Congratulations on the wedding of the bridegroom. Continuation of the banquet: Further congratulations on the guests. Scenarios of modern walling

The wedding is always overflowing with emotions and new impressions. On this day, it is customary to give gifts, as well as say wishes to the bride and groom. However, in addition to the pleasant words sounding from the mouth of the Tamada, the newlyweds can hear a lot of interesting and instructive from relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues. The most interesting and original congratulations we have prepared for you today.

In many foreign films and TV shows, you can see the peculiar pre-holiday guys of the bride before the wedding, called the bacheloremnik. Like the wedding itself, this event needs preliminary preparation and a specific scenario. So, the participants of the student can be gathered in a more relaxed and non-standard setting, for example, in a bowling club, a cafe or disco. But the main condition for such sincere occasions are mandatory congratulatory words and wishes. The bride is not at all worth inviting men at all. True, some ladies prefer to violate these rules hiring for the culprit of the tripter celebration.

This day is very symbolic, as it is he who is considered the last moment in the free and unmarried life of the girl. Therefore, during the studnik, various pranks are allowed from the invited girlfriends and the bride itself.

For example, the future married lady can arrange a thematic party in pajamas. During her, the closest and expensive brides are girlfriend gather in one place (most often in an apartment or house). At this time, they tell various stories from life, they say part -ile words and wishes for the bare bride.

Example 1: "Our adorable, Irina! We are pleased that the only and beloved man appeared on your horizon, which many are forced to wait for many years. We wish you happiness with this knight, kidnit your heart!".

Example 2: "Svetlana! This is your last day when you are allowed to do everything you want. Tomorrow, you will deliver the cherished words of consent and become a serious married lady. Enjoy every moment spent with your future spouse. Apply his opinion, help and Advise with him in everything! ".

Example 3 (comic): "Finally, the day came, Irina Petrovna, when we all sighed with relief. You finally met our" spinning ". And let him have a white horse, but he has an honor and conscience. Live With him in the world and harmony. But do not forget about old girlfriends, which will always help the delivered advice. And most importantly, you always bind you at the right moment. You can count on us. "

Example 4 (in verses):

So the devality passed,

He has a shift - marriage and husband.

Suddenly everything happened,

We did not expect Katyush.

And let the have been not returned

And your choice is family and life.

You wish you all risk

Spouse you reliable shield.

We wish joy, good,

Kids a lot and love.

Lucky, happiness two buckets.

Their dreams to implement

Be reigning let the quiet and grace

In family life and everyday life.

Learn a spouse to please

Appreciate love and kindness!

By analogy, the boy organized by the bride and his friends occurs. That's just if there are only women on the bachelorette party, on behalf of whom the wishes of the bride are heard, then during the boyfriend in the center of events is exclusively men. Consequently, pleasant words are distributed only to the groom.

Wishes for newlyweds during marriage

The most rich in wishes is the marriage process itself. At this time, future newlyweds are on the path of future living together. On the threshold of the registry office, they decide how correctly their decision was, everything weighed and enter the cherished doors. Interestingly, this is the first place where the young includes hand in hand, and by visiting it, come out with a full-fledged family in a row.

During such a responsible for the marriage, they are accompanied and supported honorary witnesses, parents, as well as the closest and expensive people. It is they who pronounce the wishes of the bride and groom, giving smiles and flowers.

An example of congratulations 1: "Alexander and Natalia! We are very pleased that in this wonderful day you brought themselves yourself with marriage. In the eyes of all those present, a new family was born. Hope and cell of society. We wish you not to forget this moment and bring so beautiful smiles through time . Be happy!"

Congratulations Congratulations 2: "Dear Marina and Igor! We gathered here not just like that. In this bright and festive day you have become loving spouses. As you can see, you came to support relatives and loved ones. Let your future family always reign peace and the atmosphere of happiness. Bitterly!". These wishes of the bride and its newly minted spouse can pronounce both the representatives of the registry office and invited guests.

Before the hall of celebrations

After the newlyweds wrapped their oath of marriage, they go to a small walk, and then their festive table and the main part of the solemn event awaits them. And, of course, the first to those who meet them are parents. They bring a wedding loaf and give pleasant words for young.

Example 1: "Hello, young spouses! Now you took as a family and are ready to cross on a completely new level in your relationship. Congratulations to you. Keep your love as Zenitsa Oka. Read each other, as we refer to the older generation. Appreciate your union. Live long and happily! ".

Example 2 (wish the bride from parents with the participation of father and mother): "Our dear children! We are pleased to congratulate you with your first family holiday! From this day you will do everything together. Let the spouse support the family hearth and prepares the rear, and the spouse - Her work honors and provides the most necessary, including material benefits. Happiness to you, patience and good luck! ".

Congratulations of the young during the feast of the bride's parents

After the young reheated their first bread with salt, they enter the hall of the celebrations. Here they are waiting for a rich table, as well as many other pleasant surprises. They are traditionally sitting at the head of the table, and guest witnesses are held next to them. Next sit down parents and relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and friends as they are related.

When the time of the first toast comes, the right to vote is usually provided to parents. So, it can be relatives on the page of the spouse. Here's an approximate wish of the bride from Mom: "My daughter! My Krovochka! Finally I lived until you got married. It's hard to say how much emotions are overwhelmed with me. You're like a dove, living on my shoulder. I am very difficult to part with you . But I am sure that your spouse will become for you that hope and support that you have always had for me. Happiness to you and future children! ".

Wishes for young from the father of the bride

If the bride has a family in full, then in addition to the Mother of the wishes can be a native father of the girl. An example of his side farewell: "My dear, daughter! We are happy with your mother for you and your spouse! We see that you are happy and shy, like the sun. We hope that this shine in the eyes and a smile on your lips will be saved for a long period. We let you go to free swimming, like a boat, long tied to the pier. Now you have your captain who will lead you into a long and pleasant swimming in the endless waves of life path. Happiness to you, and we are a lot of grandchildren! "

Another example of the wishes of the bride: "Dear and beloved daughter! Now you are husband and wife. With our son you have a lot in common. We hope that after the wedding you will not only be left old, but new interests will appear. Love you!".

And finally, one more option: "Our beloved daughter! We are glad that you have become part of our family. It was you who had a positive effect on our son, and he finally gained his family happiness. Let us comfort in your house, and love always reigns ! ".

Wish bride for a wedding from mother's groom

After words of farewell from the parents of the bride, the word goes to the relatives of the groom. For example, his mother can say the following: "Dear, daughter-in-law! We are glad that it was you who became the choices of our son. Like the blind, he wandered for a long time in the dark, not noticing anyone around. But you became the one who lit his way and presented Vision. We want you to continue it with your warmth and supported in a difficult moment. Be happy! ".

Pleasant words young from Father Groom

By connecting to the words of the mother, the groom's father can pronounce the following: "The daughter-in-law! From this day we will call you a daughter. You are our new family member who we owe to your son. It was he who has long been the only child in the family. Now you are two. Children ! We are glad that you are now together. You have become a full family. Love each other and do not forget about your parents. "

Feedback from young parents

After the congratulatory speeches of relatives, in order to give them a tribute to them, the newlyweds pronounce their reply wishes to the parents of the bride and groom. One example of such a toast from the spouse: "Dear my mom and dad! I am glad that you are in this wonderful and important moment for me. Thank you for everything! I hope that in the future you will support me and help!" .

Congratulations from the bridegroom: "Dear parents! Today you have acquired a son in my face. I promise to take care and love your daughter. Thank you for brought up and growing up. In particular, thanks to my mother, because she taught my belly to cook borscht and favorite cutlets. Let some other dishes do not work yet. But we work on it. You are the best! ".

Banquet continuation: Further greetings from guests

After such congratulations traditionally tell guests. They express the words of respect and wishes to the bride, thank parents for education such a wonderful couple and give gifts or any other valuable things. For example: "It was happening! Finally, a moment came, whom we waited for so long. Our friend and colleague married. From the heart, we congratulate his young spouse with such a favorable and promising acquisition. Gorky!".

And, of course, the fun continues.

As usual at the wedding, the newlyweds are worried, parents too. There is no time to compose speech and invent words that need to be pronounced with all honest people. And the long "washhouse" and an attempt to build speech improvisation, as a rule, does not lead to good, if there is no experience in such matters. It's easier to find on the Internet or compose speech in advance itself, it all depends on the desire. Especially touching, to tears, if the bride says words in verses, our goal to help find such words, we repose new verses with the words of the bride at different steps of the wedding.

Speech of the bride to parents in verses

Example: the speech of the bride at the wedding in verses is devoted to mothers. Operator: Grigory Petrov

Poems of mother-in-law: (from video)

That mother whose son is more expensive in the world
More expensive than the Sun means himself.
That mother who kept
His dreams, caring and loving.

Who praised and scold
She taught the most kind, bold to be.
Which, not knowing, helped
His one day to love himself.

And I want so sincerely, so thin
To say what they do not say.
What lights burn in the eyes of the child,
What else is one eyes burn ...

Thank you for forgives.
For ensuring in a difficult hour.
For nothing promises
Empty. And for loves you.

For the fact that he himself sometimes not knowing
Only the word will say - and in the soul rest.
For the fact that he understands me.
And accepts as I am - such.

And if together we are one expensive
Go. Laugh together and sad.
I swear you that I will not strict
That I can always forgive him.

What will try to be like you, reliable,
And affectionate and kind and straight.
And in this life, joyful and complex
To love him, as I was given alone.

And maybe later. I will believe.
The same as I am afraid of everything.
Quietly say: "I will not forget you.
Thank you for my husband. "

Beloved mom! (From the video)

Svetlana Zhachuk

Your curls wind July cares
Moving with light beautiful strands of the match.
Your gentle heart of rest does not know
Your thoughts read only Angel alone.

You, as before, strong and beautiful,
And light as a spring stream.
Mum!!! Pretty mom !!! Thank you!!!
You always stay mine!

I can not repeat you
About his endless love.
Before you kneel, I will stand up
So that your wisdom is raised.

Mum!!! Pretty mom !!!
You like star eternity Sveti!
Many mothers on a huge planet,
I gave me this life !!!

Great mom: (from video)

Two moms, it's not strange,
But I thank fate,
One Bloodynik native,
Other became the altar.

No wonder you became a shaft mom,
I am very close and native,
Thoughtful and gentle itself.
How good you are with me!

So important to me your attention
Smiling good friend.
After all, you are always with me nearby
When I need it!

Let all you want - will be embodied
Love and happiness give light.
With you, I will share the eyelid,
After all, there is no better godfather in the world!

Word of gratitude in verses to parents from the bride before the arrival of the groom.

Thank you, the parents are relatives,
For what were near you are always.
Over the years of childhood, my gold
For the fact that the tricks forgred sometimes.
For that I "thank you" say,
What got a star for me,
What were in difficult moments nearby
What calmed the tender look.
During nights often complex, disturbing,
For the teachings of your all kinds,
For the strength of endless parental love,
For the fact that in life helped everyone to move.
I'm home today I leave my native
So that the wife is faithful to enter another,
But remember, rather,
I leave my heart here here.

Short vows of the groom in the registry office (often the time of marriage is limited, so small four or six hundred) will become relevant)

My dear, gentle, dear,
I am glad to become your wife.
I love, loyalty to all my
I will give forever.

Today I am my fate
I trust you forever
After all, I love you crazy
You happy to do you dream.

I thought a lot about what to say,
The state of the soul today to transfer ...
But just one thing I scrub I want:
"You, my beloved, I love!"

You for me a gift of fate,
Like a sip of clean water,
You are my sun and my dawn,
There is no more than anyone in the world in the world.
You in the heart entered my forever,
Let two of these rings be connected by forever.

I am an indestructible ladies vow
That I will protect from misfortune and troubles,
I am our strong and friendly family,
That for you forever saved
I am tenderness and love your
And the life is happy to do yours.

I was looking for my life all my life
Heart tenderness strictly shine
How happy i'm what I learned you
Your soul is complete good.
All yourself today in your hands
Unless, fully give,
Only b votes forever hearing sounds
Cute. I love you so much.

Words of gratitude to parents of the groom

Mom, dad, dear,
I will be gently calling you
Thank you i'm golden
That they were able to raise such a son.
The heart, the soul you invested in it,
Taught loyalty, good,
I gave me a husband today
To be happy with him.
For me you did a lot
I will try again in response,
So that it is easy to your way,
Grandchildren nursed you up to one hundred years.
You have a low bow, from me thanks,
I am glad that I became your family.

Word to guests from the bride (usually at the end of the wedding feast)

Cute, relatives, dear,
I want "Thank you" to you.
For love and honor that guests are gold
You were able to give us my husband.
That moments of joy and happiness
With our young family,
You divided with us today,
Our holiday was decorated with me.
Our house will be open for all of you,
Every day and even at the late hour,
After all, witnessed the wedding of our steel,
We are all grateful to all of you.

Hello, friends! Today I will tell you how to prepare congratulations to newlyweds from parents.

The height of the wedding season is not soon, but life continues - everything goes to her! And not all the brides (as I once) are ready to wait for the summer to celebrate the wedding in the warm season.

In this regard, I have an article for those who are preparing for the wedding of their children and look for congratulations to the newlyweds from parents on the Internet. I have already done a selection once. And the examples given in this article, I hope, will help parents to navigate and choose the appropriate format of appeal to newlyweds.

Congratulations to newlyweds from parents

Judging by my wedding and in the experience of presence at the celebrations of friends and loved ones, I think that almost for every mother and for each father's father's wedding is a very important and touching event.

This is a new life stage, a new milestone in the life of parents. Son or daughter becomes part of another family, with new affairs and care. And parents, understanding this, begin to peel in advance. And here is still a fuss, preparation for the holiday ...

Therefore, when during a celebration, time comes to pronounce congratulations, some parents are so excited that they cannot pronounce the easiest words.

What to do? Nothing special! Just to congratulate the children at the wedding ceremony should be properly prepared in advance. Careful preparation and study of all parts - the key to your success! Only in this case, the appeal of parents to the newlyweds will be remembered not only by the main heroes of the holiday, but also to their guests, as something important and valuable.

That is why I prepared a selection of congratulations, in my opinion, exactly leaving the mark in the shower of newlyweds. Surely these rollers became the decoration of the family archive of a new family for many years.

Congratulations to newlyweds from the parents of the bride

As an example, I want to give a roller with a very touching daughter's daughter from mom's bride. A little modified poem of the Dagestan poetess phase Aliyeva performed by Mom under the maintenance of beautiful music, I am sure, has become a bright wedding moment.

I personally have been congratulated to the depths of the soul - it was impossible to hold back tears when I watched this video for the first time. I suggest and you look at it.

And let the Mom's congratulations turned out with a shade of sadness, it certainly did not leave anyone indifferent on this holiday. In this I am 100% sure. And guests, and the newlyweds listened to him, hopping his breath.

But for those who prefer congratulations to having a more optimistic version of congratulations on the Mom of the Bride. What is this? Of course, the song!

The main thing here is to rehearse the room in advance to feel free and liberated during the performance. Then congratulations will be spectacular. Namely such spiritual and unexpected gifts and are remembered by the young and guests present at the wedding.

And I would also like to show a song that my daughter's dad can sing. Very touching composition of Irina Mizhulina "Daughter" will melt the heart of every person!

Unfortunately, I did not find a video of good quality where the song performs dad, but on this video you can appreciate how touching the Father's congratulation can get.

Congratulations to newlyweds from the parents of the groom

Here, the Mother of the Groom, who prepared congratulations and the bride, and the bride, which was turned into a wonderful video clip after the holiday, was also made by the main acting person. And it seems to me, this video will be revised by newlyweds more than once!

Please note that in each of these congratulations they tell poems and sing by heart. It is very important! If the congratulation is read from the postcard or from another paper carrier, it will be very difficult to achieve such an effect!

And the second point: each of these rollers has become an independent episode in the holiday archive thanks to the excellent video and professional installation. Therefore, I would like to note the following: when preparing congratulations to take care of the high-quality video in order to keep the memory of your greeting in the hearts of the bride and groom.

Congratulations to parents to newlyweds at the wedding

And I also want to show an option for parents who are very difficult to perform in public (it happens). In this case, I would recommend pre-prepare video recovery. And at the celebration, say "dear children! Congratulations to you, see our congratulations in this video! " and show shot video on the big screen.

As an example, see congratulations to the newlyweds from the parents of the groom. I liked the idea and its embodiment - in my opinion, it turned out interesting and touching.

Here are the congratulations to newlyweds from the parents I wanted to show you. In my opinion, they are quite unusual, therefore it is worth considering them as an example in the preparation of a surprise to newlyweds from their parents. What do you think?

See also a big piggy bank of wedding ideas in the article.

Always glad to see you on the site pages.

Sincerely, Olga Mine.

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Watching is, in fact, the official consent of the groom with the bride, as well as their families at the conclusion of marriage. There is no universal scenario or rules for the execution of this rite, because even in the ancient times, the tradition of walling was very different not only in different countries, but also in different regions of Russia. In this article we will look at the main features, current echoes of the past traditions and interesting ideas relating to the matchmaker.

Watching today

Modern walling in most cases passes simply and prosaic, especially for urban areas. The matchmaker, in the role of which most often served the closest relatives of the groom, rarely burden themselves with the learning of long poems and theatrical performances (except for the commander phrase: "You have a merchant, we have a merchant"). However, a certain etiquette is still observed. So, the groom on arrival in the house of the bride will definitely give women flowers (if the future wife has grandmothers or sisters - they will also be nice to get a bouquet on a par with the bride and her mother). Shats bring gifts with them, most often it is: sweets, fruit baskets, alcohol. In addition to this groom (or his mother) can give the bride to some expensive gift, for example, a jewelry or a meaningful thing for his family. Some special gifts can be presented with the parents of the bride. What to give the future test and is better to discuss in advance with the bride - she is certainly known for their preferences. Alternatively, it can be: a charm for the house, a photo album (with the promise to fill it in a short time with photographs of grandchildren), a beautiful carved candle (as a symbol of light and heat), etc. After welcoming speeches, everyone passes at the table where the meeting is already discussing in detail - the wedding of young people.

What words to speak during the match

If the bride's relatives can act as impromptu, then the groom will have to prepare some introductory speech. The essence of this speech is usually reduced to the following: we know that a beautiful girl lives here, we have smart / generous / wealthy groom, which, besides, endlessly in love with it, whether you agree to give it to his reliable hands ? This traditional preamble can be formulated both in prose and in verses. Here are some short poetic options:

We brought you well!
Your merchant is excellent to your goods!
Own with needles - decent species,
There is an angle of your and transport personal.
Money is found - not poor
The character is easy - the temper is not harmful.
And how about the bride of your business?
To marriage already matured?

We came to your house.
We led one dream -
Diet in a happy marriage to give
Yes, grandchildren quickly hug.
And if our thoughts are similar
Let's postpone all things
So that the wedding together discuss
And to children, fortunately, open the way.

You have a girl alone:
Modest, beautiful, young
We are brideged to her straight.
He has a mind and become.
We offer one thread
Two of their fate to connect.

Hello you, nice family!
Meet a prominent man.
We will immediately say not taya -
The groom he is glorious, Chin by rank!
And tale before the altar
Wishes your car.

We were lucky to find out -
You have a good product.
Good in everything nor give or take.
We have a merchant golden.
This is just searching!
Beautiful, smart, removal.
Great husband and son-in-law will come!
So give us the answer direct
Are you ready to give the goods?

We came to your glorious house
With first-class fiance!
Give a little time -
Everyone will tell you about him.

Scenarios of modern walling

We will not give the walling scenarios in verses (there are quite a lot of them on the Internet). Note only the key stages of this rite. All begins with the opening speech of the matchmaker (it was mentioned above). Further, the matchmaker may ask the bride to perform a number of comic tasks to make sure that it will be a worm wife. For example, answer such questions:

What water will you be a noodles of fast cooking for a husband pour: hot or warm? (The correct answer is no, I will feed it with a delicious, home food);
- When do you wash a saucepan, more inside or from the outside? (The correct answer - I am equally good from all sides of my);
- At what temperature will you wash woolen things? (The correct answer is slightly warm, so as not to sit);
- List the ingredients from which you will boast boosch.

Relatives of the bride, in turn, can prepare a number of tasks or questions for the groom. For example:

The bridegroom is invited to choose the city: Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl or Khabarovsk (these are cities depicted on cash bills at 500, 1000 and 5000 rubles). After that, you can joke on the topic of the future earnings of the groom - praise or opposite advise better to try.
- Ask to score a nail into a board, but a nail to give with a twisted leg, explaining that in family life is not so simple and he will need to be able to cope with various difficulties.
- To check how safely the bride will drive with the bride in the car, you can set a number of automotive issues on the rules of the road or ask to decipher any rare signs.
- Reply to a number of "male" questions. What kind of tool is the hole in the concrete wall (perforator)? What can be bold with wires with pacats or pliers (passage)? Etc.

At some point, the owners invite guests at the table. Both families are finally "hit by hand" and the wedding and future life of young are beginning to be discussed. In the villages, this joint feast is called "blind" (not to be confused with the mop in a well-known sense).

An important stage of the matchmaker is the official appeal of the groom to the parents of the bride with a request to give her daughter for marry him. When this should be done (at the very beginning or in the process of the feast) - not so important. And there is no place for jokes and screams - this symbolic moment requires the most serious relationship.

Traditions of walling, which have come down to this day

The traditions and superstitions associated with the matchmaker in the ancient Slavs were a great set, some safely survived to the present day. Use them or not - your business, but if there are older people in the family who are often supporters "so accepted", it is possible to include something from the "Events" below.

Of particular importance in the wedding rituals, including walling, was paid to Karava. This tradition is rooted in pagan times. The shape and color of the karabavy symbolized the sun, and the God of the Sun was especially honored with the Slavs. The matchmaker must have brought a loaf with them. The bride was supposed to cut him at the table and distribute to all those present as a sign of consent to marriage, the parents were treated at first. In order for the marriage to be successful, it was necessary to eat everything to pieces. At modern walling, the loaf is also often present. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a real loaf, you can simply buy round bread (salt package is not required).

The second traditional thing was considered the Rushnik. At different Slavic peoples during the match, therents were used in different ways: as a gifts from the bride to future relatives, they were tied on the chest from the matchmaking in the sign of consent, tied up the hands of the Swach, etc. Today you can simply present a loaf on the roaster, and after putting it in a safe place - it can be used later with the blessings of parents and other rites. The thing with such a symbolic history will certainly be in the future family relic.

Previously, the bride earlier did not come out to meet the matchmaker. Until a certain point, it was in the locked room. This rule can be observed today - you agree, there is some intrigue in it.

Even if the bride groom arranged the bride's parents, they never gave their consent from the threshold. The rules of decency demanded to pull the time and "fade the price" to your goods. Perhaps it will be worth it for such behavior today, so that it does not work out, as in that joke, when the wife instructed her husband before the advent of the groom:
- Vasya, just do not throw himself immediately on the neck with the words "Savior you are our!"

After the bride has shown in front of the guests, the stage of the so-called glance has come. The bride was asked to walk, make some simple action, pour all tea. It was necessary to reveal the physical flaws of the girls. Today, of course, other times and matchmakers, most likely, have ever seen the chief of the groom. Nevertheless, the bride should show activity at the table and take care of a guest - it will cause respect for future relatives.

By giving agreement to marriage, the father of the bride put his daughter's hand in the hand of the future husband and spoke of parting words. I asked the groom to take care and take care of the bride. This sentimental moment can be reproduced in our day. Perhaps, thanks to this fiance, it will feel more responsible, entering into a new stage of your life.

1. You can ask someone from relatives to shoot matchmaking on the camera or camcorder. Often about such things are thinking too late, and the family archive is deprived of the valuable personnel.

2. Do not register time and take something for the festive table with your own hands. Homemade baking favors creating a warm family setting.

3. Prepare a couple of interesting toasts in advance on the topic of walling. On the Internet there are many both comic and quite serious, touching options.

Several video examples of walling with Internet spaces