Scenario of the 60th anniversary. Ready script for the anniversary (60 years old woman) with cool contests

Oh, you guests are gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Or life is bad at home -
But they are dressed, just a miracle.
And the answer is quite simple,
Our Vladimir young
With your friends
I decided to celebrate the anniversary.

Host: Dear First Name Last Name, let me congratulate you on behalf of all those present on your anniversary and retirement.
We wish you on your anniversary
So that you sit for champagne,
To dance, sing songs,
So that this glorious feast
He brought health, happiness, peace.
Be happy and healthy
Don't remember the years
Let life be harsh at times
But don't you dare give in to her.

Wow, I'm looking. Are you moving something? Wait, I will introduce you to the charter of our evening. Our charter states:

That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.

It is announced that in 20__ the anniversary of Vladimir Konstantinovich will not be canceled.

Remember: for a start, everyone did not interfere with a glass.

It is announced that the laughter in this house is not canceled.

Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month, after this evening they cannot be returned.

Moderator: I offer the floor to congratulate colleagues and friends.
(Colleagues of the hero of the day are speaking.)

We congratulate you on a significant event,

Today is your legal anniversary,

We wish you great health,

And there are many sincere friends in life.

Anniversary is a special date

Where you summarize in your mind

What a mistake could be sometime

What is expensive, probably saved.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

And we want to wish you happiness.

Let in your home climate

There will never be bad weather.

We do not give to the birthday boy

No headsets, no rings

Surely you will take it warmer

Greetings from friendly hearts.

Host: And now I would like to tell you a little about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me. I need you to list any 12 adjectives.

(The presenter writes down these adjectives and inserts them in the missing places in the text).

Name Surname was born in ... 19 .. He grew up very ... a child. For many ... years he has not changed at all, which speaks of the constancy of his ... character. In ... 1950 he was admitted to the ranks ... of the pioneer organization named after. V.I. Lenin. He received his education and specialty in ... 1963. In the same year he entered the ranks of our ... friendly team and since then has not parted with us. He made ... a contribution to ... the affairs of the country. The hero of the day possesses ... appearance and ... efficiency, and this is what made the team feel more affectionate.

Host: We wish the hero of the day
We are health and happiness
What more could you wish for
If we drink today
Health will not weaken
Tomorrow you can continue again.

And now, on behalf of the Department of Education of Russia, I have been entrusted to present a diploma to the hero of the day that he is indeed a pensioner.

This diploma was issued to the Yubilar (Surname, Name) in that he completed a course on the topic "Know and be able" during his 60 years of life and discovered the following knowledge:
Literature (Conversation with his wife in anger.) - 4

Mathematics (Recalculating the wife's wages in your favor.) - 4

Geography (Wherever it goes, everything will come home.) - 5

Music (Playing on the nerves.) - 3

Chemistry (Moonshine brewing.) - 4

Diligence (On the right side.) - 5

Diligence (On the left side.) - 4

Based on the foregoing, to recognize Comrade…. fit for the passage of the further life path.
Course work on the topic "If you want to live, be able to spin" - protected by 5.

By the decision of the state qualification commission from ... 2000 to assign Comrade. ... the title of "Free young pensioner".
Host: But don't get too upset. The birthday boy is greeted by his friends.

Congratulations from friends
They say that at sixty every birthday person is happy
Exchange your years for twenty, twenty-five.
No friends, not at all, who thinks so eccentric.
At twenty, holes are everywhere
No wife and no apartment
At sixty you have a garden
And, of course, three guys.
At twenty-five, only in a club
I had a chance to drink vodka.
At sixty you are all in smoke
You can drink vodka.
At twenty-five - the egg-box is empty,
At twenty-five - sheer hell
At sixty - a savings account in rubles,
At sixty, there is cronyism everywhere.
At twenty you plow at work
Like a horse or an ox
At sixty you will tell your colleagues
You work hard, I went.
No friends, he is very happy
That I'm exactly sixty!
Every year he grows smarter
Years fly by like birds
He will not regret a hundred, That he is now sixty!

Host: I would like to give advice to a newly-made pensioner.

Keep your family as strict as possible

Come, go and get out

One look, one word

And for them it is already the law.

And on holidays of the country

In the morning - read the moral to them,

For dinner, read the severity,

And in the evening sit down for tea.

So let's lift our spell

Everyone, taking their wine,

We will drink to the hero of the day

And for his friendly family.

May life be rich in joys.

And happiness will not leave your doorstep.

We wish you as little trouble as possible,

But they still cannot be avoided,

So the way will be the strength to win.

So today these forces are our guests. Yes Yes. Do not be surprised, this is not a fairy tale. So, our guests are internal forces, i.e. Ministry of the Interior
(Some of the invitees put on a police uniform. Traffic signs are drawn up in advance.)

Policeman: On behalf of the traffic police and the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Yekaterinburg, I present mementos. Since there is constant movement in the apartment and you can forget and get lost, we decided to help with this.

Don't forget to turn off the TV

(The sign is attached to the TV screen)

Caution children may appear here

(The sign is attached to the sofa)

Be careful, wipe your glasses "

(The sign is attached to the bathroom)

Carefully don't overdo it

(The sign is attached in the kitchen)

Caution sharp objects (The sign can be hung in the kitchen and in the room where there is a needle and thread)

Caution gas and electrical appliances

(The sign is attached over gas and electrical appliances)

Policeman: Be careful in your movements and God forbid you to attach or mix up the signs incorrectly. All the best

Host: May this day be solemn and holy

Today it happened - you are sixty!

But do not be sad, do not consider that the limit,

There are still many things ahead of you.

From a pure heart, we wish you

So that everything that you have in mind will come true in fate.

Go through life as before boldly,

To celebrate more than one anniversary.

We wish you in the future

Never, never give up

And health for many years

We want to wish it from the bottom of our hearts.

Host: We gave you gifts,

But it's not a secret for anyone

What a heartfelt gift

There is no better song.

(The lyrics of the song are printed and reproduced in advance. To distribute to the guests.)

to the melody "At the Spinning"

So autumn has flown by

Vova gathered all the guests.

Let's sit at a feast, as it were

Let's talk about the anniversary.

And what's right, that's right,

The anniversary is not easy here,

Well this should be so measured

Shake your head.

And after all, yours has survived,

Surprise takes

I swear to God, they would fall in love,

It's a pity, Lyudmila, she doesn't.

The hero of the day still needs

And it works like an ox,

How will he go to dig potatoes,

Nobody will keep up.

Oh really, it's true

This master is anywhere,

And besides, we need to tell

What's crazy about grandchildren.

We will not praise my wife,

The lady is not great.

Let's look at the hero of the day.

Without him, where are you going.

Yes, what a concern to her,

He lives on ready-made food.

In the morning he will get up, shake himself off,

Have a snack and leave.

Oh, girlfriend do not swear,

Oh, girlfriend do not be sad

Although they are women, they are women,

Without men, nowhere

Such is our share

You don't need to be angry

We wish the hero of the day

To live another hundred years in harmony.

Host: And now we offer you a lottery.
Comic lottery

To cook borscht wonderfully, you need cabbage for seasoning.


Acetylsalicylic acid will also warm you without cognac.

Do not try to get angry with everyone, and a nail in the household will come in handy.

You thought that there was no happiness,

Oh, what a weirdo you are

Buy yourself some candy

For the won penny

When you go for a walk

And so that your pants do not sleep,

You must have with you

Safety pin made of steel


After a glass, have a snack,

This is a very important matter.

Here's a sleeve for you
(Paper napkin.)

Carpet 2 × 3.


Here's a flower for you

We ask you to save

He will help you

To entice a lover (tsu).

To throw off ten years ago

You don't need to think long,

Excellent will give advice

This wonderful lipstick

We have provided you with hooks

Well, sew the skirts yourself

Fry, cook, boil,

Just don't salt much

(A pack of salt.)

To send greetings to friends, an envelope will come in handy


Pour 100, pour 200, you can't do it alone, let's do it together

This nail is a gift to you.
You are the best guest today

Don't be angry with us buddy

Here's a box of matches

If you don't wash your heels, you will cover them with a follower

(The follower.)

You will save up a thousand in time

If there is a wallet


Here's a badge

Put on instead of a brooch

For a good friend, there is a head of garlic

How to tie a ribbon with a bow,

You will immediately become the first dandy


If you want to cry, you need to rub your eyes with an onion (Onion)

Host: I invite all guests to take part in games and attractions.

"To the touch". 8-10 small objects are folded into a dark bag made of material: scissors, a bottle cork, a fountain pen, a button, a spoon, threads, a thimble, a knife from a meat grinder, etc. You have to feel through the fabric of the bag to guess what is in it. The fabric should not be too coarse or too thin.

“Couples in reverse”. Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms are free). These couples must dance the waltz, tango, lady and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese twins.

"Whose ball is bigger." The competition is simple: the participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. The one who bursts the ball is eliminated from the game.

The winner is the one with the largest ball in terms of volume.

"Match-spear". Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance like a spear. The winner can be determined by three throws.

"Dancers". Conduct a dance competition with objects to the melodies "Yablochko", "Kazachok", "Kalinka" t, etc. Let the participants dance:

a) with an apple (ball, ball);

b) with chairs and stools;

c) with a glass of wine, etc.

Host: And now I propose to compete for intellectuals. Unravel anagrams and logarithms.

Breathing lightly in my shadow

You often praise me in the summer,

But rearrange my letters

And you will dump the whole forest with me.

(Linden - saw.)

I am lying on the ground nailed to the iron, But put the letters in the pan, I’ll climb.

(Sleeper - noodles.)

Along the wire, I rush night and day.

And from the end they will read me, I am a tiger from my relatives

(Current - cat.)

Geography with me

Children study at school

Give a different order of letters

And you will find me in the buffet

(Atlas is a salad.)

The dish I know, when you put the "m"

I will fly, buzz, annoying everyone (Ear is a fly.)

Host: Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is drawing to a close. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

(The evening ends with songs, dances.)
Hall decoration posters

The office for issuing young pensioners works from 8.00 to 20.00 seven days a week, a break from 14.00 to 15.00.

With young pensioners and in a hut, paradise.

Pension is a dove of peace.

Don't make smart faces, you will retire too.

A husband is a husband, but he is not needed without a pension.

It is always customary to celebrate anniversaries on a grand scale, since these are not such frequent holidays, but their significance is very great. Usually round dates gather many guests who are having fun, and the hero of the day does not get tired of receiving congratulations from his relatives, relatives and friends. 60 years is a special anniversary. This is the date that is a peculiar trait. By this age, a person can already draw conclusions about his life.

That is why, as a rule, a magnificent holiday is arranged on this date, which, however, requires a long and scrupulous preparation, especially if we take into account the considerable age of the hero of the occasion.

  1. It is customary to celebrate 60 years brightly. This is not a family celebration at home, but a celebration worthy of the best restaurants. Ideally, the children of the hero of the day should take care of all the preparations for such an event in order to protect him from organizational worries. Let the grandiose holiday be a surprise for the birthday boy.
  2. The guests of this birthday should be friends, colleagues, neighbors, classmates, acquaintances and just friends of the hero of the day. 60 years is an excellent occasion to gather at one table all the people who influenced a person, were with him in moments of joy and grief. A large number of invitees will not only make the holiday more fun and richer, but also show the birthday boy how many people care about him.
  3. A banquet hall for celebrating an anniversary should be elegantly and richly decorated. It just so happened that minimalism is unacceptable for the older generation, since it is equated with poverty. But the bright, grandly decorated hall will talk about how much a person has managed to achieve.
  4. Do not skimp on treats! There is a lot of food to be offered to guests, especially meat and vegetable dishes. However, given the age of the hero of the occasion, try to make sure that the kitchen is as useful as possible. Talk to the chef in advance, let him use less oil and mayonnaise in the preparation of his masterpieces.
  5. Invite the presenter to the holiday. The services of the toastmaster, who will put on a fun show and will not let any of the guests get bored at the anniversary, are definitely worth it. The holiday must certainly be full of contests, dances, songs and other entertainments.
  6. Make sure that the celebration has a positive attitude. To do this, you can organize comic congratulations, the presentation of awards in various funny nominations. You can invite actors to the holiday who will congratulate the birthday person in different ways, for example, parodying famous personalities.
  7. However, pay attention to the serious part of the holiday. Jokes as a joke, but you have to congratulate the hero of the day sincerely, thank the person for everything. The birthday boy will be very pleased when he is reminded of his merits, his dignity is emphasized. In addition, recollections of various stories from the life of the hero of the day, not necessarily only funny ones, will not be superfluous on this holiday. The main thing is that these life events are important and significant, which will allow the birthday person to feel the depth of the years lived.
  8. Let a professional photographer be present at the celebration. After all, amateurs, as a rule, cannot take decent photographs from festive events, and it is also not worth taking on this work on their own. Enjoy the organized holiday, and let the photographer take wonderful pictures that will leave a memory of this wonderful day.
  9. Remember that on this day the hero of the day should feel the attention and care of each guest. He must feel how much he means to each of those present who have come together precisely because of him. This will give the birthday boy an excellent mood and a charge of cheerfulness, and the holiday will be remembered for a long time by everyone who is lucky enough to be here!

An interesting, detailed scenario of a 60-year-old man's anniversary.

Seeing off for retirement. Scenario

Hall decoration

When decorating the hall, you can use posters:

Worked from the soul-

Hurry to the Canary Islands!

Work is good, but retirement is better!

Fill a glass with wine

Young pensioner!

You should not be afraid of retirement

After all, sixty - three times twenty!

Work is not a wolf, it will not run away from retirement!

Take a break from work

Don't forget your colleagues!

Let's set the heat today

To the health of the hero of the day!

Holiday progress

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! Has everyone taken their places at these sumptuous tables? Has everyone scouted the whereabouts of drinks bottles and favorite snacks? Then you can start! .. The reason that has gathered us here is known, I think, to everyone. And if someone got confused and forgot, then I remind you: today we are honoring the hero of the day, and not just a simple one, but a special, well-deserved one!

A solemn march is playing.

Leading: Everyone knows that the constitution says: everyone has the right to work and rest! And for his sixty years, our hero of the day has definitely earned his right to rest. Let's raise our first toast to this! Happy anniversary!

An excerpt from the song "My Years - My Wealth" (from the repertoire of V. Kikabidze) is played.

Leading: But let's be honest: does this young man look like this solid figure - sixty? Look how much fire and energy, strength and enthusiasm it contains! He is clearly determined to have fun until he drops, and I invite all guests to start doing the same!

The host invites the guests to say their congratulations. The first to congratulate the hero of the day is his family, then close relatives.

An excerpt from the song "My Family" (from the TV program of the same name) sounds.


Hearts are pounding in excitement

For both children and grandchildren:

Got wound up in a super-old house,

The head of the family is our hero of the day!

He sits in a new shirt

And looks expectantly:

And what did you, guests, bring,

What gift did you have in store?

Perhaps a fashionable coat?

Keys to a new car?

Or maybe a world cruise

Or some other whim?

What if they give it by chance

Is a house by the sea just paradise?

Or maybe a yacht with sails

And a gold bracelet with a watch?

Or give (e-mine!)

A collectible gun?

Dreaming is not harmful, everyone knows

Living without a dream is not interesting ...

Already the guests are a friendly crowd

Frozen in tension

And our gift is simple:


Solemn music sounds. The family hugs and kisses the hero of the day. They add that a material gift is also attached to love and respect, and they give it.

Leading: Ivan Ivanovich (name of the hero of the day), I just envy you: you have an amazing, cheerful and friendly family! What else does a person need to be happy? But! Excuse me, dear hero of the day, I will reveal your big secret ... Few people know that the hero of the day has one more family! Yes Yes! And these are none other than employees ... (name of the company)! Ivan Ivanovich gave most of his work biography to this team, and from this team he goes on a well-deserved rest! Do you want to remember how it all began?


On sheets of paper, various adjectives are written in large letters in advance, for example: funny, cheerful, promising, positive, intellectual, incendiary, strange, noisy, hot, difficult, drunk. These sheets are mixed by the host in a basket.

The facilitator reads sentences from the text, pausing where an adjective needs to be inserted. At the same time, he goes around the guests with a basket so that they take out one word at a time and substitute instead of a pause.


Many years ago, a new employee came to the plant (name of the company) Ivan (name of the hero of the day).

He was completely "green" and ***

And the team was big and ***

And Ivan's boss is very experienced and ***

And the boss gave Ivan the first task - to make a part on a machine.

Ivan thought: I can handle this, I am ***!

I did a day, I did two - and I did it!

Then the boss gave Ivan a second task, more difficult - to write a report.

Ivan thought: I can handle this too, I'm ***!

I wrote a day, wrote two - and I did it!

And then the boss gave Ivan the third task, the most difficult - to please the team.

Ivan thought: yes, this is difficult to cope with ... But I am ***!

I thought for a day, I thought for two - and I did it!

He set a table for the collective ***, bought wine *** and sang a song ***.

And the team understood that they had their own person in front of them - *** and ***!

The moderator gives the floor to the employees.


Employees congratulate the hero of the day, give gifts and present a comic "work book".


We do not choose the bosses,

It is not given to predict:

Someone is lucky in this,

To whom - quite the opposite.

But it's a sin to complain to us:

You are a strong nut in work,

And work with you is so pleasant,

Your method is a carrot, not a stick!

All this was and passed

The time has come to part.

Not to be replaced by anyone, alas,

Such a boss to us as you!

So as not to say unnecessary words,

We hasten to give our love,

We cordially see you off

And let's say together: good hour!

Leading: As they say, good luck, into a new life! There is a custom: before starting a new business, break a bottle of champagne for luck. We will not break it, but we will arrange a champagne fireworks!

He hands the hero of the day a bottle of champagne and asks him to open it with cotton and fill the guests' glasses.

When the guests have drunk, the light suddenly goes out, then it turns on again and the Genie appears in the hall (for a costume, you will need a turban and a shiny robe).

Genie: O noble gentlemen! Honorable audience! Thank you! You saved me from being imprisoned for centuries in this bottle!

Leading(to guests): Friends, really our hero of the day opened a magic bottle ?!

Genie: Oh yeah! How long have I waited for this moment! From now on, Mr. Jubilee is my master. Order, O hero of the day, I will do everything! Do you want a lot of money and beautiful slaves? The hero of the day answers.

Genie: To make money flow, here's a magic piggy bank for you, my lord! Gives a piggy bank. If each guest puts a magic coin into it, then very soon there will be three times more coins, and then five times, and so on, oh my lord!

Bypasses guests, guests throw coins into the piggy bank.

Genie: Here, my lord, we have collected money for you ... And here are the slaves! Enjoy! They can sing and can dance!

Slaves appear - three women dressed in bright oriental costumes. The slaves sing a song about the hero of the day and dance.


to the motive of the song "La-la-la" from the repertoire of Zhanna Friske

Let me dedicate this song

The hero of the day, without whom you cannot live,

Because they all adore him,

And it doesn't matter that the years have increased

The hero of our day is a man anywhere,

It is far from him and the youth!



It's time to quit all business

Do not rush to work,

Walk with your friends heartily!


Let there be dancing until the morning

And let the glasses clink

After all, the hero of the day is sixty!

Not a problem, what to do at sixty:

Fishing and raising grandchildren,

And cultivate your dacha plot ...

This is a pension, or maybe this is heaven

Do whatever you want - choose

Only the main thing is not to grow old in soul!

The slaves invite the hero of the day to dance with them.

The song "East is a delicate matter" (from the repertoire of A. Ukupnik) is played.

A dance break is announced.

After the break, those who have not yet congratulated the hero of the day continue to congratulate.

The presenter thanks everyone for the kind words and gives the hero of the day a response.

Leading: So, friends. Our newly minted pensioner is congratulated and presented with gifts. Look how happy he is - being a pensioner turns out to be quite good! Do you know what a pensioner's daily routine should be? No? Find out now!


11.00. Pleasant awakening and morning sips.

11.30. Coffee in bed and reflections on the joys of life.

12.00. A leisurely climb and water procedures.

12.30. Listening to the weather forecast and an easy walk in the park, loggia, room (underline as necessary).


13.30. Complex lunch and a great digestion process.

14.30. Thoughtful reading of the fresh press, a guide to self-medication, a detective about Dasha Vasilyeva (underline the necessary).

15.30. Preparation for Saturday fishing trip, summer cottage, market (underline as required).


17.00. Visit of loving children and grandchildren.

17.30. A full dinner with loving children and grandchildren.

18.00. Educational conversation with children and quiet intellectual games with grandchildren.

19.00. Watching the evening news, your favorite TV series, the Fishing Dialogues program (underline the required).

20.00. Rocking in a rocking chair and thinking about tomorrow.


21.00. Evening "sips" and watching sweet dreams.

This is the daily routine of the ideal, exemplary pensioner! Anyone who adheres to this routine lives happily ever after, which I strongly wish you too!

60 years is a very solid and important date in a man's life. This means that the decoration of the premises for the celebration of the anniversary should be matched to the event being celebrated. For such a solemn day, there is never too much festive decor: what would be superfluous at the birthday of a 20-year-old boy would be quite appropriate on the anniversary of a person of age. The main thing is not to forget to prepare the script for the 60th anniversary of the man.

How to decorate a room for an anniversary?

The basis for the festive decoration of the hall is balloons and various compositions of them: figures, chains, arches, stands and whole columns. It is important to choose the correct color for the balls. For a men's anniversary of 60 years, a combination of balls of calm, cold shades (blue, green) with silver or gold is suitable. Individual elements (for example, volumetric figures from balls) can stand out in color, but must be in harmony with the rest.

Foil balloons in the form of numbers and letters will help to emphasize the solemnity of the event. From them you can put the name and new age of the hero of the day, a small congratulatory inscription, for example, "Ivan 60" or "Happy anniversary!" All this looks more festive and presentable than paper or cardboard extensions, mainly due to the surface "silver / gold".

With a modest budget or for a home celebration, you can independently compose any compositions from ordinary colorful balls, be it flowers, garlands, or the same numbers. And foil balloons can be replaced with figures cut from designer "gold" cardboard.

Each person on his birthday wants to be in the spotlight and feel a special attitude towards his person. To demonstrate to the hero of the day love, respect, gratitude, relatives, friends and all guests can order a press wall (a large stand on a metal frame) with his photograph. A more budgetary, but no less interesting option is a collage, composed using materials from the family photo library, in the form of the number 60. This is both a part of the festive decoration of the premises and a gift to the congratulated person.

Finally, it is worth taking care of decorating tables and seating areas. They can be decorated with thick draped fabric and wide satin ribbons. It is important that the colors of the fabrics do not stand out from the general color scheme of the room.

Where to celebrate the 60th anniversary of a man?

The place for celebrating a man's 60th birthday depends on who he wants to celebrate his birthday with. If he wants to spend the day with his wife, then it can be a restaurant or cafe; in this case, the anniversary evening flows smoothly into a romantic dinner. If in a large company, there are a lot of options.

Celebrating 60 years with your family is best in an entertainment center. These establishments often offer discounts for birthday parties and are famous for a variety of entertainment for both adults and children. In addition, they often have cafes or restaurants.

If your birthday falls on one of the summer months or just a warm, fine day, it makes sense to invite your family and friends to the dacha, to barbecue. If there is no cottage, for the same purpose, you can rent a country house with all the amenities, or simply go out into the countryside. Celebrating the anniversary in the open air is good because, firstly, it takes place far from the noise of the city, and secondly, there are a great many ways to entertain yourself and your guests. Do not forget that you need to have a script ready for carrying out. This will eliminate any unexpected situation.

Scenario of the 60th anniversary of a man. We are not timid!

This scenario was developed taking into account the age of the birthday person, therefore, overly mobile contests that require large physical costs are excluded. The number of guests is from 5-6 people. The entertainment is very interesting and provides incentive prizes for participants and winners.


On this solemn day, I want to greet all those present and from the bottom of my heart wish happiness, health and prosperity to our hero of the day! Would you like to have a good time? Then you will have to work hard to spend it not only well, but perfectly! Let's get started!

Competition "Dancer"

All ladies who want to stand around the birthday boy participate in this competition. The presenter must collect a certain number of songs in order to switch them during the competition. The participants adjust to the melody by changing their dance. The best dancer, according to the guests, wins the competition, receiving a slow dance with the birthday boy as a prize.


Well done! I see that among the guests there are many talented and energetic people to match our hero of the day! Are you ready to continue our program and win a couple of small trophies ?! The most daring, come to me!

Contest "Riddles in Kilometers"

To conduct this competition, you will need to ask each participant a riddle of the type: "how many kilometers from us to ...". The ending of this puzzle can be different, from city and country to continent. The facilitator needs to prepare the answers in advance. The winner is the participant who named the exact or the closest number.

Competition "Funny Squirrels"

To conduct this competition, the host will need to prepare in advance walnuts in such an amount that there are from five to ten walnuts for each participant. As soon as the competition begins, all players start cracking and peeling nuts, trying to cope with this, ahead of their rivals. The participant who manages to peel the nuts faster than the others is considered the winner and receives a prize.


Now the task is more difficult! But the reward is even more serious! Do you want to know what it is ?! Then let's get started!

Competition "Down with microbes"

This competition will require small pieces of soap, bowls of water and towels (the number of items is equal to the number of participants, each will be given one). As soon as the competition starts, the players start using the soap. It doesn't matter in which way, but it is necessary to use up the entire bar of soap faster than your competitors. The fastest competitor is declared the winner.

Competition "Unusual way of harvesting"

For this competition, all participants are divided into teams and each is supplied with a pair of galoshes, preferably of the largest size. A chair is placed in front of the players with a plate of equal quantities of fruit or vegetables. The first participant, putting on galoshes, runs to the chair, eats one item from the plate and comes back, passing the baton to the next one. The fastest team wins.

Competition "Flight of wishes"

To conduct this competition, the participants are divided into teams, preparing in advance one airplane from any material for each. The competition begins with the fact that the first player voices a wish for the birthday boy, consisting of one word, and then passes the airplane to the next. The winner is the team whose plane flew the fastest to the hero of the day.


I suggest taking a little break before I get everything ready for the next step! Gain strength, drink to our birthday boy and treat yourself to delicious dishes prepared for the holiday. And then we will continue!

Competition "Funny gardeners"

To conduct this competition, you will need to divide all participants into pairs so that the pair is a man and a woman. The presenter needs to prepare in advance several buckets of potatoes (small balls can serve as potatoes) and a certain number of holes (that is, bags) equal to the number of "tubers". As soon as the competition begins, the players must start planting the potatoes. The woman throws a ball into each bag while the man holds all the bags and ties them. Winning is awarded to the fastest pair.

Contest "Conservation"

To hold this competition, you will need to prepare in advance several cans of the same size (one for each player) and a certain number of tennis balls or something similar. As soon as the competition begins, each player tries to fill his jar with the largest number of tomatoes (balls), while keeping track of the time, because a couple of minutes are given to complete the task. The one with the most tomatoes in the jar is the winner.

Competition "Die Hard"

Men take part in this competition. Their task is to remember their former youth and show themselves to be a man who can remain a tough nut to crack at any age. Players wrestle on their hands. The strongest are considered the winners in this competition.


The festive program has come to an end! It’s a pity to leave such wonderful people, but there’s nothing to be done! Once again, happy birthday and a good ending to you! Goodbye!

This scenario for a 60-year-old man's birthday is perfect for an event! All guests, including the birthday man himself, will remember this day for a long time as one of the best! The main thing is that incentive prizes await all the participants. Excitement and interest are guaranteed! Happy Holidays!

Oh, you guests are gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Or life is bad at home -
But the dress is just a miracle.
And the answer is quite simple,
Our Vladimir young
With your friends
I decided to celebrate the Anniversary.

Dear ........, let me congratulate you on behalf of all those present on your anniversary and retirement.

We wish you on your anniversary
So that you sit for champagne,
To dance, sing songs,
So that this glorious feast
He brought health, happiness, peace.
Be happy and healthy
Don't remember the years
Let life be harsh at times
But don't you dare give in to her.

Wow, I'm looking. Are you moving something? Wait, I'll introduce you to the bylaws of our evening.

Our charter states:
1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
2. It is announced that 2000. anniversary of Vladimir Konstantinovich is not canceled
3. Remember: for a start, everyone did not interfere with a glass.
4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.
5. Gifts for the anniversary are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

I offer the floor to congratulate colleagues and friends. (friends of the hero of the day perform)

We congratulate you on a great event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And there are many sincere friends in life.
Anniversary is a special date
Where do you summarize,
What a mistake could be sometime
What is expensive, probably saved.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
And we want to wish you happiness.
Let in your home climate
There will never be bad weather.
We do not give to the birthday boy
No headsets, no rings
Surely you will take it warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

And now I would like to say a few gentle words about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me. I need you to list any 12 adjectives.
(the presenter inserts these adjectives in the missing places)

Vladimir Konstantinovich was born in ... 1940. He grew up very ... as a child. For many ... years he has not changed at all, which speaks of the constancy of his ... character. In ... 1950 was admitted to the ranks ... of the pioneer organization named after V.I. Lenin. He received education and specialty in ... 1963. In the same year he joined the ranks of our ... friendly team and since then has not parted with us. He contributed ... to ... the affairs of the country. Vladimir Konstantinovich possesses ... appearance and ... efficiency, which earned him the love of the collective.

We wish the hero of the day
We are health and happiness
What more could you wish for
If we drink today
Health will not weaken
Tomorrow we can continue again.

And now, on behalf of the Department of Education of Russia, I have been entrusted to present a diploma to Vladimir Konstantinovich that he is indeed a pensioner.

This diploma was issued to Vladimir Konstantinovich in that, during his 60 years of life, he completed a course on the topic "Know and be able to" and discovered the following knowledge:

Literature (Conversation with an angry wife) - 4

Mathematics (Recalculating the wife's salary in your favor) - 4

Geography (Where it doesn’t bring, but everything will come home) - 5

Music (Playing on the nerves) - 3

Chemistry (Moonshine) - 4

Diligence (On the right side) - 5

Diligence (On the left side) - 4

On the basis of the foregoing, recognize Vladimir Konstantinovich as fit for the passage of the further life path.

Coursework: "If you want to live, be able to spin" - protected by 5.

By the decision of the state examination commission from ... 2006. to confer the title of "Free young pensioner" on Vladimir Konstantinovich.

But do not be too upset the birthday man is greeted by his friends.
Congratulations on the anniversary from friends.

They say that at 60, every birthday person is happy
Exchange your years for twenty, twenty-five.
No friends, not at all, who thinks so eccentric.
At twenty years old, holes are everywhere,
No wife and no apartment
At sixty you have a garden
And, of course, three guys.
At twenty-five, only in a club
I had a chance to drink vodka.
At sixty you are all in smoke
You can drink vodka.
At twenty-five - the egg-box is empty,
At twenty-five - sheer hell
At sixty - a savings account in rubles,
At sixty, there is cronyism everywhere.
At twenty you plow at work
Like a horse or an ox
At sixty you will tell your colleagues
You work hard, and I went.
No friends, he is very happy
That I'm exactly sixty.
Every year he grows smarter
Years fly by like birds
He will not regret in a hundred,
That he is now sixty.

I would like to give advice to a newly-made pensioner.
Keep your family as strict as possible
Come, go and get out
One look of yours, just one word
And for them it is already the law.
And on holidays of the country
In the morning - read the moral to them,
For dinner, read the severity,
And in the evening sit down for tea.

So let's lift our spell
Each took his wine,
And for his friendly family.
May life be rich in joys.
And happiness will not leave your doorstep.
We wish you as little trouble as possible,
But they still cannot be avoided,
So let there be strength to win.

So, today these forces are our guests. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, this is not a fairy tale. So, our guests are internal forces, i.e. Ministry of the Interior. (one of the invitees puts on a police uniform. road signs are drawn up in advance)

Policeman: On behalf of the GIDD and the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Yekaterinburg, I present mementos. Since there is constant movement in the apartment and you can forget and get lost, we decided to help with this.

"Don't forget to turn off the TV"
(The sign is attached to the TV screen)

"Caution children may appear here"
(The sign is attached to the sofa)

Be careful, wipe your glasses "
(The sign is attached to the bathroom)

"Be careful not to overdo it"
(The sign is attached in the kitchen)

"Caution Sharp Objects" (The sign can be hung in the kitchen and in the room where there is a needle and thread)

"Caution gas and electrical appliances"
(The sign is attached above gas and electrical appliances

Be careful in your movements and God forbid you attach or mix up the signs incorrectly. All the best.

May this day be solemn and holy
Today it happened - you are sixty!
But do not be sad, do not consider that the limit,
There are still many things ahead of you.
From a pure heart, we wish you
So that everything that you have in mind comes true in fate.
Go through life as before boldly,
To celebrate more than one anniversary.
We wish you in the future
Never, never give up
And health for many years
We want to wish it from the bottom of our hearts.

We gave you gifts for the anniversary,
But it's not a secret for anyone
That a heart-felt gift is better than a song.

(The lyrics of the song are printed and reproduced in advance. To distribute to guests)

Song to the melody "U Spyasla"
1. So autumn has flown by
Vova gathered all the guests,
Let's sit at a feast, as it were
Let's talk about the anniversary.

2. And what is true is true,
The anniversary is not easy here,
Well this should be so measured
Shake your head.

3. And yours has survived,
Surprise takes
I really should have fallen in love
It's a pity Lyudmila does not give.

4. The hero of the day still needs something,
And it works like an ox,
How will he go to dig potatoes,
Nobody will keep up.

5. Oh really, it's true,
This master is anywhere,
And besides, we need to tell
What's crazy about grandchildren.

6. We will not praise my wife,
The lady is not great.
Let's look at the hero of the day
You are nowhere without him.

7. Yes, what a concern to her,
He lives on ready-made
In the morning he will get up and shake himself off,
Have a snack and leave.

8. Oh, girlfriend, do not swear,
Oh, girlfriend, don't be sad
Although they are women, they are women,
Without men, nowhere.

9. This is our share,
You don't need to be angry
We wish the hero of the day
Live another 100 years in harmony.

Host: And now we offer you a lottery.
Comic lottery for the anniversary.
1. To cook borscht wonderfully you need cabbage for seasoning. (cabbage)

2. Acetylsalicylic acid will also warm you without cognac. (aspirin)

3. Do not try to get angry at everyone and a nail in the household will come in handy. (nail)

4. You thought that there is no happiness,
Oh, what a weirdo you are
Buy yourself some candy
For the won nickle. (penny)

5. When you go for a walk,
And so that your pants do not sleep,
You must have with you
Steel pin. (pin)

6. After the glass, have a snack
This is a very important matter.
Here's a sleeve for you
Paper napkin. (napkin)

7. Carpet 2x3. (handkerchief)

8. Here's a flower for you,
We ask you to save
He will help you
To entice a lover (tsu). (flower)

9. To throw off ten years ago
You don't need to think long,
Excellent will give advice
This lovely lipstick. (beet)

10. We have provided you with hooks
Well, sew the skirts yourself. (hooks)

11. Fry, cook, boil,
Just don't salt too much. (pack of salt)

12. That to send greetings to friends, the envelope will also come in handy. (envelope)

13. Pour 100, pour 200, you can't do it alone, let's do it together. (vodka)

14. You are the best guest today.
This nail is a gift to you. (nail)

15. Don't be angry with us buddy
Here are the boxes of matches (matches)

16. If you don’t wash your heels, you will cover them with a follower. (follower)

17. You will save up a thousand on time if you have a wallet. (purse)

18. Here's a badge
Pin it instead of a brooch. (icon)

19. For a good friend, there is a head of garlic. (garlic)

20. How to tie a ribbon with a bow
You will immediately become the first dandy. (thread)

21. If you want to cry, rub your eyes with an onion. (onion)

Host: I invite all guests to take part in games and attractions.
Anniversary contests.
1. Competition "By touch".
8-10 small objects are folded into a dark bag made of material: scissors, a bottle cork, a fountain pen, a button, a spoon, threads, a thimble, a knife from a meat grinder, etc. It is necessary to guess by touch what lies there. The fabric should not be too coarse or too thin.

2. Contest "Couples in reverse".
Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms are free). These couples must dance the waltz, tango, lady and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese twins.

3. Competition "Whose ball is bigger".
The competition is simple: the participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. Whose balloon bursts, he is eliminated. The winner is the one with the largest ball in terms of volume.

4. Competition "Match-spear".
Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance like a spear. The winner can be determined by three throws.

5. Competition "Dancers".
Conduct a dance competition with objects to the melodies of "Yablochko", "Kazachok", "Kalinka", etc.
Let the participants dance:
1) with an apple (ball, ball);
2) with chairs and stools;
3) with a glass of wine

Host: And now I propose to compete for intellectuals. Unravel the anagrams and logarithms:

1. Breathing lightly in my shadow
You often praise me in the summer,
But rearrange my letters
And you will dump the whole forest with me. (linden saw)

2. I lie on the ground nailed to an iron,
But put the letters in the pot, I'll go. (sleeper noodles)

3. I and days rush along the wire.
And from the end they will read me, I am a tiger from my relatives. (tok-cat)

4. Geography with me
Children study at school
Give a different order of letters
And you will find me in the buffet. (atlas salad)

5. A famous dish, when you put "m",
I will fly, buzz, annoying everyone. (ear, fly)

Host: Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is drawing to a close. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

The evening ends with songs and dances.
Anniversary posters for hall decoration.
1. "Bureau for issuing young pensioners" works from 8:00 to 20:00 seven days a week, a break from 14:00 to 15:00
2. With a young pensioner and paradise in a hut.
3. Pension is a dove of peace.
4. Don't make smart faces, you will retire too.
5. A husband is a husband, but he is not needed without a pension.