Fasting days during pregnancy in the second. Protein diet for pregnant women. Nutrition of a pregnant woman at different times


Weight gain in pregnant women is a normal and natural process by which the baby in the ovum grows and receives enough nutrients.

It should be borne in mind that weight during this period increases gradually and a woman can be guided by the indicators of the Body Mass Index (below you will find the formula for calculating BMI and the rate of increase for each week) in order, if necessary, to limit the increase in extra pounds and prevent excess weight ... One of the most effective ways to combat excess weight for pregnant women is to arrange fasting days, adjusting their diet so that the developing fetus does not lack nutrients. In this article, you will find examples of recipes and menus for fasting days. We will also tell you about the reasons that affect .

How calculate body mass index (BMI) for pregnant women by week. Table and formula .

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes. A number of factors provoke the appearance of excess weight in the early or late stages of bearing a baby:

Toxicosis. Some women experience weight loss in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, caused by chronic toxicosis. At a later date, toxicosis the female body also retreats, compensating for the noticeable weight loss in the 1st trimester, begins to intensively increase body weight. When planning fasting days and other activities aimed at normalizing weight, you need to focus not on BMI indicators during the onset of toxicosis, but on your weight before pregnancy.

The weight of the developing fetus. If you are carrying a large enough baby (3800 gr. - 4200 gr. At birth), then the mass of the placenta will exceed the average;

The age of the pregnant woman. If you are carrying your first child at the age of 30-40, then there is a high probability of significant weight gain in the 2-3 trimester;

Carrying twins. If you are a future mother of wonderful twins or twins, then during pregnancy, the indicators of weight gain will exceed the average rate;

Polyhydramnios. Happens in women with diabetes mellitus, as well as in multiple pregnancies , with the development of Rh-conflict. An excess amount of amniotic fluid leads to an increase in body weight. With polyhydramnios be sure to undergo a regular examination by a doctor;

Swelling. Common in pregnant women with preeclampsia ... Gestosis leads to the retention of a large amount of fluid in the female body, which leads to excess weight. A symptom such as swelling during the period of bearing a child is the reason for an immediate visit to a specialist.

Nutritionists recommend that pregnant women divide their daily food intake into 5-6 meals. Before choosing one or another one-day diet during pregnancy, it is highly advisable to consult with your doctor, as there may be contraindications. You can arrange fasting days once every 2 weeks, but not more often than once a week.


According to experts, a normal weight gain for the entire period of bearing a baby is 8 - 15 kilograms. At the same time, one should take into account the woman's physique, age, hereditary factors, and so on.

Active weight gain begins at about 20-21 weeks of gestation ... But in general, the mass gain is uneven, since for the normal development of the baby in the woman's body, many components increase in volume:

The fruit itself - up to 3.2-3.8 kg;

Placenta - up to 0.6-0.9 kg;

Uterus - up to 0.7-0.9 kg;

Amniotic fluid - up to 0.9 - 1.2 kg;

Breast glands, adipose tissue - up to 3.5 - 5 kg;

Blood volume - up to 1.4 - 1.9 kg.

After giving birth, extra pounds do not disappear immediately. According to statistics, overweight in a woman who gave birth averages 3-4 kg in the first month after the birth of the baby. Diet and weight loss exercises should be introduced very gradually and little by little, so that the amount of breast milk does not decrease during lactation.


4 important tips to help you prepare for your fasting days:

1) Before embarking on weight adjustment measures, be sure to consult your doctor. Fasting days are contraindicated for some pregnant women.

2) Do not worry that on the days of weight correction, the baby will lack nutrients, which can affect his development. During pregnancy, your body has accumulated a sufficient amount of reserves, which are more than enough to feed the crumbs.

3) Just before the fasting day, try to eat more easily digestible foods, vegetables and fruits. It is advisable that the last meal on that day was before 6-7 pm. Before going to bed, you can drink natural juice or fruit drink. Try to go to bed early.

4) Before the fasting day, you can do a cleansing enema

Fasting day for a pregnant woman. How to spend it with the benefit of the body and get rid of excess weight a little:

Divide the prepared foods into six small portions that you will consume during the fasting day. Eat at regular intervals, slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Salt and pepper food should not be. Do not add sugar to drinks. But a couple of tablespoons of natural honey will not hurt if you want something sweet.

On this day, postpone all activities related to increased physical activity. You can do, for example, needlework.

It is advisable to drink only clean and non-carbonated water. Do not drink food - drink water half an hour before meals.

If you feel unwell or severe discomfort, then the fasting day should be interrupted and return to your normal daily routine.

For pregnant women, there are different options for fasting days. We will consider some of them below:


Divide 600 grams of cooked beef or chicken into six equal portions. We eat portions at regular intervals. We choose low-fat kefir (1 l) as a drink.


During the day, we eat low-fat cottage cheese, which should also be divided into 5-6 servings. Total - 500-600 grams for the whole day. At the beginning and at the end of the curd fasting day, you can eat half an unsweetened apple. We also drink clean, non-carbonated water (no more than a liter) during the day.

On a pumpkin.

If your pregnancy took place in the autumn-winter period, then you can organize "unloading" of the body with the help of a baked pumpkin (weighing up to 1.5 kg). Pumpkin perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and also removes excess water from the body. The diet is the same as in the previous versions - we divide the product into 5-6 servings and take each one at regular intervals throughout the day. Drink - clean and non-carbonated water (1 liter).

Still different options:


How to eat properly during pregnancy. Tips and video recipes

During the period of carrying a baby, women are prejudiced against their appearance, especially their figure. Many expectant mothers practice fasting days during pregnancy for health and weight loss. From our material, you will learn whether it is possible to conduct them, how to do it correctly, why you cannot arrange "hungry" days in the first and second trimesters. You will also read reviews of expectant mothers who practiced "unloading" as prescribed by a doctor or on their own initiative.

During pregnancy, you must adhere to the golden mean - do not overeat and at the same time do not adhere to strict restrictions on the menu. That is why many women include fasting days in their diet in order to control their weight. However, this method has a number of nuances and contraindications that you need to know about.

When is a fasting day necessary?

  1. With gestosis in early and late pregnancy... Complications can lead to premature birth, intrauterine fetal hypoxia, or placental abruption. Women suffering from hypertensive diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver, and pathologies of the endocrine system are in particular danger.
  2. Obesity during gestation is another indication for fasting days. Gestational diabetes mellitus is accompanied by impaired blood flow. This can lead to the development of obesity in the fetus. This is especially true for children weighing more than 4 kg.
  3. Doctors often advise spending fasting days every week if the expectant mother gaining weight too quickly... An increase of 300-500 g per week is considered the norm. If a woman is recovering more, then "unloading" will not hurt.
  4. Fasting days during pregnancy are shown with fluid retention in the body and edema.

How to organize a fasting day

In order not to harm your baby, you should follow several rules:

  • It is recommended to start fasting days only in the third trimester. It is by the 28th week that all organs and systems are formed in the child, so a small diet will not harm the fetus.
  • During pregnancy, you should not "unload" more often than once every 7-10 days. Reviews of pregnant women say that with the help of one fasting day a week, you can get rid of 3-5 extra pounds in 2-2.5 months.
  • If you are gaining weight too quickly, then you need to arrange fasting days regularly. "Unloading" must be done once a week. Thus, in a month (that is, in four fasting days), you can get rid of 0.5 kg. excess weight. This is not much, but by adhering to this system, you will not gain excess weight. To make the fasting day more effective, it is recommended to consume plenty of water.
  • Divide the required amount of food into 5-6 meals. So you can avoid overeating and the uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen, which are very common in pregnant women.
  • During fasting days, a pregnant woman should not limit herself to drinking water. And it's best not to drink tea or coffee, but pure water. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters. It is also worth supplementing the drinking regimen with rosehip broth (up to 0.5 l.).
  • The norm is considered to be weight loss in one fasting day up to 800 g. This is facilitated by the rejection of salt and sugar, which retain fluid in the body.

Types of fasting days

Fasting days during pregnancy can be of two types - "hungry" and "full". If you do not like to radically change your diet (even in pursuit of good goals), you should choose a "well-fed discharge." We offer several menu options for a change. The total calorie content of each day varies from 800 to 1000 kcal.

"Well-fed" days


You need 400 g of boiled meat (skinless chicken or turkey) and 800 g of fresh vegetables (preferably rich in fiber: corn, cabbage, pumpkin, bell peppers). It is advisable to boil vegetables, bake or stew. Divide this amount of food into 4-5 meals.

In the third trimester, it is best to unload on fish rather than meat. In extreme cases, opt for poultry or rabbit meat.


If you love fruits, then you will like this option of "unloading". For a fruit day, you will need 1 kg. ripe fruits and berries, as well as salad dressing in the form of low-calorie natural yogurt (or 10-15% sour cream). Divide the total amount of healthy salad into 4 meals, and half an hour before bedtime, drink a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

On cottage cheese

Protein is necessary for women during pregnancy, so we suggest that you please yourself in the summer with cottage cheese with ripe berries. You will need 400 g of cottage cheese and 600-800 g of berries. Eat this treat in the third trimester during your fasting day every time you feel hungry.

On buckwheat

You need to boil 1 tbsp. buckwheat without salt. It needs to be eaten during the day with 1.5 glasses of kefir or milk.


Many pregnant women get tired of fasting days on cottage cheese or buckwheat, so you can diversify your mono-diet with a more interesting menu option. Such "unloading" is much easier to withstand, because the ration contains not only vegetables and cottage cheese, but also meat products.

  • 100 g of vegetable salad from cabbage and cucumber (you should be careful with cabbage, as this product often causes bloating);
  • 4 baked apples;
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of boiled chicken;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 200 ml. kefir with a low percentage of fat.

During fasting days, vegetables and meat dishes must not be salted or seasoned with spices! Such a measure will allow you to remove excess water from the body.

"Hungry unloading"

In order to reduce weight, it is recommended to arrange a "hungry" fasting day for a pregnant woman as rarely as possible, since the daily calorie content of such a diet is very low.


1.5 kg. watermelon is divided into 5-6 meals. On this day, you must drink at least 1.5 liters. water.


1.5 kg. ripe apples to eat during the day. You cannot use sugar or honey; you can sprinkle the apple wedges with cinnamon powder.


You can spend a fasting day on kefir with a low percentage of fat (you should drink 1.5 liters of lactic acid drink per day).

Such fasting days during pregnancy are not suitable for every woman, so you need to consult with your doctor. It is still better to use kefir as an addition to meat or cottage cheese, buckwheat.


A vegetable day will also be useful. It is best to choose vegetables with a neutral flavor (such as pumpkin or squash). Chopped vegetable pulp can be poured with vegetable oil or sour cream.

There are certain contraindications to holding milk, meat and fat days for pregnant women. It is forbidden to follow such a unloading menu for diseases of the digestive system and heart.

Meal plan: video

How to eat the next day

A common mistake of pregnant women is to eat abundantly the next day after the "unloading" carried out on cottage cheese or buckwheat with kefir. After a fasting day, your menu should be light. Otherwise, the lost weight may return the next day.

  • It is best to have breakfast with low-fat yogurt with fruit, boiled eggs, or a serving of oatmeal.
  • Eat protein-rich foods for lunch (such as lean fish or lean beef, rabbit, or chicken). Protein is best paired with fiber, so bake vegetables or make a salad for a side dish. You can also make a light vegetable soup with herbs.
  • In the evening, eat a portion of granular cottage cheese with kefir or boiled meat with vegetables.

During pregnancy, it is worth limiting the use of carbohydrates at the later time of the day.

About those times when future mummies were advised by those around them to eat not only for themselves, but also “for that guy or girl”, nutritionists prefer not to remember.

Such behavior could not only spoil the figure of a woman in an interesting position and make her unattractive, but also conceal a serious threat to her health during childbirth.

In order for mom and the future newborn to feel great, receive the full range of nutrients, it is enough to provide them with a complete and balanced diet. Normally, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the woman gains no more than 12 kg for the entire period.

But if the weight increases unevenly, puffiness and some signs of gestosis appear, then fasting days during pregnancy become an urgent need.

The decision on the appointment of a safe method of weight loss for a lady in a position is made only by a doctor! Even if the expectant mother wants to arrange a preventive discharge for herself on her own, she should agree on the menu of such a day with her attending doctor!

Are fasting days safe during pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, during its normal course, a woman can gain 1-3 kg in weight or remain in her usual form. But in the first half of the gestation period, the expectant mother gains up to 40% of weight gain, the remaining 60% falls on the period after the 20th week.

Significant weight gain is not always the result of eating too much or too much calories. Sometimes it is associated with the lifestyle of a pregnant woman or with the individual characteristics of her body (the functioning of the endocrine system, cardiovascular and others).

Fasting days are prescribed during pregnancy with the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath while walking;
  • Swelling of the legs;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • Problems with internal organs (kidneys, liver) and so on.

These signs can signal a deterioration in a woman's health, and cause the risk of pathological processes in the development of the fetus.

Medical indications for prescribing unloading for expectant mothers

Fasting days for pregnant women are an urgent need for:

1. Obesity of varying degrees or the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus. With an elevated level of sugar or glucose in the blood, the walls of the vessels of the fetus are damaged and blood flow is disturbed. This can cause further development of diabetic fetopathy (polysystemic lesions, endocrine and metabolic dysfunctions) in the fetus, as well as injuries during childbirth and the child's predisposition to diabetes mellitus in the future.

2. Gestosis (preeclampsia), expressed by increased blood pressure, edema and the presence of protein in the urine. This condition disrupts placental blood flow and often causes premature birth. At the same time, the baby is experiencing oxygen starvation.

3. Rapid weight gain. An increase in weight per week in a pregnant woman by 0.3-0.4 kg is considered normal. If the weight gain is equal to or exceeds 0.5 kg, the doctor prescribes fasting days for preventive purposes (in order to prevent the development of various complications).

The doctor makes such a decision after a thorough examination of the pregnant woman, monitoring the anamnesis and consultations of related specialists.

The main "secrets" of carrying out unloading during pregnancy

Fasting days during pregnancy are carried out only after the onset of the 28-week period, when the vital organs and systems of the fetus are already fully formed.

Important! Often on the Internet you can find three-day unloading for pregnant women, which is extremely dangerous! Such advice from illiterate specialists can cause serious harm to the expectant mother and her child!

  • It is allowed to spend one (!) Fasting day per week (7-8 days). This will help avoid the consequences: a worsening of the course of pregnancy, a deficiency of nutrients for the fetus and its possible lag in physical and mental development due to a lack of vital components.
  • For the normal course of metabolic processes in the body, a pregnant woman needs 1500 kcal per day, so this figure is taken as the basis when calculating the calorie content of a fasting day.
  • The entire daily diet should be divided into 5-6 small equal portions and eaten one at a time every 3-4 hours.
  • During a meal, you should not rush, you need to chew food thoroughly, so as not only to get enough, but also to prevent the appearance of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • On this day, you must drink at least two liters of purified or boiled water.
  • If you feel excessive hunger, you can satisfy it with a glass of low-fat natural yogurt or kefir.
  • It is better to limit or exclude physical activity on such days. Better to replace them with walks in the fresh air.
  • When leaving, you need to heed medical advice and eat small portions of light foods.

Fasting days for pregnant women: original solutions

The most common healthy foods for unloading during pregnancy are: apples, watermelon, cucumbers, sour milk drinks, cottage cheese, pumpkin, zucchini, boiled buckwheat without salt, lean river fish, veal or chicken breast.

They can be boiled without salting, baked without added sugar, sprinkled with cinnamon, or steamed.

Separately, it is worth noting the careful use of rice and potatoes during fasting days. The high starch content of these foods can lead to water retention, constipation, and weight gain. They can only be used by women with a sufficiently high metabolic rate.

Fasting days during pregnancy on fermented milk drinks are most beneficial for obesity and atherosclerosis, cucumber days - for high blood pressure (hypertension), and watermelon or apple days are good for heart and kidney diseases. Unloading with a meat diet is a taboo for chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and the digestive tract!

  • The famous one and a half kilograms of apples for consumption on a fasting day can be partially eaten fresh, the other part of the fruit can be baked in the oven, sprinkled with cinnamon (such a dish is ideal for women with gastrointestinal problems) - this healthy tasty dessert can be added to your regular menu. Or you can make it delicious (beat a peeled apple with a blender, pour low-fat kefir over it and sprinkle with cinnamon).
  • During the watermelon season (if there are no contraindications!) You can replace apples with the pulp of these berries or use other favorite fruits. They can also be used to prepare salads with lemon juice or a small amount of low-fat sour cream (no sugar and sweeteners!), Fresh juices with pulp or smoothie cocktails. Excluded for the fasting day are only peaches, bananas, figs and grapes.
  • Vegetable days. In addition to fruits, for weight loss, you can use one and a half kilos of non-starchy vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers or cauliflower. Some of them can be eaten fresh or in salads, others can also be steamed, stewed, baked (but without salt!) Or poured with low-fat natural yogurt (in the form of "a la okroshka") and sprinkled with permitted types of herbs.
  • Protein days. A pound of lean fish (cod, hake, perch, pike, pollock) or the same amount of dietary meat (veal, turkey, chicken) is divided into 5 receptions. On this day, you can eat 1 kg of fresh vegetables (not containing starch) or 1 liter of "zero" kefir. At the same time, the amount of pure water can be limited to 1.5 liters by adding 500-600 ml of rosehip broth. Protein fasting days include cottage cheese days. Their menu: 500-600 gr. cottage cheese (4%) and 1 liter of kefir (natural yogurt).
  • Cereal days. Cook 300 gr. buckwheat in water without salt, divide into 5 servings and eat after 3-4 hours. From drinks - 1 liter of kefir or milk. Water - at least 2 liters. Or boil brown rice (150 gr.) In the same way, use with apples (3-5 pcs.), 3 cucumbers, carrots and 1-2 pcs. bell pepper.
  • Boil one kilogram of potatoes and eat them during the day along with 500-700 ml of low-fat kefir. Drink water (1-1.5 l), green tea (500 ml) and / or (500 ml) as usual.

One, competently organized (under the supervision of a doctor!) Fasting day during pregnancy, helps to get rid of 300-800 grams. excess weight due to fluid loss. Its elimination is facilitated by the absence of salt and sugar in the diet.

Fasting days during pregnancy improve the metabolism in the body of the expectant mother and fetus, reduce the load on the cardiovascular system and normalize the work of all internal organs. They are also ideal for maintaining your figure and improving health before the most important event in a pregnant woman's life - childbirth!

When can doctors recommend fasting days for a pregnant woman? As a rule, they are prescribed for overweight or unevenly increasing weight, with puffiness, high blood pressure and other manifestations of preeclampsia (a complication of pregnancy, characterized by edema, the appearance of protein in the urine and increased pressure), as well as diabetes and cardiovascular insufficiency. You can arrange fasting days during pregnancy and after heavy festive feasts, for example, long New Year's holidays. This will help you maintain an optimal weight so that you don't have to bounce back for too long after giving birth. Yes, and during delivery, extra pounds will not do any good at all.

When and how often can you arrange fasting days during pregnancy?

Fasting days during pregnancy can be arranged no more than once every 7-10 days. It is believed that fasting days during pregnancy are best arranged on the same day of the week: this way the body will develop a habit and it will be easier to perceive food restrictions. In general, it is recommended to alternate between different fasting days, thus ensuring a variety and balance of the diet. And in any case, you must first consult with your doctor which options for unloading will be most suitable for you and if you have any contraindications for them.

How to spend fasting days for a pregnant woman?

The entire volume of food that can be eaten during the fasting day should be divided into 5-6 equal portions. It is advisable to eat at regular intervals. At the same time, chew food thoroughly, slowly, without rushing: only in this way will it be well absorbed and bring more saturation. If you feel an overwhelming feeling of hunger out of habit, you can additionally drink a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir. And do not forget to drink enough water throughout the day: until the 20th week of pregnancy, 2–2.5 liters of water is recommended, from the 21st to the 29th week - up to 1.5 liters, and from the 30th week we limit it a little liquid up to 1.2-1.5 liters (more should not be consumed in order to avoid edema, to reduce the load on the kidneys and liver and to prevent preeclampsia).

What are the fasting days?

The most useful fasting days for pregnant women are considered fruit, vegetable and rice-compote - these products are rich in vitamins and minerals, pectin and fiber, contain a sufficient amount of water.

Fasting days during pregnancy: apple day

Throughout the day, you need to eat 1.5–2 kg of apples, 250–300 g at a time, or make a salad from them with the addition of olive oil, lemon juice, as well as herbs or celery root and parsley. By the way, some apples can be baked for a change (without sugar, and sprinkle with cinnamon to enhance the taste). With early toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, apples are best consumed in sour varieties and in the form of mashed potatoes. But if you have high acidity of gastric juice, then apples should be chosen only sweet. Apple fasting days have a particularly good effect on high blood pressure and kidney disease, as well as overweight and cardiovascular disease.

What is the benefit? Apples, especially if they are their own and grown without the use of agrochemicals, are rich in minerals (manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, iron) and water-soluble vitamins (C, rutin). The beneficial properties of apples are due not only to their vitamin and mineral composition, but also to the fact that they are rich in organic acids (malic, citric), which stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, and also regulate the acid-base state of the body, which can be disturbed during pregnancy.

Also, apples contain a powerful antioxidant - chlorogenic acid - which has a beneficial effect on the function of the liver and heart, which are under increased stress while waiting for the baby.

And, perhaps, the most interesting thing about this fruit is the simultaneous content of soluble and insoluble fiber: pectin is found in the pulp, and cellulose is in the apple peel. Cellulose, increasing peristalsis and ensuring regularity of the stool, helps with constipation, sluggish digestion. And apple pectin has the ability to bind and remove toxins and excess cholesterol from the body, and is also a nutrient medium for beneficial intestinal microflora.

In addition, apple peel is rich in the antioxidant quercetin, which, in combination with vitamin C, neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals on the body of a pregnant woman.

Advice. The richest in vitamin and mineral composition are domestic Antonovka, Ranet, White filling, Semerenko.

Fasting days during pregnancy: vegetable day

For a fasting day, you need to cook 1.5 kg of vegetables. Zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers are especially recommended. You can stew pumpkin and zucchini, or eat it raw (for example, a salad of zucchini and cucumber with the addition of unrefined vegetable oil and lemon juice).

What is the benefit? Zucchini pulp contains protein, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins C and group B, pectins, mineral salts of calcium, magnesium and iron. Zucchini is considered a dietary vegetable due to its low content of coarse fiber and low calorie content (only 25 kcal per 100 g). In this regard, this option of unloading is recommended for exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and with a tendency to overweight. Zucchini is rich in potassium and therefore has a diuretic effect and helps the body get rid of excess salt and fluid, preventing the development of edema. Due to the content of pectins, this vegetable helps to eliminate bad cholesterol. Zucchini is rich in lutein, which, by acting as an antioxidant, prevents blood clots, strengthens the immune system and neutralizes free radicals, which are the cause of many serious diseases. In addition, lutein improves vision.

The benefits of pumpkin are due to the fact that this vegetable is 90% water and is also rich in potassium. Therefore, like zucchini, it has a diuretic effect and helps prevent edema during pregnancy. Pumpkin, like zucchini, is a light product and does not burden the body of a pregnant woman with calories (100 g contains only 22 kcal). In addition, the composition of pumpkin contains salts of magnesium, calcium, iodine, zinc, iron, as well as vitamins of group B, beta-carotene, PP, E, etc. Thanks to its fiber, pumpkin helps to cope with constipation and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cucumber is a unique vegetable that does not contain any substance that can cause allergies. It belongs to the lightest products (100 g only 15 kcal), so the expectant mother can use it in almost unlimited quantities without fear of weight gain. Cucumbers contain 95% water, which means they are great for cleansing the kidneys. The potassium content makes cucumbers a useful product for pregnant women suffering from cardiovascular diseases.


  • When choosing zucchini, give preference to young fruits (when you press your fingernail on the skin, it easily pierces), and between light, dark green and orange fruits, give preference to the latter, because, according to research, they are 3 times higher than white and light green varieties in lutein content ...
  • When choosing cucumbers, you need to give preference to ground gherkins, which contain the maximum amount of vitamin C and other useful substances. Before eating, it is worth cutting off that part of the cucumber where the stalk is attached (nitrates accumulate as much as possible in this place).

Rice-compote fasting day

Boil 1-1.5 kg of fresh fruit or 200 g of dried fruit (best dried apricots, apricots, prunes, dry apples and berries) in 1.5 liters of water with the addition of no more than 4 tablespoons of sugar and drink 1 glass every other day. 2.5-3 hours. In this case, they use it together with rice porridge: 50 g of rice must be boiled in water and divided into small portions.

What is the benefit? Fruit and dried fruit compote is rich in potassium and vitamins, therefore it has a pronounced diuretic effect. But the benefits of rice are due to the content of complex carbohydrates (up to 80%) and proteins (it contains eight essential amino acids for the body of a pregnant woman).


It is best to choose brown and black rice over polished white. The color of brown rice is due to the gentle method of peeling the shell, which is partially preserved, and with it all the vitamins and minerals that make up it. This bran shell of grain contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins (especially folic acid) and fiber. In addition, the potassium content in brown rice is 2.5 times higher than in white. Magnesium, vitamins E and B6 are 3 times higher, vitamin B1 - 1.5 times, and fiber - 4.5 times more than in the usual polished rice. Natural fiber (dietary fiber) is essential to prevent obesity and constipation.

In addition, brown rice contains oryzanol, a natural substance that lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood serum.

Black (wild) rice is also valuable for its nutritional composition: it contains a sufficient amount of protein (15 g per 100 g of product) and folic acid (it contains five times more than brown rice). For example, a glass of wild rice contains the daily amount of folic acid. Wild rice also contains a lot of magnesium, zinc and manganese.

Fermented milk fasting day

For unloading on this day, you must choose your favorite fermented milk product with a low percentage of fat (no more than 1.5%). You can drink kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt up to 1.5 liters per day or eat cottage cheese up to 600 g per day, 100 g in six doses.

What is the benefit? Such a fermented milk day gives a short "vacation" to the digestive system, which then begins to work with renewed vigor. In addition to everything, the body gets rid of excess fluid (due to the large amount of potassium, which has a diuretic effect) and loses 1-2 kilograms of excess weight. And if you choose fermented milk products with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (these are the so-called probiotics), then, in addition to unloading, you will provide an invaluable service to your body and the health of your child. The fact is that these beneficial bacteria secrete special substances that inhibit the pathogenic microflora in the intestine, improve its motility and absorption of nutrients, activate metabolism in the body and increase immunity. Especially fermented milk days are recommended for obesity and atherosclerosis.

It was found that in women who drank dairy products, the risk of developing preeclampsia (a condition in which a pregnant woman has high blood pressure, protein in the urine and edema) decreased by 20% (data on the study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology).

Advice. To select the most useful products containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which indicates that the product contains live probiotic microorganisms. However, the very fact that such bacteria are present in a fermented milk product does not mean that they will "work" when they enter the intestines. Indeed, in order for probiotic bacteria to have a beneficial effect on the body, there should be a lot of them in yogurt or kefir and the ratio of different microorganisms should be clearly balanced. Naturally, organic products cannot be sterilized and preservatives must not be present. In addition, most varieties of probiotic bacteria are not resistant to the effects of gastric juice and bile, so they may simply not get to their "destination" alive.

Bioyogurts and biokefir containing live cultures of bifidobacteria, acidophilic milk, fermented cheeses such as gouda, miso and tempeh (made from fermented soybeans) can be recommended as sources of probiotics. By the way, miso contains over 160 varieties of beneficial bacteria.

Less benefit will be from "classic" yoghurts and regular kefir, and even less benefit from long-term storage yoghurts, in which all the beneficial microflora died during sterilization.

Advice. Before buying yoghurt, you need to look carefully to see if it is expired, and store the product in the refrigerator at home and no longer than the time specified by the manufacturer (probiotic bacteria are very delicate and die quickly, so the sale period for organic products is quite short).

Unnecessary load

A pregnant woman should use meat and fish fasting days very carefully, and after consulting a doctor. They are contraindicated in diseases of the liver, kidneys, gout and cardiovascular insufficiency, because they are rich in nitrogenous substances and purines, which load the work of these organs and systems, which is completely unacceptable during pregnancy.

Although it is very important for a mother-to-be to eat well, this does not mean that a fasting day is contraindicated for pregnant women. On the contrary, if a woman gains weight too quickly or she develops swelling, there are chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, then fasting days will even be useful. But first you need to consult with your doctor, nutritionist to select the most optimal option.

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    There are a number of indications for fasting days:

    • Obesity before pregnancy or gaining weight too quickly in any trimester. In this case, a fasting day is needed in order to reduce weight. If this does not happen, then the expectant mother will have an increased risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus. But not only a pregnant woman can suffer: diabetic fetopathy develops, in which fetal obesity is possible. The child will be born weighing more than 5 kg, which contributes to increased injuries.
    • Gestosis. So it is customary to call late toxicosis. Its consequence may be premature birth or fetal postponement. Cramps during childbirth and a strong increase in blood pressure are possible, which leads to eclampsia, which can be fatal.
    • The appearance of edema when fluid accumulates in the interstitial space. There are also hidden edemas that lead to dysfunction of internal organs, which is why it is so important to get rid of them.

    Rapid weight gain is viewed by many as a somewhat subjective indicator. But there are medical norms: a physiological weight gain, which for the entire period of bearing a child will be 8-12 kg. Anything more than this figure is pathology.

    If we distribute the indicator for the entire duration of pregnancy, then:

    • in 1 trimester, you can gain from 1.5 kg to 3 kg, the weight will be strictly controlled by the doctor;
    • in the 2nd trimester, the increase will already be 5-6 kg;
    • in the 3rd trimester, the amount of increase is 4-6 kg.

    But there is one important point - you need to calculate the body mass index. The abbreviated indicator is designated BMI. It is a number obtained by dividing body weight in kilograms by the height squared and expressed in meters. With a height of 1.72 m, the woman weighs 68 kg. For her, the BMI is 23 kg / sq. m. In the normal state, the BMI is considered to be in the range of 19-25 kg / sq. m. At a lower rate, there is a lack of weight, with a BMI in the range of 25-30 kg / sq. m is already obesity.

    During pregnancy, BMI increases slightly, but only taking into account the above-mentioned increase of 12 kg. In the 3rd trimester, of this weight, about 3-3.5 kg should be the mass of the fetus, about 1 kg is for amniotic fluid, and the same for the enlarged uterus. The rest is the mammary glands (up to 0.4 kg), the placenta - 0.6 kg, the volume of circulating blood (it also grows at this time). And the subcutaneous fatty tissue cannot increase by 2.5 kg more.


    There are also contraindications for fasting days:

    • underweight before pregnancy;
    • the presence of a chronic disease in which it is impossible to limit the calorie content of the diet or consume certain foods (allergies, diabetes mellitus);
    • chronic pathologies of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

    The final decision on whether it is possible for the expectant mother to lose weight in this way is made by the attending physician. He also appoints the frequency of fasting days - for some, once a month is enough, and for some you need to arrange them once a week.

    How to spend fasting days during pregnancy

    For expectant mothers, there are certain restrictions on fasting days. At this time, in no case should you go hungry. All food should be divided into 5-6 portions of the same size. There should be equal time intervals between meals.

    If we are talking about foods that are dense enough, you need to chew them slowly so that all the nutrients are better absorbed. From habit, a strong feeling of hunger will arise. Then, in addition to the main diet, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt, but not more.

    It is important to drink enough water, but not too much, otherwise the body will react with edema. In the first trimester, it is recommended to consume up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day. But in the second, the amount is reduced to 1.5 liters. And from the 30th week, you can drink no more than 1.2 liters per day.

    The most effective types of fasting days

    There are different types of fasting days, but not all of them are suitable for expectant mothers. The ideal option is those that include fruit or vegetable dishes, as they contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and pectin, that is, substances that are beneficial to the body.

    The following types of fasting days are considered the most effective for pregnant women.


    Provides a menu in which you can not eat anything during the day, only raw apples. The volume of the daily portion is up to 2 kg. You need to eat up to 300 g of fruit at a time.

    For a change, apples on this day can be baked or mashed. In the 1st trimester, especially with severe toxicosis, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, it is recommended to use sour apples, and preferably in the form of mashed potatoes. With increased acidity of gastric juice, sweet fruits should be chosen.

    Fasting days on these fruits are permissible in any trimester. Apples contain many nutrients (iron, calcium, manganese), ascorbic acid and rutin. They are high in chlorogenic acid - antioxidants that help repair liver tissue.

    Vegetable day

    A large amount of vegetables is allowed - up to 1.5 kg. But only the diet should not contain potatoes. It is recommended to use zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers. Moreover, zucchini is best consumed stewed. These vegetables are rich in potassium and fiber.

    They help to improve digestion, remove excess fluid from the body, and are especially useful in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. This also applies to pumpkin, which prevents swelling. But the latter can also be consumed raw - to prepare salads from it with the addition of lemon juice and vegetable oil.


    The menu should include rice porridge, and it is advisable to take not polished white rice, in which there are practically no nutrients left, but brown or black. For the whole day, you need to cook 50 g of cereal, the resulting amount is distributed equally between all meals.

    Simultaneously boiled compote from 1.5 kg of fresh fruit and 200 g of dried fruit. During the day, they drink a glass of compote and eat a few spoons of rice every 3 hours.

    Fermented milk

    You can take any of those fermented milk products that the expectant mother likes. The restrictions are as follows - you can drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir or natural yogurt per day, or eat up to 600 g of cottage cheese. These foods are diuretic but also high in potassium. So in a day you can lose up to 2 kg of excess weight without harm to the child.

    Other types of fasting days

    With high blood pressure and overweight, these types of fasting days can also be effective.


    You need to eat 70 g of boiled fish 5 times a day, preferably river or pond fish, since sea fish often provoke allergies. It is recommended to take low-fat varieties - pollock, hake, perch.

    Each time, you can add 100-150 g of fresh vegetable salad to the fish - cucumbers and tomatoes, sweet peppers. In winter, it can be a cabbage salad.


    You can eat up to 2 kg of boiled potatoes per day without oil and spices. To improve digestion, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of kefir.

    With meat and fresh vegetables

    For such a fasting day, they take boiled or baked lean meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken) - 400-500 g per day. About 1 kg of fresh vegetables are added to it - tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.


    At this time, you can only eat buckwheat porridge, boiled in water. The total amount is 300 g, which must be divided into 3-4 servings. You can add a little greens and 3-4 cucumbers to buckwheat, no more.


    About 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese (2-4%) is divided into 5-6 servings. You can drink it with kefir - up to 1 liter per day.


    Take 150 g of dry cereal, boil in water, with the addition of a small amount of salt, but without sugar. The resulting amount is divided into 3 meals. For breakfast, you can eat rice with a pinch of cinnamon. For lunch - rice and for dessert - applesauce, and for dinner - rice with carrots.

    Juice day

    It is not recommended to arrange a juice day during pregnancy, since during this period protein is completely excluded from the diet, and it is very important for the child, especially in the 1st and 2nd trimester.

    On a fruit salad

    The most useful are apples, from which you can make a salad along with a pear or plum, pomelo or grapefruit are suitable from citrus fruits. A salad is also prepared, to which lemon juice is added so that the apples do not darken - greens or even grated celery root. Season the dish with olive oil.

    On seafood

    In the same way, you should not arrange a popular fasting day for seafood during pregnancy, since they are among the obligate allergens. If a woman has not experienced an allergy before pregnancy, the body's reactions may be unpredictable during the period of gestation.

    Shrimp and some types of marine fish can accumulate mercury in the body. They can be included in the diet no more than twice a month, but only in very small quantities. Then it will not harm the baby's health.

    Protein fasting day

    Available in several versions. These are the fish, meat or cottage cheese diet options described above. But there is another variety - a protein day on eggs alone. They can be used in any form, except fried - hard-boiled or baked in the oven omelet, ideally - protein.

    A small amount of vegetables is added to this. An omelet can be made with leafy greens. Mushrooms can also be used as a source of protein, but not forest mushrooms, but champignons, and only if they are heat-treated.

    You can combine all types of the above products on a protein day. For example, eat cottage cheese for breakfast, boiled meat for lunch, and fish for dinner. Any type of protein unloading has a limitation - all these options are contraindicated in people with chronic liver disease.

    The nuances of carrying out fasting days

    There are no specific exit rules for fasting days. You can not overeat all week, and then suddenly start fasting. This will harm the health of both the mother and the fetus.

    You need to gradually accustom your body to eat less throughout the week, normalize nutrition, give up baking, sweets, smoked meats, etc. This is important not only for losing weight, but also for good health. In the same way, after a fasting day, it is forbidden to lean on fatty and spicy foods.

    Such a day is needed in order to remove excess fluid and toxins from the body. Over time, the transitions from a regular diet to fasting days will become less noticeable.

    As for preparation, not only fatty foods should be abandoned per day, but also the amount of clean water should be increased to 1.5-2 liters per day. Strong coffee or tea must be excluded, as well as immediately after unloading. During this period, sports will be prohibited. A long walk in this case is quite enough.

    Even if the fasting day is carried out according to all the rules, this is another stress for the body, so it is best to plan everything for the weekend. During this period, it is not recommended to make long trips, make business appointments, etc. It is recommended to spend time at home.