Congratulations to the newlyweds in the registry office from the parents. The best congratulations on the wedding from the parents of the bride and groom: poems, prose. Beautiful, touching parting congratulations to the bride and groom from mother, father in verse and in their own words

At a wedding banquet, it is customary for newlyweds to be seated next to the witnesses at the head of the wedding feast, highlighting and decorating this area as much as possible, as if drawing attention to it. Witnesses - helpers of the young, should watch the bride and groom and take care of them at the table, adding food and pouring drinks.

Even the contents of the table of the newlyweds may differ from the guest tables. It is worth carefully considering the menu for the wedding, the food and drinks on the table of the newlyweds may be completely different, there may be some elements of culinary thought that greatly decorate the table of the newlyweds. Parents are also sometimes seated at this table, but usually the groom's parents lead the tables with the groom's relatives, and the bride's parents with the bride's relatives.

Parents are given an honorable role, since they experience and participate in the wedding celebration no less than the newlyweds, often they organize the celebration itself, especially if the newlyweds are still young.

Parents' speech at the wedding banquet

Examples from different weddings, the newlyweds are congratulated by the parents and brother of the groom, some mothers and father separately :), the parents of the bride and the mother of the groom, who decided to conduct the ritual of bread and salt, despite the fact that during the meeting the young people refused it.

As a rule, parents are given a congratulatory word at the banquet first, sometimes during the first wedding table, separately from congratulating the guests with the second or third wedding toast. Sometimes the congratulatory part of the wedding begins with the congratulations of the parents, usually at the second wedding table. After the parents, the presenter is obliged to give the floor to the grandparents of the newlyweds, and then, according to the list that the newlyweds make up, to all the other guests. An experienced leader can change the order of congratulations depending on the circumstances, for example, if there is a clergyman in the hall, then after parental and grandparental congratulations, they give him the floor.

By the way and in what order, the host gives the floor for congratulations at the wedding, one can judge his experience and, in general, whether he or the host is leading. The first mistake of young hosts is to turn or change these rules, to do everything like in KVN, and if newlyweds sometimes do not pay attention to such trifles, maybe due to upbringing, then parents are very offended by the disregard for the young toastmaster, who himself still does not understand much about life. And since they often order this celebration, it is clear how this could end for a person who decided that he was a toastmaster.

Now, ending this lyrical digression, we must say that parents, congratulating the newlyweds, can say as much as they like and, of course, everyone expects parental orders, advice and beautiful wishes from them, because no one knows the newlyweds like parents. It is better if mom says the first words, reads poetry, and dad adds congratulations in prose, but everything is at the request of the parents themselves, because some are so worried that they cannot say a word.

In what order is it customary to give a word? According to the established tradition, the bride's parents are the first to speak, and then, after a musical pause or immediately, the groom's parents, who are a little more difficult, since some of their wishes may coincide with congratulations from the bride's parents. Of course, the order primarily depends on the leader, sometimes it is changed by the parents themselves for various reasons.

Here are congratulations in verse, which can be found on many sites on the net:

From the mother of the groom

Son, you're a real man now

And it seems that he was only born yesterday,

But time goes by and the time has come

Letting go, and there is a reason for that.

I release you with a light soul,

Now, besides my son, I have a daughter!

May your family be happy!

Today I rejoice with you.

Live together, give birth to our grandchildren,

May love not go out in your hearts!

There was just a mother, but she became a mother-in-law,

Being a mother-in-law is not an easy science!

Forgive each other any insults,

Let family days be a holiday

Be happy my children

Advice and love to you, my dear!

From the groom's father

My son, I'm proud of you not in vain,

Now you have a family

The wife is a beautiful young woman.

And today I wish you:

Walk through life with honor

And definitely together

Drive away insults with laughter

And never be discouraged.

May your family be strong

May your friends never leave you

Let the sun shine brighter above you

May your children be healthy

And let from sunset to morning dawn

Let it be sweet to you, and not at all ... "BITTER"!

From parents

You decided to tie fate forever

With each other, you have found your love!

And we want you to live in love,

So that we can go to the end together!

We want you to give us grandchildren,

We dream of loving and pampering them!

And so that we raise them together,

We hope we don't dream long!

Today all dreams have a reason to come true,

Anxiety will vanish like smoke!

Our beloved son wanted to get married!

We wish happiness to our young people!

What a beautiful day

The sky is clear, the sun is clear!

I want to joke, dance,

Kiss everyone around!

What a joy in the soul

We are already marrying our son!

He finally fell in love

And today - down the aisle!

Our glorious relatives,

Dear - "young"!

The first month is short

Let all life be "honey"!

When love knocks on the heart

You need to open the doors!

Behind her, slam the doors tightly,

And don't let go!

So it is with you, our children,

Love entered your hearts too!

Don't break these bonds

And stay together until the end!

Son, we are immensely happy

You have chosen the best wife!

God has ordained for you

Love, destiny, and life - one!

Nice to see your faces

They are so glowing with love!

May your happiness last forever

And does not give rest to the hearts!

You look great together!

Our son, your choice is perfect!

Your bride is not more beautiful

Dreamed of such a daughter!

And, young people, today you

We give our blessing!

Accept it with love

Enjoyment awaits you!

Happiness, happiness to the young!

And more love for them

And family warmth

And a cozy home!

As parents, we

Congratulations, have a good time!

Now you go together

Build a house, raise children!

Do not give quarrels a move,

Son, wife - do not offend!

In general, live friendly

Take care of your marriage, children!

You have a special day today.

So be happy always.

May the path be bright

Let there be a friendly family.

Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,

The thrill of the first meeting.

And the rings that they took in their hands,

Save up until the end.

May your life never

Days like these won't come back

Love is always meant to be

And only one time to get married!

We will reveal the simple truth to you,

We will open you the beginning of all beginnings:

For two, luck is twice as joyful,

And sadness will be divided in two.

So you become dearer to each other.

The hot light will warm you with love.

You just need to know how to divide and multiply,

Divide and multiply - that's the whole secret.

(name of the bride) we wish you patience,

(groom's name) only love her alone

For the young! For husband and wife!

Congratulations on legal marriage

And we wish you much happiness!

We are talking seriously now.

May a million beautiful roses

Lies all over the high way,

What will be destined to pass.

And let the fire of great love

It burns without fading.

Life is easier with love.

Everyone knows about this.

Reach agreement on everything.

Live for many years.

Always respect each other.

Love to you and advice!

You can find many more examples, and now congratulations in prose:

Dear our children! We are glad that today you have decided to take a very serious step - to seal your relationship with the sacred bonds of marriage! This is a happy occasion for all of us! We wish you forever great love for each other, your family and friends, mutual understanding, kindness and warmth! May all your undertakings lead only to victory, happiness and prosperity never leave your home! Let only good and reliable friends surround you! Health and great family joys! Bitterly

Dear our children! You have made a serious decision and joined your hearts in marriage! May this decision be the right one, and your family will endure all the trials of fate! So that the fire of your feelings does not go out and does not go out! Advice to you and love!

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! Love and respect each other! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife, support and help her husband! Love, unity and happiness to you!

Our dear children, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on your legal marriage. We all always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! I also wish you great love, and mutual affection in the family.

Dear our children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish you a variety of blessings, live in love and happiness for many years, not knowing quarrels, disagreements and troubles! If trouble comes your way, fight together, shoulder to shoulder! Happiness, love and good luck to you!

Dear (name of the groom) and (name of the bride), on this solemn day before God and people, we bless you for a happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental mandate: live, live - make good! Peace and joy to you!

Dear children, advising you to a new life, we wish you love, happiness, family well-being. Live in the name of kindness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage, for a strong family!

Dear children, (groom's name) and (bride's name)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for people's joy! Let children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your house!

Dear bride and groom! On this happy day, you stand on the threshold of a new life. Just a little more, and you will become husband and wife! Before starting family life, please accept our parental instructions and congratulations!

Two doves, our dear children! All the best to you, all earthly happiness, well-being and tranquility to your home, strong prosperity, strong family.

Our dear children, so you became a young husband and wife. Now you have a long and happy road of family life ahead of you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you have! The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

To be honest, I have lived a long and happy life with my wife. I want to wish you the same happy life. But first of all, please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage, which took place only a few hours ago. This is a very short period, but I see that during this period you have proudly managed to maintain a very high level of happiness in your young family. Keep it up!

My dear children, you have tasted a piece of loaf. I want to keep in your hearts the warmth that this loaf has kept for you. Let your house always be full of guests and everyone will get at least a small piece of treats. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality.

Our dear ____________________________________ (the mother calls the children by name), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and multiply it many, many times over.

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let this nest be visited more often by storks, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Our dear children, let us on a happy day, at a happy hour, say a parental parting word. Live in such a way that there is joy in your house, that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most magical world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity.

Our dear little birds, so you became a young husband and wife. Now you have a long and happy road of family life ahead of you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you have! The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

You can also maintain a special festive atmosphere at the wedding with the help of beautiful and original congratulations. To do this, guests need to show a little imagination and devote their personal time to prepare good congratulations.

Oddly enough, it is often much easier for many people to choose a gift for the newlyweds than to write wedding congratulations. They may suffer for several hours or even days, and as a result, the written words will turn out to be banal and boring. How to be sure that the newlyweds will like your wedding congratulations? After all, we all want to say something special, something that they will remember forever. The wish must be perfect so that it causes a storm of positive emotions in the bride and groom.

How to write wedding greetings

Most importantly, do not forget to properly address the bride and groom. Often guests may not know the names of one of them. For example, if they are well acquainted with one of them, then perhaps they have never seen the other. Oddly enough, but this happens quite often. That is why double-check the names of the bride and groom several times. If you are not sure about the correct pronunciation of the name of the bride or groom, then check with their parents, for example, with their mother. Now quite often you can find unusual or foreign names. Therefore, it is better to ask again than to be in an awkward situation when congratulating.

When writing congratulations, it is important to address them not to anyone in particular (groom or bride), but to both newlyweds. You should focus on them as a couple, as a whole. At the same time, you should not speak in banal memorized phrases, mention proverbs and sayings. Come up with something new, something that no one but you will tell them.

Congratulations from parents on the wedding

The wedding of a daughter and a son is a serious and very important matter. Congratulations on the wedding from the parents should not be instructive. Of course, no one diminishes your importance in a couple's life, but today is their day. Just be happy for the young. Tell them how glad you are that they met each other. Wish your daughter or son a long and happy married life. But do not forget to mention that they can always count on your support and help. Of course, all mothers worry about the fate of their children, but still, it’s more correct to leave your advice for other days. They will definitely come in handy. This must be taken into account if you decide to make a congratulation from the groom's parents to their son.

Congratulations from relatives on the wedding

A congratulation on the wedding from the godmother can be in the nature of a letter to the “son-in-law”. It's no secret that for any mother there is nothing more important than the happiness of her beloved daughter and son. In your speech, address him as your son, because from now on he is one.

When writing congratulations on a mother’s wedding for her daughter, you should not scare her with stories about family life. This is not the time. They will definitely think about all the possible difficulties, but a little later. Now they are on holiday. In your congratulations, do not forget to say a few words that you are glad to be present at this holiday.

We write poems with congratulations on the wedding

If you know how to write poetry, then you can come up with a poem about the bride and groom. Otherwise, any other found on the Internet will do. But keep in mind that your wish should not be too long, especially if you plan to read it out loud at the banquet. Here it is better to do with a quatrain.
Of course, parents can ask their daughter for help or invite their son to write a congratulation for them on their own. But, this is not the best option.

As a rule, at weddings, young people say solemn speeches for mom and dad. They thank them for organizing this holiday, for raising them the way they are now. Mom and dad are always pleased to hear their speeches and understand that their children have already grown up and are ready for such a serious step - creating a family. And most importantly, do not forget to sign your greeting cards so that the young people know exactly who they received them from.

Congratulations on the wedding from parents in verse

    Beloved daughter, as always you are beautiful,
    Son, we love you always
    Today you are together and it became clear to us
    What a new life you go, cheers!
    And may this life be beautiful for you,
    Health, good luck, warmth for a hundred years!
    Bring the kids to us,
    Do not know sadness, anxiety and troubles!

    Your family is new, everything is ahead of you.
    We wish you only a good journey.
    Let bad weather and troubles not come to you.
    And happiness, health, warmth and comfort.
    Wealth, luck, let them wait for you
    Everywhere and always let you be surrounded
    Good, kind, loyal people
    And may everything be good in your life.
    In life always and everywhere be together,
    And be faithful to each other for two hundred years!

    Our dear children, we wish you now,
    So that troubles and bad weather never know you.
    If they get in the way - drive them away as soon as possible,
    Well, you always meet happiness and luck with warmth!
    And when it suddenly becomes difficult, then you snuggle up to each other,
    Do not show tears, do not skimp on smiles,
    And of course, we expect more kids from you,
    Well, you live together happier and longer!

    We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
    May your marriage be strong and happy,
    You are for your wife, son, be loved,
    And you, daughter, be loved by him.
    Never quarrel and never swear
    Always be together, you try everywhere,
    May there be only happiness in your house,
    Let all bad weather pass by!

    We wish you to grow love in your garden!
    We wish you to always be together, near
    Treat each other as a reward
    Fate presented to you for a long time!
    We wish you kids ten people!
    We wish to eat not only hake fish,
    And the banks of jelly and milk rivers!
    We wish you ... Sorry, but already
    Full of desires in your luggage!

    Become each other's support
    Happiness and part of one,
    Grief, sorrows and blizzards
    Let them fly by.
    May it last for years
    Gentle strong feeling.
    Together in love and adversity
    This family art!

    Congratulating you on this bright day,
    We wish you a long and happy life
    Love you passionate and beautiful,
    So that misfortunes do not cover the shadow.
    We wish you only success in your worries,
    So that the house rang from songs, joyful laughter,
    So that a child's smile warms the heart,
    So that nothing hurts you
    And so that adversity does not concern you,
    Seemed like minutes for years!

    Accept congratulations,
    You love each other deeply.
    And let sadness sadness not find you
    And money always comes to the house!

    You have a nice day today!
    You connected two destinies
    And in the registry office they sealed it with a signature.
    That is the first step in life
    In the family - to further years of happiness!
    The fire of love lit the hearth,
    So that there is light in the house, and not darkness,
    To take part together.

    In building a nest of love
    So that children grow up in joy
    And wherever you are on the road
    I longed to come home.
    Let your house be a full bowl!
    Keep love until gray hairs,
    So that your union is indestructible
    And became stronger over the years, more beautiful.

    Dear children!
    We are ready to wish you everything
    What would you like for yourself:
    Health, joy, happy days
    And a lot of nimble children!
    May the sun always shine on you
    Let the blessed rain pour over your head,
    We wish you with all your heart, with all your soul:
    Prosperity, harmony, love, peace!

    For happiness, you have to walk uphill
    And take more than one height.
    So let unnecessary quarrels
    Bypass your house a mile away.
    May your hearts not grow old
    And they fight, love is not melting.
    And let year after year
    Lives more friendly
    Happy your family!

    Our dear children.
    Bread and salt we give you,
    Our farewell to you in this world
    Everything was divided in half.

    There will be joy or sorrow
    Avoid personal dramas
    Give in to each other in an argument
    You need to learn.

    Live by faith and law
    Don't look for an easy life
    Greet relatives, friends,
    Respect your father and mother.

    There will be children, there will be grandchildren,
    Everything will go its own way.
    Husband take your wife in your arms!
    Young people, please come home!

Our beloved children! From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a happy married life. We bless you for a long life in love and happiness, we wish your family understanding, well-being and kindness! May your feelings only grow stronger every day. Live for your own happiness, and for our joy, advice to you and love! rating: 19 ↓

Dear children! We wish you to live very happily together and not lose your love! And may there be more joy and bright moments in your life, well, you can overcome all problems, because you are together! Keep your love, trust each other and appreciate each other very much. Happiness to you in your family voyage and may your ship of love never stray from the right course! 30 ↓

Dear you are ours! Today you are embarking on the path of eternal love, happiness and family harmony! Believe in each other and live happily! Let nothing overshadow your well-being, and we will support you in everything!
We are very happy for you and for this step that you are taking now on your life path! Starting a new page, remember your mark on this earth - give us grandchildren and granddaughters, and we will love and pamper them!
Let everything go well in your family, so that no cash is transferred in the house, so that your hearth always remains warm! And let "bitterly" you hear only at the wedding! Advice to you and love! Peace and prosperity! Bitterly! 6 ↓ - Congratulations on the wedding from parents

Before you is the kingdom of love,
Let his worries and undertakings
Fill your days with joy
May they be beautiful!
I wish you much happiness
Live in peace and harmony
To have a full house of kids,
And there was no need for anything! 42 ↓

Congratulations on legal marriage
And we wish you much happiness!
We are talking seriously now:
May a million beautiful roses
Lies all over your path
What will be destined to pass.
And let the fire of great love
It burns without fading.
With love, life is easier to go through -
Everyone knows about this.
Reach agreement on everything!
Live for many years!
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice! 30 ↓

The world has become more beautiful with your love,
Congratulations on your wedding day!
Smiles, joy, health
We wish you this bright hour!
Build your bright, cozy,
Hospitable and happy home
Let more every minute
Love and happiness will be in it! 31 ↓

Congratulations from your parents!
May happiness always accompany you!
Parental blessing to you -
On a long journey, for many years!
May every day of your life together
Brings you joy and love and light.
May life always be a full cup for you,
So that you do not know sorrows and troubles!
To each other you are now responsible
For every step, for every breath and glance
For happiness, for love, for everything in the world -
Let your days fly in harmony! 38 ↓

Our lovely children! The peculiarity of today is not in the celebration, not in the rich table, snow-white dress and a large number of guests. Today is the day when you radically changed your destiny. Now you are together.
We really want you to understand that family life is not only about joy. Anything can happen, and a strong family is one that can cope with all difficulties. Respect each other, listen to each other, understand and appreciate each other. And you will definitely succeed! Happiness to you, our dear ones, love to you and advice! 46 ↓

You have a lot today:
Friends, smiles and flowers,
You now have one road,
And the goal is one, one love.
You keep mutual loyalty
Don't lose your feelings
Appreciate each other, understand
Madly love and respect! 28 ↓

Today a solemn and wonderful day has come in your life - you have become husband and wife. We want to wish that only clear and sunny weather reigned in your house. We want to wish you well and happiness! Take care and appreciate your soul mate, become each other's support, support and never be separated! 42 ↓

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
May your marriage be strong and happy,
You are for your wife, son, be loved,
And you, daughter, be loved by him.
Never quarrel and never swear
Always be together, you try everywhere,
May there be only happiness in your house,
Bypass you let bad weather! 32 ↓

Favorite kids! With all our hearts we want your marriage to be the most successful and happy!
We wish you love, and happiness for centuries, be always cheerful and positive. Always try to understand each other, and may your union only grow stronger every year! So be it, but now we will gladly shout to you - bitterly! 36 ↓

You are as beautiful today as ever! For us, parents, your wedding is one of the main events in life, and we will do our best to help you so that you live very happily! Know that nothing should break your union - and this is in your hands. We wish you to give us wonderful grandchildren as soon as possible, although you will have to try on the role of grandparents! Health to you, our children, a happy life together, well-being, mutual understanding and great love. 33 ↓

Wedding congratulations are always clean, solemn and interesting for the newlyweds. In them, each close person tries to express his love, his respect, devotion and love for the bride and groom.

  • A wedding is a special occasion. It is always filled with joy, tears of happiness, beautiful clothes, flowers and pleasant sincere words. A special place at the wedding is occupied by congratulations, because they are given a special place.
  • Each guest is individually given a personal word. There are moments when a huge number of thoughts in the head do not find words and a person is in an uncomfortable situation. To avoid contemptuous glances, condemnation from other guests and simply standing with a microphone in your hands, you need to prepare in advance for a solemn speech
  • Congratulations on the wedding can be taken from the Internet, read from a postcard, write on a piece of paper, remember a poem
  • But congratulations in your own words always turn out to be the most sincere and eloquent, when all you want to say is the opportunity to voice and wish the newlyweds a happy future
beautiful wishes for the wedding of the newlyweds in your own words

Wedding wishes in your own words:

  • Dear newlyweds! Remember this day. On this day, all your closest people are next to you: relatives, best friends, colleagues and good acquaintances. We are all infinitely happy for your happiness! I wish you to be in love all your life, in love with each other. Only in this way the flame of tender feelings will not go out and you will be able to dissolve daily not in everyday life, but in your happiness. BITTERLY YOUNG!
  • Dear (names of newlyweds)! I would like to congratulate you on this date, celebrate your incredibly beautiful wedding, thorough preparation. I would like to wish you that your married life is as colorful, festive and unforgettable. Live every day with ease, passion and sincerity in your heart. I wish longevity to your marriage, fertility and only well-being! BITTERLY!
  • Dear bride and groom! Today is a special day, your wedding. Take a break from the guests, the music, the table, and for a moment remember this moment - the moment of happiness. Remember this moment as often as possible in your life and always cherish each other as something valuable, expensive and unique. Your marriage is the most precious thing you have. I wish you understanding, prosperity and happy days! Bitterly!

Beautiful and touching congratulations from the daughter's mother in verse

Mom is always a special person in everyone's life, she is of great importance for the child, even if he has grown up and is ready to marry. A wish from a mother should be touching, so that all maternal love, affection, care can be read in his words.

touching congratulations on the wedding from the mother of the daughter

I have one treasure
I gave it to my son-in-law.
I want to be happy myself,
Your life was after the wedding.
I ask you never to swear,
And always give in to each other.
In situations, rub in rub,
It's better than disrespect.
You carry your love in your heart
Through longing, times and years,
And love each other, love!
May your love always be!

Beautiful and sensual congratulations from the father to the daughter on the wedding

Dad is the head of the family, protection, support and the one when children respect and love all their lives. A solemn congratulation of the bride from her father will be very touching and important at the wedding celebration. Such words, spoken by a loved one, always bring happiness to tears and are remembered for a lifetime.

beautiful and touching congratulations on the wedding from the father of the daughter

Today with mom we will put our point,
We raised an adorable daughter!
I want you to be always happy, daughter!
And we want you with a good husband
She told me that “I need you, dad, too” ...
May you have fun tonight!
Not long time will pass, as in our hands with mom
Beloved native grandchildren will come, no, they will come running ...

Touching parting congratulations on the wedding from mother to son

At the wedding, the mother should wish her own son a lot of good things in his future independent life, make the right parting words, praise the choice of his wife and wish the best. Such words are always of great importance and are worth their weight in gold.

beautiful wedding wishes from mother to son, groom

Son, dear, I want you to become a worthy husband,
Try not to let us down...
Appreciate your wife, cherish, love,
Bring prosperity, harmony and happiness to your house ...
You know, our life is fleeting,
Fly like the days of a short year,
And you try your life so live,
As soon as you can, you always be happy!
Dad and I wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Live one hundred of the best years of your life!
You kids are so good today
Love and advice to you!

Parting word from father to son for a wedding celebration, words to the groom

Only a father can say a really parting, clear speech, which will simultaneously serve as advice and congratulations for the groom. Father's words always serve as something special for the groom, because they are spoken by a respected and experienced person.

parting and congratulatory words from father to son at the wedding

I want to say congratulations
Son, remember all the moments!
Your bride is a gift
Keep love for her in the heart of the heat!
I bless you children
I wish you peace and children
To make your home cozy
And happiness settled in him!
So that life is not boring
The path often led to us,
So that there is no grief and rubbish,
So that discord goes around your house!

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding of the bride and groom in verse

It is customary to congratulate the bride and groom not only in words, but also in pre-prepared beautiful and eloquent words.

congratulations to the bride and groom at the wedding poems

Years run and quickly fly by
Children leave, forgetting their father's house.
But we only congratulate you on this
By joyful glasses of wine clink.
We so want you to be happy.
Wipe sadness and tears from kind eyes,
You are so wise and so beautiful now
And today we are all happy for you!
Pass through the years together with dignity,
Now you are definitely a strong family.
May your life be filled with love
Let true friends be around.

Such a fun holiday, not an easy holiday,
Rather, it is historical for all of us.
We wish you to live until the golden wedding,
Return to your parent's house as often as possible.
Appreciate and love each other
Love like you never loved before
Hold hands on the journey through life's circle
Learn to believe, wait and trust.
May your home be a strong mistress
There would be no wife, but eternal love.
May you never know a happy life, you are inside out,
And happiness comes back to you all the time again and again!

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding in verse from the mother of the daughter

I want to congratulate you, my daughter,
Read my poems to you
Memorize my every line
Whatever your mother wishes for you.
I want everything to work out for you
So that you do not find stones on the way,
To smile more often than your life,
For the best to come.
So that your husband is always your support,
So that he gives you only love,
So that you are never eaten by quarrels,
To have fun again and again.
Take my words with your soul,
And if it's hard for you
Love, believe and support
Each other, you are lucky in this!

wishes in verse from mother to daughter

Wishes in verse from the father of the daughter, a beautiful wish for the bride

As always, you are beautiful and incomparable,
This dress and color really suits you.
I don't like to talk and I'm a little lost
Let your husband guide you through life now.
I will be lonely without you, daughter,
You are always like a child to me.
Everyone remember that I love you very much,
I want you to be joyful in life.
May a tree of happiness grow in your garden,
And its fruits will taste the best.
Let trouble bypass your house, quarrels, bad weather,
Your glorious husband, love and appreciate him!

Wishes at the wedding from the father of the daughter in verse

Beautiful wishes at the wedding from mother to son in verse

Our beloved son, dear,
We are glad to see your holiday.
Today you created a family
And you became her head.
Be patient, smart and kind
Everything is as we taught you.
Drive away your resentment, quarrels,
Appreciate your wife to be appreciated.
We sincerely wish you
May you always live in love!

wedding wishes from mother to son

Congratulations on the wedding from father to son in verse, congratulations to the groom

You grew up, son, found a bride,
Probably the prettiest!
A stormy undertaking you are holy
I'll tell you one thing guys...
Run away from adversity in life!
Dive into the whirlpool of feelings
Let your house be full
And other people appreciate you!
Let things float like clockwork
Appreciate your wife, do not rule in your hearts.
May fate give you children
And the time of your feelings does not age!

wedding wishes from father to son

Congratulations on the wedding of the bride and groom in prose, beautiful wishes

Prose is always more eloquent than poetry because it does not require a suitable rhyme. Prosaic congratulations can be spontaneous, or they can be prepared in advance.

beautiful congratulations in prose for the bride and groom
  • Newlyweds! Be happy like children, take life's problems as trifles, solve them together and be sure to appreciate each other. Smile at life's adversities, look with joy and greed into a happy future, do not look back at your mistakes. Bitterly!
  • Beloved children! I wish you such a strong love, which the world has not yet seen. Let every day of yours be filled with passion, heat, the fire of your feelings and the awe of your relationship with each other. Notice each other's successes, support each other in difficult situations and, like two swans, carry your true love through time until the end of your life!
  • Dear newlyweds! Of all the pleasant words that sounded today in your honor, I would like to highlight the fact that everyone verbally wanted to give you as much love as possible, and this is not in vain. As long as you love each other, you are an indestructible force, you are one, you are the whole world! I wish you a huge amount of time to fulfill everything that you have planned in life, to be able to enjoy it, to give your parents grandchildren, to make all your dreams come true. Appreciate each other. Take care of each other!

Beautiful words for the wedding from the mother of the daughter in the form of prose

“My beloved daughter, today you are not just a bride. You became a wife for a loved one, found your personal family, appeared in the form of an adult wise woman. I am infinitely proud of you and want you to always be happy. Be kind and patient with your husband, be always calmer and remember that you are his inspiration. I am sure that you are a real mistress and can create comfort for your man, so I wish you well-being, financial prosperity and the implementation of your plans.

“Daughter, look at you! You are so beautiful, you are so charming, you are just perfect. I am proud that I raised such a well-mannered and economic girl ... no, a woman. Time flies and yesterday you were a noisy baby, and today you put a wedding ring on your finger. My father and I wish you happiness, understanding, peace, harmony in the family and only well-being!”

“Beloved daughter! I want to congratulate you on this holiday today and wish you to realize your dream - to have a strong and large family, so that you have a strong high house, many happy children, prosperity and good. Your husband is a wonderful person, keep your love and protect each other until the end of your life! Be happy!"

wishes in prose for the wedding from the mother of the daughter

Wishes in a prosaic form from a father to a daughter for a wedding celebration

  • My daughter, my pride, my princess! It seems to me that just yesterday I carried you in my arms from the hospital, picked you up from the kindergarten, saw you off to graduation and rejoiced for your success at the university. Today I have the opportunity to congratulate you on becoming a woman, wife, keeper of the hearth and mistress. Perhaps I have not yet fully understood how much you have become an adult and until now every day I will wait for you in my house for an hour, for a couple of minutes. If God allows, give me many grandchildren so that I do not get bored! Happiness to you, my beloved daughter!
  • My girl, you know how much you mean to me. You are all my wealth, you are the most precious thing I have. You have chosen a worthy man to become your husband and I will no doubt hand you over to him. Be a good housewife, be a kind and faithful wife, and in the future - an affectionate and caring mother. I wish your house to be full of amenities and prosperity, comfort and warmth. May sadness never get you and everything in life will turn out exactly the way you want it!
  • My daughter, today you are a beautiful bride and a young wife. I wish you that happiness haunts you all your married life, that joy grabs you and does not let go, that comfort and warmth settle in your house forever. So that grief bypasses your couple, and failure completely goes astray. Be kind and patient to each other, love and forgive.

wishes in prose for the wedding from the father of the daughter

Beautiful words from mother to son on the wedding day in the form of prose

« Son, today in our eyes you have become a grown man. Dad and I are infinitely proud that we raised such a beautiful and well-mannered son. May there be no problems in your married life, there will always be prosperity, happiness and, most importantly, love! Appreciate and love each other!

  • Son, you matured before our eyes. For us, you will always be the most beloved and best in the world, and therefore, we wish you only happiness and prosperity. Love, understanding and great success. Your wife is a real smart girl, protect her and lead her to a happy future with you!
  • Our dear son, today we want to congratulate you with dad on becoming a real man, defenders of your family and husband. Appreciate your marriage, pamper and protect your wife, raise children and bring prosperity to the house. We will always help you in your endeavors and will always support you. Be yourself, be loved, may peace and good luck be with you!

congratulations in prose for a son from mom for a wedding

Instruction and congratulations of the groom at the wedding, wishes from father to son

« Today, son, I want to wish you only good things, only well-being, peace and happiness. I wish you to be always on top in business, I wish your dreams come true, I wish you a large family with many children. And the rest you have: love, a beautiful wife, loving parents.

“Son, you have found great happiness - your beloved woman, who today has become your wife. Keep it like the apple of your eye, protect it from problems and evil, love and kiss, and then happiness will come with you until the end of days. I wish you to continue and give your parents beautiful and kind grandchildren. I wish you to be forever in love and happy!”

“Dear son, I didn’t notice how quickly you became a man, but today I want to congratulate you on this event and ask you to be the best husband for this charming woman. Be wise and kind, self-sufficient and fair. Let your family take root, strengthen in the soil and give beautiful fruits. We love you!"

wishes in prose from father to son for the wedding

Congratulations to the newlyweds at the wedding from their parents when presenting a gift

Congratulations mischievous
You accept, young people!
We congratulate you in words
And rhyming verses!
You have chosen a gift
We are probably a hundred years
But trust me dear
This thing is better than nothing!
After all, a gift, to be honest,
It should be necessary and interesting,
Should be important, of course.
And unique even!
We tried, that means
We give money to spend!

wedding gifts in verse

Congratulating the young and giving them wedding gifts in verse

So that your happiness is near
And gently warmed in the hands
We were told that good luck
Bathe "young" in money!
Prosperity to you, warmth, good luck,
May all dreams come true.
And here's an addendum in addition
Bridegroom, take him from us!

Everyone in this room knows
That there is never too much money!
Groom, we give you
Here's that fat envelope!
We really believe our gift

Well-being will give.
You spend it very boldly,
After all, money is a business!

congratulations for the newlyweds and giving them gifts in verse

Wishes for the young in your own words and giving them gifts

“Dear newlyweds, please accept this NOT MODEST gift from us! We thought for a long time what to give you and decided that the best gift is “of course honey”, as the famous Winnie the Pooh said. Allow yourself endless spending, the fulfillment of some dream or just buying tickets to beautiful hot islands, the main thing is to do it together!

“Young people, we decided to give you this gift because we really appreciate home well-being and comfort. We wish you the same, may your house be full, beautiful and in abundance. Remember us as often as possible, appreciate your loved ones and each other!”

“Dear newlyweds, do not be embarrassed that we are giving you this amount of money. So it is customary to give banknotes. We want this gift to serve as the basis of your budget so that you can afford a variety of pleasures and things necessary for the home. A year later, you will remember where they came from and you will be pleased that your family loves and appreciates you! Peace and love to you!”

congratulations to the newlyweds in your own words and giving them gifts

Wishes, congratulations to the newlyweds in prose and giving them gifts

« Young people, our gift is a contribution to your family wealth, to your first joint budget, to your ticket to a “happy prosperous future”. Appreciate every moment spent with you. Do not deny yourself pleasures and while there is time - live for yourself. Give love to those around you and your family. Happy wedding!"

“Dear newlyweds, we are infinitely glad that you invited us to this holiday today! Thank you for the magnificent table and for the fun and for remembering us. Our gift is this amount of money, I really want it to serve you well and you spend it on what is your dream. So we will consider that at least in part we have implemented it! Be happy! ALWAYS!"

“Our beloved, bride and groom! How fun and beautiful your wedding ceremony was. How tasty and joyful you met your guests. We spent time at your wedding with pleasure and wish you to continue to live such a life in the future, and in order not to deny yourself anything, we give this envelope. No, it does not contain car keys, house keys or even diamonds, it contains what you yourself want ... Be happy all your life, be as smiling and satisfied as you are today! We love you!"

congratulations to the newlyweds on the holiday and presenting them with gifts in prose

Video: " The best congratulations on the wedding from parents

Congratulations on the wedding from the parents should come straight from the heart, so it probably doesn’t matter at all what exactly you say. But if you can convey to the newlyweds all your feelings through wedding, you are a real professional in communicating with people.
Congratulations on the wedding from parents should not be too long and difficult to understand, otherwise no one will understand and appreciate your brilliant speech. To avoid this, choose expressions that are concise and vivid in your thoughts.
When parents congratulate the young, these are one of the most important words at a wedding celebration. According to the old custom, a whole ritual is assigned from the parents for congratulations on the wedding, and they are an obligatory part of the wedding banquet. Tamada usually highlights congratulations from parents in a separate ceremony. They can sound to music, be in prose or poetry, stand out with light effects. It is better to discuss the details with the wedding host in advance.
Congratulations from parents can be in the form of parting words or in the form of wishes, but in any case, these are the most important words for the newlyweds. Traditionally, several moments are allotted for congratulating parents during the wedding: this is the blessing of the bride's parents before the trip to the registry office, congratulations after the painting ceremony in the registry office itself, meeting and congratulations by the groom's parents upon the arrival of the newlyweds to the restaurant.
Usually in the wedding script there is no clear sequence of whose parents will be the first to say congratulations to their children. The host usually separately gives the floor to the newly-made father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law. After the parents, the opportunity to congratulate the bride and groom is given to close relatives - grandparents, sisters and brothers.
It is not so important with what words the parents will congratulate the newlyweds, the main thing is that the congratulations on the wedding from the parents will come from the heart. Congratulations on the wedding in verse from parents

Dear my children,
I want to congratulate you.
You are the happiest person in the world;
You are one family!
May your union be very young
Life is tricky and complicated
But while there is hunger in love.
You are not afraid of separation.
You solve all problems
If you do everything together
And we all rejoice
For a family and a strong home.
Don't give in to quarrels
It is necessary to live in a family without quarrels,
Have better grandchildren.
We are without grandchildren, you reproach!
Children are our joy
The meaning of life is only in them.
We ask for such a small thing -
Well, at least... five!
We will help you grow them
If only there is enough strength.
You are adults, but still
Feel free to ask us.
To live like in a fairy tale
Let's drink all the wine together
But we drink wine with caution -
It's something bitter.

You are now husband and wife.
We wish you happiness, life without loss,
Affectionate smiles from fate itself,
Fewer mistakes and bad rumors!

Connecting hearts to each other
And legally entering into a marriage,
Live in a family circle
Do not allow trouble in your house.
Let the sun shine more often in life
Let bad weather bypass you
And your rings do not grow dim,
Love will not change to sadness.

You have a special day today.
So be happy always.
May the path be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
The thrill of the first meeting.

And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.
May your life never
Days like these won't come back
Love is always meant to be
And only one time to get married!

We heartily congratulate you,
Live long and carefree.
Fate brought you together
Now forever, forever.
And let all the years between you
There would be no trace of discord.

And no matter how hard you live,
The two hearts were inseparable.
So be happy always!
And we are left only -
Exclaim in unison: Bitter! Bitterly!

You have a nice day today!
You connected two destinies
And in the registry office they sealed it with a signature.
That is the first step in life
In the family - to further years of happiness!
The fire of love lit the hearth,
So that there is light in the house, and not darkness,
To take part together.

In building a nest of love
So that children grow up in joy
And wherever you are on the road
I longed to come home.
Let your house be a full bowl!
Keep love until gray hairs,
So that your union is indestructible
And became stronger over the years, more beautiful.

Congratulations to the young
We wish you a lot of happiness
Let it pass you in life
Any bad weather.
Let the honey river
Your life is flowing
And, like a young month,
Your son will be born
Daughter to you, like a poppy color,
To comfort my mother.
Well, how many will there be?
You decide.

This day is beautiful
We congratulate you
Joy and happiness
We wish from the bottom of our hearts.
So that all sorrows
passed by,
So that you agree

Lived for a long time.
Let you smile
Morning dawn.
We congratulate you!
Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

On this solemn holiday
You have a lot to wish for:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Live well, interestingly and amicably.
The most important thing is to trouble
Your house has always bypassed,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness.

Your adviser and your companion
May wisdom and loyalty always be.
Trust, tenderness - all feelings are beautiful
May you never run out.
Children grow up obedient, sensitive,
Let them not bring you troubles and troubles.
Let the year go by in minutes,
Life goes on without worries.
Let never friends or acquaintances
The house is not bypassed by you.

And most importantly, be in love
Love one another with all your heart.
Together you live a very long time until old age,
May everyone come to you again every year
Happiness, luck, family joys,
As they say: Advice and Love

Let everything come true that dreamed
Everything that pleases the eye.
For happiness to settle
In your house easily.
So that you don't drop
This is happiness on the fly.
Forever to keep
The first meeting warmth!

Let it be so, as on this main day,
The sun always shines brightly for you,
And the shadow will not reduce happiness,
And the wind will not knock you out of the way!
Let joy burst on the threshold
And the heart, the heart will not deceive
And a delicate myrtle wreath
Will not fade in memories!

Congratulations on legal marriage
And we wish you much happiness!
We are talking seriously now.
May a million beautiful roses
Lies all over the high way,
What will be destined to pass.
And let the fire of great love
It burns without fading.
Life is easier with love.
Everyone knows about this.
Reach agreement on everything.
Live for many years.
Always respect each other.
Love to you and advice!

We will reveal the simple truth to you,
We will open you the beginning of all beginnings:
For two, luck is twice as joyful,
And sadness will be divided in two.
So you become dearer to each other.
The hot light will warm you with love.

You just need to know how to divide and multiply,
Divide and multiply - that's the whole secret.
(name of the bride) we wish you patience,
(groom's name) only love her alone
For the young! For husband and wife!

May none of you break that oath.
What wedding bands remember are two rings.
May your souls be inseparable.
And happy hearts beat in harmony!

We wish you to love deeply
So that the nightingale sings joyfully,
To be happy in life
Happier happy families.

Dear children!
We are ready to wish you everything
What would you like for yourself:
Health, joy, happy days
And a lot of nimble children!
May the sun always shine on you
Let the blessed rain pour over your head,
We wish you with all your heart, with all your soul:
Prosperity, harmony, love, peace!

Dear our children!
You are now one family
You are responsible for each other
You are the crew of the ship.
Your ship is already built
The wind beats in the sails
And none of you are free
Make decisions yourself.
To always be on your ship
There was provisions
So that in damp, evil everyday life.
The light of love in you has not gone out.
No complaints on the table
Just let the wine down
They told me in secret:
It's too bitter!

Our dear children,
Bread and salt we give you,
So that you are in this world
Everything was divided in half.
There will be joy or sorrow -
Avoid personal dramas
Give in to each other in an argument
You need to learn.
Live by faith and law
Don't look for an easy life
Greet relatives, friends,
Respect your father and mother.
There will be children, there will be grandchildren,
Everything will go its own way.
Husband, take your wife in your arms!
Young people, please come home!

parental receive congratulations!
May happiness always accompany you!
We give you a blessing -
To be together once and for all!
Let each new day of a happy life together
Will give you love and warmth.
And the sonorous laughter of the Princess and the Cowboy
They will come and bless your house!

Our dear children,
Your finest hour has come
You are the happiest person in the world
The whole world is open to you.
You are the basis of the universe,
You are the connecting thread
You are the bearers of desire,
There is a family - and the world to be.
Let evil passions not destroy
Voluntary your union,
There will be Peace and Happiness in the house,
The marriage knot is strong.
May God give you so much happiness
So that you do not know grief ...
Something suddenly made me sad!
I ask you to support!

Hearty congratulations!
May happiness always accompany you!
Parental blessing to you -
On a long journey, for many years!
May every day of your life together
Brings you joy and love and light.
May life always be a full cup for you,
So that you do not know sorrows and troubles!
To each other you are now responsible
For every step, for every breath and look;
For happiness, for love, for everything in the world -
Let your days fly in harmony!
Hold on, children, firmly for each other:
When not apart, when always together,
Then the wind, and frost, and blizzard
Both evil and hail will be nothing to you!

Golden you are our children!
Accept congratulations from us,
We don't need gratitude
Only live in peace always.
Combining with worldly union,
You took an oath of allegiance.
And don't be a burden to each other
As you promised today.

Dear our children!
Be the best in the world.
Married - do not swear.
Fall in love more every day.
Happiness, children, we wish you
And congratulations again.
Let there be your union
An example of family ties.

Congratulations in prose for a wedding from parents

Dear our children! We are glad that today you have decided to take a very serious step - to seal your relationship with the sacred bonds of marriage! This is a happy occasion for all of us!
We wish you forever great love for each other, your family and friends, mutual understanding, kindness and warmth! May all your undertakings lead only to victory, happiness and prosperity never leave your home! Let only good and reliable friends surround you! Health and great family joys! Bitterly!

Dear our children! You have made a serious decision and joined your hearts in marriage! May this decision be the right one and your family will endure all the trials of fate! So that the fire of your feelings does not go out and does not go out! Advice to you and love!

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! Love and respect each other! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife, support and help her husband! Love, unity and happiness to you!

Our dear children, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on your legal marriage. We all always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! I also wish you great love, and mutual affection in the family.

Dear our children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish you a variety of blessings, live in love and happiness for many years, not knowing quarrels, disagreements and troubles! If trouble comes your way, fight together, shoulder to shoulder! Happiness, love and good luck to you!

Dear (name of the groom) and (name of the bride), on this solemn day before God and people, we bless you for a happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental mandate: live, live - make good! Peace and joy to you!

Dear children, advising you to a new life, we wish you love, happiness, family well-being. Live in the name of kindness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage, for a strong family!

Dear children, (groom's name) and (bride's name)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for people's joy! Let children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your house!

Dear bride and groom! On this happy day, you stand on the threshold of a new life. Just a little more, and you will become husband and wife! Before starting family life, please accept our parental instructions and congratulations!

Two doves, our dear children! All the best to you, all earthly happiness, well-being and tranquility to your home, strong prosperity, strong family.

Our dear children, so you became a young husband and wife. Now you have a long and happy road of family life ahead of you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you have! The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

To be honest, I have lived a long and happy life with my wife. I want to wish you the same happy life. But first of all, please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage, which took place only a few hours ago. This is a very short period, but I see that during this period you have proudly managed to maintain a very high level of happiness in your young family. Keep it up!

My dear children, you have tasted a piece of loaf. I want to keep in your hearts the warmth that this loaf has kept for you. Let your house always be full of guests and everyone will get at least a small piece of treats. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality.

Our dear ____________________________________ (the mother calls the children by name), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and multiply it many, many times over.

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let this nest be visited more often by storks, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Our dear children, let us on a happy day, at a happy hour, say a parental parting word. Live in such a way that there is joy in your house, that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most magical world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity.

Our dear little birds, so you became a young husband and wife. Now you have a long and happy road of family life ahead of you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you have! The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!