Fun with the use of mathematical educational games for the middle group. Abstract of mathematical entertainment in the middle group

Learning tasks:

Consolidate knowledge of the days of the week,

Consolidate knowledge of ordinal numbers in the name of each day of the week,

To consolidate the ability to solve and guess simple mathematical riddle problems,

Improve the ability to find the place of a number in a row, count to 5,

Develop the ability to build an object according to a model, according to a scheme,

Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes,
- exercise in the account within 7, forward and backward.

Developmental tasks:

Develop logical thinking, attention;

To bring up accuracy, perseverance, a sense of collectivism.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Educational tasks:

Raise interest in joint activities;
-to cultivate an interest in mathematics;
- to educate the ability to listen and hear the teacher to act according to the verbal instructions of the adult;
-to cultivate responsiveness, a desire to help others.

Methodical techniques:




Materials: Gienesh blocks, cards with numbers, cards with geometric shapes, ball, Colored pencils, Whatman paper, sample pictures from geometric pictures.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive, cognitive research, experienced.

The hall is beautifully decorated: on the wall, like decoration, rainbow and sun; balloons; geometric figures. To the side are three tables with didactic material for games.
Children enter to the music and sit on high chairs.
A Nedelka (educator) with a seven-flowered flower enters the hall and reads a poem, touching each petal:

On Monday I washed

Sweeping the floor on Tuesday!

On Wednesday I baked a roll,

I played ball all Thursday.

I washed the cups on Friday
, And on Saturday I bought a cake.

All friends for birthday

I called on Sunday!

Oh, where did I go?

Week: Hello guys. My name is Nedelka. I got lost again.

Children: What happened?

Week: Sunday is my birthday, but I just can't go there

get there….

Children: Why?

Week: To get there, you need to complete tasks on the days of the week,

which are written on the petals of a seven-color flower ... But I can't do anything at all. Guys, do you know the days of the week?

Children answer.

Week: What day of the week is today? And tomorrow? What day of the week was


Children answer.

Week: What good fellows! Here's who will help me to accomplish these difficult

tasks. Help!

Children: Yes!

Week: Good! Here's your first assignment.

1 petal - 1 day of the week - Monday (mark this with children).

"Find your number"

Children are lined up and calculate for 1,2,3,4,5. Are spread out on the floor

numbers from 1 to 5. “Raise your hand first numbers…. etc.". On command guys

find the number that corresponds to his serial number and squat down next to her.

Week: What good fellows! How well they did the task.

Week: Then I tear off the second petal. What is the name of the second day of the week?
Children answer.

2 petal. "Make a picture."

On 3 tables, there are samples of pictures, according to which you need to draw up a drawing from Dienesh blocks. Children are calculated for 1,2,3 and are divided into three teams.
Carry out the task.

Nedelka: And the guys coped with this task. I myself would never

managed. How many more petals are left? Let's count?

Children count to 5 and backwards.

The week tears off the 3 petal - it is indicated that the third day of the week

Wednesday is the middle. Week plays with children in the game "Endings".

The heron has long legs, while the duck has …….

The watermelon is big, and the apple is …… ..

The scarf is narrow, and the plaid …….

The truck is tall, and the racing car is ……

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair …… ..

If the right hand is on the right, then the left ... ..

If a sister is older than a brother, then a brother …….

Week: Well done! Yes, they know everything. Are you tired? We have come half way, and now it's time to rest.

(Ball game “YES-NO”, children stand in a circle, Weekly throws the ball to the players):

The cat is hungry.
- The man is building a nest.
- The postman brought a letter.
- The train flies across the sky.
- The sun shines at night.
- Shoes are glass.
- The snow is cold.
- The dog bites.
- A circle comes with corners.
- The lemon is sour.
- Apples grow on the birch.
- The triangle is round.
- The number 5 is after 4 ...

The week shows 4 petals - 4th day of the week, Thursday.

The game "Count"

Five funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries.
But one kid fell behind.
Now find the answer
How many bears are ahead.

Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived.
Daughter, son, father and mother
Who can count them.

Four ripe pears
Swayed on a twig
Pavlusha shot two pears
How many pears are left?

Masha has one pencil
Grisha has one pencil
How many pencils
Both babies?

In the clearing by the oak
The mole saw two fungi
And further away by the river
He found another one
Who is ready to answer me
How many fungi did the mole find?

Six funny pigs
They stand in a row at the trough
Then one went to sleep

There are piglets left….

Children answer.

Week: I tear off the fifth petal. What day of the week is this? And which one is he?

5 petal: Game "Kingdom of crooked mirrors".
The week offers

children cards with geometric shapes and modified shapes (any combination with a change in color and size)

Children should go to the "crooked mirror"

And describe the changes that have occurred with the geometric figure, noting

shape, size, color. For example: I was walking around the room of crooked mirrors (a card with a small green triangle is shown).

My color has changed, but everything else has not;

my size has changed, but everything else has not, etc.

Week: Guys, you are great. Completed such a difficult task, and now

Let's see what is written on the sixth petal -

what day of the week is it? What is the color of the petal? What else can you about him

to tell?

Children answer.

Week: What is the task on the sixth petal?
Finger gymnastics "Ten fingers". Performed while standing near

high chairs.

I have ten fingers, showing fingers. How much can I do !!!

If you want - I will show

And I'll tell you about it.

I can clench my fists (we clench and unclench the fists).

And then open them.

I can twist (fingers crossed)

But I can and hide (we start behind the back)

I can let fly, (we stretch our arms up)

And then fall. (bend down to the floor)

And then I'll fold it quietly (fold our hands like a boat)

On my knees like a kitten. (we put one into the other).

Week: Guys, look, I have the last petal! And what

is he colors? Let's remember what color were the other petals? And riddles will help you.

Mother said to Bore:
Let's not go, it's dangerous now!
Because in the traffic light
Not green, but ... red!

Orange touched Lesha
Stroked affectionately
You are beautiful and good
Round and… orange!

I'm a bull, but I don't roar
Because I'm in love!
I like to pinch the grass
And my favorite color is ... green!

In the picture the sky is clear

We will draw you and me
And paint it over
As usual ... blue!

I would paint cornflower
Even black could
But do not be afraid, I will not paint
Its color is much more beautiful ... blue!

This color is one violet
Gave perfume, he doesn't mind
He painted a violet
Because he is beautiful .. purple!

Well done! Remembered all the colors!

How many petals were there? What do all these colors remind us if you place them one after the other?

Children: Rainbow.

Week: Right. What's my name?

Children: Week.

Educator: How many days in a week?

Children count.

Week: How many colors does a rainbow have?

Children count and compare.
Week: on the seventh petal, the task is Sunday, you need to draw a large rainbow.
Week: Guys, let's draw a big rainbow.
Week together with the children draws a rainbow (on a large sheet), repeating the colors
and ordinal numbers: first-red, Second-orange, etc.
Week: You helped me a lot. Listen again to the poem about me.

(Week reads a poem with which she entered the hall). Thank you for your help, I made it to my birthday on time. And treats await you for your efforts. The week is giving out sweets.
Children leave the hall with cheerful music.
In a group, children recall the challenges they faced on this journey.

Leisure in mathematics in the middle group

Educator: Shakirzyanova M.M.

Moose. head: Semenova M.I.

Program tasks:

1. Clarify ideas about the ordinal count.

2. Strengthen the ability to compare objects in size.

3. Exercise in the ability to name and distinguish between familiar geometric

Shapes: circle, square, triangle.

4 .. Consolidate ideas about the sequence of parts of the day:

Morning afternoon Evening Night.

5. Exercise in counting sounds by ear, correlate with a number.

6. Form the ability to navigate the plane.

7. Develop the ability to navigate in space.

8. To develop logical thinking, imagination, imaginative thinking, cognitive activity.

9. To cultivate the ability to come to the rescue, friendly relationships. EQUIPMENT.

Equipment and attributes: "package"; toy matryoshka; hats - mouse, frog, bunny, chanterelle, wolf, bear; house (teremok); "Wonderful bag"; geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle; easel, numbers from 1 to 5; pictures - morning, day, evening, night; 4 satin ribbons -15, 20, 25, 30 cm.); letter, sweet treat.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Teremok".

Leisure course.

M 01. Children enter the music hall (in pairs in a circle_

Music director.Hello guys!...

And miracles are happening in the music hall today.

First, when I arrived, the door was already open.

And someone put a small house in this corner.

Educator. Nothing else unusual?

Music director. It seems not.

Educator. And what is this object (indicates the parcel).

Music director.Indeed, what is it ... The package! Let's see what's in it?

M 02 ... An excerpt from the song "Matryoshka"


Oh guys, here's a toy! A scarlet silk shawl, A bright floral sundress, A hand rests on the wooden sides. Is it a little blushed - is it Russian? ... (matryoshka!)


And inside Matryoshka there is a secret. The growth of different girlfriends, But, similar to each other. They all sit in each other, And only one toy?

We open, we look. Guys, how many nesting dolls have become? (Two). - How are nesting dolls different? (growth). Right, one matryoshka is higher and the other? (below). - We take out another nesting doll and put it in a row. And the third matryoshka, what is the height? (lower). Compare matryoshka dolls (tall, lower, lowest).

We have one more matryoshka-the teacher puts the fourth matryoshka in a row... It is even smaller. Compare matryoshka dolls (high, lower, even lower, the lowest - we make up to five).

They love nesting dolls to stand side by side - today there are exactly ... (five) matryoshkas. Let's count from left to right. Now from right to left. Has the number of nesting dolls changed? (No) Now let's build matryoshka dolls in pairs. How much is a pair? A pair means two. In our case, there are two nesting dolls. Did all the nesting dolls become pairs? (No) And how many are left without a pair? (One). How many pairs did you get? (Two.)

Music director.I suggest we get up in pairs so we can dance.

M 03 Pole dance "Good Beetle"

Music director.Guys, look, there is another message for us in the package. What does it say? (is reading).

“Start a round dance. Matryoshka is coming to visit you. "

M 04 Matryoshka with a basket, in it caps-masks.

Matryoshka. Hello guys. I was in a hurry to visit you. I took funny riddles with me ..

Educator. Hello Matryoshka. And we love riddles, we know riddles, If there are riddles - we will guess them!

Matryoshka. Whoever guesses the riddle immediately puts on a mask.

(Matryoshka makes riddles, puts on hats - children stay in a circle).

M 05 Riddles:

1. A little crumb, glad even for a crumb of bread, Because until dark she hides in a mink ... a mouse.

2. Slippery and wet, jumping on the grass, eyes on the head. Her friends croak, and her name is ... frog.

3. Lives in a mink, chews carrots. Dexterously runs away from the fox and the wolf. The ears are long sticking out and he and all ... hares.

4. Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden. He lives in the forest, but steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

5. He looks like a dog, every tooth is a sharp knife. He runs with his jaws bared, ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf)

6. In the middle of a dense forest there is neither a house, nor a shed, And in the den it is cramped, so the bear sleeps in winter ...

Matryoshka. Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Guys, do you like fairy tales? I also love fairy tales. I invite you to look into a fairy tale. Do you agree? (Yes) Let's take a funny song and good mood with us.

М 06 Song "Spring has come"

Matryoshka. Start the motors! Go!

M 07 Warm-up dance "Trail-hurry"- at the end, the children sit on high chairs.

Matryoshka. The fairy tale begins!

M 08 (mouse) Children sing:

Matryoshka. The mouse is passing by - the hole is running. She knocked on the teremok and stands still.

The teacher invites one child at a time. Children take out geometric shapes: a square, a triangle, a circle.

What is it? (square) How did you know? Let's count how many corners the square (4) has .... (and the sides? -4).

What is the next figure? (triangle). Why is it called that? (3 corners)

How many sides? (Three)

(to children). What is the difference between a triangle and a square? (the number of corners and sides).

What figure did we get from the bag? (circle). What properties of a circle do you know? (no corners, round, roll).

Matryoshka. I have 2 handkerchiefs, let's stand next to them in circles!

M10 Music game "Whose circle will gather sooner?"- 1 time

Matryoshka. You have completed the task and the Little Mouse can enter the teremok.

M 11 (frog) Children sing:

  1. There is a teremok-teremok in the field. It is not low, not high.

The gate is firmly locked, and someone knocks at the gate.

Matryoshka. A frog-frog gallops to the house. She knocked on the teremok and stands still. M 12 Voice “Teremok will open its door only to those who fulfill my task. Determine the parts of the day from the pictures, tell me the correct answers. "

Matryoshka (takes out cards with the image of the parts of the day, attaches them to the easel).


This time is familiar to us, This is the time to rise. The guys run to exercise like rabbits in the morning. Wash your face, don't be lazy - have a clean breakfast!

Educator. ( children) When does this happen? (In the morning).

Matryoshka attaches the next card.

Rhyme (child)

The conversation ends, the game stops.

It's time for lunch, so it's time for us to go to the table.

They ask Vanechka and Masha, give us more porridge!

Educator. (to children) When does this happen? (during the day).

Matryoshka changes cards ...

Rhyme (child)

This time is given to us for a funny movie.

For horseback riding and daddy on his back.

The moon floats in the sky, my mother calls for supper.

Educator. ( children) When does this happen? (in the evening)

Matryoshka changes the card.

Child's poem.

This time is the time of sleep, a pine tree sleeps outside the windows.

The gudgeon sleeps at the bottom of the river.

The bear sleeps in the edge of the forest.

Educator (to children) When does this happen? (at night).

Matryoshka. Well done, you coped with the task correctly and the doors of the teremok opened for the frog. (The frog runs into the "teremok".)

M13 (bunny). Children sing:

  1. There is a teremok-teremok in the field. It is not low, not high.

The gate is firmly locked, and someone knocks at the gate.

Matryoshka. Here is the Bunny - the runaway is running, in a hurry to the tower. He knocked on the teremok and stands.

Matryoshka puts on an easel with mixed numbers.

Children arrange a number of numbers from 1 to 5.

Matryoshka. Well done with this task.

Educator. The bunny will enter the teremok, but first it will dance with us.

M 15. Dance-game "Do it with your paws like this".

M16 (chanterelle). Children sing:

  1. There is a teremok-teremok in the field. It is not low, not high.

The gate is firmly locked, and someone knocks at the gate.

Matryoshka. Then Chanterelle runs to the little house, knocks and stands.

Educator. How many times have you heard the cuckoo crow? (5). What digit corresponds to this number? (The teacher asks the child to show the number on the easel).

Matryoshka. The task is completed. The chanterelle enters the teremok.

The chanterelle enters the teremok.

M18 (top) Children sing:

  1. There is a teremok-teremok in the field. It is not low, not high.

The gate is firmly locked, and someone knocks at the gate.

Matryoshka. And here is the Volchok - the Gray barrel. He knocked on the teremok and stands.

Take bright ribbons, put them on the table along their length. Which, the longest, which, the shortest, name? "

Matryoshka shows ribbons. Guys, how many ribbons are there? (4) Are they the same color? (different) And in length? (different) Which is the longest and which is the short?

Educator. Now let's check (puts it on the edge of the table). Choose the longest of all. Let's put it first. Select the longest of the remaining tracks again. Put on the first (then overlay the third and fourth tapes) .Compare the tracks. Which is the longest track? (1) Which is shorter? (2) Which is even shorter? (3) Which is the shortest? (4).

Matryoshka. Well, the task was completed. The wolf cub can also go to the teremok.

Educator. But play with your dreams first. Do you guys want to play with the wolf? (Yeah)

M20 Musical game "What are you?"- "traps" with a wolf cub.

Matryoshka. Come the wolf cub to the teremok.

M 21 (bear). Children:

  1. There is a teremok-teremok in the field. It is not low, not high.

The gate is firmly locked, and someone knocks at the gate.

Matryoshka. A bear goes to the tower. Knocked and stood.

Matryoshka. Well, Mishka, would you agree to find a surprise for us? (Yes).

Stand with your back to the house, take 5 big steps forward, turn left, take ... .... (Count steps to the bedside table)

Educator (opens the door) Look - this is a sweet treat for us.

Matryoshka. Yes, because you coped with all the tasks and helped your friends get to the teremok.

M23. Handing out treats .

Educator. Thank you Matryoshka for the fairy tale and for the treat ... Matryoshka. And thank you guys for the good mood.

Educator. Come to visit us again, we will be glad

Matryoshka. Goodbye.

Lilia Khairutdinova
Mathematical holiday in the middle group "We are friends with the number Five"

Goals holiday: to systematize the representations of children in mathematical education and development; to bring children the joy of developing games; maintain an interest in intellectual activity; show resourcefulness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, understanding of humor.


1) Develop mental operations, attention, speech.

2) Strengthen the ability to solve and guess simple math puzzles.

3) Foster interest and desire to participate in holiday.

Scenario holiday

Leading: Hello dear guests! Hello guys! How nice to see you, so smart and cheerful. Our the holiday is called"We we are friends with the number five» ... I wonder why it is called that?

Children speak out

Leading: Now clear: holiday so called because we learned the numbers and numbers up to five, we know how to count objects, arrange numbers in order... Well, it's time to receive guests.

To the sound of music, the Queen, dressed in a long sparkling dress, enters the hall importantly. She has a crown on her head.

Queen: Hello guys! I came to you on holiday... Do you recognize me? I am the Queen Maths! Who do you think lives in my kingdom?

Children speak out

Queen: You came to math holiday... Means you love mathematics and you know everything about numbers and numbers? We will now check it out. (He walks along the seated children, reads riddle poems.)

Long leg

Frozen for the time being

Resting wand

After the game. What is it?

Children. One, one.

There is such a bird in the school:

If he sits on the page,

Then with a drooping head

You are returning home. What is it?

Children. Deuce.

Well, how many guys are here

Does he ride on a slide?

Three are sitting in a sleigh

One is waiting.

How many guys are there?

Children. Four, four children.

Four guys

They sit in the same fur coat,

And the fifth in a fur coat

Stands aside. What is it?

Children. Hand in a mitten five fingers.

Queen (goes out into the middle of the hall, speaks and carries himself majestically)... You can be friends you are real mathematics... I need your help. (Sits on the throne)... I decided to put things in order in my mathematical kingdom... I ordered to build a house for numbers and place them in this house according to merit and order. This is what the architects built!

The queen claps her hands. The assistants remove the veil (or draw back the curtain)... A cardboard house with windows appears in front of the children.

Below there are pockets with figures. Numbers one to five are in the wrong order.

Queen. Check if all numbers here from one to five? (listens to the answers of the children. If the children have not guessed that numbers are in disarray... The queen asks the suggestive question: is it right numbers stand? Indicates two or three children and asks to clean up the mess.)

Children arrange numbers correctly from one to five.

The queen encourages the correct answer and claps her hands again. Sasha enters the throne room. He is wearing a hat with digit"three" worn so that the figure is not visible.

Queen. Who are you?

Sasha. I am your subject Queen Maths.

Queen. I command, make a guess to the guys riddle: let them guess your name

A hedgehog once walked through the forest,

Found mushrooms for lunch:

Two - under the birch,

One - by the aspen.

How many there will be

In a wicker basket?

Children. Three mushrooms, that's a number "three".

(Sasha turns the cap so that it is visible number three)

Queen. Well done boys! You have guessed the riddle. Now help him find his number and your floor.

Children willingly respond to the request, show the window, help to find figure"three" from those placed at the bottom of the screen. Show the third window, attach near it figure.

Queen. Well done, we did it and I invite you to dance.

Music sounds. Sasha invites the Tsarina to dance. The children get up from their chairs and dance with the Queen. The music fades. Sasha escorts the Queen to the throne. Children sit on high chairs.

Queen. (catching my breath after the dance)... Well, let the next one enter the throne room. (Claps her hands).

Karina enters. She is wearing a hat with digit"two"... The cap is worn so that the figure is not visible.

Queen. Who are you?

Karina. I am your subject Queen Maths.

Queen. Tell about yourself, and let the guys guess your name.

Karina. gets up so that number"two" on her cap was clearly visible to the Tsarina and not visible to children.

He learns the other way around

On math singing,

The crow counts on the singing

And at work he reads poetry,

And gets all year round

Fives, but vice versa!

Children. This is a deuce number"two".

Karina. (turns the cap)... That's right, I number"two".

Leading. Guessed figure"two", well done. Try another riddle.

Two stripes in the snow

I leave it on the run.

I fly from them with an arrow,

And they again with me.

Children. Skis.

Leading. Here's another riddle. Two are looking, two are listening.

Children. Eyes and ears.

Queen. Here are some great fellows. Can you help number two find your floor.

Children find figure"two", attach it to the window on the second floor.

Leading. Your majesty, please figure"two" choose a song that the children will sing for you. (Takes cards out of his pocket with song titles written on them).

Queen. Let this song sound. (chooses one card).

Music sounds, everyone sings. The music stops. Child depicting figure"two" and all the children sit on the chairs.

Queen. invite the next one to the throne room.

Dasha. I am your subject Queen Maths.

Queen. I recognized you. But don't tell me your name!

Leading. Let the guys guess your name. They are so smart and resourceful - they know how to guess any math riddles... Try to choose a more difficult riddle for them.

I paint the cat's house:

Three windows, a door with a porch.

There is another window upstairs,

That it was not dark.

Count the windows in the cat's house.

Leading. This is a tricky riddle, guys, try to guess.

Children. Four windows, that's the number four.

Dasha. That's right, I'm number four, but mine number. (turns the cap).

Leading. Guys, we helped figures"three" and "two" find your floors. Let's figure"four" we will also help you find its floor and attach it to the window figure.

Children fulfill the request.

Leading. Let's all sing a song together now. Your Majesty, let the guys sing a song.

Queen. Sing it out.

They all sing a song together.

Queen. whoever is waiting in the waiting room, let him enter the throne room. (claps his hands).

Leila comes in. Beanie with digit"one" turned away from the audience.

Queen. Who are you?

Leading. Wait wait. Don't identify yourself. Ask the guys a riddle, they will immediately guess who you are.

Leila. I look like a hook or a broken off twig.

Children. One, one.

Leila. That's right, I'm a number "one". (turns the cap).

Leading. Guys, you know how to guess riddles? Then listen.

He has one leg, and even that one without a shoe. (Mushroom).

In winter and summer in one color. (Christmas tree).

Not alive but I'm walking

I help to dig the earth,

Instead of a thousand shovels

I'm glad to work alone. (Excavator).

Queen. Well done boys! Now help figure one to find her window.

Children help to find figure and attach it to the window. All sit on the chairs.

Queen. all floors are full, all numbers have occupied all floors.

Leading. Your Majesty, do not order to execute, order to speak the word. Let me remind you - one window is empty, one tenant is missing.

Queen. whose house is empty?

Children. Not enough numbers « five» .

Queen. strange, « five» such a responsible number, he does everything on time and accurately. It was not for nothing that I ordered at school to always stage for excellent work ...

Presenter and children. Five.

Vlad runs into the hall, a sack in his hand.

Vlad. Guys, do you know who I am?

Children. Five.

Leading. How do you know?

Children speak up.

Vlad. Let's play hide and seek! (tells the counting rhyme, then they put a bandage over his eyes)

One two three four, five.

Let's play hide and seek.

Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -

I drive - you leave.

Children play to the music. Then the music dies down. The composition of the players is changing again. Invites a third a subgroup of children... They stand in a circle, Vlad again closes his eyes with a bandage. He is reading a poem.

We shared an orange, there are many of us, but he is one.

This slice is for the hedgehog, this slice is for the swift,

This slice is for ducklings, this slice is for kittens,

This slice is for a beaver. And for the wolf, the peel!

He is angry with us. Trouble! Run who where!

Children scatter, Vlad is looking for them. Music sounds, then stops. Vlad removes the blindfold from his eyes, wearily lowers his hands. Moves the bag closer to the Queen.

Vlad. Let me reward the winners math holiday.

Queen. you well thought of bringing gifts to children. They deserve it.

Leading. Let's calculate together how many points have accumulated in « Math piggy bank» .

We are counting the points, Vlad is distributing gifts. Vlad shows that the bag is empty. The host brings the box to the Queen.

Queen. I have prepared gifts for those who made riddles and for those who guessed them, for those who sang and danced.

Leading. Today everyone sang and danced, made riddles and guessed riddles.

Queen. that's right, then everyone will receive gifts today. Our « numbers» and it would not be fair to leave them without gifts.

« numbers» go to the Queen for gifts.

Queen. I have another gift prepared, one for everyone. (passes the pie with the pictures figures) .

Queen. Our the holiday is over, I'm very sorry and it's time for me to return to my fairy tale. Goodbye, see you soon.

Children see off the Queen, waving her hand.

Leisure summary in mathematics in the middle group "The Magic Land of Figures"


Educator Zueva E.V. Moscow, 2016

Purpose: Learn to distinguish and name the following geometric shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle, be able to navigate in space.


Expand children's knowledge of shapes. Learn to group them by color, size.


Develop observation, attentiveness. Develop thinking memory and speech.


Contribute to the education of collectivism and mutual assistance when working in a team.

Stimulate interest in mathematics.

To cultivate the skills of cultural behavior in society.


For children - card with four stripes, circles (big and small) four colors: green, blue, yellow, red; geometric figures.

For the teacher: Four baskets with figure stickers (for example, the first basket is a triangle, the second square ...) Geometric shapes by the number of children of different colors. Four bags of different colors: green, blue, yellow, red. Three keys. Soft toy.

The course of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to the mat, all the children come up in a circle in the center of the circle is the teacher and invites them to go to a country that is not simple, but magical - geometric, and in this country everything consists of figures. The entrance to this land is bewitched in order to disenchant the entrance to the magic land, you need to get three magic keys.

Q: I invite all the children to go on a journey as soon as possible, trials await you,

difficult tasks.

Our path will be long with obstacles. Are you guys ready to go on such a journey?

D: Yes, ready.

Q: In this case, you can hit the road. The teacher and the children come to the first table. Geometric shapes are on the table.

Q: Our first task: There are different figures on the table, it is necessary to take one figure at a time and name them.

D: Each in turn takes a piece from the table and clearly names the piece that he took.

Q: Well done guys, you all answered correctly. We went through the first task correctly, the way to our country is getting shorter, we got our first key. (the key was under the last figure.) Let's move on to the second task:

There are four baskets on the chairs in the group, each with figures glued (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)

Q: Guys, each of you has a figure in your hands, our task is to group all the figures by size. To do this, who have squares, stand in front of the basket with a square. Who has circles, stand up to the basket with a circle. For those who have rectangles, stand up to the basket with a rectangle. And who has triangles, stand up to the basket with triangles.

D: Find their baskets and stand up.

Q: Guys, if you are ready to lift your pieces up. Well done now put the pieces in your baskets. And in one of the baskets, the children find a second key. Now we can move on.

They come up to the rug and there the whole rug is strewn with different figures of different colors. (while the children were completing the tasks, the junior teacher poured the figures onto the mat.)

There are four different colored bags on the rug.

Q: Guys, this is our last assignment. In order to get the third key, you need to collect and group the shapes by color, then put them in bags.

D: They complete tasks and find a third key in one of the bags.

Q: Well done, guys, you did the job. The magic land is disenchanted !!!

Guys while the country was enchanted in the store "Dishes" all cups mixed up shelves need help to put things in order in the store for this sit at the tables for each child a card with four stripes and 14 circles.

The teacher explains. "It (points to the circles) Large and small cups.

They need to be placed on the shelves whoever wants to "

The options can be as follows:

  • mugs are a mess on every shelf
  • mugs are on two shelves (big and small)
  • the mugs are arranged in color on four shelves.

The teacher asks everyone how he laid out the cups and on which shelf there are more and which less.

You can invite the children to lay them out so that on each shelf there are "Cups" one color. Ask what "Cups" more: red or blue; yellow or green.

Q: Well done guys put things in order in the store, now the inhabitants of the magical land can come to the store and easily choose cups. I suggest you clean up your toys and go for a walk there will be many more interesting things.

On the street you can play the game: Find the hidden toy.

With the help of a counting board, the presenter is selected:

Seagulls lived at the pier

Their river was pumping water.

One, two, three, four, five.

The host walks out the door. Children are hiding a toy. To find her, the driver is given directions: “Go from the swing to the sandbox, turn right from the sandbox, take three steps and look there”

Variants of the game: The teacher indicates the direction of the asphalt with arrows of different colors .: The child indicates the direction: "From the beginning, go where the blue arrow shows, then you go three steps and look there."

When turning, the child must say where he turned: to the right or to the left.

The game is played several times at the request of the children.

Kindergarten math fun. Middle group

This material will be useful for a preschool education teacher, physical education instructors. Designed for older preschool children.

Math entertainment. (relay)

Target: develop children's skills to independently complete math tasks in a competitive environment.
- To consolidate and generalize knowledge about geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle);
- Development of logical thinking, attention, memory;
- Develop an interest in mathematics.
Why is there silence around?
Can you hear how quickly the speech fell silent?
This is the Queen of all sciences,
came to visit us today.
Enter the Queen of Mathematicians.
Queen: Hello guys! I am the Queen of the mathematical kingdom. Numbers and geometric shapes, mathematical signs and formulas live in my kingdom. Everyone says that mathematics is a difficult, boring science, and I want to show you that mathematics can be fun. Let you guys split into two teams, and each team will choose a name for itself, having guessed my riddles.
1 competition "Guess the riddle"
I have no corners
And I am like a saucer,
On the plate and on the lid
On the ring, on the wheel.
Who am I, friends?
Call me! (Circle)

My three sides
Lengths may vary.
Where the sides meet -
The angle is obtained.
What happened? Look!
After all, there are also three corners.
You look at me
State my name. (Triangle)

Four corners and four sides
They look exactly like sisters.
You can't roll it into the gate like a ball,
And he will not gallop after you.
The figure is familiar to many guys.
Did you recognize him? After all, this is ... (Square)

It looks like an egg
Or on your face.
This is such a circle -
Very strange appearance:
The circle became flattened.
It turned out suddenly ... (Oval)

We stretched a square
And presented at a glance
Who did he look like
Or something very similar?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
Became a square ... (Rectangle)
Queen: Well done! My riddles have been guessed. Let's give each team a name. So, one team is called "Circle", the second "Square".
Took a triangle and a square
He built a house out of them.
And I am very happy about that:
Now the gnome lives there.
We'll put two squares
And then a huge circle.
And then three more circles
Triangular cap.
So a cheerful eccentric came out.
We will not build a freak out of geometric shapes, we will build a boat
2nd competition. "Build a boat from geometric shapes"... The envelopes contain geometric shapes, from which you need to assemble a boat. Whose team will collect the fastest, she won.
Tsarina: The jury sums up the results, and we play on.

Once upon a time the girl Shura
Geometric shapes in the box:
Cubes, balls, squares
And other brave guys.

3 competition "Assemble correctly"
The basket contains cubes and balls. The teams run to the basket. The "Circles" team selects balls and carries them into their basket. The "Squares" command selects cubes and also carries them into their basket. The winner is the team that will quickly and correctly complete the task.
Queen of mathematics: while the jury sums up the results of the competitions, I suggest you take a break.
They turn on the song of the fixers "Help", the children perform movements to the music.
The Queen of Mathematics announces the results of 3 contests.
Tsarina: Well done guys, they did a good job. And we have the following competition:

Pineapple fell by the path,
Broke into two halves.
Three crows cannot share
Two halves equally.
We will not divide the pineapple halves, we will collect a whole pineapple from two halves.
4. Contest "Assemble the Whole"
Flat images of pineapples are cut into two parts (the cut is arbitrary: in half along, across, in a zigzag). Pineapple halves are laid out on the floor, children stand in pairs, each pair must assemble a whole image from pineapple halves.
Queen mathematician: And now I want to know which team is the most attentive.
5th competition "Continue the row".
Children are offered a sample of a logical series of geometric shapes, and the commands continue the logical series on the basis of the pattern. The team that wins without mistakes and quickly completes the task.
Queen of Mathematics: Our cheerful mathematical sports holiday is over. While the jury is summing up the results, we are with you in the musical game "If you have fun".
After the dance game, the Jury announces the results of the mathematical entertainment, and the Queen of Mathematics awards the winners.
Queen: All riddles are solved, the games are played. I am not saying goodbye to you. We'll meet again in math classes and play new games. Until next time.