First meeting with an ex-boyfriend. Meeting your ex: doing the right thing. Typical Ex-Boyfriend Behavior

It is doubly uncomfortable if he is not alone, but with a new passion. Of course, such a turn of events is the least desirable. But you can't go anywhere. Do not run away. After all, it will look stupid from the side of "mouse care" to the side. Therefore, in this case, you need to muster up the courage and pay attention to tips that will help you survive such an unwanted meeting.

How to behave when meeting your ex: Demonstrate kindness

Of course, this is extremely difficult to do. But you still need to overpower yourself and be polite. Don't pretend you don't know each other. On the contrary, it is best to walk up and say sweetly, “Hi! I'm glad to see you!". You can ask "how are you?" But this is best done depending on the circumstances. If you saw each other briefly, then you should not be too intrusive. Say hello, and that's enough.
It's important not to be too annoying. If it is impossible to do this subjectively, then you can mentally imagine that this is a kind, old friend. Then anger will not go beyond its borders. And the meeting will be nice and easy. (Read also).

How to deal with your ex: do not judge

There is a great desire to make a remark to the current darling about the unfashionable model of her shoes. This can be done. But the best thing is in thoughts. And if you really want to speak out loud, then it is better to be patient before home and tell your friend. Because showing off anger is not the best way to behave. And he certainly won't play into your hands. Moreover, the rival in the eyes of the ex will look much more advantageous than the quarrelsome ex.
Therefore, in this case, the best option is not to get personal. Show your courtesy and friendliness. After all, what has happened is gone.

How to behave with an ex: do not throw it around your neck

The temptation to hug and show that once the relationship between you was far from friendly is enormous. Just being led by your own emotions is not the right option. This is a thing of the past. Therefore, indulge in memories and then scroll through them several times in your head is not worth it.
As mentioned earlier, you need to behave like an old acquaintance. The main thing is not to lose face. And get out of the situation as a winner.

How to deal with your ex: have no illusions

So you met for five minutes, and then there will be thoughts about him for all 5 weeks. It is important not to inflate your thoughts more than necessary. Naturally, if after the meeting all the rest of the evening the soul will be stirred up by the memories of how good it once was. And so you can fantasize endlessly. Only it is worth highlighting the key word in the whole process - "was". This means that it has passed, remained there, far away. Therefore, one should not confuse it with the present. In this case, do not go too deep into memories. Otherwise, there is a great risk of reliving the pain. (Read also).
As the people say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. If he has already left, then it must be so. Therefore, you do not need to deliberately pull yourself back with thoughts of a happy future with him. It didn't work out with this - it doesn't matter. There are other options as well.

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Anything can happen in our life. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that the person you were hoping to spend your whole life with turns out to be the wrong one, and you break up. You can, of course, hope that you will never meet again in this life, but in reality the opposite is happening, and these meetings still take place.

Any girl wishes that a chance meeting with a former loved one would make him regret that he once could lose her. Many make a whole problem out of it, and diligently try to show their ex how beautiful, happy and successful she is without him.

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For a perfect meeting with your ex

The most important thing for you at this meeting is to be as natural as possible. In no case do not pretend to be a fatal seductress, if in fact you are distinguished by excessive modesty, and vice versa, you should not hide your eyes modestly if you yourself are a lively and active lady. The ex will not believe that after your breakup you have completely changed, because he managed to get to know you well. The falsity will be very obvious, so behave as you normally would with your friends. You are the only one and you are beautiful, even if he knows about it.

It may be interesting for the ex to know what has happened in your life, but remember that he is not your friend, so there is no need to tell him everything in detail. Many girls make the mistake of starting to list in detail all the events that happened to her during the time that they have not seen. No details needed. And you don't need to talk about events either. Just say that you are doing well, that will be enough.

The same rule applies to personal life. No matter how tempting it is to tell your ex about the man you are currently dating, this should never be done. Moreover, to compare them. By the way, don't ask your ex-boyfriend anything about your ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend either. Questions about her and the relationship between her and your ex will put you down a notch. Maintain your dignity and pacify your curiosity.

As much as meeting your ex may affect you, try not to show him any emotion. Rejoicing at the meeting and talking about how he misses you is not worth it, especially if everything is definitely over between you.

You should not be irritable and angry about your ex either, because this will mean that you still have not forgotten about him. Try to gather all your strength, be calm, balanced and confident. This is how girls behave who do not regret breaking up with their ex. Show him that you were able to get through your breakup normally, were not disappointed in life and continue to move forward.

Good luck!

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The breaks are different. Whether they abandoned you or you yourself wanted to end the relationship - an unpleasant aftertaste will remain in any case. A self-respecting woman in no case should show others that she is feeling bad. If you and your ex work in the same team, be prepared to feel sorry for you and console you with the words "all men are goats." Do not give yourself slack even in such moments. Because all your words and complaints about the ex can then be kindly put into his ears. Try to treat the breakup philosophically: it was good for you, but there are no prospects for this relationship.

If you split up as friends, tell your friends about it. A successful and confident girl does not need sympathy and pity. Let outsiders get the impression that you are feeling great and ready to meet new people. Even if you are not yet ready for them, you should not devote a lot of time to psychological introspection. Let your ex go, play in a good mood until optimism and positive thinking returns to you. You will show your ex-man that in spite of everything, you continue to live and enjoy every day.

Keep your distance

Only those people who remain true to their word are respected. The same goes for relationships. If you had the last word and the decision to end the relationship became your initiative - stick to it. Think about why you decided to break up before you call your ex or smile at him just like in the good old days.

And even more so, do not try to renew the relationship if the man is the initiator of the breakup. Perhaps your relationship has really outlived its usefulness, and the loneliness that you feel now will pass in a few weeks. A survey of the male half of the population showed that they do not like it when a former passion is hung around the neck.

Conclusion: be unavailable. Show goodwill, do not distinguish him from others - this is the best tactic for behavior after a breakup.

Do not sort things out with a former lover.

Often, after parting, a woman is left alone with her grievances and arguments. You can scroll through certain moments in your head for hours, finding more and more flaws in the behavior of the former man. And how sometimes you want to reproach him, remember how wrong he was and pry in the presence of your mutual acquaintances. But speaking out, you will hardly feel the expected satisfaction, but humiliate yourself in the eyes of others. As you know: the one who cares about the relationship clarifies. Even if the wounds are still fresh, control yourself and remember that your romance with this man is a turned page that is not worth even a minute of your time.

From the very morning, your day went wrong: a heel broke on your favorite shoes, during your lunch break you accidentally spilled coffee on your dress, and in the evening - this ...

Directly towards you is none other than! And not himself, but with a new girlfriend. Mom, what to do? Maybe cross the street?

The memories of the circumstances of your breakup are still fresh in your memory, and you are not yet used to living apart. Alas! But the former glows like a new coin, and his new passion is too, yes, too (!) Looks good now.

But you should not breed complexes in yourself, scolding yourself for a boring gray dress and styling, disheveled in the wind. It is much better to inhale and exhale, calm down, relax, collect your thoughts and appear before this couple in all their glory. Let your ex know that your life has worked out too! So how do you behave?

1. Don't try to hide or run away.

Yes, you can be very embarrassed, and meeting your ex is the last thing on your agenda in this lifetime. But fate-villain tried, so try to get out of the situation as a winner. At least over. Do not try to run away or pretend not to notice such a charming tandem. Instead, put your most beautiful smile on your face and take the first step. Say hello! Demonstrate carelessness and self-confidence.

2. Keep your distance.

The idea of ​​hugging and kissing your ex “just out of old memory” is very, very bad. This can be a big mistake. Stir up a faded feeling of love in your soul, evoke deep emotions and give birth to unrealizable hopes? Don't be fooled - you are now his ex, one of many. Mentally thank him for everything that happened, but do not rush into the pool again with your head.

3. Be polite but short.

There are a million reasons why you shouldn't have long conversations with your loved one. In the end, you have someone to talk to and besides him. But you still need to say something. Will you not stand there as a silent pillar of salt? You can start a conversation with the phrase: “Hello! Good to see you! (smile at your ex!) Are you walking? " Then listen to a short answer - and boldly go about your business ... with a clear conscience.

4. Don't make a claim.

At first glance, it may seem that this meeting is the best moment to discuss who, after all, should rightfully own the jointly purchased from your once cozy family nest. But ... it only seems. It is unlikely that the former will now rush to pack a useful thing in the household in a cardboard box in order to send you the unit with sincere tears of remorse. But it can even bring down a stream of counter-claims on you. So do not tempt fate, be restrained. So as not to feel stupid after only half an hour. Behave as if you just met an ordinary acquaintance. The rules of decency must be observed, but no more. And then he will be arrogant yet.

5. Don't apologize for what happened.

You may feel the need to apologize to him for something terrible you have done in the past. But this is hardly the right moment for that. All apologies will be perceived by him as attempts at reconciliation. Do you want to turn back time? So, maybe you shouldn't expose yourself like that in front of his girlfriend?

6. Behave with dignity.

How do you want to say some taunts to his new passion! I want something like that! .. But we must control ourselves. Even if they found three flaws in it. Do not show that you are worried about this meeting. Don't reopen old wounds! You can discuss the old-fashioned shoes of the new woman in your ex's life with your best friend. In the company of this couple, it is clearly not worth touching on this point.

7. Don't try to make your ex jealous.

Telling your once loved one that everything is in order in your personal life, and your new macho seems to have left the pages of gloss, is hardly a good idea. Even if you are asked about it. It's just that your story can be perceived as an attempt not to fall face down in the dirt. Too childish and very frivolous. You are now strangers to each other, you have no common business now, so why these reports?

Attempts to force the ex are rarely successful. Remember, if for 3 months, half a year or 5 years he has not come to you even once with a bouquet of luxurious scarlet roses, then he does not need it.

8. Do not be surprised by the overwhelming nostalgia.

Feeling sad after meeting your ex is not uncommon. Still, there were a lot of things that once connected you. There were beautiful scenes of love, cute notes and sincere confessions. But the main thing in this sentence is the word "were". What happened is gone. Do not give up! The best is always ahead of us - believe it!

9. Don't stand too long.

Trying to stop an ex-boyfriend to enjoy a chance encounter is doomed to fail. Even in your own eyes. Do not stand for a long time, thereby showing that you are still waiting for something. Better to just stop waiting ...

Be happy in harmony with yourself and the whole world!