Lack of desire for intimacy. Lost desire: symptoms, physical or psychological causes, treatment, advice and recommendations from specialists

It's no secret that a full-fledged sex life is not only an important component of harmonious relations between a man and a woman, but also the basis of their health. It has been repeatedly proven by various researchers that people who have an active sex life have stronger immunity, they are much more resilient, more active and positive. These people are happy in their personal lives and successful at work. Therefore, if the desire to have sex has disappeared, it is necessary to look for reasons and solve problems, and not lose heart and say goodbye to a busy intimate life.

It is clear that over time, sexual relations are not as stormy as before, and the husband is not as attractive and not as romantic as in the old days. We devote more time to work, life, children, and dinner with candles turns into washing, ironing and cooking. However, the beer belly and the inattention of the husband, eternal lack of sleep and wife's fatigue are far from the only reasons why the relationship between them becomes cold and passive.

Wrong leisure.

If you are tired at work, and then exhausted in the kitchen, and then also spent the rest of your free time on the computer and TV - the absence of any sexual desire becomes a natural consequence. Think about where and how you spend your free time. swipe new photos of friends - online or watching the next series is a pastime that will definitely negatively affect your libido.

A full 8-9-hour sleep, an evening walk, a visit to the fitness room - these are just a few leisure options that will change your attitude to sex.

Constant stress.

Being under stress leads to the fact that our body produces a hormone - cortisol . The consequences of this is the inability of a person to relax. Hormone analysis will help you get rid of not only constant tension, but excess weight and, possibly, several chronic diseases. In order to independently reduce the level of this hormone, you need at least 20-30 minutes of physical activity. Passion for sports, periodic walks will positively affect your sensuality.

Fascination with diets.

Oddly enough, diets can also negatively affect your desire to have sex. All diets are based on the restriction of certain foods, as a result of which our body receives less a large number of vitamins and minerals that are simply necessary for sexual desire. Therefore, if you have lost the desire to have sex, review your diet. Keep in mind that you need to eat 5 times a day, while eating foods that contain vitamins of joy, happiness and stimulate sexual desire as often as possible. These are dark chocolate, strawberries, bananas, walnuts, raisins, honey, figs and prunes.

Birth control pills.

If you have lost the desire to have sex, you may be taking birth control pills. All of these contraceptives contain hormones, some have very little of them, but they can still affect the decrease in sexual desire. Therefore, if you notice such an effect after taking the pills, contact your doctor and he will solve your problem by simply replacing the drugs.

You have recently become a mother.

Nature has created women in such a way that after the birth of children, all their attention is directed to the little man, to whom she gives all her time. But after all, a husband is also a person, and intimate relationships are vital for you: to maintain health, good mood and physical fitness. Pay attention to yourself and your partner, ask relatives for help, hire a nanny, in the end.

You are sick.

A decrease in the desire to have sex can be a consequence of diseases such as hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus and other similar diseases that are somehow associated with hormonal imbalance. Excitation may partially disappear both in menopause and during PMS . With the solution of such problems, you should also consult a gynecologist. Perhaps he will prescribe you medications, vitamins, or prescribe an ultrasound.

There are other personal psychological reasons that every woman faces from time to time.


Monotony in bed is one of the most common reasons for the loss of interest of spouses to each other. Especially when it comes to people living together for about several decades. The way out of this situation is joint sexual fantasies. The trust and openness of each partner is important here. Shared views Kamasutra and role-playing games will be a great way to renew sexual desire. Joint trips and any change of scenery have the same wonderful effect.

Bad relationship with a partner.

It is desirable, of course, not to combine any personal problems, domestic disagreements, resentment against her husband and the like with relationships in bed. However, we are all emotional people, especially when it comes to a woman who finds it very difficult to forget, relax and get satisfaction from sex if there are unresolved problems. Therefore, if the desire to have sex has disappeared, think about what exactly worries you, who you are offended by or what upset you so much. Solve these problems and only then go to bed with peace of mind and with sexual arousal. If your husband is the cause of your frustration, talk to him about this topic, explain it to him, discuss all the details, and agree. This will help build relationships with your spouse on all levels, and the night will be unforgettable and emotionally rich. If you are unable to establish a relationship with a partner on your own, contact a specialist.

Self dissatisfaction.

It is also recommended to resort to their help when you are experiencing an internal struggle with yourself. For example, you are unhappy with your figure or consider yourself unattractive and ugly. Often this kind of complexes appear in women after pregnancy or with age. Believe me, all these problems are solvable. Conversation with a psychotherapist, visiting the swimming pool, solarium, hairdresser, shopping or just hanging out with your girlfriends are great ways to regain your confidence and renew your sex drive.

Lost the desire to have sex? Never fixate on a problem. Don't give up. Look for reasons, solve them. Indeed, for any woman, the most important thing is to feel beautiful, loved and desired, and for this you need to start acting and you need to start with yourself.

The quality of sexual relations between a man and a woman largely determines the psychological climate and harmony in relationships in general. It has been proven that frequent misunderstandings and disagreements can be the result of a lack of sex, which women often refuse. In fact, the reluctance to have sexual intercourse among the fairer sex can be not just a whim, but the impact of certain reasons.

To find a solution to the problem of a woman's lack of sexual desire, you need to find exactly the reasons that led to this, and then eradicate them. Such issues are usually dealt with by narrow specialists, such as gynecologists, sex therapists, and even psychotherapists. In addition, there are a number of drugs and non-traditional methods that increase female libido and sexual activity.

What influences women's desire?

According to the latest statistics, approximately 40% of women around the world experience disorders in the functioning of the reproductive system. And most often this is manifested by a complete rejection of intimacy with a man and even aversion to sexual intercourse. The reasons for this may be:

  1. Hormonal imbalance The sex hormone testosterone is responsible for the level of libido in both sexes. In women, it decreases in the period after childbirth, and in men gradually after 30 years.
  2. Age changes- more often we are talking about the period before menopause or directly during it. In addition, this can be caused by the extinction of the ovaries, respectively, a decrease in the level of estrogen. Such changes lead to a decrease in the amount of lubrication, against which the sexual intercourse may not be so pleasant and even cause discomfort.
  3. Gynecological problems and other diseases- Other diseases can also lower the level of libido, for example, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the pelvic organs, inflammation and infections of the genitourinary system, etc.
  4. vaginismus- a disease that is accompanied by strong contractions of the vagina, causing pain during intercourse. Such a rare and complex disease is caused by violence, psychological disorders, etc.
  5. Psychological factors of influence- we are talking about chronic fatigue, frequent stress and conflicts, an unfavorable climate in relationships with a man, lack of sleep and banal grievances. Sometimes the reason for the lack of desire to have sex in a woman may be the fear of pregnancy.

For reference! If a girl has no desire to have sex periodically or once, most likely, such problems are resolved on their own without the intervention of a specialist.

And only after identifying the reasons for the lack of libido and sexual desire in a woman, a specialist can choose the right methods of treatment and restoration of sexual functions. You can find out how to restore a woman's libido.

Letting go of the problem and not visiting a specialist is the biggest mistake of many women with low libido, as an irregular sex life leads to other problems in the body.

What to do if the wife does not want sex?

Depending on the identified prerequisites, due to which a woman has no desire to have sex with her husband, the specialist selects the right course of therapy. Competent therapy can be as follows:

  • Lack of desire in women on the background of low testosterone is accompanied by hormone therapy what the gynecologist prescribes. In this case, it is important to comply with the dosage and treatment regimen, since the irrational use of hormones is fraught with side effects.
  • Psychological problems are eliminated by psychotherapy courses in the office of an experienced specialist, homeopathic remedies and antidepressants. According to leading psychotherapists, maximum benefit can only be achieved through complex drug therapy and psychotherapy sessions.
  • Help sexopathologist. In addition to psychotherapy and drugs to restore the emotional background, a sex therapist can help a couple. This is appropriate in case of disharmony in relationships. You can increase libido with the help of certain games, lubricants and exciting lubricants, etc.
  • Aphrodisiacs. For the level of libido, certain foods that are aphrodisiacs can be helpers. In addition to food, certain aromas are considered aphrodisiacs, as well as special preparations, for example, Spanish Fly or Silver Fox.
  • Physical exercise. Such exercises help to increase the sensitivity of the genitals, the most effective are Kegel exercises.

Sometimes it is possible to restore libido only with an integrated approach, putting into practice all of the above methods of treatment.

If a woman lost desire after childbirth

After childbirth, a woman's body recovers for a long time, from several months to six months. A lot also depends on a man, you need to understand that a wife’s partial or complete lack of desire should not be a reason for pressure and quarrels. You can solve the problem in the following way:

  • Normalize sleep, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the woman's body.
  • Do not critically evaluate your body for the current period in life, since after childbirth many women become complex, lowering their libido even more.
  • Distribute responsibilities in order to prevent chronic fatigue and problems with sexual functions against this background.
  • Do not push the man away, as quarrels and disharmony only aggravate the situation.
  • Eat well, because due to the lack of vitamins and other substances, the body is depleted, the level of hormones decreases, and metabolic processes are disrupted.

In addition, you can help increase libido with the help of certain drugs - Angelica forte with a 100% natural herbal composition, with a vitamin composition, a stimulant of sexual functions, etc. Before taking such drugs, it is important to study in detail the instructions, contraindications and side effects, as well as consult with a medical specialist.

It is typical for a man to maintain intimacy 4 times a week, for some this figure may be higher. Lack of sex can affect a man's hormonal levels. But no exception is the fact that men's sexual desire can disappear. It is not possible to unequivocally establish the reason for this, so it is worth taking this issue with all seriousness so as not to give an extra reason to develop impotence.

Causes of decreased sex drive in men

As scientific studies show, there are a lot of reasons and why a husband does not have an attraction to his wife. But most of all, such a failure occurs due to psychological factors. That is, it can range from a simple disorder and stress, to a nervous breakdown and other psychological illnesses.

In addition to the psychological factor, other reasons also play a significant role:

Why you don't want sex

As a result, based on the above factors, a man can independently determine the reason why sexual desire for his wife has disappeared. If there are difficulties with establishing the cause, then, of course, you need to consult a doctor and go directly to the treatment and diagnosis of the restoration of sexual desire.

How to get your sex drive back

The simplest option that will help restore sexual desire is to contact a sex therapist who will directly find out the cause and prescribe treatment. But you can raise your level of libido on your own.

Basically, this can be done in the following ways:

  • normalization of lifestyle;
  • ethnoscience;
  • medical treatment.

Depending on the reason for the decrease in sexual desire, sex therapists prescribe a course of treatment that does not involve the use of medications. So the essence of this therapy is to change some aspects of life. The main aspect is the diet. So for an important component of changing this diet there is an increase in the number of trace elements in the body. You also need to add to the menu those products that increase testosterone in the human body and, accordingly, affect the increase in a man's sexual desire. Such products include: walnuts, meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables.

It is also important to remember that in order to avoid other problems with sexual activity, you need to forget about beer, which has female hormones in its composition.

Doctors also recommend giving up all bad habits, which include not only smoking and alcohol, but also junk food. Normalization of sleep and walks before going to bed will help a man not only recharge his batteries, but also get an excess of it, which he wants to throw out in intimacy with a partner.

As for traditional medicine, it is worth noting that its use also has a positive result on a man's libido. Of course, you can’t get a 100% guarantee, but you can try, it won’t get any worse from the use of folk and proven means.

Folk remedies include:

Healthy foods
  • pumpkin seeds. The seeds contain elements that significantly increase the level of testosterone in the body and, accordingly, the sexual desire of men;
  • walking barefoot on the ground. Scientists have proven that when a person walks barefoot on damp ground, his sexual desire increases significantly. What caused this remains a mystery for now, but such a healing remedy is definitely worth a try for every guy;
  • ginseng root. This ingredient is considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, which is of plant origin. Therefore, the use of the root allows you to raise male energy to the desired level and, accordingly, raise your mood for intimate relationships;
  • St. John's wort. It also has a fairly strong effect on the body of a man, in the sense of raising libido;
  • tinctures from wormwood.

Thus, in addition to drug therapy, a man's sexual desire can be increased in many ways. It is worth turning to medicines only as a last resort and preferably as prescribed by a doctor.

Medication treatment

Drug treatment can be divided into two types: hormonal and therapeutic.

Hormone treatment begins with a blood test that measures a person's testosterone levels and the amount of pituitary and thyroid hormones. In the event of any deviation, a comprehensive treatment of the disease begins, which is established by the doctor during the verification of the tests. It is worth noting that for treatment at the hormonal level, drugs are mainly used that replace testosterone in the body or affect its rise. Stimulation of hormone production is also carried out with the help of special procedures, massage, warming up and so on.

The therapeutic technique is directly based on the use of drugs that temporarily help to increase male attraction.

So these drugs include:

Medicine for potency
  • Viagra. This drug has long had positive reviews and is based on the fact that it helps blood flow to the sexual organ and thus causes an erection for a certain time if a man's sexual desire has disappeared. Basically, the duration of the drug lasts about 6 hours;
  • sialas. The drug was developed on the basis of Viagra, but has a more advanced method of action and does not cause side effects;
  • impaz. A hormonal drug that helps;
  • wook wow. The drug is developed on the basis of an African plant, which has a fairly powerful aphrodisiac.

Thus, if a man’s sexual desire has disappeared, then you should not be upset, because modern medicine and science have developed quite a lot of drugs that help restore a man’s intimate life.

Opinion: psychologist Vladivostok Sumarin Oleg

Many people face this problem. But not everyone is trying to solve it. Sometimes it's just because they don't take it seriously. However, a decrease in sexual desire can seriously poison life ...

In what cases can we talk about a decrease in sexual desire?

What is it - lack of interest in sex or inability to engage in it? The decrease in sexual desire is physiological and pathological. When assessing, it is necessary to be guided by the sexual constitution of the patient, know the age norms, take into account the psycho-emotional state and hormonal status. A decrease in desire is, first of all, the disappearance of the desire to have sex. Although such physiological reactions as morning and even spontaneous erection may persist. But each case is individual.

If a person experiences sexual arousal and even orgasm in the absence of a desire to have sex, can we talk about a decrease in sexual desire?

No, in this case we are talking about a different direction of preserved sexual desire. This condition can be observed, for example, in pornophilia - addiction to pornography. Increasingly, such problems arise in men who go into the virtual reality of the Internet.

When should decreased libido be considered a serious disorder?

If we are talking about a pathological form, it is necessary to look for the cause: most likely, “breakdowns” occurred in other organs and systems. A decrease in desire is the same symptom as a temperature is a sign of an illness that needs to be treated. If there is no pathology, the situation is more complicated. People have different attitudes towards their health. Some with lung cancer continue to smoke and are not going to seek medical help, flooding the pain with alcohol. And others undergo a preventive examination at the dentist every six months, when the teeth still do not hurt. A regular sex life is a complex indicator of health and the most enjoyable way to keep yourself in shape. No one has ever died from lack of sex. But the possible consequences of prolonged abstinence are known - fibroids, mastopathy, prostate adenoma. For some, a decrease in sexual desire is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. And someone endures everything calmly, and intervention is not needed. But, in my opinion, in the latter case, a person leads a life that is not quite full, depriving himself.

How often do patients complain of decreased libido?

This symptom is observed in 50% of patients who applied for sexological help. Most often, he is accompanied by anorgasmia (lack of orgasm), vaginismus (fear of sexual intercourse), sexual and psychological disharmony.

What methods of treatment are used in such situations?

It all depends on the specific case and the person. Pathogenetic treatment is directed at the cause. With an integrated approach, lifestyle, mental hygiene, relationships are taken into account, the roles of partners are analyzed, a system of “sexual launches” is developed, erogenous zones are examined, a course of special physical education, physiotherapy is prescribed. Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapeutic techniques are widely used. With this approach, successful treatment and correction is 80-90%.

There is an opinion that the problem with sexual desire is mainly a female “trouble”. Who actually has this symptom more often - men or women?

Given that the male hormone testosterone is responsible for attraction, the level of attraction in men should be higher than in women. But, in my opinion, at the present stage, the decrease in sexual desire relative to the norm is approximately the same for both men and women. Although over the past 15 years, it was the representatives of the stronger sex who began to lose ground, especially in megacities.

What are the rules in this case?

The most average, the so-called conditionally physiological rhythm (UFR) implies the desire and ability to have sex 2-3 times a week, under the most favorable conditions. Of course, there are fluctuations, because desire is influenced by many factors, such as illness, sleep disorders, chronic mental fatigue, novelty of relationships.

Is decreased sex drive related to lifestyle?

The law applies here: the worse, the less, and vice versa, but, of course, not higher than the age and constitutional norm.

What are the main causes of this problem in men and women?

In men, “addiction” to a partner has a negative effect, when she stops playing the role of a lover, turning into a “mother”, “comrade”. In practice, I increasingly come across situations where women come to the reception, confident that the husband is ill and “completely weak like a man.” They take him to the doctors. And the real reason is the Internet and masturbation. In women, a decrease in sexual desire is most often observed with mental and physical exhaustion. Especially after the birth of a child. Enough sleep is essential to maintaining attraction. Well, and, of course, his mechanicalness, rudeness, and primitivism in sexual scenarios kill him. Unfortunately, the jokes about thoughtful looking at the ceiling during intercourse did not appear out of nowhere.

How long can libido be reduced after childbirth?

The maximum rehabilitation lasts up to three years. But visible improvements should be noticeable six months after the birth of the baby. If they are not there, you should consult a sexologist, as in this case deactualization of sexual behavior develops (decrease in the importance of sex) and detraining (partial loss of sexual skills). In such a situation, some husbands "go into conservation", and not always reversible - especially after the age of 40-50, or find mistresses. A very common complaint: "My wife stopped loving me and does not pay any attention to me." It is especially sad if, precisely at the time when the child needs a dad, and the woman needs a husband, he offers to "live separately."

Is there a "selective" decrease in sexual desire - for example, when a husband and wife "get tired" of each other?

Of course, if people are not interested in each other, then the desire disappears. It is important to understand that you need to take care of relationships and try to please your husband or wife all your life, and not just before the wedding. If the spouses manage to understand this in time, they manage to save and decorate the marriage. I even developed a special "second honeymoon" program. According to my observations, a lot can be improved. Moreover, couples often admit that their second honeymoon is even better than the first.

Magazine "I want a child"

Divorce - and what will happen now?

There are 7 divorces for every 10 marriages. It turns out that a broken family is a statistical norm. But divorce is experienced in most cases hard. It's impossible to get used to it. Getting along with each other has become difficult, because all over the world the institution of the family is in crisis. Society no longer offers criteria for a proper family life. A wife is a good housewife: is this enough for her husband to feel happy in marriage and understand that his family life is a success? The husband has a lot of money, and he is not greedy: is this enough for the wife to be satisfied with her family life? No, not anymore.

Has the concept changed?

Earlier, about 100 years ago, people were guided by external criteria for a successful marriage: a wife is faithful, economic and loves children - excellent. The husband earns, does not beat, does not walk and loves kids - what more could you want. And now the criteria for a successful family life have become individual. If people for a long time, often and whenever possible simultaneously feel the pleasure of communicating with each other, despite the fact that they live together, sleep in the same bed and use the same bathroom, this is family happiness. It is clear that emotions and states are rarely stable unless they are reinforced by cultural norms and societal expectations. Everyone is glad that children study well - this is the cultural norm for success. In a society where not fives, but weight would be considered success, everyone would be happy with full kids. Previously, when marriage was based on understandable family roles, the division of responsibilities, there were socially constructed criteria for a correct, good family. If people understood that their family met these criteria, then they felt good, were satisfied with “themselves, their dinner and wife.” If there are no criteria for a good family in society, then there are no persistent and lasting emotions that support married life. Today it’s like this: it’s good - we live together. It got bad - they fled.

We're the same blood…

But children never want mom and dad to part. A stable family composition is very important for a child. A kind of tribal consciousness “works” here, which is characteristic of all people. So, the warriors and hunters of the primitive tribe named themselves according to the most important sacred rules. Parts of the body of a totem animal served as their names: Eye of an eagle, Claw of an eagle, Eagle feather ... When all the warriors of a tribe are together, a whole totem animal is obtained, which gives protection and good luck to everyone. Now imagine: the structure of the family-tribe is changing. No Eagle's Beak or Buffalo's Head, the tribe is weakening and the children are losing their sense of security and self-confidence. This applies to children of any age. And even if the parents part by mutual consent. I remember a teenager, a boy of about 14. Mom and dad did not live together for a long time, but formally the marriage was preserved, there was both respect for each other and cooperation. At some point, they decided to divorce formally. The boy reacted strongly to this news. He explained it this way: “If my friends find out that I have an inferior family, they will no longer respect me.” In family psychology, it is believed that the closure of family boundaries and the redistribution of functions takes up to seven years. Moreover, this redistribution of functions may be “wrong”. After the divorce, dad began to live separately, and mom - with a small daughter and a teenage son. Dad appeared rarely, ceased to play a significant role in the family. The boy decided that now he should be the “head of the buffalo”. He still cannot earn money, but he can do everything at home like a grown man: educate his sister and bring potatoes from the store. This strategy extended to emotional functioning: the son and mother are sitting in the kitchen, planning expenses, discussing how to raise the girl. Then the guy got deuces, because he had to take his sister either to music or to sports. I stopped going to school, I lost my friends. To fully assume the responsibilities of an adult - a father or mother - is an unbearable burden for a child.

Come back, we feel bad without you!

If the divorce did not occur by mutual consent, if one spouse was traumatized by the divorce - he was abandoned, then the children are even more traumatized. They see the suffering that one person dear to them delivered to another person equally dear to them. And they love both parents. They cannot be on either side, and parents often expect their children to stand with each of them on the same side of the barricades. In such a situation, children try to return everything back, to make sure that mom and dad are reunited. Behavioral disturbances begin, as if saying to the absent parent: “The one who remains with us cannot cope. You see, the grades have become worse, we get sick all the time, we quarrel with other children, beer, cigarettes, then everywhere. I remember twin boys refusing to eat without their dad. Their mother was categorically against the divorce and believed that dad had been bewitched, and it was her direct duty to save him. She discussed this version with her sons, did not hide her grief from them. The children "heard" their mother's message and began to try different behaviors that would attract dad back to the family. Refusal of food was the most effective. Mom called dad on the phone and said: “They don’t eat.” Dad came, despite the fact that he had a different family for several years ... While the children are trying to return everything back, the time of their lives goes by. But the forces are spent not on developing normally, communicating, looking for their interests and hobbies, but on reducing the suffering, say, of mom, giving her the opportunity not to lose touch with dad. With their problems, children create the illusion that nothing has changed.

Is it curable?

Family breakdown is bad for children, but living in a conflicted, formal family is also bad. No one knows what is worse for a child: the divorce of the parents or their unhappy marriage. The cooperation of parents about the child should not stop. It is better for parents to be together at important events for the child - birthdays, competitions, etc. Both parents should confer on significant decisions - choosing a school, treating serious illnesses, anything that can significantly affect a child's life. If the parents still cannot agree, then divorce psychotherapy is just for them. IMPORTANT If a divorce occurs, the damage to the child can be reduced. There is divorce therapy that solves this problem. Some techniques can be applied independently. 1. Let your children know about your decision to divorce together. Say that this is your joint decision, it will be better for both of you. The more firmly and unanimously this is voiced to the children, the less they will try to return everything back. 2. Tell the children that even though mom and dad are no longer living together, they are still parents and love children. Tell us how the communication of children with the parent who will not live with them will be arranged. Stick to this agreement strictly. 3. The parent who leaves the family territory must do so after the conversation on the same day.Anna Varga, psychologist.

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The man’s libido has disappeared - the situation, frankly, is not pleasant, and is capable of “knocking out of the saddle” anyone. However, in this situation, there should not be a feeling of despair, but a desire to immediately begin treatment, since the problem can be corrected. Complexity, unwillingness to “clean dirty linen in public”, fear of condemnation - all this will only aggravate the situation and significantly reduce the quality of life.

What affects a man's libido?

In this list, age is given the very last place, and all because low libido in men of 40-50 years of age usually becomes the result of all the same chronic diseases and bad habits. Often people of a fairly advanced age are sexually attracted to women, moreover, they embody their intimate desires into reality, and acquire heirs without the help of sexologists and andrologists. It is only necessary to recognize the signs of a decrease in libido in time and take action.

Lack of sex drive is hard to miss, although symptoms can vary slightly. The following degrees are conditionally distinguished:

  • decreased desire to have sex;
  • partial (periodic) loss of attraction to women;
  • complete indifference (and even disgust) to sex as a concept, action and phenomenon.

Causes of Decreasing Sexual Desire

Often the cause of a decrease in libido is hidden in a hormonal imbalance, in which case its signs will be appropriate, namely:

  • the voice changes, it becomes unusually high;
  • hair begins to grow poorly on the face, in the groin and in the armpits;
  • there is a deposition of fat according to the female type;
  • all other signs of testosterone deficiency.

Psychological problems can also lead to a decrease in libido, caused, for example, by such factors:

  • experienced fiasco of a sexual nature;
  • psychotrauma associated with the intimate side of life;
  • inability to satisfy a sexual partner;
  • conflicts associated with non-traditional orientations.

How to increase male libido?

A man will have to reconsider his lifestyle and food habits, try non-traditional and familiar methods, and possibly change his sexual partner.

Experts insist that the patient increase the duration of a good night's sleep to 8 hours every day, start exercising, give up his bad habits and begin to be in the fresh air more often.

In terms of nutrition, you need to lean on foods rich in vitamins belonging to the group A, E, C and D. It should consist of:

  • seafood and lean meats;
  • milk and honey;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • by-products, vegetables and fruits.

The lack of libido in men also suggests drug treatment, mainly consisting in an artificial increase in the hormone testosterone. The main emphasis is on eliminating the cause that led to a decrease in its production, which usually consists in dysfunction of the endocrine system.