Umbilical hernia after childbirth. Umbilical hernia after childbirth - symptoms, signs, treatment. Hernia after childbirth - what to do, exercise

After childbirth, a number of complications can occur in a woman's body, one of which is an umbilical hernia. This happens because during pregnancy, the abdominal wall is stretched, its muscles weaken. There is a stretching of the umbilical ring, through which the peritoneal tissues penetrate under a certain pressure, and as a result, an umbilical hernia is formed after childbirth.

The reasons for the appearance of an umbilical hernia are:

  • stretching and weakening of the muscles of the anterior abdominal cavity;
  • stretching and weakening of the muscles of the umbilical ring;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure.

All these reasons are often associated with bearing a child and the very process of childbirth. Aggravating factors for the appearance of a hernia after childbirth are:

  • childbirth by cesarean section;
  • complicated labor;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • bearing a large fruit;
  • frequent constipation during pregnancy;
  • excess weight;
  • genetic predisposition to the appearance of a hernia;
  • physiological features;
  • several pregnancies following one after another;
  • polyhydramnios during pregnancy;
  • physical exercise;
  • fluid in the abdomen (ascites).

With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of an umbilical hernia increases.


The development of an umbilical hernia after childbirth occurs gradually. At the first stage, a symptom of an umbilical hernia is the periodic appearance of a bulge in the navel. This happens after doing some physical work, but after a while the bulge may disappear. In this case, the disease manifests itself only visually, there is no pain.

The next step is a more regular protrusion of the hernial sac. But it happens only when the woman is in an upright position. In order to straighten the hernial sac, you can lightly press on the bulge with your hand, while the woman will not feel discomfort and pain. In the horizontal position, the reduction of the hernial sac occurs spontaneously, without any auxiliary actions.

At the third stage of the development of pathology, the formation of adhesions of the hernial sac with the tissues of the navel occurs. In some cases, adhesions can be divided into several sections and the hernial sac itself. This makes it impossible for the peritoneal tissue to enter the abdominal cavity. Pain and discomfort in the navel area may occur. In this case, the stage of a more dangerous, uncontrolled hernia begins.

It will no longer be possible to independently correct the bulge arising in the navel area. This stage is dangerous in that the risk of hernia infringement increases. With the latter, the umbilical ring contracts, the following symptoms occur:

  • there is a sudden, sharp pain in the navel;
  • possibly an increase in body temperature;
  • the hernial sac hardens;
  • the local temperature rises in the area of ​​the hernial sac.

At any stage of the development of pathology, when performing sudden movements or lifting excessive weights, a hernia infringement may occur. But at the third stage, the risk of this is especially great.


There are two ways to treat a postpartum hernia:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

If pathology is detected at an early stage, surgical intervention can be avoided. Treatment consists in the appointment of antispasmodic drugs (such as "No-shpa", "Papaverine"). The reduction procedure when the hernial sac protrudes is carried out independently.

If the hernia becomes irreducible, its treatment is possible only by performing an operation. An operation to strengthen the hernial orifice by suturing in some places of the umbilical ring is called hernioplasty.

In some cases, implants may be delivered during surgery. In this case, the hernial sac is sutured, and its gates are closed with a special mesh prosthesis in the abdominal cavity.

Another way to treat an umbilical hernia at an early stage of development is to strengthen the abdominal muscles using folk remedies. This method of treatment can be combined with medicinal. In this case, the therapy will be more effective.

There are a lot of recipes for alternative treatment of hernia after childbirth. These include:

  • compresses from oak leaves and bark;
  • nettle compresses;
  • aspen decoction;
  • tincture of drupe seeds;
  • warm salt to warm up the navel and relieve pain.

When the first signs of an umbilical hernia appear after childbirth, it is necessary to adhere to the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication can lead to serious negative consequences.


You can avoid an umbilical hernia or stop its development if you follow these rules:

  • limit physical activity after childbirth;
  • before and after childbirth, it is imperative to wear a special bandage;
  • perform special gymnastic exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle tissue of the abdomen;
  • monitor the diet;
  • do not understand gravity.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the development of an umbilical hernia, you should not be afraid of an operation to remove it. Such an intervention is not considered difficult, rehabilitation after it takes place quite quickly. The percentage of pathologies and relapses after such operations is very low.

But still, it is better not to wait for the development of pathology and surgical intervention. It is necessary to follow the rules of prevention, make sure that the navel does not protrude, and take care of yourself. Moreover, after such a significant event in the life of every woman as childbirth.

Why can an umbilical hernia occur in a mother who feeds her baby with breast milk? There are several reasons why this pathology may be:

  • Genetic predisposition is one of the reasons for the formation of an umbilical hernia in a nursing mother;
  • Physiological features of the structure of the navel is also the cause of the hernial sac;
  • Weak muscles of the abdominal wall can provoke pathology;
  • Excessive weight of a nursing mother due to poor nutrition increases the risk of developing an umbilical hernia;
  • Sometimes repeated pregnancies can cause a violation of the integrity of the tissue of the navel in the mother;
  • If at a later stage of pregnancy the mother had a large belly, then there is a high probability of a navel hernia during breastfeeding;
  • Sometimes, after a cesarean section, a hernial sac is formed in the umbilical cord area of ​​a nursing mother. A hernia occurs in this case a few months after surgery;
  • Another cause of hernia is the accumulation of fluid within the peritoneum;
  • Inappropriate nutrition of the mother leads to constipation, which provokes the occurrence of an umbilical hernia.


It is not immediately possible to determine the formation of a hernial sac in a nursing mother:

  • The protrusion of the hernia through the umbilical ring gradually begins. This phenomenon can be especially noticed during physical exertion. After a while of rest, the hernial sac ceases to stand out;
  • If measures are not taken to eliminate the pathology, the hernial protrusion becomes regular when the nursing mother is in an upright position;
  • The next stage of a navel hernia in a mother feeding a baby with breast milk is the formation of adhesions of the tissues of the umbilical region and a hernial sac;
  • Abdominal pains appear, which are of a sharp nature.

Diagnosis of an umbilical hernia in a nursing mother

To diagnose an umbilical hernia in a nursing mother, if it occurs after surgery, the doctor will be able to with an external examination and using the palpation method. Often, doctors in the last months of pregnancy can determine the body's predisposition to the appearance of a navel hernia in the future.

In other cases, an abdominal ultrasound scan may be required to make a diagnosis.

The doctor may send a nursing mother for an X-ray examination.


Why is a navel hernia dangerous for a nursing mother? In case of untimely access to a doctor, dangerous consequences of the disease may occur:

  • Coprostasis is the accumulation of feces in the intestines. With early diagnosis, treatment is carried out by conservative methods without hospitalization. A nursing mother should take medications to help restore bowel function. If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgery is performed;
  • Infringement of internal organs can also be a serious complication of an untreated umbilical hernia in time. Due to the infringement, tissue necrosis occurs, which leads to peritonitis. If surgery is not performed, death is possible;
  • Intestinal disorder, constipation and stool disturbance are less dangerous consequences of an umbilical hernia that has not been eliminated in time in a nursing mother.


What can you do

Doctors do not recommend self-medication, regardless of the size of the pathology. Although at the initial stage, when the protrusion of the hernial sac occurs during movement or physical exertion, a nursing mother can independently correct the hernia into the abdominal cavity. But this effect will be temporary and over time, in any case, you will have to see a doctor.

When the first signs of a hernia appear, experts recommend contacting them so that treatment occurs as soon as possible without dangerous complications.

What the doctor does

To cure an umbilical hernia in a nursing mother, the doctor needs research results:

  • If the hernia is small and does not cause much discomfort to its owner, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment. The nursing mother is prescribed antispasmodic drugs, and she must also undergo regular examinations by a doctor;
  • If a hernia of the navel, formed after a previous birth, was found in a second or subsequent pregnancy, tissue excision and fixation of the umbilical ring occurs during cesarean section or immediately after it;
  • If a hernia of the navel is found in a nursing mother, surgery can be performed using local anesthesia. The patient can pre-express milk for the baby to feed. After the operation, she also needs to express milk, but she cannot feed the baby with it. After the operation, a nursing mother must follow all the doctor's recommendations for early rehabilitation;


A nursing mother can prevent the development of a navel hernia by following simple measures:

  • As a preventive method, with the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother should wear a special bandage. It helps the muscles of the abdominal wall to contain the pressure of the internal organs. This rule especially applies to pregnant women who are not expecting a baby for the first time;
  • Even before pregnancy and some time after childbirth, the mother must maintain the tone of the abdominal muscles. This can be done with specific exercises. For example, kicks or squats;
  • A nursing mother should monitor her diet, prevent excess weight gain and prevent constipation;
  • A mother who is breastfeeding a baby should undergo regular examinations by a doctor. This rule applies primarily to those girls, in the later stages of which a medical assumption was made about the possible occurrence of an umbilical hernia. The earlier the pathology is detected, the more successful the treatment will be.

Articles on the topic

In the article, you will read all about the methods of treating such a disease as an umbilical hernia in nursing mothers. Clarify what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medicines or alternative methods?

You will also learn what the danger of untimely treatment of the ailment of an umbilical hernia in nursing mothers can be, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. Everything about how to prevent umbilical hernia in nursing mothers and prevent complications. Be healthy!

Childbirth is a natural process for every woman, but after it there may be consequences that affect the health of the mother. An umbilical hernia is a postpartum complication that can only be removed by surgery.

Pathology develops in 65% of women who had an impressive abdomen or had a cesarean section.

A postpartum umbilical hernia is a bulge in the belly button that occurs after childbirth and requires medical attention. The place of localization is the umbilical region. With this disease, the internal organs are located outside the anterior abdominal wall.

Pathology manifests itself in the form of a protrusion in the umbilical ring, which disappears when the woman is in the supine position.


If you notice the following symptoms, see your doctor immediately:

  • non-disappearing protrusion in a standing position;
  • disappearing protrusion in the supine position;
  • enlarged umbilical ring;
  • abdominal pain, aggravated by physical exertion;
  • nausea and urge to vomit.

To diagnose the disease, carry out:

  • X-ray (the condition of the duodenum and stomach is considered);
  • herniography (examines the condition of the hernia, after the introduction of a contrast agent into the abdominal cavity);
  • gastroscopy (the stomach and duodenum are examined);
  • Ultrasound (the doctor visually looks for changes in the intestines);
  • examination of the patient, palpation (the state of tissues, organs is examined, with the help of probing, as well as the patient's sensations during this procedure are assessed).

Do not delay visiting a doctor, this threatens the occurrence of complications in the form of: inflammation, infringement and coprostasis (intestinal stagnation).

Surgical treatment methods

The only effective treatment for an umbilical hernia is surgical removal. This disease is treated by a surgeon.
If diastasis occurs, you should also consult a surgeon. He will prescribe treatment for this pathology.
There are such types of hernioplasty:

  • stretch plastic - work with local fabric;
  • non-tension plastic - mesh implants are used.

The operation lasts from half an hour to two hours. For two types of plastics, anesthesia is used. The type of anesthesia is chosen by the doctor, according to the vital signs of the patient.

Tension hernioplasty

With traditional plastics, the edges are sewn in. The purpose of the operation is to remove the hernial sac, to strengthen the weak areas of the abdominal wall and to set the internal organs.
If the surgeon acts according to the first method, then he sutures the edges of the tissues to hide the hole that appeared after the hernial protrusion. The hernial orifice is removed, and the muscles and aponeurosis (tendon plate) are sutured.

Hernioplasty is done when the hernial orifice reaches 3 cm. If they are large, then there is a danger.
Postoperative umbilical hernia is performed using the Sapezhko or Mayo method.
According to the Sapezhko method - it is done with a longitudinal dissection of the umbilical ring. It is sewn with the letter P or with separate interrupted seams.
According to Mayo - in the case of a transverse incision and the suture is applied with the letter P.
The doctor makes a vertical, not deep incision above the navel, the incision goes to the aponeurosis. A probe is inserted and a horizontal incision of the ring is made. A continuous catgut suture is applied.

Seam: sensation and care

The place of the suture for the first two days brings tangible painful sensations, so anesthesia is done. Catgut sutures are excellently tolerated by patients. After the tissue has healed, the suture dissolves by itself and does not require any special care.

Anesthesia of this method:

This operation uses local or general anesthesia.

If the protrusion is 2-4 cm and there is no danger in the form of complications, then local anesthesia is done. It is indicated for those women who have pathology of the lungs or heart. In this case, only the operated area is "frozen".
The patient is aware of everything, but does not feel pain.
Local anesthesia is used during the operation, which lasts no more than half an hour.
Injected in such cases novocaine or lidocaine... The entire area is chipped, the action occurs within 7-10 minutes.
They are not used for urgent surgical interventions, for allergic reactions to local anesthetics.
After injecting with novocaine or lidocaine, the abdominal area has large swelling... It goes away after 1-2 days.
If the hernia is large, or there are contraindications for local anesthesia, then general anesthesia is used. You need special preparation for this type of pain relief. General anesthesia can be masked or intravenous.


The disadvantages of such an operation, in addition to frequent relapses, include long-term recovery. It sometimes drags on for up to a year. Seams from 3 cm to 8 cm.

Painful sensations

After such an operation, the patient feels abdominal pain from 20 to 70-80 days. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Avoid physical activity for three months.

The course of pregnancy

After such an operation, you need to wait six months, and then plan a pregnancy. There will be no problems with bearing the fetus. Pregnancy proceeds without pathologies. You don't need to lift weights and you need to wear a bandage.

Non-tension hernioplasty

If the surgical intervention is not carried out by tension plastics, then synthetic implants are used here. Implants are mesh. Mesh implants differ by the manufacturer, as well as by the price.

For example:

It is recommended to place an implant for large hernias. After 6 months, they are indistinguishable from tissue. Mesh implants are well tolerated, thanks to modern weaving technologies, patients do not even feel them.
Since such an operation takes a long time, general anesthesia (intravenous or mask) is used. Only 5% of traction hernioplasty operations are performed under local anesthesia.

Anesthesia drugs and side effects.

When administered intravenously:

  1. Calypsol (has a quick, pronounced, but not long-lasting effect).
  2. Ketamine (a narcotic drug, used as an anesthetic, has many side effects).
  3. Droperidol (antipsychotic action, prohibited for psychological disorders and diseases of the liver, kidneys), etc.

For endotracheal (mask) administration, use:

  • Halothane (quickly introduces into anesthesia, used for short, as well as long-term operations);
  • Desflurane (when administered by inhalation, 60% of patients may develop cough and paroxysmal spasm of the muscles of the larynx);
  • Ftorotanum (the strongest narcotic substance, introduces in 30-60 seconds into deep sleep and gently removes from it), etc.

Consequences after anesthesia

  • Memory problems;
  • Irritability;
  • Decreased ability to concentrate;
  • Violation of writing and speaking;
  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Pain in the throat and muscles;
  • Nausea;
  • Shiver;

Memory problems are associated with decreased mental performance with medication. To restore it, you need to stimulate the brain, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.


Access is carried out through the abdominal wall using a laparoscope.

A laparoscope is a narrow tube with a video camera and lighting elements.

The probe is inserted through a small incision near the navel. In addition to this incision, two more punctures are made for trocors (surgical instruments that penetrate the body cavity). Next, carbon dioxide is pumped in, a hernia is released and repaired. After that, the wound is closed with an endoprosthesis, that is, a mesh.

The positive aspects of this method include:

  • fabrics are not sewn together, do not stretch;
  • relapses are less common than with tension hernioplasty;
  • the procedure lasts no more than an hour;
  • short rehabilitation period.

Feelings after surgery

It can be observed (especially individually):

  • numbness of the wound site for 1-3 days;
  • redness present for 3-6 days;
  • pronounced swelling in the wound area 1-4 days;
  • fever for 1-2 days;
  • painful sensations 2-4 days.

Postoperative period

Lasts 3-7 weeks, it all depends on the patient. If a woman follows all the doctor's recommendations, she will soon lead a normal life. The scar is small and almost invisible.
Pregnancy after surgery
The polypropylene mesh is an excellent barrier for repeated loss of a fragment of the intestine, while not being felt by a woman. And the self-absorbing material dissolves without a trace in the tissue, which is suitable for the female sex who is planning a pregnancy. The net does not create problems in carrying a baby. Pregnancy is proceeding well, without pathologies and complications.

In some cases, there is a risk of umbilical hernia formation. An umbilical hernia after childbirth can appear if the internal organs fall into the lumen between the muscles of the peritoneum. Such protrusions are not uncommon in newborns, they appear more often after a strong cry. There is an umbilical hernia after surgery on the abdominal organs. Caesarean section increases the risk of hernia formation. The hernia itself is practically harmless, but it still requires treatment, as it can cause unpleasant consequences.

A hernia after childbirth occurs with excessive intra-abdominal pressure on the internal connective tissues and causes separation of the rectus abdominis muscles. This phenomenon is called diastasis. There is also such a phenomenon as prolapse - protrusion of internal organs or parts of them through natural exits.

Umbilical hernia, in addition to hernia after childbirth, has the following reasons for its occurrence:

  1. Obesity;
  2. Repeated pregnancies;
  3. Ascites - the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  4. Surgical operations performed on the abdominal cavity.
The condition of the hernia depends on its size. Most often, a hernia after childbirth has the appearance of a multi-chamber sac, which includes internal organs - the stomach or intestines.

Signs of an umbilical hernia after childbirth

You can suspect the presence of an umbilical hernia by seeing swelling or a slight bulge near the umbilical opening. The onset of the disease is hidden, the hernia appears at the time of coughing or tension of the abdominal muscles. At rest, the hernia does not appear, and when lying on the back, it is not detected.

In children, hernia is generally painless, but adults can experience pain and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms such as:

  • Vomiting or nausea;
  • Soreness of the abdomen;
  • Significant hernia protrusion.
Delay in diagnosing and treating a hernia can lead to problems that are difficult to treat.
An umbilical hernia after childbirth is diagnosed during physical examinations. The main research method is palpation (probing). Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and X-rays give a more accurate picture of the course of this disease.

Umbilical hernias are conventionally divided into reducible and non-reducible. If reduction is not possible, surgery is done, especially when the hernia enlarges and causes severe pain. A painful complication can be coprostasis - an accumulation of feces in the small or large intestine.

With early diagnosis, as a rule, no surgical intervention is required, treatment is carried out conservatively. Antispasmodics are prescribed - no-shpa and papaverine. When diagnosing a reparable hernia, which does not pose a health hazard and is asymptomatic, doctors do not practice an operative solution to the problem.

If the operation is still required, it is performed using hernioplasty - the hernia is strengthened by suturing the umbilical ring. Sometimes implants are used. The gaps in the abdominal wall are reinforced with adjacent tissues or a special mesh, strengthening the abdominal wall with their help.

The body is restored after such an operation very quickly, and relapses after the operation are practically not observed.


As a preventive measure, in order to avoid protrusion of the hernia, it is necessary to train the muscles of the abdominal and small pelvis. Eating the right diet will also help you avoid this problem. During pregnancy and eight weeks after childbirth, it is recommended to avoid unnecessary stresses and strains, and it is also necessary to wear a fixation bandage.

Umbilical hernia after childbirth often occurs in those women whose pregnancy was accompanied by a large amount of amniotic fluid, the presence of a large or more than one fetus, large weight gain and other reasons due to which the abdominal muscles were subject to severe stretching. Artificial delivery (cesarean section) can also provoke abnormalities in the tissues of the umbilical ring.


Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the female body is exposed to a number of different stresses. A congenital anatomical feature of the navel or weakness of the muscles of the abdominal wall provokes the appearance of a hernial sac. Against this background, in many expectant mothers, a protrusion is formed even before childbirth. Women who are at risk of developing an umbilical hernia during pregnancy should expect to develop an umbilical hernia after childbirth. Other reasons that can provoke the development of this pathology include:

  • wrong attempts;
  • difficult and prolonged childbirth;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • constipation;
  • divergence of the fibers that connect the rectus abdominis muscles;
  • genetic predisposition to the appearance of a hernia;
  • accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

A postoperative hernia, which is typical for women who gave birth by caesarean section, appears at the site of the suture. It is formed as a result of improper scar fusion. For a long time, a woman may not even suspect about the presence of pathology. Signs of this disease most often appear with repeated pregnancy.


The diagnostic process is carried out based on the severity of the disease. If the postpartum umbilical hernia is large, then the doctor just needs to examine the patient. The palpation method allows you to determine whether the protrusions of the abdominal organs are reduced.

Umbilical hernia symptoms

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, the protrusion of the hernial sac with soft filling does not bring any inconvenience to the woman. Many patients are not even aware of the problem, since the hernia disappears on its own after the cessation of physical activity. This course of the pathological process can last for a long time.

As the disease progresses, the umbilical ring weakens more and more and the protrusion begins to appear even without physical exertion. It is enough for a woman to take an upright position so that the hernial sac becomes visible. Its size is different and depends on the degree of damage. In medical practice, cases have been recorded when an umbilical hernia reached a diameter of 20 cm.

The pathological condition is manifested by pain in the navel area. The unpleasant symptoms are aggravated by coughing, sneezing, lifting, etc. Any physical exercise is uncomfortable.

If severe pain appears in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, the woman's body temperature rises and other symptoms of intoxication are present, this may indicate an infringement of the hernial sac. This complication leads to tissue necrosis.


An umbilical hernia after pregnancy can develop against the background of diastasis - the divergence of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy. The divergence of the fibers that connect the rectus abdominis muscles occurs as the uterus enlarges.

After childbirth, the white line of the abdomen and the rectus muscle gradually return to their previous state. With diastasis, this process slows down or does not occur at all, which can provoke the appearance of an umbilical hernial sac.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine methods for umbilical hernia can be recommended to a woman as an adjunct treatment. This technique is used only if manual reduction of the protrusion is possible. Treatment with folk remedies is allowed after obtaining a doctor's permission. Trying to cope with pathology on your own is dangerous to health.

In the event that surgical treatment of an umbilical hernia is required, alternative medicine methods are considered completely ineffective.

Surgical treatment of hernia after childbirth

If an umbilical hernia in a pregnant woman was formed during the previous gestation of a child and she is shown a cesarean section, then the removal of the protrusion tissue and fixation of the umbilical ring is performed during childbirth.

When a pathology is diagnosed in a nursing woman, surgery can be postponed until the end of lactation, since the procedure for removing an umbilical hernia requires anesthesia. If there is a risk of complications, then surgical intervention is not postponed.

There are several methods of surgical treatment. The method for removing an umbilical hernia is selected for each patient individually. Before the operation, the woman will have to undergo a series of tests. An allergic test for anesthetic medicine is mandatory.

Open way

During surgery, the doctor makes an incision under or near the belly button. The protrusion is adjusted, and the hernial orifice is sutured using the patient's own tissues. A special mesh can also be overlaid. Suturing the mesh implant increases the chances of preventing recurrence of the pathology.

An open method of removing an umbilical hernia is considered traumatic for the patient. The recovery period after such an operation is long and dangerous with the appearance of complications.


Laparoscopic umbilical hernia surgery is a minimally invasive procedure. The advantages of this treatment are that the surgeon does not need to make a large incision in the anterior abdominal wall. The operation is carried out through several small punctures. All the necessary medical instruments and a camera are inserted into them. With its help, the doctor can control his actions.

After laparoscopic repositioning of an umbilical hernia, a woman can return to her usual way of life much faster than if she had undergone abdominal surgery (open). A short rehabilitation period is not the only advantage. The risk of postoperative complications and reappearance of the hernial sac is minimal.


Removal of an umbilical hernia after pregnancy is not recommended under the following circumstances:

  • Acute infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases. The operation is postponed until complete recovery.
  • Violations of cardiovascular and pulmonary activity.
  • If a woman has previously suffered a stroke or heart attack, she is not recommended to remove an umbilical hernia, unless there is a dangerous complication. Surgery that involves the use of general anesthesia is life-threatening. In this case, a decision may be made to perform the operation under local anesthesia.
  • Varicose veins of the esophagus.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Severe renal failure.
  • Diabetes. The operation is contraindicated if there is no effect from the introduction of insulin into the body.

Each case is considered by the surgeon on an individual basis.

Postoperative period

To avoid complications and shorten the recovery process, it is important to follow all medical recommendations after surgery.

A woman must follow a special diet. On the first day after surgery, only drinking water is allowed. Then liquid and easily digestible food is introduced. It is necessary to monitor regular bowel movements. Constipation can cause discrepancy of postoperative sutures or reappearance of a hernial sac.

If a woman underwent tension plastic, then a special bandage must be worn for 3-6 months. When applying the mesh - 1 month.

All physical activities are limited for at least 1 year.


Treatment of an umbilical hernia after childbirth should be mandatory. If for some reason it is not possible to carry out the operation, the woman is prescribed conservative therapy, which will help reduce the likelihood of complications.

The danger posed by an umbilical hernia is as follows:

  • Bowel disorders. Disorders of the stool and the digestive process are referred to as less dangerous consequences of the absence of treatment for this pathology.
  • The accumulation of feces in the intestine, or coprostasis. The complication is eliminated in a conservative way. If it does not give positive results, the patient is assigned an operation.
  • Peritonitis. It occurs as a result of an infringement of the umbilical hernia.


When internal organs enter the hernial sac, the pathological area swells, which leads to impaired blood circulation. Venous congestion and oxygen starvation of tissues provokes the development of an inflammatory process with the subsequent death of tissues.

Most often, with an umbilical hernia, the following are affected:

  • large oil seal;
  • stomach;
  • intestinal loops.

In case of infringement, surgical intervention is necessary. Late admission to the hospital can be fatal.

Prevention of umbilical hernia

To prevent stretching of the umbilical ring, especially in repeated pregnancies, women are advised to wear a special bandage. It will support the muscles of the peritoneum, which will reduce the chances of this pathology occurring. The bandage will also come in handy after childbirth.

Even before pregnancy, women are advised to perform special exercises that are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles. During gestation, if there are no contraindications, one should not refuse to perform charging. You can do leg swings or squats. The set of permitted exercises for a pregnant woman is selected by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman's body.