Gray labradorite. Stone care. Healing properties attributed to the stone

The labradorite stone is perhaps one of the most unusual and mystical. It is endowed with esoteric properties that other minerals do not have. Its appearance is also unique, play in the sun creates a feeling of magic. It is widely used in jewelry, jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, bracelets, beads, rings, rosary, is popular. Despite the fact that the stone itself is not very expensive, buyers are ready to pay a lot of money for products made from it.

The history of the origin of labradorite

Labradorite is one of the oldest stones on Earth. It was known to the ancient Greeks, American Aborigines, and the Scandinavian Vikings. However, in Europe they did not hear anything about him until the 18th century. It was at this time that the labradorite deposit was discovered on the Labrador Peninsula (from where it received its official name after).

In Russia, they knew about the mysterious mineral before it was recognized throughout Europe. There are letters indicating a mineral similar in properties and appearance. It was called in various ways - both the miracle stone and the peacock's eye. The labradorite mosaic can be seen in the first stone church of Christian believers - near the altar of the Tithe Church.

However, in architecture in those days, stone was not often used, because its deposit quickly dried up. However, production was restored in the 19th century, when new deposits were discovered on the territory of some regions of Ukraine. In the Soviet Union, labradorite served as exquisite stones for decorating mosaics and arches.

Colors and varieties

Labrador is a type of feldspar stone. The latter is known for the fact that it contains all the colors of the rainbow, while they also shimmer in the light, give interesting glare. This is explained by the content of aluminum, which comes into contact with calcium and sodium. As a result, it is not possible to name exactly what colors a Labrador can have. Labradors are often confused with spectrolites, which also shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. But spectrolite is just one type of mineral in question.

The stone can be absolutely anything, and it is the unusual color options, their mixing that make the mineral expensive. However, the labradorites themselves have subspecies. Among them are:

  • spectrolite (the first deposit was found in Finland differs in that it has interesting colors, it can shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, even not in strong sunlight);
  • black moonstone (deposits are mainly located in Madagascar, the stone is dark in color with a blue or bright blue shell);
  • sun stone (distinctive feature - golden iris);
  • bull's eye (the base of the stone is brown with iridescent purple tints, while the iridescence is bright red or scarlet);
  • lynx eye (this mineral is also brown-purple inside, but its shell is greenish);
  • aventurine labrador (an unusual mineral that does not look like a labrador in appearance, a distinctive feature is a shimmering shine with golden hues on all surfaces);
  • tavusit (an unusual stone, the play of the faces of which resembles the waves of peacock feathers).

It is not easy to describe the external data of a Labrador. The stone is truly original and mysterious, while everyone finds something for themselves in it. You can only find out if you like it if you take a close look at photos of all kinds.

Deposits and production

Labrador retrievers are now harvested primarily in the United States and Canada. Also, a small percentage comes from Finland, Brazil, Australia and India.

As before, there are small deposits in the Kherson and Kiev regions in Ukraine and several in Yakutia.

Labradorite costs from 2 euros per carat. Depending on the color and uniqueness of the stone, the price increases. For the most beautiful specimen, the cost can be about 100 euros for just one carat of the mineral.

physical characteristics

Untreated Labrador is characterized by a minimum hardness (up to 5 on the Moss scale), as well as plasticity. Therefore, the stone must be made in a setting in order to exclude accidental damage.

Its luster is glassy, ​​blue tint characteristic on the cleavage plane. Crystals are rare, the base is solid and coarse-grained.

The healing properties of the mineral

Official medicine does not prove one hundred percent of the effect of stones on the human body. However, healers make extensive use of the labrador mineral in their practices. The general healing properties of the stone are improving mood, raising self-esteem, stabilizing well-being. Such reactions are shown by the body of any person. But the stone is not as simple as it seems at first glance. When exposed to them on certain organs, various effects can appear. So when worn as:

  • a necklace or bead a person is being cured of viral and colds associated with the respiratory system;
  • earrings and hairpins allow you to get rid of headaches and normalize your fallen vision;
  • rings cures diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and reproductive system.

In folk medicine, a stone is applied to the lower abdomen, believing that in this way infertility can be cured in both women and men. Carrying a stone with them in their pocket or on a pendant, people who have not yet reached the age of 40 can get rid of psychosis, apathy, and the mineral also stimulates the brain.

The magical properties of the Labrador stone

The stone is considered one of the most powerful charms in magic. It helps to reveal esoteric abilities, to see prophetic dreams. It is often worn by mystics and shamans, believing that the Labrador opens a connection with parallel worlds.

Labrador is an unusual stone. It absorbs the energy of its owner and increases it. That is, he will make the positive aspects of character and ability even more cash, but at the same time, he will worsen the negative ones that exist. Therefore, the stone is recommended to be worn by those who have already grown spiritually and fully determined in their nature. Wearing the mineral by young people who themselves do not know what they want from life can have a negative effect. The stone provokes the release of negative energy to others, if its owner has it.

Magicians and sorcerers have their own list of Labrador activities. It looks like this:

  1. Protective properties. Labrador creates a barrier between the owner and the outside world, as a result of which negative energy from the outside does not affect the person in any way.
  2. Creating harmony. Establishing connections between the physical and spiritual world allows you to strengthen the magical abilities of a person, and if they are few or not at all, then to strengthen intuition.
  3. Sedative function. Even just looking at the Labrador for several minutes, the person's balance is restored, the mind becomes clearer, unpleasant memories are smoothed out.
  4. Uncovering hidden talents. The stone contributes to the disclosure of what is inherent in a person, but what he cannot manifest to himself and the world around him. If a person feels that he is not realized as he would like, then the Labrador will help determine the correct path.
  5. Restoring faith in yourself. A unique property of a stone from an esoteric point of view. The mineral contributes to the fact that a person begins to feel confidence in his own strength, even after serious shocks, he quickly comes to his senses.
  6. Strengthening analytical skills. Labrador helps to master new ideas and knowledge, to find hidden meaning between events.
  7. Empowering with philosophical ability. The stone disposes of thought even by its appearance. It promotes the appearance of thoughts about the past and the future, about the soul.

The stone has many unique properties. But there is one more nuance - the secrets of the Labrador are revealed to everyone from different sides. Young people find in it, first of all, magical properties in the form of activity, restoration of strength. Older people note that the Labrador helps to comprehend events, gives hope and optimism.

The meaning of the Labrador in the zodiac signs

A Labrador is suitable for those born under the sign of Scorpio, Taurus and Leo. For these people, the stone will bring success in family and business affairs, help control thoughts, always be in an excellent mood. For women, it is recommended to wear bluish and greenish stones, while men can use a darker color.

As for other signs of the zodiac, they are also not prohibited from wearing a Labrador. However, its impact will be less. The horoscope says that he:

  • Leo will be attracted by success, will strengthen leadership qualities;
  • Scorpios will give energy and a little luck in personal affairs;
  • Taurus will be given the acquisition of inner harmony;
  • Cancers will provide sociability, relieve blues and depression;
  • Sagittarius will help develop sensitivity to loved ones;
  • Gemini will give the necessary energy for accomplishment;
  • Virgo will improve leadership and determination;
  • Libra will give an excellent mood;
  • Aries will be attracted by success in all areas, especially in personal life;
  • It will help Capricorns to easily cope with troubles;
  • Aquarius will help to find inner harmony;
  • Pisces will save you from intrigue and gossip in the business community.

Any person finds his connection with the mineral and his meaning. The stone allows you to discover something completely new in yourself. Therefore, everyone, without exception, can wear it.

Talismans and charms

Labrador is a universal talisman and amulet. It can be used both for personal purposes and at home.

The unearthly beauty of the stone called "labradorite" captivates the imagination. It seems that he came to us from space, being a gift from aliens. Deep colors of the blue sky, notes of molten gold, the shade of a cat's eye - all this came together in labradorite.

Labradorite is classified as plutonic. Basically, the stone is used for ornamental purposes or cladding. By structure, crystalline and granular formations are distinguished. The color palette of the mineral is comparable to a rainbow. It shimmers in different shades, combining all possible colors. The process of iridescent ebb tide is called "iridescence" by scientists. Few minerals have this property, which is also comparable to the capabilities of the iris, making them exceptional.

The physical characteristics are similar to those of granite. Their density, hardness and strength are the same. The structure of the gem is transparent, but not completely. Due to the ability of the substances that make up labradorite to absorb long waves of light, the colors of the blue spectrum and its shades prevail in color. Despite this, minerals of other colors exist in nature. Gold, dark red, and purple gems are found in the deposits. The most popular are green-blue stones.

Mineral history

Labradorite has been accompanying human life for about two thousand years. During this time, its name has undergone many changes: it was called "black moonstone", "peacock stone", which determined its color. The permanent name appeared in 1770 after widespread in European countries.

The magical properties attracted even the ancient Greeks. They considered labradorite a sacred breed that brought happiness to good people and destroyed bad ones. In Russia, the gem was used during the construction of sacred buildings. The stone was used for interior and exterior decoration. A mosaic was laid out of it and the room was decorated in a different way.

At a certain moment, when the road to Peterhof was being built, a gem deposit was discovered in the area of ​​modern St. Petersburg. This was the first European field. Then the stone began to be used whenever possible. It was turned into a piece of jewelry, decorative elements were made - vases, snuff-boxes, ink-wells, statues were created to decorate the royal apartments. The fashion was so strong that the nobility sewed outfits for themselves, in colors reminiscent of the overflow of labradorite.

In the USSR, elements of the mausoleum and metro stations were laid out with labradorite. Now the mineral is obtained from the deposits of the Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk Territories, as well as in Buryatia and Yakutia.

Medicinal properties

It is believed that the mineral is capable of helping in the treatment of many diseases. Healers who use the energy of the stones say that labradorite helps with colds, hypertension and rheumatism. It fights infections, viruses and hernias. Eye pathologies are subject to him. Labradorite makes life easier for people with mental health problems. Men get rid of violations of the genital organs, and women overcome infertility.

The mineral has a beneficial effect on the brain, therefore it is recommended to be worn by people with serious mental stress and difficult professions that require constant mental clarity. Students and pupils learn better under the influence. The influence of the stone helps to improve the functioning of the spine and joints. There are popular recipes that involve the use of a gem to cleanse the organs. It is believed to help the release of sand and stones from the kidneys and to cleanse the blood vessels.

Magical properties

In ancient times, labradorite was a favorite of magicians and sorcerers. Rare rituals took place without his participation. The sorcerers were sure that the stone significantly increases the ability to clairvoyance and helps to see the world in a completely different light.

Less mystical properties are also attributed to the stone. It helps to reveal the unique abilities that each person has. The creative person draws inspiration from a unique gem with iridescent iridescence. Everyone has a dream. Labradorite will give strength and perseverance to achieve it.

If you wear a peacock stone jewelry, you will be bypassed by misfortune and sorrow. People who harbor anger and negativity will stay away from you. A house containing a piece of volcanic rock will find prosperity, love and great happiness.

Signs of the zodiac

For each sign of the zodiac, the mineral has its own effect:

  • Aries must be careful when choosing this stone as an amulet or decoration. It enhances their recklessness, leadership and stormy character traits.
  • Taurus the gem helps to establish personal life. He gives a comfortable relationship that fills life with light and bright colors.
  • For Gemini labradorite will become a guide to the secrets of the world order. The representative of this sign will begin to treat himself and others correctly, get rid of the feeling of superiority. The stone will smooth out a strong sense of responsibility, give wisdom and teach patience.
  • Mineral protects the state of mind of the vulnerable Rakov... It will balance the over-hot temper of the sign.
  • Lions find the meaning of life and discover answers to many difficult questions.
  • Virgo usually difficult to make important decisions, so they just need a labradorite amulet. The volcanic rock will give them determination and brighten up a state of despondency.
  • scales do not particularly need the mineral. They can resort to his help when they want to start a family.
  • Scorpion- a dual sign, it constantly balances between two extremes, representing the side of good and evil. The gem can unexpectedly affect the representative of the sign, enhancing not the best human qualities.
  • Labradorite is especially beneficial Sagittarius: drives away evil and inspires.
  • Capricorn an amulet is needed as protection. Sensitive
  • Aquarians become more decisive and Pisces he will help you discover a gift that helps people.


Labradorite is divided into several varieties depending on certain characteristics:

  • black moonstone is a dark gem with a blue shell. Most often found in a deposit in Madagascar;
  • sun stone characterized by golden hues;
  • Bulls-eye- a variety of purple-brown color with scarlet tints;
  • tavusit resembles the play of color in peacock feathers;
  • spectrolite- a variety that shines with all the colors of the rainbow spectrum;
  • lynx eye characterized by green iridescence;
  • aventurine labradorite differs in the shimmer of gold.

Care and storage

Labradorite loves the sun's rays, so it cannot be hidden in a dark place. It is worth keeping it in the sun, giving it the opportunity to be saturated with the strong energy of the luminary. Moonlight is also useful for the gem. Jewelry with a stone can be worn by both men and women, but you cannot wear them all the time, since strong energy can take both positive and negative sides.

Before taking a shower and other hygienic procedures, the mineral is removed so that in the end it does not lose its shine. They clean it with ordinary soapy water, and dry it in soft materials.

Labrador or, as many know, moonstone is an incredible, mesmerizing crystal. Its beauty can only be compared with the radiance of the cold, but noble moon. The gem reflects the radiance of the night luminary with all its colors, shimmers with sparks of the starry sky.

This stone belongs to the group of feldspars, which can only be found in solid rocks. In nature, a gem can be no more than 5 cm in size, very rarely a Labrador can be up to 50 cm long.

Labrador stone history

Labrador is the most beautiful mineral, therefore, from the first days of its extraction, it has become so popular among people. Mineral labrador, whose properties help in many endeavors, is an object of admiration, it was even worshiped by some peoples. About the other, you can find out here.

Among other names for this gem, the most popular can be distinguished:

  • Jandarakand;
  • Selenite;
  • Aglaurite;
  • Pearl spar.

The literal translation of the name of the stone means "the shining of the moon", admirers of the cold heavenly body, recognized the mineral as a sign of night and mystery, and began to worship it. There is also a very unusual title of the Labrador stone - "fish eye" although it is not so common.

The phenomenal discovery of this stone is explained by the fact that its flickering glow is explained by the peculiarities of its structure and structure. Light falling on the lamellas is refracted and scattered when looking at the mineral.

These features of the stone have made it so attractive to jewelers all over the world. Today they are used to create amazing jewelry, design items, decor.

The history of the Labrador was described by scientists and chroniclers of all peoples and countries:

  1. In ancient myths, it was described that the moonstone was created from the fossilized rays of the night star. Ancient people believed that this gem is the messenger of heaven, bringing grace.
  2. The ancient Hindus appreciated this gem, because they sincerely believed that it brings love, allows you to achieve happiness and good luck in your personal life.
  3. Many nationalities believed that the stone brought magical powers, made it possible to control the future and penetrate into the fate of people.
  4. The Greeks in ancient times assumed that the moonstone was a gift from the Hyperboreans. The gem could force a person to true revelation, gave the owner the ability to see what is hidden from the eyes of an ordinary person.
  5. In southern Mesopotamia, the Chaldean priests used the Labrador to communicate with the gods. Spells and prayers were pronounced over the gem, and people believed that in this case their requests and thoughts became prophetic, prophetic.
  6. Most of the legends of antiquity indicate that the moonstone gives magical power absorbed by the moon.
  7. In the middle of the 19th century, this gem attracted extraordinary attention; the book "Moonstone" by W. Collins was even dedicated to it.

This mineral has become the main asset of society; a huge number of events were associated with it that changed the fate of people.

Types and colors

Labrador- this is one of the types of feldspar, therefore, the mineral is based on sodium, calcium and silicate, with the addition of aluminum. In terms of color saturation, the Labrador includes all the colors of the rainbow when it shimmers in the light.

This property is called iridescence, it has a limited number of natural minerals. This is an indispensable characteristic if the stone is used for creative decoration or for creating special effects in design.

Today the following types of mineral are known:

  • Tavusin.
  • Sun stone.
  • Bulls-eye.
  • Spectrolite.
  • The bald eye.
  • Aventurine type.
  • Belomorite.

Each type has its own characteristics, is characterized by different crystallography indicators, based on optical properties:

  1. Tavusin stone reflects all possible reflections and overflows, the shade of the stone resembles the variety of colors of peacock feathers.
  2. Sun stone is a unique mineral with a bright golden color.
  3. Bulls-eye- a type of moonstone, shimmering with bright red shades, rarely a gem is presented in brown and purple tones.
  4. Black labrador has a dark color with a dark blue iridescent iridescence. The homeland of this stone is the island of Madagascar, here it is presented in a full variety of shades and sizes.
  5. Spectrolite stones were first discovered in Finland, During the Second World War. After its completion, the development and extraction of the stone continued with renewed vigor. Spectrolite, as the name implies, shimmers with all shades of colors.
  6. Stone Type Bald Eye characterized by bright green iridescence.
  7. Aventurine Moonstone has a golden shimmer. The hue is due to the presence of magnetite and copper in the composition of the stone.
  8. Very rare crystals of Belomorite have, they are a true find of a geologist.

The popularity and demand for moonstone is explained by a large variety of shades:

  • purple;
  • colorless;
  • dairy;
  • gold, etc.

Often, specimens of a gray shade are mined, which shimmer with a delicate bluish tint.

How and where is Labrador retrieved?

The Labrador Retriever was first discovered in Canada, and later minerals were found in other parts of the planet, in Russia, the USA, and on the islands of Asia.

The largest and largest deposits of this mineral are concentrated in Ukraine:

  • Guta Dobrynskaya;
  • Golovinskoe;
  • Blue Stone;
  • Rudnya-Ocheretyanka.

Also, moonstone is mined in Canada, the Labrador Peninsula (first discovery) at the Greenville Mines. Today there is also information that some deposits have been found in Finland.

In addition, small pieces of stone are mined:

  • in Germany;
  • in Tibet;
  • in India, Greenland.

Australia supplies the jewelry market with such specimens of the stone that can be cut.

High quality stone specimens are found in small quantities in Sri Lanka.

Images such as adularia (a type of Labrador) are often found in India and Burma, sanidin can be found in Mongolia. In the Russian Federation, gems are mined near the northern capital, in St. Petersburg.

Labrador handling

Moonstone or Labrador is mainly used in jewelry, therefore, after processing, the stone is given two main forms:

  1. Cabochons.
  2. Plates.

Processing is performed using the facet method, especially for opaque nuggets.

Medicinal properties

Officially, medical sources do not confirm the healing properties of stones, but in folk medicine, moonstone is often used for general strengthening of the body, improving mood, and improving well-being. About medicinal, it was told here.

In addition, the Labrador retrieves many diseases:

  • infectious infections;
  • viral diseases;
  • diseases of the organs of vision, edema of the eyes;
  • treatment of hypertension, impotence;
  • stimulates the work of the mental system;
  • treatment of psychosis;
  • elimination of rheumatism, arthrosis, joint diseases, hernia.

The properties of the Labrador stone for women help to cure infertility and bear a long-awaited child.

Magical properties

Labrador is considered a mystical stone, it is used for strong amulets and totems. The use of labrador pendants and amulets helps to see prophetic dreams, the same effect can be achieved if you put a stone under your pillow before bed.

The uniqueness of this gem is that it draws its strength from its owner. The mineral works as a catalyst or relay of a person's thoughts and spirituality.

Every magician, sorcerer, fortuneteller uses a moonstone sweat in his activities for the following reasons:

  1. The gem helps to create a barrier from the negative effects of extraneous energy, stimulates to break through to the aura of the personality. The Labrador Retriever creates harmony between body and spirit by strengthening the defenses of the etheric body and enhancing spiritual strength.
  2. This stone has a tremendous calming effect, helps to overcome fear, smooth out the conflict within oneself, and overcome bad memories.
  3. Labrador helps a person to open up and stimulate a person's abilities: someone with the help of this stone can become an artist, a musician, someone can become a psychic.
  4. The gem helps lost souls find themselves, find lost faith, makes it possible to comprehend ideas, analyze knowledge and skills.
  5. The mineral gives strength to withstand stress and various unpleasant life situations. We present to your attention an article about, here

Application of the Labrador Retriever

The advantage of the Labrador stone is that it has gem-quality properties. Earrings, rings, clones and pendants are made from it. The most popular are talismans and amulets with a moonstone.

In French museums, a huge assortment of jewelry by R. Lalique is presented, which look no less chic than precious pieces. Labrador has become the subject of jewelery craftsmen's work since the end of the 19th century, thanks to which the world saw luxurious, exclusive pieces. The best combination is labrador with silver.

Stone care

In order for the stone to last as long as possible and not lose its attractiveness, you need to follow simple rules for care:

  • Try to avoid mechanical stress, shock and scratches.
  • If over time the shine of the stone has dried up, it is worth giving the stone to the workshop, where they will carry out the appropriate processing with the utmost care and return the original appearance.

Where can you buy a Labrador Retriever and how much does it cost?

The price of this amazing stone can be different, based on the shade and degree of iridescence:

  • Small natural stones labrador can be bought in an online store or a specialized jewelry boutique for 5-7 dollars per carat .
  • Moonstone necklace or beads will cost no more than $ 30 .
  • Labrador souvenirs may differ in price, but nevertheless a box or decor item will cost no more 40-50 dollars .

In a few private collections, there are stones of exceptional clarity, unique in color and iridescence, the price of which is much higher than the standard one. The figurines made by Chinese craftsmen from high quality Labrador are especially appreciated.

Rarity is made up of blue three-dimensional stones, which are distinguished by an amazing play of shades. If the stones are rotated by color, their shade also changes. Multicolor samples are slightly below the standard price and are mined in the fields of India.

Who is the Labrador for?

Before you buy this mineral for yourself or as a gift, you need to know who the Labrador stone is suitable for?

The moonstone is a symbol of harmony with nature, a powerful amulet will be preferable for people of creative professions:

  • actors;
  • artists;
  • writers;
  • journalists, etc.

The crystal helps to find and maintain inspiration, strengthen the muse and consolidate the newfound feeling. The talisman creates a creative atmosphere around its owner, enhances creative impulses. Also, the gem will be an excellent protection for tender, loving feelings.

Labrador and zodiac signs

According to astrologers, the Labrador stone is excellent for the sign of the water element:

  • Scorpions;
  • Cancers;
  • Pisces. can be found here.

For them, the gem will become a true talisman and bring good luck and success in all endeavors. The moonstone will allow you to open all the abilities of a person of the water sign of the zodiac, will give harmony of body and soul, and will allow you to make the right decisions in life.

Labrador wearing rules

Due to its appearance, the stone will look best when it plays with tints in the sun. Therefore, you should not hide it in the dark, the rays of light will allow the stone to be charged with positive energy, gain heat.

It is especially good to charge a stone from the light of the moon; both men and women can wear the mineral. It suits everyone perfectly.

How to distinguish a fake?

The characteristics of iridescence and the features of the luminescence of the moonstone are also found in other stones of artificial origin, as well as in various natural formations:

  • oligoclases;
  • orthoclase;
  • plagioclase.

After jewelry processing, artificial stone gives less light and scanty shimmer, compared to natural mineral.

Mineral labrador is a type of moonstone with a bluish color at first glance. But a skillfully processed sample begins to play with all the tints of the rainbow.

In legends, this stone is mentioned in the era of the Hyperboreans. Decorations and talismans with him were deserved only by distinguished people - warriors, heroes.

The first official mentions date back to 1770. It was then that the first place of occurrence of the Labrador retriever was discovered on the Canadian peninsula of the same name. The stone became popular in Europe, it was sorely lacking for everyone. After 11 years, another deposit was accidentally discovered in Russia, then the fashion for the "rainbow stone" came to our region.

Physicochemical properties of Labrador

Ornamental Labrador is classified as feldspar, in the depths it is found in the form of inclusions in rocks, and in solid crystalline blocks.

The Labrador is most often gray to almost black with multi-colored tints. The stone is opaque and has an average hardness - up to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. Possesses extremely bright iridescence (plays and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow), which is also called labradorization.

When a stone is squeezed under high pressure, the Labrador crumbles, and with a strong impact it can even crack.

Gemologists distinguish several main types of Labrador Retrievers.

Light orange in color with golden iridescence, occurs only in the USA, Oregon.

A kind of Labrador with black-blue and blue tints.

An iridescent mineral that shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Labrador deposits

The largest deposits were discovered in the last century on the territory of modern Ukraine - Guta Dobrynskaya, Golovinskoe, Siny Kamen, Rudnya-Ocheretyanka. Production is still underway in eastern Canada - Labrador Peninsula, Greenville Mines. Isolated small deposits have been found in Finland, India, Greenland, Tibet.

Rare gem-quality minerals are mined in Australia. Spectrolites, a type of Labrador, are found only in one place on Earth: the vicinity of the Finnish city of Yulämaa.

Healing and magical properties of the Labrador

The magical power of the mineral has not yet been fully disclosed, but the Labrador is already widely used by magicians and psychics. It is believed that he is able to activate the gift of foresight, helps to develop psychic talents, and participates in many magical rites. When used correctly, it can cleanse the aura, bring good luck, calm down, and help in making decisions.

Lithotherapists use stone infrequently due to unexplored therapeutic characteristics. However, it is believed that the Labrador retriever has a tonic effect. Round stones of dark Labrador are used in sessions of therapeutic and preventive stone massage. Studies have shown a positive effect of the mineral on the human aura, therefore, wearing jewelry with a rainbow labrador is recommended for people who are often sick, aggressive and unbalanced.

Who is the Labrador for?

Of all the zodiac signs, Labrador is best suited for Aries, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio. It is strongly not recommended to wear jewelry with this stone to Cancers and Aquarius.

Labradorite was first found at the end of the 18th century on the American continent. This event took place on the Labrador Peninsula, in honor of which the stone got its name. Labradorite stones are igneous rocks from which the labradorite mineral is mined.

In different languages, the name of the stone sounds differently, therefore the mineral is very often confused with the rock. All the beauty embodied in gems of this type appears only after jewelry processing.

Mysterious moonstone

Labrador stone is known to mankind more than two thousand years... As soon as it was not called: both a black moonstone and a peacock stone. The mineral acquired its real name only in 1770, after it became widely known in Europe.

Even the ancient Greeks knew about its magical properties and revered it as sacred. According to legend, the Hyperboreans gave the stone to the people. A Labrador brought happiness to a good person - he could kill a bad person.

In Kievan Rus, the mineral began to be used in the construction of temples, tombs of rulers. Since then, it has been used for interior decoration, mosaics and other decorative elements. In Soviet times, the stone was used to decorate metro stations and the mausoleum.

After the discovery of a Labrador retriever near St. Petersburg, the stone brought a new round of fashion to everything connected with it. Labradorite began to be present everywhere where possible:

  • jewelry was made from it;
  • royal palaces were decorated with tiles and statues;
  • the nobility ordered everything from small to large: snuff boxes and countertops, inkpots and vases;
  • the ladies sewed dresses similar in color to the pattern of a Labrador retriever.

It was the construction of the road to Peterhof that helped to discover the stone on the territory of our country. This was the first field in Europe. Later, a richer deposit was also found here. It happened in the middle of the 19th century on the territory of Ukraine.

Nowadays labradorite mined in Yakutia, Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk Territories... Apparently, due to their volcanic origin, the reserves of these gems are unlimited. But not everyone can afford a trinket made of this mineral.

Labrador is a variety of feldspar... It contains calcium and sodium silicates, with an admixture of aluminum. This stone contains all the colors of the rainbow, which shimmer in the light. This property is called the iris effect - the "iris" of the eye, inherent in some types of minerals. This property of minerals is often used in decoration to create special effects.

All known types of labradorites can be divided into:

  • Spectrolite;
  • Black moonstone;
  • Sun stone;
  • Bulls-eye;
  • Bald eye;
  • Aventurine Labrador Retriever;
  • Tavusit.

Share a labrador depending on the optical property and crystallography of each individual stone.

  1. Spectrolites were found in Finland before World War II, and mining began after the end. This type of Labrador shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, hence the name.
  2. Black moonstone is a dark colored mineral with a blue or blue iris (iridescence). Most of these labradorites are found in Madagascar.
  3. The mineral with golden iridescence is called the Sunstone.
  4. The bull's eye shimmers with bright red colors, and the stone itself is brownish-purple.
  5. Aventurine Labrador has a golden shimmery sheen. The presence of copper or magnetite creates a shimmery effect.
  6. If you compare tavusit with anything, then, probably, it will be reflections and overflows of peacock feathers.
  7. The bald eye differs from the bull's eye in its characteristic green iridescence.

All the beauty of labradorites cannot be conveyed by any photo, but still it is worth looking at the stones at least in the pictures.

The magical properties of the stone

Labradorite is a mystical stone. He considered a strong amulet... Wearing the mineral as an amulet helps to see prophetic dreams.

The mineral has been attributed to the magical properties for a long time. He takes his strength from his master. And as the ancients said, the positive qualities of a person can improve, and the negative ones will have a bad effect on the owner.

A Labrador who was previously a positive person, takes the best from him and passes it on to a new owner. Placed under the pillow, it acts as a catalyst for prophetic dreams. It helps to see the future next to a stranger. Based on these qualities, we can conclude that the Labrador acts as an amplifier and repeater of the thoughts of one person to the whole surrounding reality.

Sorcerers and magicians of all stripes use stone in their activities:

  • First of all, the protective properties of the Labrador are appreciated. The stone creates a barrier that is unable to overcome negative energies in order to break through to the aura of the personality in order to influence it. By creating harmony between the physical and etheric bodies, the Labrador strengthens their defenses and increases spiritual strength.
  • Labradorite has an inherent ability to act soothingly on a person, smoothing out experienced fears and unpleasant memories. He reveals the abilities hidden in each of us: someone becomes a psychic, and someone becomes a great artist.
  • Labrador gives people who have lost faith in themselves the opportunity to restore and preserve it. The ability to better comprehend their ideas, analyze knowledge and develop an inner consciousness of what is happening appears.
  • The mineral gives us strength and resistance to stressful situations. Almost like in Chinese philosophy, there is a need to rethink the past and prepare the soul for further development.

Medicinal features of a Labrador retriever

In official medicine, there are practically no methods of healing with minerals. But lithotherapy and folk healing are widely used in the treatment of various diseases. In general, acting on the body, the mineral improves well-being and improves mood. In particular, by influencing human organs, it has a direct effect, healing multiple diseases:

  • wearing a stone helps to cure colds, viral and infectious diseases;
  • in the same way eye diseases are treated and vision is improved;
  • with hypertension, it must be worn; with hypotension, it is best to take it off for a while;
  • influence on the mind, stimulates the brain and cures psychoses;
  • they treat infertility and increase potency;
  • in folk medicine, they try to treat rheumatism, diseases of the spine, hernia, and joint diseases with the help of the mineral.

Mineral wearing rules

The stone is very fond of light - this is evidenced by the way it plays in the sun.

Therefore, it cannot be hidden and kept in the dark. The sun gives him the opportunity to gain heat and positive energy.

To improve the quality of the stone, it worth recharging from moonlight... The moon is connected with water, therefore, interaction with the human body, which is 80% water, will be much more effective.

Both women and men can wear the mineral.

Since the mineral is very strong, it can turn both positive and negative, so you shouldn't wear it every day.