The oldest dog in the world. Long-liver dog breeds

In this article I will talk about dogs that can be considered centenarians. I will give a characteristic of the appearance of the rocks and a description of the temperament. I'll tell you about the average life expectancy of each of the breeds and describe the price categories for buying puppies.

The average life span of a healthy dog ​​is 10-13 years, but there are breeds of long-lived representatives in the canine world.

The compact dog reaches a weight of 3.2 kg in adulthood. The forelegs are straight, the chest is not wide. The breed is characterized by erect V-shaped ears and a luxurious coat that falls on the sides.

The color of a purebred Yorkshire Terrier: on the body the coat is silvery-gray, the tail is gray with a bluish tint, the limbs and head with the breast are golden brown.

Life expectancy practically breaks records for a dog's life - 17-20 years.

A miniature playful pet is fearless, it quickly becomes attached to its owner and becomes an excellent guard. York is active and loves walks in the fresh air, however, it suits well for keeping in an apartment.

Physical contact with the owner is important for the animal.

The pet is affectionate and gets along well with other pets.

Puppy price: $ 150-400.

One of the smallest breeds that live the longest and are famous for longevity (15-20 years). A pet of this breed should not exceed 2.8 kg. The coat of the representatives of the breed can be both smooth and short, and fluffy.

Chihuahua is famous for its complex character.

The dog is sincerely loyal to the owner, but jealous and wary in an unfamiliar society.

Chihuahuas are not recommended for families with children; from loud noises, the dog becomes nervous and aggressive. With the owner, the dog is always kind and affectionate, subtly feels the mood. Socializing your dog at an early age is extremely important.

The dog must learn to understand the command "Fu!" which calls for silence. The breed tends to give voice to the slightest external stimuli.

Price: from $ 150.

The compact and sturdily built beagle is a hound dog. He is characterized by flexibility and dexterity. Strong and dense limbs are in harmony with a dense body. Height at the withers 33-40 cm. The coat is short, any color is acceptable except for pepper. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

This is a companionable breed that is always ready to run and play. Training is easy, and obedience is excellent. The Beagle is patient and loves children. The dog is suitable for lovers of jogging or out-of-town walks. The breed easily finds contact with other dogs and people.

Hunting dogs can have problems with cats. Cats, sensing being watched and hunted, show aggression, and the conflict between animals develops rapidly.

Average cost of a beagle puppy: $ 330.

A long-liver who wears a fluffy fur coat and has a modest size. The square shape of the body, wedge-shaped head, erect ears, and a well-defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle characterize the Spitz. The coat is dense, with undercoat, light color.

A loyal and active dog is distrustful of strangers.

The dog is wayward, fulfills commands only when it wants and is hard to train. Playful Pomeranian is suitable for a person who leads an active lifestyle. The pet gives love to the owner and demands affection in return.

Price: $ 160-240.

The shepherd dog, 58 cm tall, has a thick coat with a "collar". The body is proportionally folded, the limbs are strong, the chest is wide, the muscles are well developed. The color is black, red, marble. Small amounts of white spots are allowed. Life expectancy is 13 to 17 years.

Due to its origin, it is independent, active and cheerful. The dog is strongly attached to the owner, gets along well with children. If contact is established between the dog and the owner, then training will be easy.

The dog quickly understands what they want from him, and tries to please the owner. Animals do not tolerate rudeness or assault.

Price: 1200-1500 dollars.

Lhasa Apso is a small dog. The height at the withers is 23 cm. The body is rectangular, the belly is lean, the legs are straight, not long. The coat is long, straight and needs daily brushing or trimming. The most common colors are: white, beige, gold, gray, black. Life expectancy is 14 years.

The dog has highly developed guarding and guarding qualities. The dog is freedom-loving, but recognizes only one owner. With proper and regular training, success will be achieved. Lhasa apso is suitable for a person who is ready to devote time every day to caring for a pet and playing with it.

The dog does not tolerate loneliness and neglect.

Price: $ 350-2000.

The dog has a slender and agile body. Height at the withers is 25-29 cm. The chest is of medium width, the muzzle is narrow, the ears are erect. The breed is characterized by short limbs. The coat is short or medium. Traditional color: white with black or red spots.

The dog is loyal to the owner and protects him well. Moving dogs need some kind of physical activity, and in the absence of it, they throw out the accumulated energy into damage to furniture or aggression.

It is necessary to practice with the Jack Russell Terrier, high intelligence allows you to quickly learn commands. Good contact with the owner will ensure obedience. The Jack Russell Terrier gets along well with other pets and gets along well with young children.

Price: $ 260-1000.

The hunting dog is distinguished by its mobility and passion. The body of the dachshund is elongated, the muzzle is narrow and long. Height at the withers is 20-30 cm. The peculiarity of the breed is a disproportionately long body with short legs. The coat is short and coarse. The color is solid. The life span of a dachshund is 14-17 years.

An active dachshund loves to play, but in training it shows stubbornness and may not pay attention to a person's commands. Regarding the maintenance of the dog in the apartment, its cleanliness is noted. The dachshund needs a daily load and communication with the owner, it quickly becomes attached to a person.

Price: $ 250-500

The pug stands out from other dog breeds with its fleshy folds on the body and muzzle. Height of an adult dog: 25-28 cm, weight 6-8 kg. The chest is wide, the back is straight, the muscles are well developed. The color is solid fawn, black, beige, a dark mask and dark semi-erect ears are required. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The pug is sociable, playful, suitable even for inexperienced owners.

The dog is calm and loves to spend time with the owner at home rather than jogging. Pugs can be stubborn, but a steady hand and a lack of aggression from the owner will be able to raise a pet.

The diet of the pug should be strictly designed, the breed is prone to obesity.

Price: $ 300-400.

A long-liver pet can be a representative of the breed that is not on such lists.

To maintain the health of the animal, it is necessary to undergo examinations by a veterinarian, and to treat diseases in a timely manner. And the dog's belonging to the breeds of long-livers does not give any guarantees regarding each individual animal.

Life expectancy, whatever the dog, depends not only on genetic predispositions, but also on the care of the owner.

Correctly formulated food for the tailed beast is almost a key factor affecting the health of the pet, and hence the life expectancy. It is important to take into account the size of the dog, its mobility, health characteristics and age when compiling food. Small growing puppies and older dogs are especially sensitive.

  1. Lifestyle.

For animals, as well as for us, sport is very useful. Being in good shape, the body produces hormones of happiness, blood circulation improves, oxygen enters all organs, including the brain, in the required amount. Of course, such a dog will be healthier than its lazy companions. And if the owner gets used to running with the pet, this will have a positive effect on his life expectancy too.

  1. A visit to the veterinarian, vaccinations received on time.

It is especially important for dogs to get all vaccinations on time, starting from puppyhood. Even if the pet practically does not walk and appears, the owner can bring the infection from the street on shoes or things. It is also recommended to have a check-up with a veterinarian at least once a year.

  1. Genetics.

According to statistics, dogs with a more elongated muzzle live a little longer than their flat-faced counterparts. But even among the second category there are many breeds of long-livers!

  1. Pedigree.

Oddly enough, yard dogs live longer than some breeds. This is due to the lack of congenital anomalies in the body associated with a particular breed. On the other hand, there are long-living dog breeds that have much better health than mongrels.

Long-lived miniature dog breeds

Jack Russell Terrier

These small and brave fox hunters from the United Kingdom remain active until around the age of 16. Many people think that all small dog breeds can be kept in apartments. But not in the case of the Jack Russell Terrier. They have a high energy charge, which is difficult to realize in a confined space. An active lifestyle is one of the key conditions for the longevity of these cute dogs.

Welsh Corgi playing with Jack Russell Terrier

Corgi (Welsh and Pembroke)

Some of the smallest herding dogs do an excellent job of handling herds of cattle. Today they can often be found in houses and apartments, but they have not lost their mobility and pride. They are also loved partly due to the lack of the characteristic smell of "dog" and infrequent molting. If the animal leads such a mobile lifestyle, like herding relatives, then good health will accompany the Corgi for an average of 15 years. Their height is small - a maximum of 30 centimeters at the withers.


Despite the brachycephalic structure of the skull and external obesity, pugs are distinguished by their activity and longevity, they live on average up to 15 years. Interestingly, pugs often perform a watchdog function in the house and notice any danger better than others. At the withers, pugs reach no more than 34 centimeters. The main task of the owner is to observe the correct nutrition of the pet in order to avoid obesity and care for its characteristic folds on the face and body.


One of the oldest hunting dog breeds has been known since about the 15th century. They are big fans of digging holes, so they prefer to live in the courtyards of private houses, where they fully pour out their energy. Like most small breeds, the Beagle lives up to 15 years of age. The only weak spot in these dogs is the drooping ears that fit snugly against the cheeks, which require frequent grooming. Often there are individuals with small stature - 33-35 centimeters, but there are individuals reaching 40 cm.

Pug and beagle

Large and medium-sized breeds of long-lived dogs

Japanese spitz

The chic snow-white Spitz is distinguished by its slightly larger size, up to 42 cm at the withers. There is a version that this breed actually originated from Samoyed Laikas, rather than from "chanterelles", but it has not been proven. In any case, the life expectancy of white Spitz is longer than that of the rest and reaches 16 years. These dogs are indifferent to children and small animals, but in no case will harm them. They are very attached to the owners and constantly require communication and affection.

Australian Shepherd or Aussie

Representatives of this mobile breed are usually slightly larger than average - 57-59 centimeters at the withers, females are smaller. They have a very peaceful, affectionate, but mobile character, therefore, the main condition for the health and longevity of this breed is to provide free space for the dog. They do not like to sit on chains and constantly need "work", since their original purpose is to graze flocks of sheep. Australian Shepherds should not be given bread, pork and eggs. In suitable conditions, the pet will delight with health for 14-15 years.

Border Collie

One of the most graceful and graceful herding dogs, the Border Collie can easily live up to 18 years of age. Like the hunting and herding breeds described above, they require three hours of physical activity daily. If you observe these dogs while walking, you will notice a "gallop" not typical for other dogs during a run. This is one of the smartest breeds, always striving to get the job done. In height, these animals reach 52-54 centimeters.

New Guinea Singing Dog

The most ancient and wild breed of the presented in this list. They owe their vitality and fantastic longevity to their direct wolf ancestors. This is a real breed of long-lived dogs that live up to 19-20 years. Singing dogs are not often found in homes. If you want a loyal and affectionate pet, then this is not the right choice. Their attitude towards humans is more like a cat's "walks by itself." They got their name from the characteristic barking, which can be heard below. It is a bad idea to keep such a pet in apartments with low soundproofing.
The dimensions of the New Guinea Singing Dog are medium - a height of about 43 centimeters.

Hardy and loyal companions, living 15 years on average. They are distinguished by their love for all family members, including small children and other pets.
Not demanding in any special care, they are always looking for a job, as they are distinguished by extraordinary endurance and hard work. At the withers, they are about the same size as other shepherd breeds - up to 45 centimeters in height.


Graceful, but strong physique Cooley is almost the most positive representatives of medium breeds of dogs. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they can be both excellent shepherds and excellent hunters. The maximum height at the withers reaches 49-51 centimeters, and the lifespan reaches up to 18 years. Representatives of the Jamen-Kuli breed get along equally well with both adults and children of any age.

As you can see, most of the described long-lived dog breeds have either a hunting or a shepherd's origin, which suggests the conclusion that an active lifestyle of a pet, coupled with proper nutrition, is a guarantee of health and longevity.

The illness of a beloved dog always brings frustration and many problems. In order not to suffer with your pet, it is better to initially choose a healthy breed, which will have as few reasons as possible to visit the veterinarian. Whom to get, and how to check if the dog is healthy? We will talk about this in the article.

The lifespan of dogs is several times less than that of humans. But the owner finds it difficult to come to terms with the death of the pet, whom he himself raised. In order for the sad moment of farewell to come as late as possible, it is worth asking about the lifespan of different breeds and choosing a potential long-liver.

Which are in good health

A healthy dog ​​is, first of all, a dog that is well looked after and cared for, fed with wholesome food, regularly taken for walks and to the veterinarian. But heredity is also important: there are breeds that, according to veterinarians, rarely get sick and do not have congenital pathologies.

Which dogs are the least sick?

Important: according to statistics, the breed from the primitive group will have better health - that is, those in the formation process of which the person practically did not interfere.

In search of a healthy pet, you should not pursue beauty and fantastic pedigree, it is better to prefer an active and happy life with your pet.

There is no definite classification of the healthiest dog breeds. But, thanks to the observations of veterinarians, it is possible to identify breeds that have a longer life expectancy and less often have health problems. Who is one of them?


Small for an apartment

Which small dogs in good health are the least sick?

Bichon Frize

This small white and fluffy cloud weighing 5 kg can boast not only charming appearance, but also excellent health. With proper care, a dog of this breed can live up to 25 years, which is considered incredible longevity among dogs!

A bit overgrown 🙂

Bichon Frize is well suited even to inexperienced owners, she is affectionate and playful. The animal will take root in the apartment, but you will need to walk a lot with it. The main difficulty associated with the Bichon Frize is caring for its thick white coat - it needs to be regularly combed, washed and trimmed.

Shih Tzu or miniature lion

A tiny creature with funny fur growing on its face, making the dog look like a chrysanthemum. Once this breed was very popular at the courts of Chinese emperors, today the Shih Tzu will decorate any apartment.

A small animal can live up to 14 years, while rarely suffering from disease. An exception is skin diseases. To prevent this, you need to regularly groom the dog's coat.

When starting a Shih Tzu, it is important to know that this is a very sociable and companionable breed. She will suffer from lack of attention.

Miniature schnauzer

Restless and funny animal, the smallest (up to 30 cm in height) in the schnauzer family. This breed is ideal for a family with a toddler - schnauzers adore children, do not shed, and are easy to train. In addition, they are healthy and can live up to 12-14 years old, so the early death of a pet will not be a trauma for the child.

There is one thing: Schnauzers love to eat (almost as much as children), so if you feed your dog, it will suffer from pancreatitis.


Looking at this tiny, intelligent dog with long hair, it is difficult to imagine that it was once used for hunting rats. Nevertheless, this is so - in ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece, the Maltese lapdog was bred in order to protect its home from rodents.

Like other ancient breeds, malteza has excellent health and can live for 15-18 years. True, all these 18 years, the owner will have to tirelessly take care of the pet's coat, making sure that it is white and silky. In addition, Maltese are quite capricious and do not like children, so when starting a lapdog, it is worth thinking a hundred times.

Yorkshire Terrier

Good news for lovers of these smart and cute dogs: this breed can live for 14-16 years, and with careful care, even longer. In the past, this breed was also used for hunting rats, but today the Yorkie will take a nap on his lap with great pleasure, than will actively run and play.

Yorkies do not shed much, are considered hypoallergenic, and can easily learn to walk in a litter box, making them ideal animals for an apartment. At the same time, the Yorkshire Terrier is very curious and requires constant attention from the owner.


This miniature dog made the list as well, as it can easily live to be 18 years old. It is widely believed that Chihuahuas have poor health, but this is not entirely true. It's just that the homeland of these kids is sultry Mexico, where it's warm all the time. Not surprisingly, dogs do not tolerate cold well and catch colds easily.

If you dress your pet for the weather and make sure that it does not freeze in the apartment, then you will not have to wait for other health problems. In addition to good health, the Chihuahua has a high intelligence. So in a sense, this is an ideal pet, albeit the smallest among dogs.

Continental Toy Spaniel or Papillon

A small and very beautiful dog that lives for about 15 years. In the past, she mainly lived at the courts of French kings, but today it will easily take root in every apartment. The animal is distinguished by excellent health (however, there may be problems with tartar) and activity, and is also one of the ten smartest companion dogs.

By the way, papillon in French means "butterfly" - this name was given to the breed for its beauty and long luxurious ears.

Medium with good health


The dream dog of almost any child - as it turned out, is also a long-liver. A miniature toy poodle will live 12-14 years, but a large one will delight with its presence at least 15. Poodles are very smart (in the ranking of the smartest breeds compiled by Dr. to any climate.

Poodles are also unpretentious in terms of nutrition, but you need to pay attention to the fat content of food: the liver of this breed is a vulnerable spot.

This charming and funny "sausage" lives for 12-14 years, during which he hardly visits the veterinarian. The reason for the weakening of the health of the dachshund can only be the owner himself: if it is wrong to train or feed the dog.

In the first case, there is a risk of damaging the spine and intervertebral discs (dangerously with paralysis), and in the second, getting an overweight dog. Full dachshunds are a common problem, but with the right diet and active walks, everything will be fine.

Australian Shepherd Dog or Blue Healer

Representatives of this breed stand out for their unusual color and perky disposition. The Blue Healer is an energetic and active dog that will remain cheerful and fast until its death (at the age of 13-14).

It's just space!

The breed really has excellent health, but hip dysplasia and retinal atrophy can develop in middle age. The Australian Shepherd is prized for its affectionate disposition and dedication to its owner, which makes it an irreplaceable companion.

A very nice and inquisitive medium-sized dog, which may seem too active and noisy to some. But, if the beagle gets along with the owner in character, then you don't have to worry: they are not threatened with an early separation.

Bigley live 14-15 years and do not complain of illness. The only caveat: a dog of this breed loves to eat, but it is not worth feeding it. Extra pounds will not add health.

Shiba (shiba) -inu

A popular Japanese dog, famous for its bright red color, courage and intelligence. Lives 16-18 years old, unpretentious in nutrition. The Siba has no serious genetic abnormalities; it is an almost completely healthy breed.

In addition, individuals of this breed age late and remain active and cheerful for a long time. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the independent disposition of the Shiba Inu.: such an animal cannot be dominated. Instead, you need to win the dog's respect, negotiate and compromise.

The big ones who get sick the least

This is an ancient, rare and difficult breed to keep, which, to some extent, provided it with good health. Not everyone decides to have a Central Asian Shepherd Dog, but deciding on such a step - he will carefully take care of the pet, which allows you to preserve an excellent gene pool.

In addition, the Alabai are not the result of artificial selection, they are an aboriginal breed. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog lives up to 15 years. However, this is a difficult animal, prone to aggression and dominance over the owner.

It will take time, patience and experience to build normal relations with Alabai, so it is not worth starting this breed solely because of longevity.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Another undemanding giant with excellent health by nature. Sheepdog of this breed (by the way, one of the oldest) will live for about 12-14 years and will guard its owner until the last days. Caucasians are unpretentious in food and care, but they require considerable skill in terms of training.

And like all large breeds, they can suffer from elbow dysplasia. To prevent this ailment from undermining the otherwise good health of the dog, you need to regularly visit the veterinarian.

Yes, this extremely popular breed has also been included in the list of centenarians! Husky, like its northern cousin Laika, can live up to 13 years without any problems. This is not surprising: the climate in the North is harsh and, in order to calmly endure it, you will need excellent health.

The husky has a great digestive system. However, the natural strength of this animal can be shattered by improper care.: it will take a lot of walking with a husky, playing so that he has somewhere to splash out his activity, and make sure that the pet does not suffer from the heat.


Another of the oldest breeds, the greyhound dog comes from the Middle East. The Arabs considered the Saluki or Persian greyhound to be a gift from Allah. Indeed, this is an unassuming and very affectionate animal that will delight its owner for about 15 years.

Saluki were bred as a result of natural selection, which rewarded them with excellent health - this large breed suffers from hip dysplasia less often than others.

The animal often looks very thin, even emaciated, but this is normal. Thanks to this physique, the Saluki can reach tremendous speeds (up to 69 km / h), so this breed will need long walks.

When starting them in the house, it is worth considering that this is a hunting dog, and it will not get along with any other living creature, even a cat - sooner or later it will end in tragedy.


Another of the oldest centenarians, this time from Africa, with more than 5,000 years of history. The breed had to follow its owners across the unkind African continent, and as a result, they developed excellent health.

Dogs of this breed live up to 16 years old, are distinguished by stupid energy, excellent appetite and rarely visit a veterinarian.

Bassendzhi have other advantages: for their natural silence they are called the "African barking dog". It is also a breed.

The healthiest in the world

It is difficult to say unequivocally which of the breeds can boast of the best health. Most veterinarians are sure that this terriers, and any variety. This belief was formed on the basis of the fact that terriers rarely get sick, and when they get sick, they recover relatively easily.

If the dog is given all the preventive vaccinations, then health problems may not occur - none at all. The average life expectancy of terriers is also impressive: about 18 years!

There is another belief that the healthiest dog in the world is basset hound... With good grooming and good nutrition, this breed with long, beautiful ears can even outlast a terrier, reaching 20 years of age.

But such centenarians are rare among Bassets, and their usual life expectancy is up to 15 years. However, a basset hound can be great as he is friendly, good with children and loves to play. Among the breed's shortcomings is the constant drooling and love to howl, especially when the beloved owner is not around.

How do you know that you are healthy?

And yet, even the healthiest breed can get sick. In this case, the animal's recovery will no longer depend on genetics, but on the competent actions of its owner and a timely visit to the veterinarian. In order for the dog to be in order, it is necessary to track the disease at an early stage. How do you know if your pet is healthy or sick? To do this, you need to look at these 10 signs:

  1. Wet cold nose. This is the first indicator of a pet's health. Sometimes it is unpleasant when a dog pokes into the palm with a wet nose, but this should please, because it says that everything is in order with it. But if the nose is dry and hot, this signals at least the dehydration of the animal.
  2. Eyes... They should be clean, free of streaks, and clear. Ideally, the owner of the dog can see his reflection in his eyes. If they are, it's time to sound the alarm.
  3. ... Clean ears, without black lumps of sulfur and unpleasant odor, are the key to the health of your pet. An unpleasant smell can indicate not only improper care, but also nutritional problems.
  4. The mucous membrane of the mouth. In a healthy dog, it is pale pink, while in a sick dog it can be yellow, white and even blue.
  5. Smell and condition of the coat... Almost any dog ​​smells like dog and that's okay. But - it speaks of problems. A healthy dog's coat should shine, not fall out and not get tangled beyond measure.
  6. Temperature... The norm is from 38 to 39.2 degrees.
  7. Breath... The norm is up to 20 exhalations per minute. This indicator can increase in the heat or after active physical activity. But in general, if the dog is breathing heavily and unevenly, it is most likely in pain and needs help.
  8. Mood... If the animal is lethargic, reluctant to walk, is capricious and refuses to obey commands, it is most likely a matter of health. Sick dogs can show uncharacteristic aggression, so if a usually affectionate dog starts snarling, this is a reason to immediately visit a veterinarian.
  9. Appetite... In a healthy dog, it is always excellent, refusing to eat is a sign of serious problems.
  10. Urination and bowel movement... In healthy dogs, these processes are painless and regular.

You can tell if a dog is healthy by looking at the pet. If he is active, affectionate, with a shiny coat and shining eyes - everything is in order, and the owner can praise himself for the excellent care of the animal!

How to choose?

So how do you choose a healthy dog? You can choose many health problems of your pet even at the stage of choosing a puppy. A smart choice will save you a lot of nerves, effort and money. So, if you do not set as your goal constant visits to the veterinarian, then you will have to work a little and not take the first animal that comes across spontaneously and thoughtlessly. Instead, you need:

  1. Do not take the puppy from the hands, from an unverified breeder or in the poultry market... In this case, the chances of finding out what kind of breed your pet really is, and how things were with the health of his parents, are zero. The first step to a healthy pet is buying it from a nursery or from a good breeder. If the seller is nervous, refuses to show the documents, offers to make the deal faster and is not interested in the conditions in which the dog will live, there is no need to buy a puppy.
  2. Find out about the health of the puppy's parents, what they were sick with, what kind of mating it was, whether they were close relatives. Puppies from the first mating are rarely healthy, the same applies to an already elderly and emaciated bitch. Taking a pet from mating between relatives is definitely a bad idea, he may develop a genetic disease.
  3. Meet the puppy's mom. It is clear that immediately after giving birth, she will not look good, but an overly emaciated and nervous dog should alert.
  4. Look at the puppy itself. A healthy puppy looks plump, its fur is shiny and smells like milk. He is trusting and active, often he can crawl up and start sniffing the future owner. You can stroke your baby gently. If he was not scared, everything is all right.
  5. Check eyes, ears, nose - there should be no purulent or mucous discharge. You should not disdain and look under the tail - if there are areas stuck together from feces, a very unpleasant smell - something is wrong. The belly of a healthy puppy is pink, without rashes and scratching.



So, choosing a healthy dog ​​is not difficult. For this you need:

  1. Find a suitable breed for yourself from the list of healthy ones. Terriers and Bassets live the longest, but in general - if a dog was not bred using artificial selection, then it is likely to be healthy.
  2. Carefully treat the purchase of a puppy: take it to a trusted place and check if everything is good with health at the stage of acquisition.

It is worth remembering that any dog ​​needs care, attention and regular check-ups with a veterinarian. In this case, your pet will meet deep old age without any problems!

What about your dog's health? If everything is fine, the nose is wet, and the pet is affectionate, then boast in the comments of his photo and advice on how to care for the animal. And be healthy!

Small - their heart wears out faster, the load on the joints is higher. Great Danes and Bordeaux dogs, Irish wolfhounds, mastiffs, on average, live no more than 7-8 years, Newfoundlands and St. Bernards, with rare exceptions, live up to 9 years.

There is a certain pattern between the size of the dog and the duration of its life - for example, if a German shepherd dog or by the age of 10 becomes very old, then a tiny Pekingese or Shih Tzu at this age is still strong and full of vigor. Centenarians are most often found among representatives of such breeds as toy - these miniature dogs live up to 15 and even up to 20 years.

Mestizos and mongrel dogs live longer than owners of impressive ones - of course, if you provide them with favorable conditions. Among stray dogs, long-livers cannot be found - the harsh conditions, injuries and diseases do not allow them to live more than 5-8 years. However, a mongrel that fell into good hands at an early age can delight loving owners of 12-13 years and more, since the strong immunity of mongrel dogs and the absence of genetically determined diseases in them contribute to a higher life expectancy.

The dog's age is not only determined by the breed. The conditions in which the animal is kept are very important. The prerequisites for health and longevity are a balanced diet, exercise, stress-free, good treatment. Your dog's health requires attention not only at an early age - with the first signs of aging, your pet needs special care. Even in old age, a dog can be quite vigorous and cheerful, and if properly looked after, you can extend the period of activity by a year or two.

The short life expectancy of representatives of some breeds is explained by genetic diseases - purebred Rottweilers and Bernese Mountain Dogs, for example, are prone to cancer, and dachshunds suffer from joint diseases. Therefore, owners who want to extend the life of their pet should be more attentive to him and contact the veterinarian as soon as the dog has health problems.

Many believe that only human quirks and achievements are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. But in fact, there are pets too, and you can learn a lot about it. A small selection on the topic of the dog in the Guinness records.

The smallest dog in the world

Record holders

  • Terrier Max, living in Louisiana, is considered to be the longest-liver. His age is about 30 years old, the dog was born on August 9, 1983. Lives to this day;
  • Most expensive dog - $ 1.5 million This amount was given by one multimillionaire for a Tibetan Mastiff puppy;
  • The heaviest dog weighs 156 kilograms with a height of 96 centimeters. Breed - English Mastiff;
  • The smallest dog in the world is the Chihuahua, with a height of 6.53 cm, it weighs only 170 grams;
  • The fastest dog is a Greyhound named Star Title, which has a speed of 68 km / h.

This is far from the most complete list of records, but we did not write downright stupid ones, such as the longest distance of a crawling dog between the legs of people standing in a row. By the way, there were 457 of them.

Where did the book of records come from?

Everyone knows about this book, but only a few know its history and origins.

Initially, it was just a guide, designed for those who like to argue for a mug of beer in pubs. An ingenious idea visited the owner of the Guinness Brewery, Sir Hugh Beavery, by the nature of his profession he knew how the disputes in drunk companies end.

Guinness Book of Records

It just contained interesting facts, answers to quizzes, and just encyclopedic notes.

But the book began to publish the amusing possibilities of people and animals, thereby gaining immense popularity. So in 1956, the reference book was already replicated up to 5 million copies, turning from a simple reference book into the achievements of mankind in half a century.

Dogs in Guinness records, biggest dog, video