Program for the primary prevention of AIDS, HIV. Program for the prevention of the spread of HIV infection Program for the prevention of HIV infection in educational institutions

Dear Colleagues!

To improve the efficiency of work on the regional program "Prevention of HIV infection at enterprises", we send you information and methodological materials:

    Program "Prevention of HIV infection at enterprises" (Appendix 1).

    Information letter to the head of the enterprise where it is planned to carry out preventive measures (Appendix 2).

    Agreement on cooperation between health care providers that carry out HIV prevention in the territory and the enterprise (Appendix 3).

    Plan-calendar of events at the enterprise (Appendix 4).

    A questionnaire for conducting an anonymous survey on the level of awareness and their own risks for infection before and after preventive measures among the target group (Appendix 5).


director K.V. Sybil

Isp. Kalashnikova M.V.

Annex 1.

Program "Prevention of HIV infection at enterprises".

Relevance of the program.

Today, all over the world there is an understanding that an effective solution to the problem of HIV / AIDS lies not so much in the medical field as in social and labor relations. Shifting the epicenter of the HIV epidemic to older age groups of the population requires improving the fight against this socially significant disease, in particular, promoting prevention programs in labor collectives. Partnership is one of the most effective methods in the fight against socially significant diseases, therefore, joint efforts of all social partners are required: authorities, employers and trade unions, as well as public organizations.

Intactandand tasksprograms.

Intactand: Prevention of HIV / AIDS among the working population, reducing the negative consequences of the spread of HIV / AIDS for social and economic development.


    To identify the problem of HIV infection for the management of the enterprise.

    Raise awareness of the target group on HIV / AIDS / STI issues.

    Develop effective approaches to reduce the behavioral risks of the spread of HIV infection among the working population and motivate enterprise workers to contact medical institutions for HIV testing and treatment.

    To form tolerant behavior in the field of labor relations based on the HIV / AIDS status of the employee. Reduce stigma and discrimination in the workplace.

Target group: Employees of enterprises.

Activities within the program.

The program at each enterprise has its own specifics, but basically consists of three stages:

    Preparatory (organizational) stage: includes writing an information letter to the head of the enterprise, approving a cooperation agreement and a plan-calendar of events, preparing thematic collections of information and educational materials for radio, video screens, newspapers, booklets, brochures and posters with information on how to prevent HIV infection.

    The main stage: the specialists of the "Anti-AIDS" service of the region make presentations at the meeting of the head, speak at a large meeting with the employees of the enterprise, distribute information and educational materials, conduct anonymous questionnaires on the level of awareness and their own risks for infection before and after preventive measures, and also offer voluntary examination of employees for HIV infection.

    Final stage: providing the head of the enterprise with the results of preventive measures.

Objective 1. To identify the social and economic problem of HIV infection for the management of the enterprise.

Activity 1.1. Conducting a presentation of the urgency of the problem, the main issues on HIV and the plan of preventive work for the head and administration of the enterprise.

Objective 2. Raise awareness of the target group on HIV / AIDS issues.

Activity 2.1. Designing an information stand, placing posters on the topic in places convenient for employees' access: at checkpoints, in medical centers, in divisions of the enterprise.

Activity 2.2. Conducting anonymous questionnaires on the level of awareness and their own risks for infection before and after preventive measures among the target group.

Activity 2.3. Preparation and placement of information on television and radio, articles in the newspaper of the enterprise (if available at the enterprise).

Activity 2.4. Dissemination of information and educational materials among the target group.

Activity 2.5. Demonstration of thematic videos on monitors in the corridors and halls of the enterprise.

Activity 2.6. Training of personnel managers and medical workers of the enterprise at a training seminar. This training is aimed at teaching participants the basic aspects of HIV / AIDS, basic skills of counseling on HIV / STI issues.

Activity 2.7. Conducting interactive awareness raising seminars for employees in the enterprise.

Activity 2.8. Preparation of materials on the work of the program and activities for the preventive website on the website, as well as on the website of the enterprise.

Activity 2.9. Inclusion of the topic on HIV / AIDS in individual briefings (when applying for a job, during briefing on labor protection, etc.).

Activity 2.10. Carrying out preventive actions for Memorable dates: March 1, third Sunday in May, December 1. It is envisaged to carry out activities to raise awareness and draw public attention to HIV / AIDS issues. Special attention is paid to the accessibility of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection for the population, reduction of stigma and discrimination against HIV-infected people and their families.

Activity 2.11. The work of the information line of the program on the "helpline" for employees of enterprises.

Activity 3.1. Formation of a network of “trusted persons” (equal consultants) from among socially active workers, interested, on the one hand, to change their own behavior, on the other, to convince colleagues of the need to change their behavior and prevent discrimination in the work collective.

Activity 3.2. Conducting a training seminar-training for “trusted persons” (equal consultants) and supporting their activities.

Activity 3.3. Conducting training seminars for those working on changing behavior patterns towards reducing the risk of HIV and STI infection.

Activity 3.4. Psychological counseling of employees of enterprises - PLHIV. Consulting medical specialists on treatment and adherence to ARV therapy.

Activity 4.1. Conducting a video group with showing thematic films followed by discussion.

Activity 4.2. Inclusion of a block on tolerance in training seminars, actions and other events.

Activity 4.1. Show of thematic videos.

results programs are evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively with regular monitoring. Qualitative indicators will be assessed based on a questionnaire survey of participants regarding their knowledge, attitudes and skills before the start of training within the program and after the end of training.

Quantitative indicators:

    The number of employees of the enterprise involved in preventive work.

    % of workers covered in the enterprise.

    The total number of preventive measures taken.

    Number of information and educational materials distributed (booklets, posters, flyers, etc.).

    The number of published publications in the enterprise newspaper.

    The amount of information disseminated on the site.

    Number of radio and video footage released.

    The number of promotions held.

    The number of video groups conducted.

    The number of employees who took part in the survey.

    Number of telephone consultations.

    Number of “proxies” (peer advisors) trained.

    The number of consultations carried out by medical professionals.

Appendix 2.

Information letter on the program "Prevention of HIV infection at enterprises" to the head of the enterprise.

On the form of a health care facility.

Dear __________________!

Specialists of GBUZ KO Regional AIDS Center, guided by the principles proclaimed by the International Labor Organization (ILO) on HIV / AIDS and the world of work and the Kuzbass regional agreement between the Federation of Trade Union Organizations of Kuzbass, the AKO Board and employers for 2013-2015 (p. 3.4, 3.36, 4.5), developed a program aimed at preventing HIV / AIDS among employees of enterprises and reducing the negative consequences of the spread of the epidemic for social and economic development.

Within the framework of this program, it is planned to increase the awareness of employees of the enterprise on HIV / AIDS / STI issues, develop effective approaches to reduce the behavioral risks of HIV infection among the working population, as well as reduce discrimination in the field of labor relations on the basis of HIV / AIDS status.

Partnership is one of the most effective methods in the fight against socially significant diseases, therefore we invite you to cooperate and hope that this will further support the positive image of your enterprise.


position _________________ (signature, full name)

Appendix 3.


on cooperation between / name of health care facilities that carry out HIV prevention in the territory of KO / and / company name /

_________________ "___" ______________ 2013

/ The name of the LPO carrying out the prevention of HIV infection in the territory of KO / represented by __________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter on the one hand, and / the name of the enterprise / represented by _________________________________________, acting on the basis of _________________________ on the other side, (hereinafter the Parties), based on the need increasing the effectiveness of joint efforts in the prevention of HIV infection and other socially significant diseases, guided by Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (of December 25, 1993), which enshrines the right of citizens to health protection; Federal Law No. 5487-1 of July 22, 1993 "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens' Health"; Federal Law No. 38 of March 30, 1995 "On the prevention of the spread in the Russian Federation of a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)", other regulatory and legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, acting within their competence, concluded this Agreement as follows:

    The parties cooperate and interact in the field of prevention of HIV infection and other socially significant diseases:

    1. Providing advice on issues related to the prevention of HIV infection.

      Exchange of statistical, analytical and other materials on HIV prevention issues of mutual interest.

      Assistance in highlighting joint preventive measures of the Parties.

    The parties hold working meetings on HIV prevention issues of mutual interest. The composition of the participants and the frequency of meetings are determined by the significance and content of the events.

    This Agreement enters into force from the date of its signing and is valid until the end of the work on the program, specified in the Plan-calendar of events (Appendix 4).

    The Agreement is made in 2 copies, each has the same force and is kept by the Parties that have entered into the Agreement.

Full name ____________ Signature __________ Full name _____________ Signature ___________

"___" ____________ 2013 "___" ______________ 2013

Appendix 4.

Plan-calendar of events

(compiled for a specific company)



Signing a cooperation agreement with enterprises

Development of questionnaires

Selections of thematic information and educational materials for radio, video screens, newspapers, booklets, brochures and posters with information on ways to prevent HIV infection

Work plan approval

Conducting a presentation of the urgency of the problem, the main issues on HIV and the plan of prevention work for the head and administration of the enterprise

Design of an information stand at checkpoints, in medical centers, in divisions of an enterprise, in washrooms

Conducting anonymous questionnaires on the level of awareness and their own risks for infection before preventive measures among the target group

Preparation and placement of information on the radio, articles in the newspaper of the enterprise (if any)

Dissemination of information and educational materials

Demonstration of thematic videos on monitors in the corridors of the enterprise

Conducting interactive seminars for employees at the enterprise

Provision of materials about the work of the program and activities for the preventive website on the website and on the website of the enterprise

Inclusion of the topic on HIV in individual briefings (when applying for a job, during briefing on labor protection, etc.)

Carrying out preventive actions for Commemorative dates

Operation of the telephone information line of the program

Formation of a network of “trusted persons” (equal consultants) from among socially active workers, interested, on the one hand, to change their own behavior, on the other, to convince colleagues to change their behavior and to prevent discrimination in the work collective

Conducting a training seminar-training for "proxies" (equal consultants) and supporting their activities

Psychological counseling of employees of enterprises - PLHIV

Conducting a video group with showing thematic films followed by discussion

Conducting anonymous questionnaires on the level of awareness and their own risks for infection after preventive measures among the target group

Providing the results of the work performed to the management of the enterprise

Appendix 5.


We ask you to answer a few questions, this will help us in our future work. Anonymity is guaranteed. Please underline the selected answers.

    Where have you heard information about HIV / AIDS during the last year?

a) television b) radio c) in print media d) on the Internet e) nowhere

2. How is HIV infection transmitted? a) with coughing and sneezing b) with blood transfusion c) with a bite of blood-sucking insects d) with intravenous drug use e) with a handshake, hugging f) with unprotected sexual intercourse g) with caresses, kisses h) when using common manicure accessories, shaving razors devices i) when applying tattoos, performing piercings j) from an HIV-infected mother to a child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding

3. Who can get HIV / AIDS? a) homosexuals b) prostitutes

c) medical professionals d) intravenous drug addicts e) blood donors f) any person who neglects the rules of safe behavior

4. Can an HIV-infected person look healthy on the outside??

a) yes b) no

5. How do you get to know your sexual partners?

a) I allow contacts with girls of easy virtue b) in the company of friends, in nightclubs c) on dating sites d) I have a permanent sexual partner

6. How many sex partners have you had in the last year?

a) 1-2 b) 3-4 c) 5 or more

7. Safe sex is: a) using a condom at every sexual intercourse b) using contraceptive pills c) regular sexual partner

8. Your attitude to drugs: a) never tried b) used several times c) use regularly

9. Do you personally admit the possibility of contracting HIV infection for yourself?

a) yes b) no c) I don’t know

10. Would you like to receive additional information on HIV-infection issues?

a) yes - complete and detailed b) yes - how not to get infected c) no - because I know enough

11. Do you consider it necessary to be periodically tested for HIV?

a) yes b) no

12. Will you stop communicating with a work colleague if you find out that he -

HIV positive? a) yes b) no

13. How, in your opinion, should we fight the spread of HIV infection?

a) isolate HIV-infected people from society

b) inform the general population about the methods of prevention

c) other _________________________________________________________________


14. Your gender: male / female

15. Your education: a) primary b) secondary c) secondary special d) higher

. Hiv-infection and her prevention ... on basic enterprises, ...
  • Inclusion of thematic issues on moral and sex education in the curricula of educational institutions; Social and household assistance to HIV-infected people, their education, their retraining and employment


    ... Application# 2. Legal protection of people living with Hiv... professions, industries, enterprises, institutions and organizations ... prevention, diagnosis and treatment Hiv-infections and also make on approval by the government of the Russian Federation draft federal target programs ...

  • Program of the all-Russian scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists scientific session tusur 2010


    ... -applications... C.C. Chekrygin, 5th year student of the department. KSUP. Development of programs.... economy. Workforce optimization on enterprise in the post-crisis period. D.S. ... "dance4life" as a method prevention Hiv-infections... Subsection 21.3. Social- ...

  • On the approval of the state program of the city of Moscow "development of health care in the city of Moscow (metropolitan health care) for 2012-2020" (as amended by decrees of the Government of Moscow


    ... Hiv-infections to antiretroviral drugs, genotyping Hiv-infections, hepatitis B and C; - improving the system of informing the population about the measures prevention Hiv-infections; - improvement programs prevention ...

  • Home> Program

    Federal Agency for Education

    State educational institution

    higher professional education


    Prevention program

    Spread of HIV infection

    IN GOU VPO "ChelGU" FOR 2008-2012.



    HIV INFECTION IN GOU VPO "ChelGU" FOR 2008-2012.

      General Provisions

    By destroying the immune system, HIV makes the body unable to resist various microbes. The disease develops gradually, a person feels completely healthy for several years, unaware of his disease and remains dangerous for others (infectious). A person who becomes infected with HIV remains the carrier of the virus for life. AIDS is the final, last stage of HIV infection, at the end of which an infected person becomes seriously ill and dies. In order to protect oneself from HIV infection, it is quite enough to follow generally accepted standards of hygiene and prevention of infectious diseases, taking into account the specifics of the spread of HIV infection. According to the World Health Organization, about 40 million people are currently involved in the HIV / AIDS epidemic, more than half of them are young people aged 12 to 29 years. Currently in the Chelyabinsk region there is a high increase in the incidence of HIV infection. A total of 6013 cases of HIV infection were registered in the Chelyabinsk region, the prevalence rate was 215.7 per 100 thousand population. A large number of HIV-infected people became infected through injecting psychoactive substances. According to the latest statistics, the number of HIV infections and deaths of the economically active population aged 15-49 is on the rise. The public is beginning to understand that the education sector has an important role to play in preventing HIV infection, supporting people who are infected and suffering, and providing educational services. The role of the education sector has begun to grow in comparison with the previous one, according to which it acted as a partner of other organizations in the fight against HIV diseases.

    Young people are relatively easy to influence through HIV / AIDS education, health care and health promotion programs in educational institutions. Educational institutions have the necessary conditions for the implementation of these programs.

    Thus, solving the problem of HIV / AIDS - diseases should be one of the main activities for every educational institution and specialist.

    Program for the prevention of the spread of HIV infection in GOU VPO "Chelyabinsk State University" for 2008-2012. (hereinafter - the Program) was developed on the basis of the experience of the educational system of the university and in accordance with the following regulatory legal documents:

      The Constitution of the Russian Federation; Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated 13.01.1996 No. 12-FZ; The Law of the Russian Federation "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" dated 08.22.1996 No. 125-FZ ; Federal Law "On the prevention of the spread in the Russian Federation of a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection)" dated 03.30.1995 No. 38-FZ; Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens of 22.07.1993 No. 5487-1; Strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation until 2016. Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 No. 1760-r;
    - Charter of GOU VPO "ChelGU" dated 05.17.2002 (with amendments and additions), other local legal documents of GOU VPO "ChelGU". List of abbreviations:

    IPiP - Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy

    KFViS - Department of Physical Education and Sports

    IEC - Museum and Exhibition Center

    RTSOI - Regional Center for Education of Disabled People

    SSS - student scientific society

    СССО - Council of student self-government of the hostel

    OVR - Department of educational work

    ODR - Office of Public Relations

    CTS - Student Creativity Center

    CSPTV - Center for promoting the organization of student practice and employment of graduates

    UKB for Civil Defense and Emergencies - Department for Integrated Security of Civil Defense and Emergencies

    - Chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of ChelSU

    I. Purpose and objectives of the Program

    Target Programs: creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of students and postgraduates of ChelSU, prevention of HIV infection. Tasks Programs:
      creation of regulatory, organizational and managerial, material and technical conditions and information and methodological support for the implementation of the Program; organization and implementation of preventive measures among one of the most vulnerable social groups - students; activation of education of students on HIV problems; providing training for those responsible for HIV education; informing students and postgraduates of ChelSU about services for HIV-infected people; the formation of students' own system of values, skills of responsible behavior; creating conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards yourself and the world around you; attraction of qualified specialists for preventive work; preparation of qualified personnel for the implementation of preventive programs among students and graduate students of ChelSU from among the students themselves; improving the system of measures to improve the health of students and postgraduates of ChelSU, incl. increasing the coverage of students with physical culture and sports, creativity, research activities, etc .; improvement of psychological support, counseling, psychocorrectional and rehabilitation assistance; interaction with authorities, health care institutions, public organizations on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of substance abuse.


    Financial resources: budgetary funds, extrabudgetary funds, voluntary donations. Organizational resources: Internal: trade union committee of students and graduate students; Department of educational work; Department of Social Physiology; Scientific Rehabilitation Center, Institute of Health; Department of Physical Education and Sports, Center for Recreational Physical Culture, Center for Students' Creativity; Public Relations Department, Department of Sociology; Center for the Promotion of Student Practice and Graduate Employment; student government bodies. External: city polyclinic №2; Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in the Chelyabinsk Region (UFSKN); Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Chelyabinsk City Public Charitable Foundation "Take Care of Yourself", other public organizations. Intellectual resources: and services of ChelSU; deputy deans of faculties (directors of institutes, branches) for educational work; general practitioner, students and teachers.


      Creation of organizational and managerial conditions; Development of a local legal framework; Information and methodological support; Staffing; Organizational measures aimed at preventing HIV infection in the student environment: Modernization of sanitary and hygienic and material and technical conditions; Interaction with authorities, health care institutions, culture, etc., public organizations on the prevention of HIV infection; Monitoring the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Program.

    V. Main events,

    aimed at the implementation of the Program

    Name of the event

    Dates of the

    Responsible executors

    I. Creation of organizational and managerial conditions

    Coverage of problematic issues on HIV prevention at operational meetings of deans of faculties (institutes), administration, Academic Council

    according to the established regulations

    Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

    Organization and holding of the Council of Curators on the problem


    Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

    Organization of work of student self-government bodies of ChelSU: SSSO, SSS, etc .; academic groups


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Joint activities within the framework of the Water Resources Management Program, TsTS, RTSOI, KFViS, TsOiFK, IEC, USO, trade union committee of students, dean's offices, institutes, branches, hostels, sanatorium-preventorium and other structural divisions of ChelSU

    constantly, according to plan

    Head of Internal Affairs Directorate,

    heads of structural divisions

    Development and implementation of a system of measures to motivate employees of ChelSU (curators of academic groups, physical education teacher, etc.) and students dealing with the problem of HIV prevention

    Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

    II. Development of a local legal framework

    Analysis of the state of the regulatory framework in the field of preventing the spread of HIV (federal, regional, regional, city, district, university levels)


    Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

    Drawing up an annual plan for the implementation of the Program



    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Preparation and publication of collections of normative legal acts, methodological materials on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the implementation of the priority national project "Health" among students of ChelSU


    Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Preparation of draft orders and instructions on the organization of medical examinations and the possibility of conducting annual tests for the use of narcotic substances, health improvement in a sanatorium, summer recreation and health improvement, participation in shows, competitions, etc.


    Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

    Preparation and approval of Regulations on shows, contests, promotions ("Spring without smoke", XXI century without drugs "" Anti AIDS "," Health is great "," Life is beautiful "," For and against "," For a healthy lifestyle " , "Quit smoking and win"), festivals, competitions, adaptation camps of freshmen "I am a student of ChelSU!" etc.

    as needed

    III. Information and methodological support

    Summarizing the experience of HIV prevention among students


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Distribution of information materials on the prevention of HIV / AIDS and STDs among students, applicants.

    within the framework of activities

    chairman of the trade union committee of students

    Screening of video clips, presentations carrying social messages about HIV / AIDS

    within the framework of the Days of Health

    Encouraging student health promotion work

    December, annually

    Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Head of the Department of Social Physiology, Head of the KFViS

    Drawing up a social passport of the faculty (institute, branch), university

    deputy deans (directors) for educational work, inspector of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Development and publication of teaching materials on the organization of work with students, graduate students and their parents on the issues of substance abuse


    Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs,

    heads of structural divisions

    Publication of analytical materials on the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of students and postgraduates of the university


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Publishing educational booklets, leaflets, memos, brochures for students on problematic issues of prevention of substance abuse


    Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Placement of anti-drug posters, addresses of counseling centers and social rehabilitation centers for drug addicts ("Wings", "Narcotics Anonymous"), Internet sites ("No drugs", etc.), helpline numbers on information boards in all educational buildings of ChelSU


    Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Organization of book exhibitions in the scientific library dedicated to health and drug prevention

    on schedule

    director of the scientific library

    Coverage of issues of a healthy lifestyle and issues of a rational idea of ​​happiness, success, ways of managing psychoemotional stress in the university media: newspaper "University Embankment" (circulation 8 thousand copies), website (www . csu. ru), plasma screens (in 8 buildings), "Freshman's Handbook", etc.


    Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Lectures on health and substance abuse


    specialists of the Department of Social Physiology

    Familiarization of first-year students with their rights, duties and responsibilities, including for smoking in public places, the use of alcoholic beverages and other psychotropic substances

    August-October annually

    deputy deans (directors) for educational work

    IV. Staffing

    Improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of deputy deans (directors) for VR, curators of hostels, curators of academic groups

    the need

    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Assistance in the activities of the student law enforcement unit


    Head of the Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of Students

    Facilitating the activities of the volunteer squad


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Assistance in the activities of the student council of the self-government of the hostel


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    V. Organizational measures aimed

    on the prevention of HIV infection in the student environment

    Organization and holding of the campaigns "Spring without smoke", "XXI century without drugs", "Anti AIDS", "Health is great!" “Life is great”, “Quit smoking and win”, etc.


    Head of Internal Affairs Directorate,

    student government leaders

    Conducting contests and promotions for the best student articles, videos, leaflets, posters on the problem of drug addiction


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs, head of the Department of Internal Affairs, psychologists of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Carrying out the action "For a healthy lifestyle!", "For and against!"

    December annually

    chairman of the trade union committee


    Conducting Health Days, ChelSU Spartakiad, Freshmen Cup and other mass sports events for students and postgraduates of ChelSU

    on schedule

    head of KFViS

    Lectures, conversations in a student hostel on the problems of the spread of HIV


    Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, specialists of the Department of Social Physiology

    Improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of employees of the psychological service


    Head of Internal Affairs Directorate,

    director of IPiP

    Carrying out adaptation camps for freshmen "I am a student of ChelSU!"

    annually, August

    Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of Students

    Organization of psychological counseling (motivational counseling, online counseling and other methods) for undergraduate and graduate students

    on schedule

    HRM psychologists

    Organization of additional classes aimed at improving the adaptation of students (groups of personal growth, groups of training the ability to say: "No")

    on schedule

    HRM psychologists

    Organization of meetings with clergy of various confessions in order to improve the spirituality and morality of the youth environment, excursions to temples, mosques, churches, monasteries

    on schedule

    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Formation of students' individual value system


    heads of structural divisions of ChelSU

    Creation of ideas among students about the need for an individual program of self-realization in various spheres of human activity


    psychologists UVR, IPiP

    Organization of the work of sports sections of ChelSU, taking into account the preferences of students (according to the results of a social survey)


    head of KFViS

    Activities of sports sections: aikido, armwrestling, basketball, bodybuilding, volleyball, darts, judo, rowing, speed skating, athletics, cross-country skiing, table tennis, powerlifting, swimming, sports aerobics, sports tourism, football, chess, etc.

    constantly on schedule

    head of KFViS

    The activities of the creative teams of the University's CTS: choreographic, vocal, instrumental, theatrical, original genre, folklore, KVN, etc.

    constantly on schedule

    director of DH

    Involvement of the largest number of students in extracurricular activities (reviews, contests, festivals, events: "The fate of Russia in the hands of the young", "First steps", "OBJECTIVE look", "Miss ChelSU", "Inspiration", "Under the roof of my house", "Spring triumphs at ChelSU", "On the strings of the roads", "We torment the spiritual thirst", "Free sound", "The leader is the first among the best", "What? Where? When?", "KVN for the Rector's Cup", "Tatianin day ", etc.)

    Director of the DHS,

    Head of Internal Affairs Directorate and heads of other structural divisions

    Stimulating the development of student self-government in order to optimize personal self-realization


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Formation of the program of students' health improvement during their stay in the sports and health camp "Parus" (3 shifts - 240 students)


    Head of the SAL "Parus"

    The functioning of the sanatorium-preventorium of ChelSU (14 shifts, 700 people)

    during a year

    chief physician of the sanatorium

    Organization of summer and winter recreation for students and graduate students (Krasnodar Territory, motor ship cruise, St. Petersburg, ski centers of the South Urals, etc.)

    summer and winter holidays

    Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of Students

    Participation in joint programs of vacation health improvement and recreation for student youth of the Department for Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region and the Department for Youth Affairs of Chelyabinsk (ski resort, "Lazarevskoye", BO "Turgoyak", trade union vouchers), etc.

    summer and winter holidays

    (February, July-August annually)

    chairman of the trade union committee of students

    Individual selection of the motor regime during physical education

    during a year

    Head of KFViS,

    general doctor

    Organization of recreational activities during educational activities

    Head of KFViS, specialists of the Department of Social Physiology

    Scheduling training sessions, tests, exams for students and graduate students, taking into account the even distribution of the load in time


    Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

    Development of a menu for a balanced and healthy diet for students


    Vice-rector for economic affairs, director of the canteen

    Creation of summer labor units (pedagogical, environmental, guides, builders, etc.)


    chairman of the trade union committee of students

    Providing conditions for employment of students and graduates


    Director of TsSPTV

    Formation of students' ideas about the high social significance of the future profession


    deans of faculties (institutes), head. departments, teachers

    Promotion of information that achieving success in the chosen specialty is possible only with the preservation of health and the absence of dependence on psychoactive substances

    on schedule

    deans of faculties (institutes), head. Chairs

    Organization of meetings with authority figures among student youth (rector, Olympic champions, etc.)

    during a year

    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Organization of annual medical examinations of students, periodic selective analysis of students' urine for the search for traces of drugs (if there is an agreement with the student)

    on schedule

    general doctor

    The activities of the security service in the framework of the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances in the buildings of the university


    Head of the Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations

    Functioning of the Student Center for the Prevention of Asocial Phenomena

    according to plan

    Head of Internal Affairs Directorate,

    student government leaders

    Conducting student dormitory raids on substance abuse prevention

    1 time per month

    deputy deans (directors) for educational work, leaders of the SSSO, head of the hostel

    Vi. Modernization of sanitary and hygienic and material and technical conditions

    Creating the effect of a "warming" space:
      maintaining the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for students' stay in classrooms and hostels; taking into account color and light solutions when decorating university premises


    UHR psychologists

    Equipment of a special room for psychological counseling

    during 2008

    vice-rector for economic affairs

    Strengthening the material and technical base in the SAL "Parus"

    vice-rector for economic affairs

    Vii. Interaction with authorities, health care institutions, culture, etc., public organizations on HIV prevention

    Participation of specialists and university students in thematic scientific and practical conferences, seminars, training programs organized by the Federal Agency for Education of the Ministry of Education

    in accordance with the Regulations

    Head of the Department of Sociology

    Participation in contests, promotions, events for health preservation and HIV prevention held by the Governor, the Government, the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region, the Head of the city of Chelyabinsk. City Duma, etc.


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Joint activities on health preservation issues with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Main Directorate of Youth Policy of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Youth Affairs Departments of Chelyabinsk, Kalininsky District


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Interaction with public organizations dealing with health preservation issues, consultation and rehabilitation centers


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Participation in the Regional competition of student works to promote a healthy lifestyle and the implementation of the national project "Health"

    Head of Internal Affairs Directorate,

    student government leaders

    Participation in the Regional competition among universities of the Chelyabinsk region for the best set of activities in the field of drug addiction and drug crime prevention

    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Participation in international, all-Russian, regional, regional, city sports competitions (Spartakiad of universities of the Chelyabinsk region, "Ski Track of Russia", "Cross of Nations", "At the Call of the Soul", etc.), creative festivals ("Student Spring", "Shining of the Stars ", Etc.), contests, events.

    in accordance with the provisions

    Director of the DHS,

    head of KFViS

    Interaction with the Office of the Federal Service for the Control of Drugs and Other Psychotropic Substances in the Chelyabinsk Region and law enforcement agencies (joint raids, consultations, etc.)


    Head of Internal Affairs Directorate, Head of the Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations

    Interaction with the Public Youth Chamber at the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Youth Council of the Kalininsky District


    Head of Internal Affairs Directorate,

    student government leaders

    VIII. Monitoring the implementation of the goals and objectives of the program

    Creation of a system for monitoring the health of students and graduate students on the basis of complex medical and psychological research

    according to plan

    general practitioner, psychologists OVR

    Diagnostics of the health status of student youth and tracking the dynamics of its changes


    general doctor,

    HRM psychologists

    Identification of "risk factors" associated with social and psychological distress, inadequate organization of the educational process


    Head of Internal Affairs Directorate,

    HRM psychologists

    Participation in a specialized sociological study of the target group of drug addicts to determine the main ways of drug addiction and assess the change in the motivational sphere of drug addicts in the process of rehabilitation

    according to plan

    Head of the Scientific Rehabilitation Center of Chelyabinsk State University and specialists of the Main Directorate for Interaction with Law Enforcement Agencies of the Chelyabinsk Region

    Organization of sociological research to clarify the system of ideas about happiness and success among teachers and students of ChelSU

    during a year

    Head of the Department of Sociology

    Conducting a survey among students and teachers in order to identify the most authoritative persons who can be conductors of influence in the organization of preventive work

    during a year

    Head of the Department of Sociology

    Determination of the level of psycho-emotional stress among students of different faculties and courses, as well as among teachers in dynamics

    during a year

    Head of the Department of Sociology

    Conducting sociological research to determine the preferences of students when using extracurricular time

    during a year

    Head of the Department of Sociology

    Conducting sociological research on tobacco smoking

    during a year

    Head of the Department of Social Physiology

    Creation and replenishment of an electronic data bank about students requiring special attention - "risk group"


    head of the Department of Internal Affairs

    Monitoring the implementation of measures for the implementation of targeted projects and programs for the prevention of substance abuse in ChelSU


    Vice Rector for Academic Affairs


      Improving the local legal framework on HIV prevention; Raising the awareness of students and postgraduates of ChelSU and acquiring skills to prevent HIV infection; Formation of a healthy lifestyle among students; Increase in the involvement of students and graduate students in extracurricular and scientific activities of ChelSU; Increasing the number of young people involved in systematic work to promote healthy lifestyles; Formation of emotionally susceptible students and graduate students of an adequate attitude to various life situations and increasing their stress resistance; Reducing HIV prevalence among students.


      The state of health of students and postgraduates of ChelSU; Coverage of students of ChelSU with work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and HIV prevention; The quality of the information environment aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and HIV prevention; Coverage of undergraduate and graduate students by sections, gatherings, laboratories, creative associations; Number of student research papers on health preservation issues; Providing the structural units of the university with methodological and informational materials on the prevention of substance abuse; Rating of participation of ChelSU students in cultural and recreational activities (sports days, festivals, competitions, conferences) of various levels.


    HIV infection- a chronic disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV-infected- persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. Socially significant diseases- diseases included by the Government of the Russian Federation in the list of socially significant diseases on 06.12.2004. This definition includes tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C, diabetes mellitus, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. Socialpsychological training - psychological impact based on active methods of group work, a form of specially organized communication, during which the issues of personality development, the formation of communication skills, the provision of psychological assistance and support are resolved. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)- a complex of secondary symptoms caused by HIV, characterized by the addition of infections and the development of multiple organ failure.

    Methodological support

      HIV infection. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment / Under total. ed. V.V. Pokrovsky. - M: Geotar Medicine, 2000. Dolzhanskaya NA, Buzina TS HIV infection in drug addiction practice. - M., 2000. Face to face with AIDS. World Bank Research Policy Report: Per. from English - M: Publishing house "Ves mir", 1998. Medical and social service and its importance in the prevention of AIDS and other topical infections. - SPb., 1998. Guidelines for organizing work with parents of students and students on drug prevention in order to prevent its spread in educational institutions Yekaterinburg, 2006. Principles of HIV prevention among drug users / European Regional Bureau of the World Health Organization. - Coppenhagen (Denmark), 1998. Prevention of substance abuse (collection of teaching materials). M., 2001; Rakhmanova A.G. HIV infection (clinic and treatment). - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "AIDS, Sex, Health", 2000. Russian Federal Scientific and Methodological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the prevention and control of AIDS. "HIV infection. Newsletter No. 25 ". M., 2003. Sudakov K.V. Individual resistance to emotional stress. M., 1998; Training on the prevention of social maladaptive behavior among adolescents and youth "My Choice". Toolkit. M., 2002; Forms of work with young people in the primary prevention of substance abuse. Methodical guidance. M., 2002; Effective HIV Prevention Interventions / Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (Atlanta, 1999). Canadian-Russian AIDS Control Project (translation). - SPB, 2000.
      Head of the Department for educational work L.P. Konvisareva


    for educational work

    ON. Mamaev

    "___" _____________2008

    1. R. A. Khalfin December 20, 2006 N 6834-px organization of HIV infection prevention among various population groups methodological recommendations


      These guidelines have been prepared by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in accordance with the terms of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

    2. State program to stabilize the HIV epidemic in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012-2016 list of abbreviations


      The Kyrgyz Republic remains a country with a low prevalence of HIV infection. However, in recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of new HIV infections and, according to WHO / UNAIDS estimates, Kyrgyzstan is one of the 7 countries in the world.


      In order to improve the complex of organizational, psychological, pedagogical, legal and medico-social conditions for stabilizing the epidemic situation and reducing the rate of spread of HIV infection and diseases transmitted

    HIV / AIDS, give knowledge about the ways

    the spread and prevention of HIV infection.

    1.Social and moral aspects of HIV / AIDS. The need to work on

    prevention of HIV infection.

    One of the problems of concern to mankind today is the problem of HIV / AIDS. Over the past few years, from the field of theory, it has become a reality for Belarus.

    In Belarus, the number of HIV-infected is in the thousands and this is just the tip of the iceberg. This figure is growing every day. The majority of human immunodeficiency virus infections occur in young people between the ages of 15 and 29.

    Prevention is the only available and sufficiently effective tool that we can use on a large scale and that can help the population to resist this disease.

    HIV infection affects the most able-bodied part of the population, influencing demographic indicators (decrease in fertility, increase in mortality).

    Young parents die of HIV infection, leaving their young children orphans, whose care falls on the state.

    Due to a lack of understanding of the inevitability of the tragic outcome of the disease, HIV-infected women give birth to children, condemning them to suffering. They are often discarded. The state also has to take care of such children.

    People living with HIV and AIDS need to be provided with medicines, some of which are provided free of charge, which also requires considerable economic costs. Significant funds are also allocated for the organization of laboratory tests and diagnostics of HIV infection.

    There are often complex relationships between society as a whole, individuals and people living with HIV.

    Due to the fact that there are no specific means of prevention and treatment of HIV infection, the most important measure to prevent the spread of HIV in the territory of the Republic of Belarus is to educate the population.

    The basis of preventive measures is wide, timely and accessible information and education of the population on various aspects of the HIV / AIDS problem. With a conscious attitude to one's health and behavior, the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus can be significantly limited, and even stopped among some groups of the population.

    2,The main aspects of preventive work;

    Dissemination of objective information about the epidemic situation in

    the republic, adjacent regions;

    informing about the ways of HIV infection and the factors of its transmission;

    the formation of a healthy lifestyle, a responsible attitude to one's own health and the health of others;

    explanation of measures to prevent HIV infection, the reality of infection with a certain lifestyle;

    stimulation of the activities of officials in the implementation of preventive measures;

    Clarification of legislative, legal and socio-medical measures for

    HIV infection and protection of the rights of HIV-infected;

    infected, non-discrimination;

    Prevention of possible suicides, the development of AIDS phobia, manifestations of AIDS terrorism.

    3. Prevention of HIV infection and AIDS:

    3.1. HIV prevention measures at the state level

    State program for the prevention of HIV infection in the Republic of Belarus.

    3.2. Medical measures to prevent HIV infection:

    • testing (laboratory research) of donated blood;

    • prevention of transmission of the immunodeficiency virus through medical manipulations;
    prevention of intrauterine infection of children.

    3.3. Personal prevention measures:

    Elimination of promiscuous sexual intercourse, drug use and injection; the exclusion of tattooing, the use of common razors,

    manicure and other personal hygiene items;

    Use of personal protective equipment.

    3.4. A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of HIV / AIDS prevention.

    HIV infection is a social problem, more capable than other diseases,
    to influence the demographic, economic and social aspects of the state, therefore the problem of HIV / AIDS is considered today in Belarus at a high government level.

    The prerogative of the Ministry of Health is only some aspects of preventive work, such as ensuring the safety of donated blood, preventing HIV transmission in the provision of all types of medical care, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Other activities, such as large-scale educational programs on healthy lifestyles, etc., are possible only with the participation of a wide range of government and public organizations. It is also important to ensure support from the state. Preventive measures will be effective if, during their implementation, partnership and coordination of the activities of individual groups of people, public organizations and government agencies are established.

    The republic has developed and approved by the Council of Ministers the State Program for the Prevention of HIV Infection for 2006-2010, which provides for the participation of a wide range of ministries, departments and organizations in prevention activities. The work of ministries and departments is coordinated by the Republican Interdepartmental Council for the Prevention of HIV Infection and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, which included representatives of 17 ministries and other central government bodies.

    The main goal of the State Program is to stabilize and reduce the level of HIV infection, increase life expectancy and reduce mortality in HIV / AIDS patients through a complex of preventive and therapeutic measures.

    The achievement of the goal will be facilitated by the implementation of the following tasks:

    Creation of conditions for the provision of medical and psychological assistance to people living with HIV / AIDS, children born to HIV-infected mothers and parents of HIV-exposed children; providing HIV-infected pregnant women with drug prevention of vertical transmission; ensuring access of people living with HIV / AIDS to comprehensive antiretroviral therapy, palliative treatment and care; formation of a model of professional behavior of medical workers to provide assistance to patients in the context of the spread of HIV / AIDS;

    Formation among the population, especially among children and youth, knowledge on HIV / AIDS problems and skills for safe life; educating children and youth of values ​​and behavior models that contribute to the prevention of HIV infection;

    • expanding effective prevention work among drug users as part of a strategy to reduce the risk of infection; development of a network of social and educational institutions;

    • ensuring access for drug users, men who have sex with men, women involved in sex work, to reliable information on HIV / AIDS, psychological and medical assistance;

    • providing medical, psychological and social rehabilitation of drug users.
    4. Medical measures for the prevention of HIV infection.

    In accordance with the State Program for the Prevention of HIV Infection for 2006-2010. measures are being taken to prevent the transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus through donor blood.

    To reduce the risk of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus through donated blood, its components and preparations, a donor selection system has been worked out in blood service institutions, a deferred testing system is being introduced (within 4-6 months from the date of blood donation), which will additionally (2-3 times) screen donors for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus before blood serum and blood products are transfused to the patient.

    In the republic, indications for transfusion of blood and its components are strictly limited to patients, preference is given to blood substitutes.

    Diagnostic and treatment procedures, correctly performed by healthcare professionals, do not pose a risk to patients and cannot contribute to the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus. Treatment and prevention facilities have all the necessary conditions to prevent the spread of HIV. They are provided with a sufficient number of disposable medical instruments (syringes, blood transfusion systems), equipment for processing (disinfection, sterilization) of any reused medical equipment, and disinfectants. Regularly, medical personnel improve their professional level, which also has a positive effect on the quality of the procedures.

    Vertical path of infection. Infection of a child from an HIV-infected mother occurs when the virus spreads from mother to fetus during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. In order to prevent the vertical route of HIV transmission in the republic, it organized a voluntary HIV testing of pregnant women with counseling before and after the examination. To reduce the risk of infection of a newborn with the vertical route of HIV transmission from 25-30% to 1-2%, the practice of the obstetric and gynecological service of the republic introduced drug prevention with antiretroviral drugs (azidothymidine or retrovir, or thymozide) for both mother and child, delivery HIV-infected women by caesarean section (if indicated), artificial feeding of newborns.

    Sexual route of infection. A person who does not have sex and does not practice intravenous drug injection has virtually no risk of contracting HIV. Early and promiscuous sexual intercourse can lead to infection with sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection, unwanted pregnancy, and problems associated with starting a family. Abstaining from sexual intercourse before marriage will relieve fear of illness and the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases. Using a condom during sexual intercourse will reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection and the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy. In this case, it is important to follow the rules for its use.

    Parenteral route (entry of the virus into the bloodstream). A large group of AIDS patients and HIV carriers are syringe addicts. In most cases, in such groups, the drug is injected intravenously with one syringe, with subsequent transfer from one addict to another. HIV infection is also facilitated by the use of an infected drug or common objects during its preparation (tampons, filters, dishes). As soon as at least one HIV-infected appears among drug addicts, after a while the members of the group (about 70% within 2-3 years) become HIV-infected.

    Drug addiction is a disease characterized by an irresistible craving for drugs, causing euphoria (excitement) in small doses, and stunning, narcotic sleep in large doses. The consequences are uncontrollable behavior (this can lead to promiscuous sexual intercourse), the possibility of contracting HIV infection, and, as a result, death. Therefore, it is better not to succumb to peer pressure, not to strive to try, and even more so to use drugs. Even a single drug use can lead to HIV infection. Those who use drugs should contact the drug treatment service as soon as possible, use individual syringes, needles, not lend them, and disinfect the drug after purchasing it.

    Ears should only be pierced in beauty parlors, tattoos should be done in special parlors, and it is also imperative to have your own personal hygiene items: shaving and manicure accessories.

    A healthy lifestyle as the basis for AIDS prevention.“There are thousands of diseases, but health is one” (L. Berne). “A healthy person is the most precious work of nature” (T. Carlyle). A healthy lifestyle is closely related to a person's awareness of the patterns of development of the body, knowledge of what is good for him, what is harmful. The most dangerous of all diseases is ignorance. A healthy lifestyle includes adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, physical education and conditioning, proper nutrition, abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and the ability to cope with various experiences. Good habits can help maintain and improve health as much as bad ones can be directed against it. Reckless behavior can lead to unintended consequences.

    Your life and health are in your hands. Each person is able to make the right choice. Fostering a responsible attitude to one's own health is the goal of developing a healthy lifestyle.

    Additional material.

    Sources of HIV infection:

    The only source of infection is a person infected with the immunodeficiency virus at all stages of the disease. Animal immunodeficiency viruses are not dangerous to humans and do not cause disease.

    The danger is that an HIV-infected person feels healthy for a long time. For several years he has not had any manifestations of the disease, as, for example, with the flu. A person leads a normal life for himself. He is no different from those around him and, usually, does not even know that he is already a carrier of HIV, and under certain circumstances can infect others.

    Transmission routes.

    There are 3 ways of transmission: sexual;

    parenteral (if the virus enters the bloodstream); vertical (from mother to child).

    In HIV-infected people, the virus is found in all body fluids. But its greatest concentration is in the blood, semen of men, vaginal secretions of women, breast milk. In the rest of the body's media (saliva, tears, sweat, urine, etc.), its content is insignificant and does not pose a danger in terms of HIV transmission.

    It should be noted that the high probability of HIV infection depends on the person's lifestyle. A homosexual or a prostitute who always uses condoms during sexual intercourse is less likely to contract HIV than a “respectable citizen” who occasionally allows himself unprotected sex with unfamiliar partners. And yet, in the conditions of the intensive spread of HIV, the likelihood of infection for each of us cannot be ruled out.

    How HIV is not transmitted.

    As a result of many years of observation of multiple household contacts of HIV-infected and AIDS patients, it was found that HIV is not transmitted:

    With friendly hugs and kisses;

    Through a handshake;

    When using cutlery, bedding; through items of industrial and home furnishings;

    Through plumbing, when using the pool, shower;

    In public transport;

    Insects, including blood-sucking ones;

    By airborne droplets.

    Thus, it is absolutely safe to communicate with HIV-infected people in an educational institution or at work, eat in the same canteen, live in the same room in a hostel, and use writing materials.

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

    When viewed under an electron microscope, the virus looks like; exotic flower. HIV belongs to the retrovirus family. With the flow of blood, the virus penetrates all internal organs, glands, lymph nodes and even tissues such as the cornea of ​​the eye, which, as you know, does not have blood vessels. HIV is not emitted directly from the biological fluids of the human body.

    HIV infection- an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. The disease occurs with damage to the vital cells of the body's defense (immune) system, as a result of which the patient develops various inflammatory processes, malignant tumors that lead to death of the HIV-infected.

    It sometimes takes 10-12 years from the moment of infection to death, so HIV infection is a slow infection.

    HIV-infected- persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. The category of HIV-infected includes both persons without any manifestations of the disease (carriers of HIV infection) and AIDS patients.

    AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)- the last (terminal) stage of development of HIV infection.

    According to the clinical classification adopted in the Republic of Belarus, the disease has 5 stages.

    Treatment. The fatality of the outcome.

    Since the discovery of HIV, more funds have been spent in the world on the study of HIV infection than on the study of other infections. However, many mysteries of the disease still remain unsolved, despite the fact that the leading scientific centers of the world are engaged in research on HIV infection, the latest technologies and scientific discoveries are used. Until now, no means have been found for prophylactic vaccinations and for a radical cure of the infected.

    Medicines (antiretrovirals) available in the arsenal of doctors can only slightly stabilize the condition of an AIDS patient, alleviate suffering and prolong life.

    Due to the high cost of these drugs, they are not available to most HIV-infected people living in poor countries. The cost of treatment is 15-20 thousand US dollars per year. It is necessary to take treatment for several years, and possibly for a lifetime.

    Laboratory diagnostics.

    Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection is based on the detection of the virus itself or antibodies to it in the blood of a person infected with HIV.

    In the initial period of the development of the infection (3-6 months), it is impossible to identify the fact of infection. This is the so-called "seroconversion window", that is, the period of absence! antibodies in the human body. However, during this period, an infected person, not knowing about the presence of an infection, is able to infect others. With the emergence of antibodies to HIV, it is possible to identify HIV carriers during special laboratory tests, which can be passed in any medical institution, as well as in AIDS prevention departments of regional and republican centers of hygiene, epidemiology and public health, regardless of place of residence, work, study, voluntarily , including anonymously and free of charge.

    An initial positive response does not yet indicate HIV infection (a so-called false positive). It happens in pregnant women, people suffering from allergic diseases, with malignant and some other serious diseases. Therefore, retesting is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis.

    Wherever the analysis is taken, its result is a medical secret.

    Head of the Department of Prevention

    HIV / AIDS State Institution "GOCGEOZ" I.P. Litvin



    Interactive working methods

    on HIV / AIDS prevention among adolescents

    AIDS is the plague of this century

    He is now the world's number one enemy.

    To the person who is sick with it

    The path where cancer leads.

    Millions of money are being released

    To find justice for him.

    Now they know how he infects,

    But they cannot pacify him.
    Tens of thousands of lives every year

    Gathers AIDS - its own crop.

    They get sick who neglect

    The norm of life, loves paradise.

    G. Guryanov

    While all over the world doctors stubbornly argue whether there is such a disease as AIDS, or whether it was invented by pharmacists to promote expensive drugs on the market, statistics dispassionately count the deaths from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. And even if, in comparison with the world, where there are millions, for a single settlement, the number of HIV-infected people who died is calculated on a smaller scale, but still it is someone's life. Lives that could burn brightly and for a long time.

    But the cruel hand of AIDS is taking away young lives at 25, 30, 40. Today it is a reality when HIV-infected people live only half or even a third of the average life expectancy. And humanity is fighting to ensure that in the future such a reality becomes only a lesson from the past ...

    The spread of AIDS has surpassed all expectations. Dozens of countries are affected by the HIV / AIDS epidemic, and even more are on the brink of an epidemic. Young people turned out to be a particularly vulnerable group of the population. According to experts, about 12 million young people aged 15-24 are living with HIV / AIDS, about 6,000 cases of HIV infection occur every day.

    The twentieth century presented us with a difficult problem - AIDS. Starting with several cases, a year later the disease was registered in 16 countries of the world in 711 people. Exactly 5 years later, 72.5 thousand HIV-infected were identified in 113 countries. At the beginning of the new millennium, their number reached 40 million, more than died during the Second World War. About 16 thousand people are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus every day.

    The future course of the epidemic depends on the efforts being made today to prevent HIV infection among young people.

    Unfortunately, Belarus was no exception. In Belarus, the number of HIV-infected is in the thousands - and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Scientists have found that for every detected case of HIV infection, there are about 2-3 unrecognized cases. Thus, there are already tens of thousands of patients in our country.

    However, many still remain surprisingly calm, believing that AIDS is somewhere in America or Africa, but not in their country. Meanwhile, not a single person in the world is immune from infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. AIDS threatens us all, because it does not recognize any boundaries: gender, age, nationality, profession, faith and social status. And the most vulnerable in this situation are children.

    In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of HIV-infected, sexually transmitted diseases and people who inject drugs on its territory of Belarus. Increasingly, young people are sexually active at a relatively early age, and premarital relationships are becoming more widespread. Young people do not adhere to loyalty to one partner, practice forms of behavior that are risky for their health (including injecting drug use).

    Young people's desire for new sensations often leads to experimenting with drugs. Drug addiction, which is widespread among young people, is the main cause of HIV infection in our country. As a rule, it all starts with the use of intoxicants, smoking, and ends with injecting drugs. HIV infection among drug addicts is spreading rapidly. One of the reasons for drug use is the "unemployment" of children and leaving them to themselves.

    Everyone wants to be recognized. The desire to stand out from the crowd is especially characteristic of children. Adults need to see their individuality and uniqueness, show attention and love to them. Perhaps then the children will lose the desire to experiment with their appearance (getting tattoos, piercings, scarring, etc.), which can lead to HIV infection.

    These facts underline the great importance of implementing prevention programs. Many young people, when they start to have sex or use drugs, are not even aware of the threat posed by HIV.

    Unfortunately, we have come to the new millennium not only equipped with computers, but also burdened with juvenile delinquency, alcoholism, drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

    It is in the power of adults, who know and understand all the vicissitudes of life, to protect the future of the nation from impending disaster, to put a barrier on the path of the plague of the twentieth century, forming moral and moral values ​​in children by their personal example. A favorable atmosphere around the child, respect and love of others, the ability to talk to him heart to heart - these are some of the conditions that help protect the younger generation in various life situations. It is necessary to help children to reveal their abilities, to help them to be busy with their favorite business in their free time.

    M. Johnson said correctly: “Don't bury your head in the sand. Anyone can catch the AIDS virus. The first thing to do is to end the denial that says, "This can't happen to me." For AIDS, there is no “us” and “them”. And I will not tire of repeating this over and over again. Whether you become infected with HIV or not depends not on who you are, but on what you are doing. We are all at risk. "

    A definite contribution to the work on the prevention of HIV infection among children, adolescents, youth can be made by teachers working in various educational institutions. The specificity of their activities allows them to convey information on the prevention of HIV infection in an accessible and acceptable form.

    Caring for the health and harmonious development of the younger generation obliges adults to protect children from everything that can cause them physical and mental harm, in particular when they become infected with HIV. If your child makes a mistake, lend him a helping hand and provide support in this situation.

    We, adults, must teach young people the right behavior, prevention of contracting this deadly infection, teach them to make a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle. however, all preventive work should not be limited to the transmission of information. It is easier for a teenager to understand the proposed options for behavioral stereotypes when there is an opportunity to express their opinion and get answers to unclear questions. One of the most effective forms of working with adolescents is the presentation of information using non-traditional methods.

    Let's take our time in this life, stop, as the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko said, and think about what each of us did to help stop AIDS.

    The curse of the century is haste

    And a man, washing away sweat,

    It rushes through life like a pawn,

    Hunted into time trouble.

    Hastily drink, hastily love,

    And the soul sinks.

    Hastily beaten, hastily destroyed.

    And then they repent, in a hurry.

    But at least once in the world,

    That sleeps or boils

    Stop like a horse in soap

    Feeling the abyss at the hooves.

    Stop halfway

    Trust the sky as fate.

    Think - if not about God -

    At least just about myself.

    Under the rustle of dilapidated leaves,

    Under the locomotive hoarse cry

    Understand: the runner is pathetic,

    Stopped - great.

    There is strength in indecision

    When on the wrong track

    Onward to false stars

    You do not dare to go.

    When anger pushes you

    To oblivion of my own soul

    To the dishonor of the shot and the word

    Don't rush, don't commit!

    Stop walking blind

    About the population of the Earth!

    Freeze, flying from a colt, bullet,

    And, bomb, freeze in the air ...

    Oh man, whose name is sacred,

    Raising his eyes with prayer up to the sky,

    Among decay and debauchery

    Stop, stop!


    Conceptual framework for the HIV prevention program.

    In accordance with the "Concept of Preventive Education in the Field of HIV / AIDS Prevention in the Educational Environment" approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the multidimensional principle should be guided in the development of HIV prevention programs. The Concept formulates the basic principles on the basis of which it is recommended to create educational training programs.

    The principle of consistency involves the development and implementation of programmatic preventive measures based on a systematic analysis of the current social and epidemiological situation in relation to HIV infection in the country.

    The principle of strategic integrity defines a single holistic strategy of preventive activities, which determines the main strategic directions and specific measures and actions.

    The principle of multidimensionality involves a combination of various aspects of prevention activities: the educational aspect, which forms the basic system of ideas and knowledge about the socio-psychological, medical, legal and moral-ethical consequences of HIV infection; the social aspect, focused on the formation of positive moral and ethical values ​​that determine the choice of a healthy lifestyle; the psychological aspect, aimed at the formation of stress-resistant personal resources, positive-cognitive assessments, as well as attitudes "to be successful", to be able to make a positive alternative choice in a difficult life situation.

    The principle of axiology(value orientation). This principle includes the formation of a worldview in children and youth based on the concepts of universal human values, the attractiveness of a healthy lifestyle, law-abidingness, respect for the individual, the state, the environment, which are guidelines and regulators of their behavior. Acceptance of common human values ​​and norms of behavior is one of the main moral and ethical barriers to HIV infection and, as a consequence, to contain the HIV epidemic.

    The principle of situational adequacy means the compliance of preventive actions with the real socio-economic situation in the country and in the educational environment, ensuring continuity, integrity, dynamism, constancy, development and improvement of preventive activities, taking into account the assessment of the effectiveness and monitoring of the situation.

    The principle of individual adequacy implies the development of preventive programs taking into account the age, gender, cultural, national, religious and other characteristics of the target groups.

    The principle of legitimacy- preventive activities must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the norms of international law.

    The principle of respect for human rights- preventive actions should not violate human rights and freedoms.

    The principle of complexity- presupposes consistency of interaction: at the professional level - specialists of various professions, whose functional duties include various aspects of preventive work (educators, teachers, preschool and school psychologists, doctors, social educators, social workers, employees of the commission on minors' affairs and protection of their rights, inspectors of units for juvenile affairs, etc.); at the departmental level - bodies and institutions of the relevant departmental affiliation that carry out activities for the prevention of HIV / AIDS in the educational environment (at the federal, regional and municipal levels); at the interdepartmental level - bodies and institutions responsible for the implementation of various aspects of HIV / AIDS prevention in the educational environment within their competence (bodies and institutions of education, healthcare, etc.); at the level of state, public and international organizations.

    Sample programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education and teaching aids can be used to integrate didactic units related to the prevention of HIV infection and substance abuse. The use of these objects can occur in different contexts Let us formulate these contexts in the categories of the individual and the social. The individual itself refers to the person himself with his anatomical and physiological components and personal psychology. Social groups and social institutions that regulate a person's life in society will be classified as social. The resulting categories can become the primary basis for didactic units and elements of educational content.

    Biomedical. In this category, didactic units are grouped that are related to medical physiological, microbiological, pathogenetic knowledge. These include, for example, knowledge about what immunity, lymphocyte, virus are. Knowledge in this category cannot by itself affect the possibility of infection or prevent drug use, however, it undoubtedly gives meaning to non-risky behavior.

    Socio-psychological... This category groups didactic units that are related to the human personality and that influence his behavior: emotions, self-esteem, dependence on the opinion of another person, self-esteem. In contrast to the category "biology" in this category, elements are grouped that make it possible to appeal to the activity of an individual and to shape his behavior.

    Social. Groups the elements that include the impact on the individual of the state and the international community with its political, legal and economic aspects. as well as categories that determine the existence of a person in various social groups: family, companies of peers, as well as elements that regulate and mean communication in small groups: friendship, love, group pressure, etc.

    The above categories can be combined into two dichotomies: individual: biology - psychology, social: economics and law - social groups. The principle of such a combination is that one vector of each of these dichotomies is relatively passive in terms of behavior and influence, the other is relatively active (see Figure 1). At the intersection of knowledge and competencies of the individual and the public, conclusions can be drawn about the representation of various elements of analysis in terms of "passive" knowledge, and "effector" competencies, which are focused on the development of specific behavioral patterns. It should be noted that knowledge, as well as competence, is not always the basis for behavior change. Smoking is an example. Each pack of cigarettes has a health hazard written on it. However, many people continue to smoke in the knowledge of this danger.

    Picture No. 1

    This presupposes a combination of various aspects of prevention activities: the educational aspect, which forms the basic system of ideas and knowledge about the socio-psychological, medical, legal and moral-ethical consequences of HIV infection; the social aspect, focused on the formation of positive moral and moral values ​​that determine the choice of a healthy lifestyle; the psychological aspect, aimed at the formation of stress-resistant personal resources, positive-cognitive assessments, as well as attitudes "to be successful", to be able to make a positive alternative choice in a difficult life situation. Prevention of HIV infection and substance abuse raises questions across a wide range of disciplines. The categories of morality and ethics are studied in humanitarian subjects, the problems of the physiological and pathological effects of a virus or the action of a drug are studied in a biology course, the economic problems associated with the HIV pandemic are examined in geography lessons, etc. An additional difficulty in the prevention of HIV infection is the discussion of the most intimate secret issues related to love, sensual pleasures, sexuality. Here the teacher should pass between the Scylla of bigotry, unwillingness to see the realities of modern life, and the Charybdis of cynical naturalism and vulgar instructions.

    Substance abuse prevention is also at the crossroads of heated public debate. On the one hand, the illegal use of drugs among young people is growing and high school students often turn out to be more experienced experts in the field of drug use than teachers. On the other hand, the double standards associated with aggressive advertising of low-alcohol drinks (beer) in the media make schoolchildren suspicious of anti-alcohol propaganda at school. With the continuing massive epidemic of smoking (half of the adult population of Russia smokes), it is difficult to organize effective propaganda against tobaccoism. An effective solution to the problem lies in systematic interdisciplinary integration on issues related to the prevention of HIV infection, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, tobaccoism.

    Target group of the program

    The program is designed for students in grades 5-11.

    The material is a list of didactic units structured by levels of general education: basic general, secondary (complete) general education.

    The complexity of the problem of the prevention of HIV infection and abuse of psychoactive substances determines the unification of didactic units according to the aspects of study: biomedical, socio-psychological, social.


    The structure of the objectives of studying the problem is built taking into account the need for the comprehensive development of the student's personality and includes the development of knowledge, mastery of skills, education, development and practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills (key competencies). All goals presented are equal. The fundamental importance of this program is the goal related with the formation of normative behavior minimizing the likelihood of HIV infection.

    The study of the problems of HIV prevention by students is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    mastering knowledge about HIV infection, methods of HIV transmission, behavioral factors contributing to infection, knowledge of normative behavior in which the risk of HIV infection is excluded or minimal;

    mastering knowledge about the dangers of the use of psychoactive substances;

    development of behavioral skills helping to reduce the risk of HIV infection and dependence on psychoactive substances, the development of skills of positive behavior, eliminating the risk of HIV infection;

    fostering a sense of responsibility, tolerance, basic moral values;

    mastering the ability to anticipate potentially dangerous situations and avoid them, in a high-risk situation, choose effective ways of acting.

    List of didactic units

    Basic general education.

    Immunity. HIV and other socially significant infections (hepatitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections). Features of the epidemiology of HIV infection. The structure of the HIV cell. HIV and AIDS. Methods of transmission of HIV infection. The biological basis of behavior. Features of the adolescent period: physiological and hygienic aspects. Rules for the use of drugs. Drug abuse. Side effects of medicines. Psychoactive substances: alcohol, drugs, tobacco. The danger of substance abuse. Human diseases associated with the use of psychoactive substances. Addiction. Alcoholism. Tobaccoism. Addictive behavior.

    Personality; individuality; self-perception, self-esteem (Who I am and how I treat myself). Sex differences in human behavior. Features of adolescence: psychological, social aspects. Goal setting and ways to achieve goals (What I want and how to achieve it (the ability to set goals and socially acceptable ways to achieve them). Responsible attitude to health. Biological and social in human relationships. Relationship of adolescent with peers: group pressure. Ways to resist group pressure. Values ​​of life Risky behavior; justified and unjustified risk Aggressive behavior and violence Opportunities to avoid a situation of violence Methods of behavior in a situation of violence Tolerance Human needs: the need for respect, understanding, love Friendship and love Relationships between girls and young men: friendship, sympathy, first love Family: family traditions of different nations Family traditions in the past and present Drugs and health Life style of a person addicted to psychoactive substances Critical attitude to advertising.

    Social aspects of the problem.

    HIV infection is an urgent problem of our time (why is it important for us to know about it). Epidemics. Responsibility for the spread of infections. When, where and how to seek medical help. Organizations and specialists dealing with the problems of HIV prevention (children's polyclinics and adolescent doctors, primary care centers, psychological services, school psychologists, social workers and teachers). HIV and Human Rights.

    Secondary (complete) general education.

    Medical and biological aspects of the problem.

    Reproductive health of boys and girls. Symptoms of HIV infection. Development of HIV infection. Antibodies. Window period. Asymptomatic period. HIV testing. Ways to protect yourself from HIV infection. Modern methods of treatment and drug support for HIV-infected and AIDS patients. Transmission of HIV infection from mother to child. Injection drug addiction is an increased risk of HIV infection.

    Socio-psychological aspects of the problem.

    Psychological and moral aspects of HIV infection. Risk groups for HIV infection. Providing support and communication with HIV-positive people. Self-control and self-regulation of mood and behavior. Relationship with the opposite sex. Conflicts. Ways to resolve conflicts. Sexual violence: situations, reasons, reasonable behavior. Responsible behavior. Planning and implementation of plans. Freedom and responsibility. The problem of choice and responsibility for personal choice. The value system in the context of the development of the human community. A hedonistic approach to life. The meaning of life and life goals. The value of the human person. The value of life and health. Death. Family as a value.

    Social aspects of the problem.

    HIV / AIDS: history of origin, spread around the world, current situation, development to epidemic proportions. Epidemics in the history of mankind, a model of the development of an epidemic; relationships between people during epidemics. Legislation in the field of HIV / AIDS. HIV / AIDS and Human Rights: International and Russian Practice. Organizations and specialists involved in the prevention of HIV infection (AIDS centers, international organizations, public organizations, adolescent office in the district clinic, antenatal clinics (adolescent gynecologist), family planning centers, dermatovenerologic dispensary, medical centers; organizations and specialists, working in your city, area). The rights and responsibilities of the client receiving medical services. Doctor's responsibility. Medical secrecy.

    Proposals for supplementing the federal component of the basic general education standard with topics on the prevention of HIV infection and substance abuse.

    The draft section of the general education standard on the prevention of HIV infection and substance abuse was developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1756-r of December 29, 2001.

    The draft additions to the standard of basic general education on the prevention of HIV infection and substance abuse and is structured by levels of general education (basic general, secondary (complete) general education) and includes:

      goals studying the subject;

      mandatory minimum content basic educational programs in this subject;

      requirements for the level of training graduates in this subject.

    Goals. In the Draft Supplements to the General Education Standard on the Prevention of HIV Infection and Substance Abuse, the goals are specified at each level (the goals of basic general and secondary (complete) general education). The structure of the objectives of studying the problem is built taking into account the need for the comprehensive development of the student's personality and includes the development of knowledge, mastery of skills, education, development and practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills (key competencies). All goals presented are equal.

    Mandatory minimum content.

    It is represented by the generalized content of education in the form of a set of subject topics, which is proposed for inclusion in educational programs. The obligatory minimum includes scientific ideas and facts on the problem that determine the worldview of a person and provide conditions for socialization, intellectual and general cultural development of students, and the formation of their social literacy. The compulsory minimum ensures the continuity of the levels of general education, provides students with the opportunity to successfully continue their education at subsequent stages (levels) of education. The obligatory minimum does not establish the order (sequence) of studying subject topics within the framework of the levels of general education and does not determine the standards of study time allotted for the study of a given didactic unit within the framework of the curriculum. This method of presenting the mandatory minimum expands the variability of the approach to the study of educational material, presents the possibility of multilevel training.

    Requirements for the level of training of graduates. The results of the graduates' mastering of the compulsory minimum of the Draft standard of general education on the prevention of HIV infection and substance abuse, established by the Draft Standard. The requirements are developed in accordance with the mandatory minimum, and are consistent across the levels of general education. Requirements are set in an activity form (what, as a result of studying a given academic subject, students should know, be able to, use in practice and everyday life). The requirements serve as the basis for the development of control and measuring materials for the certification of students in educational institutions implementing the Draft Standard for the Prevention of HIV Infection and Substance Abuse.

    The study by students of the problems of preventing HIV infection and substance abuse and at the level of basic general education is aimed at achieving the following goals:

      mastering knowledge about HIV infection, methods of HIV transmission, behavioral factors contributing to infection, psychoactive substances and their pathogenic effects, risk factors provoking the abuse of psychoactive substances;

      development behavioral skills that help reduce the risk of substance use and HIV infection, understanding the need to delay sexual debut;

      upbringing a sense of responsibility, a value attitude towards one's own health and the health of others, the value of a family, the value of love, respect for the rights of people of the opposite sex, a tolerant attitude towards HIV-positive people;

      mastery of skills predict potentially dangerous situations and avoid them, in a high-risk situation, choose effective methods of activity, use the resource of society (seek social support) on the problems of diagnosing HIV infection.

    Proposals for the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs

    Medical and biological aspects of the problem.

    Immunity. HIV and other socially significant infections (hepatitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections). Features of the epidemiology of HIV infection. The structure of the HIV cell. HIV and AIDS. Methods of transmission of HIV infection. Features of the adolescent period: physiological and hygienic aspects. Psychoactive substances: alcohol, drugs, tobacco. The danger of substance abuse. Addiction. Alcoholism. Tobaccoism. Addictive behavior.

    Socio-psychological aspects of the problem.

    HIV infection is an urgent problem of our time. Addictive behavior. Formation of addictive behavior. Personality; individuality; self-perception, self-esteem (Who I am and how I treat myself). Features of adolescence: psychological, social aspects. Goal setting and ways to achieve a goal (What I want and how to achieve it (the ability to set goals and socially acceptable ways to achieve them). Responsible attitude to health. Relationship of a teenager with peers: group pressure. Ways to resist group pressure. Life values. Risky behavior; justified and unjustified risk Aggressive behavior and violence Opportunities to avoid a situation of violence Methods of behavior in a situation of violence Tolerance Human needs: the need for respect, understanding, love Friendship and love Relationships between girls and boys: friendship, sympathy, first love Family: family traditions of different nations Family traditions in the past and present Drugs and health Organizations and specialists dealing with HIV prevention and substance abuse prevention (AIDS centers, noncological dispensaries, children's clinics and adolescent doctors, PHC centers) HIV and human rights eka.

    Requirements for the level of training of graduates

    As a result of studying the issues of HIV prevention, the student should

    know / understand

      what is HIV and AIDS;

      ways of transmission of HIV infection;

      features of adolescence;

      about the negative impact of psychoactive substances on health;

      traditional family values;

      about important human needs: respect, understanding, love;

      on human rights (in relation to HIV-infected);

      about organizations and specialists dealing with the problems of HIV prevention.

    be able to

      see the goals of your own activity (answer the question "why am I doing this?");

      set goals for yourself;

      achieve set goals in socially acceptable ways;

      take responsibility for your own health;

      determine the justification of the risk;

      use the resource of society (apply for social support) on HIV problems.

    to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and everyday life for

      self-development (development of the resources of one's own personality: individuality, self-acceptance, positive self-esteem, tolerance);

      building effective relationships with peers, resisting group pressure;

      avoiding situations of violence and unnecessary risk;

      anticipation of potentially dangerous situations;

      choosing the most effective ways of acting in a high-risk situation;

      formation of attitudes associated with drug abuse.




    HIV prevention and health promotion program

    Basis for developing the program: Federal Law of March 30, 1995 No. 38-FZ "On the prevention of the spread in the Russian Federation of a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)."

    Program developer: GBPOU Komarichi Mechanical and Technological College

    Strategic goal - through health to excellent studies and a successful career.

    Objectives of the program: Formation of ideas for a healthy lifestyle among young people, prevention of the further spread of HIV infection through active preventive measures, training and education programs.

    Objectives of the program:

    1. Formation of a value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among college students.
    2. Creation of conditions in the technical school for the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself and the world around; increasing the comfortable stay of students on the territory of the technical school.
    3. Formation of students' skills of responsible behavior.
    4. Working with community organizations to identify the most appropriate and effective ways to educate young people about HIV / AIDS.
    5. Involvement of qualified specialists in preventive work.
    6. Organization of activities for the prevention of HIV infection and AIDS among students of KMTT.
    7. Informing students about services for HIV-infected people, about responsibility for the spread of HIV / AIDS, humane attitude towards HIV-infected people.

    Expected results of the program implementation:

    1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among students.
    2. Creation of an asset involved in systematic work to promote a healthy lifestyle.
    3. Conducting events (lectures, conversations, ten days, actions) aimed at reducing the use of psychoactive substances and informing students about ways to prevent HIV infection.
    4. Increase in the number of students involved in preventive activities.
    5. As a result, there is a decrease in the prevalence of HIV infection among students.

    Program implementation period: 2012-2016

    Rationale for the program:

    HIV infection has become an invariable companion of drug addiction; it is known that more than 90% of HIV-infected people use drugs.

    According to experts from the World Health Organization, the number of AIDS patients in the 21st century has increased significantly.

    In the Russian Federation, 562088 cases of HIV infection were registered (indicator per 100 thousand population -395.8), including 31903 new cases of HIV infection detected in 2010 (indicator per 100 thousand population -22.5).

    In 2011, the theme for World AIDS Day was “Towards Zero” - zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. Under the auspices of the United Nations, the Towards Zero Campaign will continue until 2015.

    The Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases of the Bryansk Region publishes its statistics quite regularly, and on its basis it can be seen that the region is far from the target "zero". In total, according to the institution, in the region from 1989 to September 30, 2013, 2204 HIV-infected residents of the Bryansk region were registered. In addition, there were 268 Russian citizens from other regions, 260 foreign citizens and stateless persons, 46 people who were examined anonymously. A total of 2,778 cases of HIV infection were registered. 554 patients with HIV / AIDS died, incl. 517 residents of the region.

    For 9 months of this year, 141 new cases of HIV infection were registered among Russian citizens, residents of the region (137 people were diagnosed with HIV in the region and 4 people arrived in the region with a diagnosis of HIV infection and were registered). This is 6 cases (4.2%) less than in the same period in 2012. In addition, 14 nonresident citizens of the Russian Federation and 11 foreigners were identified. In just 9 months, 166 new cases of HIV infection were registered. The decrease in morbidity was due to a decrease in the registered cases of infection of men with intravenous drug use.

    More than last year, new cases were registered in 11 administrative territories out of 30 (excluding the regional center). The greatest increase in the incidence was noted in the Pochep district (by 4 cases), in the Navlinsky and Gordeevsky districts (by 3 cases). In terms of morbidity in 2013, the leaders are Seltso (54.9 per 100 thousand population), Rognedinsky (28.7), Gordeevsky (26.7), Dyatkovsky (19.6), Navlinsky (17.8), Klimovsky (17.3) and Pochepsky (14.8) districts.

    Bryansk is a leader in the region in terms of the growth rate of the number of cases. As of September 30, 2013, 702 cases of HIV infection were registered in the city among citizens of the Russian Federation, residents of the region. In total, 774 cases of HIV infection were registered in Bryansk.
    For 9 months of this year, 48 new cases were registered in the city. This is 20 cases (1.8 times) more than in 9 months of 2012. For 5 people (four women and one man) more people were registered who were infected by drug addiction, and by 13 people - who were infected heterosexually. Two men became infected through homosexual means. The incidence increased especially sharply in Volodarsky (from 1 to 11 cases) and Bezhitsky (from 12 to 24 cases) districts.

    In Russia as a whole, according to Rospotrebnadzor, in the first nine months of 2013, 54.6 thousand new cases of HIV infection were registered among citizens of the Russian Federation, which is 7.1% more than in the same period in 2012. According to the ministry, the main cause of HIV infection in the country remains the intravenous drug administration with non-sterile instruments (almost 58% of all new cases of infection). Moreover, 40% of patients became infected through heterosexual contact.

    Since it is not possible to completely eliminate HIV infection and AIDS at the present stage, the prevention of HIV AIDS is of paramount importance.

    The public is beginning to understand that the education sector should play an important role in preventing HIV infection and providing preventive services. Since HIV infection is a social illness, it is important to instill in young people the skills of responsible behavior: to lead a healthy lifestyle, to use means of protection against infection during sexual intercourse, to improve the culture of sexual relations, and to be able to resist the influence of others. The role of education in the prevention of HIV-AIDS continues to grow. Young people can and should be influenced through HIV / AIDS awareness programs and health promotion.



    Period of execution


    Creation of a regulatory and legal framework that provides an effective solution to prevention problems


    Deputy for Department of Internal Affairs

    Socio-psychological monitoring, including a questionnaire survey of first-year students, an assessment of the socio-psychological climate in the groups of the first year of study, an assessment of the well-being (identification of disadvantaged) places of residence and leisure of students.

    September-October 2012-2016

    Cl. leaders,

    Deputy for Water Resources Management

    Popularization of an active lifestyle in a technical school. Conducting health days, sports days.


    Deputy for UVR., Head of Physical Education

    A decade of information and preventive work under the motto “I know. I support. I join. We are against HIV / AIDS. "

    Deputy for Department of Internal Affairs., Komarich Central Regional Hospital, nurse

    Organization and implementation of creative work of college students (posters, slogans, photo exhibitions, etc.).

    December, April 2011-2013

    Cl. leaders,

    Deputy for Water Resources Management

    Conducting an action timed to coincide with World AIDS Day

    "Protect your love."

    Cl. leaders, group assets,

    Deputy for Water Resources Management

    Training in the conduct of preventive work for curators, educators of student dormitories and their inclusion in the implementation of the prevention program.


    Deputy for Department of Internal Affairs, Komarichskaya Central Regional Hospital, nurse

    Lectures with the involvement of gynecologists, venereologists.

    September-October 2012-2016

    Deputy for Department of Internal Affairs, Komarichskaya Central Regional Hospital