Dog Harness: A convenient way to keep your pet on a lead. Basic recommendations on how to put a harness on a cat and teach him to wear a device

A harness is a type of collar. It is a structure that grabs the animal's chest between the front paws with a solid cloth or a strap along the body and, encircling the neck and chest, is fixed on the back.
But how to choose a harness and how to put it on correctly? We will try to understand these issues.

Pros and cons of harnesses, the right choice

Pet shops offer a wide range of different products.
If you set out to buy a new type of leash for your pet, you can get a little confused.

So what kind of harnesses are there? They differ in design depending on the purpose for which they are made.

You can distinguish:

  • riding harness;
  • walking;
  • sports;
  • service;
  • medical;
  • for puppies.

For each type, a special material is selected.

The advantage of harnesses over collars and other types of leashes has already been proven and not unreasonable.

The even distribution of the load has a minimal effect on the animal's body, without causing problems and pain with the musculoskeletal system, without squeezing the throat.

The four-legged friend behaves more calmly and obediently.

Cons can be summarized as:

  • the difficulty of controlling a naughty dog, for example, during a sharply arisen aggression towards a stranger, that is, when a jerk is needed to restrain the pet;
  • more expensive price in comparison with collars;
  • addictive dog and collar abandonment.

Before going to the store, it is imperative to take off the size of the animal, and also take into account the purpose of the purchased accessory, the age of the four-legged friend and even the breed.

The diagram in the picture clearly demonstrates which parameters must be taken into account when choosing so that the size fits the pet.

It will be good if the store allows you to put a sled on your pet even before buying. It should not be too large or too tight to the body. Preference should be given to models with adjustable straps, several reliable fasteners, high-quality fastening.

By the way, we have a separate article dedicated to the choice of this accessory:.

Instructions: how to put on the harness correctly

Putting on the harness correctly means minimizing the risk of injury to the animal during dressing and during operation.

Harnesses are different. The type of harness for which the instruction is given is clearly shown in the pictures.

First, let's look at the example of the simplest walking design, which is put on over the paws.

  1. Prepare the harness. Carefully study the principle of attachment in order to put it on the dog as quickly as possible.
  2. Sit on bent knees behind your pet. Grab it under the front paws, pull it towards you, and without causing pain, squeeze it between your legs. From above, you can lie down slightly, so that the animal does not break out.
  3. Calmly and confidently, talking with your pets and distracting him from the process, pass your paws through the holes so that the strap in the middle is located in the center of your chest.
  4. Pull the side straps towards you and lock onto the dog's back.
  5. Make sure that all harnesses are in place, that they do not interfere with the dog's free movement, do not put pressure or are not too loose. The optimal distance between the straps and the body of your pet is your free index finger.
  6. Now you can put on the leash and go for a walk.

There is another tactic:

  1. Place the open harness in front of the dog.
  2. Distracting with something (for example, food), direct the animal so that its paws themselves are in the holes of the harness.
  3. When the goal is achieved, lift the pet along the legs and collect the harness on the back.

The video below clearly demonstrates this:

The harness for dogs is put on quite differently when it is made of wide stripes.

Mistakes should not be made here, so as not to harm the animal and not torment him for too long. This is especially important when putting on a collar of this type is necessary for a puppy.

Step by step guide

To properly fit a dog harness with two holes for the neck and torso, do the following:

Step 1. Take the harness in your hands.

Step 2. Find an opportunity to sit behind the animal, and secure the pet's body between the legs.

Step 3. We pass a hole for the neck through the head, and place the second hole along the left paw on your side.

Step 4. Carefully insert the dog's paw into this hole.

Step 5. Going around the right paw, raise the fastener to the back and fix it.

Step 6. We check how we did everything, as well as how the animal is feeling.

Now you know how to properly "outfit" your tailed friend. In any case, after a while, the dog will associate the harness with something good, and the animal will begin to resist less, you will choose a method convenient for you.

It is important to develop a relationship of trust with your pet.

The owners of four-legged pets are often preferred, as it reduces the load on the spine. But, if everything is clear with the collar, then the first time it can be difficult to deal with the harness. With a few simple tips, it will be easy for you to figure out how to put on a harness on your dog. Having chosen an accessory of the right size, you can start using it.

How to put a harness on your dog?

A dog, seeing a new object for the first time, may not understand why it is intended. In such cases, as well as if the pet is a real fidget, the dog can be slightly restrained with your knees in the area of ​​the animal's waist. When your pet is ready to try it on, you can start:

  1. The soft side of the harness should be in the inner part, you need to straighten it for comfortable dressing.
  2. The closed ring is worn over the head on the dog's neck.
  3. The jumper used to connect the strap and the harness must be turned over so that it is in the area of ​​the dog's head.
  4. It is necessary to fix the strap in the desired position so that the distance between the ring and the bridge becomes less.
  5. The dog's right paw is threaded between the ring and the belt. The harness must necessarily lie on the dog's chest.
  6. The end of the harness that remains must be fastened under the left paw.
  7. Make sure that the harness is well fixed, and at the same time does not create discomfort for the dog and does not press anywhere.
  8. It remains to fasten your seatbelts, and you can go for a walk.

How to put a harness on a puppy depends on his age and temperament. A puppy that is too small or playful may not take the whole procedures. The rules for how to put on a harness on a Chihuahua do not differ from the general ones. Of course, each dog has its own character, it is this that must be taken into account in the first place. When choosing a harness, it is also important to remember how the dog loves to walk and what exactly it needs. Remember that your pet will need to jump, run, roll in the ground in this harness, choose practical and comfortable models made of soft materials.

The rules for how to put on a harness for a Yorkie, Poodle or any other breed of dog are the same. The main thing is that the pet is comfortable.

The harness is a convenient accessory to ensure complete control over the animal while walking. But if the device has never been worn on a dog, its use can cause discomfort and even frighten the pet. Let's find out what to focus on in order to choose the right harness for a dog, how to put on the specified product.

What is a harness?

To figure out how to properly put on a harness on a dog, it is worth considering the design of such an accessory. The device looks like a thin strap that wraps around the animal's body in the chest and shoulder blades. The harness is fastened on the neck and on the stomach. The ring from which the leash leaves is located at the withers, which does not make the pet feel discomfort as a result of excessive pressure on the neck.

Types of harnesses

There are several varieties of dog harnesses:

  1. Standard- are the usual walking option. The ring for fixing the leash is placed between the shoulder blades of the animal. Devices with a minimum of straps are used for walking small dogs. For large enough pets, use standard harnesses with an abundance of straps.
  2. Towing- such ammunition is used mainly during competitions. This type of harness can be seen in dog sleds. The defining difference from the previous version is the presence of wider, more durable belts and fasteners.
  3. Weighted harnesses- are used when it is necessary to train a pet, to strengthen insufficiently developed muscle mass. Often such devices are used during the recovery period of a pet from injuries, limb fractures.

How to train an animal to use a harness?

Experts recommend starting to put a harness on the dog from the first months. How to wear such a device, we will consider further. Puppies can more easily get used to new attributes that appear in their lives. Therefore, in this case, the harness will not cause them unnecessary discomfort.

To train an adult animal to use an accessory, you need to be very patient. To begin with, you should put on the product at home. As soon as the dog gets used to such a leash, the owner can proceed to control the movement of the animal. After that, it is worth some time to practice on the street, choosing places for this without people, other animals and public transport.

How to put a harness on a dog: step by step instructions

To quickly prepare an animal for a walk using a harness, you should use the following recommendations:

  1. How to put a harness on a dog? The scheme involves straightening the leash so that its soft part is located from the inside. If the animal resists, you need to clamp its body between your legs.
  2. The upper and lower loops of the harness must be put on the dog's head. In this case, the supporting, vertical strap should be located in the chest area of ​​the animal.
  3. On the side of the loops that are already on, there are several straps where you need to thread the pet's paws. The ends of the paw straps should be buckled together.
  4. In conclusion, it is enough to correct the harness, make the necessary adjustments by tightening the fasteners and fasteners. Before taking your pet for a walk, it is worth checking if the harness can be removed over the head. You also need to assess the reliability of fixing the elements where the paws of the animal are threaded. If the harness falls off, it is worth tightening the fasteners tighter. Ultimately, the front strap should be located in the chest area of ​​the pet, and the D-ring for the leash should be located between the shoulder blades.

How to make this accessory yourself?

If you wish, you can try to make a harness for a dog with your own hands. How to put on a hand-made accessory will be much easier to figure out. In the course of work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • nylon sling about 30 mm wide;
  • material for making lining in the form of flannel fabric or felt;
  • steel rings;
  • snap-on buckle-lock;
  • strong threads;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

It is better to use solid steel rings for making the harness. If these structural elements contain slots, with strong jerks, the latter may be straightened. It is worth picking up rings in which you can freely stretch several loops from the slings.

How to make a harness for a dog, how to put on such an accessory? To begin with, it is worth making measurements of the parameters of the animal's body. Measure the chest circumference behind and in front of the pet's limbs. Next, determine the distance between the dog's shoulders.

Work begins with cutting out the lining. The material, folded in half, is superimposed on the slings, which will pass in the chest area of ​​the animal. Nylon slings are sewn together with a lining. With the help of scissors, all unnecessary parts are carefully removed, the edges are processed with machine stitching.

The buckle is attached to the straps in the chest area of ​​the animal. Additional material length is provided for adjustment. The leash ring is sewn onto the top of the product. It is desirable that the latter ultimately be located exactly between the pet's shoulder blades.

During the assembly of the device, it is recommended to periodically put it on the animal, making the necessary adjustments. This will ensure not only a comfortable fit of the product on the dog, but also make it so that the four-legged friend does not escape while walking.


So we looked at how to put on a harness. The instruction assumes to hold the dog tightly during this procedure. A product of a suitable size will allow not only to provide full control over the animal during a walk, but also to make it the least uncomfortable for him to wear the accessory. Correct use of the harness does not make you worry about the safety of your four-legged friend and allows the animal to learn about the world around it.

It's no secret that a cat is the most beloved animal that lives side by side with its owner and cannot imagine its life without games. Previously, it was believed that this pet is a couch potato that lies warm all day and catches mice. But modern life has made its own adjustments. Now cats have a richer social life.

Modern pets travel with their owner, go to the dacha, go for walks in the park, and participate in various exhibitions. In other words, they leave their home. And in order to maximally protect your mustachioed friend, you need to purchase a cat leash.

A harness for a cat is a guarantee of safety and convenience for a pet and at the same time - for your peace of mind.

What is a harness and why is it needed?

The harness is an important accessory that is widely used by pet owners when walking or traveling. The peculiarity of such a device is that it allows you to keep the animal under control, while ensuring maximum safety and comfort of the mustachioed companion.

Everyone knows that cats are freedom-loving animals. Once they get outside, they are unlikely to listen to your commands. Showing great interest in the world around it, a cat can get scared of something and run away, catch a serious infection, run into an angry dog, or, even worse, get hit by a car. Therefore, it is imperative to take the animal out on a leash.

Unlike a dog collar, a harness is a comfortable and holding leash with a peculiar design consisting of a thin strap that wraps around the cat's body in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Such an accessory can be fastened both on the stomach and on the neck. Sometimes, instead of a fastener, there can be a rope or ribbon - a tie.
In order not to overload the fragile neck of the animal, the ring to which the leash is attached must be between the shoulder blades.

There are also models that include a collar strap. The attachment of such a device is carried out on the pet's neck and looks like a figure eight. This device is more reliable. It will be difficult for the cat to get out of it.

Choosing a harness correctly: the main nuances

Every owner should know that domestic cats feel the slightest discomfort, so the choice of harness must be taken very seriously. You can buy this device at any pet store. You can also choose a harness for your furry friend in the pet salon.

The harness models are different, but they all share common options:

  • felt lining;
  • one size fits all;
  • reflectors for evening walks.

When choosing, pay special attention to the material and strength of the product.

Depending on the material, the following types of harnesses are distinguished:

  • suede;
  • corduroy;
  • velvet;
  • cotton;
  • linen.

It is advisable to choose a device made of lightweight material. The best options are cotton and linen.

Many harnesses are equipped with adjustable straps that have a certain amount of oversize. But in order to unequivocally be sure of a good purchase, you should first measure your pet's chest and neck circumference, then ask the seller which option is best for the cat.

If you have already bought a standard harness for your pet and the cat has not appreciated it, pay attention to the harness-overalls. This model does not chafe the skin and is practically invisible to the animal.

It is very important that the leash is long enough - at least 2 meters. This is necessary for the free movement of the cat.

How to train a kitten to a harness

If you have a kitten at home, then you should not take it for a walk, because the crumbs still have very weak immunity, and they can easily pick up an infection. But you can already start accustoming him to the harness. Ideally, do this if the baby is 2-3 months old. The fact is that kittens at this age are easier to learn and get used to something new faster than adult animals. But it should be borne in mind that it is better to walk a small pet up to 5 months in an apartment.

In addition to standard accessories, pet stores also sell special harnesses designed for kittens. You should not immediately put on the harness for the animal, give it a little time so that it sniffs and gets used to the product. Then you can put on a useful accessory and take it off immediately. The next day, do the same, just give the cat a little time to look like in a new outfit for him. When the fluffy friend no longer notices the harness, try to fasten the leash.

Advice. So that putting on the harness is not a torment, do everything through the game, then give the cat something tasty. By the way, the whole process is best done before eating. Thus, putting on a harness in an animal will be associated with something pleasant.

We collect and put on the harness: step by step instructions

How to put on a harness for a cat - step by step instructions in the photo.

Cat lovers who decide to walk their cat for the first time often ask themselves the question: "How to put a harness on a cat correctly, so that the animal is comfortable?" It's very simple if you follow some instructions.
First you need to collect the harness, then put it on the cat and fasten or tie (if the product is homemade), and then attach the leash.

How to do this is clearly and intelligibly described in this video:

It is not uncommon to have problems with how to walk pets, which is especially often asked by the owners of cats, kittens and cats, who, no less than dogs and other animals, want to walk on the street.

For this purpose, it is recommended to use a harness, which will be discussed in this article. This article provides answers to frequently asked questions about cat harnesses and how to put on and use them.

How to put on a harness leash on a cat step by step instructions

A leash is attached to the harness, its length depends on the wishes of the owner. To facilitate the dressing procedure, you can detach the leash from the harness. The first ring of the harness must be put on the cat so that the carabiner is on the back.

The front legs of the cat must be inserted into the second ring of the harness. Now you can fasten the locks and check if the belt is not crumpled and if it hurts the animal. The last step is to attach the leash back.

How to put on a harness on a cat step by step diagram

To be able to walk safely with your cat, you should purchase a leash and harness for it, which are usually sold in a kit.

The harness for the cat must be accurate in size for the pet to be comfortable, and at the same time, he cannot escape.

It is not necessary to immediately put on the harness on the cat, she must get used to the new thing, carefully examining it. After 3-4 days, with gentle movements, you can try to put on a new accessory on the animal: put on the first ring so that the carabiner is on the back, in the second - thread the front legs of the animal.

It remains to fasten the locks and adjust the size of the harness. It is recommended to conduct tests before eating, so that the cat will understand that a tasty reward will follow. Putting on the harness, keep the cat playing.

How to put a harness on a cat if she resists, where to buy and the price

So that the cat does not resist, you need to accustom her to the harness gradually. You should put on a harness on her with smooth movements for several days, pronouncing affectionate words. It is necessary to gradually increase the time spent in the new accessory. This should be done even if the cat is trying to get rid of the harness that is unpleasant for her. If the cat is showing strong resistance, two people need to wear the harness. Afterwards, praise the animal and treat it with something tasty.

Domestic cats are rightfully considered couch potatoes. These fluffy creatures are often turned on precisely for the sake of their apartment maintenance. However, like dogs, cats need regular outdoor walks. Having decided to take his mustachioed friend for a walk, the owner often faces the problem of how to put a harness on the cat so that it does not get confused and does not run away. After all, it is with the help of such a device that you can comfortably and safely walk a fluffy beauty.

Why buy a fixture

Unlike keeping a dog, taking a cat into the house, the owner does not always plan long walks with his pet in the fresh air and rarely thinks about the need for ammunition for this event. Of course, cats do not need such long and everyday walks like dogs. But walking them is still useful.

Indoor cats that are constantly in a locked room suffer from a lack of sunlight. Under its influence, vitamin D is produced in the skin of the animal, which is necessary for the proper development of the skeleton. It is difficult to provide a cat with the ultraviolet rays necessary for its health in an apartment.

Outdoor walks are useful for prophylaxis in neutered and neutered animals. Organized exercise is a means of preventing problems with the skeletal system. In addition, cats are very inquisitive and love to explore their surroundings. Staying in the fresh air helps to strengthen the immune system, the correct mental and emotional development of the pet.

The usefulness of walks for cats is beyond doubt. Veterinarians recommend physical activity for couch potatoes for at least a quarter of an hour every day.

However, a cat famous for its independent character and low motivation for training is difficult to walk without a special device. When walking in arms, a frightened animal can injure the owner, run away, climb a tree or be hit by a car. It is very easy to lose a cat without a leash. Therefore, an owner who decides to walk a pet should know how to put a harness on a cat, and do it regularly.

Walking the animal on a special device will allow you to control its behavior and ensure safety in a large metropolis. In addition to walking on the street, the harness will come in handy when transporting a cat to a veterinary clinic, in a car, or on public transport. Such ammunition is irreplaceable when traveling out of town, to the country.

We recommend that you read about. You will learn about why you need to trim your pet's nails, when you shouldn't, tools for trimming, preparing for the procedure and rules for trimming nails.
And in more detail about how to properly tie a blanket for a cat and sew it yourself.

Jumpsuit options

Immediately after the purchase and the decision to go for a walk for the first time, you will have to figure out how to put the harness on the cat. This is easy to do if you have an idea of ​​the device. The design of the harness meets primarily the physiological characteristics of the animal and safety issues.

Cats differ from dogs in poorly developed neck muscles. To avoid injuries when walking, they are not used with regular collars, as for dogs. The leash in the cat's harness is not attached to the collar, but to a special device - a harness. Novice cat breeders do not always have an idea of ​​what a cat harness is.

The ammunition for walking a fluffy beauty is a structure that is attached not only to the neck, but also to the chest of the animal. Most often, the fixture is made of cotton or nylon fabric.

Types of cat harnesses What is Photo
Eight-shaped It consists of two loops that are worn on the neck and body of the animal. Both loops are fixed on the cat's back. This design prevents the animal from slipping out of the ammunition, and also relieves the muscles of the neck and back.
H-shaped The design of such a harness is similar to an eight-shaped one, but it is equipped with an additional strap connecting the two loops. Observing the animal from above, you can see that this harness is similar to the letter H. This type of harness is suitable for large representatives of the feline genus

V-shaped A harness of this design looks like a Y when looking at the cat from the front. The ammunition evenly distributes the load on the muscles of the animal, without causing overstrain in the neck area
Harness jackets These are wide devices that cover the neck, the entire chest and part of the back of the animal. In addition to its direct purpose, such ammunition protects the cat from pollution, thorns, prevents hypothermia

Experienced owners tend to choose H and Y designs. They securely and at the same time securely fix the animal. In the cold season, harness-jackets have proven themselves well.

How to choose ammunition for a cat

Before putting on a leash on a cat, the owner needs to pay attention to the issues of the correct choice of ammunition for walking his pet. When purchasing a cat harness, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The material from which the fixture is made. The best are cottons and nylon. They are easy to care for, little exposed to dirt. In addition, such fabrics do not chafe the delicate flesh of the cat. Leather harnesses are rarely used due to the fact that it is a heavy and tough material.
  • The size... For the correct selection of ammunition, you need to know the girth of the animal's chest behind the front limbs. Two fingers should pass between the worn harness and the pet's body. In this case, the ammunition will reliably fix the cat and at the same time will not cause any inconvenience to her.
  • Width and adjustable straps. You should not purchase a device with very narrow straps, they will cut into the cat's body and cause discomfort to the animal. The optimal width of the fastening straps should not be less than 1 cm. A high-quality device, as a rule, is supplied with adjustable straps, which allows the harness to be optimally adjusted to the size of the animal.

  • Harness fastenings... When buying a device, you need to make sure that the mounts are made of high-quality material and do not bend or break when walking the animal.

When buying a harness, you need to pay attention to the choice of a leash. There are regular leashes and roulette. The latter provide great freedom to the pet, allow the cat to explore large areas.

Useful video

For information on how to sew a cat harness yourself, see this video:

Rules for putting on a harness

In such manipulations as putting on a harness, a pet should be guided by certain rules:

  • Before you put the leash on your cat, you need to make sure that the harness is suitable for the size of the pet. The leash should be unfastened so that it does not interfere.
  • The animal needs to be petted, calmed.
  • If the harness is eight-shaped, then the second loop is passed under the paws, and then wrapped around the body. If the harness is H or Y-shaped, then the first loop is wrapped around the neck, and only then the body is wrapped.
  • Check the fastening of the carabiners, the absence of kinks on the straps.
  • Make sure that the worn ammunition does not rub, does not pinch the animal's body, but at the same time does not fall off the pet. Tighten the straps, fix the carabiners to fit the cat.
  • Attach the leash to the harness carabiner.

For information on how to properly put on a harness on a cat, see this video:

There is nothing difficult in how to properly put on a harness on a cat. However, the pet may not immediately like such an unusual accessory, so it is advisable to teach the cat to wear the harness gradually.

Optimal age for a new habit

Of course, all feline wisdom is best taught young. Young animals are easier to perceive innovations in view of natural curiosity. Quickly and easily train your pet to wear

ammunition will help the following recommendations:

  • Before putting a collar on a cat for a walk, you should introduce it to a new object. To do this, it is enough to give the pet a good sniff of the ammunition, examine an unprecedented accessory. The harness can be left in the animal's field of vision for a while so that the cat gets used to it.
  • Putting on ammunition, you need to encourage and calm your pet. At the same time, the leash should be unfastened.
  • If the cat is worried about the ammunition, makes attempts to remove it, then it is necessary to divert his attention by switching his interest to a new toy or treat. If you resist violently, you should remove the harness and try again after a few days.
  • In the event that the pet took the ammunition calmly, you should not go for a walk right away. It should be taught to wear a harness for 10 - 15 minutes for 2 - 3 weeks in an apartment. During this time, the pet can be trained to walk on a leash indoors.

All manipulations of putting on the device are best done when the cat is in good spirits. To reinforce positive associations, don't forget to reward your cat with a treat.

It is more difficult to accustom an adult animal to calmly wearing a harness than a kitten. The procedure for training an adult cat is the same as for a young pet.

When the harness on the street cannot be used

However, the owner can not always use such a convenient device:

  • you should not use ammunition and teach to walk if the pet is more than 10 years old;
  • you should not walk weak, unvaccinated and animals that have undergone surgery or illness;
  • An overly aggressive or, conversely, shy cat should also not be walked with a harness.

The owner, who knows how to properly put on a harness on a cat, will give himself and his pet not only new positive emotions from walking in the fresh air. Regular walking will strengthen the health and immunity of the animal. A competent choice of ammunition, a patient and step-by-step approach to harness training will make outdoor walks pleasant and safe.

Dogs and puppies of tiny breeds need a harness - a kind of clothing, various toys that brighten up leisure, a permanent place to rest and sleep. Let's take a closer look at what a harness for small dogs is, find out where you can buy it.

Accessories for small pets

Owners who decide to have a small pet often mistakenly believe that various dog accessories are superfluous, nothing of the kind is unnecessary. I would like to note that by purchasing a puppy, you take full responsibility for its further existence.

The fate of the four-legged friend depends on the owners, their correct treatment of the animal. How is it possible to protect a small dog from various troubles? Everything is simple, with the presence of special clothing.

Now we can talk about a harness for little dogs, think about its need.

When visiting a specialty store that sells products for pets, many owners see on the shelves a wide variety of detergents for four-legged animals.

Does your pet need all this? The answer, of course, is yes, it is necessary. Before you have a puppy in the house, answer yourself some questions:

A place where your dog will rest and sleep?

What will your baby eat?

How will you take it to the veterinary clinic?

What toys to choose, how will your pet spend his leisure time in the absence of the owners?

Is the animal freezing in cold weather, do you need clothes? To do this, you will have to familiarize yourself with the literature giving an answer to a similar question.

Does your pet need toys while walking?

None of the owners want their four-legged friend to receive various injuries while walking.

What will come in handy

To avoid all sorts of troubles in the future, buy clothes, in the future, it will be very useful to you.

To solve the problems listed above, start by purchasing a crumb ottoman to equip a comfortable couch. A dog's house, it is better to equip taking into account the character and behavior.

Therefore, there are various options for arranging a place allotted for rest. It is better to take into account the quality of the material from which a kind of house for the dog is made, while it should not have skin irritation. When choosing a bag for transporting your pet, proceed from the same criteria, relying on prudence.

When choosing dishes for a small dog, purchase plastic feeding bowls. It must be remembered about separate dishes for food and drink.

Think in advance about the issue with the "rodents", special toys that are needed soon, the reason for the loss of baby teeth in the pet.

I would especially like to draw the attention of the owners when walking a tiny dog ​​on the street. Many owners do not walk their four-legged friends for a long time, considering that a short period of time is enough to satisfy the animal's personal needs.

For this reason, the owners do not burden themselves with the purchase of special clothing, which may be different for each weather. A beloved friend can, for a short time, being on the street, catch a cold, get sick through the fault of the owners, who considered the clothes to be unnecessary.

Pay attention to the safety of the puppy during the first walks. The little dog is interested in everything, because she sees it for the first time. To keep your pet near you, thus saving you from all kinds of surprises, buy clothes. It is very comfortable for you and your pet due to the soft fabric. The baby will not be cold in clothes, she will not let her freeze in winter.

Where did the clothes come from?

Everything is very simple, it was invented to harness the riding breeds of four-legged. At that time there were no others living in our day. Small dogs, cute creatures that require special care, constant attention, love, caring attitude. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that they are found in almost every house where they live: Chihuahuas, Yorkies, dachshunds and others.

Looking at the thin, small necks, it is impossible to imagine any collar on them; a special suit is selected for this purpose.

After all, they are worn not only by tiny breeds, but also by larger species that rub their necks with a collar, they are instructed to wear it as a forced measure. It seems like a kind of panacea for this trouble.

Choosing a wardrobe and a harness

Do not dress the pet until the baby reaches six months of age. The reason is fragile bones, which are also rapidly growing. The joints on the forelegs can twist outward, deforming the legs, twisting them out. This suggests an analogy with walkers in small children, they cannot be used until a certain age.

Do not heed the advice of the owners, the animals run the risk of becoming regular visitors to the veterinarian. The best option is to buy clothes when your pet reaches six months of age.

When choosing a suit for walking, pay attention to the quality and other characteristics of the product: varied comfort, softness, strength.

In the pet store, you can pick up a harness: used when prescribed by a veterinarian, for large-breed pets they will fit with belts of a larger size, choose a product for puppies who have reached six months, warmed for pets with short hair.

The correct size for the harness is extremely important, so that the dog rubbing its paws, its movements are not difficult - the harness is selected from a soft material, one of the main selection criteria is that the fabric should be washed well.

It is better to give preference to several fasteners on the harness in order to avoid the difficulty of putting it on the baby.

You cannot constantly wear a harness, at home it is imperative to take off the product, you can sometimes alternate with a leash and a collar.

How to make a harness

Harnesses are varied, but they all have a common application, with their help you can keep the animal near you. Many owners make them themselves, for dogs with their own hands, while it turns out better than purchased.

It's pretty simple, harnesses for little dogs are easy to make:
We take a half-meter piece of flannel fabric, apply a pattern, the shape was previously redrawn from the Internet onto graph paper.

The answer to the question of how to properly put on a harness on a cat, I would like to start with a small lyrical digression. Very often in the search box, users type "how to put on a harness on a cat", wanting to find a step-by-step photo or instruction. At the same time, they do not think about the fact that they want the impossible. You can “dress” someone, that is, in this case, it turns out that a harness. And if we are talking about a cat, then you can only put on a harness.

In general, requests like “how to put on a harness on a cat” or “how to put on a harness on a cat” contradict the norms of the Russian language, and are simply ridiculous. Children are even given an example to remember: "Put on Hope, put on clothes."

However, we have no doubt that our readers are literate and educated people. So today we are discussing how to put on a harness on a cat - step by step and as detailed as possible. Since there are several varieties of such harnesses, we will try to consider the most common of them.

Getting started putting on the harness: hold me tight

For all cases, there is one general advice: as long as the owner does not "fill his hand" and the pet is not used to the dressing procedure, it is better if two people participate in this action: one gently but confidently hold the cat, and the second directly put on it and fasten the harness.

How to put on a vest harness on a cat

The easiest way will be for those who have purchased a harness in the form of a vest. These usually look like ordinary "human" vests, and it is difficult to get entangled in them.

One-piece back

One-piece back, on which there is a loop for attaching a leash, and two fasteners: one is fastened on the neck of the animal, the second - on the stomach, under the front legs.

This is how such a harness for a cat looks like - a photo in "assembled" form, but without a pet.

And here is a photo of a cat in such a harness.

We check that the harness does not sit too tight (there should be two fingers between it and the cat's body), and - voila! - the cat is ready for a walk!

With whole breast

Reverse vests are less common - they are one-piece on the chest of a cat, but they also cover the animal around the neck and around the body behind the front paws, and are fastened on the back.

A cat in infinity: put on a harness-eight

A more difficult task is faced by those who bought a “construction” made of straps, which is lighter for the animal, but “heavy” for the owner. This is a very common harness for a cat - the instruction-photo, we hope, will tell you how to dress your pet.

It is an inexpensive and reliable model. The “figure-of-eight” harness has a closed collar-ring connected to a strap, which with the second ring should grip the cat's body. It looks like this:

First of all, we put the finished ring on the cat's neck.

After that, we correct the harness so that the jumper through which the second ring passes is on the cat's chest. The leash carabiner is automatically positioned at the withers.

After that, we expand the second ring so that it is convenient to thread the cat's paws into it.

And we put our paws into it one by one, making sure that the jumper remains in the middle.

We securely tighten the strap on the back so that the walk does not turn into a game “Catch me if you can”.

Ready! This is how a cat in a “figure eight” harness should look like - a view from different angles:

Harness with the letter "H"

If we are talking about another strap version - in the form of the letter "H" - then it does not require such "complex" manipulations. It's easier to put on a cat in such a harness - see the photo.

A small ring is fastened on the neck and tightened to the desired size, then a second ring is fastened and adjusted behind the front legs. The leash carabiner is attached to the metal ring on the back. Three confident movements - and the cat can set off to explore new territories.

Forward to new discoveries!

By and large, all types of harnesses are pretty simple. Even if for the first time the procedure of preparing for a walk with a cat seems difficult to you, then once you have coped with the task, you will no longer experience problems.

We hope our tips will help you and by imagining how to put on a harness on a cat "in pictures", you will feel more confident. This means that you will spend many pleasant moments with your pet on the street!

What canned food is tastier for cats?

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When preparing to get a dog, future owners are thinking about its content - they need a competent diet, and, of course, walks. Difficulties often arise with them: the puppy may be excessively active, or, conversely, be afraid of something and give a fight.

You have to keep him on a leash, "upsetting" from time to time. We will learn how to make this process less painful by finding out what a comfortable harness is for different people.

Such ammunition is designed to control the behavior of the pet while walking and makes it possible to keep it in the most comfortable position.
These products appeared a long time ago. True, they were not very well known to a wide circle of dog handlers - for a long time they were used only in sled dogs. But the convenience of a simple device made it popular and widespread.

This device looks quite simple: cloth or leather belts, run through the chest and along the body (from the bottom of the body or along the back), are connected in the area of ​​the forelegs and the ridge.

This is safe for the dog. If it becomes necessary to hold it, the pressure from the leash is distributed over many points (whereas the leash simply digs into the neck, causing pain).

Types of harnesses

Pet shops offer a huge variety of gadgets, and it's easy to get confused by this variety. To facilitate the task of choosing a harness, consider what varieties are on the market and who they are suitable for.

She's universal. The most popular type of product that is bought “for every day”.

They are made of leather or nylon tape in the form of belts connected by rings, and the fastening ring or carabiner is located at the withers.
Problems with the choice usually do not arise - you will probably select the option that is suitable in size and quality.

But there are also some nuances. Dog walking harness, regardless of material and parameters, is not recommended for puppies. If the pet belongs to the average breed, then the first exits in such equipment fall no earlier than 8-10 months of life. For mini-lines, the minimum allowable terms are shifted to the turn of 6-7 months.

Did you know? An adult dog, depending on the breed, performs from 12 to 30 respiratory movements per minute (while puppies - an average of 40).

Earlier use threatens to deform the front paws, which is reflected in the eversion of the elbow. Moreover, disrupted positioning of the limbs can lead to health problems in adulthood.

This is a special product in the form of a vest, designed for walking with an injured animal.

The vest covers a large (about 2/3 of the body) area, and the fastening is brought out to the hind legs. Thus, they are unloaded, and the front pair of limbs becomes the support.

Due to this design, the risk of repeated injury is eliminated - the walk becomes unhurried, and the wide girth reliably fixes the body (even after making a sharp movement, the dog will not feel sharp pain from the muscle that has "fallen out" in the area of ​​injury).
Wearing should be discussed with your veterinarian beforehand. It is good if he helps you to choose a specific product.

This type is used only for recovery - excessive fixation is appropriate only in such cases (while it can harm a healthy individual).

The design combines strength and comfort for the dog itself. It is sometimes difficult to pick up such a product, so they get out of the situation by ordering such sets to the masters.

This entails some costs, but such custom tailoring of dogs takes into account all the features of a single animal. Durable and moisture resistant nylon or canvas are taken from the materials.
The device itself is also different - there are more belts here, as well as fastening rings (which allows you to evenly distribute the load on the body).

Criterias of choice

As you can see, choosing the right product can be difficult. You have to take into account a lot of factors, ranging from the size and ending with the temperament of the dog - the same walking harnesses, selected for a husky and, for example, dachshunds, will differ in both size and design.

Did you know? After the First World War, German Shepherds ... lost their name. In the wake of anti-German sentiment, these handsome men were renamed Alsatian wolf dogs.

To facilitate the task, we will find out what you should pay attention to when choosing a set for your pet.

Material quality

In priority synthetics- such materials are not afraid of moisture, are easy to wash and are durable.

All this fully applies to the popular nylon, which by its structure is ideal for working even with large dogs. Harnesses based on it retain their shape for a long time and hold the seams, despite heavy loads.
Looks more presentable leather... But it is not very suitable for active exercises: with prolonged contact with water, this material stretches, and after drying it becomes tough, cracking over time.

Wanting to save money, many take harnesses from tarpaulin tape... In terms of strength, they are good, only their service life is short. The "tarpaulin" has one more property: when it gets wet, it dries for a very long time.

In any case, before purchasing, it is advisable to make sure whether the dog is allergic to the selected material (it also happens).

When deciding for yourself how to choose the most comfortable harness for your dog, you need to remember about accessories.

For a small individual, a minimum of strips will be enough: for a dog with a small weight, they will be enough. The clasp in such cases can also be made of plastic.

Important! Too few fasteners can play a cruel joke on a well-fed dog: it may have to be literally pressed into the harness. So when choosing, it is better to take with a margin.

Instances with a more powerful addition will only need metal. The number of belts is selected based on specific goals: for a normal walk, 3 is enough (one clasps the sternum, and two more are brought out to it, which are responsible for the base of the legs). If we take the riding type, then there are already several belts that overlap along the entire length of the body, and a fastening carabiner is attached to the edge.
All buckles should fit well and fit snugly in the straps. The straps themselves are adjustable in size, do not touch the armpits (if we talk about the side ones) and hold firmly, which is necessary for the strip on the back.

Naturally, all this should be as convenient as possible for the wearer. Too tight fit is excluded - by rubbing baldness, the dog risks, in addition to discomfort, to get skin problems.

Right size

After going through a lot of options, the owners stop at models that are not particularly large, and on the other hand, do not squeeze the dog, causing it pain. The further use of the product is also important - medical and walking harnesses will differ slightly in size, even if we are talking about the same individual.

Did you know? In the Middle Ages, dogs could be judged in all seriousness. Mostly they were accused of indecent behavior. It is curious that along with mongrels, cats, cows and even pigs were found to be “defendants”.

Because of this, the question of how to choose a good harness for your dog, focusing on size, sometimes turns into a whole problem. But do not despair - everything can be solved if you keep the main parameters in mind.

The first step is to make sure that the animal is level and calm. Only then do the measurements begin. There are three main numbers you need to know:

  • The length of the back (from the front edge of the shoulder blade to the base of the tail).
  • Neck circumference at the widest point.
  • The girth of the chest, which is determined by measuring just behind the front paws. To the obtained indicator, another 1-2 cm is added (the larger the dog, the greater the increase).

After taking these measurements, do not forget to weigh your pet - weight also matters. Knowing such data, you can easily find the right size: in pet stores (and on the Web) there are tables in which the measurements are correlated with the sizes in their letter meaning.

So, the smallest XS is suitable for a dog weighing 0.8-1.2 kg, with a back length of 18 cm, a breast volume of 25 cm and a neck girth of 17 cm. The largest (7 XL) is already for a St. Bernard weighing under 40 kg and a chest 95 cm.

Important! Measurements are taken by pressing the wool well.

A separate topic is measurements before ordering a riding harness. Here, other parameters are taken into account, namely:

  • The length of the sternum.
  • The interval between the withers and the beginning of the chest.
  • Distance from the end of the latter to the base of the tail.

Having chosen the most suitable product, the owners often conduct another simple test - they try how freely the palm passes under the belts. If this does not require extra effort, then you have made the right choice, and the kit will be convenient for the dog.

Having such a purchase on hand, it is logical to ask how to properly put on a harness on an active and not always obedient dog.

The algorithm is simple, although it requires a certain amount of manual dexterity:

  • The animal is gently fixed, slightly clamping the croup with both legs. The harness is already in hand.
  • The closed (ring) part is put on the neck first.
  • Immediately correct the position of the belt - there should be a limited space between the circle and the bridge.
  • A paw is inserted into the gap between the circle and the strap.
  • If everything is done properly, the strap will easily slide over the ribcage and the strap will slide to the right.
  • One side of the harness remains free. It is pushed through the cavity of the left paw, after which the belt is fastened.
  • That's it: it remains to check how the set holds on, and, if necessary, shift it slightly for comfortable wearing. After making sure that the dog is comfortable and does not press anywhere, inspect all the fasteners and hook them to the top ring on a leash - you are ready for a walk.

Did you know?In the calendar of the ancient Aztecs there was a day of veneration of dogs. It occurred every tenth day.

At the first attempts, this procedure can be difficult, but after a few approaches the owner has a skill, and the animal gets used to a comfortable new thing.

This question is of concern to many owners who find the wording itself odd. They reason like this - since there is a comfortable harness, then why do we need an “inhuman” collar.

But dog handlers and veterinarians believe that these two types of devices can and even should be alternated, preventing the transition to the use of only one device.

And for good reason. The need for a harness arises when:

  • You need to control the dog without causing injury.
  • The dog has a short flattened muzzle. For example, a collar when you jerk can lead to systemic breathing problems.
  • The animal has a large neck girth, which is also fraught with squeezing.

Add great functionality here (at least looking at the list of species), and you, too, wonder why all the owners still have not abandoned collars.

Important! So that the transition from harness to collar and back is not accompanied by stress, be sure to take time to communicate with the animal - talk to him, or stroke, giving your favorite treat.

Meanwhile, the harness also has its drawbacks.

First, it is only suitable for walking or exercising (it is inconvenient at home).

The second, and main, counter-argument is related to psychology: having quickly got used to a soft harness, the animal simply will not let the collar be put on. A quick-witted pet will immediately understand: now you can get up to anything without the risk of being "upset" by a hard collar. This can spoil the tailed beast.
For these reasons, it is best to keep the collar ready - of course, using it as gently and without cruelty as possible.

We found out what a harness for dogs is, what types are on sale, and how to choose a device, focusing on the data of your pet. We hope this information will be useful, and the new thing will fit the active dog. More new impressions!