut into squares with a side of 10-15 centimeters. You will also need glue to form the buds. It is better to take PVA, as it does not stain or deform the paper. You can use office sticky paper that has already been cut into even squares.

Making the first petal

So, let's take the first square and start preparing an easy origami for beginners. The flower will consist of five petals, each of which is done separately. First, fold the square diagonally, carefully ironing the fold. Place the work with the corner up in front of you. Now bend the right and left corners up so that you get a rhombus, and the bases of the triangles are closed. Next, visually divide the right triangle in half and fold it down along this imaginary line. Do the same with the left side. Now take the two protruding triangles with your fingers and close them. Your petal should turn into a tube. The former bottom corners should be at the top. They should be bent downwards and shoved into a small "pocket" formed by bending the rhombus. Thus, your petal is held tightly thanks to this design. It remains to carefully iron all the corners so that the model becomes neat.

Form a bud

We continue to make our paper origami product. Schemes for beginners are usually simple and of the same type. At this stage, all the most difficult is over. Now you should repeat everything that you have already done. That is, for one bud, you need to design four more of the same petals. Once you're done, apply glue to the center seam of each piece. Carefully begin to glue the petals to each other, aligning the length of the structure. Continue working until all five petals are glued. Hold the place where the petals are glued until the glue dries.

Create a bouquet

If you have successfully coped with the previous stage, then you have already mastered the technique of making origami from paper. Beginner schemes are usually described in great detail so that the beginner does not get confused. Therefore, you should not relax if you are ready to create a whole bouquet. Make five more buds, gluing each one neatly. Now you should correctly combine all the flowers into one large and beautiful bouquet. Everything needs to be done so that the glue is not visible, so it is important to be very careful. Glue the first two flowers together first. It is important to correctly determine the place of gluing. It should be two leaves next to each other. Glue the third flower to the second, also on two leaves. Do the same with the remaining two colors. Only one leaf from each bud on the outside of the bouquet should not be touched by the glue. Thus, you should have a ring of five crafts. Now it remains to insert the last, sixth, bud on top to complete our paper origami design. Schemes for beginners, as you have seen, are very easy to follow if you do the work carefully and slowly.


So, your craft is ready. Now you can use it to decorate a wedding table or living room interior for the holiday. You can make several of these bouquets and lower them into the pool before the arrival of guests. Beautiful floating bouquets will not leave indifferent any guest. And your holiday will surely be remembered for a long time by all those present.

Most of us in childhood had the opportunity to fold a boat or an airplane out of paper, but then very few people knew the word "origami". This term refers to the ancient Japanese art of making decorative paper products.

The ability to make sacred figures out of folded paper (they were used in rituals) was passed on in Japan from generation to generation. Today origami is a creative activity with different levels of difficulty. For beginners, rather simple product diagrams are offered. Developing the acquired skills, you can make complex volumetric images of animals, flowers, boxes and even complex modular compositions.

Classical techniques

Despite the variety of technologies, classic origami does not lose its popularity. The figures have to be made without the use of scissors and glue (some schemes allow cutting of small sections).

As a guide for making a model, a step-by-step instruction with drawings or a schematic diagram is usually offered. In the first case, the task of beginners is easier, and in the second one cannot do without knowledge of the basic conventions.

  1. Mountain. This fold must be done "away from you" to get a convex fold. Indicated by a dot-dash line and open-headed arrows
  2. Valley. The pull-back fold allows you to create a concave paper edge. The diagram represents such folds as dashed lines. You also need to pay attention to their length: in this way it is clarified whether it is necessary to make a fold to the end of the sheet contour or not
  3. Arrows. They indicate the direction of the fold. If you only need to outline (bend and unbend), the arrows are depicted with two multidirectional tips. The looped arrow shows: you need to rotate the paper sheet in the horizontal plane by 180 °. A spiral arrow at the corner of the figure indicates vertical flip. If the stage diagram includes simultaneously the bend and turn arrow, then folding is first performed, and then it is turned. A straight arrow with risks indicates that the current action should be repeated as many times as there are dashes on the arrow

How to make a goldfish out of paper. Scheme for beginners

To finally "revive" the origami fish, a semicircular cut is made on the tail. Eyes are drawn in front, fins are painted.

Paper swan. Manufacturing instruction

Assembling an origami swan may seem daunting for beginners at first, but this is only at first glance. You need to make a figurine in several stages.

Paper figurines attract people. Many, looking at a paper boat or flower, think about the technology for its creation and begin to look for information on how to make origami. Starting with simple figures, gradually even beginners master this fascinating art.

If you first decided to tackle the technique of folding figures, then you can watch a video for beginners.

For example, how do you like this video tutorial?

They explain in an accessible way what action and how it is performed. Or use the step-by-step instructions, where each stage is accompanied by a diagram or photo.

How to make origami out of paper: rose

  1. Take a square piece of paper. The paper should be thick so that it does not tear during work.
  2. Fold the square in four horizontally and vertically.
  3. Pull the top side and form a triangle.
  4. Turn the workpiece over and hide the right corner inward (4, 5 steps).
  5. Lift up the corners of the top layer.
  6. Layer the raised corners and form into small squares. Then tuck them inward (steps 7, 8, 9).
  7. Turn the workpiece over and hide the corners inward.
  8. Fold the top to the bottom.
  9. Cut and flatten the workpiece as shown in steps 13 and 14.
  10. Turning over, place the top perpendicularly.
  11. Unscrew the sides of the top diagonally (step 16).
  12. Grasping the top, gently rotate your rose clockwise. Straighten and twist the petals.

Paper flowers are mesmerizing and will delight you all year round. You can make a whole bunch of roses and give it to a loved one. Imagine how much emotion you will bring him with your work.

Ship for long voyage

  1. Fold the square diagonally and flatten it back.
  2. Bend the top corner to the bend line.
  3. Fold the corner up, then down again.
  4. Bend the workpiece vertically, with the bent corners inward.
  5. Fold the bottom corner outward and secure the fold.

You can fill the bathtub and let the boat sail. The lessons below will help you make a whole navy for your little one to have fun.

Romantic heart

1) Take an A-4 sheet. Fold the triangles on all four sides. Flatten the sheet.

2) Lightly connect with your fingers in the middle at the top and bottom. Form a triangle on the right side by pressing it against the base. Do the same for the left side (steps 6-9).

3) Unscrew the corner of the formed triangle and, having delaminated it, press down. Layer the corners of the resulting square again and press. Do the same for all the corners of the triangles (steps 10-14).

4) Bend the workpiece vertically. Connect the right and left parts, make folds (16-20 steps).

5) Unscrew the corners on the fold strip. Straighten the workpiece, bend the top and side corners back to make a heart.

You can make your loved one a pleasant morning and leave such a gift next to a cup of coffee.

How to make origami out of paper: Swan

Bend the square diagonally and straighten it. Bend the two corners to the diagonal fold line.

Turn the workpiece over and bend the bottom corners to the center.

Flip and fold the top and bottom corners. Turn over again.

Fold in the top.

Flip and bend the workpiece vertically. Pull the swan's head. You can admire your craft.

More on video:

Flying airplanes

  1. Bend the rectangular sheet horizontally along the long side and straighten it.
  2. Fold the two left corners, joining and at the fold.
  3. Fold the left side of the folded corners a little more than the bottom of the folded corners.
  4. Bend the two left corners of the already made workpiece again. Wrap the small triangle that will look out.
  5. Fold the craft in half and unfold the wings. The plane is ready to explore the air.

And, of course, a tutorial:

Kitty scheme

Such a cat can be built to decorate your workplace in the office or play a child.


The boy will really like it if, in front of his eyes, you build a tank out of a simple sheet of paper:

Origami is also an art that began to develop in Japan, and now funny cranes, frogs, boats are known in many countries.

The very name "origami" is a derivative of the two words "ori" - "folding" and "kami" - "paper". Often, one sheet of paper is used to fold origami, and only then different folds are used in a certain sequence. Classical origami is precisely the art of creating various figures out of paper without using scissors or glue. He has a kind of kirigami - paper sculptures.

In Japan, origami was associated with religious symbols, and each figurine was assigned a special meaning. Initially, paper was very expensive and valuable, so only rich people could afford to do origami: beautiful figures were presented as a gift, they were used to decorate houses and temples. Over time, the complexity of the figures increased, real masters of their craft appeared, who created real masterpieces.

Of course, making a work of art with babies is difficult, but it is better to start as early as possible. For a child to master the process of making paper crafts, it will take time and a bit of patience. It is best to start classes from 4-5 years old, first you can make this or that figure, and the child will observe, then you can involve the child in this business. Moves from elementary and basic figures to more laborious and complex ones.

Origami is not only an interesting pastime, but also a significant benefit. Fine motor skills, coordination of movements, spatial and creative thinking develops.

With the help of origami, you can instill patience and perseverance in the child, help to realize the capabilities of your hands. Even elementary geometry can be studied with the help of figures: tell your child what an angle, vertex, square, circle and so on are. By the way, it is also useful for adults to escape from the usual hustle and bustle and do something creative and interesting.

In this article, we offer you origami diagrams for the little ones, but the little ones will have to work hard to create their first independent masterpiece.


This is probably one of the most famous origami crafts out there. For manufacturing, you need a rectangular sheet of paper. It must be bent in half, and then the upper corners must be bent inward to form a triangle. Bend the rest of the rectangle, and then slightly stretch the figure until a diamond is formed.

Now the final stage: we bend the protruding corners on both sides, we get a kind of pyramid. You need to bend it a little and make the sides for the ship. The boat is ready to sail! It's time to try it in a stream or even in a bathroom!


A paper basket for storing stationery or picking berries can be made from a simple sheet of paper. We bend the sheet diagonally, the strip at the bottom needs to be cut off or carefully torn off, and then fold the sheet again, but on a different diagonal. We bend the corners of the square inward, towards the center of the figure. We turn the workpiece over, bend one quarter of the square to the center and take out the corners, we do the same with the other side. We got small triangles, they need to be bent inward, the ends with right angles are also bent inward. Turn the workpiece over again, bend the ends with right angles to the sides, turn it over, form a basket by pulling the inner edges and give it a square shape. The product is ready!


Take a regular A4 sheet of paper. Now fold it in half, the top corners should line up with the vertical. Now we bend the side edges inward again. The resulting triangle also needs to be bent in half and you get the wings of an airplane. Now let your child arm yourself with paints or felt-tip pens and paint his work, and then you can practice flying!


Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half to form a triangle. The upper and lower corners must be evenly bent.

Now we bend the rhombus in half, bend the corners-ears slightly inward, and then straighten them so that they turn out slightly protruding. Now take a felt-tip pen and add the missing details: eyes, nose, mustache, cat's mouth.

The child will definitely like to make such funny things together with mom or dad.


To make such a cobra, you need a square sheet of paper. We bend it diagonally, then unbend it again, fold the sides towards the diagonal.

Then bend the sides again to the center of the figure, bend the sides at the bottom to form two triangles, and then lower the top corner, turning our figure inside out. Now is the time to color in the resulting cobra.


You will need a square sheet of paper. Conditionally outline the middle lines on it and fold along them, bend the corners towards the center of the figure.

Now bend the corners diagonally.

The workpiece must be folded in half again.

Bend the corner inward.

Now we take the felt-tip pencils and draw the eyes and wings to the bird.


We take a square sheet of paper, conventionally divide it in half and fold it diagonally.

Bend the corners along the lines.

The top corner now needs to be folded forward.

We draw big eyes, a beak, paint the wings. The owl is ready.


We take a sheet of square format, fold it diagonally, then fold the lower part along the line.

Bend the upper corner, bend the lower corners along the drawn lines towards the center of the figure. Bend the bottom corner up.

Now we draw (or glue the cut out paper) eyes, nose, teeth. The funny rabbit is ready!

Little penguin

We bend the square sheet diagonally, then step back a little from it and bend the corner, bend it forward.

Turn the figure over, bend the corners along the drawn lines.

Bend the corners again, and then turn the workpiece over again.

We bend the corners on the sides, and bend the upper corner down.

We draw eyes, you can paint the body. The little penguin is ready.

Simple crafts will surely please your children, and origami will become a new family tradition!

This type of creativity is equally interesting for both children and adults. The lesson fascinates with the result obtained, and the costs of creating various models do not require special investments. The main thing is to show patience and skill. In addition, such do-it-yourself crafts can be presented to your loved ones, and they will decorate any interior.

To start making origami, you need to understand simple diagrams. For example, as in the image below. Having made a lot of such crafts, you will understand the basis of the craft, after which it will no longer be difficult to create a work of art from ordinary paper.

See how an ordinary square piece of colored paper can turn into a cute, cute dog. To make it, do the following:

  1. Take a square piece of paper and fold it diagonally
  2. Straighten it, mark the second diagonal line
  3. Fold it in a triangle again and bend two corners to make a square, as in Figure 3
  4. Roll the resulting shape again in the form of a triangle
  5. Bend one side of the triangle, as in Figure 6, and then straighten it, as in Figure 7, to form the ears and face of the dog.
  6. It remains to form the tail - all the craft is ready

DIY origami flowers

There are many examples of making flowers from paper, some of them are shown in the figures below. Such bouquets can be made by modular modeling, or rather, to assemble a flower from several petals.

Origami paper flowers - schemes

The image shows a scheme for making a kusudama flower.

  1. Prepare five sheets of paper
  2. If the colored paper is rectangular, then cut it to make a square
  3. Fold the leaf diagonally to form a triangle.
  4. Bend the corners at the base of this triangle so that a square comes out
  5. Unfold and unfold the product as shown in Figures 4 and 5
  6. Bend the tops on the sides so that the figure comes out, as in the 6th figure of the diagram
  7. Make two bends at the sides, after that you should get two folds at the edges of the petal.
  8. Apply glue to the edge and glue the sides of the petal.
  9. After that - make four more of the same details.
  10. And collect the flower with office glue

Origami paper box

You can make such an original box with your own hands from colored cardboard. After that, it should be pasted over with special gift paper, which is sold in a flower shop.

DIY origami paper box - diagram

Making a box is not so difficult even for a beginner, the main thing is to carefully study the diagram and do not get confused when making bends.


  • Take a rectangular piece of paper
  • The first step is to make a bend in the middle to form a straight line parallel to the smaller sides of the sheet.
  • Spread the sheet
  • Make folds on both sides so that the sides of the rectangle are on the midline.
  • Then connect the other sides of the rectangular sheet.
  • Draw two lines as shown in Figure 4.
  • Bend the corners of the box carefully
  • Open the box with both hands
  • Spread out the product, you will get a ready-made box

Video: DIY paper origami step by step

Origami from paper for children

All children love animals. And if you have a drop of free time, then you and your child will make a red, sly fox out of orange colored paper. And with a black felt-tip pen, draw the eyes, nose and mouth of the animal. A detailed diagram is presented to you in the pictures below.

Easy origami from paper with your own hands

The simplest origami schemes are familiar to many from childhood. Few adults know how to make an airplane from a piece of paper. The process of making such an airplane will be a useful activity for dad and son. The child, of course, should like such a thing.

Origami paper for beginners

You will make this Christmas tree yourself from multi-colored paper, if you know how to make an ordinary fan out of paper. Cut the upper edges of the fan in a semicircle, and glue the sides with ordinary PVA glue. Make seven such parts so that one is smaller than the other. Then collect them like a children's pyramid on a wire.

Origami from paper: schemes for beginners

Fans of simple origami schemes will surely like such a large whale.

Operating procedure:

  • Take a square colored sheet.
  • First, mark the diagonal, then two more auxiliary lines - the bisectors of the formed triangles.
  • For the last two, make bends. And immediately fold the top corner.
  • Fold the resulting shape in half and wrap the top of the figure, as in Figure 4.
  • Make a ponytail and sketch out the eyes and mouth.

Origami paper boat

Any boy can make such a boat design out of a sheet of paper, following the detailed scheme below.

The simplest paper origami

Girls will love these crafts to decorate their room or Christmas tree. For these lush toys, you will need plain colored paper and the ability to make a simple fan. The craft is done in the same way as the Christmas tree. See the description above.

Origami - step by step diagrams

Let's study a diagram of how to make a swan out of paper. This craft is no longer for beginners, but if you are attentive and do not miss important details, then you can make the craft yourself.


  1. On a square piece of paper, use the bends to mark the diagonals of the square and the center line, as in the second picture. Fold the sheet in half along this line.
  2. Make a square from the resulting rectangle (fig. 4).
  3. Now bend the edges of the square so that the shape comes out, as in fig. 5. The same thing on the other side.
  4. Expand the sheet and connect the bottom and top corners.
  5. Make another bend, as in fig. 7.
  6. Connect the left side to the right to make a quadrilateral again.
  7. Bend the bottom corner so that it lines up with the top. And so all the parts of origami, until you get a figure, as in Fig. ten.
  8. Then free the bird's neck and tail from the sides of this figure (picture: 11, 12).
  9. Make a swan's head, slightly spread the wings, as shown in Figures 13 and 14.

The simplest origami for kids

This image shows how you can make a lush flower yourself. To do this, take a few sheets of colored paper, roll them into a fan, carefully cut off the tops of future petals. Fasten the strips with wire in the middle. Next, fluff the resulting flower gently so as not to damage it.

Having considered all these simple origami schemes, you can now, in any way, make your own craft, unlike the others.

Video: Origami from paper - schemes