Feelings when conceiving a child. The first days of pregnancy: signs, symptoms, sensations. After conception, avoid close contact with people with infectious or viral diseases

In the female body, a mechanism regulated by nature itself occurs the birth of a new man. Recognizing the signals of reproductive function, talking about a successful conception, is quite difficult. But some women still manage to notice even the slightest change in their condition and recognize the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception.

With long-term planning for a child, a married couple immediately after sexual contact grabs an express. But such haste will not give an answer to the exciting question. After all female hCG level cannot increase at one moment, its amount increases gradually throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

The most reasonable moment to use the test is considered the first day of missed menstruation. But even here there is a risk of obtaining an unreliable result. Even woman's menstrual cycle throughout life passed steadily like clockwork. No one is immune from the influence of external factors and the shift of ovulation for several days in advance. In this case, even if the pregnancy did occur, the test will show a negative result. Then you need to wait a few more days and do a second study.

When conducting a pregnancy test, it is advisable to collect urine in the morning immediately after waking up. It contains a concentrated level of hCG, and the result will be more reliable. This is especially true for those ladies who nevertheless decided not to wait for the delay of menstruation and check their guesses ahead of time.

The nature of the vaginal discharge changes in a woman, according to which she may suspect the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception. Under the influence of progesterone since the conception of excretion become viscous and thick, a woman may notice their reduction. This is due to the fact that the vaginal mucosa is preparing for the fixation of a fertilized egg. A cork is also formed from the vaginal mucus, the function of which is to close the cervix and thereby protect the fetus from external influences.

At the time of fixation of the fetal egg, slight damage to the blood vessels in the uterus occurs. A barely noticeable drop of blood may appear on the panty liner. In gynecology, such discharge is called " implantation bleeding". Most often, a woman does not even notice it, especially if all the changes fit into the norm.

Dangerous vaginal discharges include:

  1. White curdled discharge means that Candida mushrooms have settled in the woman's body. The so-called thrush affects the mucous membrane of the genital organs, from the vital activity of yeast-like fungi, unbearable itching appears in the perineum.
  2. Yellow or green discharge with an unpleasant odor signal the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. Yellow discharge is also characteristic of various infections of the reproductive system (staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, gonorrhea).
  3. Bloody issues in large volumes with a bright red color - the most dangerous for a pregnant woman. In such a situation, they are already talking about the onset of vaginal bleeding, which can end in a miscarriage. Bloody discharge also appears during an ectopic pregnancy.

In the early stages, it is very important, if uncharacteristic discharge occurs, to visit a gynecologist to clarify the diagnosis.

Indeed, many changes in a woman's body can indicate serious violations that can harm the child and even disrupt the pregnancy.

From a scientific point of view, first 7 days after conception are not considered pregnancy. This is due to physiological processes in the reproductive function of the female body. So, for 7-10 days, a fertilized egg only moves into the uterine cavity, where it has yet to gain a good foothold. And only after that begins the formation of the fetus from the embryo, the umbilical cord and the placenta. This period is very significant in the formation of a new life, because the body of a woman at first can perceive the fetus as foreign body.

Successful implantation of the fetus causes hormonal changes in the female body - the level of hCG rises. This hormone contributes to the preservation of the fetus throughout pregnancy. At this time, a woman can already take a blood test in order to confirm pregnancy.

If a woman is planning a pregnancy and monitors any changes in her body, then for her the first signal of pregnancy becomes delayed menstruation. In other cases, young ladies notice only indirect symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception. These include:

In individual cases, a woman may feel a heavier uterus in the first days of pregnancy. This is manifested by heaviness in the pelvic area and tingling in the uterus.

In a healthy body under the influence of pregnancy protective function is reduced. Immunity weakens, exposing a woman to the risk of infection with various seasonal viruses and infections. Of course, you should not panic when symptoms of a cold appear. But it is quite possible to try to protect yourself from hypothermia. After all, even a harmless cold in the early stages without effective treatment can harm the baby's health.

A fairly large danger to a developing fetus is influenza, an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract. This disease may not affect the fetus, but the treatment of a pregnant woman involves taking strong medications. They are necessary to stop the reproduction of the virus and eliminate the occurrence of complications. Such treatment in the first days of pregnancy can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or development of fetal pathologies.

The most dangerous disease for pregnant women is rubella. This viral infection, when ingested, goes straight to the uterus to infect the fetus. The rubella virus can infect any organ of the child and cause pathologies incompatible with life. When diagnosed, a woman may offer to have an abortion.

To maintain pregnancy, the body produces progesterone. The bladder is also under its influence, its walls weaken. Due to this, stagnation of urine residues occurs, and along with an increase in the number of bacteria inflammation develops. Therefore, a pregnant woman often faces such problems as painful urination, urinary incontinence, and general weakness. In a neglected state, blood may appear in the urine, which means that a serious inflammatory process is underway in the bladder.

In the recurrent form, cystitis in the early stages manifests itself with less pronounced symptoms.

At the same time, a woman should visit the toilet room on time to empty her bladder. Ignoring the urge can lead to excessive relaxation of the muscles of the bladder and a pathological change in its walls. You should also avoid spicy and sweet foods. have a more moderate sex life.

We examined the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception. And what symptoms during pregnancy did you feel in the first days? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

On what day after conception do the first signs of pregnancy appear? This issue is of great concern to women, especially young people. Behind an outwardly solid and correct question lies the desire to calm oneself down and get an answer to the question - on what day after sex can signs of pregnancy appear?

The first difficulty lies in the fact that conception does not occur at the time of sex, but over 5 to 14 days. It is also worth noting that the hormonal background of the body changes for another 10-12 days. This means that the first tests can show pregnancy no earlier than 15-20 days from the moment of sexual intercourse.

However, the female body can give its own signals about whether the fertilization process is completed or not. We will talk about this and other issues related to manifestations in the first days after conception.

It is also worth mentioning here that the process of conception means the completion of sexual intercourse. Do not forget that the period of conception can reach several days. Expect the most accurate result no earlier than 4-5 weeks from the moment of intercourse. Earlier attempts to test can lead to the so-called "false negative" result, when the test shows that there is no fact of pregnancy, but in fact it already exists or will occur in the near future.

How long does it take to get tested for HCG?

HCG or pregnancy hormone provides fairly reliable information about the fact of pregnancy in the first days after conception. In the body of a non-pregnant woman, such a hormone is not produced. According to the developed program for determining pregnancy using the hCG hormone, an analysis for its presence / absence is given 15 to 20 days after sexual intercourse, which is considered conception.

Does basal body temperature change after conception?

The change in basal temperature in the first days after conception is that it remains elevated. However, there is a “window” in such a change, when the basal temperature decreases for the period when the embryo is implanted in the uterus. Such a phenomenon has received the definition of "impantational retraction."

Is it possible to conceive immediately after menstruation?

Yes, in the first days after the end of menstruation, conception is not only possible, but these days are considered favorable for it.

For information - the possibility of conception always exists, that is, on any day, even when menstruation is coming. It was written above that the process is not instantaneous and its effectiveness and duration depend on many factors.

Is it possible to conceive after ovulation?

Ovulation itself (the fact that a mature cell leaves the ovary) is necessary for conception. Moreover, without ovulation, conception is impossible.

However, the very first stage - fertilization occurs only on the first day after ovulation. If it does not happen, the egg dies. This fact helps to determine that the highest probability of conception is 1 to 3 days before ovulation, as well as directly on the day of ovulation.

If sexual intercourse occurs after 12 - 20 hours after ovulation or later, conception will be unlikely.

Calculation of favorable days for conceiving a child

The main criteria for the calculation should be the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle. The most favorable is the day of ovulation and 1-3 days before it. Having calculated on which days of the cycle this period falls, plan conception.

Determination of the date of birth by the date of conception?

It is worth noting that childbirth can occur earlier or later, even by 2-3 weeks, since the body of every woman has soy features. This is not a pathology, only a feature. Many women instinctively feel the first signs of conception and can more accurately determine the date of birth.

Does the date of conception affect the gender of the unborn child?

Every family really wants to give birth to a child of a particular gender, and sometimes two at once. Unfortunately, no modern methods of family planning or calculators for calculating the sex of the unborn child work. The female egg carries only YY chromosomes, that is, only female. The spermatozoon carries the XY chromosomes, both male and female. The gender of the unborn child depends on which pair of chromosomes will merge in unity in the first days immediately after conception. Man has not yet learned to influence this process.

A huge amount of information presented on the Internet that there are methods to increase the likelihood of having a child of the right gender is not true. 50/50 chance.

The only way to predict the sex of a child is to conceive him in the laboratory in the process of artificial insemination.

What processes occur in the female body in the first days after conception?

The body is actively rebuilding and preparing for pregnancy. The hormonal background changes, the uterus increases in size, its walls become thinner, the cervix closes. One of the ovaries turns into a hormonal generator, a corpus luteum is formed in it, which produces hormones to maintain pregnancy.

What are the feelings in the first days after conception?

A large number of processes simultaneously occur in the body, which directly or indirectly affect our physical and emotional state. The fact of conception is not felt by a woman, although many do not think so.

Most of the symptoms presented as symptoms of conception (not to be confused with pregnancy), such as nausea, drowsiness, abdominal pain, mood swings, loss or increase in appetite, and so on, have nothing to do with conception. These manifestations would have appeared anyway, and the woman subconsciously or consciously attributes them to conception. Having studied in detail the process of conception and the first days of embryo development, you will understand that there can be no changes that could affect the state of the body and manifest itself externally or internally.

It is also worth noting that women often try to find signs of conception in themselves immediately after intercourse or in the first hours after it. It was written above that the period of conception from the moment the sperm enters the vagina to the fact of fertilization and the movement of the egg can be several days. Therefore, any sensations associated with the signs of conception are far-fetched or imposed from the outside.

The first signs of pregnancy (precisely pregnancy, when the hormonal background has already been rebuilt) appear in most people at 2-3 months, and many feel like future mothers when others notice a rounded tummy.

Can abdominal pain be the first signs of conception?

Pain in the abdomen within one to two weeks from the moment of sexual intercourse has nothing to do with the possible conception and, especially, pregnancy.

Two weeks later, in the case of conception, when the embryo is in the process of implantation in the uterus, that is, it is looking for a comfortable place for itself, some (not even most) women may experience mild, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of pain during menstruation.

Similar pains, in a more pronounced manifestation, appearing on the one hand in the ovarian region in the period of 2-3 months after conception, may be evidence of an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo develops in the fallopian tube or miscarriage.

What does discharge after conception mean?

Discharges of a bloody nature, brown or pinkish, observed immediately or up to 4 days after intercourse, have nothing in common with conception. In this case, they are harbingers of early menstruation or signs of various gynecological diseases.

If such discharge appears after 1 - 2 weeks, when the process of implantation of the embryo occurs, this is a consequence of this process itself. Such discharge does not last long, 1 - 4 hours.

Brown or bloody discharge observed between 3 and 12 weeks after conception is most often a sign of a miscarriage. Most women do not pay attention to them, taking them for menstruation, because they have no idea about pregnancy.

Bloody or brown discharge that began after 8 to 12 weeks is most likely a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Such discharge may be accompanied by pain in the ovarian region on one side and pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

What does nausea and vomiting mean in the first days after conception?

A fairly large number of women, especially those who do not want pregnancy within 1-8 days after sex, feel nausea, and sometimes vomiting. They consider these manifestations the result of pregnancy, or rather the toxicosis associated with it.

These manifestations have nothing to do with pregnancy or conception in the period from 10 to 40 days from the moment of sex. Most often these are far-fetched symptoms, sometimes food poisoning. It was described above why the manifestations of pregnancy cannot occur in the first weeks after sex.

For reference. Toxicosis of pregnant women manifests itself at least from the 8th week of pregnancy. Many women may not experience it at all during the entire period, many feel it as a reaction to new foods that are eaten.

How to behave after conception?

There are some rules that should be observed after conception:

    After 14 days from the moment of sexual intercourse, consult a doctor to examine and determine whether the embryo has attached to the uterus correctly, whether there is an ectopic pregnancy or other pathologies;

    Do not take any medications that have not been discussed with the doctor in advance when planning or confirming pregnancy;

    If before conception you were undergoing treatment or taking drugs for chronic diseases (epilepsy, asthma, arrhythmia), do not stop taking them, but notify the doctor about the pregnancy as soon as possible, and the obstetrician who is seeing you about how long, what specific and in what doses of medication you are taking;

    Continue to eat everything you ate before, the main thing is not to be zealous with seasonings and spices;

    Leave the daily routine and sports activities unchanged, the main thing is to exclude overwork.

Should you continue having sex after conception?

Yes. Continue sexual activity without restrictions, however, if there have been problems with pregnancy or bearing in the past, consult an obstetrician.

Is alcohol harmful after conception?

Definitely alcohol is bad. And in ordinary life, it is harmful to the body, and in the process of conception and pregnancy, when there is a restructuring and hormonal changes, it is doubly harmful. Limit all alcohol consumption throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding to zero.

Against this background, many expectant mothers are very worried that they drank at a party or event the day before or on the evening of conception. Such experiences are absolutely in vain, because while the process of fertilization and conception is going on, any alcohol will already be removed from the body.

What should smokers do when they conceive?

A lot has been said and written about the dangers of smoking in general, and especially during pregnancy. Nicotine is produced by the body and is used to break down certain amino acids. Smoking releases nicotine from the outside and the body stops producing it. Therefore, after giving up cigarettes, discomfort is felt for some time - this is the body restarting the process of producing nicotine.

Pregnant women should definitely stop smoking. If you cannot do this on your own, any smoking pills and patches should be discussed with the obstetrician and therapist before use so as not to harm the child.

In the first days after conception, smoking will be harmless to the fetus, but you still need to limit the number of cigarettes you smoke. Weakness now can come back to haunt a child after many years.

How do birth control pills affect conception?

All contraceptives approved for sale, including pills (oral contraceptives), create a fairly reliable protection against unwanted conception. Such drugs do not have any effect on the body, they bind the hormones involved in the process of conception. At the same time, in the future, when the family decides to conceive a child, the rejection of contraceptives will lead to a complete restoration of hormonal balance, which will in no way affect the woman’s reproductive ability.

Each contraceptive drug has its own recovery time. Most often it is about a few weeks, less often a few months.


Early conception does not in any way affect a woman's physical or emotional health. Almost all "symptoms" and "manifestations" are far-fetched or imposed. Soberly assess the situation and determine for yourself the options for its development. Do not pay attention to the advice of friends and acquaintances, especially those who have not given birth.
If conception has occurred, do not rush to have an abortion or be upset. Discuss this with your family, the birth of a child is a gift and happiness for a woman.

Any woman who plans to have a baby wants to know “where the pheasant is sitting,” or rather: is she pregnant? Firstly, this way she gets confidence that she will have a baby in the near future, and secondly, if the cause of malaise or emotional changes is health problems, the woman will immediately seek help from a doctor.

Why do you need to know if conception has occurred?

It is impossible to say that any pregnancy is desirable, and you understand this very well. Some ladies do not even have thoughts of having a child at this stage of life, or the desire is present, but there is no permanent partner for this.

And it's one thing if the delay in critical days in their situation appeared due to a cold, and quite another if they are really pregnant. Yes, and to find out about your interesting position in three or four months is out of hand, as you understand.

For those ladies who went to conception purposefully, determining whether they are pregnant means finding out the preliminary date of delivery. This is incredibly important for those expectant mothers whose menstrual cycle is not distinguished by an enviable regularity, and ovulation often “jumps”.

Signs of pregnancy: early, but indicative

Many women “learn” about pregnancy not because of the test, but based on their own well-being. The thing is that according to some subjective signs, it is really possible to understand whether a woman has become pregnant or not.

Consider the most "popular" symptoms.

Delayed menstruation

The main indicator is the delay in menstruation, however, it should be taken with great attention, because the failure of the cycle occurs for other reasons: due to stress or, for example, acclimatization.

Lower abdominal pain

Immediately after conception, some women talk about pain, "pulling on the stomach." It is very similar to the one that precedes menstruation. But if a week has passed, the pain does not go away and critical days do not come, this means that the lady needs to see a doctor and exclude the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.


It is also possible to determine whether conception has occurred by the reaction of the digestive tract to a wonderful “innovation”. It is expressed in flatulence, heartburn, vomiting, intolerance to "fragrant" odors, and even the desire to eat something unusual.

Psychological aspect

A woman who decides to give birth to a child, in anticipation of conception, is in an unstable emotional state, and sometimes such changes are really associated with victory in the “pregnant” field.

sore chest

Changes in the breasts are another sign of a possible pregnancy: about 90% of women experience discomfort in this area even before they learn about a joyful event from a gynecologist.


Sometimes early pregnancy is accompanied by weakness, malaise, and even “jumps” in temperature. All this is similar to the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, but in the case of pregnancy, they really coincide.

Visit to the doctor and ultrasound

It cannot be said that a visit to a gynecologist and ultrasound are one of the most reliable ways to establish the fact of pregnancy. Moreover, ultrasound helps the doctor to exclude an ectopic pregnancy, understand how many babies will be born and even hear the baby's heartbeat at 5-6 weeks.

HCG analysis

To find out exactly whether conception has occurred, the expectant mother must be tested for hCG. The fact is that in her body, even before she gives birth to a baby, chorionic gonadotropin begins to be actively produced. In the "non-pregnant" state, the level of the hormone in the blood does not exceed 5 mU / ml, but after the conception has happened, hCG grows by leaps and bounds.

That is why the date of conception (approximate) thanks to the analysis of hCG can be found out long before a woman detects a delay in menstruation.

This is done in three ways:

  • when taking a blood test;
  • using a urine test.

To get a 100% result, you need to do a test no earlier than 10 days after conception, which is why women who run to the pharmacy in the first two days of delay may not get a completely “true” result.

But according to a blood test, hCG shows conception a week after ovulation (this is almost a week before the start of critical days).

Super sensitive pregnancy tests

Not all ladies who guess "on a camomile" cry out for the help of hCG. After all, many people need results right now and “at home”! Therefore, for the convenience of expectant mothers, medicine has developed special supersensitive tests for determining pregnancy.

They respond so well to gonadotropin in the urine that a woman gets an answer to her question instantly and quite accurately. Not with a 100% guarantee, unfortunately, because if the level of gonadotropin is not too high yet.

So, for example, if the test is done the morning after a “fun” night with a man, then the result of the analysis may be erroneous. To make sure the test results are correct, the woman should repeat it after a couple of days.

There are two types of ultrasensitive tests: inkjet and cassette.

Inkjet test

You can use his "third eye" if you need to get the result at any time of the day and not wait for the morning. You simply bring the part with absorbent material intended for this purpose directly under the urine stream. Is the hCG level at 20 mIU/ml? We congratulate you, everything worked out!

It can be used a week after the fertilization of the egg, and the results of such a test, according to experts (if everything is done correctly), are 99%.

Test cassette

A real laboratory, only a small one, which shows a perfectly accurate result. It is convenient to use, as it is equipped with a special pipette that helps a woman measure the required amount of urine and pour it into the tank. And this is also a minus of the cassette test, since it is not very convenient for some ladies to collect urine in a separate container.

The sensitivity of this test is amazing! Already a week after fertilization and long before the delay, you can find out whether conception has occurred or not.

Determine the time of conception

This is another important aspect in the matter of conception. As a rule, this can be done by counting the days from the beginning of the last menstruation. In the same way, doctors determine the possible date of birth, thereby eliminating the problem of overbearing the fetus or, conversely, prematurity.

Two calculation methods:

  1. Add to the date of the first day of the last menstruation 40 weeks or 280 days, while calculating the period for ovulation (2 weeks).
  2. Count from the first day of the last menstruation 3 months and add one week to the resulting date.

Finally, it is worth saying that, in an effort to determine the term of conception and find out if it happened at all, the expectant mother takes care not only of herself, but also of her baby. This is also important because, already in the early stages of pregnancy, determine for yourself what she will do with this good news next.

The very first weeks are a truly memorable and very exciting period in the life of every woman. However, in most cases, it is during this period that she is in the dark, trying to detect the very first signs of pregnancy in herself.

A clear sign of pregnancy is the absence of menses and the appearance of two clear lines on the test.

Other signs of pregnancy

During pregnancy, relaxin is secreted by the corpus luteum, placenta, and part of the decidua of the uterus. It is believed to cause remodeling of the connective tissue of the reproductive tract and especially induce biochemical changes in the cervix.

What happens to a woman's body after conception

Although relaxin levels during pregnancy are more than 10 times higher than non-pregnant levels, experts do not currently believe that this hormone has a direct effect on actual ligamentous loosening. Joint weakness and a shift in the center of gravity may contribute to increased gait instability; These changes are most exaggerated in late pregnancy.

But the woman is still trying to determine the conception earlier, to find out what sensations at the beginning of pregnancy are her evidence. After all, the body of a woman “signals” about conception much earlier than it can be accurately determined. That is why women who believe that they have become pregnant often ask their acquaintances: “ What were the first signs of pregnancy you had?”, and also try to “listen” to their own body and notice a variety of signs: heaviness in the uterus, tingling in the nipple, hunger and other harbingers. But still, it should be remembered that secondary signs are not a 100% guarantee of pregnancy.

More than 50% of pregnant women complain of lower back pain during pregnancy, which can also be associated with dysfunction of the sacroiliac joints or spasmodic muscle spasm. This is not accompanied by any functional osteoporosis, although pregnancy is a very high bone turnover state, roughly equivalent to doubling the rate of bone loss in a menopausal woman, reversibly losing about 2% of bone during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Spinal changes are usually not severe enough to affect pregnancy or lung function.

In addition, such symptoms of pregnant women are not always worried and not all. But these manifestations occur in most expectant mothers. You can find out how to get confirmation of an “interesting” situation in a short time, after what time the first signs of pregnancy appear, see below.

Signs of pregnancy: subjective feelings

Ovulation - This is the process when an egg ready for fertilization comes out of the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity. Ovulation occurs around day 12-14 of the menstrual cycle. It is during this period that conception is most likely. However, there are certain reasons for delayed ovulation, they can be associated with stress, diseases of the genital area, imbalance etc. But even in this case, fertilization can occur. In some cases, it is necessary to accurately set the time of ovulation in order to increase the likelihood of conception.

In addition, pregnancy rarely affects the degree of lateral curvature in these cases of scoliosis. If a pregnant patient has had a correction with prior Harrington administration, Pregnancy, labor and delivery are not usually affected. The epidural space may be distorted and some anesthesiologists may refuse to place epidural anesthetics in these patients.

When do changes occur in the pelvic contour?

The pelvis continues to grow about 3 years after menarche, so it is more common in younger women, and women sooner after menarche are at greater risk for labor difficulties due to the relative size mismatch between the fetal head and the mother's pelvis. The locus of the symphysis can increase from about 3-4 mm in null pairs to about 5 mm in polydigitus, but during pregnancy itself the average distance is about 7-8 mm.

When does fetal movement usually occur?

Most women feel the onset of fetal movement before 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Sometimes during the period of ovulation, a woman shows certain signs. In frequency, some women have lower back pain at this time, there is a tingling in the ovary, an increase in mucous secretions, bloating,. There are also minor discharges - blood during ovulation can be released only in small quantities. Some women claim that they felt pain in the lower back after ovulation, when conception occurred. But a week after ovulation is too short a time to test. Moreover, on the 4th day or 5th day, the gynecologist will not be able to determine the pregnancy.

When can I do an analysis for hCG after conception?

Early fetal movement is most often felt when a woman is sitting or lying quietly and concentrating on her body. It is commonly referred to as a tickling or feathery sensation below the umbilical region. The point at which the woman feels the movement of the child is called revival.

The location of the placenta can affect the acceleration time. An anterior placenta can "soften" fetal movement and delay maternal detection of fetal movements. As the fetus grows, the senses of fetal movement become stronger, more regular, and easier to detect. While there is no absolute number indicating fetal well-being, typical guidance might include that fetuses should move about 4 times an hour as they grow larger, and some clinicians advise patients to count fetal movements to monitor carnal well-being.

At this time and, and the reasons nausea most likely not related to pregnancy. But on about the 7th day, sensations that are uncharacteristic for a woman are already gradually beginning to appear. It is advisable to carry out the test no earlier than 10 days after ovulation. During this period, the cervix, if conception has occurred, gradually becomes looser. More abundant discharge also appearsif conception has occurred.

What breast changes are normal during pregnancy?

Changes associated with pregnancy include growth and enlargement, tenderness, darkening of the nipples, and darkened veins due to increased blood flow. In addition, small small raised joints appear around the areola in mid-pregnancy.

How much uterus grows during pregnancy

The shape also develops during pregnancy from the original pear shape to a more round shape and is almost a sphere at the beginning of the third trimester. The uterus becomes fully ovoid. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, most women begin to appear pregnant on physical examination.

Those who are interested in how many days after conception pregnancy occurs should take into account that on what day pregnancy occurs after conception depends on the movement of the fertilized egg to the uterus. This period is from 7 to 10 days. Accordingly, after implantation of the egg in the uterus, changes begin in the body, when a number of symptoms new to the expectant mother appear.

Is it normal to pass milk from the breast before delivery?

Uterine dimensions of the uterus and relative position on the abdominal cavity throughout pregnancy. Galactorrhea is the product of the combined effects of prolactin, glucocorticoids, progesterone, and human placental lactogen. At that time, high levels of progesterone, which block the excretion of milk, drop out with the delivery of the placenta. Early galactorrhea does not mean that a woman will produce less milk after giving birth. Some women report discharge that begins before the fifth month of pregnancy.

After how many days other unpleasant phenomena begin, depends primarily on the characteristics of the female body. For example, women tracking basal temperature note unusual basal temperature charts.

Most expectant mothers are interested in what first signs of pregnancy before a delay may appear in a woman. But keep in mind that early symptoms, when there is still a week before menstruation or 4 days before menstruation, are subjective. Since after conception, even during the period when there are 2 days or more before menstruation, grandiose changes are already taking place in the body, special sensations in a woman can be noted, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Cystitis as a signal of pregnancy

Many women find that they spontaneously leak or express some fluid by the ninth month. The early secretion of milk, known as colostrum, is watery and pale. Colostrum has more protein and lower levels of fat than mature milk.

Physiological adaptations to pregnancy

Why do women undergo skin pigmentation changes during pregnancy?

Changes in pigmentation are directly related to the increase in the level of melanocytic hormones during pregnancy. Some evidence suggests that elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone cause hyperpigmentation in women. This usually shows up in the nipples, navels, axillae, perineum, and alb line, which darken to the extent that they can be considered a linear nigra. More than 90% of patients have darkening of the skin.

Often, the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation can actually be symptoms of a pronounced one. But the same primary signs are possible immediately after conception. If PMS is not a characteristic condition for a woman, then she perceives the initial signs as an unusual phenomenon, and when such symptoms appear, she thinks about whether it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages.

Darkening of the face, called melasma, is diffuse macular facial hyperpigmentation. When melanosis occurs as a result of pregnancy, it is known as chloasma. This is due to the fact that the pigment is deposited in the epidermis itself. The distribution is usually sparse, but may be central or mandibular. UV exposure increases melasma, and appropriate sunscreen reduces the effect. Because it is related to pregnancy hormones, it decreases with delivery.

Does basal body temperature change after conception?

Other pigmentation changes, such as palmar erythema, pseudoacanthosis nigikan, vulvar or dermal melanocytosis, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation secondary to the specific dermatological conditions of pregnancy, are also quite common.

Early signs of pregnancy before a missed period may include:

Early diagnosis of pregnancy allows you to find out if conception has occurred, even if there are no signs described above. But the definition of such subjective feelings in oneself helps those women who ask if it is possible to find out about pregnancy before the delay. Although the most accurate data on pregnancy can only be given later - hypersensitive test . But even the most sensitive specimens can end up being interpreted as a weakly positive test if a pregnancy test is taken too early. The earliest term for determining conception is 20-21 days from the date of the last menstruation. That is why most women are trying to figure out how to find out if there is a positive result, how to find out if conception has occurred.

Should certain foods be avoided during pregnancy?

Pregnant women are at an increased risk of bacterial food poisoning. To ensure the safety of both mother and fetus, it is important to take measures to prevent foodborne illness, including. Use a meat thermometer to determine the appropriate temperature, although cooking to a well-done is safe for most meats. Avoid foods containing unpasteurized milk, including soft cheeses such as brie, feta, and blue cheese. Also avoid unpasteurized juice. Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly to eliminate harmful bacteria. Caffeine crosses the placenta and may affect fetal heart rate.

  • Properly cook food to kill bacteria.
  • Boil the eggs until they are hard yolk and turn white.
Infection with this organism can cause hearing loss, mental retardation, and blindness in newborns.

If a woman kept a BT schedule, then is it possible to understand that she is pregnant, basal temperature will help, which does not decrease during pregnancy as it does before menstruation.

Paternal age has been identified as a significant predictor of schizophrenia. Research also points to a possible link between advanced paternal age and offspring with autism spectrum disorders. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommends an age limit of 50 for sperm donors.

Any family with a history of birth defects should seek individualized genetic counseling. To determine if a person has a family history of risk, patients should inform their clinician or genetic counselor of any birth defects that have occurred within the last three generations.

There are a number of other signs that a woman is interested in in order to find out that she is pregnant, she “searches out” in herself already in the first days after a probable conception. Reading articles that there are 33 signs of pregnancy or a different number of them, she notes as such allocation , thrush , acne . But all these manifestations may also indicate the development of the disease, and not about pregnancy. For example, discharge during the conception of a child can be the same as with thrush. What kind of discharge appears after conception, as well as what are the most accurate signs of pregnancy, can be told by a doctor who should be asked how to identify the exact signs, and how to understand that you are pregnant.

Should women wear seat belts during pregnancy?

Seat belts should be worn during pregnancy. Trauma to the mother is more devastating to the baby than any potential trap of a pregnant belly in a harness. The seat belt should be positioned low, over the bones of the thigh and under the pregnant belly. The shoulder strap should be placed towards the abdomen, between the breasts and over the middle part of the collarbone. No information indicates that air sacs are unsafe during pregnancy. Pregnant women should try to keep their stomach 10 inches away from the airbag.

External changes during the first days of pregnancy

Even before the delay, the first signs of pregnancy after conception appear almost every day with external changes. Despite the fact that only a few women claim that they had certain strange sensations after ovulation, if conception occurred, external changes occur in almost everyone.

Should travel be restricted during pregnancy?

Proper use of seat belts during pregnancy. Recent recommendations focus on individual patient risks and the likelihood of acute problems in the travel segment. The second trimester is considered the safest time to travel as the risks of miscarriage and preterm birth are the lowest. Prolonged sitting during pregnancy is more restrictive because the uterus contributes to the risk of thrombosis and this can lead to venous stasis of the lower extremity.

Talking about what sensations they experienced during the conception of a child and after that, many women note that they developed thrush , and after thrush - cystitis . As a result, the question arose whether due to thrush there could be a number of signs similar to those of pregnancy.

And if, before the delay of menstruation, the woman herself can rather feel certain internal sensations after conception, then those around her notice external changes.

Lower back pain

Gravel women should encourage circulation by moving or bending frequently and extending the lower limbs at the ankles. Air travel can further increase the risk of traveling during pregnancy due to factors that contribute to dehydration such as low oxygen tension, low humidity, and recirculated air.

The International Commission on Radiological Protection recommends a maximum public exposure of 1 mSv per year for the general public; The same limit is recommended for concept, but more than 40 weeks of pregnancy. Air travel provides passengers with less than 15% of this limit, even on the longest international flight. Casual travelers are unlikely to exceed these limits, but frequent flyers should be informed of the dangers of exposure and health risks.

Even before nausea appears after conception, such external signs of pregnancy may be noted:

Laboratory and physiological changes in the first days of pregnancy

Trying to determine what signs of pregnancy in the early days indicate conception, a woman pays attention to the physiological state. How to determine pregnancy, while the test does not yet show it, some physiological manifestations, as well as laboratory indicators, will “prompt”. Trying to understand everything about pregnancy from the first days of conception, expectant mothers, concerned about certain manifestations, turn to doctors.

Almost in the very first days of pregnancy, the following signs may indicate:

Even if there is a delay of 1 day, a woman may already suspect that she is pregnant, guided by other signs. For example, she has white discharge, unusual sensations. But with a delay of one day, the test may not show conception.

If there is a delay of 2 days, and white discharge appears, as well as other signs, conception can be suspected. But two days of delay is a period when it is still too early to consult a doctor to confirm pregnancy.

Women who have a 3-day delay in menstruation often have a test. But even if after three days of delay the test is positive, this is not a guarantee of pregnancy, as the test may turn out to be false positive.

What happens after 4 days of delay depends not only on objective factors, but also on the degree of emotionality of the woman. More emotional individuals believe that a 4-day delay in menstruation accurately indicates pregnancy, and they find in themselves a number of signs of conception.

Since the signs are more pronounced during the first pregnancy, after 5 days of delay, a woman can already be almost sure that she will have a child, as she determines the obvious symptoms of conception, regardless of what happens on day 5. If the delay is already 5 days, and white discharge continues to bother, ladies often turn to doctors to determine conception. But even on day 6, the doctor cannot say with certainty that the patient is pregnant, regardless of what happens on day 6 and what signs she shows.

If the period is delayed by 7 days, then it makes sense to take a test or consult a doctor. A delay of 1 week, which is combined with other signs (white discharge, sleep and appetite disturbances, a cold as a sign of pregnancy, etc.), is already a reason to suspect that conception has occurred. But during this period it is still impossible to determine exactly what gestational age is taking place. On the seventh day after conception, information can only be obtained by determining hCG.

Since white discharge and other signs can be pronounced on day 8, at this time many women are already taking the test. And about 12 days after conception, there may be slight bleeding, as the embryo is attached in the uterus. How to determine if this is really the so-called implantation bleeding , the doctor will tell you.

You should not put off a visit to the doctor for too long if you suspect that you are pregnant, or if the test has already shown two lines. If there is a 2-week delay in menstruation, you can visit a doctor to confirm the pregnancy, and also, already at a period of two weeks of delay, find out about how long after conception, how the pregnancy proceeds.

In case there is a delay of 3 weeks, it is important to obtain confirmation that uterine pregnancy . After all, with the same signs are noted as with its normal course. But this condition is very dangerous for a woman's health.

During this period, the doctor can already approximately determine how long after conception takes place. However, three weeks of delay is not yet the time when you can get a lot of accurate information about the development of the fetus.

Often women ask a gynecologist about how to feel that conception has occurred. But in fact, an early visit to the gynecologist is important in terms of excluding diseases of the genital area, as well as determining the general health of the expectant mother. After all, all diseases of the mother can subsequently negatively affect the health of the unborn child.

Thus, it is best to visit a doctor in the first month of pregnancy after periods have stopped and the first symptoms after conception appear. After all, 1 month is in many ways the most dangerous period, while the woman is not yet completely sure which pregnancy symptoms in the first days of delay should be considered accurate.

Having visited a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy, you need to tell him in detail about what pregnancy symptoms were noted in the first weeks, what sensations bothered you in the first weeks. It is important to report exactly when your last period was. Also, the doctor can examine the chest, ask about what sensations you are currently experiencing, whether certain symptoms bother you (cold, unusual discharge, chills at the beginning of the delay, etc.).

In the first two weeks, the doctor will not only conduct an examination, but will ask you in detail about what sensations you experienced during weeks 1 and 2.

You should go to the first appointment with a gynecologist before the time when the first signs may appear toxicosis . That is, it is best to plan the first visit to the doctor for 2 months, when the discomfort is not yet so strong. The fifth week is a suitable period for such a visit. The doctor may ask a number of questions about how the woman feels. It should be borne in mind that at week 5, the basal temperature remains stably elevated, and if a woman measures it, you can tell the doctor about it.

Less often, women postpone a visit to the gynecologist for 3 months, when the exact symptoms are already pronounced, there come times when the tummy gradually increases. Nevertheless, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor for 3, and, moreover, for 4 months.

The gynecologist always conducts an examination. It is important for him to assess the condition of the uterus, because the uterus before menstruation is hard to the touch and dry. The position of the cervix before menstruation is always low. The indicators of how much the uterus increases before menstruation and how much it becomes larger during pregnancy differ significantly. That is why, according to the state of the uterus, a specialist can judge the onset of pregnancy.

The doctor evaluates how the uterus looks, and, depending on how many days after the delay the woman came to the appointment, she can determine the conception or ask the patient to come later if signs of pregnancy and an increase are not yet noticeable. In how many days you need to visit the doctor again, he will definitely inform.

It is important to know for sure that the pregnancy is developing normally. After a woman is registered, she visits a gynecologist every month.

First week of pregnancy: signs and sensations

Since 1 week is still, in fact, not a pregnancy, at this time a woman, as a rule, does not yet determine those syndromes and symptoms that are evidence of a successful conception. In rare cases, some expectant mothers say that already on the first day of conception, long before the test was carried out, they felt certain strange sensations. But still, the sensations during fertilization, on the first day after it, when a woman determines something unusual in the body, is rather. exception. Also, in rare cases, on the 2nd day or 3rd day, the corresponding symptoms appear. That is why it is difficult for a woman in the first days (on day 4, on day 5) to understand what is happening.

Many women are unaware of what are the earliest signs of pregnancy in the first week. But already during this period, the first symptoms of pregnancy begin in the first week: the stomach pulls, discharge appears, etc.

Whether there are certain symptoms at 1 week after conception, and when more pronounced signs occur, depends on the woman's body. If the delay is 6 days, it is still difficult for the doctor to determine how long. Thus, the first week against the background of a developing pregnancy, signs rarely appear, and a woman, as a rule, does not know about her condition.

Symptoms in the second week after conception and later

The 2nd week of pregnancy is a period when new sensations can manifest themselves more clearly. Often for a period of 10 days or 12 days, that is, at 2 weeks, women are already conducting a test, relying on the fact that they have new sensations. The second week of delay is the period that may already be accompanied by nausea, appetite disturbances, and drowsiness. However, only the doctor, and not the expectant mother, can determine how long for 12 days of delay based on her feelings.

At 2 and 3 weeks after conception, many pregnant women lose weight, as they show a certain pickiness in food and other unpleasant sensations. The second and third weeks - the period when pregnancy after conception is manifested by changes in the mammary glands - the beginning of pregnancy is marked by the fact that the breast becomes very sensitive. Later, when the fourth week comes, the breasts will become heavier, also the 4th week is the period when you can feel the first signs toxicosis .

What other signs are there, and on what day they appear, can be found in the relevant literature. And about how the fetus develops, it is worth watching a video that will help a woman realize how all the processes occur after conception.

It should be noted that the early signs of a second pregnancy may be atypical and manifest differently than the first time. In the early stages, their absence is possible - everything happens without signs of pregnancy. It should be noted that the so-called hidden pregnancy is asymptomatic, so a woman may not suspect for a long time that she is expecting a baby.

Signs of pregnancy after a delay

If there is a delay in menstruation, the woman is actively interested in what first signs of pregnancy in the early stages may occur, and in what week these signs appear. During this period, expectant mothers often turn to some thematic forum where the first weeks are discussed - are there signs or no signs, what are the earliest symptoms that develop, etc., how do a number of signs appear in multiple pregnancies, etc.

Most often, women note that already in the first days they either have an increased appetite, or no appetite at all. Other signs are also noted - a low temperature and shivering, strange sensations in the abdomen and the navel itches, a constant change of mood. Some women describe only the main symptoms, some find 25 signs in themselves.

But even if a woman notes a number of signs that may indicate conception - lack of appetite, a mild cold, tearfulness, chills without fever, etc., you do not need to run to the doctor on the second day after the delay.

But later, during a visit to the doctor, it is important to tell him about what symptoms are taking place. After all, the first weeks of pregnancy, and the first, and second, and subsequent, are a period when the risk of interruption is very high. It is important to inform the doctor that there are tingling in the uterus, pain, as before menstruation, other discomfort in the uterus, tingling in the ovaries, etc.

In addition, the doctor can also be asked important questions for a woman: can there be a temperature in the period after conception, can menstruation occur during early pregnancy, the signs of which are already taking place, how many days after conception it starts to feel sick, etc.

However, there are initial symptoms after a missed period, which can be considered accurate signs of a conception that has occurred. The most accurate signs are as follows:

  • positive test, which was done at least three times, and, between the time the earliest test was carried out and the last one, several days should elapse. After how many days pregnancy appears on the test, depends on its type. But it is better to do it at least a week after the delay begins.
  • Gynecological examination on chair. Doctors clearly know how long the exact signs of pregnancy appear. When the gestational age is 6 weeks, the cervix becomes soft, its hue is cyanotic, as the blood flow is activated in it, and during this period a woman may complain that she has pricks in the uterus. There is also a softening of the isthmus between the uterus and the body, an increase in the size of the uterus.
  • Increased hCG levels in urine and blood. Even if there are no external signs, this indicator not only indicates conception, but is also perceived by a specialist as an indicator of the course of pregnancy. In the first month, hCG doubles every two days, later - every 4 days.
  • The results of the ultrasound of the uterus. After an ultrasound examination, an implanted fetal egg can be detected for a period of 5 weeks.

Women who have experienced a delay and who are actively interested in what day the symptoms appear, what the signs are, and when more pronounced manifestations begin, should be aware that for a period of 4-6 weeks there is a high probability of spontaneous . Therefore, it is important to "listen" to the body and be careful.

Signs of conception of a boy and a girl

Most future parents would very much like to know from the very first days whether the birth of a girl or a boy awaits them. That is why future mothers are looking for a variety of signs that could indicate the birth of a baby of a certain gender. For example, the difference in the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy or a girl is discussed, the condition of the skin - whether acne appears or not, etc.

But after the test showed two stripes, all the signs that indicate the conception of a boy or girl cannot be considered accurate, and parents should remember this. But still, many mothers talk about the fact that they had certain symptoms indicating the birth of a baby of a certain gender, and ask their friends: “Do girls have a certain sign, do boys have it? Menstruation stops, and certain signs gradually appear that indicate the birth of a boy or girl.

Signs of conception as a boy

You can notice the proven signs of pregnancy as a boy in the first weeks after conception. If a woman is pregnant with a boy, these features can be determined by carefully listening and looking closely at her body. But what symptoms “for a boy” a woman would not find in herself, one must remember that they do not guarantee the birth of a male baby 100%. What are the signs of mothers bearing boys?

External signs Appearance improves - the skin becomes matte and clean, the condition of nails and hair improves.
Leg temperature The legs may be cold, while the inside feels hot in the legs and arms. A pregnant woman may be worried about why she throws herself into a fever, but there is no temperature.
Appetite We are expecting a boy - we eat a lot: from the first days, the appetite increases. At the same time, a woman prefers all possible meat dishes. The "boys" also have other taste preferences.
Nausea Pregnancy passes without nausea or only slight nausea is noted.
Mood Features There are no mood fluctuations, activity and efficiency increase, there is no feeling of depression, weakness.
Stomach Its lower part is rounded in the form of a bulge, after what time such signs appear, depends on individual characteristics, but, as a rule, this feature is noticeable in the later stages.

Signs of conception by a girl

The proven features of pregnancy “for a girl” are described by almost every thematic forum. But what signs of pregnancy with a girl are accurate is also an ambiguous question. Some women notice what signs a girl shows during pregnancy in the first weeks. But sometimes the signs during pregnancy are almost the same for both a boy and a girl. Therefore, it must be taken into account that it is not always what kind of belly a pregnant girl has that is information that will help determine who will be born.

What are the symptoms if the expectant mother is pregnant with a girl?

Appearance Already in the third week after conception, the appearance changes for the worse. The lips may swell, the skin swells, the face turns pale.
Leg temperature May feel chills in the legs, but the temperature of the skin of the legs and hands will be elevated.
Appetite Appetite is reduced or absent from the first weeks. There is a desire to eat sweets, citrus fruits.
Nausea From which day it starts to feel sick, it can also be a sign of the sex of the fetus. If this is a girl, nausea appears a few weeks after conception, and most of all nausea in the morning.
Mood Features Characters abrupt mood swings. Strange thoughts are disturbing, a woman commits chaotic actions.
Stomach It does not increase for a long time, sometimes it even sinks, which is associated with manifestations of nausea and lack of appetite.

Signs of multiple pregnancy

Sometimes, during ovulation and conception, several fetuses begin to develop in the body at once. There are some characteristic symptoms of conception if two or more fetuses develop. It is hardly possible to feel any signs of this phenomenon immediately after conception, but after a few weeks, if conception has occurred, such symptoms appear.

If symptoms of pregnancy after conception indicate a multiple pregnancy, a woman should tell her doctor about this at her first visit. The following signs are likely:

Appearance It worsens, as a very serious hormonal restructuring occurs in the body, and nausea is also constantly worried. An acne rash appears on the face.
Frequent urination Describing what signs of multiple pregnancy may be, frequent urination should be noted, since the uterus is already enlarged in the third week.
Appetite As a rule, you want to eat in this state all the time, although nausea is bothering you. The weight is gaining quickly.
Nausea It is important to note how many days after conception it begins to vomit. With a multiple pregnancy, you feel sick strongly and very painfully almost from the first week, this condition worries you throughout the day.
Mood Features Due to constant drowsiness and weakness, the mood is often depressed, and performance deteriorates.
Stomach Since the uterus grows rapidly, the abdomen is rounded already in the first months, rounding is uniform.

Is it possible to conceive before menstruation?

Is it possible to conceive a child the day before menstruation - the answer to this question depends on the individual physiological characteristics of the female body. After all, the menstrual cycle is often not regular, not only in girls. Those women who have irregular menstrual cycles cannot predict when ovulation occurs. Therefore, it is difficult for them to predict the date of the approaching menstruation. Therefore, conception can occur at almost any time. And if a woman is waiting for menstruation, but they are not, this may indicate that conception has occurred, despite the fact that she did not have sexual intercourse on the days of the alleged ovulation. The days of ovulation sometimes shift and hormonal imbalance .

If there is a suspicion that conception has occurred, how to find out that you are pregnant can be "suggested" by external signs. In this situation, it is important, first of all, to listen to your body.

Sometimes, after a delay of 5 days, the expectant mother feels a little sick, white discharge appears, as thrush aggravates or yellow discharge appears before menstruation. The fact that the conception of a child has occurred is also evidenced by an increased basal temperature of 37 per week or 5 days, 6 days. In addition, you should pay attention to such signs:

  • enlargement of the abdomen, heaviness in the abdomen;
  • strong appetite, but at the same time sick;
  • intermittent high fever (there may be a temperature, but sometimes it throws you into a fever, but there is no temperature);
  • breast changes (high sensitivity, darkened nipples);
  • discharge (if you are pregnant, it often worsens or thrush begins), etc.

However, not all of these symptoms appear in everyone. And if a woman is interested in when to do the test, doubting whether she will show the test a week before menstruation or 2 days before menstruation, she is better off waiting a bit with such a check.

Advising how to determine pregnancy, experts say that the test should be carried out at least 3 times. For example, 4 days after the delay, 7 days or 8 days, and 3 more days after the second positive test. If two stripes appeared three times, it can be assumed that the conception took place.

If a woman assumes that she will soon become a mother, she has a lot of questions about why she gets hot during her period, can there be nausea in the first days, why the body swells, how many days weight increases and much more. All of them can be assigned to a specialist.

Is menstruation possible after conception?

Many women also ask if menstruation is possible after fertilization has occurred, for example, is menstruation possible a week after conception.

As a rule, conception occurs after menstruation on the 12-15th day, during the period of ovulation. Those who are interested in whether menstruation can go after conception should take into account that the onset of pregnancy can entail the so-called ovulatory bleeding when a vessel is damaged during ovulation. When the embryo is fixed in the uterus, perhaps the so-called implantation bleeding . During this period, the woman is already interested in whether nausea can be a sign of pregnancy, whether the thrush passes - that is, she gradually feels the signs of conception.

However, sometimes the sensations, as during menstruation, and spotting indicate a threat. It is especially dangerous if the bleeding is profuse, chills and other unpleasant sensations are disturbing. Premature periods during pregnancy may indicate a miscarriage.

Pregnancy during menstruation is also possible with injuries, hormonal failure. Sometimes meager periods are noted - 2 days. Whether there can be pregnancy in this case can only be determined by analysis. If menstruation is noted after a delay and in subsequent months, then the so-called color pregnancy . Noticing certain signs, a woman may think that she has a cold or other illness.

Ectopic pregnancy and monthly at the same time - also a possible phenomenon. In any case, if a woman suspects pregnancy during menstruation, she will not be helped by a thematic forum, but by a specialist consultation.

Sometimes spotting during pregnancy is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms: a woman is shivering, her temperature rises, low pressure is noted even if low blood pressure is uncharacteristic for her. In such a situation, it is important not to delay a visit to the doctor, who needs to be told what signs during menstruation in pregnant women were observed.

However, some manifestations may be signs of a normally developing pregnancy. For example, sometimes it throws you into a fever at night, and a woman is also interested in why she is shivering, why her face swells, etc.


Thus, there are many signs - external, physiological, laboratory, with the help of which one can initially suspect, and later confirm fertilization. How and when such symptoms appear, after how many days they appear after conception, depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

With the test, you should wait a bit: on the 7th day immediately after conception, even a supersensitive test will not determine anything.

When the first signs appear, you should “listen” to the body and know what symptoms may indicate conception. When such signs begin to appear, you do not need to immediately run to the doctor. It should be clearly understood whether there is a delay, that is, wait "through menstruation."

If you suspect that conception has occurred, many questions arise. So, some women are interested in why they are shivering before menstruation, are the fever in the abdomen, back pain, colic in the uterus signs that fertilization has occurred. Some ladies are also interested in how to feel that conception has occurred.

But even if there are no periods for 37 days, before talking about pregnancy, you need to accurately confirm fertilization. And if so far the lady is not sure about conception, and questions arise whether there may be a delay in menstruation with a cold or a temperature due to a cold, and the test showed fuzzy stripes after the first time, it is important to be conscious about your own health. For now, questions should not arise whether it is possible to drink beer or other types of alcohol.

How else to call the state of bearing a baby? This is a period when a woman is responsible not only for her health and life. The health of the unborn baby must be taken care of even before conception, and in the first weeks of his intrauterine life, this should be done especially carefully.

Many women, especially when re-pregnant, manage to find out about their upcoming motherhood long before it is confirmed with the help of tests and medical tests. How are they able to determine this? They just listen to their feelings and intuitively recognize the first signs of pregnancy after ovulation, because the female body immediately after the implantation of the embryo begins to prepare for bearing a child.

A bit of physiology

Unfortunately, if fertilization has occurred, then it is impossible to reliably determine this, because all the processes of fusion of male and female chromosome cells occur, although inside the female body, but completely autonomously. It is worth considering how the process of development of the embryo proceeds, if the fertilization of the egg has occurred, by the days until the moment of implantation.

On the first day, the male and female sets of chromosomes merge, the sex and other characteristics of the child are laid, and active cell division (blastomeres) begins. At this point, the expectant mother may feel only the usual symptoms of ovulation. It is impossible to determine whether fertilization has occurred, relying only on sensations.

By the third day, there are already 6-8 cells in the embryo, sometimes 10, and its genetic code is fully formed. It is on this day that the development of twins is laid. In the body of a woman at this moment, the production of estrogen increases, a slight unreasonable increase in body temperature and other symptoms of a mild cold may occur, which can be caused both by increased production of the hormone estrogen, and some decrease in immunity in preparation for pregnancy.

On the fourth day, the fetus already has from 10 to 16 cells and from the fallopian tube enters the uterine cavity.

From the fifth to the seventh day, the embryo moves freely inside the uterus, choosing the implantation site. It is on these days that a woman can find several bloody spots on her panties, which she will take for the early onset of menstruation. In fact, the following happens: after a successful implantation attempt, the fetal egg is introduced into the uterine wall, and the damaged area bleeds a little. It is impossible to determine by the occurrence of scanty spotting that implantation has occurred with a 100% guarantee, but if additional sensations are taken into account, then it can be assumed that pregnancy has occurred.

After the seventh day, if implantation has occurred and the laying of the chorion (placental embryo) has begun, on the 8th day after conception, the active production of the hCG hormone (a pregnancy hormone that contributes to the normal bearing of the fetus) begins. You can determine its presence on the 12th day after conception using pregnancy tests. In addition, with a delay in menstruation for 10 days after the expected date of ovulation, you can donate blood for hCG.

The pregnancy hormone is concentrated in the blood much earlier than in the urine, and on day 10 its level is quite sufficient to determine pregnancy.

Such an early analysis is necessary if there are unpleasant sensations similar to signs of toxicosis.

But with a period of 10 days, an analysis for the presence of hCG can be both false positive and false negative - its reliability is influenced by many factors that occur in the woman's body (rejection of the fetal egg for up to 10 days or, conversely, weak hormone production upon the onset).

Indirect signs

It is very difficult to determine at an early stage whether fertilization has occurred or not, but if the following signs of pregnancy are present after ovulation, then conception can be assumed.

The basal temperature for more than 10 days is kept within 37 ° C. The temperature is measured by inserting a conventional medical thermometer into the rectum for 10 minutes. Thermometry must be carried out in the morning at the same time and before its measurement, lie down at rest for at least 5-7 hours. If the basal temperature is stable on low-grade numbers, then this is a sign of either fertilization or intestinal disease.

Thermometry cannot reliably show that conception has occurred, but in combination with other signs it will help to suggest the onset of an interesting situation.

The occurrence of unusual addictions or unusual physical sensations. What can be the feeling? There may be an aversion to the usual food, or, conversely, you want something unusual, for example, ice cream with pickles.

In some very sensitive women, these unusual symptoms may occur as early as day 3 of conception after ovulation, when the embryo has not yet attached to the uterine wall. Of course, they cannot reliably determine the onset of pregnancy, but it is possible to assume conception if they are present.

Vaginal discharge, which may not necessarily be bloody, will help determine if implantation is taking place. Often, against the background of the preparation of the body for motherhood, the discharge is transparent or slightly yellowish, odorless. Abundant painless discharge of a short-term nature, although it will not help to find out exactly about the interesting situation that has come, but in combination with other signs, it will be possible to assume that fertilization has occurred.

As a rule, these are small periodic tingling sensations that disappear after 10 days from the moment of the alleged fertilization. If such sensations last longer or are accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome, then they indicate either a threat of miscarriage in the early stages, or diseases of the pelvic organs.

Breast changes. Very often, even before the fetus is attached to the uterine wall, under the influence of an increase in hormonal levels, breast swelling and hypersensitivity of the nipple area may occur.

If the implantation of the embryo has occurred, then by the 12-14th day, the areola circles swell and darken.

The easiest way to determine the onset of conception in the early stages is to use a pregnancy test with increased sensitivity to the hCG hormone. Even if the testing turns out to be negative, and the presumptive symptoms indicate the onset of an interesting situation, then it is worth visiting a antenatal clinic to clarify the diagnosis.

Knowing what sensations arise at the time of fertilization of the egg, you can consult a doctor in a timely manner for differential diagnosis and advice on adjusting your lifestyle. But even if the desired conception was not confirmed, and all the symptoms turned out to be signs of gynecological or intestinal diseases, then you should not be upset.

Most women get pregnant very quickly after lifestyle changes and gynecological diseases are cured.

To give birth to a healthy child, it is important for the expectant mother to know how long it takes from conception to the onset of symptoms in order to rebuild her body to lead a healthy lifestyle. You can recognize the first signs of pregnancy after conception after 5 days with the help of various symptoms that manifest themselves differently in all women.

The onset of pregnancy

Many women want to know about pregnancy even before they can take a test. Therefore, they are interested in how much time should elapse from the moment of conception to the appearance of the first symptoms.

As a rule, pregnancy occurs 14-16 days after the start of the last menstruation - this period falls on the ovulation of the egg.

It is possible to determine the conception of a child in a few days or weeks, but it all depends on the woman's body, which undergoes various changes that affect the appearance of certain signs. Some symptoms appear immediately, while others may occur only when the child begins to move in the womb.

Signs of pregnancy immediately after conception

Expectant mothers, eagerly awaiting the birth of a baby, want to know how many days pregnancy can be recognized. It is believed that the first signs may occur as early as five days after the fertilization of the egg.

Colorless vaginal discharge

They accompany a woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy, appear immediately after conception. They are characterized by a homogeneous consistency, no smell (if the discharge is streaked with blood, greenish-yellow in color, curdled, then they can be a sign of a disease).

Increasing the sensitivity of the breast

In this state, the breast often occurs before menstruation, however, during conception, painful sensations appear, especially in the nipples. In addition, there is a feeling of swelling of the breast, which increases in size, the nipples darken a little, and the halos become more blurry.

Frequent urination

It is associated with an increase in the concentration of female hormones and blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Frequent urination occurs at night and, unlike cystitis, does not cause pain, while the amount of urine excreted can be different.

Depression and general malaise

These signs often go unnoticed. The mother-to-be may decide that she is getting sick or simply overtired at work. However, if nervousness, fatigue and drowsiness, headache, slight temperature and mood swings appear, this may indicate that pregnancy has occurred.

Also, early symptoms of conceiving a child include excessive sensitivity to smells, new eating habits, increased salivation, sleep disturbance, or slight swelling of the fingers.

Signs of conception after 7 days

If in the first days pregnancy is difficult enough to recognize, then the signs that appear in the first two weeks make it possible to more accurately determine it. However, among them there are those that can be the cause of any disease. Therefore, only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis. What are the signs after the first week of conception?

By 7-10 days, a woman may notice the following symptoms.

Smearing brown discharge

This is implantation bleeding, reminiscent of the beginning or end of menstruation. It occurs due to the penetration of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall. In this case, the vessels are damaged, the blood from which flows through the vagina. Such discharge is usually mild and lasts no more than two days. However, with prolonged and heavy bleeding, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, as there is a threat of miscarriage of the child.

Ovulation usually occurs on the 14-16th day of the cycle and at the same time pain may appear, which most likely indicates that pregnancy has occurred. However, such pain is not normal and may be a symptom of a threatened miscarriage of the child.

Nausea and vomiting

One of the most obvious signs of pregnancy, the cause of which is the production of hormones such as hCG, prolactin and progesterone in the body. The duration of toxicosis depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Often, severe nausea (vomiting) is experienced by women who have problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Weight change

When pregnancy occurs, the body of the expectant mother undergoes a restructuring of the hormonal background, due to which a woman can either lose weight dramatically or gain weight.

Signs of conception after 14 days

In the first two weeks, it is not always possible to determine pregnancy, the signs may be poorly pronounced or indicate an onset of the disease.

You can most accurately understand whether pregnancy has occurred or not, two weeks after ovulation, when the following symptoms appear.

Delayed menstruation

If a woman has regular periods, then their absence most likely indicates the conception of a child. You can check this with the help of a test that is done from the first day of the delay.

Increase in basal body temperature

Cycling women often measure basal temperature, which is caused by changes in the level of progesterone in the blood. Before conception, the basal temperature will be within the normal range, that is, no more than 37 degrees, after fertilization it will increase and become above 37 degrees.

Methods for determining pregnancy

Many of these signs a woman may not notice. This is usually due to the fact that she does not expect pregnancy, writes off her symptoms as a disease, or she has irregular periods. In this case, you can determine the conception of a child using the following methods:

Thus, when pregnancy occurs, signs may appear that help to know about the conception of a child. The first signs appear after 5 days. They are manifested in the general malaise of a woman. Within a week, new symptoms appear associated with the appearance of discharge, nausea, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Two weeks later, signs such as a delay in menstruation and an increase in basal temperature speak of the onset of pregnancy. However, an accurate diagnosis can be determined by a pregnancy test, an hCG test, a gynecologist, or an ultrasound.