Baby development in one month. Monthly babies. Possible problems and daily routine

In this article:

By the mark of 1.5 months, a child, whose development is quite active, does not manage so much yet, but already much more than in the first weeks after birth.

This is confirmed by even a few, but significant achievements of the infant. By 6 weeks, a healthy child is able to:

  1. See moving objects with your eyes, focusing your gaze on things of interest.
  2. React to sound by looking for its source.
  3. Enjoy communication, demonstrating liveliness with all parts of the body.
  4. For a few seconds, keep your head upright and lying on your stomach.
  5. Pronounce individual sounds by stretching the vowels.
  6. Roll over onto your back from a lying position on your side.

Let it be a little, but not a little, especially when you consider that all this crumbs took a little more than a month.

How is the baby developing physically by 6 weeks?

Naturally, the parents of the child are concerned about the question of how much their baby complies with the norms of the physical development of children at 6 weeks. Compare the indicators and draw conclusions.

The average weight of a child at this age can be calculated independently, given that it should increase by about 30 g per day.

For each baby, this indicator is purely individual, but it is quite possible to be guided by these average data. But the growth of the baby by this time should increase by no more than 1-1.5 cm.

Naturally, at 1.5 months, the baby changes not only externally. Some changes can be observed in his daily routine and feeding, in the stool. The baby continues to eat once at night, at about 3 o'clock, and can sleep up to 18 hours a day.

The amount of nutrition in a child at 1.5 months remains the same and makes up no more than 1/5 of body weight. The baby eats 7 times a day exclusively breast milk or formula, if breastfeeding is impossible for the mother. Every day, the child must be given clean water to drink.

At the 6th week of development, the baby is emptied no more than 4 times a day. In case of constipation, it will be necessary to analyze the baby's diet and, possibly, consult a doctor, as this is extremely dangerous for his health.

The child often spits up: the reasons and methods of struggle

The main reasons for frequent regurgitation in a baby at 1.5 months are not fully developed sphincter of the entrance to the stomach and easily stretched gastric walls. During feeding, the baby's stomach is stretched, after which the muscles of the stomach wall contract, and the food "comes out".

There are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. The feeding process does not have to be continuous. It would be more correct to wean the baby from the breast every few minutes and keep him upright for a few seconds so that the air swallowed with milk comes out.
  2. During feeding, you need to ensure that the baby completely captures the breast, including the areola.
  3. During artificial feeding, you need to make sure that the neck of the bottle is filled with milk.
  4. After the baby has eaten, you cannot carry it, twist it, throw it up. Lay it on its side in the crib for the most natural milk absorption process.

Features in behavior: how to understand the baby?

After overcoming the milestone of 1 month, the parents and the child adapt to each other, a closer contact is established between them. At the cry of a child, mom and dad learn
guess his desires, determine discontent or a state of extreme excitement.

A one and a half month old baby becomes more sociable, shows individual character traits. For example, some children are happy to take a pacifier, while others do not even want to see it, despite the tricks of their parents.

At 1.5 months, the baby is able to control his own activity, but it is still difficult for him to fall asleep on his own. But even minimal efforts on the part of mom or dad (lullaby, stroking the tummy or back) can significantly speed up this process.

Children aged 1.5 months are characterized by sudden mood swings. They may cry for no apparent reason.

The fact is that the development of the nervous system
at the very initial stage, so she often cannot cope with the excess of incoming information.

If the child is crying for this very reason, then the easiest way is to calm him down with gentle swaying or by placing him on his tummy.

Do not forget that parents for a child during this period are the closest and closest people who are also a source of comfort and a guarantee of safety for him. It is important not to leave the baby alone with problems and help to cope with crises of six weeks of age.

How to develop a baby at 1.5 months?

Child development even at such a young age is something that parents cannot afford to neglect. At a month and a half, it is not enough just to feed the baby, put it to bed and
observe hygiene.

The baby already knows a lot by this age, so it is quite capable of enjoying the module over the crib or the developing rug.

With these toys, even simple lying in the crib will become a fun adventure for your baby. The baby will desperately "run" with his feet to the toys, knock on them with his hands, listen to their sounds. Having fun in this way, the baby will be able to actively develop the organs of hearing and vision, improve coordination.

Having brightened up the crumbs' leisure with a module, do not forget to change its position from time to time. For example, for a start, the toy can be hung over the baby's head, and then, after a few days, move it to one of the sides of the crib, so that the child learns to focus his gaze and look for interesting things with his eyes.

In a six-week-old child, it is necessary to develop not only the organs of hearing, vision and coordination. So that the baby is harmonious
developed, it is necessary to devote time to training the muscles of the shoulders, neck and back.

Several times a day, put the baby on your tummy, calling it by name and motivating to look at you. Continue to massage the back, legs and arms after swimming.

Small pieces of fabric of different textures will help very much, with the help of which you can contribute to the development of tactile sensations in the crumbs.

Use the patches to touch the baby's exposed skin, describing the tissues and the sensations they may cause. Monitor your child's reactions to this play. As soon as he gets tired of it, stop the lesson so as not to kill the crumbs of interest in the future.

Nutritional features of a child at 6 weeks

A normally developing healthy child in the middle of the second month of life will need to receive up to 800 ml of mother's milk or a mixture of a suitable composition per day.

Milk for a child at this age is not just food. Have
the baby’s mother’s breast learns to love, experiences the first strong positive emotions. During breastfeeding, a strong emotional bond is formed between the mother and the baby.

Each child during feeding behaves individually, in accordance with the characteristics of the character. Some children like not to be distracted at this crucial and important moment, while others gladly suck on their breasts or nipples if their mother speaks to them affectionately and strokes the back.

Some toddlers eat quickly without responding to distractions, while others are extremely irritable and like to eat in complete silence. It is important for mom to be able to recognize the desires of the crumbs and try to adapt to him in order to make the process
feeding as comfortable as possible.

There is another category of babies who, while eating, carefully observe their mother, often taking breaks to make sure that nothing new has appeared in their environment. In this case, for the development of the child, you can put a bright towel on the mother's shoulder so that he learns to transfer his gaze from the object to the mother and back.

Sleep of a six-week-old baby: what you need to know?

In the first months after birth, as noted above, the baby needs to sleep at least 18 hours a day. The rest of the time he spends eating, chatting and playing with his parents.

Where should a child sleep at this age so that his development is harmonious and correct?

There are several options. Someone decides to sleep with a baby in the same bed.

On the one hand, during night feedings it is very convenient for both mother and baby. Being with parents in the same bed, the baby feels protected and loved.

On the other hand, adults in a dream can attach a child. In addition, over time, when it’s time for the baby to unlearn sleeping in the same bed with his parents, it will be very difficult to “move” him back.

Remember that each child needs an individual approach, and only you can decide how and where he will sleep in infancy and in what pattern his development will take place.

Bathing and baby problems at 1.5 months: useful recommendations

At 6 weeks, the baby will need to be bathed exactly as many times as the season allows. In winter, it is best to reduce bathing to once or twice a week. In the summer, the baby can splash every day - with or without soap, but definitely without potassium permanganate.

In the middle of the second month of life, children are especially worried about intestinal colic. This is due to an immature enzyme system, resulting in the formation of gases that swell the small intestine.
During colic, the child screams in pain, knocks his feet hard on the bed, in a word, he shows increased anxiety. To alleviate the condition of the crumbs, you can do the following:
  • prolong breastfeeding;
  • pause to release air that provokes regurgitation;
  • warm the baby's tummy by pressing it to you or using a warm diaper;
  • make sure that while feeding the baby, his neck and body are on the same line;
  • increase the duration of sucking;
  • monitor mom's nutrition by eliminating bloating foods from the diet;
  • include tea in the baby's diet that improves digestion;
  • do tummy massage clockwise;
  • use a gas outlet pipe.

Colic is not the only baby's problem at this stage of his development. The increase in temperature of parents is much more frightening, as it can hide behind itself a variety of diseases.

To start
note that a slightly elevated temperature - 37.2 degrees in infants - is the norm in most cases.

If a child is sick, his temperature rises instantly, so it is necessary, without panic, to try to identify the root cause. It is possible that the temperature rise was influenced by:

  • overheat;
  • virus or cold;
  • allergy;
  • reaction to stress or vaccination;
  • dysbiosis or diathesis.

What to do if your baby's temperature rises:

  1. Conduct an inspection to determine the apparent cause of the problem.
  2. Analyze mom's food in the last 24 hours.
  3. Check if the child is overheated, and if confirmed, ventilate the room.
  4. Get tested and consult a doctor.

Try to follow the developmental stages of the child, following the recommendations of the observing doctor, so that regular changes in the future do not become an unpleasant surprise, but only help the baby to climb one step up the ladder of growing up.

Women ask if they have periods while breastfeeding. Most nursing mothers do not have menstruation during lactation. And this is considered the norm. Menstruation during breastfeeding does not start due to hormonal changes. For a woman to feed her baby, the mammary glands produce milk, which is produced by high levels of the hormone prolactin.

Women wonder if they have periods while breastfeeding

Discharge of blood after childbirth lasts for 1.5 months. They are not menstruation. This is how the uterus is cleared of placenta residues. This process is facilitated by breastfeeding, as a result of which the frequency of uterine contractions increases, and it returns to its previous size. Every day, the uterine fundus can sink a centimeter.

While prolactin is being produced, the production of two main hormones does not occur, without which the cycle will not recover. These are LH - luteinizing hormone - and FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone.

If prolactin does not sufficiently inhibit the hormones LH and FSH, then this will lead to the maturation of the egg. That is why there have been cases when, in the absence of menstruation, a woman became pregnant. The risk of a second pregnancy exists even in the absence of a cycle, so contraception should not be neglected.

Menstruation while breastfeeding (video)

The amount and taste of milk

The most that can happen with your period is your milk supply will drop. But this problem goes away immediately after the bleeding stops. The amount of milk in mommy will not change from this. If your period goes while breastfeeding, this is not a contraindication for feeding a baby, but a completely natural process that can be observed in many.

Menses while breastfeeding should not be intimidating. While the baby is breastfeeding, the milk supply will not be reduced. And the fact that milk is getting a little less is associated with the general condition of the woman.

More nursing mothers do not have menstruation during lactation.

During menstruation, she gets more tired, because there is a decrease in the level of hormones.

Menstrual bleeding during lactation is not considered a pathology and does not require medical correction.

There are suggestions that this changes the taste and composition of milk, which can harm the baby. This is a myth - if menstruation has begun during lactation, then you do not need to switch to dry mixtures. Milk does not lose its value and nutritional value just because menstruation has resumed.

If once a woman did not even think that the cycle could resume, then in our time everything is different. If menstruation has begun during lactation, then the following factors may be influenced:

  1. Babies suckle poorly.
  2. Early complementary foods, if the baby has to be fed with dry mixes.
  3. Lack of night feedings - their importance after childbirth lies in the fact that it is at night that more prolactin is produced, which prevents the resumption of ovulation.

Menstrual bleeding during lactation is not considered a pathology and does not require medical correction

For some mothers, the cycle may not start for more than a year, while for others, bleeding may go immediately after the uterus is cleansed and restored. If a woman is likely to have periods while breastfeeding, it is possible that their regularity will be disrupted. On average, critical days return to normal 2 or 3 months after the first bleeding.

If the baby is completely breastfed, then the time of arrival of critical days will be postponed by a year. As the number of feedings decreases, the likelihood of the cycle restarting increases.

Menstruation after childbirth (video)

When to see a doctor

Some phenomena can cause anxiety in a nursing mother who has her period. The cycle that has begun may be irregular at first and differ from normal menstruation in duration. It all depends on the hormonal background of the female body during menstruation. If the bleeding does not stop for more than a week, then you need to see a gynecologist, since inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus is possible.

During lactation, bleeding can come intermittently for several months, and this is considered normal. But if the cycle resumes a week after the birth bleeding, then a doctor's examination is needed, since after childbirth, polyps, cysts or inflammation of the ovaries may appear.

Bleeding during lactation may resume after cesarean. Whether the woman gave birth vaginally or had a caesarean section, the amount of prolactin remains elevated. This means that she should not have menstruation while breastfeeding after the operation. But if the cycle resumes during lactation, then the reason for this will be the same factors as in women after natural delivery.

Long-term absence of menstrual bleeding after the end of breastfeeding is also possible. On the medical forums there was also such a letter addressed to the doctor, in which mommy wrote: for a month now I have not been feeding the child, and the cycle has not resumed.

Regardless of how long lactation lasted, after the cessation of feedings, the menstrual cycle should recover within 3 months. If this does not happen, then you need to contact a gynecologist to understand the problem that has arisen.

A child is considered a newborn from the first day of life to 28. At this time, the baby is adapting to the outside world, after the wonderful 9 months spent in the greenhouse conditions of the mother's tummy. At first glance, a baby looks like a defenseless crumbs, but nature gives the body enough internal strength for 100% survival.

In this article, we will provide answers to parents' questions about the reasons for crying a newborn, proper care, care, nutrition and sleep. Why does the baby grunt, grunt, sneeze, twitch and breathe through the mouth. Why doesn't he farts and poops every 3 days, and if he did, then liquid or green.

In addition to many problems, the mother needs to teach the child how to properly attach to the breast in order to avoid milk stagnation and the associated complications in the form of and. There are enough reasons for concern, but in this article we will try to make out most of the points and help the mother get the most out of the birth of the baby.

What a 1-month-old baby should be able to do

The newborn should be able to squeeze the fingers and bend the legs. Mom needs to gently unclench her fingers and legs during the first weeks. The baby's legs will naturally curl into the embryonic position in which he was before birth. It will take the first few weeks as the baby learns to straighten from the embryo position. It will take even more time to pronounce the peculiar sounds called "speech of babies". This will be a high-profile exercise in the early stages. In addition to crying in uncomfortable situations, a month-old baby begins to make a whole variety of sounds.

By the beginning of the second month, the child is able to:

  • squeak
  • scream,
  • grunt,
  • sigh,
  • groan,
  • hiccup,
  • sneeze.

The baby mainly makes sound to external and internal stimuli.

Newborn baby girl weight

weight chart for girls from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards

According to WHO standards, from birth to 1 month, a girl should gain from 800 grams to 1.2 kg.

Weight of boys at 1 month

According to WHO standards, from birth to 1 month, a boy must gain from 800 grams to 1.3 kilograms.

weight chart for boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards

Boy's growth at 1 month of life

According to WHO standards, a newborn boy, like a girl, will add 4 cm in height in 1 month.

growth chart of newborn boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards

Girl's height at 1 month

According to WHO standards, a newborn girl will add about 4 cm up to one month.

growth chart of a newborn girl from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards

Caring for a newborn baby in a maternity hospital

Key actions for doctors to provide appropriate care immediately after a baby is born:

  • immediate wiping;
  • ensuring skin-to-skin contact between the newborn and the mother;
  • clamping and cutting the umbilical cord (after a few minutes);
  • the beginning of early breastfeeding.

After the first hour of life, the newborn baby will have an eye treatment. Five criteria (skin color, heart rate and respiration rate, reflexes, muscle tone) health status according to the Apgar scale will be assessed. They will make a mandatory injection of vitamin K (prevention of hemorrhagic disease) and after 12 hours a vaccination against. Weight, height and gestational age (from the first day of the last to childbirth) will be measured.

Daily care of newborn babies at home

The newborn's morning toilet includes air baths and skin care. Wipe thoroughly the entire body, especially the folds, with a cotton swab dipped in warm water from head to toe. Wipe each eye of the child with a separate swab from the outer corner to the inner corner. If necessary, we clean the nose from the crusts with the help of cotton flagella.

We will describe the basic rules for caring for the intimate places of newborn boys and girls below, but both need to be washed after each diaper change (2-3 hours). During all procedures, we carefully look at the folds of the skin, butt and genitals of the baby. Infant skin is a reflection of its health. Treat irritations with baby creams (bepanten, sanosan, sudokrem, etc.).

Features of caring for a boy

Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky believes that no additional hygiene procedures (delaying, steaming, lubricating) over the genital organ of a newborn boy are needed. World pediatrics claims that no action is required from parents other than washing the child's penis with warm water.

Below are examples of how a one-month-old baby shows that he is tired and it is time to go to bed:

  • avoids eye contact;
  • starts to get nervous, cry and become sleepy;
  • coughs and spits;
  • drooling;
  • rubs his eyes.

How to properly bathe a newborn baby

Water treatments are the basis for proper newborn care. The first month to bathe the child, if he is healthy and not vaccinated, is recommended by pediatricians every day before going to bed until the last feeding. You can start acquainting the baby's body with water immediately after leaving the hospital.

Where to bathe your newborn

Until the umbilical wound heals (2-3 weeks), the baby should be bathed in a baby bath, then you can go to a large one, and in 2-3 months to the pool. Before each bathing, the bathtub should be washed with hot water and soap.

What water should be for bathing

The newborn is bathed in boiled water until the umbilical wound is completely healed. The water temperature should be 37 degrees, and in the room at least 25. With potassium permanganate (weak solution), if desired, bathe 1-2 times a week. With soap, it is necessary 1-2 times, but not more often, it dries the skin.

What herbal infusions can be added to water

  • a series;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula.

Bathing process

Place the baby with his back down in the water, supporting his head with one hand. With the other hand, water the baby with water while talking and smiling affectionately.

After bathing

Place the newborn gently on a soft towel and wrap it up. Using gentle movements, blot wet skin without rubbing. There should not be a huge temperature difference in the rooms.

Baby development at 1 month

A child in the first month of life needs first of all maternal care and love, which has a great influence on the development of the newborn's brain. Warmth and a sense of security helps your baby create new brain cells and connect with each other.

This contributes to:

  • perception of new ideas and information;
  • a sense of security and confidence;
  • the growth of a healthy body.

Why does he cry a lot

  • hunger;
  • pain;
  • fear;
  • fatigue;
  • reaction to smell;
  • loneliness;
  • no mood.
  • and many others. dr.

By using developed senses of taste and smell, the newborn distinguishes breast milk from other fluids. The baby has a sweet tooth and wrinkles his nose every time he feels a sour and bitter taste.

When newborns begin to see and hear

A newborn baby can see faces and objects of different colors, sizes and shapes. By the end of the first month, the baby should calmly be able to distinguish the voices of his parents from other people. Adults are surprised by the baby's ability to adjust the body to their arms and shoulders.

After months in the womb, the baby recognizes the mother's voice. When you turn on calm music, the baby will be quiet and listen.

How and what babies see after birth

The best distance for visual perception of the baby in the first month will be from 20.3 to 30.5 cm. While feeding the newborn or holding it in her arms, the baby can clearly see the mother's face. But if the mother is a little further away, the baby's eyes will begin to squint and wander. Do not worry during the first months, the look will return to normal.

The child's eyesight improves with age. It will become easier for babies to maintain focus on one subject for the right amount of time. It will normally begin to see between the second and third months. If this does not happen, take him to the hospital for examination (physical examination). Babies distinguish light from darkness, but they cannot yet recognize the entire spectrum of shades. Parents should show examples of black, white, and other contrasting colors. Babies will study them with interest. But he will not react to pictures with pictures.

How much should a baby sleep in the first month

The child sleeps on average from 16 to 20 hours a day for up to one month. Newborns wake up at regular intervals, both at night and during the day. Basically, babies at 1 month sleep poorly due to:

  • hunger;
  • wet diapers;
  • heat;
  • cold;
  • loud sounds;
  • bright light;
  • colic and gaziks;
  • emotional anxiety.

The cause for alarm is:

  • sleeps for 4 hours without waking up to eat;
  • does not sleep for 4-5 hours;
  • wakes up often (5-7 minutes).

Let your 1 month old baby decide how much rest he needs. At the same time, the mother should remember that there is no unequivocal exact data on the sleep rate of a newborn baby. Each baby has its own individual daily regimen.

Young parents will have to wake up several times a night - this is an integral part of the initial stage of caring for newborns. The best option would be to just go with the flow. Let your baby sleep when he wants to during the first month. Use baby slings, carrycots, or basket cots. Mom or dad can safely walk for themselves while the baby is wrapped in a light sleep.

A newborn's sleep throughout the day can be used to your advantage. It is imperative that parents sleep, especially mom. In order for the baby to sleep better, you need to warm his legs with his mother's hands or breathe on them. Often in a dream, babies groan and spin - this is normal, because the child adapts to our world.

What position should a month-old baby sleep in?

Sleep takes up most of the baby's time after delivery. The kid does not know how to choose the position of his body, and it is important for parents to learn how to properly settle the baby in the crib.

Pediatricians identify several safe sleeping positions for newborns. Experts recommend taking into account some of the physiological characteristics of a month-old baby in each case:

  1. On the side. The pose is recognized as the safest for the baby. The child will not choke in case of profuse regurgitation.
  2. Half roll. The desired position for the baby is created with a roller from a diaper or blanket. It is so useful to sleep for children suffering from colic, for a better discharge of gas.
  3. On the back. Allowed provided the baby's head is turned to one side. The position is fixed with a soft diaper. The next time the child is laid with a turn to the opposite side for the prevention of torticollis.
  4. On the stomach. The pose prevents colic, is safe for regurgitation, and helps to strengthen the muscles. It is recommended to put it on the tummy in the daytime under the supervision of adults. A sleeping baby should not bury its nose in a soft surface. There is a risk of infant death from suffocation.

The correct positions of the newborn in the crib during sleep are horizontal positions with the same level of the body and head. It is better to put the baby to sleep without a pillow. At 1 month old, it is important for a child to alternate turns of the body every day for the healthy development of the spine and muscular system. Gradually, the features of the baby's behavior will tell you in what poses he sleeps comfortably and safely.

White noise for newborns

White noise is a constant sound that pediatricians recommend for newborn babies to listen to for restful sleep. The baby has heard sounds in the womb since the third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, the familiar noise quickly calms the baby.

Examples of white noise:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • pounding of mother's heart;
  • dad's voice;
  • fan;
  • water;
  • birdsong, etc.

Baby food

Newborn babies are born with a developed reflex to suckle at the breast. At 1 month old, the child is good at expressing his needs with the help of crying or screaming, and if nothing is needed, then he calms down without anyone's help.

The joint life of a mother in the first month with a child is still exhausting. After all, newborns do not have a clear schedule: they may ask to eat every 2-3 hours, or even after 1.5.

It is almost impossible for a mother to have a normal rest in the first months after the birth of a child. Night feedings should be done two to three times, or even more often. No matter how exciting caring for a baby would be, do not forget about yourself, because the nutritional value of breast milk depends on the mother. By choosing healthy foods and following a few simple dietary guidelines, Mom provides herself with energy for all those crazy days and nights.

How much should I eat

For the first few days, the newborn will eat little breast milk. The child will be quite enough nutritious and fatty mother's colostrum. The size of the baby's ventricle immediately after birth is only 10 ml. But the baby will often eat 10 - 12 times a day. Night feeds are especially important for increasing lactation during breastfeeding. If the breastfeeding mother does not have enough milk, then the baby should be applied to the breast more often at night. Pediatricians recommend that mothers feed their babies on demand.

How much does a newborn eat per breast milk feed?

A child on a willow tree should eat at least 6-7 times a day. The daily norm of the mixture for a newborn should not exceed a fifth of their body weight. Do not force the baby to eat up a one-time share by force, for the next meal he will eat up what he missed. Since each organism is individual, the amount of the mixture cannot be determined the same for everyone. Consult a good pediatrician, monitor the baby's weight at 1 month and, of course, the baby's behavior.

The feeding rate of a bottle-fed newborn

Mom's nutrition

During breastfeeding, a nursing mother should drink 2 to 3 liters of liquid. Adequate nutrition is a guarantee of good health not only for the nurse, but also for her child. Do not be afraid to ask your friends, neighbors, and relatives for help. They may even be happy to help you with shopping, cooking and cleaning. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Keep a bottle of water close at hand at home. If a mother feeds a baby with breast milk at 1 month, then she needs to drink about four liters of water.
  • Exclude caffeine and sugar from the menu.

A nursing mother of a month old needs to eat foods rich in carbohydrates:

  1. whole wheat flour bread,
  2. legumes such as lentils and beans
  3. vegetables such as corn or potatoes,

as well as proteins:

  • lean meat
  • cottage cheese,
  • eggs (read the article about),
  • nuts,
  • low-fat yogurt without additives.

Monthly baby's day regimen

In the first month for a newborn baby, we offer a three-hour daily regimen. A little later, you can switch to the four-hour one. The baby will get used to the new regime in just the first few days and will wake up when it is convenient for mom. This mode promotes sound infant sleep at night.

Newborns in the first days of life are accustomed to the regimen already at the age of six weeks, they sleep well at night, or those who have managed to gain 5-6 kg in weight before this age. My sons have been sleeping well at night since they were eight weeks old. With the second child, everything was not so smooth, but the established regime really helped to cope with difficulties.

At night we feed one month old baby only when necessary. If you stick to the same schedule, the baby will quickly get used to this regime. Well, all that remains is to wish you success!

Massage for newborns

It is necessary to massage a newborn baby from the first days of life for normal development. Our ancestors also understood the importance of regularly massaging the baby's body. They believed that bones became stronger and healthier.

Baby massage creates a strong bond between the newborn and the parents. The process not only gives a feeling of security and love, but also relaxes, calms, gives the baby a good sound sleep at 1 month old. The digestive system of babies improves. And it really helps the baby to cope with gas and colic. The massage develops the baby's flexibility and improves blood circulation.

Video: how to do massage for a newborn at home

Social development

Create warm relationships between parents and other family members. This will help develop the social factors of a one month old baby. By allowing other people to take care of the baby and talk to him - parents provide an opportunity to establish contact with the babies.

The kid learns little by little how to relate to people. If for some reason you cannot be with the baby, it would be best to leave it to trusted people.

A baby at 1 month old will eventually start to enjoy their care. If you decide to leave your baby with family, friends, or a qualified caregiver, make sure he is in a comfortable environment.

Gymnastic exercises

In the first month of life, children spend time teaching how to feel loved and protected. Love will provide psychological and emotional strength to fight disease and the ability to learn new possibilities.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of dynamic gymnastics for babies. Listed are 7 specific tailored exercises for a toddler up to 6 weeks of age. We recommend watching the video: what and how a mother can do on her own. Go to.

Sensitive perception

An important feeling for a month old baby is touch. After months in warm uterine fluid, the infant will open up to many senses. While he will involuntarily shrink from the sudden rush of cold air, a soft towel and the warmth of his hands will be to his taste. Holding it in your arms will bring him as much joy as it will bring you. This hug will give you a sense of comfort, love, and security. Research has shown that intimate emotional ties stimulate developmental growth.

Runny nose

Parents will repeatedly face colds and. 1 month old baby snot and nasal congestion complicate an already hectic life for parents!

Often accompanied by cough, body temperature up to 37-38 degrees, sneezing. Although parents should not use antipyretics on a newborn unless prescribed by a doctor. There are other natural solutions that can help you in difficult times.

First temperature in a newborn

Mom's heart just breaks when a month old baby is sick. The high temperature has always caused a certain fear in the parents. This phenomenon has even spread among professionals under the name of fever phobia. Dear parents, when you personally have a fever, does your phobia also wake up? Back up your guesses with facts and, definitely, you will feel calmer.

  • The fever begins at a temperature of 38 ̊С.
  • One month old baby wakes up with flushed cheeks, the skin gives off a bright heat. Use a thermometer, all doubts will be dispelled as soon as you see 37.7 ̊С. Which is better, rush to the first aid kit or to the phone? Neither one nor the other. The kid does not even feel the heat at this temperature. Even for the smallest children, the central body temperature is just about 37 ̊С.
  • In a child of one month, just like in adults, the temperature rises from various reasons, from physical exertion, too warm a bath and ending with warm clothes. Even the time of day can affect the temperature. For example, the temperature rises in the evening and decreases in the early morning. So, if the thermometer shows that the baby is up to 38 ̊С, you can calm down, he has no fever.
  • Symptoms are more important than numbers.
  • Many parents are convinced that the higher the temperature, the more painful the month-old baby is, but this is not always the case. With a temperature of 39.4 ̊С, he can feel quite fine and play with his toys as if nothing had happened. At the same time, I would like to note that a baby with a temperature of 38.3 ̊С can be restless, tired, and need to be hugged by his parents.
  • Does this mean that if an unhealthy baby is doing well, he does not need medication? This is true.

“Fight discomfort, not fever,” says Janice Sullivan, a pediatrician and spokesman for the Academy of Pediatrics. And remember, a newborn's fever helps the body resist disease. Instead of paying attention to the number of the thermometer, pay better attention to other signs that will show how sick the baby is. “It’s much more important to pay attention to the symptoms,” says the doctor. "Lethargy and fatigue, for example, speak much better about the disease than the temperature."

What medications can be given to a child at 1 month at a temperature

Before using the medicine, try to reduce the fever by rubbing the baby with a wet sponge. This long-known method can be surprisingly effective.

Use moderately warm water (29-32 ̊C) to wipe the skin of a month-old baby, pay special attention to the forehead and underarms.

If it seems that the child is not well at all and rubdown does not help, antipyretic medications will come to the rescue. But you need to remember about some important nuances. Never wake up a sweetly sleeping baby to feed him with medicines! If he is asleep, do not disturb his sleep, and allow yourself to rest.

How much should a newborn poop in the first days?

On average, a newborn poops 6 times a day. Each child will have an individual chair in terms of quantity and quality. Mom needs to know - if a baby feeds on breast milk, it is likely that he will defecate more often than formula-fed babies. In case of a problem, the baby's behavior will definitely change and you should consult a doctor.

Your baby's stool frequency should change at the end of the first month. With age, children defecate quantitatively less, sometimes only one time is enough in eight hours. However, be aware that breast milk is digested faster than the formula.


The neonatal period is behind and the baby has already settled in a new world for him. What did the child learn in the first month of life, what skills he began to possess, and how can parents contribute to the further development of a 1 month old baby?

Physical development in 1 month

The average weight gain of a month-old baby compared to birth weight is considered to be 600 grams. The growth of the baby in the first month increases by an average of three centimeters.

These are averaged indicators and the development of each baby is individual, however, there are limits of the norm, upon going beyond which the child must be examined by a doctor.

The first weighing of the baby was in the hospital. Now you need to track the dynamics of weight

Physical indicators of the development of a month-old baby are presented in the following table.

What can the kid do?

Here are the skills a baby learns by 1 month of age:

  • Holding the head. The baby, being in a position on the tummy, can raise his head and hold it for up to 5 seconds.
  • Fixation of the gaze. The child looks not only at stationary objects and the face of an adult, but also at moving objects, if they are large and bright.
  • Development of vision. The kid can already distinguish between red, black, yellow and white, as well as cells and lines. In addition, the baby at 1 month already recognizes the mother.
  • Reaction to sound. When a baby hears a loud or harsh sound, he shudders or freezes. Sometimes the sound scares the baby so much that it makes the baby cry.
  • Humming. You will hear sounds similar to "gu" or "ha" from a month old toddler, therefore this first speech of the baby is also called agukany.

Since birth, the baby has changed a lot

About what a baby should be able to do at 1 month, see the next video by Nikolai Nikonov, a leading doctor and massage therapist in Russia.

Can a baby smile?

Consciously smiling is one of the most enjoyable skills that a child learns in the first month of life. The more often the mother smiles at the baby, the sooner she will see a charming smile in return. In addition, the smile will be accompanied by other manifestations of the baby's revitalization - the child will move his legs and arms, and also walk.

Note that you can see how a newborn smiles from the first days of life, however, the first smiles of a baby are involuntary. At first, the mother will notice that the baby is smiling in a dream, a little later - when bathing or after feeding. These are all variants of a physiological smile. But closer to 1 month old, the smile of an infant develops a social content. She becomes a response to contact with mom or another close person.


The mother needs to always be with the baby and immediately respond to the baby's needs.

More often take the baby in your arms, remembering to support your head, talk to the little one and do not worry that this way you will accustom the baby to the hands and grow up an egoist. On the contrary, studies have shown that babies who are less likely to be picked up by their mothers cry more often and for longer, trying to get the mother's attention. If the baby knows that mom is always there, then he will not scream again.

The baby behaves much calmer in the presence of mom

Caring for a baby in 1 month includes the following actions:

  • Hygiene procedures - washing, taking care of ears and eyes, washing, cutting nails, combing.
  • Bathing.
  • Walks in the open air.
  • Massage.
  • Air baths.

When changing your baby, make sure that your hands are not cold or wet, as babies 1 month old are very sensitive to tactile sensations.

How to promote development?

Since the periods of wakefulness in a baby of 1 month are still very small, the mother should correctly allocate time so as to have time to communicate with the baby, and carry out hygiene procedures, and do a massage, and swim in the bath, and devote a minute to the development of the baby. The well-being of the mother is also important, therefore, it is necessary to take time for good rest during the baby's sleep.

All developmental exercises should take place in free time. These are just recommendations, your well-being and good mood are most important for the crumbs

A 1 month old child studies the surrounding objects, both immovable and moving, and the sounds of the surrounding world. What developmental activities are available at this age? First, communication with the baby for the development of his emotional and mental sphere. Secondly, stimulation of the child's eyesight, tactile receptors and hearing. And, thirdly, promoting the retention of the head, for which the baby is often laid out on the tummy and held in a column.

Here are some actions that will help in the development of a month-old baby:

  • To help the baby focus his gaze, show the baby a large toy, wait for the baby to look at it, and then slowly move it aside, making sure that the baby's gaze remains focused on the toy.
  • Repeat the same steps with the rattle, which makes soft sounds. Do this with a crumb 1-2 times a day for up to 2 minutes in one lesson.
  • You can also play classical music for your baby. or recordings of various musical instruments. Let the baby listen to music for up to 10 minutes daily.
  • Hang a mobile with large toys in the crib(3-4 pieces) and a pleasant melody. You can also lay out the crumb on a developing mat.
  • Talk to your baby constantly. And do it so that the baby sees your facial expressions. This will stimulate both the baby's hearing and the baby's speech development. In response to mother's affectionate speech, the baby will quickly begin to respond with a complex of revitalization and a conscious smile.

Let not only mom, but also dad play with the baby, because they have different communication with the baby, which allows the baby to absorb the best from each of them.

Involve Dad in Baby Play and Kissing

Games in 1 month

For physical development:

  • Laying the baby on the back, take the child by the handles, lift them up behind the head, then lower them down, then cross them on the chest and spread them apart. With the legs of the crumbs, you can simulate the movement of a bicycle. Hum a nice song during this kind of gymnastics.
  • Putting the baby on his tummy, show him the toy and lift it up, encouraging the baby to raise his head. You can also lay the baby on your belly and call the baby by name so that the baby looks up and starts looking at your face. Such activities will improve the development of his muscles.
  • Gently touch the baby while bathing, accompanying such a light massage with a quiet song. After bathing the baby, wrap the baby in a towel, hiding your face behind its edge, then look out from behind the towel and say "cuckoo".

For the development of vision:

  • Make a kind of "doll" out of a paper plate. To do this, draw a face and attach a handle to the plate so that it can be held and moved. Show the "doll" to the baby from a distance of 25 cm and wait for the baby to start following the plate.
  • Lean over your baby so that his gaze is fixed over your face, and then slowly move to the side. The baby will follow you by turning the head.
  • You need to sew an elastic band to a small toy and hang the toy over the child. Then make the elasticated toy "jump" up and down in front of the baby. Soon, the child will not only look at the jumping toy, but also try to grab it with his handles.
  • Show your baby a bright toy at a distance of 30 cm from his face, then slowly move the object horizontally. Noticing that the child is looking at the toy, then move it vertically, and finally move the object in a circle.
  • Place a bright scarf or towel over your shoulder as you feed. The kid will look from your face to this bright object.

Even your affectionate speech develops the child, give more compliments to the baby

For the development of other senses:

  • Read nursery rhymes to your baby to develop baby's hearing and sense of rhythm. You can introduce the baby to your favorite rhymes, or you can come up with your own. You can take any song as a basis and change the words in it to your taste.
  • Tie the crumbs to the booties along the bell. During the movement of the legs, the baby will hear a ringing and listen to it.
  • When the baby is in the crib, talk to the baby as you move around the room. This will stimulate both the infant's hearing and vision at the same time.
  • Massage each finger gently on the baby's legs and arms. Touch the baby not only with your hands, but also with a piece of cotton wool, a soft brush, a mitten made of terry, woolen or other fabric.
  • Dip cotton balls in mild, smelly liquids, such as peppermint or vanilla eau de toilette. By letting your baby sniff such a ball, you will stimulate the baby's sense of smell.

Massage also contributes to the development of the child. For information on how to do it correctly, see the next video by Nikolai Nikonov.

Activities in the water

Swimming is one of the activities that stimulate the development of a 1-month-old baby. It can be carried out both in the pool (under the supervision of an instructor) and in the bath at home. Thanks to exercises in the water, the baby's vestibular apparatus will be stimulated. For swimming, purchase a special inflatable ring for your baby that supports the baby under the neck.

After taking a full bath of warm water, put the child with the circle in the water and wait for the baby to get used to it. Literally one or two swims, and the baby will begin to enjoy such activities, and the mother will be able to simply watch the baby and catch the brightest moments for the photo.

Lower your baby into the water carefully, starting from the heels, taking into account the sensitivity of babies to changes in the temperature of the surrounding world. If the baby reacts negatively to the first baths, try to immerse yourself in the bath with the baby. Lay the baby on your breast, gently water the baby's body with water and show the toys.

Chamomile infusion can be added to the water, which will soothe the skin and set the child up for a sound sleep.

Show the little one that he can push off the walls of the bath with his feet. Turn the floating baby so that its bent legs rest against the side and wait for the baby to push off and swim back a little. At the opposite end of the tub, unfold the baby and repeat the exercise.

An interesting exercise for babies of the first month while swimming is walking on the bottom of the tub. Hold the baby under the armpits and tilt it forward slightly, stimulating the walking reflex for several seconds. Then let the baby swim a little on the back.

Frequent problems

Deviations from the norm that parents can identify in 1 month:

  • Increased or decreased muscle tone of the child. Muscle tone asymmetry is also possible.
  • Jaundice. In some children, it does not go away by a month, which requires the consultation of a pediatrician.
  • Colic. They appear by the third week of life in many babies and cause great discomfort for the baby.
  • Insufficient weight gain, which can be associated with both the problems of organizing breastfeeding and with the diseases of the baby.

For any of these problems, the child should be shown to the doctor, telling about alarming symptoms.

Hello! Let's continue to analyze the topic of sleep in young children and talk about how much does a child sleep at 3 months?

Is it normal to lay him down with his chest, or do you need to wean and teach him to fall asleep in other ways? Can breastfeeding sleep in a 3 month old baby lead to future problems and difficulty falling asleep?

So, a letter from a reader:

Lyudmila, good afternoon.

My son is now 3 months old, he has been sleeping with me from the very beginning. Somewhere after a month I stopped sleeping soundly during the day. He eats a little, falls asleep, but the breast does not let go, all the time it sucks like a nipple. If you take out the nipple, then after a while wakes up, starts looking for the breast, cries. We go to bed only with our breasts, otherwise it does not work, he himself does not fall asleep if he is tired, but begins to hysteria. At night, he still lets go of his chest, and if nothing bothers him, he sleeps normally until the next. feeding. I am worried that he will develop the habit of sleeping only with a sissy in his mouth, will it be possible to change the ritual of falling asleep later? is it worth trying to put on a nap in a different way now? Irina

If you have a small baby, then I immediately invite you to take free lessons for mothers on how to keep up with everything with a baby in your arms. It is in this mailing list that I share and write about babies up to one year old.

Let's see if you need to worry if a baby sleeps with a breast in his mouth? Because after the webinar, where I talked about one of the sleep associations that prevent a child from sleeping, most of you decided that you need to urgently remove your breasts. This is not entirely true.

Baby sleep at 3 months

So, the child is 3 months old. What ways does he have to calm down? Can he relieve the accumulated tension with words, actions? NO!

All these things are possible at an older age, and now the easiest way for a baby is to suckle. When the baby sucks, the hormones endorphins are produced in the baby's body, and the level of stress hormones is greatly reduced. Therefore, it is normal for a child to breastfeed frequently, and it is quite natural that he also falls asleep at the same time.

How does a baby sleep at 3 months old?

  • At the age of 3 months, the baby can be awake up to 1.5-2 hours.

If you see that he begins to yawn, be capricious, nervous, then it's time to help him relax and fall asleep. While this is all done with the help of the mother - the nervous system is not mature and the processes of excitation prevail over inhibition. The simplest and surest thing is to give a breast!

  • The number of dreams during the day in 3 months is 4-5.

Most often there are 2 long naps for 1.5-2 hours and 2 short ones for 30 or 40 minutes. The child can spend a short sleep under the breast, or, as the author of the letter writes, sleep without letting the breast out of his mouth, without letting his mother leave her.

  • Breastfeeding while chaotic, the child really needs contact with his mother and is not yet ready to separate himself from you.

Moreover, you need to take into account that the more anxious you are as a mother, or you have a baby with a sensitive character, active, easily aroused, the less often he will let you go during sleep and can spend all dreams with his breast in his mouth.

What to do? Is it really forever? Not at all! The older the child becomes, the more stable his nervous system, his confidence in you, in the world around him increases, and he can let you go for long dreams.

If the child is growing, and the situation with dreams does not improve - most likely there is a failure somewhere - perhaps you are trying to "run away" from him, or there is some disturbing circumstance that prevents the child from relaxing.

What to do to gradually go away from the habit of sleeping with the breast?

  1. Relax and allow the little child to feel secure.
  1. Do not compare your child's sleep to that of the neighbors' child.

Your child is unique, and it is not a fact that your neighbors have no difficulties in other areas of care ... Remember that there is such a joke "sleeping well, eating well and not being capricious, this is the neighbors!"

  1. Monitor the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness.

Don't let your baby get overexcited and help him fall asleep. Spend short dreams with your child, rest. Use this time for yourself. And for long dreams, if you see that the child is fast asleep and you can easily get the breast out of his mouth - move away from him, but leave your thing next to him.

You can make a "nest around the child", for example, leaving your robe or T-shirt. Mom's scent soothes the baby.

If you never crawl away from a sleeping child, then he may develop anxiety when he is left without a mother, and he will immediately wake up.

If the child has sucked the breast, released it, you can try to help him fall asleep without breast. Hold, shake, walk with him in your arms. These will be the first experiences of sleeping without a breast, and experiences of falling asleep on their own.

Sleeping with breast is not a problem, it is a normal part of life for a baby and a nursing mother. Difficulties arise when the breast is perceived as the only way to calm and put the baby to sleep.

When a mother dissolves into a child, when she does not show her boundaries, does not change behavior in accordance with the growth and needs of the child, then the child really does not have the opportunity to learn new ways of calming, interacting, consoling.

But at 3 months it's too early to talk about it and it's too early to teach to sleep without a breast. While the child faces other tasks.

As the child grows, the nature of sleep changes, it becomes deeper, longer, more clearly expressed and understandable.

I talk in more detail about the development and upbringing of a child under one year old in the course My Beloved Baby, read the description by following the link:

  • This is a course on how the rhythms of sleep, wakefulness, feeding in a child change from birth to one year,
  • A course about what the baby expects from you as a mother,
  • How to change your behavior as your child grows.

As a result You get a harmonious picture of a calm and comfortable life with a child, taking into account his needs!

When my youngest daughter was 1 month old, I myself often turned to this knowledge, and motherhood is really a joy - because there is no place for fear and anxiety.

Do you breastfeed it? and do you have a fear that it will always be this way? Do you monitor the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness?